单词 | a back | ||
释义 | a back
例句释义: 在后的 1. And then I got this email. And there's a little bit of a back story to this. And I don't have much time . 然后我收到了这封邮件,这背后稍微有一段故事,但我没时间讲了。 www.bing.com 2. A: Back in the 'dress for success' 1980s, the interview suit -- dark and serious year round -- was a woman's trusty piece of armor. 答:在上世纪80年代“穿着得体”的风潮中,一年到头都是深色、严肃庄重的面试装就像女性可以信赖的一件盔甲。 c.wsj.com 3. Mrs. Bermudez's offices consisted of what formerly had been a back chamber and a hall bedroom, marked "Private. " 伯缪台兹的办公室由原来的一间后房间和一间直通过道的卧室组成,标有“闲人莫入。” www.bing.com 4. And if you look really carefully , it's going to be right around this point you'll actually see a back -flush . 如果大家很仔细得看,大概就在这个时候,就会看到反向逆流。 www.bing.com 5. The SocGen team appeared to have dressed either for an outward-bound course or a company disco; its slidebook could fit into a back pocket. 而法兴团队的衣着看上去更像是去出海旅行或是参加公司聚会的。其图册能轻松放进后兜。 www.ecocn.org 6. The form manipulates such an instance document and provides for the submission of that XML to a back-end system. 表单将处理这类实例文档,并且将该XML的提交传递给后端系统。 www.ibm.com 7. If the Shanghai Stock Exchange is a bit of a casino, then the new junior board looks like it will be a back-alley cockfight. 如果说上海证交所有点像赌场,那么这个新的创业板市场看来将会变成“窄巷中的斗鸡”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It is typically used to steal passwords and other data, or to open a "back door" to a computer so that it can be taken over by outsiders. 它通常被用来窃取密码和其他数据,或打开计算机“后门”以便入侵者控制。 www.ecocn.org 9. A back-formation is one of those words invented because they seem to have been at the root of a different word. 逆成词之形成,是因为他们似乎是另一个词的词根。 www.ecocn.org 10. the CMS is nothing but a back end system where changes are made, and these changes reflect on the front end of the site. CMS仅仅是一个后端系统,在那里可以做出改变,这些改变在网站的前端表现出来。 www.bing.com 1. Agger had been a doubt ahead of the Lyon game with a back injury. 阿格赛前背伤一直成为是否出战里昂的焦点。 engbbs.fans1.com 2. Kelly, who missed almost two years of his development due to a back problem, can play across the back four. 因为背伤,凯利几乎错过了两年的比赛。他能踢后防线上全部四个位置。 www.ept-team.com 3. His reason was that the school a back door and the badge was so small he might easily lose it so it was better to have a few to spare. 他的理由是学校还有个侧门,也得张一面旗,而徽章这东西太小巧,恐怕偶尔遗失了,不如多备几个在那里。 www.jukuu.com 4. Mao might have been a monster, but he was a monster with a back pocket, and Deng was always there. 毛可能是个怪兽,但是他是个有后袋的怪兽,邓小平在那里面。 www.bing.com 5. They often call it out as if it is both an alert to others and a back-handed greeting to us. 他们大声叫唤,好像一方面是在提醒别的同伴注意,一方面算是间接的问候语。 sfs.cumt.edu.cn 6. "Eve, " he repeated, trying it out on his tongue. He told the manager he was taking a break and pulled her into a back room. “伊芙,”他念出了声。他和管理人员说需要休息一下,之后便拉着她进了里屋。 remarks.yo2.cn 7. The grid normally consists of a back: plate (clamp plate) on to which is mounted a number of conveniently shaped 'support blocks'. 这个格架通常由底板(压板)组成,上面安装了几块形状适宜的支撑块。 eschool.sues.edu.cn 8. I was in love with my girlfriend until I found out that she told all her friends that I were stupid, she's such a back-stabber. 我很爱我的女朋友,直到我觉察她告诉她所有的朋友我很蠢,她真是一个暗箭伤人的人。 bbs.enfamily.cn 9. And you, son of man, take a back and put it before you and on it make a picture of a town, even Jerusalem. 人子阿、你要拿一块砖、摆在你面前、将一座耶路撒冷城、画在其上。 www.o-bible.com 10. The needle handle or needle end of the needle is provided with an air filtering apparatus and a back flowing preventing apparatus. 该针的针柄或针尾设有空气过滤装置和防反流装置。 ip.com 1. A back-end server is a server that hosts at least one database to which front-end servers connect when relaying requests from clients. 后端服务器是至少驻留一个数据库的服务器,前端服务器中继来自客户端的请求时将连接此服务器。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The session had been a back-and-forth one, with traders weighing new signs of global recession against promising signals for the U. 周一股市一直上下拉锯,交易员在全球衰退的最新迹象和美国金融业及房地产市场出现的良好信号之间进行权衡。 bbs.enfamily.cn 3. In a back bedroom, police found the body of his wife, Ana, and their two-year-old twin boys. 在后面的一间卧室里,警察找到了他妻子安娜和他们两岁的双胞胎儿子的尸体。 www.bing.com 4. The connection between the WebSEAL server and a back-end Web application server is referred to as a WebSEAL junction. WebSEAL服务器和后端Web应用服务器之间的连接被称为是一个WebSEAL联结。 www.ibm.com 5. It is just as easy to receive a back injury in the office as it is in the warehouse. 在办公室和在仓库一样,也可使得背部受伤。 www.hgbbs.net 6. and a back conductor disposed in parallel with the plate conductor from an end of the side conductor toward the slit. 以及背面导体,所述背面导体从侧面导体的端部朝着狭缝与板状导体平行设置。 ip.com 7. The leasing system comprises a management center used for the uniform control of all parts of the leasing system from a back stage. 所述租赁系统包括管理中心,用以在后台对所述租赁系统的各部分统一控制; ip.com 8. Police shut down a local highway for a few hours out of concern the suspect had escaped through a back door. 警方一度担心嫌犯已经从后门逃走,因此将当地一条公路封闭了几个小时。 cn.reuters.com 9. China has so far taken a back seat in the WTO, insisting it had its hands full meeting its accession commitments. 中国迄今一直在世贸组织里居于次要地位,坚称自己正忙于兑现入世承诺。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Create a copy of your settings as a back or to import on another computer. 为您的设定建立复本,做为备份或汇入其他电脑中。 