单词 | marriage certificate |
释义 |
复数:marriage certificates 例句释义: 结婚证书,结婚证明,婚书,结婚证明复印件 1. We determined to slam the door the two this marriage certificate, decided to west, led by Irish certificate of Chinese marriage had. 我俩下定决心摒弃了这两本结婚证,决定中为西用,领着爱尔兰的结婚证过中国式婚姻。 en.cnxianzai.com 2. And for 100 years of new wedding, get marriage certificate just a note, top write city chief justice's blessing. 而婚期为100年的新人,得到的结婚证书只是一张纸条,上面写着市首席法官的祝福。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. One couple came into our office to ask the ARP branch director for permission to borrow a car to go and get their marriage certificate. 有一对男女到我们办公室里来向防空处长借汽车去领结婚证书。 www.zftrans.com 4. You will need a copy of your marriage certificate and the front and back of your permanent resident card. 你需要一份你的结婚证的复印件和你的永久居住卡的正面和背面的复印件。 www.bing.com 5. At present, pregnant women and young people, the official Yao received a marriage certificate, is now living in the area, husband-yao. 目前,怀孕女子因与耀州青年正式领取了结婚证,现居住在耀州区丈夫家。 club.china.alibaba.com 6. After wife has gotten a marriage certificate, sighed to say at a heat deeply: "Not easy! " Not easy! ! 老婆领过结婚证后深深地叹了一口气说:“不轻易啊!” www.google-web.org 7. He and smiled quickly picking up a marriage certificate, although he had never liked her. 他和笑笑很快领了结婚证,虽然他从来没有喜欢过她。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. They haven't got a marriage certificate so their marriage is declared to be invalid. 他们没有领结婚证书,于是婚姻宣布是无效的。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 9. Half an hour after my best boy friend had his marriage certificate , he called me . I wished him all the best and we had a good chat . 我最好的男朋友在他拿到结婚证后半小时,给我打了电话。我祝贺他,我们聊得开心。 www.bing.com 10. A woman asked to change rooms before marriage certificate, the name for their consideration, the actual intention of doing a divorce. 女人婚前要求改房证,名义是为本人考虑,实际做好了离婚的计划。 www.0772zd.cn 1. For Honeymoon, proof of marriage (copy of marriage certificate) is required upon booking and at the time of hotel check-in respectively. 如欲享有蜜月伉俪,须于订位及登记入住酒店时分别出示结婚证明(结婚证书副本)以作确定。 dictionary.osun.org 2. wed in a civil ceremony marriage certificate guest marriage after divorce wedding march mixed marriage ? 登记结婚结婚证来宾再婚婚礼进行曲涉外婚姻;涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻 wenku.baidu.com 3. Four out of 10 Americans say they don't need a marriage certificate to prove love or commitment, according to a latest online survey. 一项最新在线调查显示,40%的美国人称他们不需要用一张结婚证来证明爱或者承诺。 www.bing.com 4. Wife : 'Nothing. . . ? You've been reading our marriage certificate for an hour. ' 妻:没做什麽?你看著我们的结婚证书,足足有一小时了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. What is the marriage? What is represent for a piece of marriage certificate? 婚姻是什么?一张结婚证书它代表了什么? enpf.chinabroadcast.cn 6. The day before yesterday, Gigi through the "look around" pro-marriage certificate has been good news, big happiness. 前日,黎姿透过《东张西望》亲证已经完婚的喜讯,大晒幸福。 www.hicoo.net 7. No consent from parent or legal guardian is required if you are married in which case your marriage certificate is required. 如你属已婚人士,则毋须父母或合法监护人的同意,但你须一并递交你的结婚证书影印本。 www.immd.gov.hk 8. Amber Weiss, center, and Sharon Papo looked at their marriage certificate with Terry Nail, their friend and witness at their wedding. 中间的魏斯在观看她与特里的结婚证书,他们的朋友和证婚人都参加了婚礼。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In Ireland, one more intriguing thing, wedding is different, the marriage certificate is different. 在爱尔兰,还有一件耐人寻味的事情,婚期不同,结婚证书也是不一样的。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Seal on the marriage certificate does not guarantee love, Peas should know, but I do so. 在结婚证书上盖章不能保障爱情,豆豆应该了解,却一做再做。 bookapp.book.qq.com 1. Meanwhile, Nevin Cohen and Daniel Hernandez showed off their marriage certificate. 在这同时,尼文.科恩和丹尼尔.赫尔南德兹向人们展示他们的结婚证。 www.24en.com 2. Thirty years ago, a marriage certificate was a passport into adulthood. 30年前,结婚证是人们成年的标志。 www.bing.com 3. While others have been before the wedding after another received a marriage certificate. 而其他人已在婚礼前陆续领取了结婚证。 www.englishtang.com 4. After wife has gotten a marriage certificate, firm ground says: "We come home on foot, such be economical. " 老婆领过结婚证后果断地说:“我们走路回家吧,这样省钱。” www.google-web.org 5. You've been reading our marriage certificate for an hour. ' 没作什么?你看着我们的结婚证书,足足有一小时了。 hi.baidu.com 6. When they got a divorce, their marriage certificate became null and void. 当他们离婚,结婚证书就会失效。 www.360doc.com 7. They received their official marriage certificate on Friday. 星期五他们办了结婚证。 bbs.sports.163.com 8. The eye that suspicion uses after wife has gotten a marriage certificate sees the man beside say: "Do I marry you so? " 老婆领过结婚证后用怀疑的眼光看了看身边的男人说:“我就这样嫁给你了?” www.google-web.org 9. One deceive each other, or when the marriage registration fraudulent "marriage certificate" . 