单词 | mysteriously |
释义 |
例句释义: 神秘地,神秘的,不可思议地,难以理解的 1. "I should like to be a periwinkle, " said he, mysteriously, "on the top of a valley, and sing tooralloo-ralloo. " “我倒喜欢成为一枝长春花,”他玄妙地说,“长在峡谷之巅,高唱嘟——啦卢——拉卢。” tr.bab.la 2. Even now, the scandal is quietly claiming victims, though in a lot of places it seems to have vanished mysteriously from the radar. 虽然在许多地区这起丑闻似已从雷达屏幕上神秘消失,但即便到今天,仍有人悄悄地成为受害者。 www.ecocn.org 3. Then he mysteriously pointed at his mouth and waved his finger back and forth several times as if to say: "Don't talk. " 接着他诡秘地指着自己的嘴,摆了摆手指,示意:“不要说话。” blog.sina.com.cn 4. It had been no easy matter when he first drifted in mysteriously out of nowhere to their little mountain cottage. 然而事情并不总是如此简单,当雾虎第一次不知从什么地方神秘光临他们的山间小屋时。 www.bing.com 5. Toad was nervous, but the Rat, nodding mysteriously at him, went straight up to the door and opened it, and in walked Mr. Badger. 蟾蜍立时紧张起来,可是河鼠诡秘地冲他点点头,径直走到门口,打开门。进来的是獾先生。 www.bing.com 6. I said mysteriously with a wink. They prolonged the clasp for the photographer, exchanging smiling words. 他们握手时边笑边谈,以此延长握手时间,好让摄影师进行拍照。 bbs.wwenglish.org 7. His hair is matted, his clothes are tattered and mysteriously he is often covered in white chalk. 他的头发乱缠在一起,衣衫褴褛,而很奇怪的是,他身上还常有白粉笔道。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. "yes, and be not once, i saw his some times at least and appeared and disappeared mysteriously each time. " i explanation way. “是的,而且不是一次,我至少看到他好几次了,每次都是神出鬼没的。”我解释道。 www.cpubbs.com 9. But I do not think it is at all a likely thing for him to do. Mr. Knightley does nothing mysteriously. 如果我觉得自己不能有模有样地见人的话,我是不喜欢跟朋友见面的。 novel.tingroom.com 10. A week later, scores of strangers descended upon a Manhattan jewelry shop, stood around for a bit, then dispersed just as mysteriously. 一周后,数十名陌生人突临曼哈顿的一家珠宝店,站了一会儿,然后几近神秘地作鸟兽散。 www.bing.com 1. It describes the fire smoldering in the hearth, mysteriously seeming to suck every bit of warmth out of the bleak, dank room. 壁炉中的火在闷烧,诡秘地似乎要将这惨淡而阴冷的房间里的每一丝温暖都吸走。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This "dipole" alignment nearly matches that of a stream of galaxies mysteriously moving towards the edge of the universe. 这种“偶极子”的队列近似地与一连串的星系相匹配,神秘地朝着宇宙的边缘移动。 career.51youcai.com 3. "It cost how much you pay, my friend, " he said mysteriously as he unscrewed the lids off his bottles. “你愿意付多少就多少,朋友。”他故作神秘地说,一边拧下鞋油瓶盖。 www.bing.com 4. The Aryan scientist debunked the claim. Some of the Atla-Ra were threatened and removed, others began to mysteriously disappear. 但雅利安科学家驳斥这一说法,一些ATLA-RA受威胁并被免职,其他则开始神秘地消失。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The flavour was mysteriously hard to pin down: traces of chocolate, hints of earthiness and a slight mustiness around the edges. 要想用言语描述它的风味实在困难:丝丝巧克力的浓滑、淡淡的泥土味和轻微的中药味。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Was it only a year ago our girl mysteriously disappeared, for quote "boarding school" ? 她不就是一年前神秘失踪的女孩,据说去了“寄宿学校”。 www.ebigear.com 7. And I have had it so long that it, mysteriously, carries a long-forgotten logo of British Telecom International. 它已陪伴我很久,甚至它身上的英国国际电信(BritishTelecomInternational)标识早已被人遗忘。