单词 | modern-day |
释义 |
例句释义: 现代的,当代的,现代版的 1. Some consumers even consider shopping to be something of a sport, perhaps even the modern-day national pastime. 不过有的消费者却把购物视为一项体育运动,甚至是当下国民消磨时间的方式。 www.bing.com 2. "Imagine a spider silk vest, capable of catching bullets, the modern day equivalent of Genghis Khan's arrows, " she said. 她说:“想象一下可以挡住子弹的蜘蛛丝背心,子弹就相当于成吉思汗的箭。” www.qeto.com 3. You may be dealing with a modern day Napoleon in the office if your manager demands the unachievable from her subordinates. 如果你的经理强求她的下属完成不可能任务,那你可能就是遭遇了现代办公室拿破仑。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Bambiraptor had a keen sniffer similar to that of a modern-day turkey vulture. 斑比盗龙拥有与现代的土耳其秃鹰一样敏锐的嗅觉。 www.bing.com 5. The Billings were a modern-day, magnanimous sort of Brady Bunch -- each had two children from previous marriages. 比林斯夫妇是现代版的布雷迪家庭——两个人在前一段婚姻中都生育过两个孩子。 www.elanso.com 6. Bloody hell, I felt good after that performance, as if I was in a low-budget, modern-day version of Robin Hood. 哇塞,说完这句话感觉超棒,仿佛我就是现代版的罗宾汉。 www.bing.com 7. For a small but increasingly high-profile number of young women in modern-day China, true love is all about the numbers. 当代中国,对一小部分但人数正逐年增加的高调年轻女士来说,真爱就是数字。 www.bing.com 8. In a backyard of this dusty, isolated town in the heart of Australia's outback are signs of a modern-day gold rush. 卡尔古利这个位于澳大利亚内陆的尘土飞扬的偏远小镇正显露出现代淘金热的种种迹象。 www.qeto.com 9. More than once, Mr Blair suggests that the role of a modern-day prime minister is like that of a corporate CEO. 布莱尔不止一次指出,现代社会中首相的角色就像公司总裁一样。 www.bing.com 10. It was also possible that modern-day researchers might have missed important clues about where Cleopatra was buried. 对当代的研究者来说,遗漏一些重要的关于克里欧佩特拉墓葬的线索也是有可能的。 www.bing.com 1. Almost pulled down in the 1960s to make way for a second ring road around the modern day city, a large portion in fact escaped destruction. 大约在20世纪60年代,为了在现代化的新城外围再铺一条环形公路,老城墙被推倒了,事实上大部分还是躲过了浩劫。 www.bing.com 2. Fantastic to see that the superb modern-day British morals have now made it into the Olympics. 看到了不起的现代英国人的操品已经进入到了奥运会,很好。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Milton Friedman held unswervingly to his principles, but was more pragmatic than some of his modern-day followers. 对于自己的信条,米尔顿.弗里德曼始终坚定不移,但与其当代追随者相比,他却更加务实。 www.bing.com 4. It could, like the modern-day albatross, glide by navigating through thermals but was also fully capable of powered flight. 它有可能跟现代信天翁一样靠热感应指引方向滑翔,但要全力飞翔还得借助动力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Giganto, as it is called for short, seems to have been a bamboo eater, something like modern day panda bears. 巨猿简称希甘托,这个名字听上去好像是吃竹子的,就像现代的熊猫。 putclub.com 6. In a few short weeks I had traced The Secret back trough the centuries, and I had discovered the modern-day practitioners of The Secret. 短短几个星期内,我回溯数个世纪史料追踪这个秘密,并发现了这秘密的当代实践者。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He's a modern day master making incredible 3D images that pop off the page - armed only with a pencil and a piece of paper. 他是当代制作惊人3D图像的大师,仅仅用纸和铅笔就能画出似乎会从纸上蹦出来的图像。 www.bing.com 8. That was eight years ago and I'm only now making beginning to make peace with my modern-day gender dilemma. 那是八年以前,而现在的我却和如今的两难选择妥协。 www.bing.com 9. Service to a higher cause breeds loyalty. The most popular character, at least among our group, was Omar, a modern-day Robin Hood. 我们这个团体认为最热门的人物就是Omar,他是一个现代罗宾汉似的人物。 www.bing.com 10. He had none of the modern day scientific equipment and he was way ahead of his time. 在没有当代科学设备的情况下,达芬奇的成就早已超越他所在的时代。 www.kekenet.com 1. The British divided up the Indian empire into 3 parts, the central part, with a Hindu majority, became modern-day India. 大不列颠帝国把印度分成三个部分:中间的有大多数印度人的一个部分成为了今天的印度。 www.ebigear.com 2. Because of his infatuation with the natural world, one could almost understand Malick as a sort of modern day Francis of Assisi. 和母亲一样,杰克对自然界十分地迷恋,他的形象让人不禁将他视为现代亚西西的方济格。 dongxi.net 3. When on the surface, the quartermasters may use a sextant to obtain navigation fixes as a backup to our modern day systems. 当在水面时,航海士官长们可以使用六分仪来获得航行定位以作为我们现代定位系统的备用资料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But the plan backfired, with modern-day historians claiming that Versailles was a key factor in the lead-up to World War II. 但这一计划事与愿违,按照当代历史学家们的观点,《凡尔赛条约》是引发二战的重要因素的关键。 www.bing.com 5. It's about one and a half inches square, it's very thin and it looks and feels a bit like a modern-day business card. 它大约有一英寸半,正方形,非常的薄,外观和感觉有点像是现代名片。 www.bing.com 6. The answer goes back to William James, one of the founders of modern-day psychology, who made a distinction between two types of attention. 威廉姆·詹姆斯可以回答这个问题。他是当代心理学的奠基者之一,他指明了两种注意力的不同。 www.bing.com 7. For instance, modern-day ice cracks off Antarctica are "chockablock" with single-celled life-forms, he said. 例如,现今南极洲的冰川裂缝中就满是单细胞生物。 www.bing.com 8. The documentaries also show that it is possible for victims of modern-day slavery to regain their freedom. 纪录片同时说明遭受现代奴役的人有可能重获自由。 www.america.gov 9. In fact, there was no "old religion" and modern day Wicca originated in the 20th century and was popularized by Gerald Gardner in 1954. 事实上,根本就没有“旧宗教”,而且现代巫术起源于20世纪,并于1954年由杰拉尔德·加德纳推广。 www.bing.com 10. Much of the work on modern day pricing theory started in a still obscure field known as psychophysics. 