单词 | native mode | ||||||||||||||
释义 | native mode
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 本机模式,原始模式,原生模式 1. This topic will discuss the advantages of native mode and help you decide if you are ready to move to native mode. 本主题将讨论纯模式的优点,并帮助您确定是否可以转移到纯模式。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The resolution for this problem is to ensure that at least one native-mode Windows domain exists somewhere in your domain. 解决此问题是为了确保在您的域中至少存在一个纯模式的Windows域。 www.microsoft.com 3. The resolution for this event is to ensure that at least one native-mode Windows domain exists anywhere in your domain. 解决此问题的方法是,确保在域中的任何地方至少有一个纯模式的Windows域。 www.microsoft.com 4. For a report published to a report server configured for native mode , use a full or relative path without the file name extension . 对于发布到配置为本机模式的报表服务器的报表,请使用不带文件扩展名的完整路径或相对路径。 www.bing.com 5. When publishing to a report server running in native mode, specify the full path of the folder hierarchy starting at the root. 发布到在本机模式下运行的报表服务器时,指定文件夹层次结构的完整路径(从根文件夹开始)。 technet.microsoft.com 6. If you created a report server database in SharePoint integrated mode, you cannot use it with a native mode report server. 如果创建了SharePoint集成模式下的报表服务器数据库,则无法在本机模式报表服务器上使用此数据库。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. When publishing to a report server running in native mode, use the URL of the virtual directory of the report server. 发布到在本机模式下运行的报表服务器时,请使用此报表服务器的虚拟目录URL。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Restart the service on your servers after the change to native mode has been replicated to your local Windows domain controller. 请在“切换到纯模式”这一更改已经复制到本地Windows域控制器之后,再重新启动服务器上的此服务。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Exchange organizations that no longer coexist with earlier versions of Exchange can switch to native mode. 不再与Exchange早期版本共存的Exchange组织可以切换为纯模式。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Indicates whether the report server database supports native mode or SharePoint integrated mode. 指示报表服务器数据库是支持本机模式还是支持SharePoint集成模式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. It cannot be used to view reports on a native mode report server. 它不能用于查看在本机模式下运行的报表服务器上的报表。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. All Exchange 2007 server roles are supported for coexistence with a native mode Exchange organization. 与纯模式的Exchange组织共存支持所有Exchange2007服务器角色。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Any report that you can run in a native mode report server can run on a report server that is configured for SharePoint integrated mode. 任何可以在本机模式的报表服务器中运行的报表也能够在配置为SharePoint集成模式的报表服务器中运行。 technet.microsoft.com 4. However, note that conversion to a native-mode domain is a one-way and irreversible process. 不过,请注意,转换为纯模式域的过程是单向的,是不可逆转的。 www.microsoft.com 5. A report server database can support native mode operations or SharePoint integration mode, but never both. 报表服务器数据库可以支持本机模式操作,也可以支持SharePoint集成模式,但不能同时支持两者。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Routing groups in Exchange native-mode organizations can span multiple administrative groups. 在Exchange纯模式组织中的路由组可以跨越多个管理组。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Your Exchange organization must be operating in native mode to support coexistence with Exchange 2007. 若要支持与Exchange2007共存,Exchange组织必须在纯模式下操作。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Description: A universal group in a native-mode domain; a global group in a mixed-mode domain. 说明:纯模式域中的通用组;混合模式域中的全局组。 support.microsoft.com 9. After you switch your Exchange 2003 organization from mixed mode to native mode, you cannot switch the organization back to mixed mode. 将Exchange2003组织从混合模式切换到纯模式后,无法再将该组织切换回混合模式。 technet.microsoft.com 10. The SIDHistory attribute exists in the domain schema only if the Windows domain is in native mode. 只有当Windows域处于纯模式时,域架构中才会存在SIDHistory属性。 technet.microsoft.com 1. To switch modes, you point the server to a native mode report server database. 若要切换模式,请将报表服务器指向本机模式报表服务器数据库。