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Most mysteriously, why had Mr Jois himself apparently stopped practising his sort of yoga decades ago? 最神秘的是,为什麽乔伊斯显然几十年前就停止练习他自己门派的瑜伽呢? www.bing.com 9. Was it only a year ago our "it " girl mysteriously disappeared for "boarding school" ? 这不是那个一年前,神秘消失,转学到“寄宿学校”的风云人物? zhidao.baidu.com 10. Was it only a year ago our "it" girl mysteriously disappeared for quote boarding school? 我的这位她就是一年前神秘消失,然后转到所谓的寄宿学校就读? www.kekenet.com 1. It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in France during one of his business trips abroad year on 12th December 2006. 是否他在事情感到奇怪在法国在我们2006年12月12日的他的商务国外旅行年的一个之间离开那个的事,在。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 2. Droid detachments inexplicably failed to deploy, shuttle guidance systems had been mysteriously severed. 机器人分遣队莫名其妙地部署失败,穿梭机的导航系统遭神秘破坏。 www.starwarschina.com 3. Some of the Atla-Ra were threatened and removed, others began to mysteriously disappear. 一些“阿特拉-Ra”受到了威胁并离开了,其他的开始神秘地失踪。 www.douban.com 4. ONCE upon a time, a race of cavemen ruled Europe and Asia, then mysteriously vanished, leaving little but bones and stone tools behind. 曾经一度,欧洲和亚洲均被尼安德特人占据,然后不久他们又神奇地消失,只留下了少量的骨骼和石器。 www.bing.com 5. After six months and numerous battery changes, some of the incline sensors mysteriously failed and had to be replaced. 六个月之后,许多电池要更换,一些“斜面”传感器很奇怪地失灵了而不得不被换下来。 www.ecocn.org 6. Just plug it in, and watch as lighting mysteriously dances inside a disk of glass that's less than a quarter-inch thick! 只需将其插入,并观看照明神秘的不到四分之一英寸厚的玻璃磁盘内的舞蹈! www.wujinggou.com 7. 'We'll figure it out, ' Carlo said, and added mysteriously, 'The worst thing that happens is we taste bear meat. ' ‘我们会搞定的,’卡罗说,又神秘地加上一句,‘最操蛋的事是我们尝到了熊肉。’ www.bing.com 8. Mysteriously, they have ended up in the sole spot at the Elves' Faire where commerce occurs and credit cards are accepted. 神奇地,他们来到了小精灵游乐会的唯一一个商业区域,这里接受刷卡。 www.bing.com 9. Umaid Hospital was about to descend into crisis: Up and down the maternity ward, new mothers were mysteriously starting to die. 当时的乌美医院正面临着一场危机:在产科病房,新妈妈们开始接二连三地神秘死亡。 cn.wsj.com 10. mademoiselle is a fairy , he said , whispering mysteriously. “小姐是个精灵,”他神秘地耳语着说。 www.ichacha.net 1. The first indication that was something amiss was the discovery of a dead tauntaun, its neck mysteriously broken. 事情不妙的最初迹象是发现一只驼驼尸体,它的脖子被神秘地折断了。 www.starwarschina.com 2. When he actually spoke, however, Mr Bernanke mysteriously softened his line, talking of a "distortion" instead. 但当伯南克真正发表演讲时,却不可思议地软化了措辞,转而谈论中国经济中存在的“扭曲”现象。 www.ftchinese.com 3. But recently, the clouds have been mysteriously appearing as far south as the U. S. states of Colorado and Utah. 但是最近,这些云逐渐南移,神秘地出现在了美国科罗拉多州和犹他州。 ngmchina.com.cn 4. Once Dr. Holton died from cancer, his wife mysteriously disappeared. 霍尔顿博士一死于癌症,他的妻子就神秘地消失了。 www.elanso.com 5. With the third breath, a card rises mysteriously, majestically , from the deck, as if pulled by unseen hands. 以第三呼吸,卡片从舱板神奇上升,庄严地,好像由未看见的手拉扯。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Earlier this month the party conference was mysteriously postponed for a few weeks. 本月初,党代会神秘地推迟了几个星期。 