单词 | Bordeaux |
释义 | 例句释义: 波尔多,波尔多白葡萄酒,法国波尔多,波尔多产区,法国葡萄酒 1. Show me into one of those pretty little rooms which overlook the court, and bring me a cold fowl and a bottle of Bordeaux. 给我弄一间面朝院子的精致的小房间,给我送一只冻鸡和一瓶波尔多酒来。 www.jukuu.com 2. Other merchants say Bordeaux has so much stock that merchants are trying to move it on. 其它酒商表示,波尔多葡萄酒库存太多,酒商们正设法将其转手。 www.ftchinese.com 3. This well-integrated Bordeaux style wine will improve very nicely with a few years of aging. 这款结合着波尔多风格的葡萄酒略加陈年会更加完美。 shop318282.p19.shopex.cn 4. Bordeaux were in the Group stage in 1999 when Chelsea first qualified, and went through as runners-up to Sparta Prague. 1999年切尔西第一次获得参赛资格时波尔多也参加了小组赛,且和布拉格斯巴达一同出线。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I've just five weeks left here, it's up to me to have nine great matches to go as far as possible with Bordeaux. 我还有五个星期就离开这里了,我为波尔多还有九场伟大的比赛可以踢。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. Unknown: If you were my special, I would slow roast you over a hickory flame and serve you with a fine Bordeaux! [对stan说]要是你是我的特色菜,我会把你放在山核桃的火焰上细火慢烤,配上优质的波尔多葡萄酒。 www.oxford.com.cn 7. Like a number of other dishes in Bordeaux, it is often prepared with a light touch of garlic. 就像其他用波尔多葡萄酒做的菜一样,这些菜肴也用一点大蒜来准备。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The results were shocking, given that China's short wine history is dwarfed by the thousands of years of Bordeaux production. 与波尔多上千年的葡萄酒生产历史相比,中国短暂的葡萄酒历史不值一提。有鉴于此,这种结果令人震惊。 www.bing.com 9. It's also worth taking a chance on a low-priced Bordeaux because sometimes these can be among the best $10 deals in the stores. 低价波尔多也值得你试试运气,因为有时它们可能埋藏在最划算的10美元价位的酒里。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The thought that the panic of Bordeaux could make itself felt across the sea is not to be borne. 心中绝对不可存有一种念头,以为波尔多的恐慌局面会影响到海外地区。 www.jukuu.com 1. This Bordeaux exhibits a beautiful, strong garnet color. The wine has a fine bouquet reminiscent of red fruits, liquorice and vanilla. 此酒呈现出美丽的石榴石般亮丽的红色,原木的芳香中可以感到红果、甘草和香草气息。 www.999mywine.com 2. "In Bordeaux you still have the prestige and you also have 20-40 acre estates with chateaux allowing you to receive people, " he said. 在波尔多,这里仍然很知名,你也能找到占地20-40公顷,带城堡的可容你接待人的庄园。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In some areas of Bordeaux , a sandy iron-rich layer is located deep enough below the surface to act as a water table for the vine. 在波尔多的某些地方,一些沙质的富含铁质的土层在底下足够深的地方,形成地下水位,为葡萄的根部提供水份。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Perhaps, he reasoned, life in Bordeaux would not be so bad. 也许,他想,波尔多的生活不会那么糟糕。 www.bing.com 5. I think the Bordeaux should be decanted now and allowed to breathe for a little while. 我认为现在波尔多酒应该轻轻倒,好让气味散发一下。 blog.163.com 6. I have to say that Bordeaux was the biggest disappointment of my career. 我不得不说波尔多是我足球生涯中最低潮的一段。 www.bing.com 7. Wenger is reluctant to improve his bid and has admitted that, in his eyes, the agreement is dead unless Bordeaux change their stance. 温格不愿意提高他的出价,并已承认,在他眼里,该协议已经死亡,除非波尔多改变其立场。 bbs.zhibo8.com 8. The sounds of these words evoke the flow of soft wine across your tongue: Bordeaux, Val de Loire and Beaujolais . 这些地名就像柔滑的葡萄酒一样从你的舌间流出:波尔多、瓦·卢瓦尔和博若莱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Mr Hall said long-standing economic difficulties facing smaller Bordeaux vineyards had been exacerbated during the recession. 阿尔表示,波尔多地区规模较小的葡萄园一直存在经济困难,这种困局在经济衰退期间更趋恶化了。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Indeed, in every country, it is possible to drink some wines coming from Bordeaux, Burgundy or Cotes du Rhone. 在世界各地,都可以饮用到从波尔多、勃艮第和罗讷河谷生产的红酒。 www.fabiao.net 1. Although the four doors were forehead perforated, but left back in France, Bordeaux Chelsea should still take some Thanksgiving mentality. 尽管大门四次被洞穿,但在启程回法国的时候,波尔多应该仍然对切尔西抱着些许感恩的心态。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Ferrara will come up against a familiar face in the form of Laurent Blanc, the Bordeaux boss who was a former colleague at Napoli. 费拉拉将会在这场比赛中遇到老熟人,因为波尔多主教练劳伦特。布兰科在球员时代曾效力过那不勒斯。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It was at this time that the prospect of a short crop sent the prices of bulk Bordeaux up on the market-place. 就是在这个时候可能减产的信号拉高了波尔多期酒的市场价格。 www.wines-info.com 4. Two third of Graves wines are white. Among the best white wines in Bordeaux, they are generally fresh, fruity and dry (some time half-dry). 二分之三的格拉夫是白葡萄酒。在最好的波尔多白葡萄酒中,它们通常是酒液清澈,果香浓郁和干白,有时候半干白。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Bordeaux is unusual in that for the elite 5% of its wineries, futures contracts are exchanged while a vintage is still in barrels. 