单词 | mineral resource | ||||||
释义 | mineral resource
例句释义: 矿产资源,矿石资源,矿产资源量 1. The main means to resolve boron deficiency is to increase the rate of boron fertilizer, whereas boron is a non-renewable mineral resource. 农业生产上主要依赖增施硼肥解决耕地缺硼问题,然而硼是不可再生的矿质资源。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. Today, petroleum transported across the state through a pipeline is Alaska's richest mineral resource. 现在,藉由油管从阿拉斯加传到美国本土的石油,也是当地方丰富矿产之一。 www.24en.com 3. With the continuous and high-speed growth of national economy, mineral resource demand will increase with a rather huge range. 随着我国的经济高速增长,矿产资源安全供给题目也越来越突出。 www.qk114.net 4. Mineral resource is one of the basic sources of human being's. It is the material groundwork of social development. 矿产资源是人类生产资料和生活资料的基本源泉之一,是社会发展的物质基础。 www.lwsjz.com 5. It concludes that The Analects, like an abundant mineral resource, can not be fully excavated by a single interpretation. 文章认为,《论语》像一个无比丰富的矿藏,并非通过一次性的阐释就能穷尽对它的发掘。 www.fabiao.net 6. During the mineral resource and reserve checking, the surveying data of mining engineering shall be checked. 在矿山资源储量核查中,应对其采矿工程测量资料进行检测。 www.dictall.com 7. Different buttons or switches can be found on the control panel. A button or switch defines a given mineral resource. 在展品操作面板上有一系列控制按钮(开关),每一个开关代表不同的矿产资源。 www.rainlane.com 8. and the higher the grade of its mineral resource is and the better its ore quality is, the higher its support capacity will be. 拥有矿产资源的品位越高,矿石质量越好,其保证能力也越高。 www.jsks.net.cn 9. the last step is to generate the distributive map of mineral resource potentials. 第二步,根据训练样本构建决策树矿产资源潜力制图模型; www.progeophys.cn 10. The goal of mineral resource security is to provide resource guarantee and promote sustainable development. 矿产资源安全的目标主要是提供资源保障和促进可持续发展。 www.chemyq.com 1. Therefore, the completion of Qinghai-Tibet Railway, Tibet's animal husbandry and mineral resource development to create good conditions. 因此青藏铁路的建成,为西藏的畜牧业和矿产资源的开发创造了良好的条件。 wenwen.soso.com 2. With the depletion of mineral resource, most of the mine areas were seeking the way of sustainable development. 随着矿区矿产资源的枯竭,大多数矿区正在积极寻求可持续的发展道路。 www.chemyq.com 3. After brief review of the world's mineral resource development, it makes out the situation on a global allocation of mineral resources. 本文通过对全球矿产资源开发状况的简要回顾,说明矿产资源呈现全球化配置的趋势。 www.lunwenxiazai.com 4. The Design and Implementation of "The GIS Based Mineral Resource Management Information System" “基于GIS技术的矿产资源管理信息系统”的设计与实现 ilib.cn 5. The synthetically level that people make use of mineral resource reflects basically the state-of-the-art. 人类综合利用矿产资源的水平,基本反映了社会和生产力的发展水平。 www.fabiao.net 6. Nobody can be in possession of the mineral resource. 没有人能够占有这些矿物资源。 yingyu.whjuren.com 7. The mining right holder environmental protection duty includes the preventive voluntary and in the actual mining mineral resource duty. 采矿权人的环境保护义务包括预防性义务和在开采中的义务。 www.bing.com 8. The essential mission of mineral resource management as national property is ownership management. 矿产资源资产管理的根本任务是产权管理。 www.chemyq.com 9. GIS development has provided the technical support for building mineral resource information system. GIS的发展为矿产资源信息系统的建立提供了技术上的支持。 www.jsks.net.cn 10. This paper presents a method for controlling the environmental problems in mineral resource-based cities. 并提出了矿产资源型城市主要矿山环境问题的治理方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. In the mineral resource appraisal domain, the GIS application received the widespread attention. 在矿产资源评价领域中,GIS的应用受到广泛的关注。 