单词 | mini |
释义 |
复数:minis 例句释义: 微型汽车,超短裙,同类中的极小者,小的,小型 1. It is not surprising to me that mini-baccarat is one of the least popular table games in any casino. 这不是令我感到诧异迷你五星宏辉是在任何赌场最不受欢迎的桌面游戏之一。 baike.soso.com 2. What was the thinking behind designing a camera that looks like a mini SLR rather than, say, a digital version of a rangefinder camera? 问:做这么一个看起来像迷你单反的相机,而不是一个数字取景器版本的相机,这个概念是从哪里来的? dictsearch.appspot.com 3. We smoke out of his mini dragon bong, out in the lightless corner of the Foothill parking lot. 我们在山麓停车场黑暗的角落用他那小号龙形大麻烟枪抽烟。 www.bing.com 4. But now, after the work is done for the day, the Inspiron Mini 10 stands ready to treat you to a great entertainment experience on the go. 不过现在,每天的工作结束之后,灵越迷你10已经准备好为你提供随时可以享受的精彩娱乐体验。 www.bing.com 5. I guess the only interesting experience I had this week has got to be my "Mini Live Show" . 我猜想,只有有趣的经验,我曾在本星期已到了我的“小生活秀”。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Weekends are a mini-obstacle that often seem to derail people trying to create a habit. 周末通常是一个小小的障碍,它似乎让人们试图建立起来的习惯偏离轨道。 www.bing.com 7. Mini explained that to have mounted the door on the left-hand side would have required an expensive relocation of the fuel filler system. 宝马公司解释称,如果要将这扇小门装在车身左边,就得让汽车的加油系统搬家,耗资必将十分巨大。 www.fortunechina.com 8. Less than 100 mini liters milliliters is all the milk needed for laboratory tests for bacteria, virus viral diseases and other threats. 不到100毫升的牛奶就可以供实验室检测细菌,滤过性病毒疾病和其他危险物质。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Our mini bus will pick you up in the hotel and take you to the marina (a journey about 20 min. south of Hua Hin). 我们的汽车将在酒店接你,然后载你到码头(华欣的南部,大约20分钟的行程)。 www.formyshop.com 10. On her 18th birthday, her mother gave her a red BMW Mini Cooper as a birthday present. 在18岁生日时,妈妈送了她一辆红色的宝马MiniCooper作为生日礼物。 www.i21st.cn 1. The idea of sharing electricity between the car and the mini-home, however, might turn out to have more longevity that this specific design. 但是,不管怎样,汽车和迷你屋共享电能的观念可能会比这种具体设计要长寿的多。 www.bing.com 2. A function is sort of like a mini program inside of your program. 在你的程序中,一个函数好像一个迷你程序一样。 wiki.woodpecker.org.cn 3. Using your own cupcake recipe or store-bought mix, these mini cupcakes can be whipped up in a flash. 只要用自家的纸杯蛋糕制作方法,或者直接从店里买现成的,一秒钟就能变身这种迷你蛋糕了。 www.foodmate.net 4. But it has to be a special one, short as a mini or to the knees and in colors like pink, red, yellow or turquoise. 现在又开始流行穿风衣了,但要有特色,长度像迷你裙或到膝盖,以粉色、红色、黄色或青绿色为宜。 big5.cri.cn 5. It's kind of almost like a mini-game as you travel back and forth between the major land masses . 在你在地区之间来回旅行时就像一种迷你游戏一样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. We do have to wonder how much the company would charge us for our own personal sushi chef, though. Hit the jump for the videos. 我们需要做的就是想象mini公司会为我们的私人寿司大厨开出多少价位.所以,点击链接观看更多视频吧。 www.bing.com 7. If she whines or complains about something just look at her with a sad face and play a mini violin or make a tear gesture with your finger. 如果她对某些事发牢骚或抱怨,就用悲伤的表情看着她,弹一首小小的钢琴曲或有你的手指做一个擦眼泪的手势。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The "mini" name doesn't necessarily refer to the size of the device, he said, but a lower entry-level price. 不过White表示,“迷你”指的并不是较小尺寸,而是低端定位的价格。 www.hjenglish.com 9. It ' s a fair day, after breakfast, we took a twenty- minutes ride by mini-bus and got to the end of the road. Then the climbing began. 天气不错,早餐后,一辆面的把我们送到一条山村大道的止境,然后就开端往上爬了。 www.webloong.com 10. As if in a mini-Europe, the central bank has to set a single rate for parts of the economy that are performing very differently. 澳大利亚央行必须为表现大相径庭的各个经济部门设定单一的利率,好似一个微型欧洲。 www.ftchinese.com 1. There was a black mini dress made of a leatherette material that was very striking, tall boots and a long white scarf with a rabbit. 黑色皮革质迷你裙非常吸引眼球,高筒靴,长长的兔子形状的白色头巾。 c.wsj.com 2. In such cases, it is often a good idea to create a mini-language that allows you to work with your boilerplate code in an easier fashion. 在这种情况中,通常创建一个小型的语言来更简单地利用样板文件的代码。 www-128.ibm.com 3. How bright a girl Alice is! --What does she often wear? --She often has a mini-skirt on. She's in good shape. --Show her to me some day. 爱丽斯是多麽漂亮的女孩啊!--她常穿什麽衣服呢?--她常穿一件迷你裙。她线条很美。--哪天让我见见她。 bbs.gao00.com 4. If I click on someone's profile photo, a details pane opens and shows me a mini profile of that person. 如果我点击了某人的档案照片,就会有一个详细讯息面板打开,显示这个人的微型档案。 chinese.wsj.com 5. At the very least, you'll want the hotel to have some sort of mini-mart where you can pick up water, soda, and small bites to tide you over. 至少,你会希望酒店有小型超市让你可以买一些水,饮料,食品来填饱肚子。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. By sharing his own anecdotes behind English slang on his mini-blog, he's trying to make others laugh and learn. 在微博上,他同网友们分享自己接触英语俚语时发生的趣事,并努力做到寓教于乐。 ienglish.eol.cn 7. Against many expectations, Basra is steadily being transformed into a Mini-Me of the Kurdish city in northern Iraq, Sulaymaniya. 与许多预期相反,巴士拉正在逐步转变成伊拉克北部苏来曼尼亚(Sulaymaniya)的一座库尔德人迷你小城。 en.cnxianzai.com 8. Mr Fellows said it was the first egg within an egg he had ever seen and that he would be keeping the mini-egg for posterity . 菲罗斯称这是他第一次遇到蛋中藏蛋的情况,并且准备将这枚迷你蛋就给子孙。 www.hjenglish.com 9. There is now a mini-industry trying to find out which Chinese company will be the next focus of short-seller attacks. 现在有一种微型产业,专门试图发现哪一家中国企业会成为做空者攻击的下一个目标。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Mini excavators assure safety in the work even under such a constraint as they need only a limited space for a swing. 即使在如此限制的环境中,迷你挖掘机因其机械臂摆仅需很小空间而确保了作业的安全性。 www.suiniyi.com 1. Though the Mini is popular and seems to carry some component of joy, the electric version of the car is nothing special technically. 