单词 | millimeter |
释义 | 例句释义: 毫米,公厘,毫米波,位为公厘 1. But only a diameter of less than half a millimeter of fiber optic cable to be made of thick copper wire cable than carry more information. 但是只一根直径小于半毫米的光纤电缆就可以比铜丝制成的粗电缆承载更多的信息。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. And imagine, you're going to be able to have swarms of these six-millimeter robots available to run around. 想象一下,你很快就可以让一大群的六毫米大小的机器人到处乱跑这有什么前景呢? www.ted.com 3. The deep thud of a 155-millimeter howitzer echoes off the mountains as what looks like an artillery shell speeds from the gun barrel . 155毫米榴弹炮低沉的炮声在山间迴荡,有个很像炮弹的东西从炮管中加速冲出。 dict.kekenet.com 4. 38-millimeter diameter: This Patek Philippe model is an evolution of an older model, which had a smaller face. 38毫米直径:这款百达翡丽是一款老式腕表的改进版,之前那款表盘更小。 c.wsj.com 5. Recently, uniplanar antennas have been used in many applications in millimeter-wave systems. 近年来,单面型天线在毫米波系统的应用相当的多。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He said a 9-millimeter pistol, said to have been used in the shooting, has been recovered from the site. 他说,从现场找到了一枚9毫米手枪,据称为持枪分子枪击使用。 c.wsj.com 7. Caenorhabditis elegans, as the roundworm is properly known, is a tiny, transparent animal just a millimeter long. 秀丽隐杆线虫是蛔虫的学名,是一种只有1毫米长的透明小生物。 www.bing.com 8. And so I would argue that if I can measure the length of a student to one millimeter accuracy that should settle the issue. 于是我有了个主意,是不是可以通过,以毫米,为单位,测量一名学生的身高以解决这个疑问。 open.163.com 9. The results from the pollen densitometers indicate the number of pollen grains sucked into a device per square millimeter of the aperture. 花粉显像密度计的计算结果,可以表明每一平方毫米孔径上吸入的花粉粒数。 10. Millimeter-wave cloud radar is an effective method to make up the traditional means of measuring cloud. 毫米波测云雷达的出现有效弥补了传统测云手段的不足。 www.fabiao.net 1. When it recedes, the atmosphere condenses again to form a new coating of ice just a millimeter thick. 在它远离太阳时,大气再次凝结形成一层新的只有一毫米的冰帽。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The first samples of this new metallic glass were relatively small glass rods just a millimeter in diameter. 这种新型玻璃合金的首批样品是相对而言很小,直径仅一厘米的玻璃棒。 www.bing.com 3. smart keys to adjust trip, the location of the door body can be precisely adjusted to the millimeter. 智能按键调整行程,门体位置调整可精确到毫米。 www.qjy168.com 4. It hopes to place the adaptive zooms, which can have apertures as small as a millimeter, into products sometime during the next few years. 该公司希望在未来数年内,将这款孔径能缩小到数毫米的变焦镜头放入实际产品中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Millimeter wave with its unique transmission characteristics , occupies an important position in military applications . 毫米波具有独特的传输特性,在军事应用中占有重要位置。 www.fabiao.net 6. They worked backwards and determined that it would take a 1. 2 millimeter error, not inches, millimeters, for a mirror to that bad. 他们又反向推测,决定,这里面有1,2毫米的误差,不是英寸,是毫米,才能让主镜这么糟糕。 open.163.com 7. The NBC-225-P has an integrated 4. 9 millimeter fixed lens and is ready to use as delivered, making it ideal for small businesses. 这款NBC-225-P使用了一个4.9毫米的可以随时使用的镜头,非常适合商场和小型企业使用。 www.21csp.com.cn 8. An optical element collects the sub-millimeter radiations emitted by an object and directs them to the detectors in a focused manner. 光学元件收集物质放射出来的亚毫米辐射,并将其集中发送至探测器。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 9. Researchers found the 70-millimeter crustacean in the dark shale of an Oklahoma quarry. 研究者在俄克拉荷马采石场的页岩层发现这些70毫米的甲壳纲动物。 www.bing.com 10. In this paper, a few manifold learning algorithms are improved and used in the target recognition of millimeter-wave (MMW) detector. 本文将流形学习方法应用于毫米波探测器目标识别,并对现有流形学习算法进行了改进和推广。 anybing.com 1. Yael: Relax, Don. Although Chicago is sinking, we're only talking one millimeter a year. 放轻松,唐。尽管芝加哥在沉降,但一年仅下降一毫米。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. If the ground stations tracking the satellites are not accurate to the millimeter, then the satellites cannot be accurate either. 如果地面站跟踪卫星不是精确到毫米级,那么卫星也不能保持精确。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. At less than two-tenths of a millimeter long, the mite pushed the limits of the method. 这只螨只有一毫米的不到千分之二,直逼这种技术的尺度极限。 www.bing.com 4. Parallel coupled -line microstrip filters have been widely used in many microwave and millimeter wave systems. 平行耦合微带线滤波器被广泛使用在微波及毫米波系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The observational ability and attenuation characteristics of a millimeter-wavelength radar are introduced in this article. 文中简要介绍了毫米波雷达的探测特点及衰减特性; www.cmsjournal.net 6. Millimeter wave scanners beam radio waves over the body to create a three-dimensional image. 毫米波长扫描仪发射无线电波到人体表面,产生一个三维图像。 news.dxy.cn 7. This presents a new door made of solid yellow pine wood with a thickness of 22 millimeter frame and brushed finish. 这带来了一个新的门松木材制成的固体黄色的和22毫米刷框厚度和光洁度。 www.i-guider.com 8. Never mind that the difference in thinness between these competing tablets is two-tenths of a millimeter. Thinner is thinner. 