www.chemyq.com 2. passing through the reform and open for 30 years, the mineral resource exploitation in Cai Damu area has reached plenty achievements. 经过三十年的改革开放,柴达木地区的矿产资源开发取得了丰硕成果。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. motherlands underground everywhere all are burying the rich mineral resource. 祖国的地下到处都埋藏着丰富的矿产资源。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Last, the paper establishes an evolutionary model concerning mineral resource consumption. The model consists of 8 functions. 最后,建立了矿产资源消耗的演化模型,并对模型应用中的函数选择作了分析。 www.say666.com 5. In this paper, it puts forward direction and means of gold ore-hunting in China, also prospects our future gold mineral resource. . . 提出在我国找寻金矿资源的方向和方法,并作了展望。 www.chemyq.com 6. In recent years, the national mineral resource situation is unoptimistic and the geologic exploration profession is exceptionally hot. 近几年,国家矿产资源形势不容乐观,地质勘查行业异常火爆。 www.qk114.net 7. But a number of nonferrous metal mines are short of the mineral resource as a result of exploit long term, for example, tin ore. 但经过长期的开采,我国多数有色金属矿山企业资源不足或严重不足,锡多金属矿就是其中的代表。 www.chemyq.com 8. You are a mine master, must arrange the under person to gather each kind of mineral resource. 你是一位矿场的主人,要安排手下的人去采集各种矿藏。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 9. Part four, the cultivation basis of mineral resource-based industry cluster for Baishan City. 第四部分,白山市矿产资源型产业集群培育基础。 www.fabiao.net 10. Evident efficacy have been gained after making mineral resource plan in Shandong province, but still have some shortcomings. 山东省矿产资源规划编制实施以来取得了显著成效,同时也存在某些不足。 www.chemyq.com 1. The methodological system of "Three Three" mineral resource potential assessment in western China is also discussed in this paper. 文章最后还论述了“三三”西部矿产资源潜力评价的方法体系。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Petroleum is the blood of industry, which is a dispensable mineral resource to support economy and society development. 石油是“工业的血液”,是支撑经济和社会发展不可缺少的矿产资源。 www.13191.com 3. Usufructury right of mineral resource comprise exploitation right and the part of mining right. 矿产资源用益物权包括探矿权以及采矿权中的部分权利。 www.13191.com 4. The mineral resource is the vital part of natural , and it is the essential and basic material of human society development . 煤炭资源是自然资源的重要组成部分,是人类社会发展的重要物质基础。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. Similar salaries were being paid to new hires in the mineral resource sector. 矿产资源领域新职员的工作也大概如此。 www.bing.com 6. Tne a paper introduces the world mineral resource, production and consumption of Te. 介绍了碲的矿藏资源及其在世界各国的分布、产量和消费情况。 www.chemyq.com 7. WwW. zIdiR. coM Mineral resource is the base of national socioeconomic development. 矿产资源是一个国家经济发展的基础。 www.zidir.com 8. This GIS-based 3D ore-deposit model is the key to the mineral resource quantitative predication. 而基于GIS的三维地下矿体形态模拟是进行矿产资源定位、定量预测的关键。 www.chemyq.com 9. The mineral resource was found after long exploration. 经过长时间的勘探,人们发现了矿藏。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 10. Synthesis Mineral Resource Information Analysis and Predication System (SMRIAPS) is set up. 构建并编制了综合矿产资源信息分析与预测系统。 www.lw23.com 1. There are also many jobs for geologists outside of the mineral resource sector. 除了矿产资源领域以外,还有很多与地质相关的工作。 www.bing.com 2. Many years production practice indicated that mineral resource could be used comprehensively according to ore properties. 多年的生产实践与试验研究表明,根据原矿性质的不同可综合利用矿产资源。 www.chemyq.com 3. Part six, the development models of mineral resource-based industry cluster and government functions of Baishan City. 