www.ecocn.org 7. When her findings pointed to mismanagement and cronyism, her detailed handwritten report mysteriously vanished and she was sent packing. 后来她发现原因在于管理不善和任人唯亲,接着她那份全手写的详细的报告神秘地消失了,而她也遭到解雇。 www.ecocn.org 8. Peter and his car that disappeared mysteriously in London in 1987 appeared mysteriously in New York in 1993. 彼得和他的小轿车1987年在伦敦神秘地失踪,后来于1993年又神秘地出现在纽约。 knowledge.yahoo.com.cn 9. I noticed her back was now mysteriously rid of its deformity and her straggling hair suddenly became radiantly beautiful. 我注意到她背部上的弯曲神气地消失了,她散乱的头发忽然变得十分美丽,光彩照人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Although its meaning has changed slightly over the years, it refers to a human corpse mysteriously reanimated to serve the undead. 虽然它的意义有了细微,在过去的几年里,它指的是一个死尸神秘地复苏的为客户服务的亡灵。 www.douban.com 1. With Milo's help, Ellis uncovers some data and sends it back to CTU. However, one other file is still mysteriously missing. 有了麦洛的帮忙,埃利斯找出了一些数据并将它们发送给了反恐组。然而,其中一个文件仍然离奇地失踪了。 www.bing.com 2. Franklin mysteriously disappeared from his cage at the aviary. 富兰克林从鸟舍中的鸟笼中离奇失踪。 cn.reuters.com 3. And yet, mysteriously, somehow the bee flies. 但是,奇怪的是,无论如何黄蜂飞起来了。 www.ted.com 4. We also travel with expensive gear (cameras, laptop), and I don't want it to disappear mysteriously. 我们也带着昂贵的设备(照相机,笔记本)旅行,我不想让它显得神秘。 www.bing.com 5. The mural on the wall has be blue-black attune more very, having the taste that different region restores ancient ways mysteriously then. 墙上的壁画有很多都是深蓝色调的,有着异域那神秘复古的味道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. So does Rain (Kwai Lun-mei), an Audrey Hepburnish character who mysteriously comes and goes, often disappearing for days at a time. 蕾茵(桂纶美)也一样主修钢琴,是一个神秘地来又神秘地走的奥德丽·希布尼斯型人物,总是每几天就消失一次。 wenwen.soso.com 7. There also was in Sligo, in those days, a woman, Ormsby by name, whose husband had fallen mysteriously sick. 那时候斯莱戈还有一位名为奥姆斯比的女人,她的丈夫得了怪病,但医生们束手无策。 www.bing.com 8. But, mysteriously, none of the monkeys threw any hats, and only one monkey came down. 可是,令人难以理解的是,没有一只猴子扔掉帽子,接着,只有一只猴子从树上下来。 www.bing.com 9. In cases where the plankton mysteriously began making low levels of the toxin in clean water, adding urea nearly doubled production. 在清水中,浮游生物会产生低量有毒物质,但是加入尿素后毒素增加了两倍。 www.bing.com 10. The sense of humour is mysteriously bound up with national characteristics. 幽默感与民族特性神秘地结合在一起。 www.hotdic.com 1. But Jamaica Bay is jeopardy. Thousands of acres of the bay's marshlands are mysteriously disappearing. 但牙买加湾目前却面临危机,海湾数千英亩的溼地正不知不觉中逐渐消失。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. After touring the countryside, Brooks reported back to base: Amazingly, the rogue German saboteurs had mysteriously disappeared. 他们到郊区走了一遍,布鲁克斯向总部回报说:奇怪得很,从事破坏工作的德国无赖神秘失踪了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Others said ships had "mysteriously vanished" when their remains had actually been found and the cause of their sinking explained. 其他人说,船虽然“神秘地消失”了,可事实上却找到了它们的残骸和其沉没的原因。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Two years later Le Prince vanished mysteriously from a train traveling between Dijon and Paris. 两年后,平斯在一列第戎和巴黎之间的火车上神秘的失踪。 www.bing.com 5. Mr Miliband called mysteriously for anyone who "contributes to their community" to have priority access to council housing. 