不要以为这两款竞争产品之间0.2毫米的厚度差别无关紧要,薄的就是薄的。 c.wsj.com 9. Definition is defined by the number of line pairs or scan lines which can be produced per inch or millimeter of space. 清晰度的定义是指每寸或每毫米空间内所能产生或扫描的线条数目。 www.jukuu.com 10. That the accuracy of one millimeter was more than sufficient to make the case. 在此,一毫米的精度,已经足够精确了。 open.163.com 1. Claytronics is a form of programmable matter, a collection of sub-millimeter computers essentially. 电子粘土是一种可编程物质,本质上是一组亚毫米计算机。 www.kekenet.com 2. If you think it's hard getting to Mars, try getting to plaque three millimeter below the gumline. 假如去火星很难,不妨试试探索牙龈下三毫米的齿菌斑。 www.rrting.com 3. Researchers took a 200-millimeter silicon-wafer chip and drilled a 3-nanometer-wide hole (known as a nanopore) through it. 研究人员那一片200毫米的硅片芯片并在上面打上直径3纳米的孔(称为纳米孔)穿过它。 www.bing.com 4. The manner in which light is scattered allows detection of bubbles down to less a thousandth of a millimeter, or a micron in diameter. 光线散射的方式有助于检测毫米,也就是直径千分之一微米的气泡。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. Millimeter-wave with its unique advantages in the electronic system has been widely applied, and can produce special effects. 毫米波具有独特的优点,在电子系统中得到了广泛的应用,并且能产生特殊的效应。 www.fabiao.net 6. The phone will use a tiny chip measuring less than one millimeter to detect unpleasant odors, a spokes- woman for Siemens Mobile said. 西门子移动电话公司的一位女发言人说,这种电话用不到一毫米的微小芯片来检测令人不悦的气味。 www.24en.com 7. They have built robots that can recognize the error of a machine panel by a fraction of a millimeter in a controlled factory environment. 他们建造的机器人在严格控制的工厂环境里,能够在仪表盘上识别毫米以下的误差。 club.topsage.com 8. In this paper, aperture synthesis theory is proposed to be used in passive millimeter-wave terminal guidance. 本文将综合孔径理论应用于被动毫米波末制导技术,并研究了天线阵列的排布方式。 www.dictall.com 9. As for millimeter wave communication system, it is generally required to have good performance of frequency stability and spectral purity. 而且,随着科技的进步,人们对毫米波系统的性能要求愈来愈高。 www.fabiao.net 10. Up to yesterday 14 when, a light rain that has below before dawn affects whole town, average fall 11 millimeter. 截至昨天14时,凌晨下起的一场小雨波及全市,平均降水量11毫米。 news.zyoo.net 1. had returned to his truck to get a nine-millimeter pistol. 他回到卡车上是为了取一把口径9毫米的手枪。 www.ebigear.com 2. The millimeter-wave PSA spectrum analyzer with up to 80 MHz analysis bandwidth is available now. 微毫米波PSA光谱分析仪80兆赫的分析基带,现在有货。 www.chuandong.com 3. Terahertz (THz) wave, electromagnetic radiation between far infrared and millimeter wave, has very important academic and application value. 太赫兹波是介于远红外与毫米波之间的一种电磁辐射,有非常重要的学术和应用价值。 soso.361xs.com 4. The millimeter radiometer which is refer to in this paper is one important form of the detecting systems. 而本论文研究所涉及的毫米波辐射计系统就是其中重要的一种。 www.fabiao.net 5. Objective: The observation Chinese native medicine sausage adds millimeter wave radiotherapy the ulcer colitis the clinical effect. 前言:目的:观察中药灌肠加毫米波辐射治疗溃疡性结肠炎的临床效果。 www.chemyq.com 6. Pulse-Millimeter Wave can ameliorate Insufficiency of the Spleen and the Stomach of Chronic Atrophic Gastritis' clinical symptom. 脉冲毫米波治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎脾胃虚弱证能改善其临床症状。 7. One micron is a thousandth of a millimeter: a pinhead is about a millimeter across. 一微米等于千分之一毫米。针头直径大约一毫米。 www.crazyenglish.org 8. If you seek advice the word that aluminous gusset plate is famous brand, with intermediate for, be 0. 6 millimeter mostly. 假如你咨询的铝扣板是名牌的话,以中档来说,大多都是0.6毫米的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Each channel is less than a tenth of a millimeter wide. 每个通道的宽度小于十分之一毫米。 news.dxy.cn 10. Near-field millimeter wave imaging technology in the human body to detect concealed items have important applications. 毫米波成像技术可用于遥感探测等多项领域。 www.dictall.com 1. In passive millimeter wave image restoration, L-R algorithm is a simple and effective nonlinear method. 在被动毫米波的图像恢复中,L-R算法是一种简单而有效的非线性方法。 jeit.ie.ac.cn 2. The modeling of the diode influence the reliability of the simulation results especially in millimeter wave band. 管子模型建立的准确与否直接影响仿真结果的可靠性,特别是在毫米波频段。 www.fabiao.net 3. Meter, centimeter and millimeter units used to measure length. 米、厘米、毫米是用来测量长度的单位。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Compared to microwave, millimeter-wave has good directivity, Its detecting and imaging system can have higher resolution. 与微波相比,毫米波的指向性更好,其探测成像可实现更高的分辨率; www.fabiao.net 5. The scanner's ability to record its surroundings in millimeter-perfect detail is really useful information for architects and engineers. 扫描仪能记录它周围的毫米级的细节,这信息对工程师非常有用。 www.bing.com 6. Finally the wall thickness with unit millimeter is created by unifying pixel size. 最后,对像素尺寸进行标定,获得以毫米为单位的壁厚尺寸。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn 7. By theory analysis on millimeter-wave tracking radar, design and implementation of digital signal processor are presented. 