波尔多葡萄酒不同寻常,因为对于5%的顶级酒庄来说,当它们的一批佳酿还在酒桶里未装瓶的时候,期货合约就已在交易了。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Bordeaux fans could argue that new world wines are powerful and alcoholic, so tend to stand out in group tastings. 波尔多迷们可能会说,新世界葡萄酒酒劲大、酒味浓,所以在集体品酒中往往能够脱颖而出。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Also, there is nothing stopping Chamakh from signing a new deal with Bordeaux during the winter transfer window. 与此同时,波尔多在冬季转会期间与查马克签订新合同的意图仍然没有停止。 www.ept-team.com 8. Bordeaux produced the upset of the European season by sending mighty AC Milan crashing out of the UEFA Cup on Tuesday night. 星期二晚上,波尔多队震惊欧洲足坛,它将强大的AC米兰队淘汰出欧联盟杯赛。 www.dictall.com 9. Below small make up take you to feel the love of bordeaux romantic atmosphere! 下面,小编就带你去波尔多感受《将爱》的浪漫氛围吧! en.cnxianzai.com 10. As the German army swept toward Paris, the government decided to move to Bordeaux. 随着德国军队横扫巴黎大街小巷,法国政府决定迁都到波多尔市。 www.bing.com 1. Word is spreading that the top 2009 Bordeaux wines might be the best ever. 2009年顶级波尔多葡萄酒可能是迄今最好的葡萄酒这一言论正在蔓延。 chinese.wsj.com 2. I don't know how it started any more but soon she was raving to me about Henry Bordeaux. 我不知道车子是怎么开动的,不过她很快就对我大谈起亨利·博尔多来。 www.bing.com 3. In 1998, his tenth book, the 3rd edition of Bordeaux, was published in Germany, England, France, Japan and, of course, the United States. 1998年,他的第十部书,第三版《波尔多》在德国、英国、法国、日本,当然包括在美国出版。 www.winechina.com 4. French red wine might be labeled " Bordeaux " after the region where it was made. 一瓶法国红葡萄酒的瓶标上也许会在生产区的后面印着“Bordeaux(波尔多)”。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. That was the spirit behind the opening of five Call Centers , in Atlanta , Bordeaux, Shanghai, Milan and Madrid . 正是本着这样的初衷,力克在亚特兰大、波尔多以及上海设立了三个国际热线支援中心。 www.bing.com 6. From one of the top Chateau in Bordeaux, a blend of Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon, aged in French barrels. 来自波尔多的顶级酒庄之一,由梅鹿,赤霞珠,品丽珠酿造而成,在法国橡木桶中成熟。 www.wines-info.com 7. At the beginning, it made Bordeaux style wine using Bordeaux grape varieties. 起初,智利用波尔多的葡萄品种做波尔多类型的葡萄酒。 blog.163.com 8. In French the garagistes refers to a group of innovative wine makers in the Bordeaux region, producing "Vins de garage" , "Garage wine" . 在法国,这个词表示在波尔多地区一群富有创造力的酿酒者,他们酿出了“车库中的美酒”。 www.elanso.com 9. Alexander Hall, director of the Bordeaux-based Vineyard Intelligence consultancy firm, said Chinese buyers want prestige brands. 总部设在波尔多的咨询公司葡萄园商情公司的负责人亚历山大·阿尔说,中国买家要的是知名品牌。 www.common-talk.com 10. In general, a light young red needs half an hour, a Burgundy about an hour, and a Bordeaux three to four hours. 一般而言,轻酒体的年轻红葡萄酒需要半个小时,勃艮第葡萄酒需要约一个小时,波尔多葡萄酒则需要三到四个小时。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The Bordeaux merchants have been capitalising enthusiastically on the pound's fall against the euro . 波尔多葡萄酒酒商一直积极利用英镑兑欧元下跌的优势。 www.bing.com 2. I shall sip a Bordeaux and nibble at soft cheese and fresh baked bread. 小口抿着波尔多,一点一点地咬着松软的芝士和新鲜出炉的面包。 www.elanso.com 3. There's a strong connection between France and Asia, and it's not just about Asian nouveau-riche fondness for bottles of Bordeaux. 法国和亚洲之间有着强大的联系,不止是在亚洲新富对波尔多葡萄酒的喜好上。 www.bing.com 4. Chamakh finished as Bordeaux's leading goal scorer last season and already has three to his name this campaign. 查马克上个赛季是波尔多最佳射手,并且这个赛季也已经进了三个球了。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 5. Perfectly aromatic, Bordeaux whites are fruity dry wines with a lively natural freshness. 完美、芬芳、果味充足使得波尔多干白充满了非常自然的清新。 www.js178.com 6. Two names that have sprung to many fans' and critics' minds are talented Bordeaux starlet Yoann Gourcuff and Chelsea playmaker Joe Cole. 两个人的名字出现在了人们的面前,一个是波尔多的天才球星古尔库夫,另一个是切尔西的中场球星乔·科尔。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. Further north in Hawkes Bay, vintners are very happy with the region's red wines, predominately Bordeaux varieties and Syrah. 而在霍克斯湾,酒商对以分别以波尔多主流的葡萄品种和西拉酿制的红葡萄酒的出品也相当满意。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. We played a few gigs in Bordeaux, then the drummer moved to another city and the bass player moved to Canada. 我们在波尔多的几个酒吧演出了几次,之后鼓手去了另外一个城市,贝司手也去了加拿大。 pangbianr.com 9. that's how the TV came by the name Bordeaux. 这就是该电视机的名称波尔多的由来。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 10. Nicholas Palazzi, whose parents own small estates in Bordeaux, has deep connections, through his grandfather, with the Cognac region. 尼古拉斯帕拉齐的父母自己在波尔多的小庄园,有着很深的联系,通过他的祖父,与干邑地区。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But several French judges contested the fairness of the competition, saying the Bordeaux selections weren't high-quality. 