单词 | a-ball | ||
释义 | a-ball
例句释义: 软式棒球 1. What it was to become was a mystery until the dust began to slowly combine into a ball moving around the sun. 随后它会变成什么曾经是一个谜,直到最后这团尘埃开始慢慢地合成一个环绕太阳运转的球状物。 beike.dangzhi.com 2. e. g. He seems to be having a ball today. Maybe you could borrow some money from him. 他今天看起来心情不错,也许你可以和他借点钱。 bbs.koolearn.com 3. any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goal. 任何一种用球的运动(圆形或椭圆形)两队尽力去踢球或抢球。 www.hjenglish.com 4. He too had a ball of human hair that he said he had taken from the dead lion's stomach. 他也有那个从死去大狮子的胃里取出的球。这个镇子不知道该奖励哪个人。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. Since the earth looks like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at a time. 由于地球看起来是个球形,同一时间太阳只能照到地球的一半。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. At night before he went to bed he practiced sitting with his legs crossed, and then he stretched his back by curling himself into a ball. 晚上上床之前,他练习盘腿坐,然后把背弯成一个球。 www.bing.com 7. A stroke that lands above the center of a ball, AS in golf or tennis, giving it a forward spin. 上部击球击于球中心以上的抽球,使球向前旋转,例如在高尔夫或网球中 dict.ebigear.com 8. Winter is often the same as worn like a ball. 冬天常常穿的像个球一样。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Celades played with him, and said he would just pick a ball up in training, beat 10 men and score. 塞拉德斯和他一块儿踢球,说他在训练场上可以接球后,连过十人,破门得分。 www.bing.com 10. A ball joints institute was built up in the company to undertake development, design and test of new products. 公司设有汽车球铰研究所,从事于新产品的开发设计和试验。 www.sjs888.com 1. He set out to get a fish dinner, and instead, he seems to be playing a ball game. 他是来吃一顿鱼餐,然而,他看起来在玩一个球。 www.bing.com 2. It changes. I had a cross, a foot and a little ball for a while. Right now just a ball because the strings broke on the other once. 不固定。曾经带过十字架、音步和一个小球的组合。现在只剩小球了,以为另外两个的线断了。 tieba.baidu.com 3. In 1855, British soldiers in Nova Scotia decided to try a form of field hockey on the frozen lakes and ponds, using a puck i lead of a ball. 1855年,新斯科舍的英国士兵决定用一个橡胶圆盘而不是圆球,在冰冻的湖面和池塘上,以场地曲棍球的形式,进行一项运动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Dear Mom and Dad: My first day was great. We went for a long walk, and I chased a rabbit and a ball. They think I'm cute, . . . 亲爱的爸爸妈妈,我第一天真是太棒了,我们散了好长时间步,我还追了一只兔子和一个球,他们都认为我很可爱…… bbs.poco.cn 5. Someone fell out of the passenger side and scrambled under the bridge and crawled into a ball . . . just hoping for survival, I suppose. 有些人从桥上掉下来之后爬到桥下缩成一团,我想他们只是想活下去。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. When he walks around the corridors inside at the training ground, he walks with a ball at his feet, doing little tricks all the time. 当他在整个跑道里面训练慢跑的时候,他会边带球边跑,并且做很少量的假动作。 post.baidu.com 7. Grasping firmly a ball of string from the garden, Glenn raced back into the house and dashed upstairs to his mother's room. 从花园中紧紧抓住一团线,格伦跑回房子,冲上楼进入母亲的房间。 www.mjyxyx.com 8. All the people appeared to be excited the moment the rocket reared up into the sky when it suddenly exploded into a ball of flames. 火箭升空的一刹那,所有的人都显得很激动。突然,火箭爆炸,燃成了一个火球。 blog.163.com 9. If a grizzly bear does actually make contact with you, curl up in a ball, protecting your stomach and neck, and play dead. 如果大灰熊实际碰触你了,你可以卷成球状,这样能保护你的胃和脖子,然后装死。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. If you took all the atmosphere and rolled it up in a ball, you would get that little sphere of gas on the right. 如果你把大气层搜集起来揉成一个球,你得到的就是右边上那个小小的气球。 www.ted.com 1. enough to sober her spirits even under the prospect of a ball given principally for her gratification. 尽管舞会主要是为她举办的,她也打不起精神。 novel.tingroom.com 2. A spin that tends to retard, arrest, or reverse the linear motion of an object, especially of a ball. 回旋使一个做直线运动的物体减速、停滞或倒转的一种旋转,尤指一个球 zhidao.baidu.com 3. There was some surprise, however, that, as he was with his face to the enemy, he should have received a ball between his shoulders. 他的死大家都有点惊异,因为他是面向敌人的,不应该从后背上吃子弹。 www.jukuu.com 4. And sometimes I spread that Baptist pallet out on the floor, and Lily and I roll a ball back and forth. 有的时候,我把洗礼约翰盘摆在地上,丽丽和我来来回回的滚动。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. the top of the plastic hat is provided with a ball-shaped concave position, where a press plate and a forcing screw are installed in. 塑制帽的顶部塑有球形凹进处、并可安装压板和压紧螺钉。 ip.com 6. "Please roll yourself into a ball and slowly roll out of the city that you hate, " he curtly replied. 他不客气地回复道:“请你以一种,团成一个团的姿势,然后,慢慢地以比较圆润的方式,离开这座让你讨厌的城市”。 www.bing.com 7. Since the earth is shaped like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at a time. 因为地球呈球状,因此太阳每次仅能照亮它的一半。始终是一个半球是白天,另一个半球是黑夜。 www.bing.com 8. Like the standard TIE, the interceptor has a ball-shaped single-pilot cockpit suspended between a pair of bracing arms. 跟标准的TIE战斗机一样,截击机的球形单人驾驶舱悬挂在一对支撑臂中间。 www.starwarschina.com 9. When Chicharito's on the pitch you know that if you put a ball in a certain area he's going to be there. 当赫尔南德斯在场的时候你就知道如果把球传到位他就会出现在合适的地方。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 10. I have here a ball-- you may call it a balloon, but I call it a ball because there's no helium in it. 