technet.microsoft.com 1. The only reason they beat us at their house was because we were on a back to back and stadoumire had 20 free throws and made them all. 他们在主场打败我们唯一的理由,是因为我们是背靠背的比赛,还有小斯有20次的罚球都进了。 www.bing.com 2. That's one of its meanings. A wide seat, without a back, that can fit more than one person at a time. 这只是它的一种意思。公园里随处可见的那种,长长的,没有靠背的椅子,几个人可以同时坐在上面。 big5.chinabroadcast.cn 3. Mr Shao says party committees in Wenzhou have monthly study sessions but that politics tends to take a back seat to business. 邵德鹏表示,温州的党委会每月都会有集体学习会议,但政治内容倾向于退居业务之后。 www.ftchinese.com 4. XFA works as a front-end application to submit data to a back-end server; it also can be used for printing purposes. XFA被用作将数据提交到后台服务器中的前端应用程序;它还可用于打印目的。 www.ibm.com 5. Eg. Hamlet would not listen to her, but gave him a back talk. 哈姆雷特不听她的话,反而顶嘴。 www.hxen.com 6. The architecture of a common Web search engine contains a front-end process and a back-end process, as shown in Figure 1. 通常一个Web搜索引擎的架构分为前端和后端两部分,就像图一中所示。 www.ibm.com 7. "Yes, yes, absolutely, " he said, before disappearing through a back door. 他在顺后门溜走前简单答道“是的,是的。” dooo.cc 8. Rather, migration agents found that the system allowed these courses to be a back door to gaining Australian residency. 而是移民中介发现系统有个后门,人们能通过参加这些课程就获得澳洲永久居留权利。 www.bing.com 9. This also means having a back up plan, in case one of you is sick, you get a flat tire and have no tube, etc. 这也意味着需要一个后备计划,以防你们中的一个不舒服,你的车胎漏气却没有备胎,等等类似的事情。 www.bing.com 10. The magazine is a back number. You can take it out of the reading-room. 这本杂志过期了。你可以把它带出阅读室。 www.english88.com.cn 1. The stool she sat on was without a back or foot-rest, and she began to feel uncomfortable. 她坐的凳子既没有椅背也没有踏脚,她开始感到很不舒服。 www.bing.com 2. Whether it was a receiver running the wrong route, a lineman missing a block or a back fumbling the ball, Brett never singled anyone out. 不管是接球员跑错路线,还是某个线锋疏于保护四分卫,或者后卫漏接球,布莱特从不会把矛头指向特定球员。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The forward was playing in a bid to improve his fitness having been out for nearly two months with a back problem. 这位前锋正在努力从背伤中康复出来。他因伤已经缺席了两个月的比赛。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. With so much money to push out the door, risk management will almost inevitably take a back seat. 要提供如此庞大的资金,风险管理几乎不可避免地要往后站。 www.bing.com 5. "Hedge funds used to be set up by two guys in a back alley with a flashlight, " says one veteran. 一名老手这么说:“过去,两个家伙在穷街陋巷里,拿个手电筒,就可以设立对冲基金。” www.ecocn.org 6. The left edge of the screen is used as a back button, it is usually used to return to the previous application. 屏幕左侧边缘成了后退按钮,一般用于返回上一个应用程序。 www.infoq.com 7. Moments later, he pulled up to a two-story house along a back street in a leafy neighborhood. 过了一会儿,一个树木掩映的街区,他在一条小道旁的一座两层楼前停下了车。 chinese.wsj.com 8. A back carrying type electric seeding machine capable of being mounted on a tractor is especially suitable for being used in a large field. 一种能悬挂在拖拉机上的背负式电动播撒机,特别适合在大田中使用。 ip.com 9. The form manipulates the instance documents and provides for the submission of that XML to a back-end system. 表单操纵实例文档并将XML提交到后端系统。 www.ibm.com 10. This poker room was much like the other one, only it was a back room in a better drinking resort. 这家赌场和那一家差不多,只是它设在一家高级一些的酒店的密室里。 www.bing.com 1. First day of the draft broadcasting are more, so I picked paragraphs on the Internet as a back reference, then I wrote a few himself. 第一天的广播稿比较多,所以我就在网上摘了几段做为后面的参考,之后我又自己写了几篇。 www.tradeask.com 2. Suppose there was no such thing as a "private" diplomatic meeting or a back channel discussion. 假设世上就没有隐秘外交会议或者秘密外叫讨论之类的东西。 www.bing.com 3. Woods took a back, and quickly return the body, reduction in the side. 呜兹被吓了一跳,赶紧退回身子,缩在一边。 blog.tianya.cn 4. Most experts believe that the odds of a such a back door slipping in are nil. 大多数专家都认为遗漏后门这样的几率为零。 www.kuenglish.info 5. Eg. I didn't mean to give you a back talk, I merely meant to say that you had been misinformed. 我并不想跟你顶嘴,我只是想说你听到的话是搞错了。 www.hxen.com 6. I understand, though, that a "precautionary" fund could still be set up to help Ireland's state finances as a back up. 然而,在我看来,“预防性”的资助在必要时仍然要被用来帮助爱尔兰的国家融资问题。 www.bing.com 7. Later Greek was written in a back and forth style: A line written right to left was followed by a line written left to right. 后来书写方式改为从后向前:即一行先从右向左,接下的一行从左往右写。 www.ycxyz.com 8. Evaluation phase of the project: through a variety of assessments, ultimately selected as a supplier, as a back-up suppliers. 项目评标阶段:通过各种评估,最终选定一家作为供应商,一家作为备用供应商。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. moreover , the basic outline of a back - propagation algorithm runs like this. 关于反向传播算法的基本情况大致如此。 www.ichacha.net 10. She may appear to have taken a back seat, but Victoria is still at the forefront of the "Posh and Becks " project. 维多利亚看来似乎已经退居次位,但她仍处于“时髦辣妹与贝克”计划的前列。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Critics yesterday claimed it was a 'back door' attempt to force people to make an instant decision over organ donation. 昨天的评论称这是试图通过不正当手段强迫人们去做一个关于器官捐赠的即时抉择。 dongxi.net 2. Yet you turned a back- somersault in at the door-- Pray, what is the reason of that? 可是你一个前空翻翻进门来,这是怎么搞的?请你讲讲。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Zhengtai Rubber Factory support national sports, it had a "back force" basketball team. 