单词 | must be able to | ||
释义 | must be able to
例句释义: 必须能够 1. They must be able to speak at least one foreign language fluently. 他们要最少流利的讲一门外语。 wenwen.soso.com 2. A good manager must be able to cope with the relationship with stuff to be in a impartial position. 一个好的人事部经理要善于公正地处理与员工之间的关系。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. This template must also be easy to edit and user must be able to change the color of the header. 该模板还必须易于编辑和用户必须能够改变标题的颜色。 www.bing.com 4. Sally: Sales staff must be able to talk to anyone without getting nervous. Why do you think you would be good in sales? 莎丽:销售人员必须有能力同任何人交谈而不感到紧张。你为什么认为你能干好销售呢? www.xianzai.cn 5. The interface of the software must be easy to understand and any layman must be able to use it. 该软件接口必须易于理解和任何门外汉必须能够使用它。 www.bing.com 6. It must be able to review and implement loan programmes alongside offering support to help small businesses navigate red tape. 该机构必须能够审查并施行贷款项目,同时为小型企业提供支持,帮助它们通过繁琐的手续。 www.ftchinese.com 7. You must be able to work and understand ambiguous documentation and be able to be in constant communication with my team on this project. 你必须能够工作,了解文件和含糊能够在不断的沟通与我在这个项目团队。 www.bing.com 8. Piston must be able to withstand the heat from the burning air-fuel mixture, plus the heat generated by friction. 活塞必须能够承受住空气燃料混合燃烧时所释放出来的热量,以及在此过程中摩擦所生成的热量。 xiaozu.renren.com 9. The robot must be able to recognize another car, to understand that it is moving and that it will interact with it as it gets closer. 机器人必须能识别其他车辆,理解对方也在运行中并在靠近时有所反应。 gb.cri.cn 10. He must be able to shape a shoe from a piece of plain metal and then fit it to the horse's hoof. 他必须能够塑造一个擦鞋的一块纯金属,然后适当给马蹄。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. And Fisher said the market must be able to stand without government support to become "truly robust. " 同时费希尔说,市场必须在没有政府支持下的情况下仍能维持屹立,才能变得“真正有活力”。 cn.reuters.com 2. New users must be able to sign up for accounts and input all their information and have account created instantly after email verification. 新用户必须能够注册的帐户,输入所有的信息,并立即核实后创建的电子邮件帐户。 www.bing.com 3. It is not even enough to be the best in the country, for each competitor must be able to reach the standard expected for entry to the Games. 对每一个参赛运动员来说,成为全国最佳运动员还不够,他还必须达到参加奥运会的标准。 www.zftrans.com 4. Homeowners must be able to understand the terms and obligations of their mortgages. 住房拥有者必须能够理解他们按揭合同中的条款和义务。 www.bing.com 5. The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others. 领导者必须能与他人分享知识和主意,以向他人传输一种紧迫感和热情。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. To be affected, the ally must be able to hear the song and must believe in the Seven. 只有能够听到歌曲且信仰七神的人才能得到祝福。 ellesime.anetcity.com 7. It also means the controls themselves must be able to display or, at least, load data dynamically. 它也意味着控件本身必须能够动态显示,或者至少动态加载数据。 www.jukuu.com 8. The system must be able to deliver data quickly and flawlessly to any handheld device. 系统必须能够快速且无误地将数据传送到任何手持设备。 www.ibm.com 9. Software and systems must be able to adapt quickly for use by an increasingly non-English user base. 软件和系统必须更加有能力适应越来越多的非英语用户。 www.bing.com 10. Passport traveling in transit through a country must be able to prove that they will continue their journey within the prescribed period. 途径这里国家的旅客必须要证明他们会在规定时间内继续他们的旅程 wenku.baidu.com 1. In a real situation you won't have time to think - you must be able to react as fast as possible. 在真实的情况,你不会有时间去思考,你必须能够反应快可能的。 www.tianxiawuji.cn 2. In a second clear sentence, we must be able to state how we do this better than our competitors. 第二句话,我们应该能够清楚地说明我们如何比对手做得好。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 3. Organisms capable of an adaptive immunity must be able to distinguish "self" from " nonself ' and possess an" immunologic memory. 有机体对免疫性的适应能力必须区分于自我和无我,并拥有一种免疫学记忆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. If democracies decide to ban certain types of speech or to protect their citizens' data, they must be able to enforce their rules. 如果民主政府决定禁止某些类型的言论,或是保护其公民的数据,那么他们必须有能力执行这些规则。 www.bing.com 5. Applicants must be able to provide the company working hours, where jobs, job performance and other related materials. 申请人必需能提供公司工作时间、所在职位、工作业绩等相关材料。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 6. Voters must be able to understand how to make their selections , and votes must be easy to count in mass quantities. 投票人必须能够了解如何圈选,选票也必须容易在数量庞大的状况下计算。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. First, the company must be able to upgrade the product without going over budget. 一方面,公司必须在预算内实现产品的升级。 www.ibm.com 8. If you want workers to improve, they must be able to see not only where they are at the moment, but also where they are expected to be. 如果你需要员工有所提高,他们必须知道他们现在处在什么位置,而且要知道公司期望他们去到什么位置。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He must be able to use the foreign language, forgetting all about his own. 他一定要能做到在使用外语的时候完全忘。 moonedu.com 10. They must be able to go back and forth and fit into each household without disruption of educational and social activities. 他们必须学会在不影响学习和社会活动的前提下融入父母新的家庭,保持和父母双方的交流沟通。 www.bing.com 1. Applicant must be able to speak and write at least one foreign language fluently and can be nationals of any country. 申请人国籍不限,但要会一种以上外语,能说会写,表达流畅。 bbs.hrsalon.org 2. The Lab. must be able to carry out routine tests with a minimum of time lag between sampling and testing. 