单词 | naissance |
释义 | 例句释义: 诞生,出生,女鞋特卖,奇摩购物中心 1. Basically speaking, the value of any invention begins with its naissance, then goes up or down along with historical evolution. 从本质意义上讲,任何一项发明的价值,首先是与生俱来的,其次才是因历史演变发生的增减生灭。 hi.baidu.com 2. First of all, starting off the point of view of technology, it considers that the naissance of "Dolly" means the possibility of cloning man. 首先,从技术的角度出发,认为“多莉”的诞生意味着克隆人成为可能,虽然二者存在着一定的距离,但万变不离其宗; www.edu-hb.com 3. The naissance of character is an important sign which indicates the beginning of the human civilization. 文字的诞生是人类文明开始的重要标志之一。 www.13191.com 4. The naissance of the system has exerted a great influence on urban land market, real estate market and urban general planning. 这一制度的诞生,对我国城市土地交易市场、房地产开发市场以及城市整体规划建设产生了重大的影响。 www.fabiao.net 5. Since its naissance, the " holiday economy" has stimulated the demand of consume and activated the market to a certain extent . “假日经济”的诞生,一定程度上刺激了需求,活跃了市场。 www.sinoss.net 6. Since the naissance of Vietnamese Cao-Dai, a vehement dispute has swept Vietnamese press and ideology circles. 越南高台教自诞生以来,在越南新闻界和思想界曾引发了一场激烈的争论。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. At the beginning of property's naissance, it begeted the high vigilance of thinkers at home and abroad. 财产在诞生之初,就引起中西思想家们的高度警惕,往往与罪恶相伴。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Mostly with theories on consumption society, art and everyday life, the study will prove up the naissance and essence of this phenomenon. 为了探明其根源和本质,本文主要以消费社会理论、艺术理论和日常生活理论多角度地来考察这一现象。 www.fabiao.net 9. Common Structural Rules's establishment finish the complexion of many different criterions on the naissance of classification societies. 共同规范的实施,结束了船级社诞生以来同时存在多种规范的局面。 jiaotong.whut.edu.cn 10. The calculator technical development and progresses also make the naissance of the electronics language Electron Dictionary make possible. 计算机技术的发展和进步也使电子语言词典的诞生成为可能。 www.jsjlw8.com 1. The naissance course of historical materialism in the foundation course of historical epistemology. 唯物史观的诞生过程表现为历史认识论的确立过程。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Since the naissance of MM theory, many scholars commenced on the study, and made the theory approach the real condition . 自MM理论诞生以来,许多学者进行了大量的理论和实证研究,使资本结构理论更加接近现实条件。 www.juhe8.com 3. Processing multiple satellite signals received in single channel is a problem concerned by the field of electron recon- naissance. 针对电子侦察领域中单通道多卫星信号处理这一新兴课题,提出了一种多信号盲多参数快速估计算法。 www.dictall.com 4. Enterprise life cycle is the entire process of enterprise from naissance, development, maturation, decay to death. 企业生命周期是企业从诞生、成长、成熟、衰退直至消亡的整个过程。 www.fabiao.net 5. On this basis, we may pay our hope on a newly naissance of bodily aesthetics. 在此基础上,或许我们应寄希望于一种新的女性身体美学的诞生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The naissance of music derives from the connection of urgent needs of human beings and microcosm and macrocosm. 它是在人类迫切要求与微观世界和宏观世界取得联系的过程中诞生的。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Since its naissance in 1906, animation film develops and continues to this day. 动画电影自1906年诞生起,一直延续至今。 www.fabiao.net 8. The naissance is not that all different from some area on the earth. 不是所有的产生都像在地球上的一些地区那样。 www.kekenet.com 9. The first chapter is mainly about the continuance of early post-war nazi and the naissance of neo-nazi. 第一章主要讲了战后初期德国纳粹的延续和新纳粹的产生。 www.fabiao.net 10. The new generational genius is naissance, that's me. 新一代天才诞生了,就是我。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The third part, introduce the character of fixed stars, the naissance and the evolvement of fixed stars. 第三部分,介绍恒星的基本观测特征、恒星的诞生和演化规律。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In this article, the flow status and the naissance , the development and the distribution of cavitation are simulated. 模拟出喷油嘴内燃油流动状况,空穴的产生、发展及分布情况。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The naissance and the development of Internet totally change the traditional communication style, . . . 网络的诞生和发展,颠覆了传统的信息传播方式,… dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The relationship between environmental changes and naissance of the nomadic life in northern China 论中国北方畜牧业产生与环境的互动关系 ilib.cn 5. secondly, from the history angle, its phonetic notation system and its naissance were studied; 从历史学角度介绍了老苗文注音系统以及与其诞生地有关的史料; www.ceps.com.tw 6. The Effect of the Huanghe Valley Civilization by Natural Environment--The Connotation of Yan- Huang and Naissance of Chinese Civilization 自然环境对黄河文明形成的影响--炎黄二帝称谓的内涵与中华文明的诞生 www.ilib.cn 7. Historical Conditions for the Naissance of National Journalism Capital in the Near Modern Times 近代民族报业资本诞生的历史条件 www.redlib.cn 8. La naissance de Venus, for vocal soloists, chorus & orchestra or piano ( "mythological scene" ) 维纳斯的诞生,为人声独唱,合唱队和管弦乐队或钢琴而作(“神话场景”)。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. this dissertation is to probe into the process of the the naissance and forepart development of laser physics 本论文对激光物理的创立及其早期发展的历史过程进行了探讨。 www.ichacha.net 10. Re-discuss the Naissance of Artistic Conception of Chinese Classical Aesthetics 重谈中国美学意境之诞生 www.ilib.cn 1. Analysis on the Naissance and Developmental History of College Credit System 高校学分制的诞生与发展历程的剖析 www.ilib.cn 2. Naissance and Development of Interactive Animation 交互式动画片的产生与发展 service.ilib.cn 3. Search for root of ecological literature's naissance 生态文学诞生根源探析 www.ilib.cn 4. The naissance of the star dream with fall through 星之梦的诞生与破灭 www.ilib.cn 5. Jiang Jieshi, on the day of naissance of New China 新中国诞生这天的蒋介石 www.ilib.cn |
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