当今估价理论的大部分著作都起源于“精神物理学”,这是一个至今依然令人费解的领域。 www.bing.com 1. Enjoy lush blends of synthesizer, piano, cello, flute, and guitar as you experience a modern day revival of classic compositions. 在体验这些被重新赋予现代生命力的古典作品时,好好地来一场完美融合了电子合成乐、钢琴、大提琴、长笛与吉他的丰盛飨宴。 www.15taobao.org 2. With modern shop fittings, the modern-day pawn brokers have sprung up in prime locations in town centres. 现在的当铺开在商业街最好的位置,有着时髦的装修,吸引着不同的顾客。 ts.hjenglish.com 3. For the most part the mainframes of privilege and wealth are still in place in modern-day Europe. 主流架构中绝大多数特权和财富,依旧保留到了现代欧洲。 www.bing.com 4. Super high heels are very impractical, and with the damage they do, wearing them might even be described as modern-day foot binding! 超高的高跟鞋是非常不实用的,鉴于他们对脚部的伤害,堪称为现代的裹脚布。 www.bing.com 5. Enemas are the predecessors to modern day colonic irrigation using state-of-the-art colon hydrotherapy equipment. 灌肠是前人现代结肠灌洗用状态--艺术大肠水疗法设备。 www.kuenglish.info 6. The famous Disney Imagineers would be lost without the modern-day myths they use as the foundation for the experiences they build. 如果没有现代社会的约定俗成,著名的迪斯尼幻想家们就失去了他们创建的体验基础。 www.jukuu.com 7. Northern Anhui was firmly a part of the North China Plain in terms of culture, together with modern-day Henan province. 安徽北部与现今的河南省在文化方面一起构成了中国北方平原的一部分。 www.tdict.com 8. More than one pundit, praising Jobs' ability to transform entire industries with his inventions, called him a modern-day Leonardo Da Vinci. 不止一位大儒称赞乔布斯的才能,他通过自己的发明让整个产业转型,他被称作是当代的达芬奇。 dongxi.net 9. All of these factors, of course, were beyond Auerbach's ken. But they do make modern-day coaching a more complicated undertaking. 所有这些因素都超出了奥尔巴赫那个时代太多,但是这些因素也个现代教练执教提出了更复杂的任务。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Ban Ki-moon has just returned from the Arctic where he traveled to see firsthand how modern-day climate change is altering the region. 潘基文刚从北极归来。他在那里见证了现代气候变化改变该地区形势的第一手资料。 www.hxen.com 1. Ban Ki-moon has just returned from the Arctic where he traveled to see first hand how modern-day climate change is altering the region. 联合国秘书长潘基文刚从北极地区返回,他前往北极地区亲眼目睹了现代气候变化给北极地区带来了怎样的改变。 www.eoezone.com 2. Second, the Federal Reserve is boosting the money supply by creating commercial bank reserves, the modern day equivalent of printing money. 其次,美联储(Fed)正通过创造商业银行准备金来增加货币供应,用现代的说法就是印钞。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Propped against the wall was a skeleton in ragged clothes wearing modern day trainers. 靠着墙的是一个穿着破烂衣服的骷髅,脚上穿着一双现代的软运动鞋。 www.elanso.com 4. Communication companies are often central to modern-day revolutions, as Facebook and Twitter were in the Egyptian uprising. 就像Facebook和Twitter在埃及暴动中所起的作用一样,通讯公司会在现代革命中发挥核心作用。 www.ftchinese.com 5. But it was the Pinatubo eruption that provided a modern-day example of geoengineering's potential. 但是皮纳图火山的爆发提供了当今地球工程学潜力的实例。 www.bing.com 6. Kodak created in 1888 by George Eastman has been a modern day pioneer of sorts in cameras and photography for the masses. 柯达创建于1888年,由乔治伊士曼已成为现今的先驱,在各种相机和摄影为群众做点什么。 blog.cnii.com.cn 7. Do modern day singles need modern day myths. . . . . . just to help us get through our random and sometimes miserable relationships? 现代的单身男女……是否需要现代神话好帮助我们度过偶然而且有时痛苦的恋情? www.kekenet.com 8. Such claims need to be unambiguous and credible in terms of modern day environmental thinking. 这一目标,必须结合当代环境保护思想,清楚而可信地表达出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Fryers is normally a left-back. When he suffered cramp late in the second half, Dimitar Berbatov took over, like a modern-day Beckenbauer. 当弗莱尔斯下半场因抽筋下场时,迪米特·贝尔巴托夫取代了他的位置,这完全就是一个现代版的贝肯鲍尔。 www.bing.com 10. End, three melt to put together and use to the modern day porcelain and ceramics of design of development put forward new of request. 最后,把三者融合起来,对现代日用陶瓷的设计的发展提出了新的要求。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. For the citizens of modern-day Mongolia, Genghis Khan is a folk hero and a symbol of their emerging democracy. 对今天的蒙古人民来说,成吉思汗是位民族英雄,也是他们新兴民主的象征。 www.24en.com 2. As it is throughout the region, history in Iraq is a battleground in which faiths seek precedence for modern-day claims. 因为古迹遍布这一区域,在伊拉克的历史就成了众多不同宗教信仰争先恐后申领的战场。 www.bing.com 3. Modern Day Pirates The age of piracy has not disappeared and remains with us to this day. 现代海盗海盗的历史并没有断掉,他们仍流传至今。 www.elanso.com 4. Like a modern-day Peter Pan, he is childless and hasn't the vaguest concept of what it means to be mature. 他就像个现代版的彼得·潘,既没有小孩,而且对于何谓成熟更是连一点基本的概念都没有。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. e. g. This agricultural boom, often described as a modern day gold rush, has brought a new way of life to the coastal plains of Almeria. 这样的农业大繁荣常常被形容为现代版的淘金热,也给Almeria的沿海平原带来了一种新的生活方式。 video.2u4u.com.cn 6. She became a superstar in a modern day Cinderella story playing a prostitute with a heart of gold rescued by a handsome prince charming. 一个现代版灰姑娘故事的电影让她成为了一名超级巨星。片中她扮演一个心地善良的妓女,被一个英俊的王子所救。 jrol.org 7. With modern-day technological advances, you can send an email from pretty much anywhere. As it turns out, even from beyond the grave. 随着现代技术的进度,您可以几乎从任何地方发送电子邮件。而事实是,甚至可以在死后发送。 www.yappr.cn 8. Is the answer to complex modern-day finance that we return to the simpler banking practices of a half century ago? 