正泰橡胶厂大力支持民族体育事业,它曾经建立“迴力”篮球队。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 4. Each subexpression is identified by number, and is referred to as a back reference. 每个子表达式都由一个编号来标识,并称作反向引用。 technet.microsoft.com 5. A back-to-back experimental result is given for a 4-channel system, based on which, a down conversion process for heterodyne can be reduced. 针对4通道接收,我们给出了背靠背实验方案,并且基于此方法,省去了外差系统所需的下变频过程。 dx.doi.org 6. I heard a rumor that you cut a deal with the US Government to put a back door in PGP in order to not be prosecuted for publishing PGP . 我听说你和政府做了一笔交易,你在PGP中添加一个后门,政府对你公布PGP的事情不予追究。 www.bing.com 7. At the bottom of the split pane there is a back button provided to go back to the search product type page. 在分隔面板的底部,有一个back按钮以便回到搜索产品类型页。 www.infoq.com 8. Once elections were won, the issues that fired up the base almost always took a back seat to the economic concerns of the elite. 一旦选举胜利,激起并构成基础的议题几乎从被精英们对经济的关注而束之高阁。 blog.163.com 9. At the beginning, he appeared in various TV dramas and performed as a back dancer for groups like SMAP along with other Johnny's Juniors . 最开始,光一在很多的电视剧中露面,并且和杰尼斯事务所其他新人一起做像SMAP这样的组合的替补舞蹈演员。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. They will provide you with some sort of accommodation, a penthouse apartment or maybe a back yard to pitch your tent in. 他们将提供你以,顶楼房屋公寓或一个后院可能投你的帐篷。 www.xici.net 1. Fuguo then made a phone call and soon we were being ushered past a goat into a back alley decorated with colourful paper flowers. 富国接着打了个电话,很快我们被领着经过一只山羊,进入一条装饰着鲜艳纸花的后巷。 www.bing.com 2. One of the items I could never be without was a watch. I had a back-up watch in my drawer in case the one I was wearing stopped working. 手表,是我必不可少的饰物,抽屉里永远有一只备有,万一在用的坏了时,它可以做为“替补”上场。 www.bing.com 3. In an interview with Nature Medicine, 25 HIV researchers call instead for a "back-to-basics" approach to unravel the biology of the virus. 在《自然·医学》的一篇访谈中,25位艾滋病研究人员呼吁转而采取“回到基本问题”的方式,去弄清这种病毒的生物学性质。 www.scidev.net 4. SongSmith lets you simply sing into your computer's microphone to hear what it would sound like if you had a back-up band. 您可以简单通过您计算机的麦克风,然后听到的声音,就像是你有了一个备份带一样。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. It's a shame, but climate altruism must take a back seat to the task of getting such a system in place. 虽然这有点遗憾,不过利他主义必须让位于这样一个机制。 www.bing.com 6. After dinner that evening, Dasey hopped into bed beside me for a cuddle and a back rub. 那天晚饭后,德茜钻进被窝挨着我抱住我,抚摩着我的后背。 www.bing.com 7. Two of the early design problems were a drive that required a back out into traffic to exit the site and lack of guest parking. 早期设计的两个问题是,一,需要到交通一退出退出站点和停车设施缺乏驱动器。 www.cfli.cn 8. The connecting pole can be a screw connecting with the drill body and can also be a back extending section of the drill body. 所述连接柱可以是螺纹连接于钻体也可是钻体向后延伸的一段。 ip.com 9. Finally, all sub programs will be integrated into a back light plate of the display that could offer polarization light. 最后将与其他子计画之结果整合成一个能提供偏极光源之显示器之背光模组。 www.etop.org.tw 10. Sangstrom followed him around the counter and through the doorway to a back room ringed by shelves of bottles from floor to ceiling. 桑斯特罗姆跟着他绕过柜台,穿过门,来到后面一间房里,房里从地板到天花板到处都是摆满瓶子的架子。 www.zftrans.com 1. Vehicles or equipment with an obstructed view to the rear shall be equipped with a back up alarm. 车辆或阻碍观察后面的设备应配备报警。 bbs.anquan.com.cn 2. After a back operation in 2000, the doctor recommended that I exercise regularly in the morning as a form of rehabilitation. 在2000年我做手术之后,医生推荐为康复我应该每天早上锻炼。 lang-8.com 3. The US airlines industry has been forced to take a back seat with the technology so far failing to receive regulatory approval. 由于该技术迄今尚未获得监管方面的批准,美国航空业一直被迫按兵不动。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The furnace can alternatively be supplied with a back exhaust when waste gas contact on charge material must be avoided. 当必须避免废气与装料接触时,这种炉子需更换一个后式烟囱。 www.jukuu.com 5. My Trail Blazers had two days rest, and the Lakers were coming off of a back-to-back and were missing their head coach, Phil Jackson. 步行者在这场比赛前已经休息两天,以逸待劳;而湖人队则是背靠背比赛,且失去了总教练禅师。 www.kobechina.com.cn 6. The Arsenal forward has barely featured this term thanks to a back injury, knee ligament damage and then a tweak to his hamstring. 沃尔科特相信安菲尔德将是他本赛季一个完美的开始。这位阿森纳前锋本赛季出场很少,因为背部受伤,膝盖韧带撕裂,然后跟腱拉伤。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. A back to basics approach means that internal auditors can no longer leave out the key financial component of the audit plan. 回到最基础部分的方法意味着内审师不再会遗漏掉审计计划中的关键财务组成部分。 club.esnai.com 8. I have no arm and no hands. But I have four legs and a back . I can stand, but I can't walk. 我没有手臂,没有手。但是我有四条腿和一个背。我会站,但是我不会走路。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. After forty years in the business, it's time for me to take a back seat and let someone younger take over. 在商海中拼杀了40年,现在我该退居二线,让年轻人来接班了。 www.kekenet.com 10. The wobble is primarily a back and forth motion for the globe, but takes the form of a Figure 8, well documented since 2003. 而地球的摆动主要是地球来回运动造成的,但是采取的是这种形式Figure8,自从2003年就被记录了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. We had told the seven parties when they put forward the House restoration issue that this will provide the king and monarchy a back door. 