这里有个小球-,你也会叫它气球,但是我叫它球,因为里面没有氦。 open.163.com 1. One afternoon, she began to wind up wool into a ball. She needed at least five wool windings. 一天下午,她开始把羊毛卷成一个球,她至少需要5个羊毛球。 www.ebigear.com 2. It also has photos from playful times, like ones of him wearing a baseball uniform and catching a ball with a mitt. 上面也有一些消闲照片,其中之一是他穿着棒球服正在用捕手手套抓向棒球。 tr.hjenglish.com 3. To get the kites up , the children begin to run . they let the string from a ball in their hands . 为了让风筝飞起来,孩子们开始奔跑。他们把线球拿在手里。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Divide your dough into even pieces of 40g each. Roll the dough into a ball and flatten out with your hand. 将你的面团平均分成40g一份的小面团,将小面团滚成球状,并用手压平。 www.hjenglish.com 5. The image in the Canon is of a solid wooden door: a ball of string thrown at the door won't leave a dent at all. 圣典里的比喻形象是一扇硬木门:朝那扇门扔过去一个线团,根本不会留下一点凹痕。 read.goodweb.cn 6. All of a sudden, this young boy comes tearing out of the distance and runs up to them. He is smiling and holding a ball in his hand. 突然,一个小男孩冲了出来,跑向他们。他微笑着,手中拿着一个球。 learning.sohu.com 7. So often as she had heard then wish for a ball at home as the greatest of all felicities! 她过去常听她们说,她们盼着能在家里举办个舞会,认为那是最大的快乐。 8. I remember we had a little five-a-side, and I literally threw a ball at him and he volleyed it first time into the back of the net. 我记得有一次我们踢五人小场,我将球直接抛给他,他第一时间以一记凌空抽射将球射入对方网内。 www.bing.com 9. make one of your hands into the shape of a ball , and place it over the top part of the stomach , below the ribs. 把你的一只手握成球状,然后把这只手放置到胃部的上方,肋骨的下方。 www.ichacha.net 10. The sun went out, the sky went black, and I curled up into a ball and wailed in the almost silent way of a nightmare. 一时间,太阳失去了光芒,天空也变得昏暗,我蜷缩成一团,为这种厄运无声地抽噎着。 engnet.jiangnan.edu.cn 1. For the word bitch there are two photographs. One is of a dog with a ball in its mouth. The other is of Paris Hilton. 对于单词bitch,它的下面附有两张照片。其中一张显示一只狗嘴里叼着只球;而另一张则是帕丽斯·希尔顿的照片。 www.bing.com 2. Dr. Woo, who was engaged to be married, recently had an Afghan tailor make her a ball gown out of raw silk. 已经订婚的吴凯伦医生正准备结婚,最近让阿富汗的裁缝为她制作一套生丝舞会礼服。 kk.dongxi.net 3. But now Rollin' Justin, one of the world's most advanced robots, has gone one better - by catching a ball thrown at him. 如今这个世界上最先进的机器人罗林贾斯丁更厉害了--他能接住投向他的球。 www.bing.com 4. They said the next day that they had a ball and that we were chicken for not staying. 第二天,她们说她们开了一场舞会,因为我们没有留下,她们叫我们胆小鬼。 en.eol.cn 5. Edward: Yes, of course. All right here we go. Give me a ball-park figure, how much? 爱德华:是的,当然。好吧,我们谈谈。你能不能粗略的计算一下,多少钱? www.898house.com 6. Interestingly, the children did not improve as much after a 50-minute gym class that required them to learn new drills with a ball. 有趣的是,同样上50分钟的体育课,用球反复练新技巧的孩子成绩并没有那么高。 kk.dongxi.net 7. She was huddled in the darkest corner of the bed-chamber, on the floor, curled up in a ball beneath a pile of wolfskins. 她蜷缩在卧室最黑暗的角落里,身体在一张狼皮下的地上缩成了一个球。 www.cndkc.net 8. In a ball match, after struggling for several hours waiting, to see out his idol stormed in, he ask Robinson to sign an autograph. 在一次球赛后,苦苦等了几个小时的奥尼尔,看到偶像出来就信从冲冲地前去,请罗宾逊签名。 house.zhishi.sohu.com 9. It looked as if he had been endowed with the elasticity of a ball, and rebounded each time his feet touched the ground. 它看起来好像他已经被赋予球的弹性,而且每次回弹他的脚碰触地面。 www.bdpsclub.org 10. Cambiasso is often the instigator of attacks, his passing and creativity is intelligent, and he rarely fails to find his target with a ball. 坎比亚索经常是进攻的发起者,他的传球聪明且有创造力,而且他带球很稳,极少失误(这句貌似是这么翻译)。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Ten yards out for you? Come on, man! It's like hitting the side of a ball. 十码?你?算了吧,老兄!这跟轻轻碰下球有什么差别。 www.eoezone.com 2. He was just trying to stop a ball that squirmed around. 他只是尽力去阻挡那记刁钻的射门罢了。 www.bing.com 3. Lawrence Summers, director of the White House National Economic Council, said "the sense of a ball falling off a table" is passing. 白宫国家经济委员会(NationalEconomicCouncil)主任劳伦斯-萨默斯(LawrenceSummers)称:“球从桌面坠落的感觉”正在消失。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The shear force reading of a ball bond must be correlated with its ball diameter for proper assessment of its ball shear strength. 剪切力度应与金球直径相关(金球直径的设定应考虑到键合点需要承受的力度)。 baike.baidu.com 5. The first time of my ever seeing him in Hertfordshire, you must know, was at a ball -- and at this ball, what do you think he did? 你得知道,我在哈福德郡第一次见到他,是在一次舞会上——你知道他在这个舞会上干什么了吗? blog.sina.com.cn 6. The dung-beetle placed its egg in dung and rolled the dung into a ball to be heated by the sun. 粪甲虫把蛋产在粪中而且滚转成一个球被太阳加热。 www.chinaufo.com 7. When children age 3 to 5 see a ball rolling into a box, they say that the ball couldn't have done anything else. 当3~5岁的小孩们看到一个球滚进箱子里,他们会说球是不由自主的。 www.bing.com 8. But I knew better. I knew now that if I insisted on staying, it would be his day that would be ruined so Dad could watch a ball game. 但我还是比较明智,放弃了呆下去的念头,我很明白如果我坚持蛋着不走,那他的一天就会因为爸爸想看球赛而过得十分扫兴。 wenku.baidu.com 9. ECCErobot might eventually be able to wheel into a room, see a ball rolling atop a table, and pick it up. 也许ECCE机器人最终能够做到踩着着小轮滑进屋里,看着小球滚到桌子上并把它捡起来。 dongxi.net 10. It would still be a ball of wool but would roll horizontally (actually rotate) as you hover over one of the 8 selections. 