单词 | miniskirt |
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复数:miniskirts 例句释义: 迷你裙,超短裙,迷你短裙,裙子,迷你恤 1. Because the only realistic way he would have gotten interested in Afghanistan is if it had been wearing a miniskirt and sported C-cups. 因为他对阿富汗感兴趣的唯一现实的方式就是她是否穿了迷你短裙和运动的C罩杯。 www.elanso.com 2. A woman goes out to a club wearing stilettos and a miniskirt with no underwear. 一个女士从酒吧里出来,穿着超短裙和高跟鞋而没有穿内衣裤。 www.bing.com 3. Instead, she wore a plain white blouse, black miniskirt, black stockings and a pair of brown boots. 相反,她穿了一件白色衬衫,黑色迷你裙,黑色长筒袜和一双棕色靴子。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Spencer: I would love to see you in this outfit : a tank top and a miniskirt. 斯宾塞:我想看你这么穿:背心搭超短裙。 hi.baidu.com 5. you should wear a pair of loose pants to suit your bald shire; meanwhile, a loose sweater is somewhat fitted for a tiny miniskirt. 如果你穿件露脐装,就搭件宽松的裤子;而穿小迷你裙的时候就可以用松垮的毛衣来搭配。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. I thought I saw her wearing high heels, a short red miniskirt and a black T-shirt with a large red kiss print. 我感觉自己看到的她穿着高跟鞋子,红色迷你短裙,还有一件印有大大的红色吻唇图案的黑色T恤。 www.bing.com 7. Sarah had the whole Partridge act down. She'd put on the little miniskirt, the go-go boots. and pretend she was Susan Dey. 莎拉有过整套“山鸡”的行头她穿着短迷你裙,戈戈舞鞋。,。装成自己是苏珊-戴。 www.bing.com 8. So, one night I decided to visit my man while wearing a very short tartan miniskirt and tight white blouse. 于是,一天晚上,我决定穿着超级短的格子呢迷你裙和紧身的白色吊带衫,去医院慰问我的男人。 www.bing.com 9. Confused parents might be persuaded to buy the leopard-print miniskirt if it's bright pink. 家长们为此感到困惑,他们很可能会在店员的劝说下买条亮粉色的豹纹迷你裙。 www.bing.com 10. Last Halloween, a five-year-old girl showed up at my doorstep wearing a tube top, miniskirt, platform shoes and eye shadow. 去年万圣节前夕,一个5岁大的小女孩出现在我家门口,她身上穿着一件直筒式抹胸(tubetop),配了一条超短裙,脚上穿着松糕鞋,脸上打着眼影。 www.bing.com 1. Flat boots and a little denim miniskirt is a look that can't be beat. 平底靴加小牛仔迷你裙的装扮绝不会逊色她人。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 2. It's best not to risk shocking anyone with a micro-miniskirt in a meeting. 参加会议时,最好不要冒着吸引他人的危险穿着迷你短裙。 www.bing.com 3. One day, at a bus stop there was a girl who was wearing a skintight miniskirt. 一天,一个身着紧身迷你裙的女子在公车站等车。 www.elanso.com 4. Miki Xue wears ivory lace miniskirt, Guess rhinestone pendant and - all the rage in Shanghai - heavy black glasses without lenses. 薛米琪穿着乳白色蕾丝迷你裙,戴着Guess水钻吊坠,架着一副在上海极为流行的黑框无镜片眼镜。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Lucy put on her miniskirt so as to draw more attention at the party. 露西穿上了她的迷你裙为的是在派对上更引人注目一些。参考答案 www.veryen.org 6. Fashion designers reintroduced the miniskirt in1987, but the style was not widely accepted by a majority of consumers. 时装设计师在1987年再次推出了超短裙,但是该款式并没有被多数顾客广泛接受。 dict.wenguo.com 7. Why do you think the girl at the mall is wearing a miniskirt that shows off her shapely legs? 你觉得购物街的那些女生们穿上迷你裙,大秀她们美丽有型的腿,是为了什么? www.elanso.com 8. He was wearing a wig of black shoulder-length hair, a sparkly silver tank top, a black miniskirt, heels, and fish nets. 他戴着一顶黑色披肩发,上身穿一件闪光的银色肚脐兜,一条黑色迷你裙,高跟鞋,还有面纱网。