当七党提出恢复议会时,我们告诉他们那将为国王和君主制开后门。 www.maoflag.net 2. The keeper has handled a back pass from a team-mate: no one else touched it before he picked it up. 因为守门员接球前没有任何其他人碰过皮球,所以守门员直接用手直接接了队友的回传球。 www.bing.com 3. Mr Ford began a "back-to-basics" campaign to return the carmaker to its roots as a mass producer. Ford总裁开始了一场“市场回归”运动,以求将公司再次带回量产车的根源上来。 www.ecocn.org 4. Let each pair is the name of passion lovers eagerly wishes to use it, if you want to amuse themselves to the other half happy, buy a back. 让一对对正在热恋中的情侣迫切地想拥用它,如果你想逗自己的另一半开心的话,就买一对回去。 maotianxia.anyp.com 5. Rather than a collapsible tree of configuration categories, each category had a "Back" icon to move up a level. 每一个类别都有一个移动到上一级的“Back”图标,而不是使用配置类别的一个可折叠树。 www.ibm.com 6. mounted on an off road vehicle, tripod or even a back pack allowing surveys can be undertaken in the most remote and inaccessible areas. 装在一个越野车,三脚架,甚至背包,让调查能够在最偏远的地方。 www.jukuu.com 7. Indeed, it is hard to see Mr Sarkozy taking a back seat after he hands the EU presidency to the Czechs. 事实上,移交欧盟轮值主席国至捷克后,很难会发现萨科齐将甘居后席。 www.ecocn.org 8. Inhale stretch the arms up and enter a back bend if your back is healthy. This pose is called crescent Moon Anjaneyasana. 吸气,双臂向上伸展。如果背部健康可以后弯。这个体式叫做新月冲刺式。 www.bing.com 9. A public defender representing Mr. Holmes left the courtroom through a back door and wasn't available to comment. 审讯结束后,代表霍姆斯的公设辩护律师从后门离开法庭。联系不到这位律师置评。 www.bing.com 10. Spurs boss Harry Redknapp is hoping rest, and a visit to a back specialist, will sort out Bale's problem. 热刺主教练哈里希望休息,求医背部专家,可以解决好贝尔的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Remember houllier playing newell on the right, bout as much use as a back pocket in a vest. 记得霍利尔当时让科威尔踢右边吗,效果就像背心后面的口袋那么浪费。 hi.baidu.com 2. The opposition Party (Labour) dismisses the Charter as a "back of the envelope" policy, hurriedly put together without due consideration. 反对党(工党)则斥之为一个未经充分考虑,匆匆忙忙地凑合起来的涂在信封背面上的政策。 www.jukuu.com 3. First, he patched the login command to contain a back door that would let him log into any UNIX system with a certain password. 首先,他为login命令打上补丁,使其包含一个后门,这样使他可以使用一个特定的密码登录进入任何UNIX系统。 www-128.ibm.com 4. The second day of the declaration and zhu xing put out, the lingyange bought a back to see. 第二日朱惺公的宣言登了出来,凌烟买了一份回去看。 tv.360mp3.com 5. Support standard navigation, including a Back feature, search, clickable headlines, and a homepage for most apps. 支持一些标准导航。比如后退,搜索,可点击头条,以及一些程序的主页。 www.bing.com 6. When I say blogging has taken a back-seat, that just means that I'm not guest posting or doing anything other than writing my own posts. 虽然我刚刚讲博客被置之一边了,但那只是意味着我不再作为过客发帖了或者不做任何同写自己的博客无关的事。 www.bing.com 7. You will need to have good hiking boots, a day pack, raincoat, lunch, water, personal first aid kit and a back up torch. 你需要有一双良好的登山鞋、背包、雨衣、午餐,水、急救箱和备用电筒(估计要防水的)。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It costs $100 just to get a back row seat to see a Chicago Bulls game. 它售价为100美元只是为了获得一个后排座位看芝加哥公牛的比赛。 www.jh-led.com 9. Join a polar bear club or sing along with a busker in the streets and see what happens. Be a back up dancer at a karaoke bar. 身着工作装淋雨回家,加入北极熊俱乐部,与街头艺人共同高歌,或在卡拉OK厅当伴舞。 www.bing.com 10. Until she gets over her foot injury, she'll have to take a back seat and let her replacement lead the team. 在她脚伤恢复之前,她只能屈居人后,让替补领队。 www.17he.com 1. The CLP includes both a front-end process (representing the user interface) and a back-end process to maintain a database connection. CLP包括前端进程(表示用户界面)和后端进程,可以用它们来维护数据库连接。 www.ibm.com 2. The background information or history behind the story, video or news report you are viewing is known as a back-story . 故事的背景信息或来历、你看的影像或新闻报道被称为幕后故事。 www.elanso.com 3. The back-off device comprises a state detection module and a back-off module. 退避装置包括:状态检测模块和退避模块。 ip.com 4. Raise to jack up her powder hip, let her sit on the depending of sofa a back up. Gao Da Dun's body presses in her legs-of. Tired. 抬手抬高她的粉臀,让她坐在沙发的靠背上。高大的身子挤进她双腿-之间。累。 www.bazx.net.cn 5. The hunter pads into a back room, pops open a freezer and reveals the goods: four gnarled, frozen paws. 卖家蹑手蹑脚地进入一间里屋,打开一个冰箱,拿出了我们的货:四只粗糙的冰冻熊掌。 www.bing.com 6. We pay by all, youth had deserted, but found that just a back mistakes. 我们付出了全部,青春早已荒芜,回头却发现只是一个错误。 www.haoqq.net 7. That will make the double-overtime defeat on the second night of a back-to-back in the thin air of the Rockies more difficult to digest. 在这个背靠背的第二个夜晚,在落基山稀薄的空气中,两次加时后的落败让人难以接受。 en4ch.blog.tianya.cn 8. The lighting setup for this piece consisted of a main, specular and a back light (Fig. 06). 这个场景中的照明分为主光源,反射光源和一个背光。 299.com.cn 9. Said insulting body has a front space for receiving a coupling connector and a back space for installing the line fixing board. 绝缘本体前部设有收容耦合连接器的收容空间,后部设有安装固线板的固线板部。 ip.com 10. It could contribute to the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) directly or by providing it with a back-stop on request. 它可以选择直接为欧洲财政稳定机构(EFSF)注资,也可以根据她的请求提供帮助。 bbs.m4.cn 1. A back-of-the-envelope calculation shows how painful those extra costs might be. 一份粗略的计算显示了这些额外的成本会多么令人头疼。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Rescuers said they would resume drilling a separate shaft as a back-up plan in case of problems with the first one. 