米利班德先生故弄玄虚,为那些“贡献社区”的人们大声疾呼:他们应该优先获得住房。 www.ecocn.org 6. American spy satellite peeps that every year, during the September to October, China has got about millions of soldiers more mysteriously. 美国间谍卫星每年九月到十月这段时间监测到中国神秘地多出了约上百万的军人。 hi.baidu.com 7. An angel and a devil sometimes mysteriously appear in the coat of arms. Only for attentive observers! 一个天使和一个魔鬼有时会神秘的出现在盾徽上,只有仔细观察才能看得到! q.sohu.com 8. But apparently not all tourism attractions are made equal - some have mysteriously been left off the list. 但显然,并不是所有景点均榜上有名,部分景点并未出现在门票降价名单上。 www.tingclass.net 9. To chime the notes of his emotion, a verse mysteriously entered the correspondent's head. 一首与他的基本情绪和谐一致的小诗神秘地出现在记者的脑海里。 el.mdu.edu.tw 10. In the evenings, patches of fog curl mysteriously through the city in the moonlight, giving it an ethereal , magical atmosphere. 在晚上,重重薄雾在月色中神秘地笼罩着这座城市,给它以一种优美、奇幻的氛围。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Their ride to safety has mysteriously crash landed on a remote island somewhere in the north western United States. 他们乘坐安全已神秘坠毁在一个偏远的岛屿北部的某个地方,美国西部。 game.ali213.net 2. "His internationally distributed collection is mysteriously sexy, " says Fashion Editor Adam Nguyen. “他的国际分布式收集神秘性感,说:”时装编辑亚当阮。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. These findings could explain why such inky testicles are mysteriously found throughout the animal kingdom. 这些发现可能解释了为什么这些漆黑的睾丸在动物王国中神秘的被发现了。 www.bing.com 4. A balloon is mysteriously "sucked" into a flask. 一个气球神秘地被吸进了一个细颈瓶。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. When one became available, mysteriously commissioned by the Jedi Council a decade ago, Aak strongly advocated its use. 绝地委员会在十年前神秘地订购了一支军队。当这支军队准备完毕时,阿克强烈主张使用它。 starwarsfans.cn 6. Looking from the cultural aspect, Latin America then had mysteriously spirit and imaginary civilized factor since ancient times. 从文化方面来看,拉丁美洲自古便具有神奇、魔幻的文明因子。 www.fabiao.net 7. After that, the mysteriously named Project X will push the intensity of the neutrino beam still higher. 在此之后,命名为X的这个神秘项目将使中微子粒子束强度更高。 www.ecocn.org 8. It is the story of three women whose lives are mysteriously linked with one another. 这是一个关于三个女人的生命如何神秘交织在一起的故事。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. As with Eva Peron, the First Lady of Argentina whose body mysteriously vanished for 16 years, the absence of a cadaver is unsettling. 正如阿根廷第一夫人伊娃贝隆(EvaPerón)的尸体神秘失踪16年一样,“死不见尸”令人不安。 www.tianya.cn 10. Cape Town, South Africa, May 30, 2009--Rescuers try to push one of about 55 pilot whales that mysteriously stranded themselves back to sea. 2009年5月30日,南非,开普敦---救援人员试图将一头领航鲸推回大海,这是55头神秘搁浅的领航鲸中的一头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I am not able to learn why it has happened mysteriously, where the hell it comes from! But I know it's signification and it's value. 我不懂这种神秘的能量为什么会产生,究竟来自何方,可我知道它必定有着存在的理由、意义和价值。 tieba.baidu.com 2. And could they have mysteriously disappeared for 20 years, only to turn up by chance in a Tel Aviv laboratory? 它们可能神秘失踪20年后,却奇迹般的出现在特拉维夫的一个实验室里吗? www.bing.com 3. Then, mysteriously, the second apology posting was deleted as well. 后来,第二条致歉微博也被神秘地删除了。 