单词 | 999 | ||
释义 |
例句释义: 全部 1. Thomas sobbed in the dock as a recording was played of the 999 call he made just minutes after strangling his wife. 在法庭播放他掐死他妻子几分钟后打给999电话的录音时,坐在被告席上的托马斯在抽泣着。 www.bing.com 2. The company's previous laptops in that size were aimed at business users and cost at least $999. 此前惠普这个尺寸的笔记本电脑都是针对商业用户,价格在999美元以上。 www.bing.com 3. Ann: Look, this is said the biggest Mona Lisa in the word. And it has been done by 999 painters within four hours. 看,这据说是世界上最大的蒙娜丽莎,由999个画工四小时内完成的哦,你相信吗? www.bing.com 4. SOSO on the heart in search of images, 999 million search results, but the 999 is not one ten-millionth part of your heart. 在SOSO搜关于心的图片,有999千万的搜索结果,可是999千万分之一都不属于你的心。 t.qq.com 5. The only certain means of reducing this risk is to irradiate the bean sprout seeds, which effectively kills 99. 999 per cent of E. coli. 要降低风险唯一可行的方法是对豆芽的种子进行辐照,这样可以杀死99.999%的大肠杆菌。 www.bing.com 6. He said Brigade 999 was the militia's only unit still attacking the KNU. 999旅是仍然攻击克伦民族联盟的唯一民主克伦佛教军部队。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. We are the distance between the step 1000, if you step out to me, then I will give you step out of the remaining 999. 我们之间有1000步的距离,如果你向我走出一步,那么我会向你走出余下的999步。 dict.wanyuwang.com 8. To call the police, an ambulance or the fire brigade dial 999 and the operator will connect you. 呼叫警察、救护车或消防队,请拨打999,接线员会为您接通电话。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. We called 999 twice but in over three hours we did not see a single police car or van or even hear police sirens. 我们打了两次报警电话(999,英国报警电话)。结果三个多小时了,别说看不到任何的警车了,就连警笛声都听不见。 www.bing.com 10. Interestingly, if the list was still available, it would be in the number one position on this list with 463, 999 unique views. 有趣的是,如果该榜单没有关闭的话,它将以463999的访问量保持第一的位置。 www.elanso.com 1. With this rule, a purchase order cannot contain a line item that orders a quantity of more than 999 of any one product. 按此规则,购买订单不能包含同一产品订购数量超过999的条目。 www.ibm.com 2. A three-year-old boy dialled 999 on a mobile phone and told police he was concerned about the drunken state of his babysitter. 一个三岁大的小男孩打电话报警说,保姆喝醉酒了,他对此表示担心。 www.hxen.com 3. Look, this is said the biggest Mona Lisa in the word. And it has been done by 999 painters within four hours. Do you believe it? Four hours! 看,这据说是世界上最大的蒙娜丽莎,由999个画工四小时内完成的哦,你相信吗?四个小时呢! www.bing.com 4. The goal for the POC was to implement high availability with a target of achieving higher than 99. 999% availability. 该POC的目标就是实现高可用性,且目标是要取得高于99.999%的可用性。 www.ibm.com 5. One of the men had to go outside to make a 999 call. 其中一名男子在抓住小偷后走出火车站并拨打了999报警电话。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. By contrast, investors need to put down only $3, 999 up front to trade such a futures contract. 相比之下,投资者只要投入3,999美元的准备金就可以交易一张黄金期货合约。 www.bing.com 7. If we step between the 1000 distance, you need to do is take the frist step, I will move the rest of your direction of the 999 step-by-step. 如果我们之间有1000步的距离,你只要跨出第一步,我就会朝你的方向走其余的999步。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. She was slipping in and out of consciousness in front of us, that's when I dialled 999. 