实验室必须能够在取样以后一个最小间隔时间内完成常规检验。 dict.ebigear.com 3. To leave the cabin, there is no air, the spacesuit itself must be able to supply oxygen. 离开这个舱就没有了空气,所以航天服本身就必须能供给氧气。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Subscription management interfaces must be able to connect to the database server and execute subscription management stored procedures. 订阅管理界面必须能够连接到数据库服务器并执行订阅管理存储过程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. I believe that if I do not fear hardship, hard work, must be able to realize my life dream. 我相信只要我不怕吃苦,努力拼搏,一定能真正实现我的人生梦想。 wenwen.soso.com 6. An admin must be able to view a report to see how many tokens have been given out and used on a per year, month, week or daily basis. 一个管理员必须能够查看报表,看看有多少令牌都被赋予了并在每年使用的,月,周或每日的基础。 www.bing.com 7. Diplomats, development experts, and others in the United States Government must be able to work side by side to support a common agenda. 外交官、发展专家和美国政府的其他人员必须一起努力来支持公共事务。 jswszy.com 8. Pingali said the CGIAR system must be able to attract donors by putting forward a credible plan of results-oriented research. Pingali说,CGIAR的体系必须能够通过提出面向结果的研究的可信方案从而吸引捐助者。 www.scidev.net 9. Web service interactions in the grid must be able to traverse corporate firewalls across the enterprises. 网格中的Web服务交互必须能够跨企业穿越公司防火墙。 www.ibm.com 10. If I were blind, no one would say: 'But you must be able to see this very large mountain or that very bright light. ' So, to repeat . . . 但如果我是盲人,肯定不会有人对我说:“但是你肯定还是能看见那座大山或者很亮的光是吧。” dongxi.net 1. Someone else must be able to do the next action for you only by reading the description. 别人只需阅读你的描述就可以为你做出下一步行动。 www.bing.com 2. If the national anthem rings, You must be able to hear the sound of thunder in the cry which will certainly feel excited! 若此时雄壮的国歌响起,你一定能听到那一声声震天的呐喊,一定会感到热血沸腾! www.chsyxx.com 3. You: Well, being a beautiful women, you must be able to get all the guys to do whatever you want. what's it like being with me? 你:好吧,作为漂亮女人,你肯定能让所有人做任何你想要的事。都让他们做过什么呢? www.lovepua.com 4. Must be able to do some work on site. If it is a good fit, other opportunities with our company. Thanks. 必须能在现场做了一些工作。如果它是一个不错的选择,与我们公司的其他机会。谢谢。 www.bing.com 5. The SOA consumers must not be aware of this underlying heterogeneity but must be able to access the integrated information transparently. SOA使用者不必了解基础异构性,但必须能够透明地访问集成的信息。 www.ibm.com 6. Must be able to exist in a primitive environment. This includes having a thick ear small for the size of the head. 必须能在原始的环境中生存。包括拥有一个和头的比例相对而言比较小的耳朵。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. One of the common requirements of a business process is that it must be able to run over a longer period such as a day or a week. 业务流程公共需求之一是它必须能长久运行,数日或者数周。 www.blogjava.net 8. The companies of the brands must be able to login with a password and change the conditions of their brands online. 该品牌的企业必须能够登录的密码和改变自己的品牌的条件上网。 www.bing.com 9. President Obama said the U. S. government must be able to act decisively when information surfaces about a potential threat. 奥巴马总统说,当潜在威胁的信息出现的时候,美国政府必须要能够果断行动。 www.hjenglish.com 10. You must be able to make sense out of the complexity of the world to put your business on the offensive. 你必须能够从复杂的世界中找到出路并让自己所在的公司处于进攻状态。 www.bing.com 1. The target must be able to hear the Prayer and must believe in the Seven. 目标必须能够听到修士的祈祷且信仰七神。 ellesime.anetcity.com 2. Must be able to walk the facility frequently throughout the work week to ensure all services are meeting the company's requirements. 必须能够经常性地在工厂内巡视,确保所有服务达到公司要求。 www.nchr.cn 3. Must be able to handle up to 10, 000 customers with various amounts of keywords. (See attached example of Google Places results in SERP). 必须能够处理各种与关键字达10,000名客户。(见搜索结果页面的谷歌学位结果附例子)。 www.bing.com 4. An abstract is often presented separate from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. 一个抽象的,是常常被分开的文章,那么它必须能够单独存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If you want to install more than one product at a time, the products must be able to share a package group. 如果要同时安装多个产品,那么那些产品必须能够共享软件包组。 download.boulder.ibm.com 6. Must be able to understand Geometric tolerancing and dimensioning. 须了解几何公差和规格尺寸。 www.haoqiantu.cn 7. Although an architect is not expected to be an expert in everything, they must be able to "go deep" when necessary. 尽管我们希望架构师是万能的,但是他们必须在需要的时候“深入进去”。 www.ibm.com 8. In order for you to benefit from a multivitamin, your body must be able to absorb the nutrients. 为让维生素片对你有益,你的身体必须要能吸收营养。 www.elanso.com 9. To be most effective, QE teams must be able to apply appropriate testing tools as they focus on system-level quality issues. 为了最有效地测试,QE团队必须在他们关注系统级质量问题时,能够应用合适的测试工具。 www.ibm.com 10. Must be able to understand the inspection criteria and be able to identify defective component after inspection. 能够理解验货标准,通过检验后能够识别有缺陷的部分。 www.gdyjs.com 1. The oil must be able to absorb heat from hot engine parts, pistons, rings, cylinders, and let go of the heat when it is in the pan. 石油必须能够吸收热量从高温的发动机零件,活塞,环,汽缸,并放开热时,它是泛。 www.xcar.com.cn 2. For a female to choose a blond male he must be able to deliver resources (mammoth), as his blond hair alone is not enough to turn her on. 女性选择能够给她提够一些食物(比如猛犸肉)的男人,因为仅仅靠他的棕色头发并不能激起她的性欲。 www.bing.com 3. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the Prayer and must believe in the Seven. 