这仍然是一个毛球,但会滚水平(实际上是旋转)当你超过8选择之一悬停。 www.bing.com 1. I huddled up into a ball suddenly one of the men, yet I pulled up, surprised, said: "hey, this is not my cousin's classmate it? " 我蜷缩成一团,突然其中一个男,却把我拉了起来,惊讶地说:“哎,这不是我表妹的同学吗?” www.dota123.com 2. Convey try love thy friend as an arrow to the mark , to stick there ; not as a ball against the wall , to rebound back to thee. 应该像把箭射向靶子那样把你的爱给你的朋友,让它留在那儿,不要像把球一样扔向墙那样仍然弹回来。 blog.163.com 3. In response, the host said: "Please bundle yourself into a ball and roll out of the city you despise. " 主持人回应道:”请将自己捆绑成一个球,滚出你所鄙视的城市“。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. The initial investigation indicates an air-conditioning unit crashed through the ceiling and sent air rushing in , creating a ball of fire. 初步的报告显示一台空调装置撞穿了天花板令空气涌入,造成一个火球。 bbs.putclub.com 5. I started up front with Carlos Tevez and I remember in the first five minutes I got a ball over the top from Scholesy. 我和特维斯搭档锋线,我记得5分钟的时候就从斯科尔斯那里得到了球。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 6. the concept is similar to the likelihood of a ball rolling down a hill versus the likelihood of it rolling up the hill. 这个概念就类似一个球滚下山的可能性与它滚上山的可能性比。 scienceyi.5d6d.com 7. After each catcher must reach the other side of the stage, out of bounds or not the network operator will lose a ball. 21-A Bureau. 每次接球后必须打到对方的台上,出界或没过网都算输一球。21个球一局。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. In addition, the more coarse fibers, the more rigid, ruffled the surface of the fabric fibers easily tangles into a ball. 此外,更多的粗纤维,更坚固,竖起一球织物的纤维表面容易缠结。 www.qiyeku.com 9. Piscine bolus also does not have fishiness, but you to conceal, special added curry juice, miss a ball of fish of curry of its make it. 鱼丸也没有鱼味,但是你为了掩饰,非凡加上了咖喱汁,想把它做成咖喱鱼丸。 www.google-web.org 10. and a ball head spring is supported between the lower backing plate and the ball cup. 在下垫板和球头座之间支承有球头弹簧。 ip.com 1. Piscine bolus also does not have fishiness, but you to conceal, special added curry juice, miss a ball of fish of curry of its make it. 鱼丸也没有鱼味,但是你为了掩饰,非凡加上了咖喱汁,想把它做成咖喱鱼丸。 www.google-web.org 2. and a ball head spring is supported between the lower backing plate and the ball cup. 在下垫板和球头座之间支承有球头弹簧。 ip.com 3. When your 7-year-old, she bought a ball to you, and as a reward, you threw the ball in to the neighbor's windows. 当你7岁的时候,她给你买了球,而作为报答,你把球投掷到邻居的窗户里。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. life is like a ball, your initial steps of the church who may not be able to accompany you come to finish. 人生就像一场舞会,教会你最初舞步的人,未必能陪你走到散场。 www.diyifanwen.com 5. When he brought a ball home, I remember the shock of seeing him smile sweetly when he saw how excited his sons became at the sight of it. 有一次他带了一个足球回家,我记得,当他看到儿子们欣喜若狂的反应时,他甜甜地微笑着,而我们也因他的微笑而感到惊奇。 www.bing.com 6. One year I had a boy who'd pick his nose, collect all the boogers into a pile, and roll them across his desk till they formed a ball. 有一年我的一个学生挖鼻孔挖出了一堆鼻屎,还在桌子上滚成一个球。 dongxi.net 7. Another trick, where a magician pretends to throw a ball up in the air, takes the misdirection a step further. 在另一个魔术师假装把球扔到空中的魔术中,误导的手法又被推进了一步。 blog.163.com 8. Thinking about a small boy with curly hair, out in the rain then the sleet, kicking a ball around in a yard halfway across the world. 在雨夹雪的天气里,在世界的另一边,一个卷卷头发的小男孩正在自家的院子里踢球。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. She would always play with me but when I tried to show her how I could balance a ball on my nose, she told me to go outside to play. 她一般都会和我玩的,可是我试着向她表演如何在鼻子上平衡一个球时,她却叫我到外面去玩。 bjgdfz.com 10. Pluto's at the sea. He's playing on the beach. He's playing with a ball. Oh! the ball. 布鲁托在海边。他正在沙滩上玩耍。他正在玩一只球。噢!球。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Students pass a ball with the music, when the music stop, you will get a situation problem, try to act it out. 学生传球,当音乐停止,你要演示一段介绍的情景。传电话游戏 www.gdcgs.sdnet.gd.cn 2. The students had to think of as many sports that did not involve using a ball as they could. 被测学生还不得不尽可能地去想那些没有球的运动。 www.bing.com 3. At after quarter match and the sun of the 2 compete he throw into of that overcome a ball is a good example. 在季后赛和太阳的第2场比赛时他投进的那个制胜一球就是个很好的例子。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Rather than broadcast a two-dimensional picture of a ball, send a simulacra of the ball. 不是播放一个球的一张二维图片,而是发送这个球的一个拟像。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. If the universe has a ball-like geometry, light emitted will diverge and eventually converge back to the point of origin. 若宇宙是封闭的且拥有类似于球体的几何结构,向前发射的光线将会先散开,但最终会聚焦并回到发射原点。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 6. Since the earth is like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at one time. 地球就像一个球,在某一时刻太阳只能照亮它的一半。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Suddenly , one of the children kicked a ball very hard. 突然,一个孩子狠狠地踢了一脚球。 liu-jing.lj.blog.163.com 8. The device of claim 1, wherein said joint comprises one of a universal joint and a ball and cage constant velocity joint. 该设备的索赔1,其中表示,联合组成的一个普遍的联合和一个球和网箱等速万向节。 