但有几个法国裁判对比赛的公正性提出质疑,他们认为选出的波尔多葡萄酒质量不够好。 www.bing.com 2. He has four months [of his contract] to go with Bordeaux and they have no interest in selling him. 温格说。“他在波尔多(的合同)还剩四个月,他们没有卖他的动机。” bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. One evening we lounged at a wood-lined wine bar on Sisavangvong Road, ordered a beautiful Bordeaux and snacked on fried broad beans. 有天晚上我们散步到Sisavangvong路上的一间木屋酒吧,点了一瓶上好的波尔多和一些炸蚕豆。 www.bing.com 4. The 2009 bordeaux was hailed as the "vintage of the century" and there is every sign that 2010 is just as good. 2009年的波尔多葡萄酒被誉为“世纪佳酿”,这个迹象表明2010年也一样好。 www.bing.com 5. European soccer association executive committee the conference present France Bordeaux is holding. 欧足联执委会议目前正在法国波尔多举行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Europeans may sneer at Chinese tourists who pursue Beethoven, Bordeaux and Hugo Boss with the same undiscriminating avidity. 欧洲人也许可以对以相同的热情追捧贝多芬、波尔多和波士服装的中国游客嗤之以鼻。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The aim is to ensure that future business leaders learn to love -- and eventually spend money -- on Bordeaux's great wines. 比赛的目的是为了保证这些未来的商界领袖能逐渐爱上,最终消费波尔多最好的葡萄酒。 www.bing.com 8. Now at Bordeaux came the fateful moment in the career of this ambitious, self-seeking, and capable Admiral. 现在在波尔多,这位野心勃勃,自私自利的能干的海军上将一生事业的紧要关头到来了。 www.jukuu.com 9. To the surprise of many they have chosen to invest in Penglai in humid Shandong, as has another Bordeaux-Chinese joint venture. 让很多人吃惊的是他们选择在湿润的山东蓬莱投资,这里还有另一家波尔多——中国合资公司。 www.ftchinese.com 10. It's not in Tuscany, it's not in Rioja, it's not in Bordeaux. It's in Baalbek, in the Bekaa Valley, just half an hour from here. 不是在意大利托斯卡纳,不是在西班牙里奥哈,不是在法国波尔多,而是在贝卡谷地的巴勒贝克,距此只有半小时路程。 www.bing.com 1. The Guardian reports the Chinese are not just buying Bordeaux by the bottle and case - but by the vineyard as well. 卫报报道,中国人不仅成瓶成箱地买进波尔多葡萄酒-,还整个葡萄园地买进葡萄酒。 www.bing.com 2. Bordeaux businessman Gerard Parfait also says he was disappointed at the relatively low French turnout at the forum. 波尔多商人热拉尔帕法特还表示,他是在相对较低的论坛法国投票失望。 bbs.5i5i.cn 3. The Arsenal manager has already confirmed that he will not make a move for the Bordeaux striker in the current transfer window. 温格已经确认,他不会在当前转会窗口对波尔多前锋做出转会举动。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. His itinerary would take him from Bordeaux to Budapest. 他的旅行计划显示他将从波尔多到布达佩斯。 www.exam8.com 5. Millepied, born in Bordeaux, France, is a principal dancer and choreographer at the New York City Ballet. 米勒皮生于法国波尔多,是纽约市芭蕾舞团的主要舞蹈演员与编舞。 cn.reuters.com 6. "I am happy for Gourcuff as he has found the right situation at Bordeaux where he can express his best qualities, " said the coach. 我很为古尔库夫高兴,他已经在波尔多找对了方向,可以发挥出他最好的水平。 www.bing.com 7. Bouquet: Rich styled Bordeaux Blanc wine. Aromatic to the nose with notes of buttery -vanillin oak flavours and exotic fruit. 气味:香浓的波尔多白葡萄酒,气味芳香,有酿酒香草橡木的香味和奇异的果香。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The result was less satisfying, but you have to concede that Bordeaux are valid opponents as Ciro Ferrara had explained to his players. 尽管比赛结果让人感到些许失望,但你必须承认,波尔多的确像西罗。费拉拉对球员所解释的那样,是一支组织严密的球队。 www.juvechina.com 9. That suggests that even for today's serial deal-makers, the opportunity costs of sitting and having another glass of Bordeaux was minimal. 这说明即使对于今天的交易撮合者来说,闲坐下来再多喝一杯波尔多红酒的机会成本也是极小的。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The finest Bordeaux wines from 2005 sell for prices that are four to five times higher than those of the previous vintage. 2005年份顶级的波尔多葡萄酒的价格更是它先前那些佳酿的5到6倍。 www.ecocn.org 1. Nonda has struggled with injury and form since his summer arrival from Monaco and Roma chiefs have welcomed Bordeaux's enquiries. 夏季从摩纳哥来到罗马后,目前农达正被伤病困扰,罗马高层则对波尔多的询问表示了欢迎。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. "You'll see the rise of high-quality Chinese wines, " he said. "Ningxia has proven it can beat out Bordeaux. " “你将会看见高质量中国红酒的崛起,”他说,“宁夏已经证明,她可以击败波尔多。” www.bing.com 3. They are currently fifth in their domestic league, trailing leaders Bordeaux by two points in a six-way title race. 他们目前在国内联赛排名第5,在榜首六强争夺战中,仅比头名波尔多少两分。 www.bing.com 4. The Margaret River possesses a favorable viticulture condition which mirrors Bordeaux's climate. 玛格丽特河地区拥有优越的葡萄种植条件,与波尔多接近 wenku.baidu.com 5. The biggest stretch to be tackled comes at Tours, in the Loire Valley, where 220 miles of track is to be built all the way to Bordeaux. 要处理的最浩大的延伸工程在卢瓦尔河谷的图尔,在这要建一条220英里的高铁线路通到波尔多。 