单词 | alcoa |
释义 | 例句释义: 耐蚀铝合金,美国铝业,美国铝业公司,美铝 1. But the company had no set target for the size of its stake and would act only in concert with Alcoa. 但该公司没有为股份规模订下一个固定目标,并且只会与美国铝业联手行动。 www.ftchinese.com 2. As usual, the mining group Alcoa will kick off the quarterly results' season, with most of the S&P 500 set to follow over the next month. 和往常一样,矿业集团美国铝业(Alcoa)将拉开财报季节的序幕。标普500指数中的大多数公司将在下月发布业绩。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Aluminum company Alcoa is to sell its packaging foils business as part of cutbacks and redundancies at the company. 铝业公司美国铝业公司是出售其包装箔业务的一部分,削减和裁员的公司。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Alcoa CSI is one of the leading suppliers of closure and capping systems to the global beverage and food industries. AlcoaCSI是全球饮料及食品业瓶盖及封盖系统的主要供应商之一。 www.alcoa.com 5. Many of Rio's subsequent travails are a result of the enormous debt it took on to outbid America's Alcoa with a knockout $38 billion offer. 力拓为了出价高于美国铝业而给出380亿美元的压倒性报价,为此欠下巨额债款,这也成为事后力拓公司诸多痛苦的根源。 www.ecocn.org 6. Alcoa Inc. kicked off the fourth quarter earnings season Monday when it reported that it beat Wall Street estimates. 美国铝业公司周一公布财报收益超过华尔街预期,拉开了第四季度财报季度的序幕。 www.bing.com 7. Alcoa's earnings reports are closely watched because its varied customer base provides a snapshot of a broad range of other industries. 美国铝业公司财报受到密切关注,因为该公司客户基础多样,可以反映其他各种行业情况。 www.bing.com 8. Alcoa, like most producers, has cut production in the last six months as the global economic downturn stunted demand. 由于全球经济下滑压缩需求,美国铝业和多数的生产商一样,已经在过去六个月减产。 cn.reuters.com 9. Alcoa's second consecutive quarterly loss is testament to that. We are in the worse phase of this recession right now. 美铝连续第二个季度亏损就是实际证明.目前我们处于这场经济衰退的最糟糕阶段。 cn.reuters.com 10. Stringent cost control measures are Alcoa earnings expected to go beyond the main reason for Wall Street. 严格的成本控制措施是美国铝业盈利超出华尔街预期的主要原因。 www.g36.com.cn 1. The function of Alcoa CSI Systems Engineers and Field Service Representatives is to provide value added benefits for our customers. AlcoaCSI系统工程师及现场服务代表的职责即为客户提供增值服务。 www.alcoa.com 2. But Alcoa's involvement suggests that it and Chinalco are playing for a piece of the action if BHP and Rio agree a deal. 但美国铝业的参与意味着,它们是打算在必和必拓与力拓达成交易时分一杯羹。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Alcoa CSI integrates innovative closure technology, high-performance capping machinery and global technical support and training services. AlcoaCSI整合了创新性瓶盖技术、高性能的封盖设备及全球技术支持和培训服务。 www.alcoa.com 4. However, investors in the company's expected earnings performance than the much worse results, so Alcoa was up more than 6 percent. 不过,投资者对该公司盈利表现的预期要比这份财报糟糕得多,因此美国铝业一度大涨6%以上。 www.g36.com.cn 5. Alcoa CSI provides total capping systems support - All you need, all over the world. AlcoaCSI提供整体封盖系统支持–满足您之所需,服务遍及全球各地。 www.alcoa.com 6. Alcoa is considering whether to put an aluminium smelter in southern Greenland. 美国铝业公司Alcoa正在考虑是否在格陵兰南岛建立一个炼铝厂。 www.ecocn.org 7. Alcoa CSI can provide spares for wearable capping machine parts for bottlers'routine in-plant maintenance as well as emergencies. AlcoaCSI可为破损的封盖机部件提供备件,以便灌装厂定期进行现场维护及紧急维护。 www.alcoa.com 8. Alcoa CSI offers worldwide availability for installation, startup, operator training, inspection and problem solving. AlcoaCSI在全球范围内提供安装、启动及操作员培训、检查及故障排除服务。 