针对毫米波跟踪雷达的特点,在进行理论分析的基础上,设计了数字信号处理机。 8. Compared to infrared, millimeter-wave is less influenced by climatic conditions and operated under all-weather conditions. 与红外相比,毫米波受气象条件的影响小,全天候工作能力更强。 www.fabiao.net 9. The invention relates to a millimeter wave transmission line for slow phase velocity. 本发明涉及一种用于慢相速度的毫米波传输线结构及其操作方法。 ip.com 10. The changes of pulse frequency spectrum in Doppler Effect are analyzed when millimeter wave pulse propagates through rain medium. 分析了降雨环境下,多普勒效应后毫米波脉冲频谱特性。 www.fabiao.net 1. The final powder can jam visible spectrum, short infrared, middle infrared, log infrared and millimeter waves when it been burned. 最终实现材料在燃烧时具有干扰可见光、近红外、中远红外、毫米波的能力,达到宽波段干扰效果。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. In this thesis the signal processing of stepped frequency system which applied in the millimeter wave seeker is discussed particularly. 本文主要针对毫米波导引头频率步进体制的信号处理技术进行了研究。 www.fabiao.net 3. These dust particles are millimeter sized splinters from asteroids and orbit in the ecliptic plane of the planets. 从小行星上分裂下来的毫米级尘埃微粒运行在黄道面上。 bbs.astron.ac.cn 4. First , photographic equipment was revolutionized by the miniature 35_millimeter camera and artificial lighting. 第一,摄影器材是由微型的35毫米照相机和人工照明而被彻底改变的。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Every pixel, segment, and square millimeter of display are significant in the design of display-constrained embedded systems. 有限的显示屏上的每个像素、每个小区块及每个平方毫米都要充分利用,这对于嵌入系统的设计都举足轻重。 de.bab.la 6. Millimeter-wave wavelength is between microwave wavelength and infrared wavelength. 毫米波的波长介于微波与红外之间。 www.fabiao.net 7. Two 9-millimeter channels transfer water from the lower reservoir at a filling rate of five to seven seconds when the pack is squeezed. 两个9毫米渠道转移水从下水库在充盈率五至七秒时,包挤压。 bzxw.512121.com 8. Compared to microwave, millimeter-wave has good directivity, strong anti-jamming ability, and can penetrate plasma etc. 与微波相比,毫米波的指向性好、抗干扰能力强、能够很好地穿透等离子体等; www.fabiao.net 9. Passive millimeter-wave imaging has become a research hotspot in the area of millimeter-wave since the 1990s. 上世纪九十年代以来,被动毫米波成像是毫米波技术领域的一个研究热点。 www.dictall.com 10. At a single millimeter in thickness, the visceral pleura is barely half the width of the parietal pleura. 脏层胸膜一微米厚仅是壁层胸膜宽度的一半。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Using LTCC technology, the theory and design for the millimeter-wave circuits and systems are present in this thesis. 本文分析并研究了采用LTCC技术实现毫米波电路的理论和设计。 www.fabiao.net 2. 88-millimeter antiaircraft shells explode around the plane. 88毫米地对空炮弹在战机周围不断爆炸 www.kekenet.com 3. It rotates around its own axis, flaps its wings, shakes its tail and moves its two-millimeter beak. 它会来回旋转,挥动翅膀,摇摆尾巴,两毫米厚的鸟喙还会微微翕动。 c.wsj.com 4. the nanotechnology experts at the technion institute in haifa say the text measures less than 0 . 5 square millimeter surface. 海法的理工学院奈米技术专家指出,文本面积小于0。5平方公厘。 www.ichacha.net 5. A modeling methodology for MOS varactor was presented for applications at millimeter-wave frequencies. 提出了应用于毫米波段的MOS变容管的建模方法。 www.dictall.com 6. In the future, society will invent a type of ultra-thin solar-powered battery board whose thickness is less than one millimeter. 未来社会将会发明出一种超薄的太阳能电池板﹐其厚度小于一毫米。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Millimeter-wave is the main frequency band in military electronic technology at the present. 毫米波频段是目前军事电子技术发展的主要频段。 www.fabiao.net 8. with regards to your inquiry on the sizes in millimeter, you can use the standard size in inches closest to the following sizes. 关于你寻盘的尺寸的单位是毫米,你可以用英寸作为标准尺寸表示下面最接近的尺寸。 waimaoyingyu.hkseo.net 9. It's a little less than a millimeter that was turned of solid bronze. 比一毫米少一点点,是铜制的。 www.ted.com 10. Millimeter wave radiometers are wireless receives with high sensitivity. 毫米波辐射计是一种高灵敏度无线电接收系统。 www.fabiao.net 1. This paper proposes an edge detection scheme for millimeter wave images, which has low resolution and large noise. 针对毫米波图像噪声强、分辨率低的特点,提出了一种新的边缘检测方法。 www.dictall.com 2. The spread and compress of millimeter wave pulse frequency spectrum will happen in Doppler Effect during rain. 在降雨条件下,多普勒效应后毫米波脉冲频谱发生展宽和压缩。 www.fabiao.net 3. Under the single and multi-beam scanning situation, space targets'output antenna temperature signals of millimeter-wave are simulated. 在单波束和多波束扫描探测情况下对空间目标毫米波输出信号进行了仿真研究。 www.fabiao.net 4. The millimeter wave (MMW) Inter-pulse stepped frequency radar is a type of wide-band high-range-resolution radar. 毫米波脉冲频率步进雷达是一种宽带高距离分辨率雷达。 www.dictall.com 5. The system's antenna emits a focused beam of millimeter wave energy. 该系统的天线发射出能量为毫米波的聚焦射束。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The scientists are now working on lowering the radio's power consumption so that it's compatible with millimeter-scale batteries. 科学家们正在努力降低这种无线电的能耗,使之能与毫米级电池更好地协同。 www.bing.com 7. Both studies suggest the shrinking ice sheet now contributes about 0. 02 inch (0. 