www.tech-domain.com 9. Suddenly , one of the children kicked a ball very hard and it went towards a passing boat . “突然,一个小孩使劲地踢球,球朝一条正在通过的小船飞去。”踢一脚。 www.bing.com 10. When danger comes, I roll myself into a ball so my sharp quills point out in all directions. 遇到危险的时候,我就把身子团成球,这样,我身上尖尖的刺伸向各个方向。 en.eol.cn 1. Charlie found a ball of heavy cord, cut off a ten-foot length, and stuffed it quickly into his pocket. 查理找到了一捆粗线,剪下10英尺,赶快塞进了口袋。 2. Men's friendships are often built around shared activities--attending a ball game, playing cards, working on a project at the office. 男人的友谊建立在共同的活动上--参加一场球赛,玩扑克,做办公室里的同一项目。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. As he walks he spots Rima curl up in a ball. 当他走时,他看到璃茉卷曲成一个球。 word.hcbus.com 4. A screen or fence used to prevent a ball from being thrown or hit far out of a playing area, AS in bASeball. 场后围栏用于阻止球被投出或打出比赛场地的一种屏障或栅栏,如在棒球比赛中 dict.ebigear.com 5. The invention comprises an end closure, a base and a locking mechanism of a connector, and a ball connecting rod connected therewith. 本发明包括:连接器的端盖、底座、锁紧机构和与其连接的球形连接杆。 ip.com 6. The next day I got three tennis balls and practiced in the garage until I could make 20 tosses before dropping a ball. 第二天我找来三个网球,在车库里练了起来,直到我可以连续抛球20次而不掉球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Osman -6. 0: Passes a ball besides several feet, as if has not integrated. It is not that Osman who completely on gesticulates a ball. 奥斯曼-6.0:除了几脚传球之外,似乎根本就没有融入到之中。完全不是上轮打进一球的那个奥斯曼。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A ball has no power by which it can put itself in motion but as soon as you throw it, you impart energy to it. 球并不具有使其本身进入运动状态的动力,但你一扔它,就给了它能量。 www.bing.com 9. Teams try to make goals with a ball caught and thrown using a net at the end of a stick. 各队使用一根顶部带网的球杆来传接球从而完成进球目标。 www.ebigear.com 10. The classmates to combine the slip board the contents of the box distinguish its poles and light of a ball screw difference. 同学们要结合溜板箱的内容区分光杠与丝杠的区别。 www.hfwhjx.com 1. This pretty shape is just like a ball. It looks like it would bounce if it happened to fall. 这个可爱的形状像一个球,如果它凑巧掉下来好像就会弹起来。 www.bing.com 2. In the invention, the composite enrichment material is prepared to a ball-shaped, fibre-shaped and flat film or a pipe-shaped film. 本发明将上述复合富集材料制成球状、纤维状、平板膜或者管状膜。 ip.com 3. Draw out a brand cloth thread by thread to decompose it then screw up into a ball. 把一件名牌服装一根线一根线的抽散后揉成一团。 www.fqart.com 4. On the far right of the screen, you can see the plane hitting the Pentagon, and then a ball of flame goes up in the air. 远看录象频幕的右边,你可以看到飞机撞击五角大楼,然后一蔟火团升上天空。 bbs.putclub.com 5. I was a ball-boy for Benfica and a great supporter of that team. 当时我是本菲卡的球童,而且是他们忠实的球迷。 club.163.com 6. The midfield is full of guile and passing ability, the only weakness being a possible lack of a ball-winner. 中场传球能力强大,唯一的弱点是缺少一个能抢球的。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 7. Researchers would roll a ball behind a screen, wait a moment, and then roll a larger ball out on the other side. 研究人员会在屏幕后面滚动一个球,片刻之后,再从另一边滚动另一个大一点儿的球。 www.fanyitie.com 8. But if you don't have a plan to start with, you'll run the risk of being bounced around like a ball in a pinball machine. 但是如果你一开始便没有计划,你就可能会像小球在弹球机里面乱蹦一样毫无头绪。 www.hjenglish.com 9. One day, they received an envelope inviting all the girls to a ball at the castle . Prince Charming was searching for a bride . 有一天,她们收到一封信,邀请女孩们去城堡参加舞会,因为查明王子想借这个机会挑选新娘。 www.bing.com 10. He had been kicking a ball along Abu Nawas, and as I came running, he left his friends and started running next to me in his bare feet. 当时他在AbuNawas街上踢球,我跑过来后,他就离开他的朋友,光着脚在我身边跑起来。 www.bing.com 1. And you balance your world pn the tip of your nose-like a Sealion with a ball, at the carnival. 平衡你的世界,你付小费的伪你的鼻子,像一个球海狮在嘉年华。 zh.songcoleta.info 2. The third is to understand that working in an investment bank is like a ball game in some ways and quite unlike one in others. 第三大启示是要懂得:在投行工作有些方面和参加球赛大同小异,但有些方面又完全不同。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Because badminton is light and not a ball body, the ball in flight by air resistance compared to other ball games to a large number. 由于羽毛球比较轻,且不是一个圆球体,球在飞行中受空气的阻力相对于其它球类项目要大的多。 www.xiami360.com 4. He was out trying to turn a ball to leg. 他想把球回击到击球员左后方场地,结果出局了。 5. It's a ball thrown by the pitcher in such a way that it changes direction, fooling the opponent. 投手投出这种会改变路径的球,意在迷惑对手; pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 6. it can be rolled up into a ball or suspended in the air by its legs ----the rat has ceased to care what happens to it. 它会蜷成一个球或是被拎着一条腿挂在空中——老鼠曾经不再关怀发作什么,它曾经“肉体解体”啦。 www.52qq.org 7. This lateral deflection of a ball in flight is generally known as the "Magnus effect" . 这种球在飞行中发生水平位移的现象一般被称为“马格纳斯效应”。 www.bing.com 8. You're barking mad! -A lot cheaper for her business, and he can sure have a ball getting, you know. . . 你在说疯话!-对她的生意来说便宜了许多,而他可能保证自己有胆量,你知道… www.yappr.cn 9. Smoke billowed from the leader, and erupted into a ball of flame that smeared through the air. 烟从前面一架战机上翻腾出来,爆炸成一个明亮的火球,污迹撒满天空。 www.tianya.cn 10. Close your eyes and imagine a ball of energy moving up your spine and into your heart. 