www.alcoa.com 9. Obama will continue his push for advanced manufacturing next week when he visits an Alcoa plant in Davenport, Iowa. 为了促进制造业的发展,奥巴马总统将在下周参观美国铝业公司设爱荷华州在达文波特是的生产工厂。 www.bing.com 10. If at any time hereafter I decide that I want to withdraw my consent given above I shall contact Alcoa to inform them of this decision . 在此之后的任何时间,如果我决定撤销上述允诺,我应该联络美铝公司并通知其我的决定。 www.bing.com 1. Extra-Lok closures are manufactured using Alcoa CSI's advanced compression molding technology, ensuring superior performance and quality. Extra-Lok瓶盖使用AlcoaCSI的先进压模技术制造,它能确保超强的性能及优异的质量。 www.alcoa.com 2. All Alcoa CSI cappers are designed to maximize productivity and minimize cost of operations. 所有的AlcoaCSI封盖机专为最大化产能及最小化操作成本而设计。 www.alcoa.com 3. Alcoa Inc. will kick off the fourth quarter earnings season by releasing its results after the market closes. 美国铝业公司将在周一股市收盘后发布财报,拉开第四季度财报季序幕。 www.bing.com 4. Customer Return Rate is included as a measurable quality objective in Alcoa Shanghai's annual operating plan. 公司在每年的运作计划中把顾客退货率作为可测量的质量目标。 www.alcoa.com 5. This effort is made possible through a grant to the USA Pavilion provided by the Alcoa Foundation. 这项努力通过美铝基金会(AlcoaFoundation)为美国馆提供的资金得以实现。 www.bing.com 6. European markets rose following the earnings reports from Alcoa and CSX, which were released after markets closed Monday. 周一收盘后美国铝业和CSX公司财报公布,此后欧洲股市上扬。 www.bing.com 7. The plastic lids, with elastomer trim, were designed in-house by Kraft and are supplied by Alcoa Closure Systems International. 塑料盖子,与弹性体装饰,设计了内部的卡夫和美国铝业公司提供的国际闭合系统。 jgdmj.a1pak.com 8. Steel maker AK Steel Holding Corp. and aluminum giant Alcoa Inc. recently told analysts they expect to benefit as car makers re-stock. 钢铁企业AKSteelHoldingCorp.和铝业巨头美国铝业公司(AlcoaInc.)最近对分析师们说,它们预计将从汽车生产商增产中获益。 www.bing.com 9. The Alcoa and stainless steel first edition was released earlier this week in a very limited 30-piece batch. 美铝和不锈钢第一版是在本周早些时候发布的一个非常有限的30件一批。 www.tech-domain.com 10. Investors tempted to draw broad conclusions about commodity demand from Alcoa's earnings report should resist. 些希望从美国铝业(Alcoa)业绩报告中了解大宗商品整体需求状况的投资者或许应当三思。 www.bing.com 1. The companies included Alcoa Inc. (AA), Duke Energy Corp. (DUK), China Power Investment Corp. and Shenhua Group Corp. 这些企业包括美国铝业公司(AlcoaInc.)、杜克能源(DukeEnergyCorp.)、中国电力投资集团公司和神华集团有限责任公司等。 cn.wsj.com 2. Replacement for any part, large or small, on a currently operating Alcoa machine is available. 可提供目前运行的Alcoa机器上任何大小部件的更换件。 www.alcoa.com 3. Alcoa CSI is the global leader in beverage closure application and equipment design technology. AlcoaCSI是全球领先的饮料瓶盖应用与设备设计技术提供商。 www.alcoa.com 4. We are now combining our legacy and strengths with the global reach and values of Alcoa to produce new levels of impact. 美铝基金会的传统和实力,辅以全球眼界和美铝价值观,正在创造新的影响力。 campus.51job.com 5. Alcoa CSI's network of Field Service Representatives and Systems Engineers is unmatched in the industry. AlcoaCSI的现场服务代表及系统工程师网络在业界是无以匹敌的。 www.alcoa.com 6. Parts are also available by contacting your Alcoa closures sales representative anywhere in the world. 您也可以联系全球各地的Alcoa瓶盖销售代表来订购部件。 www.alcoa.com 7. Alcoa is a global enterprise that does business in many distinct local markets. 美铝公司是一个全球性的企业,在许多不同的地域市场开展业务。 