单词 | mashup |
释义 | mashups是mashup的复数
复数:mashups 例句释义: 混搭,混搭程式,聚合,聚合应用 1. Mashups are (almost) all useful, but one thing that they have in common is that they were all developed for a specific set of services. Mashup基本上都很有用,但有一个共同点,即都是为一组特定的服务开发的。 www.ibm.com 2. Similarly, mashups used in an enterprise are often associated with data aggregation of both enterprise data and data from public sources. 类似地,在企业中使用的混搭应用程序的数据通常聚合了企业的数据和公共数据。 www.ibm.com 3. Enterprise mashups implemented as situation applications are a newer style of mashups that are used for specific business purposes. 被实现为情境应用程序(situationapplication)的企业mashup是一种新型的用于特定商业目的的mashup。 www.ibm.com 4. Basically it's a hosted service that enables you to create remix feeds and create new data mashups in a visual programming environment. 从根本上来说,它是一个托管式的服务,能够让你在一种视觉编程的环境下,创建混合的源以及新的数据内容聚合。 blog.163.com 5. Now that you know how to use JSONP, you can start using some ready-made JSONP Web services to build your applications and mashups. 知道如何使用JSONP之后,可以开始使用一些现成的JSONPWeb服务来构建应用程序和mashup。 www.ibm.com 6. Carbon Applications (CApps) consist of any combination of web services, mashups, data services, ESB configs, business processes, rules etc. Carbon应用(CApps)由任意的web服务、mashups、数据服务、ESB配置、业务流程、规则等组合而成。 www.infoq.com 7. The mashup Web application genre is still in its infancy, with hobbyist developers who produce many mashups in their spare time. mashupWeb应用程序仍然处于萌芽阶段,只是有一些开发爱好者在业余时间编写mashup。 www.ibm.com 8. To truly integrate with Lotus Mashups, though, these applications must be able to communicate with other iWidgets. 但是,要真正与LotusMashups集成,这些应用程序必须能够与其他iWidget通信。 www.ibm.com 9. These mashups allow you to easily group together the defects that belong to the same product name, component name, or defect severity. 通过创建这些mashup,可以轻松地把具有相同的产品名称、组件名称或缺陷严重程度的缺陷集中在一起。 www.ibm.com 10. Mashups are popular among site developers because of the ease with which data and content can be combined. 在站点开发人员之间,Mashup十分流行,因为它可以轻松地组合数据与内容。 www.ibm.com 1. It's great for mashups, or to build your own custom interface to Google Buzz. 它对于混搭应用程序或者构建您自己的定制GoogleBuzz界面非常有用。 www.ibm.com 2. Correspondingly, such communities can be used to share enterprise mashups and collectively assess their value. 与此对应,此类社区可以用于共享企业Mashup并一起评价其价值。 www.ibm.com 3. Map My Run: Plot your run and get accurate distances with one of the author's favorite Google Maps mashups. MapMyRun:使用这个作者最喜爱的Google地图mashup之一标示跑步线路并获得准确的距离。 www.ibm.com 4. This article assumes that you are already familiar with building mashups and feeds as well as the basics of writing a widget. 本文假设您已熟悉构建混搭和数据源,以及编写小部件的基础。 www.ibm.com 5. Ajax is also the driving force behind many mashups, which integrate content from multiple sources into a single Web application. Ajax也是许多mashup的驱动力,它可将来自多个地方的内容集成为单一Web应用程序。 www.ibm.com 6. And Mashup Hub is an enterprise feed server, as well as a catalog of feed and widgets usable in mashups. MashupHub是一个企业提要服务器,也是一种可用于mashup的提要和小部件目录。 www.ibm.com 7. Turning spreadsheet data into data feeds allows the information to be easily used by enterprise mashups applications. 将电子表格数据转换成数据feed,可以使企业mashups应用程序更方便地使用信息。 