5 millimeter) a year to global sea level rise. 两个研究都表示消融的冰雪现在每年使海平面以0.02英寸(也就是0.5毫米)的速度升高。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The method of detecting cruise missiles with passive MMW(millimeter microwave) on conical scan is introduced. 该文介绍了一种圆锥扫描体制的被动毫米波探测识别巡航导弹的方法。 www.dictall.com 9. storms may deliver up to 1 millimeter per minute. 大的撒哈拉沙漠暴风雨可以达到每分钟1毫米。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. In this mysterious country, everyone is only a two-millimeter, and Arthur became a mini one, sailinna and Princess love at first sight. 在这个神秘的国度里,所有人都只有两毫米大小,而亚瑟也变成了一个迷你人,并对公主赛琳娜一见钟情。 wenwen.soso.com 1. An eagle's retina has six hundred thousand cones per square millimeter, four times as many as in humans. 鹰眼的视网膜每平方厘米上有60万个圆锥细胞,相当于人类的4倍。 www.englishtide.com 2. We have researched the integration oscillator working at millimeter wave band. 本文开展了毫米波集成振荡源的研究工作。 www.fabiao.net 3. The silicon chips are less than a millimeter thick. 这些硅片厚度不足一毫米。 www.jxenglish.com 4. This high order multiplier can provide high-quality millimeter-wave signal source. 该倍频器能够为毫米波电路系统应用提供优质的毫米波信号源。 www.fabiao.net 5. The journal, the dustproof place surface with 2 millimeter thick rubber plate packages, and bind tightly with the thin iron wire. 中翻英------轴颈、防尘座表面…用2毫米厚的橡胶板包裹,并用细铁丝绑紧。 soso.wen518.com 6. In this dissertation, a low phase noise millimeter wave point frequency source is studied. 本文研究设计了一个低相噪毫米波点频源。 www.fabiao.net 7. Objective: To observe the effect of impulse millimeter wave via acupoint on chronic atrophic gastritis( CAG ). 目的:观察脉冲毫米波经穴治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)的疗效。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. These foraminifera were roughly 200 to 350 microns large, or a fifth to a third of a millimeter long. 这些有孔虫大约有200至350微米大,或者一毫米的五分之一到三分之一长。 news.dxy.cn 9. Bindschadler drilled an 8-inch-wide (200-millimeter) hole and was looking at a tiny amount of water. Bindschadler当时钻了一个8英寸宽的洞,正在观察很小一部分的水域。 www.bing.com 10. Correction to "Shear-induced roll structure of fog observed by a millimeter-wave scanning Doppler radar" “用毫米-波扫描多谱勒雷达观测到的雾的切变-引起滚轴结构”的修正 edu.cma.gov.cn 1. Base material of mesa of fire prevention board is density board, facing is fire prevention board, ply is 4 millimeter commonly. 防火板台面基材为密度板,饰面为防火板,厚度一般为4毫米。 www.dictall.com 2. Quantum dots typically have dimensions measured in nanometers, where one nanometer is 10-9 meter or a millionth of a millimeter. 量子点可以用微米来测量,一微米是10-9米或百万分之一毫米。 blog.bioon.com 3. this kind of switch has small cubage and high dependability . it is easy to integration , and has wide foreground in millimeter - wave band. 这种开关体积小、可靠性高且易于集成,在毫米波段有广阔的应用前景。 www.ichacha.net 4. Transmitters are key parts in microwave and millimeter-wave systems. 发射机是微波毫米波系统必不可少的关键部分。 www.fabiao.net 5. embedding impedance SIS mixer sub millimeter lumped gap source. 标签嵌入阻抗SIS混频器亚毫米波集总源。 www.opticsjournal.net 6. The average standard deviation of the final transformation parameters was sub-voxel, sub-millimeter, and within 0. 010 radians . 最后的变换参数的均方差值是亚像素、亚毫米级的,在0.010弧度以内的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Based on the characteristics of millimeter wave radiation and transmission, the defense methods are discussed. 基于毫米波辐射及传输特点,讨论了对毫米波制导武器进行防护的方法。 www.magsci.org 8. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 除非另外说明,否则所有尺寸都以毫米为单位 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The millimeter-wave machine is grayish-white and is more cylindrical. 而毫米波扫描仪则是灰白色的,有些像圆柱形。 www.bing.com 10. Two well known spoke manufacturers give different millimeter diameters for what they both call "16 gauge" spokes. 知名厂家的两个发言都给予他们所谓的“16号”辐条不同毫米直径。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Hunter's technology uses cantilever structures that are about 1 millimeter square in size. 亨特的技术使用悬臂结构,面积大约1平方毫米。 dongxi.net 2. Radiated by millimeter wave, the cytoarchitectures of leukaemia cells were damnified, and the cytoactives were evidently declined. 毫米波辐射损伤白血病细胞的结构,使细胞活力显著下降。 www.chemyq.com 3. This could all be avoided, Brenner says, if the government relied entirely on the millimeter-wave scanners instead of the X-ray scanners. 布伦纳说,如果政府完全采用毫米波扫描仪而不是X射线扫描仪,这一切是可以避免的。 www.bing.com 4. a metric measure of volume or capacity equal to a cube 1 millimeter on each edge. 公制体积或容积单位等于边长为一毫米的立方体的体积。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 5. The one hundred twenty millimeter mortar. . . it's the heaviest weapon in the ranger arsenal. 120毫米的迫击炮,可以称得上是突击队军火中最重的武器了。 www.englishtide.com 6. nine millimeter, heater's desk, and two-seaters with meat cleavers. 九毫米,暖气机的桌子,两张有切肉刀的座椅。 www.soxun.me 7. When the millimeter wave band pulse propagates through rain medium, it changes the spread and compress, and it also delays. 毫米波脉冲通过雨介质时会发生展宽和压缩,脉冲延时。 