第六部分,白山市矿产资源型产业集群的发展模式及政府职能。 www.fabiao.net 4. Tailing waste water is produced in the exploitation and utilization of mineral resource. 尾矿废水是在矿产资源的开发利用过程中产生的。 www.jsks.net.cn 5. Meanwhile, law circle has been probed real right of mineral resource. 同时,法学界也形成了对矿产资源物权的大探索。 www.13191.com 6. Is Chinese Mineral Resource of Per Capita Not Enough? 中国的人均矿产资源真的不足吗? www.ilib.cn 7. The software is easy to operate so that the dynamic forecasting for future net income of mineral resource assets can . . . 净收益动态预测软件操作简便,使用方便,使矿产资源资产净收益动态预测能够真正付诸于实际。 epub.cnki.net 8. In view of natural mineral resource poor reality, Japan pay special attention to the regeneration of metal resources recycling utilization. 鉴于自然矿产资源贫乏的现实状况,日本特别重视再生金属资源的再循环利用问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Stone coal is a unique vanadium mineral resource in China and its reserve is abundant. 石煤是我国独特的一种矾矿资源,储量极为丰富。 www.chemyq.com 10. At last, the author brings forward some suggestion for rational exploitation and development of mineral resource in China. 最后提出合理开发利用矿产资源,实现可持续发展的措施和建议。 www.chemyq.com 1. How to availably manage mining rights, and make maximum use of mineral resource is an urgently problem needs to be settled. 如何有效地管理矿业权,从而最大限度地利用矿产资源,是矿业部门亟待解决的问题。 2. It should improve the mining right market in order to promote the development of mineral resource prospecting work. 云南省是矿业大省,应通过建设矿权市场来推动矿产资源勘查的快速发展。 www.dictall.com 3. Mineral resource is the basis and leading industry of the economic development in our country. 矿产资源是我国国民经济发展的基础,是拉动经济发展的支柱产业。 www.fabiao.net 4. The saline lake mineral resource is extremely scarce and urgently needed in our country. 盐湖矿产资源是我国十分紧缺和急需的资源。 www.chemyq.com 5. Study on method of determining the residual exploitation time of mineral resource asset to be appraised 待估矿产资源资产剩余开采期的确定方法研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Thought about Building Technical Service Platform for Mineral Resource Comprehensive Utilization in Longyan Municipality 龙岩市矿产资源综合利用技术服务平台建设思考 www.ilib.cn 7. Study on Metallogenic System and Its Significance to Mineral Resource and Environmental Protection 成矿系统研究及其资源、环境意义 www.ilib.cn 8. Methodology of deposit modeling and mineral resource potential assessment using integrated geological information 矿床模型综合地质信息预测技术研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Regularizing Administrative Approval Procedure to Fulfill Ordered Administration of Mineral Resource 规范行政审批程序实现矿产资源有序管理 www.ichacha.net 10. Mineral Resource Assessment and Characteristics of the Important Metallogenic Regions and Belts in North China Platform 华北地台重要成矿区带成矿区划及其特征 service.ilib.cn 1. China desire to justify the strategy on mineral resource development 调整矿产开发战略,保证资源安全供应 service.ilib.cn 2. AHP-Based Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Model of Mineral Resource and Its Exploitation Conditions Risk 矿产资源及其开采条件风险层次模糊综合评判模型 www.ilib.cn 3. Mineral resource distribution of ceramsite shale in Chongqing, Sichuan, and primary discussion about its developing direction 重庆市、四川省陶粒页岩矿产资源分布及开发方向初探 www.ilib.cn 4. Principium studying of mineral resource environmental economical evaluation 矿产资源环境质量评价初步研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on external problems of mineral resource development and its countermeasures 矿产资源开发的外部性问题及消除对策研究 service.ilib.cn 6. Comprehensive utilization of mineral resource following the principle of scientific development 树立科学发展观综合利用矿产资源 www.ilib.cn 7. The Application of Fuzzy