单词 | aids-related |
释义 | aids-related例句释义: 全部 1. For some reason, he'd convinced himself his illness was Aids-related and that week he had gone for a check-up to find out the truth. 因为某些原因,他确信自己患有与艾滋病相关的病症,为了确定这是否是事实,那一周他去医院做了检查。 www.bing.com 2. AIDS began to appear after pre-incubation period of AIDS-related symptoms and signs until AIDS developed into a typical period of time. 艾滋病前期潜伏期后开始出现与艾滋病有关的症状和体征,直至发展成典型的艾滋病的一段时间。 www.chinavalue.net 3. And there has been a similar drop in the last five years in the number of AIDS-related deaths. 在最近的5年里,艾滋病死亡人数也出现类似下降。 www.51voa.com 4. Now, allow me to AIDS-related scientific knowledge, and I know some of the AIDS story, you love to donors reporting ! 现在,请允许我就艾滋病相关的科普知识,和我认识的一些艾滋病人的故事,给诸位爱心捐款人进行汇报! www.chinavalue.net 5. The "one care" is help for those impoverished by AIDS and the "elimination of AIDS-related discrimination" , said the Xinhua report. “一关怀”是帮助那些贫穷的艾滋病患者和“消除艾滋病相关歧视”。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Now China is in a period of rapid development of AIDS, some AIDS-related knowledge to understand urgency. 现在中国正处于艾滋病的快速发展期,了解一些艾滋病相关知识迫在眉睫。 www.chinavalue.net 7. Timely expert advice to the AIDS-related knowledge, under the guidance of their right to live and seek medical attention. 及时向艾滋病专家咨询有关知识,在他们的指导下正确地生活和求医。 www.chinavalue.net 8. 364 continued medical students of a medical college in Beijing were investigated to probe their AIDS related knowledge and their demands. 为了解继续教育医学生艾滋病的知识和需求情况,对北京市某医学高校在读的364名继续教育学生进行问卷调查。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 9. Last week, Time named another AIDS-related discovery to its list of the Top 10 Medical Breakthroughs of 2010. 上周,时代周刊将另一个与艾滋病相关的发现提名到2010年度10大医学突破的名单中。 www.bing.com 10. Moreover, the number of people dying from AIDS-related illness declined over the past two years. 另外,死于与艾滋病有关的疾病的人数在过去两年中有所下降。 www.who.int 1. abstract: Objective: To evaluate the intervention effect on catering service workers'AIDS-related knowledge, attitude and behaviors. 目的:评价对餐饮业服务人员的艾滋病相关知识、态度、行为等干预的效果。 www.bing.com 2. Methods Students from a medical college in Zhuzhou City were selected to investigate their AIDS-related knowledge and attitudes. 方法以株洲市某医学专科学校的在校学生为对象,采取普查方法,进行艾滋病知识和态度的现况调查。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. When managing patients with HIV, clinicians should be aware of the potential for increased risk of non-AIDS related cancers. 当管理感染HIV的病人时,临床医师应该意识到非艾滋病相关肿瘤的潜在危险增加。 news.dxy.cn 4. Results A certain degree of AIDS-related discrimination lay in family planning cadre and common people. 结果在计划生育人员及群众中存在着对艾滋病感染者及患者一定程度的歧视现象。 www.chemyq.com 5. Every minute a child dies of an AIDS-related illness and every minute a child becomes infected with HIV. 每分钟都会有一名儿童死于与艾滋有关的疾病,每分钟都会有一名儿童感染艾滋病病毒。 www.ebigear.com 6. In the Central African Republic there has been widespread closure of schools because so many teachers have died of an Aids-related illness. 在中非共和国,因许多老师死于与艾滋病有关的疾病,各地都有学校关门。 www.kekenet.com 7. The number of AIDS-related deaths and the number of new infections are both decreasing. 艾滋病死亡人数与新感染人数均出现下降。 www.8875.org 8. early direct containment of HIV viral load, and late specific defense against opportunistic infections, but not AIDS-related malignancies. 早期直接遏制HIV病毒载量,后期具体防御机会性感染,但不与艾滋病有关的恶性肿瘤。 www.syyxw.com 9. To develop capacity of Red Cross youth members for further HIV AIDS related service and educational projects. 培养红十字会青少年会员在推展爱滋病毒爱滋病服务和教育计划方面的能力。 