尽管Mini既融合了流行元素,也带有些许驾驶快感,电动版技术上却没有任何特殊。 www.bing.com 2. Compact and easy to use, the Mini-IR 470 allows you to safely measure surface temperatures of various foods without contact. 结实且使用方便,迷你红外线温度计470可以使你不用接触食物本身而测得其表面的温度。 www.labbase.net 3. We're trying to get Shield Block to feel more like a mini-Shield Wall. 我们尝试着让盾牌格挡成为一个小盾墙,在危难关头再去用它。 bbs.ngacn.cc 4. Zoellick is no fan of this "mini-deal, " which he said will be as hard to achieve as the big deal. 佐利克并不支持这种“迷你交易”,他说这会使大的协议难以达成。 putclub.com 5. With only breathing tubes and mini navigation equipment above the surface, they leave almost no wake, making them hard to spot from the air. 只有呼吸管和微型导航设备之上,表面上看,他们离开后,几乎没有,令他们难以当场从空气中。 hi.baidu.com 6. He sat down on his unmade bed and looked at the mini bar. 他坐在凌乱的床上,盯着房间里的迷你吧台。 mansioushi.blogcn.com 7. She received a mini comic with the bubble gum package that she bought with her play. She read the comic and got a laugh. 在这块口香糖的包装纸上,有一个微型连环画,她读了这张连环画,大笑了一场。 www.bing.com 8. Mini Ai talked about future goals, he said he intends to improve agriculture and irrigation conditions, beautifying the home environment. 米尼埃谈及今后目标时说,他打算改善农业水利条件,美化家乡环境。 www.englishtang.com 9. By the early 2000s it had "The Sopranos" , "Sex and the City" and "The Wire" as well as ambitious mini-series like "Band of Brothers" . 直到2000s初,它拥有了“黑道家族”、“欲望都市”以及“电报”与雄心勃勃的迷你系列比如说“兄弟乐队”。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. In a way, Hamas may be evolving into a client (mini)state of a more Islamist-oriented Egypt. 从某种程度上说,哈马斯可能演变成一个更为伊斯兰导向型的埃及的(小型)附庸国。 www.bing.com 1. The problem he encountered was that each time the cells divided, the mini-chromosomes degraded, until eventually they vanished completely. 他遇到的难题是,每当细胞分裂时,微型染色体就会退化,直到最终它们完全消失。 www.bing.com 2. MINI has always been a lifestyle brand but even more so in recent years after the takeover by BMW. 迷你一直是一种生活方式的品牌,但更是在最近几年在接管后,由宝马。 usa.315che.com 3. Pat mini series from Tom - hob is not known, but this does not hinder him in the film would later become the important part of Hollywood. 拍迷你剧出身的汤姆-霍伯并不为人熟知,但这不妨碍他在本片之后成为好莱坞的重要一份子。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Nemesis Prime wielded the Dark Saber, a twisted clone of the Star Saber, and had a Mini-Con partner named Run-Over. 黑暗擎天柱手持黑暗之剑,这是星辰剑的畸形克隆品。同时,他还有一个迷你金刚搭档:载过。 tieba.baidu.com 5. And with that gene activated in the mouse on the right by a high dose of resveratrol, she quickly turned into a mini-Olympian. . . 当右侧小鼠的那种基因被高剂量白藜芦醇激活后,她快速变为迷你奥运选手… blog.sina.com.cn 6. Then, sitting next to me on the mini-bus ride back to the hotel, he began to interrogate me. 在回宾馆的小巴上,他坐到我旁边,审问开始了。 www.douban.com 7. This essay mainly provides a method for the modeling system and it has redeeming feature for the model building of every mini system. 本论文主要对系统建模提供了一种方法,其中对于各个小系统的建模都有可取之处。 stae.com.cn 8. The mini-lessons will give you a glimpse at the kind of things you'll learn in b-school and help you make sure an MBA is right for you. 这个小型课程和你未来在商学院学到的知识息息相关,你会对这些知识留下初步印象并且确信MBA是你的选择。 www.bing.com 9. And today Mini decided to sweeten the deal with a pair of special editions in celebration of its 50th year of production. 今天迷你决定怀柔的处理对特别版,以庆祝其50年的生产。 usa.315che.com 10. The mini's Statue ability gives it a unique twist, providing an interesting way to ambush the enemy or claim a forward position. 这个战棋的能力赋予它一个独一无二的技巧,提供一种有趣的方式来埋伏敌人或放在一个前方的位置。 1. When a sand boil erupts, the best bet is to surround it with sandbags or to build up a mini ring levee around it. 当沙涌爆发时,最好的办法就是用沙袋围起来或者在周围建一个小型环堤。 dongxi.net 2. Yes, yes, I will. But I am going to lapse into a mini coma for just a second, and then we're gonna have the best Lego battle ever. 行,行。一会儿来。先让我眯个几秒钟,然后我们就开一场世上最惊世骇俗的乐高大战。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. I anxiously stayed in until midnight and drank all the beer in the mini-bar but there was no sign of her. 我焦急地等到半夜,小酒柜里的啤酒都被我喝光了,然而,还是没有她的音讯。 www.bing.com 4. The entertainment channel is so pleased with its scoop it has turned it into a mini-series. 娱乐频道非常高兴抢到这条独家新闻,并将做成系列片播出。 bbs.open.com.cn 5. "The mini-vacation is a fantastic way of changing the scene without breaking the bank, " said Amelie Hurst of travel website TripAdvisor. 旅游网站的艾米丽?赫斯特说:“迷你假期是省钱度假的好办法。” big5.cri.cn 6. Being together in Manchester will be a bit like a mini-reunion. It will be nice to see everyone. 在曼彻斯特的再次相聚将会变成一次迷你型的团圆。见到大家很美好。 eriksson.blog.enorth.com.cn 7. Mini-Mart is one of the best scores in the game, capable of scoring from literally anywhere, and should be treated as such. 小马丁绝对是联盟中出色的得分手,应该来说可以从任何地方得分,他应该得到大家的关注。 www.bing.com 8. Alongside the news allowing financial companies to open renminbi accounts came an announcement being referred to as mini-QFII. 除了允许金融公司开设人民币账户的消息外,有关当局还发布了一项被称为“小QFII”的公告。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Now the last connection for our transmitter is going to be a mini-cable with stripped ends. . . 现在,我们的传输器的最后一项连接是一条两头剥开的小电线… qac.yappr.cn 10. At this point it seems as if the mini stasis is pointless. 基于这点,看起来小型停滞期是无意义的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. And it's not like she consciously impressed her personality on me, actively trying to turn her child into her 'Mini-me. 而且她并不是有意识地将自己的个性传给我,主动地将孩子变成“第二个我”。 www.bing.com 2. But mostly because, after the mini-inflation scare following the ECB's bailout plans for Europe, we seem to be having a deflation scare. 但最主要的原因是,在欧洲央行(ECB)纾困欧洲的计划引起小小的通胀担忧后,我们似乎产生了通缩担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Xiao Tao's husband has bought the coast villa for her, Xiao Ran's husband has bought Martha for her and Mini cooper, and I! 