www.bing.com 6. Most, such as La Jenny, close to the Atlantic near Bordeaux, are located in forests, in keeping with many nudists' "back to nature" ideals. 大多数这类村庄都坐落于森林之中(如位于波尔多附近大西洋沿岸的LaJenny),与许多裸体主义者“回归大自然”的理念一致。 www.ftchinese.com 7. HongFang is like the "green tea at the Bordeaux garden" . 它仿佛是“波尔多庄园里的绿茶”。 www.jobui.com 8. From Italy it was on to France, and after spells at Bordeaux and Auxerre you went to Monaco, where you won the championship. 你离开意大利后又去了法国,在波尔多和欧塞尔队效力后又加盟了摩纳哥,并在那里夺得了法甲冠军。 www.bing.com 9. semisweet golden-colored table or dessert wine from around Bordeaux in France; similar wine from California. 产自法国波尔多地区的微甜的金黄色的进餐酒或甜酒;加利福尼亚的类似的酒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The Paris-based firm of Solar published Bordeaux in France in 1989, where the book promptly was reprinted three times. 1989年,巴黎的索拉出版公司出版了《波尔多》的法文版,并印了三次。 www.winechina.com 1. Liverpool have taken a punt on the free-transfer signing of highly regarded Bordeaux striker Marouane Chamakh . 利物浦把赌注押在免费签下实力不俗的波尔多前锋查马克。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 2. Bordeaux Soil ? They are many types of soil but in general it is gravel, clay or sand over a sub-soil of limestone. 多样化的土壤类型表层以沙砾,粘土和沙地为主,底层以石灰石为主。 wenku.baidu.com 3. A 22-year-old Russian woman gave birth to a baby girl, shortly after she boarded on a high-speed train from Bordeaux to Paris. 一名22岁的俄罗斯妇女在登上一列从波尔多通往巴黎的高速列车后不久产下一名女婴。 www.bing.com 4. Bordeaux locates at west southern of France, nears by Atlantic, exactly between middle at arctic pole and equator. 波尔多坐落在法国西南部,西临大西洋,刚好位于北极与赤道中间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Silver Heights' Summit red Bordeaux blend is made by one of China's few female winemakers, Emma Gao. 银色高地的阙歌(Summit)波尔多混酿红葡萄酒是由高源(EmmaGao)——中国极少数女性酿酒师酿造的。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A classic creation - this faceted Bordeaux crystal heart pendant is just right for special moments. 经典造型-这颗多面切割的波尔多红色水晶心链坠合适各种希奇时刻。 www.g5g8.com 7. Old Bordeaux glass: A bigger glass is perfect for older reds that need to be 'woken up after a long sleep, ' says Mr. Leung. 大波尔多酒杯(OldBordeauxglass):梁志恒说,大杯子最适合那些年份较长的红酒,因为它们需要“从漫长的沉睡当中醒来”。 c.wsj.com 8. Mr. Boyce predicts that China's love affair with Bordeaux wines will fade as palates become more sophisticated. 博伊斯预计,随着人们越来越懂品酒,中国对波尔多葡萄酒的喜爱会逐渐淡化。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The former Bordeaux man is embarking on a first ever festive programme and admits he is approaching it somewhat nervously. “这对于我稍微有点陌生,因为这是我第一次,”他说。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. We did exactly what we needed to do against Bordeaux and now a win from either of our next two home games will see us through. 我们正确的知道我怎么对付波尔多,现在一球小胜之后,我们将有二场主场比赛。 www.lfcfans.com 1. Mac is a pedigree Dogue de Bordeaux, a French breed of guard dog popularised in the Tom Hanks film "Turner and Hooch" . 迈克是一只纯种的波尔多犬,这种原产于法国的守卫犬曾经在汤姆·汉克斯主演的影片《特纳和霍奇》中大出风头。 gb.cri.cn 2. Moulin rouge in bordeaux wine in the region, and the quality of latitude and moulin rouge nightclub in Paris, the famous soaring. 红磨坊酒庄位于波尔多上美度最优质的产区,和巴黎红磨坊夜总会同名,使得该酒名气飙升。 www.tangjiu.com 3. To a wine lover the bordeaux market seems truly extraordinary. 对于葡萄酒爱好者而言,波尔多葡萄酒市场的确不同寻常。 www.ftchinese.com 4. superior red wine grapes grown especially in the Bordeaux region of France and northern California. 高等制红葡萄酒的葡萄,主要在法国波尔多地区和加里佛尼亚北部种植。 www.hotdic.com 5. She wore a silver-grey jacket and a bordeaux red cloak, so was I. 她穿一身银灰色夹克服,披一件枣红色斗篷。 www.bing.com 6. Usually choose glass: bordeaux wine cup, Paris, twelve goblet, cloth Burgundy wine cup and cup with art has. 通常选用的酒杯有:波尔多酒杯、花球杯、巴黎高脚杯、布艮地杯和阿尔萨斯酒杯等。 www.9999jiu.com 7. The country's newly minted wealthy class bought vast quantities of top-end wine from Bordeaux, pushing prices to new highs. 中国的新富阶层买下了大量的波尔多顶尖名酒,致使它们的价格屡创新高。 c.wsj.com 8. Mainland bids poured in for the sale of fine red wines from France's Bordeaux and Burgundy regions. 大陆买家纷纷竞拍产自法国波尔多和勃艮第地区的极品红葡萄酒。 cn.wsj.com 9. Bordeaux Plus received a prize "as a piece of art" at the iSaloni Furniture Show in Milan in 2007. 波尔多加在2007年的米兰国际家具展(iSaloni)上,“作为一件艺术品”,获得了奖项。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 10. The best dry white wine are sold under the Bordeaux AOC label. The best sweet wine under the Cadillac appellation. 最好的干白是按照波尔多法定等级出售,最好的甜酒是按照卡迪拉克等级出售。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Surrounded by bottles of the estate's Bordeaux-blend red, they debated the idea of bond purchases for about 45 minutes. 在成排的波尔多混合红酒的包围之下,他们讨论了是否需要购买希腊国债,争论了大约45分钟。 