面对复杂的现代金融,我们的解决办法是不是应该回到半个世纪以前更简单的银行业操作实践中去? www.ftchinese.com 9. The original basketball shoe is now defined as a stylish modern-day fashion staple! 现在定义为一个时尚的现代时尚主食原来的篮球鞋! www.freemerce.com 10. If you just want to put on a heavy coat and drink a fancy vodka in a modern-day igloo, consider the fun, if touristy, Absolut Icebar. 如果你只想穿上厚实的大衣在现代拱形圆顶小屋里喝上一杯爽口的伏特加,不妨趁人多的时候去趟Absolut冰吧。 6005039.qzone.qq.com 1. JOE SOWERS: "Cultural understanding, cultural awareness is essential for a modern-day officer. " 作为一个当代的军官,文化的理解和认识是必不可少的。 www.unsv.com 2. California has endured high foreclosure rates and a 12. 3% unemployment rate -- just short of the modern-day high for the Golden State. 加州房产的止赎率很高,失业率更是达到了12.3%,差一点就可以刷新这个“黄金州”的近代失业率纪录了。 c.wsj.com 3. A man walks his camel past the Step Pyramid of Sakkara, Egypt. The ancient structure stands close to modern-day Cairo. 埃及,一名男子牵着骆驼经过萨卡拉金字塔的台阶。这古代结构接近现代的开罗。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. So prepared yourself for modern-day knighthood with a lighter, some breath strips, and three other essentials. 所以用一只打火机、呼吸清新贴等其它必备物品来为现代骑士风度做好准备。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. He's not perfect, and he knows it: With this list, we're not saying a modern-day gentleman is made of perfection. 他不完美,他自己也知道:我们列这个单子并不是想说绅士就是完美男人。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Charles Schulz's Charlie Brown is a good example of a modern-day comic strip that inspired movies, plays, and books. 就是一个现今喜剧连环漫画主角改编成电影、戏剧及书的最佳例子。 www.24en.com 7. "To a little girl, a hostess is like a modern-day princess. " “对于小女生来说,一名女接待就像当代公主一般。” www.bing.com 8. His ever-evolving game typifies the kind of all-around skill set most modern-day big men strive for. 他不断进化的比赛代表着当代大个儿追求的一种全面的技能。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Paddy is a modern-day renaissance man in his mid-40s whose life at times seems only slightly less fantastical than Jackson's. 帕迪是一个现代时期文艺复兴的人。在他45年左右的生活里,他的传奇色彩有时候也许只比杰克逊稍逊一色。 www.bing.com 10. I met a modern day Dongba by the name of Yang Mingyi from Lower Yellow Hill Section in Lijiang's old town's residential area. 我遇到过一位现代的东巴,他的名字叫杨明毅,来自黄山区丽江古城的居民区。 wiki.dioenglish.com 1. An interesting modern-day case is that of Alex Mitchell (snopes. com), an English bricklayer. 而当代一个十分有趣的例子则是一位英国砖匠,亚历克斯?米切尔(AlexMitchell)。 dongxi.net 2. Here you can discover how communication has changed over the year, from early letter writing to modern-day text messaging. 在这里你可以发现多年来通讯是怎么变化的,从早期的写信到现在是信息文本。 huangyunzheng123.blog.163.com 3. back to Lijiang. It will lead me off the modern-day main road and through another ancient Bai village called Shaxi. 我尝试按照茶马古道回到丽江。古道将让我原离现代的主干道,并还通往另一古老的白族村落——沙溪。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. In the next programme, I'll be looking further east, beyond Sinai to Mesopotamia - modern-day Iraq. 在下期的节目中,我去探索更加东方的地方,跨过西奈半岛,到达美索不迷米亚——现代的伊拉克。 www.bing.com 5. Let's take a look at Parry's research and how it affects what modern day scholars think about Homer. 让我们看看帕里的研究,看它如何影响当代学者对荷马的认识。 10305103.blog.163.com 6. More than anything he understands what makes players tick in the modern day, and I think the players appreciate that. 最重要的是,他了解如今什么才能激励球员,我认为球员们也感激他。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Curved out delicately in the shape of a giant human foot, I feel this is a very distinctive item of modern day furniture. 它优美的弯曲成一只巨型的人类的脚的模样,我觉得这真是件别树一帜的现代生活中的家具。 www.elanso.com 8. Longfellow's poems may seem old-fashioned now, but he was considered a "new poet" in his day. What would a modern-day poet write about you? 郎费罗的诗现在看来可能有点过时,但是他当时却被认为是「新潮」的诗人呢。 www.24en.com 9. On modern-day Earth, which is saturated with life, a few more organic materials wouldn't make much of a difference. 这些有机物数量极少,它们的到来对今天这个充满生命的地球影响并不大; www.bing.com 10. Critics call the practice the modern day equivalent of looking at share prices listed in tomorrow's newspaper stock tables today. 有人批评说,这种做法就相当于过去在头天看第二天报纸上列出的股价。 www.qeto.com 1. Read the news today: We know he was on the Internet, but can he talk about the big stories? A modern-day gentleman can. 读当天的新闻:即使他成天都泡在网上,但是他能说得出正在发生的大事件吗?现代的绅士应该能做到。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Watching Suben teach on a recent October afternoon, I initially forgot to note whether her classroom contained any modern-day technology. 最近十月的一个下午,我去听了一节Suben的课,我忘怀了注意她的教室是否拥有现代科技产品。 www.bing.com 3. The historic centre of town is the Durbar Square, where the compulsory cluster of temples oversees the bustle of modern-day Kathmandu. 城里的历史中心是杜巴广场。那些被强制集中起来的寺庙,俯瞰着现代喧嚣的加德满都。 www.bing.com 4. But if the system allows the ruling party to lose power then it becomes a lot less palatable to the modern-day Mandarins. 不过,如果这个制度允许执政党丧失政权,那么它对中国当代官僚的吸引力将大打折扣。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Transylvania passed to various powers over the following centuries and finally became part of modern-day Romania after World War II. 在后来的几百年里,特兰西瓦尼亚曾被各种政权所控制,二次世界大战以后,它最终成为现代罗马尼亚的一部分。 www.bing.com 6. The Campana Brothers were asked to create a modern day, contemporary version of a gloriette. 在坎帕纳兄弟被要求建立一个现代化的一天,一个亭当代版本。 blog.artintern.net 7. Here you can discover how communication has changed over the years, from early letter writing to modern-day text messaging. 