小桃的老公给她买了海岸别墅,小冉的老公给她买了玛莎拉蒂和Minicooper,我呢!? img3.zhubajie.com 4. A Chinese firm will introduce a line of Linux-based ultra-mini PCs (UMPC), one of which is said to be the size of a pack of playing cards. 一个中国公司推出了一系列基于Linux的超小迷你电脑(UMPC),基中一个据说只有一副扑克牌大小。 www.bing.com 5. The symptoms accompanying these so-called mini-strokes may last only a few minutes but often are a warning of an impending major attack. 这些所谓“小中风”的症状只持续几分钟的光景,但它们常常是重症临近的警报。 www.zftrans.com 6. Take advantage of the fact that Crit-a-Cola will also deal Mini-Crits to the Scout as well, quickly depleting the Scout's low health. 利用爆击可乐也会对敌方侦查兵本身造成小爆击伤害这点,攻击他以快速削减他的偏弱血量。 wiki.teamfortress.com 7. The utility model relates to a mini harvester, which belongs to an agricultural machine used for harvesting rice and wheat in fields. 微型收割机为一种农用机械,用于田间稻麦的收割。 ip.com 8. People say that maneuver looks like the jet is turning inside of itself as I execute a mini power loop at the top. 人们说我在大回环的顶端做这个机动时飞机就好像是在绕着自己打转。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. That is not the only field in play: our electron has its own mini-field as a result of its quantum-mechanical spin. 但这并非是唯一一块运动场:缘于它自身所带的量子力自旋的作用,这个点子还拥有它自己的小小领地。 www.suiniyi.com 10. Slip a few tablets of good chocolate into a sliced croissant or mini brioche and warm in the oven. 往切片了的牛角面包或迷你奶油蛋卷中加入几小块优质的巧克力,然后放到烤炉里面去烘烤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It is actually better for you to take several mini vacations throughout the year, as opposed to one longer one. 在整个一年中休几个短的假期与只休一个长假期来比较,实际上会对你更好些。 www.elanso.com 2. They have asked for a nurse, mini clinic, vehicle, protective clothing, gloves, and masks. So far, they have none of them. 他们申请配给一名护士、小型诊所、车辆、防护服、手套和口罩,可到目前为止,他们还什么都没有得到。 www.who.int 3. A goal that's readily apparent as Tame sets off on the run, with friends in a mini-control room pushing out his video to Ustream. 当Tame开始跑步时,一个很容易明白的目标是他的朋友们在一个微控制屋子里把他的视频发布到Ustream上。 www.bing.com 4. The scientists said the Mini- Helicon is the first rocket to run on nitrogen, the most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere. 科学家称,迷你海利空是世界上第一种使用氮推进的火箭,而氮气则是地球大气层中含量最为丰富的气体。 www.showxiu.com 5. Car park markings continue up the wall of the building where a Morris Mini is parked. The head- and taillights light up at night. 停车场的停车位标志一直延续到了墙上,一辆莫里斯迷你车停在这堵墙上。车头和车尾的灯在夜晚都会点亮。 bbs.cnnas.com 6. At this time, the facial expression of Huang Li Jiang's frenzy after venting, just a mini fall tranquilize on the whole. 此时,黄梨江狂乱的表情在发泄后,总算稍稍平静下来。 lionwind990718.sclub.tw 7. Remember that delivery is like a mini-marathon and if you are out of shape, it may be a difficult run, at best. 记住分娩就像一个小型的马拉松,如果你身体状态不好的话,那会是个艰难的旅程。 www.on-line-degree-1.net 8. A Google spokeswoman said Android was designed to be used in small gadgets like phones and bigger devices like the mini-laptops. 谷歌发言人表示,Android的设计目标就是针对手机之类的小型设备和稍微大些的迷你型笔记本。 www.bing.com 9. By the end of her program, even I had developed a mini girl-crush on her. 节目结束的时候,即使是我都对她生出了一点小小的女生式的暗恋。 www.elanso.com 10. As an added bonus, Peter Jackson (director of Lord of the Rings) has shown interest in adapting the novels into a mini-series. 有一个额外的惊喜,指环王的导演彼得·杰克逊有兴趣将本书改变成迷你剧。 www.bing.com 1. He led me to look up several Scriptures, and I ended up receiving a mini Bible lesson on the power and presence of angles. 他引导我去看几节经文,最后我上了一堂小型的圣经课,一堂关于天使的存在及其权利的课。 www.bing.com 2. The Economist recently described how the company leased 600 electric Mini ES to drivers in England, Germany and the United States. 经济学杂志最近描述在英国、德国和美国公司如何出租600辆电动迷你ES给司机。 www.bing.com 3. He said you were representing them for the Mini- Mons . 他说你们为他们代理迷你小怪物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The Objectives frame is now docked below the mini-map next to the right 2 action bars and will track up to 12 quests for a zone. 目标框体现在固定于小地图以下靠近右边2条动作条的位置,并且可以追踪一个区域的12个任务。 bbs.sw123s.cn 5. Almost every other mini now seems to be a Cooper, so the badge has become less special. 现在,似乎每一台迷你都是迷你库柏,所以这个标牌也变得越来越普通了。 www.bing.com 6. Taking the same mini-train back to the entrance, he cleans up in the miners' bathroom, and arrives home around midnight. 重新乘着来时的那种小火车走出煤窑,然后到矿工们的盥洗室随便洗洗,回到家里已是半夜时分。 www.bing.com 7. A Dutch artist has turned his dead cat into a mini working helicopter so as to pay tribute to his feline friend, The Mirror reported. 据英国《镜报》报道,荷兰一名艺术家为了纪念自己死去的猫,决定把它做成一架可运转的迷你直升机。 www.kekenet.com 8. TIA, sometimes known as a "mini stroke, " occurs when a blood clot temporarily clogs an artery and blocks blood flow to the brain. 短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)是一种由于血栓阻塞脑动脉导致大脑短暂性供血中断所引起的疾病,有时也被称为“小卒中”。 news.dxy.cn 9. The result of this mini-putsch was a draw. But it shortened Mr Blair's political life expectancy. 这一小型的叛变虽以平手告终,但是最终缩短了他的政治寿命。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Cap sleeves seem to be emerging as a mini Oscars trend. 盖袖看来要在奥斯卡形成一股小潮流。 www.bing.com 1. It was more than just purchases of flags, football jerseys and television sets that fuelled the mini-boom. 而这不仅仅得益于世界杯期间人们购买的小旗子、足球队服和电视机。 cn.reuters.com 2. All the passengers died on the spot when a full-occupied mini-bus had a head-on collision with a truck on Saturday night. 上周六晚,一辆满载的中巴与一辆卡车迎头相撞,所有乘客当场死亡。 pdf.sznews.com 3. Unless you want to have a beach wedding, it's not a good idea to ask your bridesmaids to wear mini skirt bridesmaid dresses. 并不是所有身形的人都适合穿迷你裙,所以为伴娘们挑选它并不合适,除非婚礼是在沙滩上举办。 www.bing.com 4. Both sites said the next generation iPod Mini could be released as soon as next week. 另外,这两家网站都宣传,下一代的iPodMini将会在下周发布。 www.cnbeta.com 5. Mini-tenders are basically auctions at short notice, normally announced about a week in advance. 