chinese.wsj.com 2. From South-East of the Bordeaux region. Bright ruby in colour with aromas of red fruits. 来自波尔多以南地区,明亮的宝石红色带油红色水果味道。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Arsenal's new striker was left in awe of the English game after playing for Bordeaux against Liverpool and Chelsea in the Champions League. 阿森纳的新前锋曾代表波尔多在欧冠上对阵过利物浦和切尔西,他对于英超球队的强大感到了畏惧。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. Bordeaux are currently joint top of French Ligue 1 and hold a game in hand over the four clubs trailing them. 波尔多目前排名法甲第一,比身后的四个对手少赛一场。 www.bing.com 5. Yoann Gourcuff The France and Bordeaux midfield player is adept at unlocking defences. 约翰·古尔库夫:在波尔多效力的法国中场球员擅长撕开防守。 www.bing.com 6. Havard wants to join Arsenal, but Manchester United, Bordeaux, Ajax and clubs from Italy and Spain are also following him. 哈瓦德想要加盟阿森纳,但同时曼联,波尔多和阿贾克斯以及其他来自意大利和西班牙的多家俱乐部也在追求他。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. There is a similar nervous excitement at the Sydney Opera House, in the French city of Bordeaux and on the Greek island of Corfu. 类似的兴奋庆祝会发生在悉尼歌剧院,在波尔多葡萄酒的故乡以及希腊Corfu岛上。 www.ecocn.org 8. That made for ideal ripening conditions, according to the Council of Bordeaux Wine, which represents the region's wine industry. 据代表该地区葡萄酒业的波尔多葡萄酒行业协会(CouncilofBordeauxWine)称,这是理想的成熟条件。 c.wsj.com 9. A typical Bordeaux Blanc blend is a mix of Semillon along with Sauvignon Blanc and Muscadelle grapes. 有一款典型的波尔多混酿就是赛美容、白索维农葡萄和麝香葡萄(Muscadelle)一起酿制而成的。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Scotch whisky, French brandy, Bordeaux wine. . . 苏格兰威士忌,法国白兰地,波尔多红酒…… www.bing.com 1. Italy, New York, NZ Argentina, Bordeaux, native to France's Loire valley . 意大利,纽约,新西兰,阿根廷,波尔多,原产地法国 wenku.baidu.com 2. I started really well at Bordeaux but then I picked up a knee injury. 我刚去波尔多的时候还很好,但后来受了膝伤。 www.bing.com 3. But some critics--including one who helped feed the frenzy--say that while the 2009 Bordeaux will taste nice, the prices are inflated. 一些批评人士,包括助长了这种疯狂的人说,尽管2009年波尔多葡萄酒尝起来不错,但价格也在高涨。 c.wsj.com 4. Bordeaux A red or white wine originally produced in the region around Bordeaux, France. 波尔多酒:原产于法国波尔多地区的红葡萄酒或白葡萄酒。 www.zftrans.com 5. It's like saying you're going to taste 57 bottles of vintage Bordeaux at a sitting or test drive 57 sports cars on Saturday. 这个道理就和你一口气品尝57瓶上好的波尔多葡萄酒,以及在某个周六一天之内要试开57辆跑车一样。 de.bab.la 6. Interactive new media web design studio, based in Bordeaux - France. 互动新媒体网站设计工作室,在波尔多的基础-法国。 movingshop.org 7. You must have heard about the big name of Bordeaux, but do you know that Medoc is an important part of Bordeaux? 我想你肯定听过波尔多的大名,但你知道梅铎在波尔多的地位有多重要? dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Cuisines from such provinces as Sichuan and Hunan, known for their spices, overpower Bordeaux, Mr. Boyce said earlier this year. 以其辛辣而出名的四川和湖南美食,无法和波尔多酒搭配,博伊斯先生今年早些时候说道。 www.bing.com 9. In the Schott Zwiesel standard white wine glass, spicier notes were highlighted, while the Vinum Bordeaux revealed an earthy character. 在SchottZwiesel标准白葡萄酒杯中,辛辣的味道很突出,而Vinum波尔多酒杯中的酒显露出一种泥土味。 c.wsj.com 10. Juventus are keen to sign Bordeaux midfielder Rio Mavuba, although he is unlikely to land in Turin in January according to his agent. 尤文图斯很想签下波尔多中场里奥·马武巴,虽然依照他的经纪人说他不太可能在一月来到都灵。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 1. Medoc wine from the vineyard on the north of Bordeaux is the most typical Bordeaux character. 产自波尔多北部梅多克葡萄园的葡萄酒是最具波尔多特性的典范。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. This latest outbreak has been linked to one leisure centre in the suburbs of Bordeaux. 最新的疫情爆发似乎与波尔多郊区一家休闲中心有关。 www.hxen.com 3. It is also a treat in Bordeaux, especially when the animal was reared along the seashore and river banks. 同样这个可以用波尔多葡萄酒制作,特别是当动物是在海边和岸边养殖的时候。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 4. They are generous, very colored, and reach their maturity quicker than other red Bordeaux . 他们通常色泽浓丽,比其他波尔多红酒更快的达到成熟期。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It took us a while to get the measure of Bordeaux and in fact the second half was much better. 有一段时间我们甚至压制住了波尔多,事实上我们在下半场的表现比上半场要出色得多。 www.juvechina.com 6. Meritage: California vintners invented this term for their Bordeaux-style red and white blended wines. 有助陈年:加州葡萄酒商为其波尔多风格的红混酿葡萄酒和白混酿葡萄酒创造的术语。 www.best789.com 7. Georges Haushalter from the Bordeaux Wine Merchants Association says it's all about supply and demand. 波尔多葡萄酒商人协会的GeorgesHaushalter表示,价格反应出的是供需关系。 cn.reuters.com 8. China's thirst for Bordeaux wine is extending to the region's vineyards. 中国对波尔多葡萄酒的渴求已经扩大到了波尔多地区的葡萄园。