闭上你的眼睛,想象一个能量球从你的脊柱往上移动并进入你的心。 www.bing.com 1. Point at a ball and a dog will look at the ball, whereas a cat will probably look at your hand. 当人手指着球的时候,狗会看着球;而猫很可能看着手。 down02.putclub.com 2. One of their cuirasses, pierced on the shoulder by a ball from a biscayan, [9] is in the collection of the Waterloo Museum. 他们的一副铁甲,在左肩胛骨上有一个枪弹孔,现在还陈列在所谓滑铁卢陈列馆里。 www.ebigear.com 3. Thirty-three undergrads watched videos of a tennis player hitting a ball, sometimes with a grunt, sometimes in silence. 33名大学生观看了一个网球运动员击球的录像,有时夹杂着喊叫声,有时安静。 www.bing.com 4. One of the new dragon ball, pearl dragon eye eye, eye, eye blisters, t. , silver, blue eggs, eggs, a ball back eggs over the gills, etc. 其中新添的有龙睛球、珍珠龙睛、龙睛水泡眼、朱砂眼、银蛋、蓝蛋球、背蛋球、蛋种翻鳃等品种。 img7.zhubajie.com 5. You may have to act like everything is fine when you would rather curl up in a ball. 当你很想逃避问题时,你可能不得不装作一切顺利。 www.bing.com 6. Guys who dribble a ball for a couple of hours a game can make up to $20 million a year. 在一场比赛中带几个小时球的家伙一年能挣2千万美元。 www.bing.com 7. Reduce the sun to the size of a ball. The earth would then be the size of a grain of sand. 假定把太阳缩小到小球那么大,那地球就会像沙粒一样小。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Flat ballet shoes that can be rolled into a ball can cause serious pain due to lack of support for the feet. 平底的芭蕾舞鞋,由于缺少对脚部的支撑和缓冲,也会让脚酸痛。 www.en400.com:8080 9. The ball 5 is held by a plurality of inwardly projecting portions 3 (as a ball receiving seat) and a front end edge portion 4. 5球,是由一辆内心投射的部分3多元性(作为一个球接收座位)和前端边缘部分4。 www.1168818.cn 10. You can't just hold the mouse pointer in the bottom-left of the screen, say, because a ball could zoom down there at any moment. 而将鼠标指针一直停留在左下角屏幕是行不通的,因为小球很可能突然加速下降到那儿。 wiki.fcctt.org 1. A ball tossed by a child from a balcony hurtles through the air like a bullet, a blur barely visible. 孩子从阳台上扔出一个小球,像子弹一样隐约不清。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. When double-teaming a ball handler, you'll have more control over what you do as you harass the guy. 当包夹球处理程序,您将有更多的控制权你怎么做你骚扰的家伙。 game.ali213.net 3. Eventually evolution on a ball-bearing planet would mold everything into a single, massive, ultradistributed planetwide superorganism. 最后,滚珠般均匀的星球上的进化会将所有的事物一股脑地塑造成一个在全球范围内超级分布式的、单一、巨大的超个体(超有机体)。 dongxi.net 4. An allowed key can make the night bolt get out of the safety opening on the bolt through a ball, thereby opening the lock correctly. 合法钥匙通过弹子能使保险插销退出锁舌上的保险口,能正确开锁。 ip.com 5. All pangolins can roll themselves into a ball to defend themselves. The cutting action of their scales protects them too. 所有穿山甲都能够把身体卷成球状来保护自己,锋利的鳞甲也是保护它们的工具。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. It's just a ball of fire, just went up like a nuclear bomb went off. 就像是一个火球,就像一颗核弹爆炸。 www.bing.com 7. She performed a grand toilet as if for a ball. 她打扮得好像去参加一个盛大的舞会。 bbs.24en.com 8. Tzu-Chu Ju is a ball, the ball is made of leather with the leather ball plugged in with the hair. 蹴鞠鞠是一种皮球,球皮用皮革做成,球内用毛塞紧。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. A ball is out of bounds if all of it lies beyond the boundary fencing , white stakes or lines . 若球位于以下情况被判为界外球:越过栅栏范围和规定之白色界桩。 www.bing.com 10. As he belted a ball around the slum streets of Lisbon, the young Nani fantasised about being Luis Figo. 当纳尼还带球奔跑在里斯本贫民窟的大街上时,年轻的他就梦想着有朝一日能成为费戈那样的球员。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Under Rule 20-4, a ball is in play when it is replaced, whether or not the object used to mark its position has been removed. 按照规则20-4,不管用来标记球位的物体是否被拿走,当球被放回原位时就是使用中球了。 www.ugolf.com.cn 2. Games played with curved sticks and a ball have been played for thousands of years. 一根弯曲的短棒,一个球,这种运动已经持续了数千年。 www.bing.com 3. Fabregas injury problem not like Owen's' "Cesc is a ball giver and Owen was more a runner, " said Wenger. “赛斯克更多是一个组织进攻的球员,而欧文更多是一个带球突破球员,”温格说。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. full time to time come together to form a ball out, and fell head pond, pond water float to the surface of a circle. 时而汇成颗颗饱满的明球,扑籁籁地落到池里,池面泛起一圈圈的水波。 www.bing.com 5. Ross and Joey throw a ball back and forth without dropping it for a couple hours; soon it becomes a contest, joined by Monica and Chandler. 罗斯和乔伊来回掷球,数小时未落地。后来莫妮卡和钱德也加入。 www.hxen.com 6. This was not the first time I'd had a problem with Grant in the stands at a ball game. 这不是我第一次在棒球赛人群里和Grant出现问题。 www.bing.com 7. You can take her to watch a ball game or go to see a movie. 你可以带她去看球赛,或者看一场电影。 www.chinaedu.com 8. Been a ball but some of us have to work. 但我们总有些人要工作。 www.kekenet.com 9. When Hercules was walking in the forest, he saw a ball lying on the ground. He kicked it because it blocked his way. 当大力士在森林里走着,他看见有一个球躺在地上,因为挡住了他的路,所在他踢了一脚 bbs.ebigear.com 10. The sun blazing like a ball of fire. This idiom describes the extremely hot weather. 炙热耀眼太阳像一个火球。形容七天非常热。 www.italki.com 1. The children were playing with a ball. 孩子们在玩球。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. The resourceful Scarlet o'Hara made a ball gown from her curtains. 聪明的斯卡利特·奥黑尔用她的窗帘做了一件舞会长服。 wenwen.soso.com 3. A mob then joins in the attack on Kasav, who has curled into a ball. Finally a senior police officer steps in to stop the attack. 