单词 | napoleon |
释义 |
复数:napoleons 例句释义: 拿破仑,旧法国金币,拿破仑牌戏,拿破伦,拿破仑传,拿破仑一世 1. Another series of facts was in preparation, in which there was no longer any room for Napoleon. 一系列的事变早已在酝酿中,迫使拿破仑不能再有立足之地。 bbs.ycwb.com 2. As the German city of Colberg, it was slap bang on the invasion route for a number of armies, including Napoleon's. 就如同德国的科尔伯格市,科沃布热格处在许多军队侵略路线上,遭到了轮番的轰炸。 www.bing.com 3. Wendy thought Napoleon could have got it, but I can picture him trying, and then going off in a passion, slamming the door. 温迪认为拿破仑可以得到它,但我可以想像他尝试,然后被砰的一声关上门打撒了所有热情。 www.en400.com:8080 4. Reference: A SOLDIER WILL FIGHT English: A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon. "- Napoleon Bonaparte" 一个士兵会持续战斗,并为获得一个小小的带颜色的绶带而努力。“-拿破仑?波拿巴” hermit.yo2.cn 5. At the battle of Borodino Napoleon did not fire at any one, nor kill any one. All that was done by his soldiers. 在波罗底诺战役中,拿破仑没有对任何人射击,也没有杀一个人,一切都是士兵做的。 novel.tingroom.com 6. You know what Napoleon gave Josephine as a wedding present? It was a gold locket. And on the inside, he made an inscription "Destiny" . 你知道拿破仑给了约瑟芬什么结婚礼物吗?是一个金匣子,他在里面刻了字“命运”。 www.kekenet.com 7. 'It's not as if it was the Napoleon days, ' she said this month, 'where I decide and then it happens. ' 拉加德本月说:现在可不是拿破仑(Napoleon)当年那种一个人说了算的时代了,不能我说什么是什么。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Since the great action since the launch boycott of napoleon, stubborn support thugs napoleon's death is still goes upstream repentance! 自从抵制拿破仑大行动发起以来,顽固的支持恶棍拿破仑的流逝逆流至今仍死不悔改!! www.yinghanhuyi.com 9. "It's a piece of history, " she said, noting that it dated from a time when "Napoleon was fighting in Egypt. " 她说:“这个啤酒杯见证了一段历史”,可追溯到“拿破仑攻打埃及”那个年代。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. You may be dealing with a modern day Napoleon in the office if your manager demands the unachievable from her subordinates. 如果你的经理强求她的下属完成不可能任务,那你可能就是遭遇了现代办公室拿破仑。 www.hjenglish.com 1. But Napoleon waited only to see that everything was in good order, and then he gave thesgroupsto march. 但拿破伦只等见到一切准备好,就下令前进。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. Napoleon told his man in Rome: "Deal with the pope as if he had 200, 000 men at his command. " 拿破仑对其驻罗马特使说:“要象对待一个支配着20万人的人那样对待教皇。” www.ecolion.cn 3. Forward, comrades! Forward in the name of the Rebellion. Long live Animal Farm! Long live Comrade Napoleon! Napoleon is always right. 前进,同志们!以造反的名义,前进。动物农场万岁!拿破仑同志万岁!拿破仑永远正确! www.douban.com 4. If I had not been born Napoleon, I would have liked to have been born Alexander. 如果我生来不是拿破仑,我愿意生为亚历山大。 bbs.napolun.com 5. Napoleon made ironical remarks during Fabvier's account of it, as though he had not expected it to be otherwise in his absence. 拿破仑在法布维埃报告的中间插了几句讽刺的话,好像没有他在那儿,他并不期望事情会有别样的结果。 dict.kekenet.com 6. Napoleon never lost sight of his goal, because Britain represented the last substantial impediment to his control of Europe. 拿破仑从未忘却他的目标,因为英国是他统治全欧的最后一个重大的障碍。 www.24en.com 7. By the aggregate of these aids, how is the face of the world changed, from the era of Noah to that of Napoleon! 因了这些手段的积累,世界的面貌从诺亚时代到拿破仑时代变化多么大! yanni-teresa.blog.163.com 8. said he, as if it was ridiculous in his presence to respect any one but himself, Napoleon. 他说,就好像它是荒谬的,他的存在,但任何一个尊重自己,拿破仑。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. But Napoleon waited only to see that everything was in good order, and then he gave the order to march. 但拿破仑只等见到一切准备好,就下令前进。 space.100e.com 10. Napoleon was one of the greatest military commanders in history. 拿破仑是汗青上最巨大地军事批示官之一。 xa911.cn 1. If I had not been born Napoleon, I would have liked to have been born Alexande r. 如果今天我不是拿破仑的话,我想成为亚历山大。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Osenat did not identify the buyer, but said the sword will remain in Napoleon's family, which had put it up for sale. 拍卖行没有公布买家的身份,并表示此把宝剑目前仍保留在拿破仑家族中。 