Multilevel Comprehensive Evaluation Model for Mineral Resource Property Evaluation 模糊多级综合评判在煤炭资源资产评估中的应用 www.ilib.cn 8. Geographical Information System and Its Development in Assessment of Mineral Resource 地理信息系统及其在矿产资源评价的发展 www.ilib.cn 9. Regional Mineral Resource Strategy Appraisal: A Case Study of Xinjiang 区域矿产资源战略评价:以新疆为例 www.ilib.cn 10. The Retrospect and Future Direction of Mineral Resource Protection Policy of China 我国矿产资源保护政策回顾及未来取向 www.ilib.cn 1. Exploration of Ecosystem Compensation Mechanism of Mineral Resource Development 矿产资源开发的生态补偿机制探索 www.ilib.cn 2. The Significance and Influence of Rational Application of Mineral Resources--A Lasting Topic in Mineral Resource Management 矿产资源合理利用的重要意义和深远影响--国土资源管理的一个永恒主题 www.ilib.cn 3. Energy and non-energy mineral resource prospecting and mining geological work belong to the task of mineral resource guarantee; 能源、非能源矿产勘查和矿山地质工作均属于矿产资源保障任务; www.chemyq.com 4. Developing Geological and Prospecting Economy and Relieving Mineral Resource Pressure 缓解资源压力推进地勘经济发展 www.ilib.cn 5. Discussion about Establishing Environment-oriented Industry Chain of Mineral Resource 关于建立环保型矿产资源产业链的设想 www.ilib.cn 6. Developed Countries'Strategies of Mineral Resource and Its Revelation to China 发达国家的矿产资源战略以及对我国的启示 www.ilib.cn 7. Theory and Method Problems of Informatization of Geological Surveying and Mineral Resource Exploration 地矿勘查工作信息化的理论与方法问题 service.ilib.cn 8. The Sustainable Development and Industrial Policy Choice of the Mineral Resource Company 矿产资源型企业可持续发展与产业政策选择 service.ilib.cn 9. Game analysis on mineral resource compensation levying management and countermeasure 矿产资源补偿费征管的博弈分析及对策建议 ilib.cn 10. The System of Compensable Using Mineral Resource and Interest Distribution 矿产资源占有、使用及利益分配——矿产资源有偿占用制度的理论探讨 www.ilib.cn 1. Seize opportunities and take new measures to raise mineral resource utilization efficiency and Ore supply capability 抓住新机遇采取新措施努力提高资源利用效率和有效供给能力 service.ilib.cn 2. The Present State of China's Mineral Resource and the Problems in Its Comprehensive Utilization 我国矿产资源的现状及综合利用存在的问题 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Suggestion on ecologic environment protection in mineral resource development and utility 对矿产资源开发利用中保护生态环境的建议 www.ilib.cn 4. The Mineral Resource Potentialities and Ore-search Direction of W-Mo Deposits in Kunshan-Daheli of North Jiangxi 赣北昆山-大河里地区钨钼矿资源潜力及找矿方向 www.ilib.cn 5. Data Model of a Multisource Geological Information System for Estimating Mineral Resource 矿产资源评价系统的地质矿产数据模型 ilib.cn 6. Theoretical analysis on the improvement of current mineral resource law of China 完善我国现行矿产资源法的理论分析 service.ilib.cn 7. Provision on the Valuation Procedure for Mineral Resource Damages Arising from Illegal and Destructive Mining 非法采矿,破坏性采矿造成矿产资源破坏价值鉴定程序的规定 www.itreviews.cn 8. Analysis on the Cultivation and Realization Ways of Industrial Structure Superiority of Mineral Resource in the Westward Regions of China 我国西部矿产资源产业结构优势的培育及实现途径分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Overall Plan of the Mineral Resource and Environmental Protection in Huangyuan County 青海省湟源县矿产资源总体规划与县域环境保护 ilib.cn 10. Study of Evaluation Index System on Sustainable Development of Mineral Resource 矿产资源可持续开发评价指标体系的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Study of Evaluation Index System on Sustainable Development of Mineral Resource 矿产资源可持续开发评价指标体系的研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Prospects for Evaluating Technology for Developing and Utilizing Mineral Resource 矿产资源开发利用评价技术研究展望 