受到影响的众人必须是能够听到祈祷的声音,且必须信仰七神。 ellesime.anetcity.com 4. If it is wrong to enslave another, then God must be able to provide for those who follow him without resorting to slavery. 如果奴役他人是错误的,神一定会供应那些遵行他的话不蓄奴的人劳力上的需要。 dict.bioon.com 5. "You think if they are going to give it to me, I must be able to afford it, " he recalls. “要是他们早点督促我还款,我一定能及时还上。”他回忆说。 www.ecocn.org 6. Some people coming here must be able to find from the photo on the top of this page that the host of this blog is a man being old enough. 朋友们肯定可以从照片上发现,此博客的博主应当是一个相当有点年纪的人了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. "I believe you must be able to provide these tools that can save lives, and unwanted pregnancies, and keep girls in school, " he said. 他说:“我认为你必须能够提供这种工具才能挽救生命和预防不期而然的怀孕,保证女孩能在学校上学。” www.qiewo.com 8. They do not need to be a qualified accountant, but they must be able to interpret the accounts. 他们不必是注册会计师,但必须能够读懂各项账目。 www.ftchinese.com 9. It must be able to see that the pictures belong together, and are not some random images thrown together on the same website. 它必须能够看到这些照片属于在一起,并且没有引发一起在同一网站上一些随机图像。 www.bing.com 10. Also, the script must be able to determine how the resulting xxx. doc plug-in is to be packaged for deployment. 同样,该脚本必须能够决定得到的xxx.doc插件程序如何被打包用于部署部署。 www.ibm.com 1. Of course, these applicants must be able to communicate with other people in Chinese Putonghua, he said. 他说当然这些候选人必须具备能用普通话交流的能力。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Each component of such a multinational system must be able to communicate within the system and with other systems around the world. 这样一个多国系统中的每个组成部分都必须能在系统内部相互沟通并与世界各地的其他系统接轨。 www.america.gov 3. visually represent user portfolios graphically and in tables. Linked portfolios must be able to be consolidated. 组合图形直观地表示用户及表。挂钩的投资组合必须能够得到巩固。 www.bing.com 4. Must be able to complete work in a timely fashion and commit at least 20 hours a week. 要求每周可至少可以工作20小时,并能迅速按时地完成工作。 www.kongrong.com 5. The first account (TestManagerUser) must be able to see all details in every purchase order. 第一个帐户(TestManagerUser)必须能够查看每个采购订单中的所有详细信息。 technet.microsoft.com 6. To apply for supply of information on the Business Register, applicant must be able to pay the document fees payable over the Internet. 至于申请商业登记册内的资料,申请人必须能够透过互联网支付需要缴交的文件费用。 www.ird.gov.hk 7. The materials used for rigid beams must be able to withstand both compression and tension . 刚性梁用的材料都必须能够承受压缩和紧张。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Any solution must be able to be easily reinstalled if I upgrade my shopping cart software or move it to a different web server. 任何解决办法必须能够很容易地重新安装,如果我升级我的购物车软件或将其移动到一个不同的Web服务器。 www.bing.com 9. Users must be able to connect their choice of devices that are legal and do not harm the network. 用户必须能够联系他们所选择的合法而不伤害网路的器械。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. The system must be able to quickly create quickly additional instances of the resources when workload demands exceed the threshold level. 当工作负载超过阈值水平时,系统必须能够快速创建额外的资源实例。 www.ibm.com 1. Their boards must have the expertise and power to challenge management and they must be able to understand the risks the company is taking. 他们的董事会必须要有专家的意见和力量来质疑管理阶层,他们必须要有能力去理解公司正在经受的风险。 www.bing.com 2. If I contact the mail server and ask for my mail, the service program must be able to verify that I am who I claim to be, right? 如果我去邮件服务器请求我的邮件,服务程序必须能够验证我就是我声称的那个人。 hi.baidu.com 3. IMPORTANT: Must be highly available. Must be able to begin tasks within 1 hour of me assigning them, during work hours. 重要:必须是具有高可用性。必须能够在一开始时我的任务分配给他们在工作时间内。 www.bing.com 4. If you want to truly master positive thinking, you must be able to participate in positive thinking everyday all day. 如果你真的想凡事做到乐观面对,那你就必须整日整日地积极思维。 www.elanso.com 5. He must be able to handle guests' complaints efficiently and report all complaints to his superior. 必须能够有效的处理客人投诉并向上级汇报。 www.010so.com 6. To be useful in a wide variety of applications, programs must be able to store many different types of data. 为了适应大量的应用,程序需要能够存储很多不同类型的数据。 www.bing.com 7. The login name that you define in the Build Forge server auth must be able to access the source files to run the analysis. 您定义在BuildForge服务器上的登陆名认证必须要能够访问到源文件来执行分析过程。 www.ibm.com 8. A bond dealer need not appreciate Proust, but he must be able to do sums in his head. 一个债券经销商不需要感激蒲鲁斯特,但是他必须能够心算。 www.ecocn.org 9. The final product must be savable by the creator to a personal profile and the client must be able to submit an order for said product. 最终产品必须由创建者可保存的个人档案和客户端必须能够提交订单为上述产品。 www.bing.com 10. Political leaders must be able to think beyond the confines of realpolitick. 亚格兰说,政治领导人必须能够超越权力政治的限制进行思考。 c.wsj.com 1. While riding comfortably on this glorious being, the man thought, "Suppose people ask me where I was. I must be able to tell everything. " 此人舒服地骑在尊贵的象王背上,心里想:“如果人们问我去哪儿了,我要一字不漏地告诉他们。” george.shi.blog.163.com 2. Tina must be able to approve all content published on the site, but she does no initial creation of content herself. Tina必须能够对站点上发布的所有内容进行审批,但她并不自行从头创建内容。 www.ibm.com 3. Copy constructible types must be able to be constructed from another member of the type. 可复制构造的类型必须能够从该类型的另一个对象进行构造。 qa.alibaba.com 4. She must be able to convert a decimal length measure given in centimeters (to be read from the input) to the imperial equivalent in inches. 