她摔倒了,就在我们面前失去知觉,我马上就拨了999。 www.bing.com 9. Number of pieces in the shipment is up to 999 packages per shipment . 但托运的货件数量不可超过999件。 www.bing.com 10. Since ancient times pomegranate have more money, more happiness in the moral, gold pomegranate to 999 feet made of pure gold, gold Guangcan. 石榴自古以来就有多财、多福的寓意,金石榴以999千足纯金打造而成,金光灿灿。 www.expo2011eshop.com 1. It is time to dial 999 immediately if you see any of these signs or symptoms. 现在是立即拨打999,如果你看到任何这些迹象或症状。 bbs.canjiren.net 2. Antarctica's faithful Huskies get their due on this magnificent $1 Proof struck in a full ounce of . 999 fine silver. 南极洲的忠实哈士奇获得这个宏伟的1美元中证明了.999纯银击中应有充分盎司。 www.ttbuy168.com 3. I presume the future value of any one ticket will depend almost exclusively on the choices of the other 799, 999 fans. 我认为,任何一张门票的未来价值几乎完全取决于其他799999位歌迷的选择。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It is just like how people will spontaneously think of 999 when they want to call police for help. 就如民众若想向警力求救,就自动会想到999一样。 ehisteam.wordpress.com 5. Struck in . 999 pure gold, this amazing 11mm Proof shows Christ flanked by images of his birth and crucifixion. 施特鲁克在.999纯金,这个惊人的11毫米的证明表明基督两侧由他出生和受难的图像。 www.ttbuy168.com 6. The Sonos system starts at $999 for a remote control and wireless receivers, without speakers, that can deliver music to two rooms. Sonos系统的遥控和无线接收器起价999美元(不含音箱),可以在两个房间播放音乐。 www.ebigear.com 7. Today i should send you 999 roses, , but the merchant didn't allow to have a discount, , so i have to say to you: : happy Women's Day! ! ! ! 今天应该奉献您999朵玫瑰,可店主不肯打折,所以只能在此对你说:三八节快乐! hz.focus.cn 8. Specifies the number of values supplied by boundary_value, not to exceed 999. 指定boundary_value提供的值的数目,不能超过999。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Nabokov gives the reader four cantos of Pale Fire, 999 lines of rhyming couplets, plus an editor's foreword and scholarly annotations. 而纳博科夫在PaleFire里给读者四章共999行双行押韵的长诗,再加上编辑的前言和学术性的评注。 www.bing.com 10. The villagers had heard of who is the winner of this competition, the first 999 to be elected President of any marathon. 村民们都听说谁是这次比赛的冠军,就可以当选第999任马拉松主席。 wenwen.soso.com 1. There was a good linearity and the correlation coefficient was higher than 0. 999. 在所考察的浓度范围内呈良好线性,各成分线性回归方程相关系数均在0.999以上。 www.moderninstrs.org.cn 2. Sorry, Unable to process request at this time -- error 999. (如下)无法处理此时的请求--错误999。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 3. The most recent batch of whisky Adler sold was a limited edition of 999 bottles dubbed the Ice Label. 阿德勒最近销售的一批威士忌是限量版999瓶被称为“冰牌”(IceLabel)的威士忌。 dongxi.net 4. This is Bill in room 999. The washbasin is stopped up. Could you please send someone up to repair it? 我是999号房间的比尔。这里的洗脸池被堵塞了。请你派人上来修理好吗?。 www.bing.com 5. The customers only had to pay 999 yuan as a deposit to place the order. 用户只需在团购中预交999元的定金,就算正式下单。 www.chinese.cn 6. The Macs start at $999, versus as little as $500 for a decently equipped Windows portable. Mac笔记本起价999美元,而一台配备不错的Windows便携电脑可能会低至500美元。