chinese.wsj.com 4. A gambling demonstration where a card mysteriously vanishes, then a dollar bill visibly changes into the card! 这是一个睹博的示范,一张牌离奇地消失,而另一张钞票则明显地变成一张扑克牌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Henry and his dog that appeared in street last week disappeared mysteriously in the forest yesterday. 亨利和他的小狗上周还在街上,昨天又神秘地消失在树林里。 edu.qq.com 6. But the posting was mysteriously deleted shortly afterwards, prompting discussion and anger among Weibo users. 但这条致歉微博旋即被神秘地删除。此事在微博用户中引起了讨论和愤怒。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The team members investigate when a man and his 18-year-old daughter mysteriously go missing. 今集探员们需调查一名男子和其十八岁女儿失踪的案件。 pearl.tvb.com 8. Tan's recordings of new music and sounds, which emanate almost mysteriously from speakers hidden in the woods. 谭盾先生新创造的音乐音效,通过藏匿在树丛中间的扬声器,袅袅而起,几近神秘。 www.internet.org.cn 9. In turn, time from people began studying hard in the ceramic process each day, the secret to seven heavy but mysteriously disappeared. 时光在转,从民开始刻苦地钻研陶瓷工艺的各中奥妙的那天起,七重却神秘地消失了。 www.yc55.cn 10. mysteriously disappeared for "boarding school" ? 神秘消失转到“寄宿学校”就读? zhidao.baidu.com 1. The little boy approached her, smiling mysteriously. 小男孩笑着走向她,神神秘秘的。 dongxi.net 2. Mysteriously, the lampshades follow you: an advertisement for the same brand appears next to the article you are reading. 神奇的是,那个灯罩仍然“跟”着你:一个相同品牌的广告就在你阅读的文章旁边出现了。 bbs.ecocn.org 3. A group of modern-day students is mysteriously transported to a fantasy world in peril. 一群现代学生被神秘地传送到一个处于危险之中的幻想世界。 www.showxiu.com 4. Once there, his life gets turned upside-down when God appears and mysteriously commands him to build an ark. 到那里后,上帝出现在他面前,神秘地命令他建造方舟,这使他的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。 wy.xiaoxue123.com 5. The volcanic lake's waters are said to mysteriously rise during the dry season and fall during rainy season. 据称,这座神奇的火山湖水总是在旱季出现,而在雨季消失。 www.cnnas.com 6. As we all know, Maya was a well developed civilization but disappeared mysteriously. 我们都知道玛雅文明是曾经存在的一个高度发达的文明,但是莫名其妙消失了。 mydearkiddy.spaces.live.com 7. Mysteriously the oscillation period was first measured at 1. 4 days but grew shorter leading up to the 2008 blowout. 第一次测得的变化周期为1.4天,神奇的是,在2008年爆炸之前它却变短了。 www.bing.com 8. But the nominations, mysteriously, had never gone through. 但诡秘的是,这些提名一直都未获批准。 www.bing.com 9. Magaloof rushed to tell Med-Beq about the failed heist, but Med-Beq had mysteriously disappeared. 马加卢夫赶紧跑回梅德—贝克那儿,想告诉他这次抢劫失败了,但梅德—贝克早已神秘失踪。 www.starwarsfans.cn 10. Good show started soon, after nine years before their colleagues, the world's top agent who mysteriously disappeared one by one. 很快好戏开始了,九年之后,他们以前的同僚,世界顶级的特工们,一个一个的神秘消失。 www.bluraycd.com 1. Youth is also an age of awakening, when the world looks new and feels mysteriously alive. 青春是一个觉醒的年纪,整个世界看起来是全新的,一切都是鲜活而神秘的。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. A string of seamy sex videos involving MHP parliamentarians has also mysteriously appeared on the internet. 一系列涉及民主行动党籍国会议员的污秽性爱视频神秘的出现在网络上。 www.ecocn.org 3. "That was the elusive plant did. " Muras said mysteriously. “这就是那个行踪不定的植物干的。”穆拉斯神秘地说。 blog.163.com 4. Until, mysteriously, the photographs reappeared today, to prove him that he really saw and photographed Leeds fifty years ago. 