小型招标团一般很快就进行拍卖,一般提前一周就通知。 www.ecocn.org 6. The full motion recorded movie is placed into one slide of a project and plays like a "mini movie" within the larger project. 全动态录制的影片会存在项目的某幻灯片中,并在较大项目中以迷你影片形态播放。 www.tauk.com.cn 7. It's easy to accept such colorful life stories if the mini blog belongs to a star. 如果换做是明星的微博,你便会轻易地接受他们拥有如此多彩的生活。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 8. Efficient, environmentally friendly disposal begins during the development and production stage of every MINI. 卓有成效的环境友好循环利用在每台MINI的研发和生产阶段就已经开始了。 www.tdict.com 9. Conventional coherent wave analysis can hardly be used for identifying the mini-faults with fault throw less than half of event. 常规相干技术对于断距小于半个同相轴小断层就不尽人意。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The utility model relates to a mini-sized transmission case of a rotary cultivation machine. 本实用新型涉及微型旋耕机传动箱。 ip.com 1. Bar is one of the main places for leisure activities, mini bar bar-line management system aimed at achieving paperless management. 酒吧是人们休闲活动的主要场所之一,小型酒吧在线管理系统旨在实现酒吧管理的无纸化。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Very rarely, an atom or molecule will get close enough to a mini black hole to be devoured. 在极少数的情况下,一颗原子或大分子会抵达会被微星黑洞吞噬的足够近的距离。 www.ngmchina.com.cn 3. 'All the classical research said there was no market, ' Pitney says. “所有经典的调查都显示,Mini车在美国没有市场,”皮特尼说。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The mini electric helicopter is cut out for the beginner for its crash-proof, low cost of flying and easy for handling. 小电直拥有抗摔性能好、飞行成本低、飞行压力小等优势,非常适合电直入门者使用。 bbs.translators.com.cn 5. Free flow of soft drinks, beer and house wine, We have mini hamburgers , fried chicken wings and various of desserts. . . for your choice. 饮料,啤酒以及店酒免费无限畅饮。迷你自助餐有迷你汉堡,炸鸡翅还有各式精美甜点等,任您选择。 www.shenzhenparty.com 6. In short, a gadget or widget is any mini-application that's easy to build, easy to deploy, and easy to consume. 简而言之,gadget或widget就是易于构建、易于部署和易于使用的迷你应用程序。 www.ibm.com 7. The HP Mini felt more responsive and, in fact, loaded some programs a little faster, but it had twice the memory. HPMini的反应速度更快,实际上,下载几个程序也比诺基亚上网本要快一些,但是其内存也是诺基亚上网本的两倍。 chinese.wsj.com 8. A complex type can be thought of as a mini-schema that defines the valid structure and data contained within a specific element. 可以将复杂类型视为一种袖珍架构,它定义特定元素内包含的有效结构和数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Results: By at least one year of clinical observation, a diameter of only 3. 0 off the mini-implant, the rest were good osseointegration. 结果:经最少一年的临床观察,只有一颗3.0直径之迷你种植体脱落,其余均获得良好的骨结合。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. The new Countryman is the largest Mini yet, and meant to look like an SUV, even offering all-wheel-drive. 新款乡下人(Countryman)是迄今最大的迷你车,看起来像越野车,甚至还有四轮驱动。 www.bing.com 1. That two of the hottest cars in the United States is a 55, 000 dollar giant car, big enough to hold a mini in its trunk. 在美国所有热销的汽车中,两辆中的其中一辆是价值五万五千美元的大汽车,大到足够在它的后备箱中再放入一辆小汽车。 www.ted.com 2. It is bad enough being ripped off, but did you know hotels don't even make any money out of mini-bars? 挨宰的确很糟,你知道吗?那些小型点心酒橱居然不赚钱。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The photos show a glimpse of a steering wheel and center console with many similarities when compared with the rest of the MINI line up. 这些照片显示看到的方向盘和中控台与许多相似之处相比其他小型排队。 usa.315che.com 4. Just prior to the announcement period we will have the mini stasis, so the rest of those in the way can be removed out of sight. 在宣布之前,我们将进行小型停滞期,剩余的黑暗存有能够从实相中被移除。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Each of the plurality of bundled mini-tube assemblies includes a main body section having a first end section and a second end section. 多个束状微管组件各包括具有第一端部和第二端部的主体部。 ip.com 6. Unfortunately, Microsoft's realization came too late: a whole mini-industry has spawned around the concept of Job Interview 2. 0. 不幸的是,微软明白的有点晚了。各个企业全他妈的开始用面试2。 www.bing.com 7. As with all my regular mini-disasters I made it into a hilarious dinner party story. But inside I didn't find it funny. 我像通常经历小型灾难时一样把它编成了一个逗笑的晚宴故事,但事情的本质并不滑稽。 www.bing.com 8. The crunch has lasted long enough to spawn its own publishing mini-boom, as authors have raced to give their diagnoses in print. 紧缩危机已经持续了足够长的时间,甚至令对其竞相诊断的经济学家们发了一笔小小横财。 www.bing.com 9. It was the little things that the staff do that make the resort so good - free water, mini bar (soft drinks) and beach towels! 就是工作人员做的这些小事情,使得这个度假村这么令人满意——免费的饮用水、迷你酒吧(软饮料)和沙滩巾! img9.vikecn.com 10. Those are a fair a mini some cool thin faces, long Feng eye, straight bridge, the lips Cape starts to hang up a to put on cool thin radian. 那是一张略微有些凉薄的脸,狭长的凤眼,挺直的鼻梁,唇角勾起一抹凉薄的弧度。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Used brush stroke on her face again drawing, would be a short small mini man. 再在她脸上用笔画了画,便是一个矮小的小男人。 nanhai.hinews.cn 2. mini - computer control . computer code 16 memorial channel . easy to operate. 微电脑控制,电脑编程,16个记忆频道,操作简单。 www.bing.com 3. Mini-Motor Vehicles (hereinafter referred to as mini-car) as a national car, there are broad prospects for development. 微型汽车(以下简称微车)作为一款国民用车,有着广阔的发展前景。 www.dictall.com 4. However, if the Mini is too revealing on its own then pair it with some plain leggings for a more casual look. 但是如果你的迷你裙太过于“诱惑”,那么你最好搭配上简单的紧身裤,看起来更休闲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. You need to be able to sell your information product and the best way is through your own mini website. 你得有能力去把你的产品卖出,而最好的渠道就是通过你个人的迷你网站。 www.bing.com 6. Ms Wang, who died of cancer in 2007, was known as "Little Sweetie" , thanks to her trademark pig-tails, heavy make-up and mini-skirts. 