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Bordeaux vineyards and the beaches of the Atlantic. 以波尔多葡萄园和大西洋海滩为特色。 www.bing.com 10. Bordeaux Business School offers an Executive Wine MBA. 波尔多商学院则推出了一个以葡萄酒产业为主的工商管理硕士学位。 www.bing.com 1. The diseases were controlled mainly with chemical fungicide, such as calcium polysulfide, Bordeaux mixture, carbendazim and thiram. 病害防治主要采用化学药剂防治,药剂种类以石硫合剂、波尔多液、多菌灵及福美双为主; www.cnak.net.cn 2. Bordeaux are very reluctant [to sell]. 波尔多非常不情愿卖人。 cnc.arsenal.com.cn 3. Les Plantiers du Haut-Brion has the same elegance, complexity and all of the rich aromas of the sweet white wines of Bordeaux . 此酒有波尔多地区白酒一贯优雅又酒香复杂的风格,是款充满果香的甜美甘露。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. A city of southern France on the Garonne River southeast of Bordeaux. 法国南部一城市,位于加龙河沿岸,波尔多东南。 zx.china-b.com 5. Famous ranking of Bordeaux wine by 'growth' - based on quality, price and politics - that's still important today. “等级”的评定是基于质量、价格和营销这些要素。 chinese.wsj.com 6. In other words, that bottle of Bordeaux might be at its peak in 2015 instead of 2020. 换言之,那瓶波尔多(Bordeaux)可能在2015年而不是2020年就达到成熟顶峰值。 chinese.wsj.com 7. is used to describe the fragrance or taste of some white wines, especially a White Bordeaux and Chablis . 用来形容白酒的芳香气味,特别是波尔多白酒、夏布利酒的香味。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. This complete and uniform and beautiful land has produced the most popular wine in Bordeaux for 150 years. 这片统一完整的美丽庄园,150年来持续不断的出产着在波尔多地区最受欢迎的葡萄酒。 laflte.spaces.live.com 9. The most classic of the 1855 bordeaux wine producer's may have used one hundred DuoNian classification. 最经典的1855年波尔多梅多克酒庄分级已经沿用一百多年了。 www.9999jiu.com 10. It is the first time a Chinese company has bought a French wine merchant, through which Bordeaux wines are traditionally sold. 这是中国企业首次收购一家法国葡萄酒商。传统上,波尔多葡萄酒都是经由法国葡萄酒商销售的。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Bordeaux mixture: a mixture of copper sulfate, lime, and water that is sprayed as a fungicide on trees and plants. 波尔多混合物:一种硫酸铜,石灰和水的混合物,作为杀菌剂喷洒在树和植物上。 www.bing.com 2. Asia's appetite for 2009 Bordeaux reveals financial acumen and enthusiasm. 亚洲人对2009年的波尔多酒的胃口显示出他们的理财智慧和热情。 chinese.wsj.com 3. However because of the compact soil, this is not the best place to grow vines in Bordeaux. 然而由于其紧密的土质,它并不是波尔多地区最适合种植蔓藤类植物的地方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Nowadays he has several more Bordeaux "people he works with" including the vast Ch? 如今,他还有其它数位波尔多“共事者”,包括位于弗朗萨克(Fronsac)的Ch? www.ftchinese.com 5. The Pomerol wine can be more robust than others in Bordeaux. 庞马鲁葡萄酒比其他波尔多酒更为浓烈。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Robert Turner describes the rapid rise of water in his home May 4, 2010 in the Bordeaux district of Nashville, Tennessee. 罗伯特特纳描述了在水的迅速崛起,他家5月4日,在田纳西州纳什维尔波尔多地区2010年。 08062788.blog.163.com 7. Chateau Ramonet is the broadest wine yard situated in Bordeaux between Garonne RiverBordogne River. 拉莫内特酒庄座落于加仑河与多尔多涅河之间的波尔多地区最广的葡萄园。 www.js178.com 8. Werder Bremen and Barcelona have also been trailing the 30-year-old former Bordeaux star. 云达不莱梅和巴萨也对这位30岁的前球星表示了浓厚的兴趣。 news.arsenal.com.cn 9. China's love for Bordeaux is the talk of the wine world. 中国人对波尔多葡萄酒的锺爱是葡萄酒圈子里的热门话题。 chinese.wsj.com 10. In 2010 first semester, Chine became the first export market for Bordeaux wines (in volume and in value), before Germany and the USA. 从2010年的第一半年,中国成为了波尔多的第一出口市场,数量和价值,在德国和美国的前面。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Bordeaux's top 200 or 300 wineries use a system called sale en primeur, or presale, for part of their product. 波尔多顶级的200或300家酒厂为部分产品使用预售机制。 c.wsj.com 2. I spoke to Vladi when we played away at Bordeaux in the group match and I speak with Milan Baros. 在小组赛客场踢波尔多时,我曾与斯米切尔聊过天,我也联系了米兰巴罗什。 www.lfcbbs.com 3. Earlier this year, the London merchants Bordeaux Index recorded a 30 per cent fall in Lafite unit sales compared with 2010. 今年早些时候,伦敦酒商BordeauxIndex的拉菲单位售价较2010年下滑了30%。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Melo twisted an ankle during last week's Champions League game against Bordeaux and missed Sunday's 2-0 victory over Livorno. 梅洛在上周的冠军联赛客场对阵波尔多时膝盖扭伤,并缺阵了上一场2:0对利沃诺的胜利。 www.bing.com 5. The pair formed a deadly partnership last season at Bordeaux lifted the Ligue 1 title. 两人在帮助波尔多夺得法甲冠军时是一对让人致命的搭档。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. Bordeaux's largest country for wine export is China. 波尔多葡萄酒最大的出口国就是中国。 chinese.wsj.com 7. This - the real thing, from France's Bordeaux region - is the classic sweet wine. 这是法国波尔多地区(Bordeaux)产的真正的好酒,是经典的甜葡萄酒。