如今,这位摄影家又神奇般地复活了。他的作品证明, www.china-linguist.com 5. "As our brand strengthens, the commitment we have to each other also increases, " Quigley says, mysteriously. 奎格利故弄玄虚地表示:“随着我们品牌的不断壮大,我们对各自的承诺也会随之增强。” www.ftchinese.com 6. One cloned calf developed normally for six weeks and then mysteriously stopped producing red blood cells and died. 一只克隆牛出生后6周内发育正常,而后莫名其妙地停止产生红血球而死亡。 www.dearedu.com 7. Mysteriously, South Korean spooks later reported he was recovering from surgery. 非常奇怪,韩国特工后来又报告说他做完手术,正在恢复中。 www.ecocn.org 8. Small movements and sounds from Landon that went unnoticed by most mysteriously caught Jack's attention. 兰德勒的微小动作和声音大多数人没有察觉,而杰克却令人不可思议地注意到了。 www.bing.com 9. What are the bets on Adebayor being mysteriously "injured in training" just before the return game? 不如我们打赌阿德赛前或许会神秘地“在训练中受伤”? bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. The machine, after months of not working, suddenly and mysteriously become operative. 这部机器在坏了几个月之后,突然神秘地又能使用了。 www.news365.com.cn 1. The star was a high-amplitude pulsator until right before the observing run started, when it mysteriously became a small-amplitude pulsator. 直到观察之前该恒星还是一个高振幅震动器,接着它就谜一般地变成了小振幅震动器。 www.bing.com 2. Those wicks had blackened the ceiling and the place was quite mysteriously dark. 那些灯芯熏黑了天花板,这个地方有种特别神秘的昏暗。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 3. Some high-level terrorism suspects have also mysteriously escaped from Yemeni jails. 一些高级的疑犯还神秘的从也门监狱里逃走了。 www.bing.com 4. Coins mysteriously appear in trunks They say money doesn't grow on trees. But it certainly appears to do so. 俗话说,钱不会从树上长出来,但现在这种事似乎也成真了。 www.putclub.com 5. We meet our guide who somewhat mysteriously introduces himself as Mr Harris Lego Engineer. 我们见到了导游,他有点神秘兮兮地介绍自己的名字是哈里斯.雷格.工程师先生。 www.bing.com 6. Ms Pope is running against Jim Hoffa, the incumbent and son of Jimmy, the notorious labour leader who mysteriously disappeared in 1975. Pope女士的竞选对手是现任主席JimHoffa,他是工人领袖JimmyHoffa的儿子,这位声名狼藉的工人领袖在1975年神秘失踪。 www.ecocn.org 7. Later, the Android Marketplace and Gmail were both mysteriously blocked for two days in June. 后来,Android的marketplace和Gmail在六月被神秘地封掉了两天。 www.bing.com 8. Shortly after killing two dogs 15 years earlier, he had mysteriously become paralysed and had partly lost his hearing. 他在15年前杀害两只狗之后不久就不可思议地瘫痪了,此外还丧失了部分听力。 www.voa365.com 9. They were planning to get married in the summer of 1997, but the engagement was mysteriously broken off in June. 他们计划在1997年夏天结婚,但是订婚关系却在六月神秘地被取消了。 kk.dongxi.net 10. One time, they have a fight against other young men and catch one of them. However, this guy is found dead mysteriously afterward. 一次,他们与另一帮少年大打出手,并将一人捉住,岂料此少年事后离奇死去,惹出大祸。 eshop.u333.com 1. My car had mysteriously stalled, and I was stranded and alone. 我的车莫名其妙地熄火了,我孤单一人被滞留在这里。 cuc.buluo.tianya.cn 2. The Shiites, however, supported the claims of Ali's sons: Hasan, who died mysteriously c. 什叶派,但是,支持索赔的阿里的两个儿子:哈桑,他们离奇死亡长 zhidao.baidu.com 3. He forced cuts in bases and procurement on the outraged joint chiefs, only to find some money mysteriously restored again. 他强令削减基地开支和军需获取量,在参谋长联席会议上激起了愤怒。怎奈一些资金又神秘地归回原处。 