龚如心在2007年死于癌症,其标志性的马尾辫、浓重的妆容和迷你裙为她赢得了“小甜甜”的昵称。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Mini also expects the Countryman to extend its geographic reach into parts of the U. S. that get snowfall. Mini还希望Countryman开拓新的疆土,拓展到美国那些下雪的地方去。 chinese.wsj.com 8. "Then again took a look part of the gorgeous Ying say: " We really decreed by fate, mini Ms. Ying. 然后又看了看一边的艳莹说道:“我们真是有缘了,小莹小姐。” www.swty.net 9. Packet switching was used to transmit data to connect mainframes and mini computers over wide area networks around the world. 分组交换是用于传输数据,通过广域网把世界各地的大型机和微型机连接起来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He sometimes takes shots completely out of sequence and often pretends to be a mini-Magic. 有时他的出手不依次序,而他经常还自认为是小号的‘魔术师’。 kobechina.com.cn 1. A totally new game experience, original urban soundtrack and graffiti-decal graphics add up to great fun in this fast-paced mini-puzzler. 一个全新的游戏体验,原创配乐和城市涂鸦贴花图形加起来很大的乐趣在这个快节奏的小益智游戏。 zone.it.sohu.com 2. The circular economy needs stability, order and government by law, which will reduce the inharmonious factors of a society to a mini. . . 循环经济强调稳定、有序与法治,能将影响社会不和谐的因素减少到最低限度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The mini-riot could be just one of many flashpoints in Chinese cities featuring people with little confidence in the legal system. 此次小规模骚乱可能只是中国城市的众多爆发点之一,它反映出人们对法律制度缺乏信心。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Dai said his laboratory was already producing a second litter of mini-pigs, which are expected to be born at the end of July. 代说他的实验室正在生产第二窝迷你猪,它们有希望在七月底出生。 www.ourtra.com 5. In the early years in 1990s, after several years of suspension of the CUSPEA exam, a new program called Mini-CUSPEA is created. 从90年初期开始,停止了几年的CUSPEA考试重新开始举行,但是考试的规模大大缩小。 instapedia.com 6. Meanwhile, a mini-industry has sprouted up in salons: fixing botched at-home cuts. 与此同时,美容美发店里兴起了一种小型生意:修复那些在家搞砸了的头发。 www.bing.com 7. Mini- Road roller sales in Europe this year are expected to be half of what they were in 2007. 小型压路机的销售在欧洲,今年预计的一半,他们在2007年。 www.lwtxw.com 8. Produced by Tom Hanks mini-drama "John Adams" accidentally 13 to set a new trophy of a TV Emmy award-winning single a few years. 由汤姆·汉克斯监制的迷你剧《约翰·亚当斯》意外地以13尊奖杯刷新了艾美奖一部电视剧的单年获奖数。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Whereas divide time whether the idea gets into little, the strength then is extra opposite than to must be a mini bit weak. 反之分身如果念头进入得少,力量则相对于要弱一些。 wester.com.cn 10. Match orbs and tackle hidden symbol and tile matching mini games as you travel across Egypt on the road to adventure. 在你穿越埃及,踏上冒险征程时,你要消除水晶球,解决隐藏的符号,体验匹配方块的迷你游戏。 www.server3.yupapa.com 1. Overview: Play through a set of mini-games like poolside water balloon fights, pool jumping and aquatic mechanical bull riding. 概述:通过一个小型集播放,池畔水气球一样战斗游戏,游泳池和水上跳机械牛骑马。 www.ch933.com 2. Hence, it is not the dust that causes mini ice-ages (or ice ages) on earth but the Sun's reversing magnetic field. 因此,它不小的灰尘,导致冰年龄(或年龄冰)在地球上,但太阳的磁场逆转。 www.bing.com 3. There is nothing enticing about a fridge that looks like a mini-bar or is filled with half-eaten takeout food. 一个看起来像迷你吧一样或装满了残剩外卖食品的冰箱并没有任何吸引力。 www.bing.com 4. The elated sun Wu mouth softly smiles, the heart says these two wenches to actually cooperate to humiliate a someone another mini boy. 乐阳捂嘴轻笑,心说这两丫头当真联手欺负人家小男生。 www.swty.net 5. In just a few easy steps, you can create a personalized mini-me. 只需简单的几步,你就可以做出个性的“迷你我”。 www.hxen.com 6. Besides, some of useful stains of Bacteroides are introduced as well. And this mini review provides a perspective on the tre. . . 此外,还介绍了几株有重要应用价值的拟杆菌,并就以后的研究趋势作了展望。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. If you get a coke out of the mini bar it's gonna cost you an arm and a leg. 如果你在酒吧里喝可乐,这会让你断手断脚。 post.baidu.com 8. If mini- marts are open 365 days a year , 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, why do the doors have locks on them ? 如果小型超市一年365天,一天24小时,一星期7天都开门,那为什么大门上还要安锁呢?。 www.bing.com 9. In order to see mom in the factory, you rode through the highway on your "mini-bike" , which you just managed to control. 为了到工厂里见妈妈,你骑着你的小单车过公路,那时你刚刚学会控制小单车。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The resort is like a mini village with bungalows scattered about, each one differs in layout and style a bit. 这个度假村像个小村庄,布局迥异,风格多样的小平房零星般散落在这儿。 weike.taskcn.com 1. Beautiful but low-key voice of all mini-bar and on-line through the watercress group began to attack the fashion and Petty circle. 华丽却低调的声音透过各个小酒吧和网上的豆瓣小组开始向时尚和小资圈子进攻。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 2. ''I don't think I'll ever look as good in a movie, '' jokes Mortimer. ''I would have imagined myself as a battered old Mini. '' “我不认为在一场电影我会永远看上去那么好看,”莫蒂默开玩笑说,“我会想象自己是一个破旧微型汽车。” www.bing.com 3. Instead, a formation deep within the proto-Galaxy or within dark-matter mini-haloes might be favoured. 相反,形成深处原始星系或在暗物质小晕可能受到青睐。 www.syyxw.com 4. According to a recent report, Volkswagen is developing a mini-MPV version of their redesigned Polo which could be launched within two years. 根据最近的一份报告,大众正在开发一种小型MPV车型版本的重新设计,马可波罗,可在两年内推出。 usa.315che.com 5. He always take along with him a mini english dictionary in order to look up new words whenever possible. 他经常随身携带英语字典以便随时查阅新单词。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Mix Master: To make a blazer look fresh for the office, keep the skirt mini and modern, the top fun and feminine. 混搭之王:要让夹克在办公室里让人眼睛为之一亮,得穿上现代的迷人小裙,上衣也要活泼而又不失女人味。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Using pliers, I bent the straight end like a mini hook so it could be used as a clasp to open and close the hanger. 我用钳子把直的一端弯成一个小挂钩的形状,从而使它能够作为一个钩来打开或扣上衣架。 