在这里你可以发现多年来通讯是如何变化的,从早期的写信到现在的文本信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The British film Lady Godiva is a romantic comedy shot set in modern day Oxford in the vein of Notting Hill and Bridget Jones. 英国电影《戈黛娃夫人》是一部拍摄于NottingHill和BridgetJones之间现代牛津的浪漫喜剧。 www.bing.com 9. With such abundant reserves, Kalgoorlie's modern-day prospectors are more than just hobbyists. 由于储量丰厚,卡尔古利如今的探矿者可不仅仅只是业余爱好者。 www.zftrans.com 10. Modern-day, low-tech mass atrocities, by contrast, involve hundreds of thousands of killers. 与之相比,以今天大规模暴行的低技术含量,杀这么多人会要牵涉到几十万凶手。 www.bing.com 1. With such abundant reserves, Kalgoorlie's modern-day prospectors are more than just hobbyists. 由于储量丰厚,卡尔古利如今的探矿者可不仅仅只是业余爱好者。 www.zftrans.com 2. Modern-day, low-tech mass atrocities, by contrast, involve hundreds of thousands of killers. 与之相比,以今天大规模暴行的低技术含量,杀这么多人会要牵涉到几十万凶手。 www.bing.com 3. The rest of Eurasia, including modern-day China, was then populated by southeast Asians moving northward. 在欧亚大陆的剩余部分,包括现在的中国在内,那个时候居住的是向北迁移的东南亚人。 chinese.wsj.com 4. It charts the fascinating and often dramatic ways in which the capital has transformed from Bronze Age settlement to modern-day metropolis. 它描绘出了美妙绝伦的景色并且把首都从铜器时代建筑发展到现代大都市以戏剧性的方式表现了出来。 www.bing.com 5. Marx might mind once China's stock bubble bursts, taking away the hard-earned wages of the country's modern-day equivalent of peasants. 马克思也许会想到一旦中国的股市泡沫挤破,损失的是这个社会中工人、农民辛苦工作攒下的存款。 www.bing.com 6. A modern day Chinese orchestra now generally employs a full set of woodblocks in different sizes. 近代乐团中,多使用一套有不同大小的木鱼。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 7. Obviously, the demands on a modern day athlete are not confines to hust hours, your personal life must compliment commitment in the pitch. 很显然,对现代球员的要求已经不仅仅是赛场上的那几个小时了,你的个人生活方式也在约束着球场上的你。 www.milanchina.com 8. The high-scorers are those living in remote villages where the illusion of being a modern day Marco Polo actually approaches reality. 对于那种住在偏远山村的外国人来讲,做现代版马可·波罗的梦想很接近现实。 www.bing.com 9. The 1989 superpower was the USSR, its modern day equivalent is the US. Naturally it isn't that simple, but that's not my point. 在1989年极权是苏联,而今天对等的是美国,自然这没有那么简单,但这不是我的观点。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I was very surprised to find this out but Sony is going to market this as the modern day rangefinder for street photography. 我当时很吃惊,索尼把这个当作现代街拍的联动测距镜头来营销。 dcbbs.zol.com.cn 1. I was very surprised to find this out but Sony is going to market this as the modern day rangefinder for street photography. 我当时很吃惊,索尼把这个当作现代街拍的联动测距镜头来营销。 dcbbs.zol.com.cn 2. So the final push took them eastward. The last great conquest was Dacia, a rich empire in modern day Romania. 最后罗马向东推进,征服位于今日罗马尼亚的富有帝国达契亚。 www.caesar3.cn 3. An ancient town so close to Shanghai, QiBao is a perfect spot for modern day treasure hunting. 作为一个离市中心如此近的古镇,七宝是一个理想的一日游宝地。 www.meiyuquan.com 4. any modern-day man demanding marriage with a young girl dishonors the faith. 当今社会任何一个男人要求和一个小女孩成婚都是对其宗教信仰的亵渎。 www.bing.com 5. Patwant Singh says the fact that the Mughals were Muslims, a minority in modern-day India, might play a role in the decision. 潘特网特·赛赫说,那些帝王是穆斯林,现代印度中的少数派,或许对决策有所作用。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Am I right? Yeah. A modern day poet. Yeah, you could say that. 对现代诗人嗯,这样说也行那你说的内容是什么? www.ted.com 7. Now civil-rights lawyers are turning once again to psychology as a way to reveal the powerful hidden barriers created by modern-day bias. 现在,人权律师再次透过心理学的方式,揭露了现代社会的偏见所造成强力且无形的阻碍。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 8. Instant fame has brought wealth to some of these young writers in turn transforming them into modern day pop stars. 一夜成名为某些年轻作家带来了财富,同时也让他们成为了今日之星。 gb.cri.cn 9. In the modern-day game, it's obvious where the top players are now because there's less and less of them. 在现代足球中,顶级球员总是很显眼。因为这样的人越来越少了。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 10. To paraphrase the title of a recent bestselling book about modern-day women, I don't know how in the world Julie does it. 最近关于现代女性的一本畅销书应该改书名,我真不知道朱莉究竟是如何游刃有余的。 www.bing.com 1. To paraphrase the title of a recent bestselling book about modern-day women, I don't know how in the world Julie does it. 最近关于现代女性的一本畅销书应该改书名,我真不知道朱莉究竟是如何游刃有余的。 www.bing.com 2. An ancient region and Roman province of the Iberian Peninsula. It corresponded roughly to modern-day Portugal. 卢西塔尼亚古代一个地区,是古罗马帝国在伊伯利亚半岛的一个省份,大致相当于今天的葡萄牙 zhidao.baidu.com 3. This being the 21st century, he does what any self-respecting modern-day superhero would do and sets up his own MySpace page. 现在是21世纪,所有称职的超级英雄都会在MySpace上建立自己的空间主页,Kick-Ass自然也不例外。 www.china.org.cn 4. In it there are pictures and exhibits from his childhood to modern day. 那里有很多从他童年至今的照片和展品。 weibo.com 5. Modern day Halloween celebrations use many symbols to help make the holiday more interesting. Do you know what they are? 现代人用许多东西来庆祝万圣节,让这个节日变得更有趣。你知道有哪些东西吗? wenku.baidu.com 6. I've been traveling for the last 25 years, as a musician, as a modern day troubadour, and as a guest in a lot of places. 25年来,作为一个音乐家、一个现代的吟游诗人、一个去过诸多地方的访客,我一直在旅行。 www.24en.com 7. Identify some of the modern-day expressions of the ascetic, work-righteous, Word-denying errors described in verse 3. 识别第3节里提到的现今社会中有关禁欲苦行、行为称义、否认神话语的错误表述。 