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Wealthy, single businessmen paid 99, 999 yuan (US$15, 435) for a day-long "dating convention" to meet potential girlfriends. 富有的单身商人为了这个持续一天的“约会大会”支付了99999人民币(15435美元)。 www.bing.com 8. Like the other 999, 999, 999 times, the fears may be a little premature -- though they can't be dismissed. 就像此前的999,999,999次一样,这一次的担心可能也有过虑之嫌,但不能将其斥为杞人忧天。 chinese.wsj.com 9. These times are less than 999, which depend on the number set by costumer. 并且本装置可以产生预设最大999次脉冲个数。 www.fabiao.net 10. The worker spends his whole life time accomplishing nothing more than the turning of bolt 999 on the remorseless assembly line. 那个工人一辈子只干一种活,即旋紧冷酷无情的装配线上第999号螺丝钉。 dict.veduchina.com 1. To commemorate Nelson's 250th birthday in 2008, the British Virgin Islands released this two-coin $10 Proof set struck in . 999 fine silver. 为纪念纳尔逊在2008年250岁生日,英属维尔京群岛公布的两个硬币10元罚款的证明载.999银平衡。 www.ttbuy168.com 2. Wife: Well, actually love, the BOTOX, the plastic surgery and nose job cost $999 thousand dollars. 妻子:啊,爱人,其实去皱疗程、整容和隆鼻手术只需九十九万九千元。 www.wwenglish.com 3. Above are 4 steps. In case a patient can't do either one of such gestures, you should dial 999 (emergency number) ! ! ! 上面四个动作,患者如果有任何一个动作做不来,就要立刻打999(求救电话)!!!并且把症状描述给接线者听。 blog.163.com 4. Time was lost as I tried to figure out whether to dial 999, or 9 for an outside line then 999. 在我努力想弄清楚是拨打999,还是先拨9接通外线后再按999的时候,时间被错失了。 www.kekenet.com 5. A spokesman for the service said: 'We would remind people that 999 is a lifeline. ' 该中心一位发言人随后表示:“我们必须让公众明白,999电话是一条生命专线。” ts.hjenglish.com 6. Its 'Envy' laptops, which feature a backlit keyboard and high-end audio, start at $999. 其“Envy”系列笔记本电脑起售价为999美元,这种电脑带有背光键盘和高端音响。 c.wsj.com 7. Reportedly, eight customers paid $999. 99 for I Am Rich, before Apple decided to withdraw it from the store. 据说,8名顾客总共花了999.99美元购买了IAmRich,直到苹果决定把它从网上商店里撤下来。 www.bing.com 8. Please enter a value between 1 and 999 for the number of days before deleting messages . 请输入介于1和999之间的数,作为邮件删除之前保留的天数。 www.bing.com 9. In 2007, roughly half of those facing health debt had up to $2, 000 in bills, while 21 percent had up to $3, 999. 在2007年,那些人中大约有一半面临高达2000美元的医疗债务,而21%的人已经达到3999美元。 news.dxy.cn 10. We must also assume that the concert promoters will not then flood the market with the other 799, 999 unwanted tickets. (我们还必须假设,演唱会主办方此后不会用剩余的799999张无人选择的门票冲击市场)。 www.ftchinese.com 1. "There are more technologies that allow organisations to achieve four or five nines [99. 999 per cent] availability, " says CA's Mr Luff. “目前有了更多的技术,可让组织获得99.99%或99.999%的数据,”CA的路夫先生表示。 www.ftchinese.com 2. placebo mainly by starch was produced by 999 Pharmacy Group production. 安慰剂主要由淀粉组成,由三九药业集团生产。 3. Struck in 1 Troy ounce of gleaming . 999 fine silver, just 20, 000 of these beauties were struck for worldwide release. 施特鲁克的闪闪发光的.999纯银1盎司,只是这些美人20000人取得了全球发行。 www.ttbuy168.com 4. The prices for the new models are the same as the prices of old iMacs, ranging from $1, 199 to $1, 999. 新型号的价格同过去一样,范围在1,199美元到1,999美元。 www.bing.com 5. But there's already a 999 plan out there, in a land called SimCity. 