一群暴民随后加入殴打已蜷成一团的Kasav,直到被一名高级警官制止。 www.bing.com 4. These extraordinary scenes followed, as the cheetahs played with the young impala the way a domestic cat might play with a ball of string. 于是就出现了这些戏剧性的场面。猎豹与小黑斑羚嬉戏的方式非常像家猫玩弄毛线团的样子。 www.bing.com 5. If you are knocked down, curl into a ball and protect your face with your arms and fists. 如果遇狗袭击摔倒,要蜷成一团,用手臂和拳头保护你的脸。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. We know that some part of light is directly in contact with that ground, it comes back, bounces, just like a ball falling from a height. 我们知道一部分光是直接照射到地面上的,他又返回来,反弹,就像一个球从高处落下一样。 bbs.cgtime.com.cn 7. I looked at her very cute toddler, who was busy chasing a ball on the floor, and felt a bit sad. 他们的小孩非常可爱,正在地上追着球玩,我看着他,不由觉得有点难过。 dongxi.net 8. A mass equal to many stars might end up in a ball no larger than a city. 一个相当于许多个星星加起来那么大的家伙,最终可能缩小成不比一个城市更大的球体。 www.bing.com 9. The new disc consists of two stainless steel pieces that articulate against each another with a ball and trough design. 这种新椎间盘由两块不锈钢组成,相互之间有关节通过一种球体和槽体的设计对抗。 news.dxy.cn 10. The Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky on a ball of fire! 龙武士从天而降坐在火球上, blog.sina.com.cn 1. Though one would have expected Haemon to go for Ismene, he inexplicably proposed to Antigone on the night of a ball. 虽然人们会预期Haemon去伊斯美妮,他莫名其妙地提议安提戈涅的那天晚上,一个球。 zhongguodaixie.com 2. e. g. The boy ran in, with a ball in his hands. 小男孩手里拿着球,跑了进来。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Ashley Cole was a promising forward in the Arsenal youth team, whilst Lauren had impressed for Mallorca as a ball-playing midfielder. 在阿森纳青年队中,阿什利科尔是一个有前途的前锋,同时劳伦在马洛卡打控球中场也让人印象深刻。 www.bing.com 4. Play by yourself. Go outside and run around, jump, slide, kick a ball around, pretend. Forget about who might be watching. 自娱自乐。走到户外,跑一跑,跳一跳,滑两步,或者假装你在踢球。别在意谁会在看你。 www.bing.com 5. I mean, hell, I may even be able to catch a ball if I tried. 我的意思是,即使是在奔跑中我都有可能抓住球,如果我愿意试的话。 www.bing.com 6. The rear of the bike is equipped with a ball joint so that it can move freely following the leaning of the front part. 后面的车配备了球窝接头,以便它能够自由流动的倾向后,前面的一部分。 www.tech-domain.com 7. Yoshida drew a deep breath and rolled himself up in a ball. 吉田做了一个深呼吸,全身团成球状。 bbs.tiexue.net 8. Their device consisted of a ball inside a cage that moved back and forth, in turn allowing the blood to flow inside or blocking it. 他们的装置含有一个在前后活动的笼子里的球体,交替让血液流入或者堵住血液流入。 www.24en.com 9. So a ball down, the relative velocity and gentle atmosphere, will cause the feelings of calm to return to a relatively comfortable state. 于是一场球下来,相对平缓的运动速度和运动氛围,都会使心情平复回归到一种相对舒服的状态。 www.xiami360.com 10. A. John is holding a ball in his hands. B. John has a ball in his hands. 约翰正用两手握住球。 www.xycai.com 1. The game, which debuted in the Olympic Games in 1988 at Seoul, began with cigar-box lids for rackets and a carved champagne cork for a ball. 1988年,乒乓球运动初登汉城奥运会。早先,人们用烟盒盖子当球拍,用香槟瓶塞当球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Slowly the dust and gas make a ball. The ball gets very hot . Then it starts to give off light . 慢慢地,大气和灰尘变成了一个球体,这个球体变得非常热,热到它发出耀眼的光芒。 wenwen.soso.com 3. In To the Lighthouse Woolf wrote: "So that is marriage, Lily thought, a man and a woman looking at a girl throwing a ball. " 在《到灯塔去》中,伍尔夫写道:“所以那就是婚姻,女人腔的男人的想法,一个男人和一个女人看着一个女孩扔一个球。” www.360doc.com 4. The children were looking for a ball. 孩子们在找一个球。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. But with his right he could strike a ball hard and with swerve like nobody else in his era. 但他的右脚却能够踢出势大力沉的旋转,当今无人能及。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In other applications, the term simply implies an ability to pass a ball or similar item of a stated drift diameter through the assembly. 在其它情形中,此术语简单地意指具有所述的通径的球或类似的物件通过组合件的能力。 www.infopetro.com.cn 7. I was intimidated by sports. And I found that I had absolutely no coordination once you threw a ball into the competition. 我曾被运动吓到过,一旦有人朝我投球,我的身体绝对会失去协调性。 www.bing.com 8. A ball is in casual water when it lies in or any part of it touches the casual water. 当球完全处于临时积水之内或任何部位接触临时积水时,则该球位于临时积水之中。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Using a flamingo as a mallet and a hedgehog as a ball , the game of croquet is pretty absurd in Wonderland . 用火烈鸟作球杆,用刺猬作球,仙境中的槌球戏显得如此荒谬。 www.bing.com 10. The west one is male, with its front right paw resting on a ball, symbolizing imperial power extended worldwide. 西面的一个是雄狮,它的前右抓下按着一个球,象征着皇帝的权利延伸到全世界。 www.beijingguide2008.com 1. Holding fifty-six dollars in a ball, I entered the bank. 把五十六块钱在手里捏成了一团,我走进了银行。 wenwen.soso.com 2. For the positrons, one can think of the end potential as a ramp and the particle as a ball rolling up the ramp. 对正子来说,两端的位能就像是斜坡,粒子就如同滚上斜坡的球。 www.showxiu.com 3. A mistletoe in England would be hanging in a doorway in the shape of a ball. 在英格兰圆球状的槲寄生通常会被悬挂在门口。 www.bing.com 4. Cook the rice and knead the rice into a ball, put it on your face and knead it until it is dirty. 将米蒸熟,揉成团状并在脸回揉搓,直至米团变脏。 www.ttxyy.com 5. But how can he be so at ease? I would feel ashamed every time I missed a ball when I was at his age. 