www.ibm.com 8. IT organizations use mashups to supplement less Web savvy business users who are not able to fully author their own mashup applications. IT组织使用mashup辅助那些不能完全自主创建mashup应用程序的、对网络了解不足的业务用户。 www.ibm.com 9. Mashups pull data from different sources, aggregate and transform the data to be used in different contexts. Mashup从不同来源抓取数据,聚合并转换数据以被不同的上下文使用。 www.infoq.com 10. Technical challenges and Social challenges present the eminent technical and social challenges, respectively, affecting mashups. 技术挑战和社会挑战分别介绍了影响mashup的主要技术挑战和社会挑战。 www.ibm.com 1. That is all we have to do, and we have created a Web service that other mashups can now use. 这是我们需要做的全部操作,我们创建了一个可以供其他mashup使用的Web服务。 www.ibm.com 2. The iWidget is now added to the selected category in Lotus Mashups and can be dragged onto a mashup page. 这个iWidget现在被添加到LotusMashups中的选定类别中,可以被拖到一个mashup页面上。 www.ibm.com 3. Data from multiple data sources can be merged, filtered, sorted, grouped, and transformed to create feed mashups. 在这里,可以对来自多个数据源的数据进行合并、过滤、排序、分组和转换,以创建提要mashup。 www.ibm.com 4. Here in Part 1, I introduce the concept of mashups, showing you how they work and building a simple version of one. 本文是第1部分,介绍mashup的概念,说明其工作原理并创建一个简单的版本。 www.ibm.com 5. One of the technologies I'm following a long time already is so called "mashup technologies" or just "mashups" . 其中关注已久的是所谓的“聚合技术”,也称为“聚合”。 www.bing.com 6. Mashups leverage investment in SOAs to provide rapidly assembled composite applications from underlying services. Mashups利用SOA中的投资来提供从基础服务快速组织形成组合应用程序的能力。 www.ibm.com 7. So, what if you want to build mashups, integrating content from third-party servers with the intent of presenting them in a single Web page? 那么,如果要构建mashup应该怎么办,是从第三方服务器收集内容,并在单一的Web页面中显示它们吗? www.ibm.com 8. A handful of mashups use screen scraping technology for data acquisition, especially when pulling data from the public sectors. 有些mashup使用屏幕抓取技术来获取数据,特别是从公用领域提取数据。 www.ibm.com 9. Part 1 introduced the concept of mashups, showing how they work and building a simple version of one. 第1部分介绍了mashup的概念,说明了其工作原理,并建立了一个简单的mashup。 www.ibm.com 10. In Part 1, I introduce the concept of mashups, showing how they work and building a simple version of one. 第1部分中,NicholasChase介绍了mashup的概念,说明了其工作原理,并带领您创建了一个简单的mashup。 www.ibm.com 1. Mashups provide a simplified means to combine data from numerous sources and publish the data in a standardized format. mashup提供一种组合来自许多数据源的数据并以标准化格式发布数据的简便方法。 www.ibm.com 2. Availability of numerous mashups and SAs in the public domain Novice SA builders learn by viewing applications written by others. 公共域中存在大量可用的mashup和情景应用程序情景应用程序新手通过查看他人编写的应用程序进行学习。 www.ibm.com 3. The design and architectural options of mashups are determined by the mashup platform chosen for implementation. mashup的设计和架构选项取决于选择的实现平台。 www.ibm.com 4. By keeping up with similar niche blogs you can gather ideas for future articles or create a few mashups. 不时看看同类博客,也能给你以后的文章汲取些灵感,所谓移花接木。 www.bing.com 5. An article can be documentation, reviews, mashups, examples, or even an interview or opinion. 文章可以是一些文档、评论、Mashups、例子或者甚至一些访谈或评价。 www.infoq.com 6. MindTouch Deki Wiki is the Web's most popular commercially supported wiki platform for creating content and mashups using a wiki interface. MindTouchDekiWiki是网络上最流行的wiki平台的商业支持。