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Bordeaux's winters are temperate and there are warm, long summers. 波尔多的冬季不是很冷,夏季长而温暖。 wenku.baidu.com 9. In Bordeaux, France, in February 2005, a 20-foot-long basking shark caught in the Bay of Biscay is on display in a supermarket. 上图中一头在比斯开湾被捕的20英尺长的姥鲨正躺在一家超市的货架上。 dongxi.net 10. Bordeaux, a seaport and most famous for its wine. 波尔多是海港城市,它盛产的葡萄酒名扬天下。 iphone.unisk.cn 1. A Classic Bordeaux Grape, the King of Red Grape ? 传统波尔多葡萄品种,被称为红葡萄之王 wenku.baidu.com 2. The agreement allows for the development of a Bordeaux wine aimed specifically at the Chinese market . 这笔收购将会创造机会,让法国葡萄园培育一支专门针对中国市场的波尔多葡萄酒。 www.ftchinese.com 3. LVS N. 18 Bordeaux Rouge: This strong and full bodied-wine has a deep garnet red color. 这款强劲有力酒体饱满的葡萄酒呈现深紫红色。 busi.tjkx.com 4. In addition to Bourgogne and Bordeaux, there are several other excellent wine-producing regions in France. 除了勃根地和波尔多以外,法国还有其他顶级的制酒区。 gb.udn.com 5. How do Chinese reds compare to Bordeaux? 中国红酒与波尔多葡萄酒比起来,味道怎样? www.bing.com 6. The 2009 Bordeaux won't be bottled until next year at the earliest. 最早在明年,2009年波尔多葡萄酒才会装瓶。 chinese.wsj.com 7. In recent years, the Bordeaux has become the most coveted wine in Asia. 近年来,这款波尔多(Bordeaux)葡萄酒在亚洲成了最受热捧的宠儿。 c.wsj.com 8. In China's rapidly growing market for luxury wines, Bordeaux has symbolized greatness for several years now. 奢侈酒在中国的市场快速增长,这几年,波尔多葡萄酒已经成为奢侈酒的一种标志。 www.bing.com 9. In early July, Hart Davis Hart Wine Co. began advance sales of Chateau Lafite Rothschild's 2009 Bordeaux at $18, 000 a case. 月初,芝加哥零售商兼拍卖行HartDavisHartWineCo.开始以每箱18,000美元的价格预售拉菲罗斯希尔庄园(ChateauLafiteRothschild)2009年波尔多葡萄酒。 c.wsj.com 10. almost all of the world, but native to Bordeaux. 几乎全世界范围都有种植,原产地是法国波尔多 wenku.baidu.com 1. He's from the west coast, near bordeaux. 他是从西海岸波尔多港附近来的。 www.hotdic.com 2. It is the main French bordeaux grape varieties, in our country and cabernet sauvignon, cabernet gernischt collectively referred to as it. 它是法国波尔多地区的主要葡萄品种,在我国与赤霞珠,蛇龙珠统称为解百纳。 www.9999jiu.com 3. Cyclists pass a stack of timber during stage 18 of the Tour de France on July 23, 2010 in Bordeaux, France. 自行车运动员在通过第二阶段的环法自行车赛18堆栈木材7月23日2010年在法国波尔多。 08062788.blog.163.com 4. According to local officials, Penglai is on roughly the same latitude as Bordeaux. 援引地方官员的说法,蓬莱几乎与波尔多处在相同的纬度。 www.bing.com 5. Then he put several more bottoms of Bordeaux in his cart, including a 9, 000 euro bottle, a 8, 200 euro bottle and a 4, 950 euro bottle. 接着,他又往他的手推车里加了几瓶法国波尔多地区产的酒,其中有一瓶价值9,000欧元,一瓶8,200百欧元,一瓶4,950欧元。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. We dined, and at dinner he grew very drunk upon three bottles of Bordeaux. 我们吃了饭,吃饭时,他喝了三瓶波尔多葡萄酒后醉得很厉害。 www.bing.com 7. She trained in Bordeaux and it certainly shows. 她曾在波尔多受训,这一点显而易见。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In 2001, Frederic Brochet conducted two experiments at the University of Bordeaux. 2001年,在波尔多大学弗雷德里克·布罗谢进行两个实验。 www.bing.com 9. So will prices for Bordeaux head even higher in 2011? 如此说来,在2011年,波尔多葡萄酒的价格还会继续上扬吗? c.wsj.com 10. As for Bordeaux, I would really like to go back there because I have the feeling I didn't give everything in my first spell at the club. 我很乐意回到波尔多队,因为我觉得我在那里的时候没有为他们做出过贡献。 www.lfcbbs.com 1. Last year, China passed the U. S. to become Bordeaux's biggest export market by volume outside Europe. 去年中国超过美国,成为欧洲以外按销量计最大的波尔多葡萄酒出口市场。 c.wsj.com 2. I didn't play in my preferred position at either Bordeaux or Inter, but Guy Roux (Scifo's coach at Auxerre) knew exactly where to play me. 在波尔多和国米,我都没有踢我喜欢的位置。但居伊·鲁(希福在欧塞尔时的教练)知道该如何安排我。 www.bing.com 3. "What I really want them to learn, " he says, "is that Bordeaux is about fun and pleasure. " “我真正想让他们学到的,”他说,“是波尔多是一个充满愉快和欢乐的地方。” www.bing.com 4. Bordeaux want to bring Roma striker Shabani Nonda back to France. 波尔多想把农达带回法国。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. no . i am setting out for bordeaux , and shall go to bordeaux. 我现在要开往波尔多,我去的是波尔多。 www.ichacha.net 6. My daughter was born in 1993, which was not a great year in Bordeaux. 我女儿是1993年出生的,这在波尔多可不是个“大年”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Oh, I know. It is the Bordeaux wine, isn't it? 啊,我知道,这是波尔多酒,不是吗? www.tingroom.com 8. Exports of 2009 Bordeaux to China increased 97% by volume and 40% by value from 2008. 2009年波尔多葡萄酒对中国的出口量较2008年增长97%,出口额增长40%。 c.wsj.com 9. Chinese speculators bought up top-end Bordeaux last year, causing the French wine to outperform not just equities, but gold and crude oil. 去年中国的投机者买进了高档波尔多葡萄酒,导致法国葡萄酒表现不仅超过了股市,还超过了黄金和原油。 www.bing.com 10. I have yet to meet a whore who doesn't know of Henry Bordeaux! 