www.fabiao.net 8. The two round surfaces with 60 millimeter diameters are separated by 5 millimeters of transparent calcium fluoride. 两个圆形表面的透明5氟化钙毫米分隔60毫米直径。 www.cutpic.cn 9. Eighty millimeter (80mm) unloading lines will be installed from each raw material tank to the dike wall. 80毫米(80毫米),卸载将每个原料罐的堤防墙上安装的电话线路。 baike.china.alibaba.com 10. Specifies a millimeter as the unit of measure. 将毫米指定为度量单位。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Method: The 60 cases of body surface ulcer patients collected since 2004 were treated with MEBO combined with millimeter wave therapy. 方法:对2004年以来我科收治的60例体表溃疡患者,采用局部外用美宝联合毫米波照射治疗。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 2. Researcher said it is the first true millimeter-scale complete computing system. 研发人员称这是第一套真正意义上的毫米级、完整的计算机系统。 www.ebigear.com 3. This patent discloses an advanced imaging system that can detect objects emitting radiations of even sub-millimeter wavelengths. 此专利展示了先进的成像系统,能够用于检测物质放射出来的亚毫米波长的辐射能量。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 4. actually , the ring is made up of tiny dust and ice , size ranging from millimeter to meter. 光环的厚度约为一公里,主要由数毫米至数米大小的尘粒和冰块组成。 www.ichacha.net 5. Adults about 18 millimeter, beige long before, has three wings with wit silvery white lines. 成虫体长约18毫米,灰褐色,前翅有三条横生银白色纹。 www.ahzklk.com 6. "That's the same basic Glock 9 millimeter that most, that many police agencies use, " Mr. Franks said. “很多警署机构使用的是同一种至多9微米口径的枪”Franks先生说道。 www.bing.com 7. Predict today the city zone of before dawn make one's bow, bring the 2 precipitation to 5 millimeter, end gradually afternoon. 预计今天凌晨正式进入城区,带来2至5毫米的降水,在下午逐渐结束。 news.zyoo.net 8. In addition, the battery electrolyte liquid surface plate must be higher than 10-15 millimeter, should add distilled water shortage in time. 另外,蓄电池的电解液液面必须高于极板10-15毫米,不足时应及时添加蒸馏水。 www.hblszq.com 9. the cortex has 100 million synapses and three kilometers of axon per cubic millimeter. 皮质有1亿个突触,而且每立方公厘体积的轴突长达三公里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Once again, they said there was a 1. 2 millimeter error. 他们这一次又说有1,2毫米的误差。 open.163.com 1. The A group were treated on with Pulse-Millimeter Wave; the B group were treated on with Moluodan. A组(治疗组)用脉冲毫米波治疗,B组(对照组)用摩罗丹治疗。 2. Precipitation least places: North Chile's Arab League Taka horse desert, year precipitation 0. 5 millimeter. 降水最少的地方:智利北部的阿塔卡马沙漠,年降水量0.5毫米。 www.zgwhys.com 3. The other type doesn't use X-rays but instead a technology called millimeter-wave scanning. 另外一种不使用X射线,而是采用了一种叫做毫米波扫描的技术。 www.bing.com 4. The tunability of millimeter wave free electron laser was observed. 观察到了毫米波自由电子激光器的调谐特性。 www.opticsjournal.net 5. In order to improve the resolution of the images, a regularization method is adopted in inversing millimeter wave (MMW) radiation images. 为了提高毫米波辐射图像的分辨率,该文采用正则化的方法时毫米波图像进行亮温反演。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Aviation Machine GunAviation machine gun is a kind of automatic weapon and the caliber is less than 20 millimeter. 航空机关枪简称航枪,是口径小于20毫米的航空自动武器。 www.hudong.com 7. Postwar, sniper's rifle, particularly above 12 hut rice and 127 millimeter caliber heavy-caliber sniper's rifle fire. 战后,狙击步枪,尤其是12庵米与127毫米口径以上的大口径狙击步枪火了起来。 www.qdcs5.com 8. For bubbles of millimeter size, this disintegration takes from 10 to 100 microseconds [see sequence at right]. 对于大小在公厘左右的气泡来说,这个崩解过程约需10~100微秒(参见左侧连续图)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Before this product comes out, the thinnest underlay ply is 0. 1 millimeter, likewise SamSung electric machinery was made 2005. 该产物问世前,最薄的衬底厚度为0.1毫米,同样是三星电机于2005年制成的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. With the development of communication and radar, the millimeter technology has attracted more attentions. 随着通信和雷达的发展,毫米波技术越来越受到重视。 www.fabiao.net 1. That's about a 50th of a millimeter. 大约就是50分之一毫米。 www.ted.com 2. Will they use X-ray or millimeter wave technology? 使用X射线还是毫米波技术? www.bing.com 3. Meter. centimeter a new goodd millimeter units used to meas beingure length. 米、厘米、毫米是用来丈量长度的单位。大型。 www.hx41.com 4. Nematodes, or C. elegans, are tiny worms about one millimeter long that live in the dirt, chomping bacteria. 用作研究的蠕虫是线虫,身长只有一毫米,生活在灰尘之中,以吞噬细菌为生。 cn.reuters.com 5. Microstrip and waveguide are two important kinds of microwave and millimeter-wave transmission lines. 微带线和波导是两种重要的微波、毫米波传输系统。 www.fabiao.net 6. About after all much thicker advisable, expert proposal, should choose ply as far as possible between 8 - 12 millimeter. 关于到底多厚为宜,专家建议,要尽量选择厚度在8-12毫米之间的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. She's equipped with two 6 - barrel 20 millimeter Vulcan cannons as well as two 40 millimeter machine guns . 它装备有两门20毫米口径6管火神加农炮以及两挺40毫米口径的机枪。 www.bing.com 8. The development of millimeter wave technology increases the demand of measurement capability at this frequency range. 随着毫米波技术的迅速发展和应用,对测量仪器的频率要求越来越高。 