但是这个“999”税收计划早已在一个名叫“模拟城市”的地方出现过了。 www.bing.com 6. They used to mock the telecoms industry's ethos of "five- nines " -99. 999% reliability-because it meant long product cycles. 它们过去常嘲笑电信行业的“五个九”准则,即99.999%的可靠性,因为这意味着长的产品周期。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In September 1999 bonds in the inter-bank bond market interest rates tender issue. 999年9月国债在银行间债券市场利率招标发行。 www.docin.com 8. The new $999, 13' MacBook now includes most of the key features of the similar-sized MacBook Pro, which costs $200 more. 售价999美元的新一代MacBook为13英寸屏幕,主要特点与同尺寸的MacBookPro差不多,但价格要便宜200多美元。 www.voa365.com 9. The exact foundation date is unknown, but the the town was first mentioned in 999. 建造的具体时间已不可考察了,但是这座城镇是999年时被第一次提及到的。 www.bing.com 10. Good. Morning. Welcome to the 999 emergency hotline . 早安。欢迎你致电999紧急求助热线。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It was given 999 years at a peppercorn rent. 当时签订了999年的象征性租期。 news.koolearn.com 2. Dial 999 from any telephone or use an emergency roadside telephone. 拨电999,或使用路边的紧急电话。 www.td.gov.hk 3. All telephone numbers with initial digit "1" (for customer services) and "9" (for emergency telephone, e. g. 999) will remain unchanged. 所有1字头(客户服务)及9字头(紧急电话,如999)之电话号码将维持不变。 um2.umac.mo 4. The bizarre 999 call was received by East of England Ambulance Service on August 10 from a foreign couple. 这个紧急电话是8月10日一对外国夫妇打给英国东部急救中心的。 www.hjenglish.com 5. The millisecond component of this instance between 0 and 999. 此实例的毫秒部分,在0和999之间。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. This interval can be anywhere from 1 minute through 999 minutes. 时间间隔可以是1分钟到999分钟之间的任何值。 www.ibm.com 7. In 2009 one Chinese bride got married in a dress with a train more than 1. 2 miles long, decorated with 9, 999 silk roses. 2009年,一位中国新娘出嫁时,礼服的裙带长超过1.2米,用9,999朵丝绸玫瑰装饰。 www.bing.com 8. I take 999 get-back-stares to the windows of leaving train eastwards. 我九百九十九次回首,都停泊在东去列车的窗口。 bbs.ourgame.com 9. As a long-standing OTC medicine for stomach diseases, 999 Weitai faced a problem of aging brand image. 三九胃泰作为OTC胃药的老品牌,面临品牌形象老化的问题。 www.tencentmind.com 10. Each 40. 6mm, . 999 fine silver coin was authenticated, graded and certified in Gem Brilliant Uncirculated condition by NGC. 每个40.6毫米,.999罚款银币是认证,分级和宝石光辉非流通条件认证星系。 www.ttbuy168.com 1. C. Configure the Interactive logon : Prompt user to change password before expiration setting to a value between 1 and 999. 配置交互式登录:在到期之前提示用户更改密码,设置的值介于1和999。 bbs.51cto.com 2. The Adamo, which starts at $1, 999, is Dell's first foray into luxury notebook computers. Adamo售价从1,999美元起,标志戴尔首次进军豪华笔记本电脑市场。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The phone costs $859 (16GB) or $999 (32GB) outright and comes with an improved screen, faster processor and 5-megapixel camera. 这款有着更好屏幕,更快处理器,500万像素的手机售价为859澳元(16GB)或者999澳元(32GB)。 www.bing.com 4. In the film, after Leiji Matsumoto and another "Galaxy Express 999" , "a thousand years the Queen" and other popular works. 在该片后,松本零士另有《银河铁道999》,《一千年女王》等受欢迎的作品。 wenwen.soso.com 5. one dollar for changing a new part sounds reasonable, but the $29, 999 is exactly the value of wisdom and knowledge. 