她必须能够转换为十进制的长度测量厘米给予(将读取输入),以在同等英寸帝国。 wenwen.soso.com 5. To debug server script, you must be able to provide the name and password of a Windows user who has administrative privileges on the server. 要调试服务器脚本,必须能够提供某个在服务器上具有管理特权的Windows用户的用户名和密码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. I'll never repeat this one enough, getting out of your regular stuff is something you MUST be able to do by yourself. 做常规事务以外的事应该是你的必备能力,这一点永远值得重申。 www.bing.com 7. She must be able to laugh at my jokes, and be able to talk about current affairs, politics, and international events. 她得懂得欣赏我开的玩笑,会谈论时事、政治和国际事件。 hi.baidu.com 8. I must be able to tell, on sight, which of these words you drew. 这个练习的关键和难点是画面上不能出现任何一个词,但又能让我明白你们画的是什么。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. If crises are to be detected and dealt with promptly, those charged with the task must be able to speak clearly and with authority. 要想尽快察觉到危机,并迅速采取应对措施,负责这项任务的人就必须能够表达明确,具有权威性。 www.ftchinese.com 10. To be a real philosopher one must be able to laugh at philosophy. 要当一个真正的哲学家,就应该能够把哲学一笑置之。 dict.bioon.com 1. If one is to rule, and to continue ruling, one must be able to dislocate the sense of reality. 你要统治,而且要继续统治,你就必须要能够打乱现实的意识。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Administrative assistants must be able to skillfully prepare statistical and written reports as well as presentations for management. 行政助理必须能够熟练地准备统计报表、书面报告以及做管理方面的演说。 content.chinahr.com 3. Must be able to present architectural solutions as visual models in the form of diagrams, charts, and graphs. 能够将架构解决方案以可视的模型表现出来,比如图、图标和图形。 www.lietou.com 4. As such, a recommender must be able to accommodate the active participation of both the place-owner and visitor. 因此,一个推荐系统必须能够容纳积极参与其中的网站所有者和访客两方。 www.bing.com 5. Also I must be able to add any "new products" in future on which I can put my customized designs by clicking a image of that product. 同时,我必须能够添加任何“新产品”在将来,我可以把通过点击一个产品的形象我的定制设计。 www.bing.com 6. The quiz must be able to be graded once submitted and the user info along with quiz scores must be stored in a database. 测验必须能够提出并进行分级一次测验成绩的同时,必须的用户信息存储在数据库中。 www.bing.com 7. To work with roles, you must be able to identify users in your application so that you can determine whether the user is in a specific role. 若要使用角色,必须能够识别应用程序中的用户,以便可以确定用户是否属于特定角色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Must be able to handle a multitude of tasks in an intense, ever-changing environment while remaining calm and collective. 必须能够在压力且多变的工作环境下处理多项工作任务,并保持平静及团队合作精神。 www.ttjd365.com 9. Must be able to understand manufacturing specifications and procedures relative to product quality. 必须理解与产品质量有关的制造规格和流程。 www.renhe.cn 10. It must provide an audit trail of the changes it has made, and it must be able to prove that it is meeting the goals that are defined. 它必须对其执行的更改提供审核跟踪,而且必须能够证明符合定义的目标。 www.ibm.com 1. This message must be able to eventually serve thousands of users simultaneously, and be able to have features built into it later on. 此消息必须能够最终成为数千用户的同时,并能够把它建成后有特性上。 www.bing.com 2. We must be able to see your face in the majority of your shots. Headless nudes are cool and all, but we need to know what you look like. 我们必须能在绝大多数照片里看见你的脸。无头裸照很正点,不过我们得知道你长什么样。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. For it to work the virtual image must be able to connect to any port group on VMWare ESXi servers with a VLAN ID different from zero. 为了使之生效,虚拟机镜像必须能够通过非0的VLANID连接VMWareESXi服务器任何一个端口组。 www.ibm.com 4. Content for some of the images will be provided where necessary but the artist must be able to come up with the majority of their own ideas. 对于某些内容的图像将提供必要的,但在艺术家必须能够拿出自己的想法多数了。 www.bing.com 5. The cryptosystem must be able to borrow multiple, if not redundant, paths, just as with the Internet protocol. 这个密码系统一定要可以重复借用,如果不麻烦,路径要与互联网协议一致。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Besides these eight lines, the processor must be able to select one device at a time. 在这8条线之外,处理器还必须做到一次只选择一个器件。 7. A Leader Must be Able to Resolve Conflict: A good leader will examine conflict from all angles and be able to determine its root cause. 领导者必须能够解决争端:一个好的领导者能够从各个角度发现争端并且查出它的根本原因。 www.putclub.com 8. The business component code must be able to map this identifier to its back end data. 业务组件代码必须能够将这个标识符映射到其后端数据中。 www.ibm.com 9. Each IT project is an instance of this process area, and each must be able to articulate its value. 每个IT项目都是该过程领域的实例,并且每个都应当能够清楚其价值。 www.ibm.com 10. You must be able to make HIGH quality textures that mesh together really well and do not look like blocks from far distances. 你必须能够高质量的网格纹理一起真的很好,没有像街区远的距离。 bbs.mountblade.com.cn 1. In general, documents are the lifeblood of government, so beat reporters must be able to obtain them and understand them. 一般来说,政府一切都要靠档,因此,政府专线记者必须能够得到档并理解之。 www.america.gov 2. One must have fun, one must be able to laugh and to talk to another, but it must come from inside you. 一个人必须拥有乐趣,一个人必须能笑,能与别人交谈,但那必须源于你的内心。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 3. The ally must be able to hear the Prayer and must believe in the Seven. 众人必须能够听到修士的祈祷且信仰七神。 ellesime.anetcity.com 4. any nation in such a plight that has not yet forgotten the love of beauty must be able to rebuild her homes on the ruins. 