www.hjenglish.com 3. This did not prevent Napoleon from exclaiming cheerfully to Ney, "We have ninety chances out of a hundred. " 但是拿破仑仍兴高采烈地向内伊叫着说:“我们有百分之九十的机会。” www.chinabaike.com 4. All the pigs were in full agreement on this point, even Snowball and Napoleon. 所有的猪一致同意这条命令,斯诺鲍与拿破仑也不例外。 www.bing.com 5. "Had he been born in Europe he might have been another Napoleon, " said the stupid Georgian prince with a gift of flattery. “他是生于欧洲,他曾被拿破仑另一个说:”傻王子与格鲁吉亚礼物擦鞋。 www.cqwx.net 6. It did not perceive that it also lay in that hand which had removed Napoleon. 它没有看出它是被捏在搬走拿破仑的那同一只手里。 www.ebigear.com 7. Once in a battle with the enemy, the team led by Napoleon encountered the tenacity of the resistance and suffered heavy losses. 一次与敌军作战时,拿破仑带领的军队遭遇到了顽强的抵抗,损失惨重。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. When Napoleon was forced into exile on Elba, the only unit he was allowed to have with him as the guards were the Polish Lancers. 当拿破仑本人被放逐厄尔巴岛时,唯一被允许跟随他但当警卫的便是那支波兰枪骑兵。 www.qxwar.net 9. After suffering heavy losses, Napoleon was forced to leave Waterloo and later surrender to the British. 损失惨重的拿破仑被迫撤军滑铁卢,随后又向不列颠投降。 www.elanso.com 10. The great French leader Napoleon was shorter than everybody around him, so your have to call him a little shrimp. 法国伟大的领导人拿破仑比他周围的人都矮,所以你可以说他像只小虾。 www.tvsou.com 1. Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. " - Napoleon Bonaparte" 死亡不算什么,但是对活着被打败并被羞辱的人来说,每天都是死亡。“-拿破仑?波拿巴” zhidao.baidu.com 2. He added: "It has some wear and a bit of woodworm but remains in good condition and it is quite small - just as Napoleon was. " 他补充道:“它有一些磨损,有几个木蛀虫,但是状况还不错,它尺寸相当小——就和拿破仑一样。” www.bing.com 3. But these instructions are supposed to be inferior, simply because Borodino was the first battle in which Napoleon was not victorious. 这些部署和命令之所以好像比以前差,那不过是因为波罗底诺战役是拿破仑第一次败北罢了。 novel.tingroom.com 4. Napoleon was so happy to have such a keen supporter that Nicholas Chauvin was given a ceremonial sword and a cash prize. 拿破仑十分高兴有这样狂热的支持者,便赏赐给NicholasChauvin一把仪式用剑,还有一些奖金。 www.bing.com 5. His many discoveries and his liberal opinions made Humboldt a celebrity, said to be the second most famous man in Europe, after Napoleon. 他的主要发现和他自由的观点使他成为了名人,而且据说是拿破仑之后的欧洲第二大名人。 yeebang.com 6. If Napoleon did not do this, then we would not have Egyptology today and the relics would have remained forever fragmentary. 如果当时拿破仑没有把这些文物带回法国,今日可能没有埃及学、文物可能也残缺不齐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. some tend to be associated with a particular generation, and a few such as Napoleon and Washington evoke particular historical figures. 有些倾向于与特殊的人群有关的,像拿破仑和华盛顿,能让人想起那些特别的历史人物。 www.bing.com 8. Napoleon was the very personification of the bourgeoisie and he brought down European feudalism with the artillery of the French Revolution. 拿破仑是资产阶级的化身,他用法国大革命的炮火轰倒了欧洲的封建主义。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 9. This was Napoleon's definition as he engaged Spanish and Russian guerrillas; and the Nazis' as they hunted down resistance movements. 这就是拿破仑在他与西班牙与俄罗斯游击队员时所定义的恐怖分子;纳粹以此作为追捕抵抗运动成员时的标准。 www.bing.com 10. When he viewed a military problem he would ponder how Napoleon or Caesar would have dealt with it. 审视军事问题,韦维尔会思索倘拿破仑或凯撒犹在,将会如何应对。 club.topsage.com 1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is one of the greatest instruction manuals for handling the economic conditions we face as individuals. 以拿破仑·希尔的这句名言作为思考和致富的最佳行动指南之一可以帮助我们应付眼下的经济状况。 www.elanso.com 2. China is a rising continental power, and, as Napoleon famously said, the policies of such states are inherent in their geography. 中国是一个新兴的陆权国家,拿破仑曾表示,这些国家的政策与其地理位置与生俱来。 www.bing.com 3. Napoleon decided on a military career when he was a child, winning a scholarship to a French military academy. 拿破仑决定的军事生涯当他还是孩子的时候,赢得奖学金法国军事学院。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. But, just as Napoleon's run of victories ended at Borodino, Mr Greenspan's ran out in the credit crunch. 但就像拿破仑的连战连胜在波罗底诺被终结一样,格林斯潘先生的胜利也在信贷紧缩中终结了。