bbs.yeeu.org 4. Mr Yar'Adua's mysteriously prolonged stay abroad is causing a furore at home. 亚杜瓦拉总统神秘长期“隐身”国外,已经引起了该国公众的骚动。 www.ecocn.org 5. One night the musician was murdered mysteriously in the municipal museum! 一天夜里,这个音乐家在市政博物馆被人神秘地谋杀了! www.ebigear.com 6. THE tame bears were evicted from their haunt next to the Hermitage museum. Shops selling bootleg DVDs were mysteriously shut. 温顺的熊从他们经常出没的地方被赶到了偏僻博物馆的旁边,兜售非法录制的DVD商店神秘的关闭。 www.ecocn.org 7. To represent vaguely, mysteriously, or prophetically. 模糊、神秘或预示地体现 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Fats in the giant snakes' blood mysteriously balloon organs, study says. 研究显示,巨蟒血液中的脂肪会使其器官不可思议地膨胀起来。 www.bing.com 9. He is the only people who can testify in this case, because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously. 他是唯一一个可以在这次事件中作证的人,因为其他目击者被秘密杀害了。 bbs.liuxuejie.com 10. But they disappear mysteriously after October. 但是十月以后又神秘消失了。 hi.baidu.com 1. In addition, there is a black line running horizontally behind the soldiers' legs, but it mysteriously disappears behind Mr Kim. 此外,在士兵们的腿后面有一条黑线横亘画面,但在金先生背后却神秘消失了。 www.suiniyi.com 2. Our navy had suddenly and mysteriously disappeared. 神秘得很,咱们的海军突然失踪了。 3. Must be willing toface stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers. 必须自愿接受技术挑战,从小物件的修补到神秘堵住的厕所,还有卡住的拉链。 www.bing.com 4. This promise is mysteriously and providentially united to our mission to spread Christ's Kingdom of love. 这项许诺神秘地将我们扩展基督爱的神国的使命联合起来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. they are still looking out over the ocean mysteriously! 它们仍然在神秘地遥望着大海! www.tingroom.com 6. When I was young, I had a friend, and one day, he mysteriously handed me a box of cigarettes, imitating the look of adults smoking. 小时候有一个小朋友﹐有一天很神秘地拿着一盒烟到我这儿来﹐模仿大人抽烟的样子。 chinafanyi.com 7. The letter mysteriously arrived at the California University of Pennsylvania, in the north-eastern state of Pennsylvania, 10 days ago. 这封信件在十天以前神奇般的被寄到了加利福尼亚大学的宾夕法尼亚州分校,这所大学位于宾州的东北部。 www.kekenet.com 8. does not have breastpin of purple butterfly money mysteriously to show your high grade. 神秘无极限的紫色蝴蝶款胸针显示你的高品位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Not perfect, but all I can say is that after half an hour of not eating, drinking or aimlessly shopping, I felt mysteriously restored. 虽然结果还不尽完美,但我要说的是,在半个小时不吃不喝,也不盲目购物之后,我感觉到自己的精力出人意料地复原了。 www.ftchinese.com 10. because of your age . " the screen star says mysteriously" . “因为你的年龄。”女明星神秘兮兮地说。 www.ichacha.net 1. He is the only person who can testify in this cottom- because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously. 由于其他的证人已经被奥妙地杀害,他成为这件案例中独一不妨作证的人。 kmf1.glwyao.com 2. Both got mysteriously thin together. 两个人同时神秘瘦了下去。 games.shangdu.com 3. they just happen to mysteriously fit us all perfectly. 奇怪的是我们每个人穿都合身 www.tingroom.com 4. They had mysteriously found their way there from the wine cellar. 它们神不知鬼不觉地从酒窖来到了这里。 www.kekenet.com 5. My car mysteriously vanished last night. 我的车昨晚神秘地消失了。 www.360abc.com 6. He mysteriously disappeared last week and nobody knew where he was. 他上周神秘失踪,没人知道他在哪。 www.hjenglish.com 7. What the program puts on the display will stay there and not mysteriously disappear. 