救援人员称,作为备用他们将会重新开钻另一口竖井,以防第一口竖井出现问题。 www.bing.com 3. a back and forward motion of a sliding lever ejects the empty shell case and cocks the firearm and loads a new round. 来回运动的滑行杠杆喷射出空壳翘起火器进行新的一轮。 dict.wenguo.com 4. Keepers - Lenny Pidgeley is with Woking for the moment and there is a back-up plan for when he leaves. 门将--伦尼-皮德盖里这段工夫会在沃金,他走了以后也会有备选计划。 www.bjhrsd.com 5. He leads the American to a back delivery alley to a gate, which he opens. 他带着这美国人,穿过一个躲在后面的送货小巷,到一个大门,然后他打开了门。 www.bing.com 6. The 24-year-old has had an injury-ravaged season and has played just twice in 2009 with a back injury the latest problem to hold him back. 本赛季24岁的丹麦后卫伤病缠身,2009年只上阵两场比赛就因为背伤而不得不离开赛场。 www.ept-team.com 7. The robot is made up of a main frame and a back box, they are long cubes made up of parallel aluminum section material. 机器人主体由主框架和后箱体两部分组成,它们都是由平行的铝型材构成的长立方体。 ip.com 8. Also functions as a spot up shooter and a back to the basket scorer in the post. 同时是一个定点射手和低位背筐得分手。 bbs.hoopchina.com 9. New York won the game the hard way after scheduled starting pitcher, Phil Hughes, was pulled due to a back problem. 纽约队费了一番苦劲才赢得这场比赛,因为原定的先发投手菲尔休斯因为背伤问题而退赛。 www.ctcvn.org 10. This includes moving processed files to an archive directory and moving partially processed files to a back-out directory. 这包括将处理的文件移动到存档目录,并将部分处理的文件移动到撤销目录。 www.ibm.com 1. The Urban Space Station has so far taken a back seat to another urban farming concept: the vertical farm. 目前,城镇空间站与另一种城镇农业理念相比,尚有一段差距,那就是垂直农场。 www.bing.com 2. Beijing has taken a back seat in much of the negotiations so far , despite urgings from the US to take a leading role . 至此为止,在谈判中大多数时间中,尽管美国强烈要求中国发挥带头作用,中国都在让别的国家采取主动。 www.bing.com 3. How far do other, similar relationships between military establishments provide a back-channel when conventional diplomacy is not enough? 当传统外交乏力,军方当局之间类似的关系在提供一个后备通道方面,能走多远? www.ecocn.org 4. The protesters have been seeking the resignation of Mr Abhisit, who they claim rose to power illegitimately through a back-room deal. 示威者一直在要求阿披实辞职,他们声称,阿披实通过幕后交易非法攫取了权力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. If you want to teach your kids at home, your ambitions and aspirations will have to take a back seat. 如果你想在家教孩子,你的雄心和志向就会退到次要地位。 blog.tianya.cn 6. Next, clamp this board flat on your worktable and use a back saw to cut along the waste side of the shoulder line (Photo 9). 接下来,将木料平方在工作台上并夹紧,用夹背锯沿肩线外侧切割(不能伤到榫肩)(如果图9)。 www.360doc.com 7. A high tech bomb disposal robot that fits into a back pack has been unveiled by the Ministry of Defence today. 英国国防部近日公布了一台可以装进背包里的高科技拆弹机器人。 www.bing.com 8. I'm a guy with a strong stomach, but this time it did a back flip. 我是个处事不惊的人,可这次心里还是格登一下。 www.douban.com 9. Answer: Usually, the portal stores the preferences into a back-end system. 答:门户通常将首选项存储在后端系统中。 www.ibm.com 10. The cloud computing model is comprised of a front end and a back end. 云计算模型由前端和后端组成。 www.ibm.com 1. They lurk in every pantry: cans of beans bought long ago for a forgotten meal, now dusty and unloved on a back shelf. 它们就躲在任何一个食品柜里:大豆罐头是很久以前为了某个菜买的,现在积着灰尘,不讨人喜欢的呆在架子后排。 www.bing.com 2. A back-office process causes the customer's new address to be applied only to the customer relationship management (CRM) system. 后台办公流程会导致客户的新地址仅应用到客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement,CRM)系统。 www.ibm.com 3. After four years it was discovered that Microsoft programmers had inserted a back door in their popular FrontPage Web server software. 经过四年之后,人们才发现Microsoft程序员在他们流行的FrontPageWeb服务器软件中安插了一个后门。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Plus there's no need to hide it in a back room, where it would be less effective. 另外,不需要把它藏在后屋,在那里过滤效果会减弱。 www.bing.com 5. Whether a back-end repository user corresponds to a CM user depends on business requirements. 一个后端库用户是否与一个CM用户相对应,这取决于业务需求。 www.ibm.com 6. Rio Ferdinand is not far away from a comeback either after spending three months on the sidelines nursing a back complaint. 费迪南德离复出也不远了,他已经因为背伤休战3个月。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 7. Islamists in both Tunisia and Egypt may soon emerge as leading political actors. So far, however, they have taken a back seat. 在突尼斯和埃及两国,伊斯兰主义者或许很快便将以政治领军者身份出场,然而迄今为止,他们仍然居于幕后。 www.ecocn.org 8. Later we added two more modules, an image generator written in C, and a back-office manager written mostly in Perl. 后来增加了两个模块:C写的图片生成器以及Perl写的结算工具。 www.bing.com 9. You have to make edges of it, make them like rip and flow together with a back ground. 你必须利用它的边缘,使他们像撕裂一回地面流动起来。 www.bing.com 10. The fourth day morning, I just woke up, the mother cut grass of a back home. 第四天的早晨,我刚睡醒,母亲又割了一背草回家了。 www.bing.com 1. It should look professional and be able to have a back end where I can insert mock products and prices. 它应该看上去很专业,能有一个后端在那里我可以插入模拟产品和价格。 www.bing.com 2. I feel: lonely, are slowly disappearing, a back, a memory, it is uncertain sparkling smile, floating in a layer of tears inside. 我感觉到:寂寞正在慢慢消逝,成为往事,成为记忆,它闪耀不定的微笑,浮动在一层层的泪水里。 www.tradeask.com 3. A smart module (22) for connection to a portable telephone (20) has a module housing (34) with a back side and a front side. 一种用于连接到便携式电话(20)的智能模块(22)包括具有正面和反面的模块壳(34)。 