www.elanso.com 8. Inside, it's a mini- town, complete with a chapel, baths, a great hall and a Gothic loggia. 壕沟内为一小型城镇,其中教堂、浴池、大厅还有哥特式凉廊样样俱全。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. 1960s - It was the time of huge economic growth that culminated with the invention of the mini skirt in 1965. 1960年代——此时经济巨增,并在1965年迷你裙发明时达到顶峰。 www.bing.com 10. The mini spy plane can fly up to 11 miles an hour. It took five years to develop the spy at a cost of $4 million. 这种迷你侦察机的最高时速可达每小时11英里,研发耗时5年,投入资金达到400万美元。 www.bing.com 1. You can use a mini-test harness to shorten some of the early tests and also gather verbose information on the system output. 您可以使用小型测试工具来缩短一些早期测试的时间,还可以获得系统输出的详细信息。 www.ibm.com 2. Objective To understand the sensitivity of different Criteria of mini-mental state estimate (MMSE) in diagnosis of AD. 目的比较不同的简易智能状态检查量表(MMSE)分界值标准在阿尔茨海默病(AD)筛查诊断中的敏感度。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. I'd guess it might fall somewhere in the Mac Mini range of $600 to $800 and might be positioned as the portable version of the Mac Mini. 我猜可能会下降到MacMini的600到800美元的区间,并且被定位为MacMini的便携版本。 www.bing.com 4. SPECIFIC : The more specific you are when setting mini-goals, the more likely you'll zone in and achieve what you want. 具体的:您制定小目标时越具体,就越有可能区分和实现你想要的。 www.bing.com 5. Since mini grafts are usually the treatment of choice for filling in thin spots, dense hair growth at the back of the head is required . 由于迷你移植治疗通常选择填写薄点头发生长茂密的后脑勺需要。 www.bing.com 6. Sourced Mini Hotel 5 from Trip Advisor and stayed there New Year's Eve 2009, and then a few days into January at the start of our holiday. 一个在西贡迷你酒店5的中心来自“出行顾问”的珍品,我们在2009年的元旦夜入住,然后在我们假期开始的几天,也就是一月开始的几天继续住在这里。 www.taskcn.com 7. Most of my colleagues and I have found it helps for each pair on the team to have a "mini-retrospective" at the end of each day. 我和大部分同事都觉得团队中的每两个成员结成对在每天结束时进行“迷你回顾”很有帮助。 www.ibm.com 8. For consumers looking for excursions in California, touring California wine country in fall can be a great way to take a mini-vacation. 对于寻求到加州远游的那些游客来说,在秋季一览加州葡萄酒之乡可能是度过一个小型假期的绝佳方式了。 www.californiawines.com.cn 9. Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the world's leading automakers, offering a full range of models, from mini vehicles to large trucks. 丰田汽车公司是世界最大的汽车制造商之一,提供众多的车型,从微型汽车到大型卡车。 www.dictall.com 10. Comfortable and elegant rooms, with satellite TV, mini-bar, hairdryer , personal safe, and with administrative and business floors. 舒适典雅的客房,配有卫星电视、迷你吧、吹风机、私人保险箱,并配有行政及商务楼层。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. He added another possible outcome was the breakup of Libya into what he called "three semi-autonomous mini states" . 他补充道,另外一个可能的结果是,利比亚可能会分裂成为三个半自治的小国家。 www.tingclass.com 2. Try to sacrifice the mini subs with the least amount of health to keep your army strong and minimize your losses from the attack. 努力牺牲那些血量尽量少的迷你潜艇来保证你的部队的战斗力同时使你的损失降到最小。 youxi.wo.tc 3. Reports from Algeria say 15 members of the same family have been killed in a head-on crash between a mini-bus and a lorry. 来自阿尔及利亚的报道称,一辆小型巴士和一辆货车迎头相撞,同一个家庭的15人全部遇难。 club.topsage.com 4. Men walks in the front while climbing: This is a habit here, men walks in the front while up, back while down the hills, Mini-skirts! 《上山时男人要走前面》这是个当地的“潜规则”,上山时男人要走前面,下山走后面,超短裙嘛! blog.sina.com.cn 5. It makes a strange kind of sense: when travelling with your mini-me, where better to go than a miniature country? 它使我们感到很有意义::当你和孩子去旅游时,哪儿会是是最好的选择呢? treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. He spends three hours a day on his hobby, sitting on his bed, with his sewing machine next to his mini-fridge. 他每天花三个小时在这项爱好上,做拼布时他坐在床上,身边并排放着缝纫机和迷你冰箱。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Forth is an interactive programming environment originally designed for programmers developing applications using mini- and micro-computers. Forth是个互动编程环境针对在迷你和微型计算机上开发程序而设计。 www.bing.com 8. That daytime, summer Anne Han knows originally the be like the alike girl of fairy maiden is uncle Luo of mini daughter, Luo Qing Wen. 那天,夏安翰知道原来这个像仙女一样的女孩就是洛叔叔的小女儿,洛倾雯。 www.zlqh.com 9. He says the rally that has been so enjoyable for stock investors is just a mini-cycle in that longer swoon. 他说,让股票投资者那么兴奋的反弹只是在这个更长期的低迷市中的一个微小周期。 www.bing.com 10. A mini LD laser rangefinder is introduced. The construction, operation principle and key technology of the system are discussed. 介绍了一种采用半导体激光二极管(LD)为光源的小型激光测距仪的系统组成、工作原理及其关键技术。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. He also had words of praise for Darren Fletcher, a man who's making the most of a mini injury-crisis to stake his claim for a regular place. 他同样赞扬了弗莱彻,后者表示在队伍面临严重的伤病危机时,他要力争主力位置。 www.mufans.org 2. After Argentina by the front desk, tea bar, golf shop, and play 40-bit, three-hole mini, VIP teaching rooms. 后廷则由前台、茶吧、高尔夫专卖店以及40个打位、迷你小三洞、VIP教学室等。 www.chuncui.cn 3. Julie, left, and Tricia present their father with a mini surfboard on the lawn of the White House in 1969. 1969年的白宫草坪上,左边这位是茱莉亚,特蕾莎正在向父亲展示迷你冲浪滑板。 www.bing.com 4. Thigh- to belly-high waves these days up in Riyuewan. And we are still looking good for a mini-swell hitting Thursday and peaking Friday. 这段时间在日月湾的浪高在大腿到肚子左右,但是我们仍然期待周二的一组浪和周五将要到达的最高点。 www.surfinghainan.com 5. Mini Siam in Pattaya is where you can take a glimpse of famous attractions around the world in a limited time. 迷你沙炎在芭提雅里,你可以饱览风景名胜世界在限一段时间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The mini spy plane can fly up to 11 miles an hour and took five years to develop at a cost of $4million. 这种迷你侦察机的最高时速可达每小时11英里,研发耗时5年,前后投入更是达到了400万美元。 www.kekenet.com 7. Multi-purpose mini-motorcycle in the belt drive gear for the latter, the main, the size of the driven pulley reduction ratio sub-decision. 