www.ilib.cn 3. Influence of Mineral Resource Exploitation on Environment and Prevention Measures 矿产资源开发中的环境影响与防治措施 www.ilib.cn 4. The Means of Assessing in Mineral Resource Assets 矿产资源资产评估的计价方法 www.ilib.cn 5. Development and prospect of essential theory of mineral resource economics 矿产资源经济学基本理论的发展与展望 www.ilib.cn 6. Market Subject and Market Regulations of Mineral Resource Commercial Prospecting 商业性矿产勘查活动的市场主体和市场规则 www.ilib.cn 7. General Description of High-efficiency Exploitation and Utilization of Mineral Resource of Jinduicheng Molybdenum Company 金堆城钼业公司矿产资源高效开发利用概述 service.ilib.cn 8. Sustainable Development and Countermeasure for Mineral Resource-based Cities in Hebei 矿产资源型城市的可持续发展及河北的对策 ilib.cn 9. to implement a globalized mineral resource strategy and to set up long-term steady iron ore supply bases abroad; 实施全球化的矿产资源战略,建立国外长期、稳定的铁矿石供应基地; www.jsks.net.cn 10. Density variety of rodents before and after storm tide attacking at a mineral resource 风暴潮侵袭前后某采油矿鼠密度变化观察 www.ilib.cn 1. The Principle and Measures of Synthetically Developing Saline Lake Mineral Resource in Tsaidam Area 柴达木地区盐湖矿产资源综合开发的原则及对策措施 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Strengthening the Role of Geological Prospecting Teams in the Mineral Resource Guarantee System 要充分发挥地勘队伍在矿产资源保障中的作用 3. Attribute Data Modeling Method for Mineral Resource Management Information System 矿产资源信息系统空间属性数据建模方法 www.ilib.cn 4. The Mineral Resource Requirement for Sustainable Development in Hebei Province 河北省可持续发展的矿产资源需求态势分析 ilib.cn 5. to undertake the management of mineral resource reserves and the collection and compilation of geological data; 承担矿产资源储量管理工作,管理地质资料汇交; www.nexoncn.com 6. The Policy Choice of Chinese Mineral Resource Industry from the Dynamic Comparative Advantage 从动态比较优势看我国矿产资源产业政策选择 www.ilib.cn 7. Financial management on incomes and expenses of mineral resource compensation fees 矿产资源补偿费收支的财务管理 ilib.cn 8. Tongling: Groping for Paths of Economic Transformation from a Mineral Resource Based City 铜陵:探索资源型矿业城市转型之路 www.ilib.cn 9. Mineral Resource Potentials and Developing Strategy for Ore Mining of Nonferrous Metal in West China 西部有色金属矿产资源潜力与矿业发展战略 www.ilib.cn 10. Theoretical Framework of Mineral Resource Accounting 矿产资源核算的理论框架 service.ilib.cn 1. Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities; 南极矿物资源活动管理公约; www.sinobay.com 2. Prospect of comprehensive utilization of mineral resource at Baiyunebo 白云鄂博矿产资源综合利用的前景 www.ilib.cn 3. Mineral Resource Property and Optimizing Configuration of Market 矿产资源资产与市场优化配置 www.ilib.cn 4. Law Procedures Should be Defined in Mineral Resource Management 矿产资源管理工作应界定法律程序 www.ilib.cn 5. A discussion about definition method of the strategic mineral resource 刍议战略矿产资源的界定方法 www.ilib.cn 6. Research on Optimum Price Tactic of Mineral Resource Under Market Economic Condition 市场经济条件下矿产资源最优价格策略研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Exploitation of mineral resource in West-Panzhihua region and construction of Baima Iron Ore Mine 开发攀西资源建设白马铁矿 service.ilib.cn 8. Strengthen Geological Research in Mineral Field to Fully-using Mineral Resource 加强采场地质研究充分利用矿产资源 www.ilib.cn 9. Application of Design Patterns to Expert System for Mineral Resource Evaluation 设计模式在矿产资源评价专家系统中的应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Types and Exploration Future of Offshore Sand Mineral Resource in Shandong Province 山东省近海砂矿资源类型划分及开发前景 www.ilib.cn 1. Small Cells and Mineralization Model Series in Mineral Resource Prognosis 区域矿产预测中的小单元法和矿化模型系列 