www.71155.com 9. The specimen was then cut in the axial plane at 1 millimeter intervals. 定型之后以一毫米的间距制成切片标本。 www.jvcxp.com 10. At just one square millimeter in size, the tiny device is a pressure monitor that is implanted in a person's eye. 该系统面积只有1平方毫米,用于监测压力,可以植入青光眼患者的眼部。 www.ebigear.com 1. In this dissertation, the basic theory of low phase noise millimeter wave source based on DRO is described at first. 本文首先介绍了基于介质振荡器的低相噪毫米波源基本理论。 www.fabiao.net 2. The Millimeter wave radiometer, which is a kind of wideband radio receivers, works on the millimeter wave. 毫米波辐射计就是工作于毫米波波段的宽带无线电接收机。 www.fabiao.net 3. If the image is a metafile, the width and height are returned in 0. 01 millimeter units. 如果该图像是图元文件,则以0.01毫米为单位返回宽度和高度。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Waveguide loaded with dielectric, which is used as focal plane array element in millimeter wave imaging, was analyzed. 分析了有望用于毫米波成像焦面阵的介质加载波导阵元。 www.dictall.com 5. Ovary grows about 2 millimeter, 5 rooms, close by scale, style is more staminal long, without wool and scale. 子房长约2毫米,5室,密被鳞片,花柱较雄蕊长,无毛和鳞片。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. This is in vertical position. 149. 9 But I would think that the uncertainty of my measurement is probably 1 millimeter. 放置的铝条,149。,考虑到,测量的不确定度,它大概是1毫米。 open.163.com 7. The unit of measurement is 1 millimeter. 度量单位为1毫米。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. In fact, one square millimeter of cortex has more than 100, 000 neurons. 事实上,一平方毫米的大脑皮层上有10万多个神经元。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Use of modular 22 millimeter components were associated with the highest dislocation rate. 模块化二十二毫米组件使用均与脱位率最高。 www.syyxw.com 10. Motorola says it's 7 millimeters thick, more than a millimeter thinner than the iPhone or the Samsung Galaxy S II, and weighs 4. 5 ounces. 摩托罗拉称,这款手机的厚度仅有7毫米,比iPhone和三星的GalaxySII还要薄一毫米多,重仅4.5盎司。 www.fortunechina.com 1. We don't make 1. 2 millimeter errors building mirrors. 我们在这方面不会产生1,2毫米的误差 open.163.com 2. A new robotic micromilling device developed at the University of Saskatchewan can harvest 20, 000 slices per millimeter of material. 萨斯喀彻温大学开发的一个新机器人微铣设备可将一毫米材料分割成20000片。 www.bing.com 3. Turfy not too fine, pearlite grain diameter 3 - 4 millimeter, vermiculite grain diameter 3 - 5 millimeter are idealer. 泥炭不要太细,珍珠岩颗粒直径3-4毫米,蛭石颗粒直径3-5毫米比较理想。 huahui.bcaiwa.com 4. Cameras feature a 3. 3- to 12-millimeter varifocal auto-iris lens. 这两款相机都能3.3-12毫米自动变焦光圈镜头。 www.21csp.com.cn 5. Automatic wending machine can control the accuracy under at lest 0. 01 millimeter, and at the same time increase efficiency by two times. 自动绕线机把精度控制在最小0.01毫米的同时也可以使生产效率提高两倍。自动绕线机由绕线机构和电控部分组成。 www.fabiao.net 6. A 4x digital zoom complements the 2. 5- to 6. 0-millimeter varifocal, auto iris lens to ensure detailed close-ups. 4倍数字变焦补偿2.5到6.0毫米的变焦距,自动虹膜镜头确保详细的特写镜头。 www.21csp.com.cn 7. This is a 35-millimeter film with 26 exposures. 这是二十六张装的三十五毫米底片。 dict.tingroom.com 8. He can't do that because of the 9-millimeter pistol in his hand. 他不能这样做,因为他的手里有一把9毫米手枪。 www.bing.com 9. At first, we present the state-of-the-art of passive millimeter wave imaging technology, and discuss the common theory and principles of it; 本论文首先总结了被动毫米波成像技术的国内外发展动态及被动毫米波成像的一般理论和原理; www.lw23.com 10. Simulation and analysis of the millimeter wave chirp frequency stepped radar signal with vibration of a helicopter 直升机振动环境下的毫米波调频步进信号仿真分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Particle simulation and experimental study of subnanosecond millimeter wave backward wave oscillator 亚纳秒毫米波返波管粒子模拟与实验研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Length of door window diagonal is in of 1 meter of less than, error disaccord exceeds 3 millimeter; 门窗对角线长度在1米以内的,误差不和超过3毫米; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Study of the Software for Modifying the Terminal Trajectory through Millimeter Wave Fuze Detector 毫米波引信探测器末段弹道修正软件初探 www.ilib.cn 4. Preparation of magnetic iron particle doped expanded graphite and its interaction with millimeter wavelength radiation 掺杂磁性铁粒子膨胀石墨的制备及其对毫米波的干扰作用 www.ilib.cn 5. Experimental study of the effect of millimeter wave irradiation on the axon regeneration after peripheral nerve injury 毫米波促进周围神经损伤轴突再生的实验研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Design of a Digital Signal Processor for Millimeter Wave-Based Vehicle Collision Avoidance Radar System 毫米波汽车防撞雷达系统中数字信号处理机的设计 ilib.cn 7. The Performance Comparison between Expanded Graphite and Conventional Millimeter Wave Interfering Materials 膨胀石墨与常规毫米波干扰材料性能对比 www.ilib.cn 8. Clinical study of effect of millimeter wave on microcirculation and hemorheology in the patients with diabetes 毫米波对糖尿病微循环血液流变性影响的临床研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Strontium and calcium polycrystalline hexaferrites with a high degree of orientation in millimeter wave applications 高取向度的毫米波锶钙六角多晶铁氧体 service.ilib.cn 