换一个新零件花费一美元很合理,但是$29,999确实是智慧和知识的价值。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The contract rose to $999. 50 on Thursday, the highest price since February. U. S. markets were closed on Monday for Labour Day holiday. 该合约上周四曾升至999.50美元的2月以来高点.美国市场周一逢劳工节假期休市。 cn.reuters.com 7. Landlord with the use of 999 anti-acne referral spirit pretty good, the effect is comparable to clear. 楼主引荐用用999去痘灵,蛮不错的,效果比拟清楚。 99mrw.5d6d.com 8. Starting at $999 per consultation, he advises criminals on all aspects of prison life. 每桩咨询生意以999美元起价,罪犯们可以听他告诫方方面面的囚徒须知。 www.ecocn.org 9. The cheapest Mac laptop, the new MacBook, is $999. 最便宜的Mac笔记本,新上市的MacBook,售价为999美元。 c.wsj.com 10. Support capacity: can support Max 999 files. 支持文件数:单目录下最多支持999个文件 baike.soso.com 1. We are very pleased to receive your Order No. 999 for shoes. 很高兴收到贵方第999号鞋子订单。 p.wink.blog.163.com 2. Do u think a 999 flash slideshow on the homepage banner area? 你是否认为在页面大标题处可以加一个999闪光幻灯片? zhishi.sohu.com 3. The cheapest Mac laptop today costs $999. 现在,最便宜的苹果笔记型电脑的价格为999美元。 c.wsj.com 4. There are 6, 999 items that can be sent from Africa to the United States duty-free. 非洲能向美国出口的免税商品多达6999种。 www.kekenet.com 5. When you feel your life is threatened, just dial 999 to get help. 当你的生命受到威胁的时候,拨打999求救。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. GAO purchased 10 tests from each of four companies, which ranged in price from $299 to $999. GAO从四家公司购买了从299美元到999美元的价格不等的10个测试。 info.china.alibaba.com 7. The second model, at $999, is black, has a 20-inch screen and a 500-GB hard disk. 另一种机型售价999美元,黑色,配置20英寸屏幕和500G硬盘。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Time control within 5~999 sec. for high efficiency and low consumption. 预热时限控制5~999秒,使工作达高效益及低消耗。 www.showxiu.com 9. This is online map of the address "Xin Qu Xin Du Lu 541-999(Dan Hao ), Jiangdu City, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China" . (这是地址“中国江苏省扬州市江都市新区新都路541-999(单号)”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. The default MAXDEPTH for a managed durable subscription queue is 999, 999, 999. 受控的可持续订阅队列(manageddurablesubscriptionqueue)的默认MAXDEPTH是999,999,999。 www.ibm.com 1. For the study, 30 volunteers were asked to calculate in groups of three from numbers between 800and 999 created by a computer casually. 在这项研究中,30名志愿者被分成三组,并要求用计算机随即生成的从800到999之间的数字进行计算。 wenwen.soso.com 2. According to the paternity test, there is a 99. 999% chance the twins do not have the same father. 鉴定结果表明,这对双胞胎有99.999%的可能性不同父。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Opulent Taj Hotels has a new budget brand called Ginger whose rooms are priced at a mere Rs999 ($21) and Rs1, 199. OpulentTajHotels则有一个新的廉价酒店品牌Ginger,其客房价格仅在999卢比(合21美元)到1199卢比之间。 www.ftchinese.com 4. This means the maximum price any item can have is $999. 99. 这意味着每个商品的最高价格可以是$999.99。 www.ibm.com 5. The other 4, 999 students in the school, who were Japanese, besides the American. 也就是学校里另外4999名日本学生,除了我这个美国人。 www.ted.com 6. The ssn data type is used for columns holding 11-digit social security numbers (999-99-9999). ssn数据类型用于那些保存11位数字的社会保障号(999-99-9999)的列。 