gbicp.org 8. The wasps that created these shapes burrowed near dinosaur nests, and are very similar to modern-day wasps. 在恐龙巢穴旁挖地筑造出这些蜂巢的黄蜂跟现在的黄蜂非常相似。 www.bing.com 9. They have pincers instead of fangs - like the modern day camel spider, only much bigger. 它们没有牙,却有钳——长得像现代社会里生活的驼蛛,只是体形大得多了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Modern-day Rome is the capital of Italy once again and one of the most visited places in the world. 今日的罗马再度成为意大利的首都,也是世界上最常被造访的地方之一。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 1. A modern-day devotee of the hotel is Jorgen Leth, a Danish filmmaker who has spent a lot of time in Haiti over the last thirty years. 现代为奥洛夫森宾馆做出卓越贡献的人是丹麦导演约尔丹?赖斯。他曾在海地度过了三十多年的时光。 www.ecocn.org 2. In and in the modern day establishment's ancient time, this gem is considered a person possibly some most expensive property. 在和建立现代古代时间的推移,这种宝石被认为是一个人可能还有一些最昂贵的财产。 www.shoudianbbs.com 3. It named the Liverpool band "the sole group who has most shaped the face of modern-day show business" . 《综艺》表示,这只来自利物浦的乐队对于现代娱乐业模式的形成产生了巨大影响。 www.ebigear.com 4. As an important trading centre, Ashur had by 1900 BCE established commercial colonies in Anatolia (modern day Turkey). 作为一个重要的贸易中心,阿舒尔早在公元前1900年已经在安纳托利亚(今天的土耳其)建立了商业殖民地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The restaurant is popular with Russia's modern-day spy-bureaucrats, and others nostalgic for the days of Soviet power. 餐厅在现代情报人员和其他怀念苏联权威时期的人中广受欢迎。 www.bing.com 6. Several modern-day research groups are following up on this line of research. 一些现代研究团体依然在延续这条研究路线。 www.bing.com 7. Modern-day fiat currencies mean that money supply is not restricted by the stock of gold. 现今的不兑现货币意味着货币供给并不受黄金储备量的限制。 www.ecocn.org 8. A group of modern-day students is mysteriously transported to a fantasy world in peril. 一群现代学生被神秘地传送到一个处于危险之中的幻想世界。 www.showxiu.com 9. Rising from the ashes of a failed potato exchange in downtown Manhattan, the modern-day oil market came to prominence in the 1980s. 现代石油市场形成于上世纪80年代,其前身是曼哈顿中心区一个失败的土豆交易所。 www.ftchinese.com 10. That isn't an option for modern-day soldiers, whose Kevlar-fiber helmets can defend against bullets but don't work so well for fixing food. 当代士兵不会如此选择,Kevlar纤维制成的帽盔可以抵御子弹,但加热食物就不怎么行了。 diversity.blog.hexun.com 1. Like Athens, the modern-day so-called liberal democracies are also "managed" by a ruling class. 现代所谓的自由民主政体,象雅典人一样,也是由统治阶层“管理”。 www.bing.com 2. History doesn't just belong to modern-day Muslims, especially if it is related to Islam as done by Muslims of other centuries. 歴史不只属于当代穆斯林,反而是和过去几世纪的伊斯兰教习习相关。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 3. The logo type was derived from Gotham Light where I doubled the type and created a thick and thin on a modern day classic. 这个标志类型是来自高谭光在那里我一倍的类型和一厚,薄上创建的现代经典。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. By the standards of modern-day encryption techniques, substitution cyphers are child's play. 按照现代加密技术的标准,置换密码简直就是小儿科。 www.ibm.com 5. This, coupled with the shared top-three ranking for both men and women, suggests a commonality that seems positively modern-day. 再加上排列前三位的特征说明了现代男性和女性对平等的积极看法。 bbs.24en.com 6. From Nazis to modern-day criminals, Switzerland's legendary bank secrecy has long been exploited by those with assets to hide. 从纳粹分子到现代的罪犯,瑞士传奇般的银行机密政策一直被那些需要隐藏资产的人所利用。 club.topsage.com 7. Scientists have compared a dinosaur with several modern-day animals to settle who wins the heavy-weight head-butting title. 科学家们把当今的几种动物与恐龙相比,得出恐龙才是重量级的善于头部相撞pk的冠军。 www.bing.com 8. More important, do you know what to look out for in the erratic world of modern-day investing? 更重要的是,你知不知道在当今波谲云诡的投资世界里需要注意哪些? chinese.wsj.com 9. Clinton's trouser suits , although they have drawn considerable attention , may not actually be the modern-day answer . 希拉里的长裤套装尽管颇为引人关注,其实却并一定能解决当今女性面临的问题。 www.bing.com 10. The ancient flowering plant, Archaefructus liaoningensis, resembles a modern-day buttercup, with slender stems and three-lobed leaves. 古代的植物辽宁古果有着细长的茎和分裂的叶,同今天的毛茛植物很相似。 www.bing.com 1. Examples of (self proclaimed) modern day communist countries include the PRC, Cuba, North Korea and Vietnam. 现代的共产主义国家(自我宣称的)包括中华人民共和国,古巴,北韩,和越南。 ltaaa.com 2. In the 1920s, George Ohsawa , the founder of modern day macrobiotics asserted that he was cured of a grave illness by modifying his diet. 1920年,乔治T.Ohsawa,创办现代macrobiotics宣称他是一个严重的病治好了他的饮食习惯改变。 www.360doc.com 3. His trip in 1534 retraced much of the voyages of the vikings and established contacts with natives in modern-day Canada. 他在1534年的航行追寻维京海盗的足迹,并和今天住在今天加拿大的原住民进行了接触。 www.bing.com 4. We were millions of years too late to use most of the tools of modern-day coroners . 迟至今日,到了命案发生过后数千万年,我们才拿著现代工具前来验尸。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. You are walking through modern-day Cologne, Germany, on a beautiful morning radiant with the promise of summer. 在一个夏日的早晨,阳光明媚,你信步在德国现代化的城市科隆。 www.bing.com 6. Borrowing short-term at a near risk-free rate and lending at a longer and riskier yield has been the basis of modern-day finance. 以接近零风险的利率借入短期资金,然后以更高的利率发放期限较长的贷款,一直是现代金融的基础。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Modern day visitors of London's Piccadilly Street will find themselves reveling in a world of history and glamour. 