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. SharePoint sites use different Web addresses than a Reporting Services report server in native mode. SharePoint站点使用的Web地址与本机模式下的ReportingServices报表服务器的地址不同。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Therefore, it is recommended that you switch from mixed mode to native mode. 因此,建议从混合模式切换到纯模式。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Using the MTA tunings described below in a Native Mode Exchange organization decreases the performance of Exchange. Exchange组织在纯模式下进行如下所述的MAT调整过程,会降低Exchange的性能。 technet.microsoft.com 5. To complete this tutorial, you must be running Reporting Services in native mode. 若要完成此教程,您必须在本机模式下运行ReportingServices。 technet.microsoft.com 6. This native-mode domain can exist purely for Group Management purposes. 这个纯模式的域可以只为组管理目的而存在。 www.microsoft.com 7. If you are not sure which mode you are currently running in, see "How to Determine if You Are Running Exchange in Mixed or Native Mode. " 如果您不确定当前正在哪种模式下运行,请参阅“如何确定在混合模式下还是在纯模式下运行Exchange”。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Select native mode or character mode for the snapshot format. 选择快照格式的本机模式或字符模式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Uses native-mode bulk copy output of all tables when synchronizing subscriptions. 同步订阅时,使用所有表的本机模式大容量复制输出。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Make sure that you have correctly upgraded all servers and any connectors before you switch to native mode. 在切换为纯模式之前,请确保正确升级了所有服务器和任何连接器。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Produces native-mode bulk copy program output of all tables from a database snapshot. 从数据库快照生成所有表的本机模式大容量复制程序输出。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Also , ensure that a Recipient Update Service ( RUS ) exists for this native- mode domain . 另外,请确保此纯模式的域存在收件人更新服务(RUS)。 www.bing.com 3. In other words, once you are in native mode you can no longer have Exchange 5. 5 Servers coexist in the same organization. 也就是说,一旦处于纯模式下,就无法再使Exchange5.5服务器在同一组织中共存。 technet.microsoft.com 4. For detailed steps, see How to Determine if You Are Running Exchange in Mixed or Native Mode. 有关详细步骤,请参阅如何确定在混合模式下还是在纯模式下运行Exchange。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Therefore, after migrating from Exchange 5. 5 To Exchange 2003, it is recommended that you switch from mixed mode to native mode. 因此,从Exchange5.5迁移到Exchange2003之后,建议您从混合模式切换到纯模式。 technet.microsoft.com 6. There are three ways to switch from SharePoint integrated mode to native mode. 有三种方式可从SharePoint集成模式切换到本机模式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. You can also convert the domain to a native-mode domain. 还可以将该域转换为纯模式的域。 www.microsoft.com 8. This means you cannot add an Exchange 5. 5 Server to a native mode topology. 这意味着不能将Exchange5.5服务器添加到纯模式拓扑中。 technet.microsoft.com 9. By default, a new Exchange 2003 organization runs in mixed mode until it is promoted to native mode. 默认情况下,新的Exchange2003组织在被提升为纯模式之前运行在混合模式下。 technet.microsoft.com 10. You must remove the Site Replication Service before you can switch to native mode. 必须删除站点复制服务之后,才可以切换到纯模式。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Running an Exchange organization in native mode gives you the full flexibility of Exchange 2003 when you manage your messaging system. 在纯模式下运行Exchange组织使您在管理邮件系统时具有Exchange2003的全部灵活性。 technet.microsoft.com 2. You cannot switch from mixed mode to native mode until you have removed all instances of SRS. 除非已删除所有SRS实例,否则无法从混合模式切换到纯模式。 technet.microsoft.com 3. The domain is operating in Windows 2000 native mode. 该域在Windows2000纯模式下运行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The report server must run in native mode. 报表服务器必须在本机模式下运行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. After converting the Exchange organization to native mode, you cannot change back to mixed mode. 将Exchange组织转换到纯模式之后,无法将其重新改为混合模式。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Available in pure Exchange 2003 organization that is in native mode? 是否在纯模式下的纯Exchange2003组织中可用? technet.microsoft.com 7. Publication uses native-mode bulk copy to generate the initial snapshot, which only supports SQL Server Subscribers. 