www.ilib.cn 2. Metallogeny and mineral resource prospecting in the Pb-Zn-Ag-Au-Mo polymetallic ore belt of eastern Qinling 东秦岭铅锌银金钼多金属成矿带成矿规律及找矿标志 www.ilib.cn 3. Nonmetal Mineral Resource for Papermaking Industry 造纸工业中可利用的非金属矿物 www.ilib.cn 4. Research on Sustainable Exploitation of Mineral Resource in West China under the Condition of Knowledge -Based Economy 知识经济条件下西部矿产资源的可持续利用研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Working Hard to Do Mineral Resource Management Work Well in Laiwu City 莱芜市莱城区全力搞好矿产资源管理工作 www.ilib.cn 6. Study on Challenges in Sustainable Development of Mineral Resource Type Cities and Countermeasures 矿产资源型城市可持续发展面临的问题与对策研究 ilib.cn 7. British Management Systems of Mineral Resource Planning 英国矿产资源规划管理制度简介 www.ilib.cn 8. Survey Precision Analysis in Mineral Resource and Reserve Checking 矿产资源储量核查中测量精度分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Dynamic forecasting system for future net-income of mineral resource asserts 矿产资源资产未来净收益动态预测系统 ilib.cn 10. Risk Analysis Method of the Project of Mineral Resource Exploration 关于矿产资源开发项目风险分析方法初探 www.ilib.cn 1. Study on Sustainable Development and Mineral Resource Policy 可持续发展与矿产资源政策研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Situation and Development of Comprehensive Utilization of Mineral Resource 矿产资源综合利用现状与发展的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. The Design and Implementation of Web-based Mineral Resource Database System 基于Web的矿产资源数据库系统设计与实现 ilib.cn 4. Research on Mineral Resource Exploitative Strategy of Guilin City 桂林市矿产资源科学开发战略研究 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Research on the Select and Construction of Copper Mineral Resource Reserve Base 铜矿资源后备基地选择与建设研究 www.ilib.cn 6. The teaching reform of production practice in Mineral Resource Project 矿物资源工程专业生产实习教学改革探讨 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Indicators of Assessment for Mineral Resource Security 矿产资源安全评价指标体系研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Mineral Resource Accounting Practice Means Study 矿产资源会计核算方法的研究 www.ilib.cn 9. China's mineral resource sustainable development 中国矿产资源的可持续发展 www.ilib.cn 10. New Development of International Marine Mineral Resource Researches 国际海洋矿产研究新进展 service.ilib.cn 1. The Important Role of Intangible Asset in Geology and Mineral Resource Economy 试论无形资产在地矿经济中的重要作用 www.ilib.cn 2. An Analysis on the Conflict Between Land and Mineral Resource in Resource Based City 资源型城市土地资源与矿产资源冲突问题分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Application of HHS-GPS Technique on the Mineral Resource Management 技术在矿产资源管理中的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Application of Geologic Body Unit in Assessment of Mineral Resource 地质体单元及其在矿产资源评价中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Evaluation on Mineral Resource Supply Security 矿产资源供应安全评价 www.ilib.cn 6. LAW ON MINERAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND EXPLOITATION 矿产资源管理和开发法 wenku.baidu.com 7. Policies amd Measures for Mineral Resource Planning 矿产资源规划实施政策措施分析 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Case-based evaluation method for mineral resource assets 矿物资源资产案例估价方法研究 service.ilib.cn 9. Design and Development of Mineral Resource Management Information System 矿产资源管理信息系统设计与开发 www.ilib.cn 10. Ecological Safety Comprehensive Evaluation in Mineral-Resource Enterprises Based on AHP 基于AHP的矿产资源型企业生态安全综合评价 www.ilib.cn 1. GIS-Based Information System for Mineral Resource Planning 基于GIS的矿产资源规划信息系统 www.ilib.cn 