www.alcoa.com 8. When asked how he could justify paying a premium of 33 per cent to Alcoa's bid, Mr Albanese said: "It's all about China. " 当被问及如何证明比竞购对手高出33%的收购报价是合理的,艾博年表示:“这全是因为中国。” www.ftchinese.com 9. Dozens of well-known Nestle food products in over 100 countries use Alcoa packaging to stay fresh and tasty. 在100多个国家和地区出售的众多知名的雀巢食品都使用Alcoa包装,以确保新鲜美味。 beta.alcoa.com 10. Hopes for an economic rebound have pushed aluminum prices up 24% in the past few months, while Alcoa shares have rallied roughly 80%. 在经济回升预期的推动下,过去几个月铝价上涨了24%。美国铝业股价也回升了大约80%。 www.bing.com 1. Mr O'Neill headed Alcoa, an aluminium giant, while Mr Snow led CSX, a rail-transport company. 奥尼尔先生领导美国铝业,是铝业的大亨,而斯诺先生则领导CSX铁路运输公司。 www.bing.com 2. Sino Mining International Ltd. locked in a supply of alumina for 30 years from Alcoa World Alumina & Chemicals in 1996. 中矿国际投资有限公司于1996年买断了AlcoaWorldAlumina&;Chemicals30年的氧化铝供应。 chinese.wsj.com 3. We develop and nurture clear Alcoa and product brand identities. 我们建立并培育明确的美铝公司及其产品品牌的名声。 www.alcoa.com 4. Producing locally in China allows Alcoa to respond quickly to its customers needs. 美铝在中国的本土化,将使其能更快地响应客户的需要。 www.alcoa.com 5. Alcoa Fastening Systems (Suzhou) Co. , Ltd. 美铝紧固件系统(苏州)有限公司 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Alcoa CSI developed a new line of water closures, including a push-pull sports cap. AlcoaCSI开发出一种新的水瓶盖(包括推拉式运动封盖)生产线。 www.alcoa.com 7. As a board member at both Citigroup, a big American bank, and Alcoa, an American aluminium firm, he is well connected. 他身兼美国大银行花旗(Citigroup)和美国铝业公司美铝(Alcoa)的董事会成员,可见他在美国的生意圈有着良好的关系。 www.ecocn.org 8. Meanwhile, Alcoa Inc. Monday said it will curtail an additional 350, 000 metric tons per year of aluminum production beginning immediately. 与此同时,美国铝业公司(AlcoaInc.)周一表示,立即将铝的年产量再削减35万吨。 www.ebigear.com 9. Alcoa released earnings after the market closed. 美国铝业是在股票市场收市后发布业绩消息的。 www.bing.com 10. Alcoa introduced the first forged wheel for the trucking industry in 1948. Today, we. 1948年,美铝第一次将锻造轮毂引入到卡车制造业。今天,美铝生产出成千上万的铸件。 www.5doc.com 1. Alcoa keeps a constant inventory of those in most frequent use; such as parts for capping headsets and spindles. Alcoa持续保持最常用部件的库存,例如封盖头组及转轴部件。 www.alcoa.com 2. Alcoa is grappling with rising production costs while the price of aluminum on the London Metal Exchange has fallen in the past two months. 尽管伦敦金属交易所的铝价过去两个月下跌,但Alcoa受困于不断上涨的生产成本。 www.bing.com 3. Among commodities and industrial stocks, aluminum maker Alcoaand General Electricfell more than 5% each. 大宗商品和工业类股中,美国铝业(Alcoa)和通用电气(GeneralElectric)的跌幅均超过5%。 www.bing.com 4. So is Alcoa, an aluminium producer, which is also attempting to measure its environmental impacts. 铝生产商美国铝业也同样尝试衡量它对环境的影响。 www.bing.com 5. Shares of Alcoa, which said late Monday it would cut its dividend, were down 8. 7%. 美国铝业(Alcoa)下滑8.7%;该公司周一晚间宣布将下调股息。 www.bing.com 6. Alcoa has published its Q3 report shortly after market close today. 美铝公司在今天收盘后不久公布了第三季度财报。 www.nai500.com 7. Alcoa Inc. , Bank of America Corp. and Home Depot Inc. led gains in 23 of 30 Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks. 在道琼斯工业平均指数30种成分股中,有23只股票上涨,美国铝业公司、美国银行和家得宝公司涨幅居前。 www.bing.com 8. Alcoa, the world's largest aluminium producer, announced 15, 000 job cuts and a 50% decrease in capital spending because of the downturn. 全球最大铝生产商美国铝业公司(Alcoa)宣布受经济低迷影响,公司在裁员15,000人的同时资本开支也下降了50%。 