一方欺骗对方,或者在结婚登记时弄虚作假,骗取《结婚证》的。 www.xiami360.com 10. Marriage certificate blanks aren't easily procurable. 空白的结婚证书是不容易得到的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The pastor showed the marriage certificate to all of the guests. 牧师向所有来宾展示了他们的结婚证书。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. Hear, divorce card than marriage certificate to bright-coloured, isn't it ironic. 听说,离婚证比结婚证要鲜艳,是不是很讽刺。 www.qqzhi.com 3. Sesson divorce with his ex-wife the day after the Reds Yu Qing with the network received a marriage certificate. 雪村与他的前妻离婚后的一天红军于七嗯网络接收与婚姻证书。 sh.tripgarden.com 4. After wife has gotten a marriage certificate, say alone: "This isWomanHelpless ending. " 老婆领过结婚证后自言自语地说:“这就是女人无奈的结局。” www.google-web.org 5. Why can not the police station confirmed as valid travel documents, without the marriage certificate. 派出所的证实为什么就不能当有效证件,没有了结婚证。 www.bing.com 6. Small sandu as professional, marriage certificate is more valuable than awards. 小三都成职业了,结婚证书比奖状还更不值钱。 www.haoqq.net 7. After wife has gotten a marriage certificate, affectionate ground asks: "Can you love me all one's life really? " 老婆领过结婚证后深情地问:“你真的能爱我一辈子吗?” www.google-web.org 8. card away to apply for our marriage certificate. I have no papers now. 身份证被女朋友拿去办结婚证了,我现在没有文件在手上了。 www.cctv.com 9. In short, married in addition to registry office handles the red, others besides what marriage certificate of all may not need. 总之,结婚时除了去登记处办理红艳总之,总之艳的结婚证之外,艳的结婚证之外,其他的什么都可以不需要。 wenku.baidu.com 10. In 16 years, I have never once been asked by a Board, either co-op or condo, for a couple's marriage certificate. 16年来,我从未被房产交易所,不管是合户出售还是分户出售,要求过夫妻结婚证明。 www.elanso.com 1. Marriage certificate just, need to make like "citing" so thick? 结婚证而已,需要搞得像《辞海》这样厚吗? en.cnxianzai.com 2. I heard that the have a learn elder sister married, but her wedding expenses only 8 yuan, which brought marriage certificate fees. 听说最近有个学姐结婚了,但是她的婚礼费用只有8元,就是领结婚证的费用。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Of course, what she doesn't have is a property ownership certificate and marriage certificate. 当然,姐就是没有房产证、结婚证。 forum.china.org.cn 4. Hold this ceremony only need to show your marriage certificate. 举行这种仪式只需要出示结婚证书。 en.cnxianzai.com 5. I find that woman on the marriage certificate is my wife. Oh, she didn't take a group photo with me owing to my handsome face. 我发现结婚证上的那个女人是我的老婆。哇,原来她不是因为我帅要与我合照在一块。 bbs.translators.com.cn 6. All they want is a marriage certificate from the government. 的进展缓慢,他们想的是从政府的结婚证书。 www.englishtang.com 7. 'How shall we do if they ask to see the marriage certificate? ' She is more careful than he. ‘要是他们想看看结婚证,怎么办?’她比他细心多了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Yes , I am. Here is the marriage certificate . 是的,结婚了。这是结婚证明。 www.bing.com 9. The participants had to prove they were real couples by providing either a marriage certificate or a letter from their parents. 参赛者必须出示结婚证书或者父母的信件以便证明他们是真正的夫妻。 mag.nownews.com 10. Do you have marriage certificate? Yes, here you are. 问题;你带结婚证了吗? wenku.baidu.com 1. Kinship certificates are as followed: the marriage certificate for your spouse; 如:属于配偶的,还需提交婚姻证明; www.gzjd.gov.cn 2. Evidence of your relationship to your sponsor, such as a birth or marriage certificate and any related correspondence; 申请人与担保人的关系证明,例如出生证或结婚证及往来信件; www.uk.cn 3. Marriage Certificate and Notarized Marriage Certificate 结婚证,结婚公证 www.iflychina.net 4. Police clearance Notarized Marriage Certificate 警察无犯罪纪录证明 www.philembassy-china.org 5. Application for Search and Copy of Birth Death Marriage Certificate Appointment Booking for Registration of Identity Card 申请翻查出生、死亡或结婚证明书记录及索取有关记录的副本 www.immd.gov.hk 6. This could include a marriage certificate, a civil partnership certificate, a divorce certificate or a death certificate 此类文件可以包含结婚证书、同性伴侣关系证书、离婚证书或死亡证书 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Hukou book, marriage certificate, driving license; 户口本、结婚证、汽车行驶证; blog.sina.com.cn 8. Copy Marriage Certificate Attached Herewith 兹附上结婚证书一份 www.yinwang.com.cn 9. Copy and Notarized Certificate of Marriage Certificate 结婚证复印件和结婚公证 bbs.gter.net 10. Copy of the Marriage Certificate and Residence 结婚证、户口簿复印件 www.bangladeshembassy.com.cn 1. Copy of Marriage certificate and translation 结婚证和翻译件复印件 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The marriage certificate of soviet republic 中华苏维埃共和国结婚证 antique.listings.ebay.com.cn 3. Application for Search and Copy of Marriage Certificate 申领结婚证明书副本,及翻查有关资料 www.esd.gov.hk 4. o Certified copy of marriage certificate 结婚证书复印件。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Marriage Certificate and The Copy 结婚证及复印件 bbs.lvyou168.cn |
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