它支持用wiki接口创建内容及其他任意东西。 www.bing.com 7. The specific technologies McKinsey asked about included everything from wikis to mashups and prediction markets. 麦肯锡在调查中具体提到的技术包括维基、聚合应用以及预测市场,包罗万象。 www.bing.com 8. Web-savvy business users can use Lotus Mashups to easily create and share new Web applications that address their immediate business needs. 熟练的Web业务用户可以使用LotusMashups来轻松地创建和共享能够解决其即时业务需求的新Web应用程序。 www.ibm.com 9. The use of mashups to address enterprise needs has progressed in the adoption curve, and its growth rate is becoming exponential. 使用mashup解决企业需求,这项技术的采用已进入指数级增长阶段。 www.ibm.com 10. Creating a separate feed allows you to cache the result for use by other feed mashups. 创建一个单独的缺陷细节列表feed,就可以把结果缓存起来,供其他feedmashup使用。 www.ibm.com 1. This post will highlight some mashups, online communities, carbon footprint calculators and one online game. 这篇文章将会着重在部分互联网混搭应用、在线社群、碳足迹计算器与一个在线游戏。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. Mashups are applications and Web pages built using an aggregation of UI artifacts and data from diverse and often public sources. Mashup是指使用来自各种(通常是公共的)来源的UI工件(artifacts)和数据构建的应用程序和Web页面。 www.ibm.com 3. Websites like this have Web 2. 0 concepts like Mashups, forums and blogs running in the background. 这类网站都在后台运行Web2.0概念,比如Mashups、论坛和blog。 www.ibm.com 4. The hub provides the facilities to create feeds and feed mashups that are utilized by mashup applications. 这个hub为创建mashup应用程序使用的feed和feedmashup提供便利。 www.ibm.com 5. By consuming data from multiple APIs you can create rich mashups that rely on continually updated data from different sources. 通过使用来自多个API的数据,可以创建依靠来自不同来源、不断更新的数据的丰富的mashup。 www.ibm.com 6. Mashup Hub is a feed-management server that provides many powerful ways to make content accessible to mashups. MashupHub是一个Feed管理服务器,提供很多强大的方式来向Mashup提供内容访问。 www.ibm.com 7. Mashups are applications and Web pages constructed from UI artifacts and data from diverse and often public sources. Mashup是使用来自各种(通常是公共的)来源的数据和UI工件构造的应用程序和Web页面。 www.ibm.com 8. The IBM Mashup Center provides a catalog that stores feeds, data mashups, REST services, mashup pages, and widgets. IBMMashupCenter提供了一个目录,可以存储提要、数据mashup、REST服务、mashup页面和小部件。 www.ibm.com 9. Mashups let you create new UIs by recycling and reusing existing artifacts with high-level scripting languages. 混搭允许您使用高级脚本语言,通过回收和重用现有工件来创建新的UI。 www.ibm.com 10. These artifacts are utilized with early adopters in promoting the value proposition of enterprise mashups. 早期的采用者利用这些工件提出了企业mashup的价值主张。 www.ibm.com 1. Mashups are the ultimate in supporting the customer community. Mashup是支持用户社区的根本。 www.ibm.com 2. Often mashups use a combination of both server and client-side logic to achieve their data aggregation. 通常,mashup都使用服务器和客户机端逻辑的组合来实现自己的数据集成。 www.ibm.com 3. Similarly, the other parameter that justifies investment in enterprise mashups is the need to reduce operational costs. 同样,为了降低运营成本,还有一个因素也需要考虑,那就是调整企业mashup中的投资。 www.ibm.com 4. YQL is a powerful service that makes client-side mashups possible without using server-side proxies. YQL是一种强大的服务,使您可在无需利用服务器端代理的前提下实现客户端mashup。 www.ibm.com 5. As part of their application design, many mashups solicit public user input. 