www.info.gov.hk 10. Results The knowledge level on AIDS transmitting route was higher than other AIDS related knowledge among 433 participants. 结果433名戒毒学员对艾滋病的传播途径知晓程度相对较好,但对其他知识的知晓程度相对较差; journal.9med.net 1. Discrimination and AIDS are closely linked, there will be fear, would seek to prevent people from AIDS-related information and testing. 歧视与艾滋病紧密相连时,便会造成恐惧,会阻止人们去寻求艾滋病相关的信息和进行检测。 zyynb.com 2. Television was the main actual approach (72. 60%) and the most preferred way (71. 38%) to receive AIDS related knowledge. 实际获得和喜欢获得艾滋病知识的途径均以电视为主,分别占72.60%和71. www.bing.com 3. The following is a list of AIDS-related infections and cancers that people with AIDS may get as their CD4 count decreases. 接下来这份清单是在CD4细胞数量减少后形成的与AIDS相关的传染病和癌症。 www.bing.com 4. The agency estimated that AIDS-related deaths could be reduced by 20% from 2010 to 2015 if the new recommendation was widely adopted. 据该机构估计,如果新建议被广泛采纳,在2010-2015年,艾滋病引起的死亡病例将会下降20%。 club.topsage.com 5. Results The overall understanding level of AIDS-related knowledge was low, the average score being 9. 94 points (out of 22 points). 结果艾滋病知识整体水平偏低,知识均分为9.94分(满分22分),联系生活实际和难度较大题目的得分较低。 www.chemyq.com 6. V. in the past twenty-five years. Twenty-five million of them have died of AIDS-related sicknesses. 感染者,他们之中的二千五百万已经死于各种与艾滋病有关系的疾病。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Taylor devoted much time and energy to AIDS-related charities and fundraising. 泰勒花费很大一部分时间和精力致力于艾滋病相关的慈善工作。 www.bing.com 8. And the report from the World Bank shows the first reduction in AIDS-related deaths. 来自世界银行的报告显示首先要减少艾滋病患者死亡率。 www.tingclass.com 9. She died from AIDS-related illness. 她因艾滋病并发症而死。 www.ted.com 10. After treatment the patient's death, mainly died of AIDS-related diseases, such as infections and tumors, such as. 接受治疗后病人的死亡,主要是死于艾滋病相关疾病,如感染和肿瘤等。 www.chinavalue.net 1. AIDS-related diseases because the number of hospitalization decreased by 60 ~ 80%, mortality decreased by 44%. 因为艾滋病相关疾病而住院的人数下降了60~80%,死亡率下降了44%。 www.chinavalue.net 2. And the report from the World Bank shows the 1st reduction in AIDS-related death. 世界银行报告指出下降排位第一的是艾滋病相关的死亡情况。 www.bing.com 3. On AIDS-related knowledge, the students knew little about the basic knowledge of AIDS virus and the national policy on AIDS. 对艾滋病病毒基本知识和国家相关政策了解较少; lib.cqvip.com 4. So, what is drug abuse and AIDS-related relationship? Here, we should talk about ways of HIV infection. 那么,吸毒与艾滋病有什么相关关系呢?这里,我们要从HIV的感染途径说起。 www.chinavalue.net 5. Three people die from AIDS-related illness every day in Malaysia, the Health Ministry has said. 马来西亚卫生部认为,每天都会有3名该国公民死于与HIV有关的各种疾病。 www.ebigear.com 6. Last year, one million HIV-positive women died of AIDS-related illnesses because they could not get the drugs they needed. 去年,一百万HIV呈阳性的妇女因为未能获得所需药品而死于与艾滋病相关的疾病。 www.ecocn.org 7. An estimated 500, 000 people are infected each year and around 1, 000 die every day from AIDS-related illnesses. 据估计,南非每年新增50万例艾滋患者,每天约有1000人死于艾滋病引发的疾病。 www.ebigear.com 8. Thought of or seen the performance of the bed, "AIDS" these three words, and AIDS-related reports that appeared nervous and irritable; 床表现为想到或看到“艾滋病”这三个字及艾滋病的相关报道即出现紧张不安和烦躁; www.106jsw.com 9. A Survey on the Cognitive Status of AIDS-Related Knowledge among Medical Laboratory Workers of the Medical Organization in Maoming Area 茂名地区医疗卫生机构检验人员艾滋病相关知识认知现状分析 10. Analysis of AIDS related knowledge before and after public health education intervention: a survey among floating workers in Beijing 北京市外来务工人员AIDS防治宣传教育前后相关知识调查分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Comparative analysis of AIDS related knowledge and