ip.com 4. When a back and forth handle on the boring bar is rotated, the boring bar falls back and the pin can quickly dismount the knife. 当转动机床镗杆进退手柄使镗杆向后退时,销子就可快速的把刀具卸下。 ip.com 5. Officials told the broadcaster that entertainment should take a back seat to "values, responsibility and quality" . 官员们对湖南卫视表示,娱乐应当服从价值、责任和质量的要求。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A tourist wanders into a back-alley antique shop in San Francisco's Chinatown. 一个旅行者在旧金山唐人街的一个简陋的古董店里闲逛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. When sound waves enter the cochlea , which is really a coiled around. They set a membrane into a back forth motion and cause a new wave. 当声波进入耳蜗这条盘旋的管道,它令薄膜前后移动并且产生新的波动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Mr. Everett is a pioneer in standing desks, having gotten one seven years ago to help recover from a back injury. 埃弗里特算是站立办公的“先驱”了。早在七年前,为了有助于背部损伤的恢复,他就使用了立式办公桌。 cn.wsj.com 9. The conductive adhesion layer adheres to both a front surface of the passage unit and a back surface of the actuator unit. 导电粘性层粘附到通道单元的正面和促动器单元的背面上。 ip.com 10. It has low overhead and is good at proxying connections to a back-end service like mongrel. 它拥有较低的开销,擅长将连接代理到mongrel这样的后端服务。 www.ibm.com 1. A comfortable seat with raised arms and a back, that is wide enough for two or three people to sit on. 一个舒适的座位,有突起的扶手和靠背,宽足够供两至三人坐于其上。 btr.blogbus.com 2. Picture a bicycle with a two-wheeled carriage in place of a back tire. 描述把一辆自行车的后轮改成双轮的造型。 www.unsv.com 3. It's past dinnertime now, and I hear sounds of cooking in a back-room kitchen. 已经过了晚饭时间﹐我听到后面厨房传来烧饭做菜的声音。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But such unofficial meetings provide a back channel for discussions between North Korea and the US, which do not have diplomatic relations. 但这种非官方的会谈为未建立大使关系的朝美提供了一种隐蔽的谈判渠道。 www.bing.com 5. The teams played with a back four, with the exception of New Zealand, Algeria and Chile, who had three-man defences. 参赛队大多采用平行四后卫,例外的是新西兰、阿尔及利亚和智利,他们选择了三后卫。 txtant.com 6. Resistance created by the sound slows down the breathing rate and creates a back pressure that helps keep the airways open. 由声响导致的阻力降低了呼吸频率,产生一种反向压力使得气道通畅。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. but human activity had deprived the pandas of access tolower altitude species that would once have served as a back-up. 但是人类活动阻断了大熊猫到低海拔地区获取其他可能食物的通路。 www.ecocn.org 8. Jameson agrees and additionally calls for a "back to basics" auditing approach. Jameson同意增加“回到最基础部份”的审计方法。 club.esnai.com 9. From a back-end perspective, the V3 architecture tackled some of the hardest problems that can be created by a Web application. 从后端的角度来看,V3架构解决了Web应用程序可能出现的一些非常困难的问题。 www.ibm.com 10. Then I was taken to a back dark room for a provisional physical examination before I was finally let through. 然后把我带到后面的一个小黑屋里,又临时做了一番体检,之后才画押放行。 i.myechinese.com 1. I never leave the house without my book, and if I'm taking a train I'll usually have a back-up book in case I finish the first one. 我从来不会不带书出门,如果是搭火车的话,我一般会准备一本备份的,以防第一本读完。 www.bing.com 2. About party program content, scarcely can be a back sheet, extend somewhat even, understand integratedly. 关于党纲内容,一定不能是只背单条,还要有所拓展的,综合理解。 www.nwpu.net 3. This kind of musical participation gives a lot of African music a back-and-forth, public feeling to it. 这种音乐互动形式使得许多非洲音乐都蕴含着听众交互辉映的感情色彩。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 4. I used to trust Tom, then I found out he was a back stabber . 我曾经信任汤姆,后来才发现他是个给别人背后捅刀子的人。 www.showxiu.com 5. The upcoming big Apple TV will use iPhone's Siri 'personal assistant' as its main control method - and will use touch control as a back up. 未来的苹果电视将应用iPhone的Siri语音个人助理作为主要的遥控方式,并以触摸式遥控器作支持。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. An Ohio city councilman who prides himself on being a back-to-the-land type has a sticky problem. 俄亥俄州一名自诩是回归土地典范的市议员,有了黏答答的棘手问题。 suyage.com:8080 7. About outline content, scarcely can be a back sheet, extend somewhat even, understand integratedly. 关于大纲内容,一定不能是只背单条,还要有所拓展的,综合理解。 www.nwpu.net 8. Denilson's return from a back problem offers an immediate solution in midfield meanwhile Armand Traore should be back for Aston Villa. 德尼尔森背伤痊愈复出,给中场带来一个及时的解决方案,此外,特拉奥雷应该在对维拉比赛中复出。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. Surprisingly, the Mayan calendar also took a backseat and it was little more than a back story for most of the film. 令人惊讶的是玛雅日历在影片中也占据了一个地位,不过只不过作为一个是背景故事。 www.bing.com 10. Officers pulled the truck over Thursday because a back wheel was on fire, then recognized the driver from previous encounters. 周四,警官把一辆卡车拦到路边。卡车后轮起火。他们从以往相遇发现是“一位老相识”。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Let's consider a mediation flow without Registry that contains a static URL binding of a back-end service. 让我们考虑一个不带Registry的中介流,其中包含后端服务的静态URL绑定。 www.ibm.com 2. Senior army leaders reportedly told guests that the military supremo was readying to take a back seat. 据说军队高级领导人透露,丹瑞已经决定退居二线。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Alternate hitting on each wedge to advance them in a back and forth fashion. 轮流偶然想起每片楔子在一来回地流行中前进他们。 www.lieku8.com 4. can also repeated, or referred to by a back-reference. 标记子表达式可以被重复,或被后向引用所引用。 