今天来到伦敦皮卡迪利大街的游人们会发现自己陶醉在一个历史与神话交融的世界里。 www.ritzcarlton.com 8. In essence they sold off part of the company to whomever wanted to buy it, which is the essence of the modern day stock market. 实际上,他们将公司的一部分低价销售给任何想购买的人,这就是现在股票市场的实质。 www.sinvoca.com 9. New research hints that modern-day versions of the insects are far older than any tyrannosaur that trod the Earth. 新的研究暗示当代的昆虫比任何恐龙都先来到地球。 www.elanso.com 10. Perhaps no other modern-day marketer has captured the public's imagination like Steve Jobs. 大概没有其他现代营销人员能够像乔布斯这样抓住大众的目光。 kk.dongxi.net 1. "Ponyo" is set in modern-day Japan and Ponyo of course is no mermaid. 《金鱼姬》的故事发生在当代日本,金鱼姬波尼当然也不是美人鱼。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Modern day user experience research methods can now answer a wide range of questions. 用户体验研究当前已经可以解答相当广泛的问题。 www.bing.com 3. The Elegance shower range is for easy access, disabled and mobility impaired with all the style that a modern day home requires. 淋浴范围的雅为方便残疾人士使用的和所有现代的风格,每天回家需要行动不便。 bbs.canjiren.net 4. With on-line shopping fast gaining popularity in China, more people began to have a taste of modern day E-commerce. 在中国,网络购物越来越流行,越来越多的人开始喜欢如今的电子商务。 dipan.kekenet.com 5. Pottery found in Hambleden comes from modern-day Italy, France, Belgium and Germany, showing the trade which the Empire brought. 在汗布尔登发现的陶器来自于今天的意大利、法国、比利时和德国,表明(罗马)帝国带来了的贸易。 www.bing.com 6. This stallion's impact on the breed and its commerce is a modern day phenomenon. 这种马的品种和其商业上的影响,是一个现代现象。 www.hc263.net 7. A tangle of - unpayable? - claims against the banks is, like some modern-day Jarndyce and Jarndyce case, stemming that flow. 对银行的各种索偿权——银行无力支付?——纠缠成一团乱麻,像现代版的詹狄士诉詹狄士案,堵住了资金的流动。 www.ftchinese.com 8. This is really the modern-day son of the US bazooka and the German panzerfaust of World War II. It is shoulder-fired and highly portable. 该武器可称作二战时期美国的巴祖卡火箭筒与德国铁拳的现代子孙。它是一种可方便随身携带的肩扛式发射武器。 news.chinaunix.net 9. Modern day celebrations include fireworks, people walking on stilts, and folk dancing. 现代人们在庆元宵时通常回放烟花,踩高跷,民族舞蹈表演,各式各样的花灯展示。 www.1363.cn 10. Like modern day Iran, I initially wanted access to Uranium so that I could finally get some nuclear plants up. 就像今天的伊朗一样,我一开始要铀就是想造核电站。 www.civclub.net 1. Undeniably appealing to children, the custom evolved into modern-day "trick-or-treating" . 对小孩子毋庸置疑的吸引力使这一习俗演变成现代的“不给糖果就捣蛋”。 www.en400.com:8080 2. Modern day Ashkenazim are now far more likely to marry outside their ethnic group. 今天的东欧犹太人远比过去更有可能与他们种族以外的人通婚。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Even dachshunds who are abundantly pampered with modern day amenities still maintain this innate hunting instinct. 在现在舒适的生活中,腊肠仍然保持着原始能得捕猎本性。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Maybe knowing what circumstances made the authors of Scripture open-minded can help make modern-day believes open-minded. 也许了解当时是什么让经书作者思想开明能让现在教众的思想也开明起来。 www.internet.org.cn 5. Hot and spicy Sichuan cuisine, acupuncture, and even some modern-day Chinese slang are smartly blended into the sequel. 四川麻辣菜系、针灸,甚至中国当前的流行用语都被巧妙地融合进续集中。 www.bing.com 6. Many of the accounts of ritualistic initiation bare striking parallels to modern day UFO contactee and abduction lore. 许多关于宗教仪式的记载都和现今的不明飞行物以及绑架传说有着惊人的相似。 www.dltcedu.org 7. Admirers say Yao has done more for improving China's image overseas than any modern-day politician or diplomat. 崇拜者们说姚明为提升中国形象做出的贡献大于任何一个现代政治家或者外交官。 www.bing.com 8. The modern-day caravans to Beijing led by Western politicians are no less impressive than Lord Macartney's. 当前由西方政治家率领的访华商队比之马嘎尔尼的队伍毫不逊色。 c.wsj.com 9. It is a place where ancestral worship and the mystic art of feng shui - Asian geomancy - still grip the modern-day Korean imagination. 它是有着祖先崇拜和神秘的风水艺术的地方——亚洲撒泥占卜——仍然掌握着现代韩国人的想象力。 bulo.hjenglish.com 10. Scripting languages like Ruby, Python, and PHP power modern-day server-side Web development. 诸如Ruby、Python和PHP这样的脚本语言可助力当今的服务器端Web开发。 www.ibm.com 1. C. Today, government, tourism, and shipping dominate the economy in Greece's modern-day capital. 如今,政府部门,旅游业和运输业已成为希腊的现代首都的主要经济来源。 www.bing.com 2. Miguel found that modern-day witch-killings in Tanzania are correlated with droughts and floods. 米格尔发现,当代坦桑尼亚杀害女巫案例与干旱和洪水有关。 www.ftchinese.com 3. He shook off questions about which ideology he followed to accomplish his modern-day rags-to-riches story. 他摆脱了对于他实现当代白手起家神话遵从何种主义的质疑。 www.bing.com 4. Like most ancient civilizations, the Chinese had something that could be considered akin to modern day beer. 如同大多数古文明一样,古代中国人的饮品被认为具有现代啤酒的雏形。 www.bing.com 5. Many of these modern-day faith healers have patients who are actually healed by these practices. 现在很多信仰治疗师还是使用这些方法来给病人治病。 www.fanyitie.com 6. The order of the Ten Commandments will help us understand this modern-day problem. 十诫的命令,会帮助我们明白当今的问题。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Unlike series that are set in the modern day, period dramas give me a lot of room for imagination and to fantasise . 不像系列是一套在现代一天,期间电视剧给了我很多的想像空间和幻想。 dict.kekenet.com 8. In the hustle and bustle of modern day life, people seldom to stop to enjoy the beauty of nature. 在现代生活的忙忙碌碌中,人们很少会停下来欣赏自然的美。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. No precedents were available to show us how a modern day currency board system should be structured. 