在微型摩托车多用皮带传动方式作后传动装置,主、从动皮带轮的大小决定次级减速比。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. It creates a mini parachute out of your own body, heavy parts low, and light parts high. 蒙克说,“用自己的身体创造一个迷你降落伞,重心放低,抬高头部。” www.bing.com 9. in looking ahead to the mini road trip , the lakers need to be careful not to look too far ahead to their battle with the hornets. 展望未来,这个小的客场之旅,湖人队必须小心,不要看的太远,应把目光集中在黄蜂队上。 www.ichacha.net 10. For the moment that you are stretching, you really do feel like you're taking a mini-vacation. 在你拉伸身体的那一刻,你真的会感觉自己像在度一个小假期。 www.yappr.cn 1. If your field is creative, techie, or you just want to stand out a little, order your mini-Moo cards online at moo. com. 如果你的职业是创造性的,技术性的,或者你只是想派送很少量的卡片,你可以在moo.com网站上订购小型Moo卡。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Though visibly nervous and shaking at times, Chanel posed for photographers as she sat on a red mini-sofa. 香奈尔坐在一个红色迷你沙发上接受拍照,不过她看起来明显有些紧张,不时有些发抖。 www.ebigear.com 3. Investment banking is an inherently cyclical business: it staged a remarkable mini-bounce back in 2009, for instance. 投行业务有着固有的行业周期:像09年就出现过一波小幅反弹。 www.ecocn.org 4. I tell them to listen to the Mini-Stories, the Vocab Lessons, The Point-of-View Stories, and the Audioarticles everyday. 我告诉他们每天要多听微型小说、词汇课程、观点故事和音频文章。 peixundoc.com 5. Pnp - forces Mini-Setup to re-run the full PnP device enumeration the next time the computer is started. pnp-强制最小安装程序在下一次启动计算机时重新运行完整的PnP设备枚举。 support.microsoft.com 6. Now to our thugs: We are going to remove all of you during the mini stasis, in every facet of your control. 现在给我们的凶手们:我们将要移除全部的你们——在微型停滞期期间,在你们控制的每个方面。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Imagine the gleaming mini-starship you could build with all the tiny pieces from the Taj Mahal set. 想象一下,闪闪发光的小的星际飞船,你可以建立从泰姬陵设置的所有小块。 www.wujinggou.com 8. We also highly recommend homemade cookies and mini coconut tarts baked by students of Pinehill which you could sample in the restaurant. 此外值得为大家推荐一尝的是由松岭综合职业训练中心学员制造的曲奇饼及椰丝馅饼。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Then mini books were used to test the skills of apprentice printers, who had to set the tiny type on very small pages. 当时印刷厂的学徒工必须在很小的纸上印刷文字来证明自己的技术已经过关,这就是迷你书的由来。 www.1stenglish.com 10. Scarlet ivy climbs all over the walls and circles the mini Ionic columns on the window in an artistic way. 腥红的常青藤爬满了墙,柔美地缠绕在迷你的古希腊风格的窗棂上。 www.bing.com 1. After careful investigation, Louis Vuitton Monogram Mini Lin Juliette, he got to know the ins and outs of the accident. 经过仔细的调查,他终于弄清了事件的前因后果。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In the practicing of vehicle field teaching, research and produce, a kind of mini power unit test system is urgently required. 在各种飞行器的生产、科研、试飞及教学过程中,迫切需要一种方便实用的小型台架测试系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Mini- reactors could last up to 100 years without refuelling , unlike today 's units which need replenishing every few years . 迷你核反应器可以持续一百年不需要燃料补给,而不像现在的反应器每隔几年就需要进行能量补充。 www.bing.com 4. He agreed to wear a mini-skirt - but refused to shave his legs for the operation, known as Operation Cross-dresser. 这名男警察拒绝透露自己的姓名,他同意穿上借来的迷你裙女校服,但却不同意刮掉自己的腿毛。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. With an elegant and durable brushed aluminium case, the Mini-Note has the look and feel of a machine several times its price. 它使用优雅耐用的磨砂铝制外壳,外观和质感堪与价格数倍于自己的产品媲美。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It was not the farmer's wife, but the mini-radio transmitter which cut off their tails, rendering newer mouses wireless. 是微型无线发射器而不是农妇,割掉了它们的尾巴,使其升级为无线鼠。 www.bing.com 7. And Congress seems likely to slow the pace of fiscal tightening with a new "mini-stimulus" of temporary spending (see article). 美国国会似乎想要通过一个新的“迷你刺激”临时性支出计划来减缓财政紧缩计划的步伐。 www.bing.com 8. The maximum useful bathtub accessory is theirs mini-desk, which allows you to record while soaking in a tub of hot runing water. 其中,浴缸里最有用的摆设是一张迷你桌,有了它你就没去外国疑问一边泡热水澡一边书面表达了。 www.showxiu.com 9. However much you dress yourself up for that important rendez-vous - a well-accessorised MINI will upstage you every time. 为了这个极其重要的约会您会怎么打扮自己呢-装配齐全的MINI时刻彰显您的尊贵与时尚。 www.jukuu.com 10. But fear not, dear iPad Mini owner-to-be. The cloud is here to help save you money. 但别担心,想买iPadMini的亲们,云计算可以帮你们省钱。 cn.nytimes.com 1. Although the MINI Crossman was shown as a thinly-veiled concept at the 2008 Paris Motor Show, work is still ongoing on the mini 'ute. 虽然Mini的克罗斯曼表明作为一个薄含蓄的概念在2008年巴黎车展上,工作仍在进行中的Mini的子宫。 usa.315che.com 2. Rather than looking like Dubai on a continental scale, China is having more of a 'mini Dubai moment, ' Anderson argues. 安德森认为,中国并不像一个迪拜的“大陆国家版”,而更多地是在经历一个“缩微版迪拜时刻”(miniDubaimoment)。 c.wsj.com 3. Each volume is available on its own, as part of a themed mini-set, or as part of a specially-priced 204-volume set. 每卷是自己用,作为一个主题的小集,或作为一个特殊定价204卷集的一部份。 www.ccebook.net 4. Straight out of primary school, each child was ranked according to ability and divided into one of three "mini schools" . 直接从小学开始,每个孩子都要根据能力排名,并且被分入三所“迷你学校”之一。 dongxi.net 5. Even the rumour of such has provoked a mini equity rally and a weakening of the currency. 即便只是此类传言已引发了股市小幅上扬和日元走软。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Similarly, Mini USA, with intentionally few auto showrooms in the United States, allows you to build a car from scratch via the Web. 同样,在美国还几乎没有特意设立的汽车陈列室时,MiniUSA就允许用户通过Web从无到有构造汽车了。 www.ibm.com 7. A robust speed control of a gasoline engine for a mini unmanned helicopter is presented. 给出了某小型无人直升机汽油发动机的恒转速鲁棒控制。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Instead of a long dress, you need a mini-skirt or a pair of cuffed shorts to match with the gladiator shoes. 