程序在显示器上的输入将停留在那儿而不会神秘消失。 www.showxiu.com 8. Boy and girl, when they are of age and meet at an opportune moment, will become mysteriously attached to each other. 男孩和女孩,当他们的年龄和满足在一项很合适的时刻,将成为神秘地相互联接。 tieba.baidu.com 9. The bill went to conference and then the ban on bases, adopted by both chambers, mysteriously disappeared. 该法案递交讨论,然后取缔基地的禁令就神秘地消失了。 www.stnn.cc 10. Don't expect things to mysteriously get better on their own. 不要期望局面会不可思议地好转。 www.bing.com 1. Well, since they live in the countryside, that has disappeared and not mysteriously, but we have one main group of suspects. Us. 它们生活在农村它们消失而且不再神秘,而我们怀疑的是我们。 www.ebigear.com 2. Mysteriously enough, his life history was never revealed- neither by him nor his family members. 最神秘的是,从没人透露过他的生活经历,不管是他本人还是他的家人。 www.bing.com 3. She smiled mysteriously when I asked her about my birthday present. 当我问她有关我生日礼物时,她神秘地微笑了。 www.jukuu.com 4. They are circular patterns which mysteriously appear in fields of crops, such as wheat and barley. 它们是神秘地出现在诸如小麦或大麦一类农作物田地里的圆形图案。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. By 11. 30am however the level dropped dramatically, and mysteriously, to about 6mSv per hour and the workers were back to the job. 然而到了早上11点30分,奇怪的是核物质浓度大幅下降到了6毫希每小时,工作人员各自回到了岗位上。 www.ecocn.org 6. In addition, if has the tone not good puzzle, it can also help you to improve mysteriously! 此外,如果有口气不佳的困扰,它也能神奇地帮你改善! www.luckerer.com 7. About 1, 000 years ago hundreds of people were mysteriously killed in the Himalaya. 大约一千年前有成百上千的人在喜马拉雅神秘死亡。 www.bing.com 8. I attended a press screening for this last year, and the film was mysteriously pulled from all release schedules shortly afterwards. 我去年参加了一个这个片子的拍摄发布会,之后很短一段时间,这个片子又神秘地撤回了所有的发行时间表。 www.elanso.com 9. Do you notice how mysteriously the colors behave here? 你注意到这些色彩的情调在这里显得如何神秘吗? www.jukuu.com 10. Have you heard about the story of Roman Ninth Legion who mysteriously disappeared in Scotland highlands in 135AD? 那您曾经听说过在公元135年消失在苏格兰高地的第九军团吗? www.kekenet.com 1. He spoke mysteriously, too, of splendid women, and was suspected of having once committed himself with a Countess 不但如此,他还用神秘的口吻谈起国色天香的女人,大家都疑心他曾经一度跟一位伯爵夫人关系暧昧。 www.jukuu.com 2. She lowered her voice and went on mysteriously: 她很神秘的放低了声音,再加以申明: www.jukuu.com 3. a man who mysteriously vanished from his home last month 上个月从家中神秘失踪的一名男子 www.kekenet.com 4. But then, we notice that, mysteriously, some of the tests for methods on class 但是,接着,我们发现,太不可思议了,类 www-128.ibm.com 5. mysteriously standing naked behind fruitcakes 傻乎乎地光着身子站在水果蛋糕后面。 www.ichacha.net 6. The girl's soft pink flesh renders her innocence mysteriously vulnerable; 女孩粉红色的皮肤展现她的纯真是异常脆弱的; www.christies.com 7. The Dormant Volcano Mysteriously Erupts 火山之迷 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The boy, aged four to five, mysteriously suffered a fractured skull 男孩4至5岁,离奇地遭受头骨骨折 www.bing.com 9. Sky walks in water mysteriously 天空在水里神秘行走 www.24en.com 10. I have once sung wholeheartedly, while you smiled mysteriously 我曾认真的为你唱着,你笑的像一个迷 www.4ewriting.com 1. But hell when you're gone mysteriously 当你远走高飞我就流放地狱 wenwen.soso.com |
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