可是他怎能如此高兴呢?我小时候,一旦没击中球,我就羞愧难当,觉得没脸见人,恨不得挖个地洞钻下去。 blog.tianya.cn 6. If you spot someone interesting, discreetly throw a ball close to him or her for your dog to fetch. 如果你发现了感兴趣的人,悄悄将球扔到他或她近旁,然后让你的狗狗去捡。 www.bing.com 7. In golfing slang, a ball half-buried in a sand bunker is called a "fried egg. " 在高尔夫球俚语中,一个半埋在沙堆中的球被称为“荷包蛋”。 www.elanso.com 8. At first, it was a ball with a solid rubber-like core. Later, other solid or liquid-filled cores were combined with a rubber cover. 在开始的时候,橡胶球是实芯的,后来就开始用其他固体或液体的物质代替作球芯,而用橡胶外壳。 www.zftrans.com 9. Various forms of a game involving the kicking about of a ball were played by the ancient Chinese, and by the Greeks and Romans. 古中国人、希腊人、古罗马人曾经参加过各种各样的体育活动,包括踢球。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A ball of fire seemed to fall out of the void, disappearing before it reached the earth. 一个火球似乎从天外飞降而来,在到达地面前悄然失踪了。 www.jukuu.com 1. Like most boys in Colleyville, he favored jeans, sneakers, T-shirt and a ball cap pulled down over his face. 和在Colleyville的其他孩子一样,他喜欢牛仔裤、运动鞋、T恤,喜欢低低地戴上棒球帽。 www.bing.com 2. There are two types of dougnut, one is ring like, the other is round like a ball with jam inside. 甜甜圈有两类,一类是圈形,另一类则是圆形似只球内里有果酱的。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Remember the day at noon, the weather is very hot, the sun is like a ball of fire like roast on the ground. 记得母亲节的那天中午,天气十分炎热,太阳像个大火球似的烤着大地。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The planet we live on is not just a ball of inert material. 我们所居住的星球不是一个惰性物质组成的球体。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The shells (phao) are made of cast iron, as large as a bowl and shaped like a ball. 炮弹(泡)是由铸铁,一个碗一样大,像一个球形状。 www.sorpack.com 6. I lost a bat and a ball. The bat was found, but the ball was gone. 我丢失了一个球拍和一个球。球拍是找到了,但是那个球却找不到。 www.bsbdm.com.cn 7. Since the start of the latest global financial crisis, Beijing has been having a ball gloating at the plight of the West. 自从最近这次全球金融危机爆发以来,对于西方的困境,中国政府一直有一种幸灾乐祸的心情。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. 狗狗猫猫们实际上睡觉的时候是可以卷成一个球状的。 besa.voora.net 9. On the living room carpet, there was a cute cat playing with a ball. 客厅的地毯上有一只可爱的小猫,正在玩球。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. If your toddler is throwing sand at a playmate, remove him from the sandbox and offer a ball instead. 如果你的孩子在操场上扔沙子,把他带离沙池并给他一个球玩。 www.bing.com 1. Fans and media used to focus on the wonderful things David would do with a ball. 过去球迷和媒体聚焦于大卫在球场上做出的伟大贡献。 f4.com.cn 2. I crumble the paper into a ball and toss it into the trash can next to my desk. 我把纸揉成一团抛投到我桌旁的垃圾桶里。 www.bing.com 3. Do not go beyond the Tee Line (Yellow Line) to drive a ball, collect the topped ball or off-hand club. 严禁走到发球线(黄线)外发球、拾取击出的球或脱手的球杆。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 4. The helicopter went down in a ball of fire. 直升机在一团火球中坠落。 www.ruiwen.com 5. A cud is a ball of grass, partly digested, brought back up to the mouth for chewing. 反刍的食物是一团消化不充分、被送回到嘴里咀嚼的草。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The animal protects itself by rolling up into a ball, with sharp hairs pointing outwards. 这动物蜷成一团。全身尖尖的毛刺竖起来保护自己。 www.hotdic.com 7. On the outside is a ring dominated by bright blue stars, while near the center lies a ball of much redder stars that are likely much older. 位于外侧的是一个圆环,主要由明亮的蓝色恒星组成,中心位置则是一个由颜色更红的恒星组成的球体,这些恒星的年龄像是更为古老。 www.bing.com 8. A ball boy holds an umbrella over Robby Ginepri as he sits between games in his match against Robin Soderling June 22. 一个球童持有超过罗比吉内普里伞之间的游戏,因为他坐在他对索德林6月22日的比赛。 www.cnrenwu.com 9. Preparation: Wash the sweet potatoes, slashing the skin, cutting into a ball. 准备工作:将白薯洗净削去皮,切削成球形。 wenku.baidu.com 10. When a golfer takes a swing at a ball, one degree of difference can determine whether he comes in under par, or sinks one in the lake. 当一个高尔夫球员击打球时,一度的差异可以决定这个球将会低于标准杆或者是将掉入湖中。 www.bing.com 1. Because the earth is like a ball, the sun can light only half of it. 因为地球像一个球,所以太阳只能照亮地球的一半。 wenku.baidu.com 2. If your child did complete a difficult task, reward him with a Sunday trip or a ball game with Dad. 如果你的孩子完成了一项艰巨的任务,作为奖励可以带他星期天去旅行或和爸爸进行一场球赛。 www.jukuu.com 3. You could give him a ticket to a ball game. 你可以给他一张球赛的票。 www.shulihua.net 4. Finally, a ball-point pen product configuration system based on this method is exemplified, and a satisfying result is obtained. 最后以圆珠笔产品的配置设计为例,对该方法进行了实例验证,取得了较为满意的结果。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. It curled up into a ball and shut the world out, and wrapped itself with it's lost dreams. 它蜷缩成一团,远离这世界,沉浸在它失去的梦想里。 www.bing.com 6. Tangled into a ball will only damage the eyelashes look, it makes men feel too unpleasant. 纠结成一团的睫毛只会破坏妆容效果,让男人觉得大煞风景。 www.xiami360.com 7. So as a ball slows down at the end of its trajectory, the curve becomes more pronounced. 所以当球运行到终点时,由于速度下降,将会划出更明显的曲线。 www.bing.com 8. The utility model relates to a T-shaped contraceptive device with a ball head and the placing mould. 球头T型节育器是一种新型医疗器械,专用模具是一种新型非金属材料成型工具。 ip.com 9. We would be willing to pay for the samples as requested if we could get a ball park number on the freight to ship. 