单词 | model on |
释义 | modeled on是model on的过去式
第三人称单数:models on 现在分词:modelling on 现在分词:modeling on 过去式:modelled on 过去式:modeled on 例句释义: 按模型制作,模仿 1. It is loosely modeled on a scene in "Inception" in which a team of characters is trying to transport a wounded colleague. 里面有一个与《盗梦空间》有些相似的情景,角色们组成一个团队,他们还带着一个受伤的同伴。 www.bing.com 2. As expected, the report calls for a national intelligence chief and a counterterrorism center modeled on the military's unified commands. 预计,报告呼吁推选一位国家情报指挥官并组建“军事统一指挥”模式的反恐中心。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. 'Our system is modeled on that of the U. S. If the U. S. system is having problems, will the Chinese system be fine? 他说,我们的体系是以美国为范本的,如果美国的体系都存在问题,难道中国的就没问题? chinese.wsj.com 4. Since the ANSI C library is in many cases modeled on UNIX facilities, this code may help your understanding of the library as well. 因为ANSIC标准函数库是以UNIX系统为基础建立起来的,所以,学习本章中的程序还将有助于更好地理解标准库。 czk.8866.org 5. So they are trying to jazz up their offerings with reality shows or programs modeled on " American Idol. " 他们制作真实节目或者效法“美国偶像”,努力让节目变得更生动些。 dongxi.net 6. I guess they were all modeled on real persons, or there wouldn't be so many different images. 我猜这些都是按照真人做成的,要不然怎么会有这么多不同的面孔呢。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Xiao Xiao is also called, is modeled on, the children follow their parents called filial obedience. 孝又叫肖,即效仿,子女追随服从父母就叫孝。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. I then drive up to where the New Frontier was razed to build a resort modeled on New York City's Plaza Hotel. 然后我开车到了按照纽约的皇冠酒店修建的度假村,它堆满了垃圾。 www.bing.com 9. The next step is to load a logical datacenter diagram into the solution and apply some constraints to servers modeled on that diagram. 下一步是将逻辑数据中心关系图加载到解决方案中并将一些约束应用于在该关系图上建模的服务器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. fees would be collected by a new organization modeled on the "societies" that gather royalties on behalf of musical copyright owners. 费用将会被集中到“社团”——代表音乐版权所有人收集版税——的一个新的组织机构模式中。 www.kekenet.com 1. Qin-shi, the little wife of Cousin Zhen's son Jai Rong, is apparently a character modeled on a real person . 秦氏是贾珍儿子贾蓉的年轻媳妇,她的故事显然是作者生活中有原型可依的。 www.jukuu.com 2. the circular roof , modeled on a traditional korean is covered with titanium - coated steel , built to withstand the heaviest of storms. 韩国传统阁楼式的园形屋顶上覆盖了一层镀钛钢板,这样的设计能够抵挡最剧烈的暴风雨。 www.ichacha.net 3. Its note-issuing provisions were modeled on those of the German Central Bank . 它的货币发行章程是仿照德国中央银行制定的。 www.putclub.com 4. The Garden of Harmonious Interest was modeled on a garden in Wuxi. 谐趣园是仿照无锡的一座花园造的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Hui people, a group with alien complex, are modeled on the state culture, and it has a great impact in their existence and development. 回民作为一个秉持异域情结的群体,国家认同的文化建构对其生存和发展有着巨大的塑造作用。 www.airiti.com 6. Ship king certainly think can than the Erie Railroad can withstand this suicide reduction, also be modeled on the prices again. 船王无疑自认为可以比伊利铁路更能承受这种自杀性的降价,也如法炮制再次降价。 www.baiduandgoogle.com 7. These dolls were often modeled on kabuki actors and famous courtesans, who in their diverse ways were the superstars of their day. 这些玩偶经常模仿歌舞演员和著名的妓女,她们以各自不同的方式成了那时的超级巨星。 www.bing.com 8. Modeled on similar newspapers in Europe, the paper is designed to be read in 30 minutes, the average commute. 这份报纸以欧洲的类似报纸为原型,其版面内容也设计成30分钟(平均乘坐时间)的读物。 www.bing.com 9. The Dodd-Frank approach is modeled on the long standing regime for bank failure. 多德弗兰克法案是沿用了长期以来适用的银行破产机制。 www.bing.com 10. Er, seriously. To that end, he's created some very cool space travel posters modeled on classic travel agency art. 为此他创作了一些非常酷的太空旅行海报,这些海报都是把旅行社的宣传画作为模板绘制的。 www.bing.com 1. Their learning mechanism is modeled on the brain's adjustments of its neural connections. 它们的学习机制是模仿大脑调节神经连结的原理。 www.ibm.com 2. Perhaps that's no surprise, as it is modeled on one of the nation's most exclusive old boys' clubs, Bohemian Grove. 也许这并不奇怪,因为它正是以全美最高端的老男孩(男校友)俱乐部之一—波希米亚小丛林(BohemianGrove)为范本来运作的。 dongxi.net 3. Their educational system is modeled on the British one. 他们的教育体系是以英国的模式为蓝本。 www.4ewriting.com 4. Meanwhile, each floor has plazas modeled on classic common spaces--ranging from Playroom to Coffee House to Library to. . . 同时,每一层楼都由众多传统的公共区域(广场)组成,从活动室到咖啡室以及图书馆等等不一而足…… www.bing.com 5. It is modeled on the WHERE clause of a SQL statement and contains Field Name, operator and value. 