10. Compensation of Sweeping Nonlinearity in Millimeter Wave Synthesized Frequency Sweeping Signal Generators 毫米波合成扫源中扫频非线性补偿技术 www.ilib.cn 1. Experimental study of the effect of millimeter wave irradiation on the repair of peripheral injured nerve 毫米波对周围神经损伤修复的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Analysis and Design of a New Type of Millimeter Wave Integrated Waveguide to Microstrip Transition 一种新型毫米波集成波导微带转换的分析与设计 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Millimeter Wave High-Temperature Superconductors Dielectric Resonator 毫米波高温超导介质谐振器 service.ilib.cn 4. Extended Hemispherical Lens and Its Applications in Millimeter Wave Focal Imaging Systems 用于毫米波焦面阵成像系统的扩展半球介质透镜 www.ilib.cn 5. A Method for Phase Calibration of Passive Millimeter Wave Interference Imaging and Its Simulation 一种被动式毫米波干涉成像相位校准方法的应用及仿真 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Truncation Errors Quantitative Analysis For Planar Near-Field Measurement of the Millimeter Wave Antenna 毫米波天线近场测量中截断误差的定量分析 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Experimental Study on Millimeter Wave Attenuation Properties of Expansible Graphite Smoke Composition 可膨胀石墨发烟剂对毫米波衰减性能的实验研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Application of Time-Frequency Analysis for Radar Signal Processing in Millimeter-Wave Collision Prevention Radar System 时频分析在毫米波防撞雷达信号处理中的应用 www.ilib.cn 9. Particle Simulation of Subnanosecond Millimeter Relativistic Backward Wave Oscillator in the Low Guide Magnetic Field Region 低引导磁场下相对论亚纳秒电子束毫米波返波振荡器的粒子模拟 kimberye.bokee.com 10. Estimates of the Target's Brightness Temperature in Millimeter Wave Radiometric Measurements 毫米波辐射探测目标亮温的估计 ilib.cn 1. Brief Introduction to Testing System for Millimeter Wave Target and its Environmental Characteristics 毫米波目标和目标环境特征测试系统简介 www.ilib.cn 2. Image Reconstruction of a Ground Target by Using Missile-Borne Millimeter Wave Spotlight SAR 弹载毫米波聚束SAR对地面目标成像研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Identification for the rain induced depolarization discrimination in millimeter wave propagation 毫米波降雨去极化分辨率的辨识建模 www.ilib.cn 4. Applications of wavelet transformation in the signal denoising of the millimeter-wave radiometer 小波变换在毫米波辐射计信号去噪中的应用 ilib.cn 5. Study of the millimeter wave linear array with fan beam of inclined angle 毫米波段斜扇形波束裂缝阵天线的研究 ilib.cn 6. Progress of Millimeter Wave Subcarrier Optical Fiber Communication Technologies 毫米波副载波光纤通信技术的研究进展 www.opticsjournal.net 7. An empirical expression for estimating attenuation due to clouds and fog at millimeter wavelengths 一种计算云雾毫米波衰减的经验模式 www.ilib.cn 8. Optimal Control of the Millimeter Wave Radiometric Brightness Temperatures of Target 装甲目标毫米波辐射亮温解的优化控制 www.ilib.cn 9. Corollaceous white, upside is pink, world record, long 5, 6 millimeter, brim ministry lobation is smallish, erect or fold instead a bit; 花冠白色,上部粉红色,坛状,长5—6毫米,檐部裂片短小,竖立或稍反折; dictsearch.appspot.com 10. An Investigation of the Broad-band Coupled-cavity Traveling-wave Tubes for Millimeter Wave Applications 毫米波耦合腔行波管的工作频带展宽技术 www.ilib.cn 1. Torque Output and Motion Precision Control of a Millimeter-Size Micro-Robot 毫米级微型机器人提高输出力矩和定位精度的方法 www.ilib.cn 2. Broad-band Measurement Method for Electromagnetic Property Parameters of Microwave and Millimeter Wave 微波、毫米波电磁材料特性及参数宽频带测试方法 service.ilib.cn 3. Particle Size Distributions: Dynamic Image Analysis Beats Laser Diffraction in Micron to Millimeter Range - 粒度分布:动态图像分析在微米到毫米范围内的径跳激光衍射 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Development and Application of Helicopter-borne Millimeter Wave Collision Avoidance Radars 直升机毫米波防撞雷达的发展与应用 service.ilib.cn 5. Transmission of Superconducting Films at Millimeter-Microwave and Far Infrared Frequencies 超导薄膜在毫米及远红外频率下的传输 www.qiji.cn 6. The Analysis of a Millimeter - Wave Detectors Detection Space 毫米波探测器探测距离的分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis of Specific Absorption Rate of Cells in the Culture Dish under Millimeter-wave Irradiation 毫米波辐射下培皿内细胞的比吸收率分析 www.ilib.cn 8. The Present Situation of the Main Armed Helicopters and Airborne Millimeter-Wave Fire Control Radars Made in the U. S. A and Russia 美俄主要武装直升机及其机载毫米波火控雷达发展现状 www.ilib.cn 9. Study of MEMS RF Switches Array Membrane--Millimeter Wave Phase Shifter 压控式毫米波MEMS移相器的可动薄膜 www.ilib.cn 10. Study on Two Dimensional Planar Millimeter Wave Attenuation Characteristic of Expanded Graphite 膨胀石墨的毫米波二维平面衰减性能研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Application of periodical structure in millimeter waveguide coaxial connecter 周期性结构在毫米波波导同轴转换中应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Design of millimeter wave radiation characteristic database and application in simulation 毫米波辐射特性数据库的设计及其在仿真系统中的应用 service.ilib.cn 3. Block Copolymer Synthesis of High-quality Cubic, Large Pore Mesoporous Millimeter Spheres in the