www.showxiu.com 5. The overhaul of its risk-control system didn't address the danger of a back-office employee finding a way to fake trades. 瑞银对其风险控制体系的全面检查未能防止后台员工找出伪造交易的办法。 www.fortunechina.com 6. If you immediately follow a back tick with a carriage return, it "escapes" that carriage return. 如果您立即按照以回车以反引号,它“转义”该回车。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Each D-series pump comes complete with a back to tank bypass valve and built-in strainer. 每个D系列的泵通过旁通阀和内置的过滤器完整地回到油箱中。 www.cpooo.com 8. The Cold War over and the Soviet Union gone, the opposition between socialism and capitalism was now a back number. 冷战结束、苏联崩溃、社会主义和资本主义的对立现在已经成为老古董。 www.bing.com 9. But when he makes a back and forth reference , his whole attitude changes . 如果他能瞻前顾后,他的整个态度就改变了。 www.bing.com 10. Amid the economic rubble, travelers have adopted a back-to-basics mentality, seeking quality at the right price. 在经济危机的泡沫中,旅行者已经返璞归真,在合适的价格基础上追求更好的品质。 www.bing.com 1. Change always comes so casually, quietly, a turn, a back, it is no longer like before. 变化总是来得那么的不经意,悄无声息,一个转身,一个回头,就不再是之前的样子。 www.dota123.com 2. The history recordation indicate that Chinese had invented paper and introduced into Europe , let Europens were taken a back, in 16 century. 历史记载表明,到16世纪时,中国人已经发明了纸,并且传入了欧洲,使欧洲人大感吃惊! bbs.kekenet.com 3. But organised crime, often hidden from public view, may well continue to take a back seat to more obvious nuisances . 但是时常被视为远离公众视线的有组织犯罪仍然可以高枕无忧,隔岸观火。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Would need a back office tab where employees can set the rma to a "received" , "accepted" , "denied" status. 需要一个后台选项卡,员工可以设置为军事变革的“收到”,“接受”,“否认”的地位。 www.bing.com 5. For more safety do not run away to a back alley or a dark secluded spot, run towards a brightly lit area where there are lots of people. 为更安全,不跑开了后巷或黑暗寻幽,冲向一个灯火通明的地方,有很多的人。 www.jukuu.com 6. Normally, on an off- day after a back-to-back, Jackson might've given the team a day off. 往常,在两场背靠背比赛之后,杰克森一般会给球队放一天假。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Jack flees out a back window, narrowly escaping the agents. 杰克从后窗仓促逃走,勉强地逃过了特工们的追捕。 www.bing.com 8. It consists of two parts, a front-end and a back-end component. 其包含两部分,一个前端组件及一个后端组件。 www.infoq.com 9. A "back to basics" campaign in securitisation may, in other words, also mean going back to old-fashioned, and much lower, bank profits. 换句话说,证券化“回归基本”的运动也许同样意味着回归老式的、更低的银行收益。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Along with the defeat, Juve also saw goalkeeper Gig Buffon forced from the field late on with a back injury . 祸不单行,在这场失利中尤文门将布丰也因为背部受伤被迫下场。 www.jukuu.com 1. I'm calling this sense of peace --- or forgiveness, if you will --- a back-door secret to wealth. 我将这种宁静的感觉——你也可以称之为“仁恕之心”——叫做财富的后门秘密。 haowen.net 2. Recycled, faux suede interior lining with a back wall zip pocket, cell phone and PDA pockets. 再生纸,人造麂皮与背墙的拉链口袋,手机袋和pda袋内衬。 www.freemerce.com 3. "It's not the rubbish you might get from someone in a back bedroom" said Mr Stanley. “它们可不是那些随便在床头捣鼓出来的粗制滥造物,”斯坦利先生说。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Never mind about him, he's a back number. 不要碰他,他是个顽固派。 www.exam8.com 5. Li Ming: Look! Their midfielder chipped a back pass over the goal line, fortunately our left back stopped his shot. 李明:他们的中场队员将球回传至球门线,好在我们的左后卫有效阻挡了他的射门。 www.our-sky.com 6. A rechargeable battery is arranged between a bicycle saddle and a back wheel. 自行车坐垫和后轮间设置一个可充电电池。 ip.com 7. A month ago someone told me about a major construction project on a back road I regularly traverse. 一个月前,有人告诉我,我经常穿越的一条土路上正在大兴土木。 www.bing.com 8. We want this done safely, and would like the provider to download a back up copy of the site so they can restore the site if need be. 我们希望这个工作安全,并希望提供下载了网站的副本备份,以便他们能够恢复的网站,如果需要的话。 www.bing.com 9. The utility model relates to a back-carrying fertilizer applicator, belonging to the field of agricultural machinery. 本实用新型涉及农业机械,指一种背携式施肥器。 ip.com 10. Crest, Colgate and other international brand-led market, domestic brands have to take a back seat. 佳洁士,高露洁和其他国际品牌主导的市场,国内品牌采取后座。 www.qiyeku.com 1. In a back-handed compliment, the Iranian authorities cracked down harder on journalists. 更为讽刺的是,伊朗官方对新闻记者采取了更加严厉的措施。 www.ecocn.org 2. On the television evening news, reporters mouthed the latest grim statistic against a back- drop of mean streets and smoking buildings. 晚间电视新闻上,记者站在破旧的街道和冒烟的房屋前面报导着令人心寒的最新统计数字。 www.dictall.com 3. Distance from the village of West-east to a back and forth, results dries faster than the driver a whole more than one hour. 距离西,东港村一个来回,结果干燥速度超过了一个多小时司机整个更多。 wenwen.soso.com 4. A back-heel assist and a wonder free-kick gave Inter a 2-0 win and left the continent's footballing press drooling. 一个老将协助和一个奇怪的任意球给国际米兰赢得了2-0和非洲的足球新闻流口水。 tieba.baidu.com 5. The assailants used nothing more than a ladder to climb over a back wall of the base. 袭击者不过是用了一架梯子从该基地后墙爬了进去。 www.ecocn.org 6. Do whatever it takes to provide a back channel for your super-secret network. 做你能做的为你的超级秘密网络去提供一个反向信道。 www.bing.com 7. Applying the premium Google paid for Motorola Mobility, a back of an envelope calculation values Nokia at around $30 billion. 按谷歌收购摩托罗拉移动的溢价粗略计算,诺基亚的价值在300亿美元左右。