如果你们能提供运费的大约数目给我们,我们愿意支付样品费。 www.jukuu.com 10. However, if everyday feels like slow torture and you just want to curl up into a ball and cry. . . that's not a good thing. 然而,如果每一天都感觉像是一种折磨,你只想躲起来哭,这就不是好兆头了。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. Such a ball of tension, the whole body of the anxious person seems tied. 总是这么的紧张,焦虑的人的整个身体好像是被绑在一起的。 www.fanzhai.net 2. Tim was so moved by what he saw he got to workdeveloping a ball with 'indestructible' - or non-deflatable -properties. 那部片子深深打动了提姆,于是他开始制作一种“玩不坏”或“不会瘪”的皮球。 www.bing.com 3. Mike: Nope, it doesn't. All they want is just a ball-park figure with the timeline. 没有,他们只要求我们给个大概的价格,还有时间表。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Swing too soon at a curve ball , and the batter will end up waving the bat at a ball diving down and away from you . 对于曲线球,如果挥击过早,击球员挥击结束后,球将俯冲下来并离您而去。 www.bing.com 5. But you balance the world on the tip of your nose-you're a Sealion with a ball, at the carnival. 但你平衡你的鼻子,你是个具有世界尖端海狮球,在狂欢节。 zh.songcoleta.info 6. Never crumple used rags into a ball even after washing use synthetic fibre cloths. 禁止把用过的抹布揉成团。即便是人工合成的纤维布料洗过也不行。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. It is a game played on turf in which two opposing teams of players, using curved sticks, try to drive a ball into the opponents' goal. 陆地曲棍球比赛是在草坪上举行的,由双方队员手持曲棍把球打入对方球门。 english.cri.cn 8. Did you see a four -year-old boy playing with a ball on the grass a moment ago ? 你刚刚有没有看到一个四岁的男孩在草地上玩球?。 www.bing.com 9. You could place objects that move around the environment or objects that can move if nudged by a robot (such as a ball). 我们可以添加在环境中四处移动的对象,或者机器人推动的对象(例如球)。 www.ibm.com 10. A golf club head comprises a ball head main body that is formed by moulding and a pole combining pipe fittings made of nonmetal. 一种高尔夫球杆头,包含浇铸成型的球头主体,以及非金属制的杆结合管件。 ip.com 1. If Sicily is a ball being kicked by the Italian boot, the island of Lampedusa is an earthworm buried deep in the soil beneath. 如果西西里岛是一个由意大利引导踢出的球,在兰佩杜萨岛是埋在土下深蚯蚓。 www.englishtang.com 2. Hey, I know. You could give him a ticket to a ball game. 啊,我知道了。你可以给他一张球赛的门票。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Cook the rice into a ball, put it on your face and knead it until it is dirty. 将米蒸熟,揉成团状并在脸上来回揉搓,直至米团变脏。 www.cet6w.com 4. Seize even a ball-point, though its line is mean and thin, and though teachers will tell you that nothing ruins writing faster. 你手里拿着的可能是一支圆珠笔,尽管写出的线条单薄纤细,而且老师会告诉你,没有什么比写字飞快更糟糕。 www.bing.com 5. When the monster popped out from the bean bags, I threw a ball at him! 当妖怪从豆包椅子堆里跳出来时,我向它砸了个球! www.cautism.com 6. Yellowknife Golf Course, there are many big crow, so the local rule is: a crow take away the ball, it can resort to a ball, no penalty shot. 这里的球场,有很多大乌鸦,所以本地规则是:球被乌鸦叼走,是可以再打一球,不罚杆的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. "Yes: I couldn't wait, " he answered smiling. After a moment he added: "Only I wish it hadn't had to be at a ball. " “是的,我不能再等待了,”他含笑回答。过了一会儿又补充说:“我只是希望不是在舞会上宣布。” novel.tingroom.com 8. Plan some play time. Go outside! MOVE! Move with her! Go kick a ball, throw a ball, run, play tag, anything! 可以做一些有趣的游戏,和你的孩子到户外活动,和他一起踢球,奔跑或捉迷藏! blog.sina.com.cn 9. A planet lighter than a ball of cork is one of the puffiest alien planets known to date. 根据数据已知,比一个软木塞球还轻的行星是最膨胀的外行星之一。 www.bing.com 10. The steady accumulation of small debts was a ball and chain to his progress. 不断累积的小债务妨碍了他的发展不断累积的小债务妨碍了他的发展。 www.kekenet.com 1. If _they_ were at home to grace the ball, a ball you would have this very Christmas. 要是她们俩能在家为舞会增色,你今年圣诞节就可以举行舞会。 novel.tingroom.com 2. Darius sent to Alexander's court an ambassador, who delivered to Alexander a bat, a ball, and a bag of very small seed. 大流士遣使到亚历山大殿上,送他一根球棒、一个球、一袋微小种子。 forum.bomoo.com 3. Gather this into a ball of golden light above your head and allow this to begin to fill you. 将这些收集起来成为一个金色的光球在你头顶上,允许它开始将你充盈。 cqly186.blog.163.com 4. These "spurs, " worn on airplanes, strapped over boot heels and were each attached to a ball connected to a cable beneath the plane seat. 这些“马刺”是在飞机上使用的,它可以捆住鞋后跟,系在与飞机座椅下方一根缆线相连的球上。 www.bing.com 5. Since some people believed the earth to be a ball, about the size of it, is that people desire to know the problem. 自从有人相信大地是个圆球,关于它的大小,便是人们渴望知道的问题了。 www.sa258.cn 6. Pele practiced in the streets with a "ball" made of rags. 贝利成名之前在大街上用烂布条做成的“足球”练习。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. If a ball, when not in play, falls off a tee or is knocked off a tee by the player in addressing it, it may be re-teed without penalty. 如果尚未成为使用中球的球从球座上掉落或球员对其做击球准备时将其碰落,球员可以重新架球而不受处罚。 www.chuncui.cn 8. Originated in ancient China as a ball game, "Cuju" , and later spread to Europe through Arabs, into the modern football. 最早起源于中国古代的一种球类游戏“蹴鞠”,后来经过阿拉伯人传到欧洲,发展成现代足球。 wenwen.soso.com 9. As two boys were passing the vicarage, the vicar leaned over the wall and showed them a ball. 当两个小男孩走过一位教区牧师的住宅时,牧师从墙内探出身来,拿出一个球,给他们看。 www.dearedu.com 10. This required Vanity to crouch into a ball so that I could lean across her. 瓦妮特必须倦缩成一团,让我能靠向她。 www.51testing.com |
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