任何一个民族处在这样困苦的境地还没有忘记爱美那就一订能在废墟上重建家喟。 52english.kingerenglish.com 5. Now, a few tons to dozens of tons of mould has become so common, so requires the worktable must be able to withstand the big weight. 现在,几吨到几十吨的模具已经非常普遍,所以就要求机床工作台面必须能承受大重量。 www.bing.com 6. A trader must be able to keep up in this fast-paced world. 交易者必须跟上这个快速前进的世界。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Network type independence: The surrogate architecture must be able to accommodate a diverse range of connectivity technologies. 网络类型独立性:代理体系结构必须能够容纳不同种类的连接性技术。 www.ibm.com 8. Citi must be able to move fast to maintain its solid share of the fast-growing Asian capital markets, where mega deals are clinched in days. 花旗银行必须有迅速动作的能力,来维持它在快速增长的亚洲资本市场上的稳定市场占有率,在这个市场里每天有数百万笔交易成交。 chinafanyi.com 9. The system administrator must be able to receive requests via email or directly on the pages of back-end system. 系统管理员必须能够接受的后端系统的页面通过电子邮件或直接要求。 www.bing.com 10. Employees must be able to decline overtime without penalty (financial or other). 雇员必须可以不受任何惩罚的(财务或其它形式的)拒绝加班。 big5.csr.org.cn 1. The limit stop must be able to protect the pickoff if the plates are driven together with an appreciable force. 当两板受很大的力被迫接近时,制动销应能保护信号传感器使不受损坏。 2. Even though I have to understand what major, but I believe that as long as I work hard, we will be able to learn. Must be able to do. 虽然对专业没有什么了解,可我相信只要我努力,就一定能学好。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. For data to be useful, we must be able to store, transmit and process it. Chemical engineering can help with all three actions. 要使用数据,我们必须能储存、传递和处理它。在这三方面化学工程师都大有帮助。 www.jukuu.com 4. All the new stuffs must be able to provide some documents as health certificates, proof of departure, and valid identification. 所有人员在入职时须能提供健康证明、离职证明、有效身份证明等证件。 www.showxiu.com 5. Manage rs must be able to train people to see through the value of things and how they can be turned into economic spin-offs. 经理人应当培训员工,让他们看清事物的价值,明白如何让其成为经济产物。 column.chinabyte.com 6. "I must have a special seat" said Opossum "Everyone must be able to see my beautiful bushy tail" . “我必须有一个特殊的座位说:”负鼠“每个人都必须能够看到我的美丽浓密的尾巴”。 www.youeredu.com 7. Research shows that IT professionals must be able to communicate effectively to succeed in their positions. 研究结果显示,资讯专家必须学会有效沟通才能胜任目前的职务,进而升迁至更高的职务。 el.mdu.edu.tw 8. He must be able to think for himself and to form his own opinions. 他应该具有自本人考虑并且构成自己观念的才能。 www.pjx8.com 9. A DRINKS company must be able to depend on a powerful brand; but it also needs to come up with sought-after novelties. 饮料公司必须拥有足以依靠的著名品牌,但也需要推陈出新,吸引顾客。 www.ecocn.org 10. Subscription management interfaces must be able to read and write subscriber and subscription data . 订阅管理界面必须能读取和写入订阅方和订阅数据。 www.bing.com 1. In addition, those following the Grande Ecole programme must be able to speak three foreign languages by the end of their studies. 此外,参与法国高等学校项目的学生在学习结束之前必须会说三种外语。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners'curiosity until her reaches the end of the story. 一个善于讲故事的人必须能够自始至终抓住听众的好奇心。 csust.hnedu.cn 3. All of these are quite specifically identified as to what you must be able to do in the design of this reactor. 所有的这些都是特别鉴定为,你们必须在一个反应堆的,设计中能够做的。 open.163.com 4. As this information is being beamed to you, your body must be able to receive it, transduce it, boost it, and beam it back out to others. 如同这信息定向的传给你们,你们的身体必须能接收它,转换它,促进它,并且阻断来自其他人的播送。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. If parents are angry with sexually explicit comics, then they must be able to educate their children to be aware of what is wrong and right. 如果家长对于性暴露漫画感到气愤,那他们就应该教自己的孩子认识什么是错的,什么是对的。 www.bing.com 6. To DO this, countries must be able to readily obtain pertinent data on pest biology, distribution, host range and potential for impact. 要这样做,各国应能容易地获得关于有害生物生物学、分布、寄主范围和潜在影响的相关数据。 dict.ebigear.com 7. When it comes down to it I must be able to declare my domain classes in packages and the JetBrains plugin can't handle that. 当我使用Groovy插件的时候,我必须能够在包中声明我的领域类,然而JetBrains插件不能处理这个问题。 www.infoq.com 8. Will pay more for the right person, but you must be able to show me a similar sample that you created or a prototype. 我将为此付出更合适的人,但你必须能够给我一个类似的示例,您创建或原型。 www.bing.com 9. A lawyer need not understand "A Brief History of Time" , but she must be able to argue logically. 一个律师不需要明白“时间简史”,但她必须能够进行合乎逻辑的辩论。 www.ecocn.org 10. To explore the surface of the moon, astronauts must be able to survive outside the protection of their spacecraft. 探索月球表面,宇航员必须能够生存的保护之外的航天器。 home.ebigear.com 1. All internet users must be able to see the brand logos and conditions. 所有的互联网用户必须能够看到品牌标志和条件。 www.bing.com 2. Minimum English Level 4, Preferably English Level 6. Must be able to read and write English fluently. A good oral English should be a plus. 英语4级以上,英语读写能力要求流畅,好的英语口语能力将会加分。 www.yibaifen.com 3. This job includes RESEARCH. Bidders must be able to meet DEADLINES. Writing must be INFORMATIVE with no rambling fluff. 这项工作包括研究。竞买人必须能够如期实现。写作必须与散漫无绒毛信息。 www.bing.com 4. As a scout you must be able to see and hear things others would miss. 作为一个侦察兵,你必须足够敏锐,以便看到和听到常人察觉不到的东西。 www.powgame.com 5. Configuration management solutions must be able to coordinate these types of applications across platforms. 配置管理解决方案必须能够协调这些跨平台的应用类型。 