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The Nets will catch teams on the second night of a back-to-back, or when the opponent's best players are injured. 篮网会在背靠背的第二晚赢下比赛或者赢下最好的球员伤了的对手。 www.bing.com 9. I didn't buy the magazine last month; I must try to get hold of a back number so that I Can catch up on the articles I missed. 我没有购买上月的杂志。我必须设法搞到过期的杂志以便能及时补读没读过的文章。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Leverage restrictions should be a back-up regulatory tool, Mr Caruana says. 卡如纳表示,杠杆限制应该成为一种备用监管工具。 www.ftchinese.com 1. You'll see a grey bar at the top with a 'back' arrow. 你将会在顶部看到一个“黑色”箭头形状的灰标。 www.elanso.com 2. A back-up locomotive was running after the train. Nan-Chou Sugar Factory. 单机行驶尾随于列车之后的补机。南州糖厂。 citycat.theweb.tw 3. The so-dirty-it-must-be-authentic noodle shop hidden on a back street becomes a badge. 那个隐身街巷中的肮脏的面条店就成为了他们在中国的一种标记。 www.bing.com 4. Problem now is the JoomlaPack back up utility cannot do a back up since the site was restored via the host company. 现在的问题是JoomlaPack备份实用程序不能做一个备份,因为该网站是通过主机公司恢复。 www.bing.com 5. You will note that each chakra has a front and a back except the crown chakra, which only has one opening. 你会注意到,每一个脉轮有一个前门和一个回皇冠脉轮,除了只有一个开放。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. New data can be easily added to a back end data store utilizing the ZRM. 可以使用ZRM轻松地将新数据添加到后端数据库中。 www.ibm.com 7. The service provider parses the request message and determines that it has to invoke a back-end function that requires a 5 second timeout. 服务提供程序解析请求消息,确定必须调用需要5秒超时的后端函数。 www.ibm.com 8. We will show how a common Web services-based interface can help you integrate a back-end system into a J2EE environment. 我们将展示基于Web服务的公共接口如何帮助您把一个后端系统集成到J2EE环境中。 www.ibm.com 9. I finally get a back and see I was tired of the look of the tea sweat , I rose to fights , said : You sit seats on . 我好不容易挤了回去,红袖见我累了一脸的汗水,站起身给我擦汗,说:你坐到座位上去。 www.bing.com 10. Man, then, has an upper and a lower part, a front and a back part, a right and a left side. 那么,人类有上面和下面的部分,前面和背面的部分,右边和左边的部分。 blog.zikao365.com 1. Interior lining with a back wall zip pocket and elasticized slip pockets. 与后墙拉链口袋和弹力滑口袋的内衬。 www.freemerce.com 2. Some paintings show close-ups, an upper body, a back, or a face, sometimes looking at or away from the viewer, or in profile. 有的作品是特写:画一个上半身、一个背或一张脸(眼光有时看着观众,有时又远离观众),抑或是一个轮廓。 blog.artintern.net 3. Britain has taken a back seat in Basra as the troops focus on training and supporting the Iraqi security forces. 在巴士拉,驻伊英军影响力并不突出,他们主要负责训练和支持伊拉克安全部队。 www.bing.com 4. Although later you are still struggling to "live" back, but your heart has died of a back. 尽管后来的你还是挣扎着“活”了回来,可你的心却死过一回了。 enwaimao.cn 5. to only have the idea of travel is not enough, we must start our trip with a back pack immediately. 有旅行的想法是不够的,必须背上行囊立即出发。 laiba.tianya.cn 6. Executives from two firms attest that its representatives take a back seat at board meetings. 但两家公司的高管证实,这样一来,公司代表在董事会上的发言将几乎毫无分量。 www.bing.com 7. Muniannal worked in a back alley in Madras, sorting through used syringes with lightning speed to separate the needles from the plastic. 在印度马德拉斯市的一条偏僻小巷做工,她每天的工作就是整理用过的注射器,她需要以闪电般的速度将针头与塑料针管分开。 www.bing.com 8. I settled for offering her a back rub. She consented. 我只好给她扫扫背,她同意了 zhidao.baidu.com 9. From a back-end perspective, he asks the question "Do we really need classes and objects to pass data around" ? 从后端视角来看,他提出了这样一个问题:“我们真的需要类与对象来传递数据吗?” www.infoq.com 10. A semiconductor device is provided as a back-illuminated solid-state imaging device. 一种半导体装置,构造为背面照明的固态成像装置,包括:第一半导体晶片; ip.com 1. The system can also be used as a stand-alone manned station, providing a back-up solution based-on mission requirements. 该系统还可以被用来作为一个独立的人工操作站,提供一种基于任务要求的备份解决方案。 www.etiri.com.cn 2. Though it is just a back number, it is very important to me. 虽然这只是一本过期杂志,但它对我来说非常重要。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Accordingly, a cogging torque and noise are reduced without reducing a back-electromotive force, thereby obtaining a high efficiency. 因此,在不减小反电动势的情况下减小了顿转扭矩和噪音,由此获得高效率。 ip.com 4. The other patient lay in a back room across a second staircase, which was a species of loft over a stable. 另一个病人在另一道楼梯后的一间房里。那房间在马厩的上方,也可算是一种阁楼。 www.jukuu.com 5. The Reds No. 5 has been sidelined since pre-season with a back problem, but his return to fitness has given Rafa Benitez a major boost. 自从背伤之后,利物浦5号已经缺席了季前赛的一些比赛,但是他的回归将会给贝尼特斯的阵型一剂强心剂。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 6. But if the conciliatory Mr Noda feels obliged to bring Ozawa forces into government, party modernisation may take a back seat. 不过,如果善于调和的野田觉得有义务将小泽势力重新引进政府,党派的现代化可能就要退居二线。 www.ecocn.org 7. All pages with a back link to our site must be search engine friendly. 所有使用我们的网站反向链接的网页必须被搜索引擎友好。 www.bing.com 8. The author was joined by Tom Scribner, left, a lawyer from Walla Walla, on a back road route in southeast Washington. 汤姆·斯科莱布诺(TomScribner,左侧)加入了笔者的旅程,他是一个来自瓦拉瓦拉的律师。他们正在华盛顿东南部的一条小路上。 www.bing.com 9. The noise of would-be patrons brought four younger women out from a back room. 听到有顾客上门,四位年轻一些的姑娘从里屋走了出来。 chinese.wsj.com 10. During that effort, the US and Europe will have to take a back seat. 在这一努力过程中,美欧市场将不得不退居次要地位。 www.ftchinese.com |
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