现代货币发行局制度的结构应该是怎样的一个课题,是没有先例可援的。 www.info.gov.hk 10. Modern-day offenders, whose numbers, sadly, are increasing, are not so lucky. 可悲的是,现在违反交规的人越来越多,而他们就没那么幸运了。 www.bing.com 1. Chess enthusiasts in what's now modern-day Germany begin developing increasingly elaborate battlefield strategy games based on the original. 国际象棋爱好者以国际象棋的原型为基础,在现代德国所在的地区发展出越来越精密的战场策略游戏。 dongxi.net 2. Maybe the sceptics are right, and the stimulus money is being wasted on the modern-day equivalent of wall building. 或许怀疑者是对的,刺激性资金正被浪费在当今的“长城工程”上; www.bing.com 3. think of the roadster as a high-performance, modern-day 300SL Roadster and you're on the right track. 想到跑车作为一个高性能,现代300SL跑车和你在正确的轨道上。 usa.315che.com 4. But Mr Cooper's book is by far the most cogent and reasoned of the modern-day "credit excess" school. 不过,对于当代的“信贷泡沫”学校来说,库珀的书仍不是为一部极有理性和说服力的教材。 www.bing.com 5. A few years later, he burst back onto the screen in a big way in the modern-day classic Tiger Cage. 几年后,他突发放回屏幕大的现代经典老虎笼。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The film is set in modern-day Los Angeles and follows a group of U. S. Marines during a global invasion by aliens. 影片以当代洛杉矶城为背景,讲述了一批美国海军陆战队士兵在外星人入侵地球期间的作战行动。 www.bing.com 7. But in the modern-day newspaper market, price is not necessarily the key issue. 但在现代报纸市场,价格未必是关键问题。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The scientists believe it means that modern? day birds are actually living dinosaurs. 科学家相信,这表示当今的鸟类其实是活恐龙。 dict.veduchina.com 9. They were great hit and run fighters, and their descendants teach modern day special forces how to fight in hand to hand combat. 他们擅长着突袭战,现在他们的后代专门在教授现代特种部队如何打肉博战。 www.bing.com 10. He noted that in modern day finance the majority of transactions were conducted electronically without the use of cash. 他指出在现今金融世界中大部分交易均以电子化方式进行,并不涉及现金。 www.info.gov.hk 1. In PEI, currently the status of sexual education is behind the modern day reality. 在爱德华王子岛省,一般现代人的性教育已经在现代现实生活之前。 hi.baidu.com 2. They are no thicker than about one or two stories in a modern day building. 他们和当代建筑的一层或者两层相比不是很厚。 www.kekenet.com 3. This is one of the influences of Mark Twain's satire on modern day society. 这是马克·吐温的讽刺文学对当代社会带来的影响之一。 www.elanso.com 4. So they take her off, they take her around over to Asia Minor, modern day Turkey. 把她带走,带到小亚细亚,现在的土耳其。 open.163.com 5. But, do they actually know how they are producing those sounds that are appealing to their modern day listening audience? 但是,他们真的知道他们是如何将这些观众们听到的天籁之音发出来的吗? www.bing.com 6. Mr. Choe's page on Facebook shows the life of a modern-day renegade artist. 崔先生的脸谱个人主页展示了一个现代叛逆的艺术家的生活。 www.bing.com 7. The modern day Hunan University is a descendant of the academy. 现代湖南大学是一所学院的后裔。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The villain is a modern-day Mongol with dreams of restoring national power and pride. 故事中的反派是一个现代的蒙古人,做着有朝一日复国的大梦; www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. This is a modern day dairy factory; it can't be called a farm. Most of our milk and cheese come from places like this. 这是一个今日的现代化工厂,不能称作是一个农场。我们大部分的牛奶与乳酪是从这样的地方生产出来的。 www.vegtomato.org 10. Bosses have produced a modern-day drama about the fictional 19th Century detective and his sidekick . 老大们根据19世纪名侦探和他的死党的小说改编了一部现代剧。 cet.hjenglish.com 1. While at rest, the vehicle becomes a balcony, with the car seats used as modern-day rocking chairs. 虽然休息时,车辆变成阳台,与汽车座椅作为现代摇椅。 usa.315che.com 2. It uses light, and the lack thereof, to paint a loving but poignant picture of modern-day parenting. 它用明暗画出了一群现代家长,温馨却令人心酸。 www.bing.com 3. In this issue, he captures the earnest dissonance of modern-day China's reverence for Mao. 在今天的文中,他狡黠捕获到当代中国对于毛泽东迥异的暧昧态度。 www.bing.com 4. A modern-day creator of "twittering machines, " Arthur Ganson uses simple, plain materials to build witty mechanical art. ArthurGanson是一个现代的沟通机械的创造者,他使用简单,朴素材料打造充满智慧的机械艺术。 www.bing.com 5. Childhood has become the great casualty of modern-day living. 童年成了现代生活的牺牲品。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The modern day life is an entangled web of complexity. 现代化的生活如一张繁复和纠缠的网。 www.bing.com 7. In fact, the following thoughts offer an interesting insight into how some modern-day players tend to handle the pressure. 事实上,接下来的一些东西会使你非常感兴趣,让你洞察当今球员是如何自我解压的。 bbs.17mcp.com 8. Some experts say they are modern-day victims of an antiquated system. 一些专家说他们是一个古旧制度的现代牺牲者。 www.bing.com 9. Theirs was really a victory for all modern day California vintners , who would no longer live in the shadow of European wine. 他们最大的胜利是,令现在所有加州的葡萄酒商们不用在生活在欧洲葡萄酒的阴影下。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The film is a fabulous tale of witchcraft and wizardry set in modern-day Britain. 这部影片以现代英国为背景,讲述了一个魔法无边的神奇故事。 news.xinhuanet.com 1. Few modern day bubbles grow as big, or as rapidly, as China's domestic "A" share markets. 现代的泡沫,很少有哪个在规模或膨胀速度上能赶上中国国内的A股市场。 www.ftchinese.com 2. "Spend money and you'll be doing good" might, in fact, be a motto for modern-day Britain. “花钱的同时您在做一件善举”事实上这有可能是当代英国人的座右铭。 www.bing.com 3. The process detailed below is well worth adopting by any modern day translation team. 下面所列的详细步骤是值得让当今任何翻译队伍采纳借鉴的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The raids spread throughout Europe, from modern day Spain to Turkey. 周围遍布欧洲,从现代的西班牙,土耳其。 