作为应用程序设计的一部分,很多mashup都要求公共用户提供输入。 www.ibm.com 6. In addition, files formatted in XML, CSV, and Microsoft Excel are also sources of vital information to be used within mashups. 此外,XML、CSV和MicrosoftExcel格式的文件也是mashup中使用的重要的信息来源。 www.ibm.com 7. MxPlay is a music-sharing site of sorts, where you can discover, share and buy music as well as create video mashups. MxPlay是一个音乐分享网站。在这里,你可以发现、分享、及购买音乐,也可以创造视频mashup。 www.elanso.com 8. As described above, mashups often use client-side logic to assemble and compose the mashed content. 正如上面介绍的一样,mashup通常都使用客户机端的逻辑来构建合成内容。 www.ibm.com 9. The mashups are created for specific situations and are often utilized only for short periods of time while the situation exists. 混搭应用程序通常是针对特定场景创建的,并且通常仅在该场景存在的时间段内使用。 www.ibm.com 10. People can use the data to create mashups and web applications to reveal new patterns and carry out analysis. 人们可以用数据去创建网站应用以展示出新的模型并实施分析。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. Using widgets provided by IBM Lotus Mashups, you can create dashboard type applications. 可以使用IBMLotusMashups提供的部件创建指示板类型的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 2. See Resources for more information about enterprise mashups. 有关企业Mashup的更多信息,请参见参考资料。 www.ibm.com 3. Now Jane can utilize this data feed within Lotus Mashups to create her own situational application. 现在,Jane可以在LotusMashups中利用这个数据feed创建她自己的情景应用程序。 www.ibm.com 4. Working in a similar way to Green Maps, Maps Mashups allows people to add icons of their own to existing maps to express a certain topic. 工作在一个类似的办法,绿色地图,地图图标允许人们加入聚合的现有地图来表达一个特定的话题。 bbs.patuu.com 5. from the business collaboration perspective, Web 2. 0 supports social networking; new ways of messaging and services mashups. 从业务协作角度来看,Web2.0支持社会网络;这是传递消息和服务Mashup的新方法。 www.ibm.com 6. Recently, however, we have seen a large number of vendor announcements around Mashup tools that allow for integration via Web 2. 0 Mashups. 然而,我们最近看到大量厂商宣布了围绕Mashup的众多工具,这些工具可以使集成通过Web2.0Mashup来进行。 www.infoq.com 7. Let's illustrate practical ways of creating and using process mashups. 让我们验证一下创建和使用过程混搭的实用方式。 www.ibm.com 8. The workarounds currently in wide use to enable Ajax mashups each come at some cost. 当前广泛用于启用Ajaxmashup的工作区都会产生一些代价。 www.ibm.com 9. These mashups use lightweight programming models such as JavaScript to pull data together and present them to the user in a meaningful way. 这些Mashup使用轻量级的编程模型,如JavaScript,把数据拉到一起,并将它们以一种对用户有意义的方式来表现。 www.infoq.com 10. While the technology and tools behind Mashups are relatively new, existing design patterns still have relevance. 尽管Mashup背后的技术和工具相对较新,但现有的设计模式仍有用武之地。 www.infoq.com 1. With the help of IBM Mashup Center, end users can use different iWidgets to create powerful mashups. 在IBMMashupCenter的帮助下,终端用户可使用不同的iWidget来创建强大的混搭。 www.ibm.com 2. Then return to Lotus Mashups, and this new widget displays in your selected toolbox drawer. 然后返回到LotusMashups,这个新的小部件将显示在您所选的工具框drawer中。 www.ibm.com 3. In the past, I shared some of my thoughts about mashups. 我以前分享过对聚合的一些看法。 www.bing.com 4. People can use the data to create mashups and web applicaions to reveal new patterns and carry out analysis. 