www.ibm.com 6. An automatic picture processor which is going to simulate human response must be able to perform these operations. 一台要模拟人的机能的自动图片处理机必须能够进行这样的操作。 www.jukuu.com 7. Unlike a stage actor, a film actor must be able to perform small scenes out of sequence and often days apart in time. 此外,与戏剧演员不同的还在于电影演员必须能够在打乱了先后顺序,常常是在相隔几天的情况下拍一些短镜头。 www.jukuu.com 8. Scheduling - Supplier must be able to ship daily at a minimum. Must ship exact qualities, dates and times specified on releases. 日程表-供应商应可最少按日发运。必须按照发行证书上详细说明的严格的质量、日期和时间发运。 www.ul-ccic.com 9. Computations may involve hundreds of processes that must be able to acquire resources dynamically and communicate efficiently. 计算中可能包括上百个进程,它们需要动态地获取资源以及高效率地通信。 cnki.hljlib.cn 10. Must have strong leadership skills, must be able to lead by example whenever necessary and promote a team approach to problem solving. 必须具有强的领导能力,在团队中起到模范作用,激发团队成员解决问题。 www.lietou.com 1. This software must be able to work without any charting software installed on the users computer or any accounts with forex brokers. 这个软件必须能够在用户的工作没有计算机或任何账户外汇经纪安装任何制图软件。 www.bing.com 2. The prescribed outcome must be able to be achieved without direct supervision. 规定的产出必须在无直接指导的情况下完成。 www.cqipc.net 3. Above all, they must be able to translate texts in a recipient-specific and functionally appropriate manner. 毕竟,他们必须具备将文字翻译成定向的合适实用语言的能力。 hi.baidu.com 4. Customer must be able to understand why they choose ! 消费者必须明白为什么要选择放心食品! www.cahec.cn 5. I told her she must be able to smile to her sorrow, because we are more than our sorrow. 我告诉她,她一定要能够微笑面对他的伤悲,因为除了悲伤,我们还拥有更多。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Enterprises must be able to use more than one type of authentication depending on the level of risk associated with an app. 企业必须能够使用一种以上的认证,具体要看和应用相关的威胁的级别。 www.infoq.com 7. Furthermore, the owner of the Auction class instance must be able to modify the acceptance flag in the related Bid class instances. 而且,Auction类实例的所有者必须能够修改相关的Bid类实例中的接受标志。 www.ibm.com 8. Each team member must be able to tell the exact location where those photos took. 各名队员必须告诉老师那张照片确实的地点及何处。 www.caehiew.com 9. They must be able to sense when current methods are falling short and a new approach is needed. 他们必须能够判断当前方法显得不足而需要采用新方法的情况。 www.ibm.com 10. Client must be able to provide fully digital elements, and combine them in a digital file. 主户务必不妨供应分座的数字化给素,并不兵其组分在数字文件洋。 www.bing.com 1. The other side must be able to receive what you're sending to it. 另一方面必须能接收您所发送出给他的东西。 www.ibm.com 2. They must be able to diagnose customer needs, complete creative briefs; and communicate schedules and project plans to internal clients. 他们必须能够探知用户需求,完成创新性纲要;与内部客户交流时间表与项目计划。 www.dictall.com 3. Must be able to work under busy (rushed) conditions and must be able to effectively interact with the service personnel. 能够在繁忙的充满压力的环境下工作,并能有效的带动他人。 www.010so.com 4. A superconducting pair-breaking detector therefore must be able to distinguish between Cooper pairs and quasiparticles. 所以超导体配对瓦解型探测器必须具备分辨古柏对和准粒子的能力。 www.showxiu.com 5. Your Gemini boss wants just the facts, in a concise format. Further, you must be able to pump out work at the speed of light. 双子座的老板要的是事实,而且你一定要以光速来完成工作。 gb.cri.cn 6. The system must be able to automatically check claim forms for eligibility issues. 系统必须能自动检查索赔表单以获得适用条款。 www.ibm.com 7. In an open network environment, machines that provide services must be able to confirm the identities of people who request service. 在一个开放的网络环境中,提供服务的机器必须能够确认请求服务的人的身份。 hi.baidu.com 8. The conference interpreter must be able to provide an exact and faithful reproduction of the original speech. 会议口译必须有能力对原话进行准确和忠实的再现。 forum.shisu.edu.cn 9. Management must be able to show, generally through the preponderance of evidence, that the offense was committed. 管理必须能够表明,一般通过优势的证据,即进攻决心。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. To determine a fair return for bearing the correlation risks, the investors must be able to measure these risks. 投资人必须去衡量这些风险,才能正确的去决定各层的公平价值。 ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw 1. When packing, please take into account that the boxes must be able to withstand rough handling and transport over very bad roads. 包装时,请注意包装盒要能够经得起野蛮装卸和路况较差的运输。 www.joyen.net 2. Must be able to display your theme and render the page groups and pages of your application. 必须能够显示您的主题和呈现应用程序的页面组和页面。 www-128.ibm.com 3. In any case, credit unions generally cannot accept donations and must be able to prosper in a competitive market economy. 在任何情况下,信用合作社都不能接受捐赠,必须靠自身努力在竞争激烈的市场经济中求得繁荣发展。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 4. A trading partner in the supply chain must be able to provide a pedigree based on an EPC that contains a certain national drug code (NDC). 供应链中的商业伙伴必须能够提供基于EPC的来源信息,包括确定的国家药品编码(NDC)。 www.ibm.com 5. Must be able to interact with local and USA management, personnel from other departments, and vendors on a frequent basis. 必须能够与当地和美国的管理,其他部门的工作人员,和供应商交往的频繁的基础。 blog.163.com 6. As scouts, they must be able to identify thousands of different types of invaders. 作为侦察员,它们必须认清千万个各种不同类型的入侵者。 www.bing.com 7. Businesses must be able to protect innovation and patented information; individuals must be able to keep the ownership of their new ideas. 企业必须能够保护创新和专利信息;个人必须能够保有对自己新想法的所有权。 www.ftchinese.com 8. To access configuration files on a remote server, the client computer must be able to communicate with the server. 