发布使用本机模式的大容量复制来生成初始快照,该快照只支持SQLServer订阅服务器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. After you switch an organization to native mode, it can never return to mixed mode. 已切换为纯模式的组织将永远无法恢复为混合模式。 technet.microsoft.com 9. After you have converted to Native Mode, you should remove these registry settings. 在转换到纯模式后,应删除这些注册表设置。 technet.microsoft.com 10. In native mode files, all data is stored using the same internal structures that SQL Server uses to store the data in a database. 在本机模式文件中,所有数据均使用与SQLServer用来在数据库中存储数据的相同内部结构进行存储。 technet.microsoft.com 1. You must remove all Exchange 5. 5 Servers from the organization before you can switch to native mode. 必须从组织中删除所有Exchange5.5服务器之后,才可以切换到纯模式。 technet.microsoft.com 2. After these items have been removed, you must manually convert the Exchange organization to native mode. 删除了这些项目之后,必须手动将Exchange组织转换为纯模式。 technet.microsoft.com 3. After you complete these steps, you can convert the Exchange organization to native mode. 完成这些步骤之后,即可将Exchange组织转换为纯模式。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Before you can switch from mixed mode to native mode, you must remove all Exchange 5. 5 Servers in your organization. 必须先删除组织中的所有Exchange5.5服务器,然后才能从混合模式切换到纯模式。 technet.microsoft.com 5. In native mode, it can be any type of file. 在本机模式下,资源可以是任何类型的文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. See "How to Switch to Native Mode. " 请参阅“如何切换到纯模式”。 technet.microsoft.com 7. You cannot switch to native mode until you either upgrade or decommission Exchange Server 5. 5 (or earlier) computers. 在升级或不再使用ExchangeServer5.5(或更早版本)计算机之前,无法切换到纯模式。 technet.microsoft.com 8. This topic gives you information about promoting an Exchange Server 2003 Organization from Mixed Mode to Native Mode. 本主题提供有关将ExchangeServer2003组织从混合模式提升到纯模式的信息。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Provide you with information about how to switch your Exchange Server 2003 organization from mixed mode to native mode. 提供关于如何将ExchangeServer2003组织从混合模式切换到纯模式的信息。 technet.microsoft.com 10. About URLs and Virtual Directories for a Native Mode Report Server 关于本机模式报表服务器的URL和虚拟目录 technet.microsoft.com 1. Native Mode Out of Process 进程外本地模式 edocs.bea.com.cn 2. Advantages of Running Exchange in Native Mode 在纯模式中运行Exchange的优点 technet.microsoft.com 3. Native-Mode Self Test for Embedded Systems on a Chip 博士,演讲芯片嵌入式系统的原生模式自我测试 www.eetchina.com 4. When an Exchange 2003 organization operates in native mode, the following conditions are true Exchange2003组织以纯模式运行时,满足下列条件 technet.microsoft.com 5. To convert from mixed mode to native mode in Exchange 在Exchange中从混合模式转换为纯模式 technet.microsoft.com 6. Before you switch to Native mode consider the following 切换到纯模式之前,请考虑下列因素 technet.microsoft.com 7. Advantages of Running in Native Mode 在纯模式下运行Exchange的优点 technet.microsoft.com 8. Switching from Mixed Mode to Native Mode 从混合模式切换到纯模式 technet.microsoft.com 9. Running Exchange 2003 in native mode has the following advantages 在纯模式下运行Exchange2003有下列优点 technet.microsoft.com 10. sql server 2005 compatible publications with a native mode snapshot 使用本机模式快照的sqlserver2005兼容发布。 www.ichacha.net 1. For more information about mixed mode and native mode for Exchange Server, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles 有关ExchangeServer的混合模式和纯模式的详细信息,请参阅下列Microsoft知识库文章 technet.microsoft.com 2. To use Exchange System Manager to change the Exchange organization to native mode on an Exchange 2003 server or Exchange 2000 server 使用Exchange系统管理器在Exchange2003服务器或Exchange2000服务器上将Exchange组织更改为纯模式 technet.microsoft.com 3. Promoting an Exchange Server 2003 Organization from Mixed Mode to Native Mode 将ExchangeServer2003组织从混合模式提升到纯模式 technet.microsoft.com 4. To bind a report or model to a shared data source on a report server running in native mode 将报表或模型绑定到在本机模式下运行的报表服务器上的共享数据源 technet.microsoft.com 5. Exchange Server 2003 Considerations for Mixed and Native Mode ExchangeServer2003混合模式和纯模式注意事项 technet.microsoft.com |
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