www.sjgcz.cn 5. She plays the role of Lindy, a modern-day Belle who goes for "substance over style. " 她扮演的林迪,一个现代的美女谁的“多风格的实质内容去的作用。” tiebacommit.baidu.com 6. Tom and Jerry are a lot like modern-day versions of Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse. 很像是现代版的疯狂猫及依格奈及鼠; www.24en.com 7. Hadropithecus is related to the modern-day sifaka, a type of lemur with acrobatic leaping skills. 巨型狐猴与今天有着高超跳跃能力的维氏冕狐猴是近亲。 www.elanso.com 8. Its chest alone was nearly 16 feet (5 meters) in diameter, about the size of an entire modern-day elephant. 仅其胸围的直径就部接近16英尺(5米),尺寸相当于现代一整条大象。 www.elanso.com 9. Often modern-day lawyers are seen as following the beliefs of sophists. 我们常认为现代的律师是信奉“诡辩家”的。 10. Today, the Buffalo Bill Rodeo and Nebraskaland Days is the modern-day version of Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. 时至今日,野牛比尔马术竞赛会及内布拉斯加日都是现代版本的野牛比尔的西大荒演出。 www.24en.com 1. West Side Story is a modern-day version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. 西城故事是现代版的“罗密欧与茱丽叶”(RomeoandJuliet)。 www.24en.com 2. allocation of decision rights within modern day MNCs. 分配决策的权利现代跨国公司。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. "The Internet is the modern-day freak show, " says Szymanski. “网络就是现代的反常秀,”斯泽曼斯基说。 www.bing.com 4. Modern-day democracies are kleptocracies in one way or another. 现代民主政体在某种程度上都是盗贼政府。 www.bing.com 5. Human traffickers use the internet to find and lure new victims into modern-day slavery. 人贩子利用互联网来寻找及诱拐新的受害者使之沦为现代奴隶。 www.america.gov 6. In this modern day, we do not do the virgin birth thing. 在这家现代化的的日子里,我们不这样做童女生子的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Apart from the wear and tear, they look remarkably similar to their modern day versions. 除了正常的磨损之外,它们与现在的胸罩设计非常相似。 www.bing.com 8. Hey, Yale. Would you rather be bitten by a saber-toothed tiger or a modern day tiger? 嘿,雅艾尔。你宁愿被剑齿虎咬还是被现代的老虎咬? www.kekenet.com 9. One site of the Shang capitals, later historically called the Ruins of Yin, is near modern day Anyang. 一个网站的商代的首都,后来在历史上被称为银遗址,是近现代安阳。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A misunderstanding of evolutionary theory has given way to the idea that humans came from modern-day primates. 对进化理论的误解导致有一种观点认为人类起源于现代灵长类动物。 www.bing.com 1. Of course, all these services and devices aren't solely to blame for our modern-day misadventures. 当然,现代人爱情生活的失败,不能完全归咎到这些服务和设备上。 www.fortunechina.com 2. It gives a modern-day take on my favorite fairytale, Beauty and the Beast. 它提供了现代的就我最喜欢的童话,美女与野兽。 tiebacommit.baidu.com 3. Sports are the necessary for the life of modern day's youth. 运动可是当代青年不可缺少的生活必须品! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The film transposes Austen's comedy of manners to modern-day India. 这部电影将奥斯丁的社交喜剧的背景换成了现代印度。 en.chinabroadcast.cn 5. In the hustle and bustle of modern-day life, people seldom stop to enjoy the beauty of nature. 在忙碌烦扰的现代生活中,人们很少停下来欣赏大自然之美。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. You're seeking an under-the-radar tour of Southeast Asia led by its preeminent modern-day explorer. 你正在寻找一次由卓越性能的探测器指引的在雷达保障下的东南亚之旅。 linki27.bokee.com 7. The Etruscans came to Italy from western Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). 伊特鲁里亚人从小亚细亚(今土耳其)迁到了意大利。 www.bing.com 8. Ferguson once derided the modern-day City as being "all talk" . 弗格森曾经嘲笑这支曼城队“光说不做”。 www.yayan123.com 9. Modern day ESB solutions are heavy, and hard to introduce in some environments. 现在的ESB方案沉重且很难引入到一些环境中。 www.infoq.com 10. Modern day pirates are difficult to catch. They return to small rivers or ports where there is little or no law enforcement. 现今海盗都很难被抓捕。他们躲在几乎没有法律制裁的小流域或港口。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. But they're highly susceptible to modern-day threats such as changing water temperatures, pollution and aggressive fishing practices. 但是这些生物特别容易受到像是水温的变化,污染还有过度的捕鱼这些现今威胁的影响。 www.bing.com 2. And during this time, there's a surge of prolactin, the likes of which a modern day never sees. 在这段时间内,催乳素产生这样的情况在现代社会不会出现。 www.ted.com 3. Romeo and Juliet, the blurb explains, is set in modern-day Japan. 书背的介绍解释说,「罗密欧与茱丽叶」场景设在现代日本。 dict.veduchina.com 4. According to modern-day Wiccans, most of today's Halloween traditions are actually blah, blah, blah. 对于当代的巫师来说,大多数的万圣节传统实际上是很枯燥的。 www.putclub.com 5. The report rates efforts by 164 countries and territories to end modern day slavery. 报告调查了164个国家和地方在结束现代奴隶方面所做的努力。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Paramount's chairman, Brad Grey, has said that the $15, 000 film is the most profitable movie in the studio's modern-day history. 派拉蒙董事长格雷(BradGrey)曾说,这部制作成本1.5万美元的影片是该公司现代历史中最赚钱的影片。 c.wsj.com 7. I have described this election as a modern day version of King Kong versus Godzilla. 我把这次选举描绘成一场巨猿与恐龙搏斗的现代翻版。 mysearch.100e.com 8. Iraq is the modern day Sumer, so there is a reason for featuring the Annunaki on their dollars, but what about the Swiss? 伊拉克是现在的苏美尔,所以在其钞票上描绘安努那奇是有原因的。但瑞士呢? psp163.my-forum.net 9. You know, the modern day people have a one big problem. Depression. So many people have depression problems. 你们知道现代人有个大问题:忧郁。很多人都有忧郁症的毛病。 622006680.qzone.qq.com 10. Could it really be the modern-day Knights Templar? 难道这真会是当代的圣殿骑士? www.bing.com |
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