Presence of Inorganic Salts 利用嵌段共聚物及无机盐合成高质量的立方相、大孔径介孔氧化硅球 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Research on Effects of Dispersion of Signal Transmission on Millimeter-Wave ROF Optical Communication Systems 毫米波ROF光通信系统中信号传输色散影响的研究 service.ilib.cn 5. The Design of a Millimeter-Wave Super-Short-Range Moving Object Detector 一种毫米波超近程动目标探测器的方案设计 www.ilib.cn 6. Design of the Waveguide Transition for Millimeter Wave Coupled-Cavity Traveling-Wave Tubes 毫米波耦合腔行波管过渡波导的设计 service.ilib.cn 7. Design of a Fast Scanning Millimeter Wave Monopulse Antenna 快速扫描毫米波单脉冲天线设计 www.ilib.cn 8. Design and Error Analysis of the Millimeter Wave Radiometer Target Recognition System 毫米波辐射计目标识别系统的设计和误差分析 ilib.cn 9. Analysis and Design of a Missile-borne Millimeter Wave Fuze Antenna 一种弹载毫米波引信天线的分析与设计 ilib.cn 10. Mechanism Discussion of Effecting on Living biological System Irradiated by Sub-millimeter Wave Lasers 亚毫米波激光对生物活体作用机理的讨论 service.ilib.cn 1. Effects of millimeter wave radiation on chemical substance content in rat hypothalamus and hippocampus 毫米波辐射对大鼠下丘脑及海马化合物含量的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Nursing experience in treating exudation of chemotherapeutic drug with millimeter wave 毫米波治疗化疗药物外渗的护理体会 service.ilib.cn 3. Detection of Stationary Foliage-Obscured Targets by Polarimetric Millimeter-Wave Radar 用偏振毫米波雷达进行固定朦胧植物目标的探测 edu.cma.gov.cn 4. Artificial Water Fog Jamming Technology of Amphibian Armored Car to Counter Millimeter Wave Guided Weapons 抗毫米波制导的两栖装甲车辆人工水雾干扰 ilib.com.cn 5. Evaluation of Millimeter Wave Doppler Radar Seeker Anti-interference Performance 毫米波多普勒雷达导引头抗干扰性能评估 www.ilib.cn 6. Millimeter-wave E-plane Hybrid Integrated Electronically Tuning Oscillator 毫米波E面混合集成电调振荡器 ilib.cn 7. Study on Millimeter Wave Technique Performance and Passive Countermeasures 毫米波技术性能分析及其无源干扰方法研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Signal Emulation and Character Research of the Passive Detection of Millimeter Wave 毫米波无源探测的信号仿真和特征研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Application of Diamond Film in the Output Window of the Millimeter Wave Vacuum Electronic Devices 金刚石膜在真空电子器件输出窗中的应用 www.ilib.cn 10. The Phase Noise Measurement Technique of Microwave and Millimeter-wave Signal--The Extract of Phase Noise and the Error-correction 微波、毫米波相位噪声测试技术--相位噪声的提取及误差校正 ilib.cn 1. Research on the Application of the Neural Network to the Design Method of the Millimeter Waves E-Plane Filter 神经网络在毫米波E面滤波器设计中应用研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Analysis of Millimeter-wave Dosimetry in Cell Culture Dishes with Finite-difference Time-domain Technique 细胞培皿内毫米波辐照剂量的时域有限差分法分析 service.ilib.cn 3. Study on the Millimeter Wave Attenuation Performance of Expanded Graphite in Three-dimensional Space 三维空间中的膨胀石墨对毫米波衰减性能实验研究 www.ilib.com.cn 4. Application of Channel Coding Technique in Millimeter Wave Communication System 信道编码技术在毫米波通信中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Research on Conformal Wraparound Millimeter Wave Microstrip Antenna 共形环状毫米波微带天线研究 service.ilib.cn 6. Development and Application of Millimeter Piezoelectric Micro Motor 毫米压电微电机的发展与应用 ilib.cn 7. International Conference on Infrared an Millimeter Waves Conference 国际红外线与微波会议 lib.sia.ac.cn 8. Research on Millimeter Wave Radiometric Target Detection Simulation 毫米波辐射计目标检测仿真研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Study of Spaceborne W-band Millimeter Wave Radiometer 星载W波段毫米波辐射计研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Application of Surface Temperature Measurement in Millimeter Wave Stealth 表面测温技术在毫米波隐身中的应用 www.ilib.cn 1. Effects of millimeter wave radiation on platelet and leucocyte decrease in patients with liver cirrhosis 毫米波辅助治疗乙肝肝硬化合并白细胞及血小板减少疗效观察 www.ilib.cn 2. Research on the Millimeter Waves Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna Array 毫米波圆极化微带天线阵 www.ilib.cn 3. Intercomparison of millimeter-wave radiative transfer models 毫米波辐射传输模式的相互比较 edu.cma.gov.cn 4. Performance Simulation of the Millimeter-wave Technique 毫米波技术性能仿真研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Technical Characteristic and Development Trend of Millimeter Wave Radar Seeker 毫米波导引头的技术特点及发展趋势 service.ilib.cn 6. Two Millimeter Engineering and Submillimeter stamping 两毫米工程与亚毫米冲压 www.ilib.cn 7. Study on Two Dimensional Planar Millimeter Wave Scattering Cross Section of Expanded Graphite 膨胀石墨的毫米波二维平面散射截面研究 www.ilib.com.cn 8. Research on the Millimeter-wave Microstrip Integrated Frequency Doubler 毫米波微带集成倍频器研究 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Research on Practicability Technique of Millimeter Wave Sensor with Small Aperture 小口径毫米波探测器实用化技术研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Millimeter and Microwave Engineering for Communications and Radar 用于通信和雷达的毫米与微波工程 www.eisc.com.cn |
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