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. When you see a man wearing a miniskirt walking down the street, he was so content with its lot, Why can not you cheer? 当看到一个男人穿着超短裙走在街上,他如此自得其乐,你为什么就不能高兴点? www.englishtang.com 10. On that occasion, what attracted me most was her fair skin, her charming hair, her young looking miniskirt, her tall & slim figure. 在那个情形下,最吸引我的是她白皙的皮肤,有魅力的头发,青春的迷你裙,高瘦的身形。 post.baidu.com 1. Paired with flat boots, a miniskirt can be chic and understated. 配上平底靴,迷你裙穿在身上就显得既时髦又不至于太招摇。 www.bing.com 2. How do you think to go with this miniskirt? 你觉得这配一件迷你裙怎么样? bbs.ebigear.com 3. She wears a miniskirt to her wedding. It's outrageous. 她结婚时竟穿了条迷你裙,太不像话了! www.magaworld.com 4. Amanda is wearing another extremely short miniskirt today. 阿曼达今天又穿了一件超短的迷你裙。 dict.ebigear.com 5. The miniskirt rapidly made it's way into universal favour. 迷你裙迅速风行,得到普遍的喜爱。 104996.myabc.cn 6. A black miniskirt and Christian Louboutin heels completed the singer's look. 搭配皮夹克的是黑色的迷你裙和经典的红底高跟鞋。 gb.cri.cn 7. GG carelessly pared off to open a miniskirt of MM. 一个GG不小心刮开了一个MM的超短裙。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. They carried placards reading "My miniskirt, my right" and "Don't tell us how to dress, tell them not to rape" . 他们举着大幅标语“穿迷你裙是我们的权利”“不要告诉我们怎么着装,告诉他们不要强奸”。 www.24en.com 9. I saw the future when I was in London: The sexual revolution was going on and the miniskirt had just arrived. 在那里我看到了未来:性革命正在进行,迷你裙开始流行。 c.wsj.com 10. I mean, one girl showed up wearing a fur miniskirt and high-heeled boots. 我是说,有个女孩穿毛皮迷你裙和高跟长统靴来上班。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Sweetheart: I'm pulling up my miniskirt. Take off my panties . 我拉起我的迷你裙,脱下我的内裤。 www.jukuu.com 2. Waited out the miniskirt craze. 等到迷你裙风潮过后 dict.hjenglish.com 3. Yes, for girls there are tight-fitting short-sleeved shirt and low waist miniskirt. 是的,女生们穿紧身短袖衬衫和低腰迷你裙。 www.bing.com 4. Keep it simple and clean. Leave the death metal t-shirt or the miniskirt in the closet. 简单、干净,让那些死亡金属T恤或超短裙待在衣柜里吧。 www.bing.com 5. When did the miniskirt first come in? 迷你裙什么时候开始流行的? www.kekenet.com 6. When did the miniskirt go out of vogue? 迷你裙是何时不流行的? dict.wenguo.com 7. A miniskirt or a knee length skirt. 是做超短裙还是齐膝的裙子。 www.lylcz.net 8. So if we can be both, can we be both while wearing a miniskirt? 因此,如果我们都可以,我们才能既而穿着超短裙? bbs.hoopchina.com 9. many women began to incorporate the miniskirt into their business attire , a trend which grew during the remainder of the century 许多女性将迷你裙作为她们的商务服装,这种潮流形成于上世纪晚期。 www.ichacha.net 10. And high heels do not go with your miniskirt because you are not Gisele Bundchen 高跟鞋不能配迷你裙,因为你没有吉赛尔·邦辰的曲线, www.kekenet.com 1. if you dress a close exposing navel , you should match a loose pant , while you dress miniskirt , you should match big sweater 如果你穿件露肚脐装,就搭配件宽松的裤子;而穿小迷你裙的时候就可以用松垮的毛衣来搭配。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. MAX popular leisure stripe miniskirt 平绒条纹迷你裙 womenclothing.listings.ebay.com.cn |
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