你需要一条迷你裙或短裤来搭配罗马鞋,而不是一条长裙。 www.ebigear.com 9. The chopping bowl attachment turns The Control Grip Stick Blender into a mini food processor. 斩波碗附件变成一个小型的食品加工机的控制手柄棒搅拌机。 www.freemerce.com 10. The SMS contains the address and a link to the place page with description, ratings, contact, URL and a mini map. 在SMS包含地址和对与描述,收视率,联系人,网址和网页的链接迷你地图的地方。 zone.it.sohu.com 1. This time is often spent with the family on mini breaks and outings. 这次经常花费与家庭在微型断裂和远足上。 wenwen.soso.com 2. PROJECT ORGANIZATION Project Gutenberg has evolved into a mini crusade. 计画组织计画古腾堡已经进入迷你改革运动之内进展。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. In fact, RUP iterations can be visualized as being "mini projects" with a plan, deliverables, and assessment. 实际上,RUP迭代可以看作有计划,发布,和评估的“迷你项目”。 www.ibm.com 4. If you plan to pick up a mini-notebook in the next few months keep in mind that netbooks are not laptops. 如果你计划在未来几个月买一台微型上网本,请谨记它是上网本而不是笔记本。 www.bing.com 5. To our knowledge, the efficacy and safety of mini-incisions in hip fracture surgery has not been studied in a randomised fashion. 据我们所知,小切口治疗髋部骨折手术暂无随机对照研究。 opoadoc.net 6. mini-httpd handles multiple concurrent requests in a single system thread, while demanding little from its host in the way of memory or CPU. mini-httpd可以在一个系统线程中处理多个并发请求,但是在主机上占用的内存或CPU很少。 www.ibm.com 7. Zhang Zhigang is called "a mini-car traveler" in Yunnan photographic industry. 在云南摄影界,张志刚被称为“微型车旅行家”。 baike.baidu.com 8. At the end of the mini iteration, the team should review how requirements were organized and documented, and identify areas for improvement. 在微小迭代结束时,团队应当回顾需求是如何被组织和文档化的,并识别要改进的区域。 www.ibm.com 9. But compared to the United States and Europe, China is still an economic mini-me. 但是对比于美国和欧洲,中国仍然是一个经济上的小矮人。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. These pages can be pulled up later on the device itself, or transferred to a computer using a mini USB connection. 这些页面满了之后可以在自身装置上被拉开或者用迷你USB连接转移到电脑里。 www.bing.com 1. The other names of this dog are Chinese pug, Dutch bulldog, Dutch mastiff, Mini mastiff and its country of origin is China. 巴哥犬又叫中国哈巴狗、荷兰牛头犬、荷兰獒,这种狗的原产地是中国。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Taking the shape of a mini-spoiler over the windscreen, the item is sure to cause a stir amongst Mercedes fans. 以形成一个小型扰流的挡风玻璃,该项目肯定会引起轰动除梅赛德斯球迷。 usa.315che.com 3. Nick came up with a great idea of sending mini desserts home in a box. 尼克的好点子,让客人把盒装小甜点带回家。很聪明的点子。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Let the mini Ran carry ashore the shoulder you, nevertheless is nominated not gladly serve below, you sat not to descend be not? 让少冉扛着你吧,虽然指定不顺服,但是你坐不下了不是? www.wjtts.net 5. The biggest threat comes with Fiat's takeover of Chrysler, and its plans to bring the Fiat Cinquecento to the U. S. late this year. 菲亚特(Fiat)收购克莱斯勒(Chrysler)并计划在今年年底将菲亚特Cinquecento引入美国市场给Mini带来了最大的威胁。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Positive solution should be: to stop immediately, took out the car mini folding bike, ride, fast to the old bike. 正解应该是:立即停车,拿出车内的迷你折叠自行车,骑上车,快速向老头的自行车。 cnqr.org 7. The main drawback, with component prices at current levels, is the fact that the mini-micro would carry a hefty price of around $100. 这款迷你微波炉的主要缺点在于:以当前的零部件价格水平,微波炉的售价将高达一百美元左右。 gb.cri.cn 8. As the hours passed, several mini-vans full of tired-looking Syrians disgorged their passengers inside the grounds of the Yayladagi camp. 随着时间的过去,一些微型面包车累前瞻性叙利亚人全吐出里面的Yayladagi阵营的理由,乘客。 www.englishtang.com 9. Wing Cmdr Wallis has been a pilot for 73 years. He keeps 20 autogiros in a mini hangar at his home in Norfolk. 目前,他的驾龄已有73年。而他自己一共制造了20架旋翼飞机。 www.crazyenglish.org 10. Fixed an issue where using a laptop with a touchpad containing a horizontal and verticals scroll touch option would break the mini-map. 修正如果使用手提式电脑的控制水平和垂直方向捲动的触碰板来进入选项会让地图消失的错误。 www.gamebase.com.tw 1. If you're single, it can be depressing to see your coupled-up friends being showered with gifts and zipping away on mini-breaks. 你的朋友成双成对地被礼物包围,然后一起去享受甜蜜一刻。如果你单身,看见这些情景是很郁闷的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. This makes the popular mini-notebook market is estimated to fall into a smoke in the price war. 这就使得火爆的迷你笔记本市场估计要陷入一场硝烟弥漫的价格战中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. If you catch them in time you can get them to lock the mini-bar and get you to sign a form promising not to use it. 如果你及时发现他们的这种行为的话可以叫他们把小冰箱锁起来,并让你写下一个保证不使用的字条。 www.bing.com 4. However, selecting a suitable mini screw system from among the available brands is not easy. 然而,选择一个合适的微系统从现有的品牌是不容易的。 www.syyxw.com 5. Similar to a mini rabbit vibrator style sex toy but with a major focus on clitoral stimulation. 类似风格的小兔子振动器性玩具,但与一对阴蒂刺激的重点。 www.ttbuy168.com 6. Four years after its debut, driving a Mini Cooper is still just about the most fun to be had on four wheels. 472下载四年后的首次亮相,驾驶迷你库珀仍然只是最有趣的是在四个轮子了。 kondishenprom.info 7. It is a mild Friday evening and the gardens are full of people out for a stroll and families enjoying a mini funfair. 这是一个温和的星期五傍晚,花园里散步的人很多,还有举家观赏游艺乐园的。 www.bing.com 8. Danger, however, did not stop matazhade---the devil to destroy the mini Kingdom. 然而危险却并没有停止脚步---恶魔玛塔扎德要毁灭迷你王国。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Richard just gave what could be described as a mini version of my remarks in talking about the issues that confront us. 理查德刚才所讲的,可以说是我针对我们面对的种种问题发表过的讲话的缩略版。 www.america.gov 10. Fu-gui has an old mini-van named "happiness express" and he uses it to deliver goods. 富贵有一辆名为“幸福快递”的旧面包车,专门为物流公司送货。 fanhall.com |
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