若要访问远程服务器上的配置文件,客户端计算机必须能够与该服务器进行通信。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. VA must be able to run the the following software to maximum effect daily or at a pace they consider wise. 弗吉尼亚州必须能够运行以下软件来最大的效果每日或在他们认为明智的步伐。 www.bing.com 10. A person must be able to see well and do each step correctly to prevent infection in the abdomen. 一个患者必须能够很好地理解和正确做每一步,防止腹部发生感染。 q.yeekang.com 1. For dialog security, the initiator of the dialog must trust the target, and must be able to verify the identity of the target. 对于对话安全模式,对话的发起方必须信任目标方,并且必须能够验证目标的身份。 www.kuenglish.info 2. Probably the most difficult challenge is a distributed system must be able to continue operating correctly even when components fail. 其中最困难的可能是分布式系统必须在一些组件出现故障的情况下继续正常运行。 www.bing.com 3. Must be able to adjust themselves to strengthen constantly, eliminating psychological barriers. 要善于加强自我调适,不断消除心理障碍。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The network connections must be able to provide a maximum guaranteed round trip latency between nodes of no more than 500 milliseconds . 网络连接必须能提供不大于500毫秒的、最大限度的有保证的路由路径延迟。 www.bing.com 5. Each instance of the server program must be able to handle a portion of the work while others handle other portions. 服务器程序的每一个实例都必须能够处理工作中的一部分,同时由其他实例处理其他部分。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Any scheduling software for use in a service pool must be able to support heterogeneous compute nodes. 在服务池中使用的任何调度软件都必须能够支持异构的计算节点。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Computers must be able to parse the public domain status of works to communicate its usefulness to the public. 这样的话,计算机就能够识别出公有领域作品,并向公众传达它们的有效性。 www.bing.com 8. They must be able to compete in a very competitive job market; therefore, a practical education is very important. 由必须在竞争激烈就业市场和别人竞争,因此,讲求实用价值教育就变得很重要。 www.renrenso.com 9. The derived personalization provider must be able to distinguish personalization data on a per-page basis. 派生个性化设置提供程序必须能够按页区别个性化设置数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Must be able to work well with the team and aligned to the business development direction. 能在团队内工作融洽并能够与业务之拓展方向协调。 dict.bioon.com 1. Your subscription management application must be able to locate and access the instance and application databases. 您的订阅管理应用程序必须能够定位并访问实例和应用程序数据库。 technet.microsoft.com 2. If organisms are to be multicellular, cells must be able to talk to each other. 单细胞生物要进化成多细胞生物,其前提条件是细胞间必须能够互相沟通。 www.ecocn.org 3. Persistent data storage. Information stored by the ISOS must be able to survive a variety of mishaps. 永久资料储存:ISOS所储存的资讯必须能通过各式各样的考验。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 4. Must be able to work within reasonable timelines and be an excellent communicator. 必须能够在合理的时间安排和工作是一个很好的沟通。 www.bing.com 5. You must be able to tap into the brain power of many other people if you want to accomplish worthwhile goals. 如果你想达到有价值的目标,你必须学会利用别人的头脑。 www.suiniyi.com 6. Production workers must be able to do statistical quality control; production workers must be able to do just-in-time inventories. 生产工人不但要会做有关统计的质量控制,还必须学会及时化生产流程的详细目录。 www.hjbbs.com 7. To develop software that utilizes the Windows API, a compiler must be able to handle and import the Microsoft-specific DLLs and COM-objects. 为了开发使用WindowsAPI的软件,编译器必须能处理和导入微软相关的DLLs和COM对象。 en.wikipedia.org 8. You must be able to scan your passport, company documents and send as jpeg so that I can see that you are legitimate. 你必须能够扫描您的护照,公司文件和发送为JPEG,这样我可以看到你是合法的。 www.bing.com 9. It also must be able to remove or suspend jobs that may be running on any machine or resource when the reservation period is reached . 它还必须能在预约的时间到达的时候将任意机器或资源上正在执行的任务删除或挂起。 www.bing.com 10. Designer must be able to show up at least 5 fully designed and launched website for review and consideration. 设计师必须能够显示至少5设计和发起全面审查和审议的网站。 www.bing.com 1. The tool must be able to throttle and dispatch the requests processed by several ESB servers running on different physical servers. 对于由运行在不同物理服务器上的几个ESB服务器处理的请求,该工具必须能够起到节流和分派作用。 www.ibm.com 2. The police must be able to react swiftly in an emergency. 警方在面对紧急情况时必须能迅速作出反应。 www.kekenet.com 3. Must be able to organise sales call programs and host visiting foreign clients to the travel market ensuring great success. 必须有能力安排行之有效的销售拜访,也要能够安排客户来访国内旅游市场的各项事宜,并保证有所收获。 www.lietou.com 4. A properly internationalized application must be able to process data written in different writing systems. 一个被恰当国际化了的应用程序应能处理在不同的编写系统内写入的数据。 www.ibm.com 5. In such cases you must be able to elevate the privilege of your code as it executes on the Web server. 这时,我们必须能够在代码中提升权限,使得该操作被允许在Web服务器上执行。 www.cnblogs.com 6. Unless you can convince them otherwise, your customers must be able to upgrade the product data and usage easily from the previous version. 客户常常要求产品的数据和使用必须能轻松从之前的版本升级,除非您能说服客户不这么要求。 www.ibm.com 7. a commercial system must be able to verify their prints even if their fingers are positioned sloppily or speckled with glazed sugar. 对于一般的商用系统,即使手指放的位置很随便,或是因为沾到糖渍而反光,也必须能够识别使用者的指纹。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Once a cloud storage provider has a user's data, it must be able to provide that data back to the user upon request. 如果一个云存储供应商有用户的数据,它必须能够应求将该数据提供给用户。 