attitudes among different population of Hubei Province 湖北省不同人群艾滋病相关知识、态度比较分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Investigation on AIDS Related Behaviors in Different Population Groups in Hainan Province 海南省不同人群与艾滋病有关的行为调查 service.ilib.cn 3. A epidemiologic survey on AIDS related knowledge in the Korean-Chinese and Han nationality students of college 朝鲜族和汉族大学生艾滋病知识水平的流行病学调查 www.ilib.cn 4. Study on AIDS related risk behaviors and the correlated factors among three groups of population in Sichuan province 四川省三类目标人群艾滋病危险行为及相关因素研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Survey of AIDS Related Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviors among Rural Residents in Zhuhai City 珠海市农村居民艾滋病相关知识、态度与行为调查 ilib.cn 6. Analysis on AIDS related behavior surveillance of male long-distance truck drivers in Ningbo City 宁波市男性长途运输卡车司机艾滋病相关行为监测分析 service.ilib.cn 7. A cross sectional study on AIDS related knowledge in the Korean-Chinese and Han nationality in Yanbian area 延边地区朝鲜族和汉族的艾滋病知识现况分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Shallow analysis of AIDS related knowledge and attitude of students in middle health school 卫校学生对艾滋病相关知识掌握情况及态度浅析 www.ilib.cn 9. AIDS Related Health Education Evaluation in A College 某高校艾滋病健康教育效果评价 www.ilib.cn 10. A survey on AIDS-related knowledge, attitude and behavior in migrant workers in Dongguan 东莞市农民工艾滋病知识、态度、行为调查 www.ilib.cn 1. Investigation on AIDS Related Knowledge Risk Behavior and HIV Infection in MSM in Ji'nan City 济南市部分男男性接触者艾滋病相关知识、危险行为与感染状况调查 www.ilib.cn 2. Discussion concerning the mode of AIDS related health education in rural areas 农村社区艾滋病防治健康教育模式探讨 service.ilib.cn 3. Survey on AIDS-related knowledge among student in middle school in Shaodong county 邵东县中学生艾滋病知识调查分析 www.ilib.cn 4. A survey on AIDS related knowledge among medical workers in Shandong Province 山东省医务人员艾滋病防治知识调查 www.ilib.cn 5. Investigation and analysis of group inquiry on AIDS related-subjects 艾滋病相关话题人群访谈调查分析 www.ilib.cn 6. A survey of recognition of AIDS-related knowledge among nursing undergraduates in some medical university 某医学院校护理本科生对艾滋病相关知识认知现状调查 www.ilib.cn 7. An analysis on AIDS-related discrimination in Yunnan Province 云南省与艾滋病相关的歧视现象分析 service.ilib.cn 8. A survey of AIDS-related knowledge among medical and non-medical students 医科与非医科大学生对AIDS知晓程度的调查分析 ilib.cn 9. A Survey of AIDS-related Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior among College Students in 4 Cities of Fujian, China 福建省4城市大学生艾滋病相关知识态度行为调查分析 www.ilib.cn 10. A Survey about AIDS-related Knowledge of High School Students in Zhangqiu before and after Health Education 章丘市某中学学生健康教育前后艾滋病知识调查 www.ilib.cn 1. AIDS related knowledge and awareness; and 对爱滋病的认识及警觉 www.info.gov.hk 2. Study on the Knowledge of and Attitude towards AIDS-related Issues Among Marginal Youth 香港边缘青少年对有关爱滋病问题的认识和态度 www.info.gov.hk 3. CT Feature of AIDS Related Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia 艾滋病人耶氏肺孢子虫肺炎的CT表现 www.ilib.cn 4. Cross-sectional Study on AIDS-related Behaviors Among Female Sexual Workers Serving in Different Kinds of Entertainment Places 不同场所女性性服务工作者艾滋病认知及高危行为现状研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Nursing care of 23 patients with AIDS-related pneumocystis jeroveci pneumonia 23例艾滋病合并肺孢子菌肺炎患者的护理 www.ilib.cn 6. A Needs Assessment and Baseline Survey on AIDS Related Information and Education Needs of Women Migrant Workers in Hong Kong 香港的女性外来工人对有关爱滋病资讯和教育需要的评估和基准调查 www.info.gov.hk |
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