人们能够利用这些数据来寻找新的伙伴,进行评价 bbs.ebigear.com 5. PopFly: Microsoft Popfly is the fun, easy way to build and share mashups, gadgets, games, Web pages, and applications. 微软的Popfly提供了有趣而简便的方式来创建并分享mashup,gadget,游戏,网页和应用程序。 blog.joycode.com 6. Mashups integrate information from multiple sources, such as Web sites, enterprise databases, or e-mails, to create one unified view. Mashups集成了来自多个来源的信息,比如Web站点、企业数据库或电子邮件,构建一个统一的视图。 www.ibm.com 7. Consumability, or connectedness, is an important focus of Web 2. 0 mashups. 易用性或连通性是Web2.0技术的重要关注焦点。 www.ibm.com 8. From Ghacks, we are directed to two environmental mashups. The first is Terrapass, which helps calculate CO2 emissions from airplane travel. 从Ghacks,我们被导引到两个环保混搭工具,第一个是Terrapass,协助计算二氧化碳从飞行航程中的排放量。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 9. The aggregation and association of disparate data in a common view to provide unique value are the cornerstones of mashups. 在同一个视图中聚合和关联不同的数据,从而产生独特的价值,这是mashup的基础。 www.ibm.com 10. Easy access to the massive amounts of government data would very probably lead to some compelling mashups and consumer services. 接触海量政府数据的通路的打开,很可能会产生令人信服的整合和客户服务。 www.bing.com 1. Specify all required information, such as Lotus Mashups user name, passwords, and widget catalog. 指定所有必需的信息,比如LotusMashups用户名、密码、小部件类别。 www.ibm.com 2. You can edit or copy data mashups using the Edit As New selection. 您可以使用EditAsNew选择编辑或复制数据mashup。 www.ibm.com 3. Check out mashups such as Doggdot. us, digglicious. com and popurls. com for new ways of using your favorite sites. 有关使用自己喜爱的站点的新方式,请查看Doggdot.us、digglicious.com和popurls.com这三个mashup。 www.ibm.com 4. Depending on who is describing it, it could be social networking, mashups, on demand dynamic content or a host of other things. 具体来说取决于谁来描述它,在需求动态内容或者一系列其他事情上它可以是社交网络的,mashups。 www.ibm.com 5. In this day of video, audio, mashups andall kinds of advanced media forms, we sometimes forget the value of plain oldtext. 在这个拥有音频,视频,视音频混合以及各种各样的先进的媒介形态的年代里,我们经常忽略那些旧的信息模式的价值。 www.bing.com 6. InfoQ: Mashups are popular - have you run into problems with integrating data from a lot of sources? InfoQ:Mashup很流行——你们在整合来自多个数据源的数据的时候有没有碰到问题? www.infoq.com 7. The ability to easily publish mashups, widgets, or feeds to a centralized catalog for user discovery and reuse 把mashup、小部件或feed轻松地发布到集中的编目中,让用户能够发现和重用它们 www.ibm.com 8. Rapid assembly of enterprise mashups : end users assemble new mashups by dragging and dropping widgets onto the page, wiring them together 快速组装Mashup——最终用户只需将widget拖放到页面上并将其连接在一起,即可轻松组装新的Mashup。 www.ibm.com 9. Mashups can incorporate and combine a variety of information including Mashup可以包含和组合各种信息,包括 www.ibm.com 10. Get the whole picture on enterprise mashups from high-level architecture to best practices, tools and techniques 从高层次架构到最佳实践、工具和技术,给出企业Mashups的全貌。 www.infoq.com 1. Get the whole picture on enterprise mashups from high-level architecture to best practices, tools and techniques 从高层次架构到最佳实践、工具和技术,给出企业Mashups的全貌。 www.infoq.com 2. The ability to mix and transform information feeds into new feeds calls data mashups 把信息feed组合和转换为新的feed,这称为数据mashup www.ibm.com 3. The ability to quickly assemble new mashups through drag and drop tool 用拖放工具快速组合出新的mashup www.ibm.com |
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