2. HOW TO PROMPT SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MINING COMMUNITY? --Globe Experiences on Maximizing Benefits of Mineral Resource Development 国外如何促进矿区的可持续发展--最大化矿产资源开发对矿区的贡献 www.ilib.cn 3. On strategy of China's mineral resource sustainable development 论中国的矿产资源可持续发展战略 scholar.ilib.cn 4. The Querying System of Laws and Regulations for Mineral Resource Management 矿产资源管理法规查询系统 www.ilib.cn 5. Drawing Up General Mineral Resource Plan of City Hulunbeier 呼伦贝尔市矿产资源总体规划编制的几点做法 www.ilib.cn 6. The Theory and Methods for Analysis of Mineral Resource Economy 矿产资源经济分析的理论与方法 www.ilib.cn 7. Investigations on Mineral Resource Status and its Protecting Countermeasure in China 我国矿产资源现状研究及保护对策 ilib.cn 8. Analysis of Game of Mineral Resource-Related Problems 有关矿产资源问题的博弈分析 www.ilib.cn 9. The Life Cycle Theory of Mineral Resource Consumption and Analysis of Space-time Effect of Energy Consumption of China 矿产资源消费周期理论与中国能源消费的时空效应分析 ilib.cn 10. Some opinions on setting up open mineral resource market 关于建立开放型矿产资源市场的几点思考 service.ilib.cn 1. Study on GIS using in mineral resource layout and management 地理信息系统在矿产资源规划与管理中的应用 service.ilib.cn 2. A New Automatic Mapping Model for Mineral Resource Potentials Assessment Based on the GIS Technology 一种基于GIS的矿产资源潜力评价的自动制图模型 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Research on the Design and Development of the Mineral Resource Planning and Management Information System Based on GIS 基于GIS的矿产资源规划管理信息系统研发 www.ilib.cn 4. Discussion on how to confirm the illegal behaviors on "contract" in mineral resource management 谈矿产资源管理中对“承包”违法行为的认定 ilib.cn 5. Method of the mineral resource estimation based on spatial analysis 基于空间分析的矿产资源评价方法 www.ilib.cn 6. Thought on the Standardization Work of Mineral Resource Multipurpose Utilization in China 对我国矿产资源综合利用标准化工作的思考 ilib.cn 7. The resource crisis in China's modernization and countermeasures--On China's mineral resource strategic adjustment 中国现代化进程中断的危机与我们的对策--论中国矿产资源战略的大调整 www.ilib.cn 8. Environmental Protection for the Development of Mineral Resource in Qinghai Province 浅谈青海省矿产资源开发中的环境保护 www.ilib.cn 9. The Nature of Mineral Resource Rights and Market System 矿权性质及其市场制度 www.ilib.cn 10. Research on Optimum Use of Mineral Resource and Sustainable Development of Mining Industry 矿产资源优化利用与矿业可持续发展研究 ilib.com.cn 1. Development and Innovation of the Technical Policy of Metal Mineral Resource in China 我国金属矿产资源技术政策的发展与创新 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Development of mineral resource reconnaissance information system based on GIS 基于GIS的矿产资源勘察信息系统的开发 ilib.cn 3. Shortage of Mineral Resources and Establishment of Mineral Resource Strategy System in China 矿产资源紧缺与我国矿产资源战略体系的构建 www.ilib.cn 4. A method for mineral resource estimation based on BP algorithm 基于BP网络算法的矿产资源评价方法 www.ilib.cn 5. The Influence of Science and Technology Advancement on Mineral Resource Development Viewpoint 科技进步对矿产资源发展观的影响 www.ilib.cn 6. Some defects and perfection of current mineral resource legal system in China 当前我国矿产资源法律制度的不足与完善 www.cnjlc.com 7. Theoretical and Practical Study on Mineral Resource Tax in China 我国矿产资源税问题的理论与实践研究 www.ilib.cn 8. A Summary of Mineral Resource Economics Study in China 中国矿产资源经济研究综述 www.ilib.cn 9. Proposals as to the Development of China's Oceanic Mineral Resource Work 关于我国大洋矿产事业发展的若干建议 service.ilib.cn 10. Status quo of Nickel Mineral Resource of Our Country and Countermeasures 我国镍矿资源现状及对策 www.ilib.cn |
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