www.ibm.com 9. Must be able to handle a multitude of tasks in an intense, ever-changing environment. 必须能够在紧张和不断变化的环境下处理多项任务。 job.veryeast.cn 10. Auctions must be able to count down and end on their own with auto notification to the winner and the seller. 拍卖必须能够倒计时,结束他们的自动通知获奖者和卖方自己。 www.bing.com 1. The user must be able to manage this registrations by clicking buttons next to thumbnail image of the sites logo. 用户必须能够通过单击按钮来管理缩略图旁边的网站形象标识此登记。 www.bing.com 2. Remote users must be able to make updates independently, without requiring a connection to the central site. 远程用户必须能够进行独立更新,而无需连接到中心站点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Also you MUST be able to compress the graphic elements to a reasonably small size without sacrificing resolution and print quality. 你也必须能够在不牺牲分辨率和压缩打印质量的图形元素,以一个合理的规模较小。 www.bing.com 4. A novelist must be able to use the cultural heritage of his nation. 小说家要善于利用他本国的文化遗产。 dict.bioon.com 5. But to effectively use the energy released by nuclear fusion, nuclear fusion must be able to reasonably control the speed and scale. 但要想有效利用核聚变释放的能量,必须能够合理地控制核聚变的速度和规模。 www.englishtang.com 6. Your messaging framework must be able to communicate across an array of applications and enterprise resources. 您的消息传递框架必须能够在一组应用和企业资源之间进行通信。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Strategically deployable joint forces must be able to conduct operational and tactical maneuver. 从战略上部署的联合部队必须能够实施战役战术机动。 www.for68.com 8. Other players must be able to access the ball. 其它机器人必须能接触到球。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. As a consequence, the satellite system must be able to support all these services, any future services which and may become popular. 所以,卫星系统必须可以支持所有这些服务和未来可能很受欢迎的服务。 wenku.baidu.com 10. In a composite application , they must be able to pass data to each other , react to the data, trigger events, and respond to events . 在复合应用程序中,它们必须能够相互传递数据、利用这些数据、触发事件并对事件进行响应。 www.bing.com 1. However, the protocols must be able to transfer data rapidly between IIS and the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service. 但是,协议必须能够在IIS和MicrosoftExchangeInformationStore服务之间快速传输数据。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The policy statement says, consumers must be able to get the lawful content, applications and services of their choice. 政策的宣言指出消费者必须有能力获得他们所选择的合法的内容和计算机程序。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. Excellent understanding of inspection operations and other related processes. Must be able to follow and explain to others. 对检验过程及技巧有卓越的理解能力。并且能够跟踪分析及传达给其他人。 www.gao8dou.com 4. To use the period inventory system effectively, the manager must be able to control inventory by visual inspection. 为了有效使用定期盘存制,企业经理必须能够通过目测来控制存货。 www.jukuu.com 5. ESP product design must be combine with the high-GOR well theory calculating, and must be able to fit the high-GOR well further more. 潜油电泵产品设计必须与中高含气井的理论计算相结合,才能使产品更适应高含气井的要求。 www.juhe8.com 6. Each party must be able to manage its own users without the assistance of other parties. 每方必须能够不借助于其它方的帮助来肚子管理自己的用户。 www.bing.com 7. Must be able to work as team member, to develop, visualise and present Architectural concept ideas. 具有团队合作精神,能开发、图像化和呈现建筑概念和构思; search.buildhr.com 8. Ok, have failed to believe yourself, faith, try several times, must be able to win. 失败了没关系,要有信心,要相信自已,多试几次,一定能够取得胜利。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. A satisfactory theory must be able to explain why in methane the HCH angles all have the characteristic tetrahedral value. 一个完满的理论必须能够解释甲烷中为什么所有HCH角都具有四面体的特性值。 www.jukuu.com 10. A client must be able to reach port 80 on the application - tier server for reporting and for accessing the project portal . 客户端必须能够访问应用层服务器上的端口80,以便进行报告和访问项目门户。 www.bing.com 1. As a result, a wireless Internet platform must be able to manage user sessions and maintain session state in a highly scalable fashion. 因此,无线Internet平台必须能够以高可伸缩的方式管理用户会话并维护会话状态。 www.bing.com 2. Allies must be able to hear the character speak for 1 round. 你的队友必须在1轮当中都能听到你的声音。 dict.bioon.com 3. Executives must be able to handle a change in broad segments of industry, society, and government. 治理人员必须有能力驾驭企业、社会和治理诸多方面的变化。 yy.china-b.com 4. A Leader Must be Able to Develop Relationships: Great interpersonal skills are necessary for any leader to possess. 领导者必须会建立关系:好的人际关系技巧是任何一个领袖必须具备的。 www.bing.com 5. Must be able to demonstrate good English skills, either interpretation or written translation. 具备良好的英语书面翻译及口译水平。 www.boleme.com 6. Must be able to work effectively in a fast paced high stress environment. 必须能够在高压力的环境下迅速而有效地工作。 so.jobmet.com 7. Must be able to work closely with individuals and teams to support production & quality teams. 必须与个人及团体密切合作,全力支持生产和质量团体。 www.o-hr.cn 8. I believe in, in Beijing Olympiad 2008, Bao Chun Lai must be able to outstanding contend for a gold medal. 我相信,2008年北京奥运会,鲍春来一定能出色发挥,争夺金牌。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. This concept is important, so I'll step back and spend some time on why you must be able to load data through dynamically generated tags. 这个概念很重要,所以我将花一些时间来介绍一下为什么您必须要通过动态生成的标记来加载数据。 www.ibm.com 10. When a client logs on or joins the network, the client must be able to locate a domain controller. 当一个客户机登录或加入网络时,它必须能够找到一个域控制器。 blog.163.com |
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