它以SQL语句的WHERE子句为模型,并包含字段名、运算符和值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. This semester, Tsinghua started a course called "Critical Thinking and Moral Reasoning, " modeled on Sandel's. 本学年,清华开设了一门称作“批判性思考与道德推理”的课程,以桑代尔为样板。 www.bing.com 7. Modeled on rural electric coops, these would offer health insurance to compete with private carriers. 这些合作社以农村电力合作社为蓝本,将提供医疗保险,与私营保险商竞争。 www.bing.com 8. and a location-based service Buding modeled on Yelp. 以及一家模仿Yelp的基于地点服务的萌芽企业。 www.bing.com 9. The format of the XML file is modeled on the standard application configuration file. XML文件采用了标准应用程序配置文件的格式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The custom-fit suit and helmet were modeled on those used by pilots of high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. 在定制西服和头盔为蓝本,由高空侦察机飞行员使用的。 www.bugutang.com 1. Virtual worlds can be modeled on physical realities. 虚拟现实可以模仿物理现实。 www.17xie.com 2. Facebook's new email system is modeled on instant messaging and on-line chat and will allow people to simplify their communications. “脸谱”的新邮件系统是在即时通讯与在线聊天工具的基础上搭建的,将帮助人们简化通讯方式。 tr.hjenglish.com 3. The Parliamentary system is closely modeled on the Westminster system. 这种议会制度是模仿了英国议会制度。 www.ebigear.com 4. They should be modeled on the current AIM Rules and should be disclosure-based. 将其应当参照现行AIM规则及应按披露为准。 www.charltonslaw.com 5. The new technology, modeled on the process of photosynthesis, uses solar energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. 这种新技术,模仿了光合作用的过程时,利用太阳能把水分裂成氢气和氧气。 www.dltcedu.org 6. Each piece was sawn on site, modeled on the spot, bolted on the spot, invented at the site. 每一块被锯成现场,模拟现场,螺栓在现场,在现场发明。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Coins were modeled on the drachmas of Athens, although they often had Indian legends. 硬币是模仿希腊的雅典,但他们往往有印度的传说。 uzmart.com 8. Using VB game, modeled on the pattern of the preparation of Super Mario. 用VB的小游戏,仿照超级玛丽的模式编制。 3333355555.com 9. The first colleges. Give tuition modeled on the arts courses at Oxford and Cambridge. 最早的一批大学是以牛津和剑桥的文科课程为。 www.wmmenglish.com 10. The following code to achieve the reproduction order to be modeled on the other to achieve, and in this stop drilling. 下面的代码实现了复制命令,其它实现可仿照进行,在此不再赘言。 ftp.hackchina.com 1. Their education system is modeled on the French one. 他们的教育体制是模仿法国的。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. You need a program modeled on Race to the Top. 你需要一项以顶端效益为模型的计划。 www.bing.com 3. It is modeled on real news events, to process and fabricate false news. 它以真实新闻事件为蓝本,加工杜撰假新闻。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The citys octagonal layout was modeled on the eight-diagram pattern. 这座城市就是按照八卦的图形修建的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The world, Cyberion City, is modeled on a cylindrical space station. 这个名字叫做CyberionCity的世界,外形是个圆柱形的空间站。 www.360doc.com 6. Mark Twain once such praise: "Mauritius is heaven, for heaven is modeled on native island and make out the Mauritius. " 马克·吐温曾经这样赞美:“毛里求斯是天堂的原乡,因为天堂是仿照毛里求斯这个小岛而打造出来的。” zhidao.baidu.com 7. Today, Adriana Bertini's cocktail dress, modeled on a sixties-era Valentino dresses, is made from 1, 200 hand-dyed condoms. 日前,阿德里安娜·贝尔蒂尼的礼裙在六十年代风格华伦天奴女裙中展示,它由1200只手工染色的避孕套制成。 www.bing.com 8. The Japanese also know the Garuda, which they call the Karura, although recent characters modeled on it retain the spelling Garuda. 日本也知道揭路荼,他们称之为迦楼罗,尽管近期的特征仍然保留有揭路荼的拼写烙印。 www.chinaufo.com 9. The two first moulds were probably modeled on older originals, while the third one was much more recent. 前两个模具很可能是根据更旧的原版制作的,而第三个则要新很多。 www.bing.com 10. EMPTY is also modeled on DTD syntax. EMPTY也是在DTD语法上建模的。 www.ibm.com 1. It has begun deploying a new tank, called the P'okpoong (Storm), which is modeled on the Russian T-62 tank but hardly a match for modern U. 它已经开始布署名一种称为“暴风”的新型坦克,它仿自俄罗斯的T-62坦克,但是几乎可以与美军的现代主战坦克相媲美。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This is very closely modeled on DTD syntax. 这非常接近于在DTD语法上建模。 www.ibm.com 3. This machine is modeled on one recently made in Shanghai. 这部机器是模仿上海的一种新产品制造的。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. Accumulator is modeled on its stressing model and experiments research 基于力学分析的蓄能器数学模型建立及实验研究 www.ilib.cn |
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