www.ecocn.org 9. Find out more at Alcoa's global Community site. 请在美铝全球社区网站查看更多详情。 www.alcoa.com 10. As revenue slumped this year, Alcoa cut its dividend, its spending and more than 15, 000 jobs to save cash. 随着今年收入下滑,美国铝业减少了派息,削减了支出,并裁减了1.5万多个岗位以节省现金。 www.gjjy.com 1. What, then, do Chinalco and Alcoa want? 那么,中国铝业和美国铝业想要什么? www.ftchinese.com 2. Alcoa posted a profit in the third quarter, but Mr. McLane remains cautious. 美国铝业三季度盈利,不过迈凯伦仍持谨慎态度。 c.wsj.com 3. Shares of Alcoa rose more than 3 percent in extended trade after closing at $10. 87 in the regular session. 美国铝业公司股价以10.87美元收盘后,盘后交易中上升了超过3%。 www.bing.com 4. Days after laying off 13, 500 and cutting production, Alcoa, a bellwether for earnings, announced a crushing $1. 2 billion loss. 美国铝业公司,一直是盈利大头,在裁员13500人,减产后几日宣布了12亿美元的损失。 www.bing.com 5. Alcoa kicked things off on July 9th and more than 200 companies will report during the week of July 16th alone. 美国铝业于七月九日精简了公司机构,而且200多家企业将在本周七月十六日记录这一事件。 club.topsage.com 6. Alcoa's shares dipped over 5 percent to $16. 54 in after-market trade after closing on the New York Stock Exchange at $17. 45 on Monday. 美国铝业股价在盘后交易中下挫6.7%至16.28美元,周一在纽约证交所收报17.45美元.(完) cn.reuters.com 7. A rally in copper prices off 14-month lows helped lift shares in the materials sector. Dow component Alcoa rose 5. 4 percent to $9. 88. 铜价脱离14个月低位上扬扶助推高材料股.道指成份股美铝(AA.N:行情)劲扬5.4%,报9.88美元。 cn.reuters.com 8. Alcoa Inc. , the largest U. S. aluminum producer, slid 5. 4 percent to $10. 20. 去哪没最大的铝生厂商美国铝业,股价下滑5.4至10.20美元。 www.bing.com 9. It is Alcoa's third flat-rolled products facility in China. 这是美铝公司在华成立的第三个压延产品工厂。 www.alcoa.com 10. Since 1993, Alcoa has invested US$ 655 million in China's aluminum industry. 自1993年以来,美铝已在中国铝工业累计投资6.55亿美元。 campus.51job.com 1. Revenue rose 22 percent, to $5. 19 billion from $4. 24 billion, Alcoa said. 美国铝业说收益增加了22%,从42.4亿美元达到51.9亿美元。 www.bing.com 2. Alcoa Inc. (AA) fell 2. 4 percent to $10. 05. AlcoaInc.(AA)股价跌2.4%至10.05美元。 www.bing.com 3. Demand rose 21 per cent last year, and Alcoa expects a 17 per cent rise this year. 去年,中国铝需求增长了21%,美国铝业预计,今年将增长17%。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Ideal design depending on ideal building materials: introduction of ALCOA building cladding system 理想的设计有赖于理想的建材:美铝建筑覆面系统应用简介 www.ilib.cn 5. Working side-by-side with Alcoa CSI's industry recognized technical experts, your employees will learn 您的雇员通过与AlcoaCSI业界公认的技术专家并肩操作,可以学到 www.alcoa.com 6. Express service available for Alcoa standard replacement parts 可提供Alcoa标准替换部件快递服务 www.alcoa.com 7. must meet Alcoa's expectations for training and qualification 必须满足美铝培训和资格要求 wenku.baidu.com 8. Alcoa heat exchanger materials are used on every type of major heat exchanger, including 美铝热交换材料广泛应用于各类热交换器,主要包括 beta.alcoa.com 9. Both Alcoa and YE will bring their banking relationship to the new JV; 美铝和运城制版将把它们的银行关系引入新合营公司; blog.163.com 10. Alcoa Aluminum Company of America, 美国铝业, leson6666.blogchina.com 1. Alcoa in China: News: News From China: 'Aluminum Gallery' teaches kids in China about aluminum and sustainability Alcoa:美铝公司在中国:新闻:来自中国的新闻:“铝殿堂”在京开幕 www.alcoa.com 2. Alcoa's Worldwide Month of Service 美铝公司全球服务月 www.alcoa.com 3. 58 (31%) of fatalities at Alcoa have involved mobile equipment 美铝58起死亡事故(31%)与移动设备有关 wenku.baidu.com |
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