我还不曾遇见一个不知道亨利·博尔多的妓女! www.bing.com 1. I am currently in Bordeaux, which is South West of France. 我目前即南西部法国的波尔多。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Bordeaux striker Marouane Chamakh is in the bag. 波尔多前锋查马克已经是囊中之物。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. China last year overtook the UK and Germany to become the leading export market by value for bordeaux wines. 中国去年取代英国和德国,成为波尔多葡萄酒出口额首要市场。 www.bing.com 4. Last year, the Bordeaux summer was hot, with daily highs averaging 79 degrees Fahrenheit in July and August. 去年波尔多的夏季较为炎热,7月和8月日平均最高气温为79华氏度。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Hong Kong has long been a red Bordeaux town. 香港长期以来就是波尔多红酒小镇。 chinese.wsj.com 6. On a visit to France, Beijing-based lawyer Jingzhou Tao shipped a couple of cases of Bordeaux to a friend in Hong Kong. Mr. 在访问法国时,北京律师陶景洲就向香港的一个朋友发去了两箱波尔多(Bordeaux)葡萄酒。 www.mingren365.com 7. Bordeaux Index, a London-based wholesale wine trader, said its sales to Hong Kong had soared too after the tariffs were dropped. 总部位于伦敦的葡萄酒批发贸易商BordeauxIndex称,在香港取消进口关税之后,它对香港的销量也迅猛增长。 www.ftchinese.com 8. He hopes to host tastings in Hong Kong of Bordeaux's top years like 1961, 1945 and even 19th-century wines. 他希望在香港举办更多的品酒活动,品鉴那些来自最佳年份——比如1961年和1945年——的波尔多葡萄酒,甚至是19世纪的陈酿。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Cabernet Sauvignon: classic Bordeaux Grape; Full-bodied; very complex; Blackcurrant 苏维翁(赤霞珠):经典波尔多葡萄;酒体饱满;口感丰富;黑加仑口味 www.joyen.net 10. Effect of Bordeaux nutrition protective powder on iron-deficiency chlorosis and biological activity of peanuts 波尔多液营养保护剂对花生黄化症的矫治及生长效应的影响 www.ilib.cn 1. Sense of design comes from Bordeaux, France 设计灵感来自法国波尔多 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Effects of Bordeaux Nutrition Protective Powder on Some Biochemical Characteristics of Soil 新型波尔多液营养保护剂对土壤某些生化性状的影响 ilib.cn 3. Bordeaux starts to look a bit bubbly 波尔多开始变得有些热闹了。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Learned from the investigation of France Bordeaux and reflection on China wine industry development 波尔多考察体会及对中国葡萄酒业发展的思考 www.ilib.cn 5. Merlot: traditional Bordeaux grape; supple and round; Black and red cheery; Chocolate 梅洛(梅鹿辄):传统波尔多葡萄;口感柔顺、饱满;黑色及红色樱桃或巧克力口味 www.joyen.net 6. Effect of Bordeaux Nutrition Protective Powder on Validity of Iron and Copper in Calcareous Soil and Yield of Peanuts 波尔多液营养保护剂对石灰性土壤铜、铁有效性及花生产量的影响研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Xia men to Bordeaux air tickets xia men to Bordeaux special airfares xia men to Bordeaux discount tickets, 厦门到波尔多学生机票,北京到波尔多航班时刻表, www.jipiaoonline.cn 8. French Wine Association, Bordeaux Wine Association 法国葡萄酒合作协会波尔多葡萄酒联合会 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Effect of Bordeaux nutrition protective powder on iron and zinc deficiency and growth of tomatoes 波尔多液营养保护剂对番茄缺铁锌症矫治及生长效应研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Cabernet Sauvignon ? A classic Bordeaux grape 传统波尔多葡萄品种? wenku.baidu.com 1. Blason Timberlay Bordeaux Sauvignon Blanc (Tuscany, Italy) 宝森添百利波尔多白苏维翁白葡萄酒(意大利,托斯卡纳) www.bowwin.com 2. continent between Bordeaux and Hamburg 波尔多和汉堡之间的大陆地区波尔多与汉堡欧洲大陆间航线 www.bing.com 3. ESC Bordeaux: Bordeaux Ecole de Management 波尔多经济管理学校 bbs.gter.net 4. ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE TECHNOLOGIE DES BIOMOLECULES DE BORDEAUX 波尔多高等生物分子技术学院 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Spray Bordeaux Mixture to prevent Happen from Disease of Nursery Stock 早春喷洒波尔多液能有效预防苗木病害的发生 www.ilib.cn 6. U. S Tenderloin and King Prawn with Bordeaux Red Wine Sauce 美国牛柳伴大虾波都红酒汁 wenwen.soso.com 7. U Bordeaux IV (Montesquieu) France 波尔多第四大学(法国) blog.sina.com.cn 8. An Improved Synthesis of Fast Bordeaux GP Base 枣红色基GP合成工艺的改进 service.ilib.cn 9. Custer High dry red Bordeaux, France 法国卡斯特波尔多高级干红 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Bordeaux and South West France 波尔多和法国西南部 blog.sina.com.cn 1. union des grands crus de Bordeaux 波尔多酒庄联合会 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The School of Architecture and Landscape of Bordeaux 波尔多建筑与环境学院 www.tyut.edu.cn 3. How to Correctly Compound and Use Bordeaux Mixture 如何正确配制和使用波尔多液 service.ilib.cn 4. Saint-Estephe Maitre d'Estournel Blanc AOC Second wine Cos d'Estournel (Bordeaux, France) 森特(波尔多,法国) blog.sina.com.cn 5. the bordeaux train go by ? - 25 minutes ago 去波尔多的火车过了吗?25分钟前过的 www.ichacha.net 6. Bordeaux, Port of the Moon 波尔多,月亮港 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Modern French institute of Bordeaux 波尔多现代法语学院 blog.liuxue.net |
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