technet.microsoft.com 7. E-Mail sent through this channel will only be actioned during office hours. If you have an urgent report. Please dial 999. 警方只会安排在办公室时间处理经以上渠道得到的讯息,若遇有紧急情况,请致电999。 www.info.gov.hk 8. And the cheapest Mac laptop is $999. 最便宜的Mac笔记本电脑需要999美元。 www.ebigear.com 9. Silver Eagles are struck in one full ounce of . 999 pure silver and measure 40. 6mm in diameter. 银鹰感到惊讶的.999纯银,直径和措施40.6毫米在一个完整盎司。 www.ttbuy168.com 10. But in fact, many online customers also bought the 20 inch LCD monitor that was priced at 999 NTD. 但实际上也有很多网友以999元订购20吋萤幕,这部份的损失将让损失扩大。 taipedia.selfip.info 1. Please select a repeat count between 1 and 999 times. 请选择介于1和999之间的一个数字作为重复计数。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 2. Meanwhile, in 2010 land prices continued to rise: last year, land acquisition costs were 999. 2 billion yuan, rose 66% from previous year. 同时,2010年土地价格也持续上升:去年土地购置费为9992亿元,同比增长66%。 news.cen.com 3. What waste is? Giving her 999 roses in spite of knowing the girl does love him. 什么叫浪费?明知那个女孩儿爱他,还送给她999朵玫瑰。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. If there is an accident phone 999. 如果发生事故,请拨电话999。 www.yzjjw.net 5. This promo doesn't involve you getting a ticket, your email address was selected alongside 24, 999 others from a total of 100, 000 websites. 这个广告并不能让你得到一张入场卷,你的邮箱从100,00网站中安排名24999被选中。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Of them 999 had primary (essential) hypertension (PH) and 126PA(11. 2%) caused by an aldosterone-producing adenoma in 54 (4. 8%). 这里面,999名患有原发性高血压,126名(11.2%)原醛,其中有54名(4.8%)是醛固酮瘤引起的。 news.dxy.cn 7. At that period, the fitting of the commando swords were make up of 999 Maxican silver. 此时期之指挥刀的装件多以用密西哥999银迼。 hfsword.com 8. Please enter a value between 3 and 999 seconds. 请输入一个在3到999秒之间的值。 www.drados.com 9. Apple's iconic MacBook Air, which ranges in thickness from 0. 11 to 0. 68 of an inch, starts at $999. 苹果的标志性产品MacBookAir的最小和最大厚度分别为0.11英寸和0.68英寸,起价999美元。 c.wsj.com 10. Swach costs 999 rupees ($22. 50), and Tata expects to sell one million units this year. 净水器售价999卢比(合22.5美元),塔塔化学公司预计今年其销量可达100万部。 c.wsj.com 1. Yet, it seems unreasonable to distinguish between 9, 999 and 10, 001 grains of sand. 那么这样区分9999颗沙和10001颗沙就有点不合理。 www.bing.com 2. Compare this to five nines (99. 999%), and the maximum downtime falls to 5. 26 minutes per year. 与之相比,5个9(99.999%)最大停机时间降到每年5.26分钟。 www.ibm.com 3. You should telephone 999 in case there's a fire. 如果发生火灾,你应该打电话999。 blog.163.com 4. We want $500 laptops. We want 60-inch TVs for $999. 我们还需要500美元的笔记本,999美元的60英寸的电视机。 www.bing.com 5. WPC Day, who is single, is part of a 999 response team based at the town's Gablecross police station. 目前,SueDay尚处于单身,是警察局999快速反应小组警官。 www.bing.com 6. We want 60-inch TVs for $999. 我们想要999美元的60英寸电视。 dongxi.net 7. Display a single riding distance ranged from 0. 0 km (mile) to 999. 9 km (mile). 暗示单次骑车所行走的阻隔阔别,暗示规模0.0公里(英里)~999.9公里(英里)。 www.yjdigit.com 8. That is, I'll meet with Mr Ferguson at three this Friday afternoon at Kowloon Building, Room 999. Is that correct? 即是说,这个星期五下午三点我去九龙大厦九九九室见费格逊先生,对吗? www.bing.com 9. In our case it will be ID number 999 and name db2cluster. 本例中,它的ID编号是999,而名称是db2cluster。 www.ibm.com 10. AM: Pricing: $999 for 11. 6 inch model with 64GB flash. 6寸的64GB闪存的型号价格为:$999。 www.bing.com 1. The doctors also gave us dos and don'ts when we are calling 120 and 999. 大夫还告诉我们拨打120以及999时该做以及不应做的事。 www.xxfudao.info 2. We hired the room 1, 999 Baht per night only inclusive breakfast. 当时我们住的是每晚1,999泰国铢的房间,早餐免费。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The epiphysis diaphysis time was significantly correlated with their growth index and the girls' menarchal time (r=0. 801-0. 999, P05). 膝踝部各长骨干骺融合时间与生长指标及女生月经初潮时间呈高度正相关(r=0.801-0.999,P0.05)。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Last year, the brand with the highest boxed moon cakes for sale at $ 999, anticipate the most expensive a also does not exceed $ 300. 去年,这个品牌的盒装月饼最高售价为999元,估计今年最贵的一款也不会超过300元。 www.bing.com 5. In Listing 8, we define a new price type that accepts values between -999, 999. 99 and 999, 999. 99. 在清单8中,我们定义了一个新的price类型,该类型接受-999,999.99与999,999.99之间的值。 www.ibm.com 6. The Forbidden City in Beijing, for example, has 9, 999 rooms. 如北京紫禁城就有9999个房间。 www.ecocn.org 7. After taking the first aid, you should go to hospital or call 999 (120 in China) for a professional treatment as soon as possible. 采取急救以后,你应该尽快去医院或拨打999电话(在中国是120电话)接受专业的治疗。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Currently, the updated ND-3500A media minimum price is RMB999. 00 , not RMB777. 00 . Where do you get RMB777. 00 ? Could you inform me ? 目前,ND-3500A最新的媒体报价是人民币999元,而不是777元,你是从哪里得到这个价格的,可以告诉我吗? www.pcpop.com 9. Create and manage up to 999 sub accounts from a single administrator account; 从单一的管理员帐户创建并管理多达999个子帐户; www.pingo.com 10. By the way, in this example, an even quicker way of producing a string that repeats the alphabet 999, 999 times would be to use 顺便说一下,在这个例子中,产生一个重复999,999次字符的字符串的更简便方法是 www-128.ibm.com 1. Control of X-ray Tube Number of Exposures up to 999, 999 exposures 线管球曝光记数可达到999,999次 wenku.baidu.com 2. Hybrid- maize Ludan999 and its seed multiplication technology 玉米杂交种鲁单999及其高产制种技术要点 www.ilib.cn 3. 999 Hotel Official Website - ShenZhen - Online Reservation 深圳三九大酒店官方网站-深圳-在线预订 www.999hotel.com.cn 4. Experimental Study on the Pharmacology of 999 Ganmaoling, a Compound Recipe of Chinese and Western Materia Medica 中西药复合配方999感冒灵的药理学实验研究 www.ilib.cn 5. The Breeding and Characteristics of Maize Hybrid Ludan 999 with High-yield 高产玉米杂交种鲁单999的选育及特性 service.ilib.cn 6. Cain's 999 Plan is based upon these fundamental economic beliefs: 凯因9-9-9税收计划的基本经济理念: www.bing.com 7. Certificate issued by related units (such as the local Public Security Bureau, medical institution 120 and first aid 999) 相关部门(如公安部门、医疗机构120或999现场急救等)针对本次事故出具的事故证明; www.beijing-marathon.com 8. 999 (That is, maximum open project files minus 1 for the resource pool itself) 999(即为打开的项目文件最大数目减去资源库文件本身1) office.microsoft.com |
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