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In a desperate attempt to keep Moscow out of Napoleon's hands, the defenders set fire to their own capital. For three days Moscow burnt. 为了不让莫斯科沦陷于拿破仑的魔掌中,危急之下,护城者们放火燃烧他们的首都。大火烧了莫斯科三日。 engnet.jiangnan.edu.cn 6. Napoleon, the Prophet Mohammed and I have one thing in common. We were all breast-fed by a wet nurse. 我、拿破仑和默罕默德有一个共同点——我们都是由奶妈喂大的。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Napoleon hill "by" think and grow rich: as long as you can think of, and believe that will ultimately become a reality. 拿破仑·希尔《思考致富经》:只要你能想到的,并且相信,终将可以成为现实。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. NAPOLEON was wrong when he dismissed the British as a nation of shopkeepers (and hence unfit to defeat France in war). 拿破仑犯了一个错误,他把英国视作一个店小二的民族不予理会(并因此认为英国不足以在战争中击败法国)。 www.ecocn.org 9. Napoleon was one of the most capable generals in history. 拿破仑是历史上最有能力的将军之一。 10. Had Napoleon at that same moment thought of his infantry, he would have won the battle. This forgetfulness was his great and fatal mistake. 假使拿破仑那时也想到了他的步兵,他也许就打了个胜仗,那一点忽略是他一种无可弥补的大错。 www.ebigear.com 1. But the books young Prabhakaran read, out on the veranda under the banana tree, were biographies of Alexander the Great and Napoleon. 但在香蕉树下的走廊上,年轻的普拉巴卡兰所读之书却是亚历山大大帝与拿破仑的传记。 www.ecocn.org 2. NAPOLEON would have made a great railway boss, claimed Hartmut Mehdorn, the chief executive of Deutsche Bahn (DB), in a recent interview. 拿破仑本可能成为伟大的铁路老板,在最近的采访中DB的首席执行官HartmutMehdorn曾宣称。 blog.ecocn.org 3. Napoleon, in the Island of Elba, is too near France, and his proximity keeps up the hopes of his partisans. 那在厄尔巴岛上的拿破仑,离法国仍然太近了,由于他近在咫尺,他的信徒们就会仍然抱有希望。 dict.ebigear.com 4. When Napoleon came out of the tent the shouts of the Guards before his son's portrait were redoubled. 当拿破仑走出帐篷时,近卫军人在他儿子画像前的喊声更起劲了,拿破仑皱起了眉头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. and only historians with a great bias can ascribe such reflections to Napoleon and his marshals, or such plans to the Russian generals. 只有历史学家才能非常牵强附会地把那样的推测强加在拿破仑和他的将帅身上,把那样的计划强加在俄国军事将领身上。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 6. It was a great pity that Napoleon had never discovered the secret, and thus he nullified his friend's effort. 拿破仑没有发现这个秘密,真是一个天大的遗憾,他也因此让朋友徒劳一场。 q.sohu.com 7. at borodino napoleon played his part as the representative of supreme power as well , or even better , than he had done at previous battles. 拿破仑在波罗底诺战役中完成它作为权力代表者的任务并不比在其他战役中完成得差,甚至更好些。 www.ichacha.net 8. But suddenly the dogs sitting round Napoleon let out deep, menacing growls , and the pigs fell silent and sat down again. 但突然间,围坐在拿破仑身旁的那群狗发出一阵阴森恐怖的咆哮,于是,他们便沉默不语,重新坐了下去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the few. 拿破仑·波拿巴是绝无仅有的几个人之一。 www.bing.com 10. Soil is essential to flowers and trees, just as good troops were to Napoleon. 花木非有土不可,正同拿破仑非有好兵不可一样。 www.360doc.com 1. "It only seemed to Napoleon that it all took place by his will. " “只不过拿破仑觉得,好像一切都是按照他的意志进行的。” www.ftchinese.com 2. He knew that every mention of Napoleon was pleasant to Vorontsov, who wore the White Cross at his neck as a reward for having defeated him. 他知道,每提及拿破仑愉快地沃龙佐夫身着白色交叉在颈部作为奖金为打败他。 www.cqwx.net 3. Napoleon then led them back to the store-shed and served out a double ration of corn to everybody, with two biscuits for each dog. 然后,拿破仑让大家回到贮藏室,给他们分了双份口粮,给每条狗两个小点心。 www.bing.com 4. Hitler's mistakes gave Roosevelt the victory: just as at Waterloo it was less Wellington who won than Napoleon who lost. 希特勒的失误让罗斯福胜了:正如在滑铁卢战场上,威灵顿实际上没有战胜拿破仑。 www.5f5y.com 5. napoleon shed tears before the old guard , abdicated the throne , and went into exile. 拿破仑挥泪告别老近卫军,逊位以后就被流放他乡。 www.ichacha.net 6. Armfeldt was a bitter enemy of Napoleon, and had self-confidence, which never failed to have influence with Alexander. 阿伦菲尔德复拿破仑的死敌,是一位将军,自信总能影响亚历山大。 www.okread.net 7. As his last act upon earth, Comrade Napoleon had pronounced a solemn decree: the drinking of alcohol was to be punished by death. 十一点,斯奎拉出来发布另一项公告,说是拿破仑同志在弥留之际宣布了一项神圣的法令:饮酒者要处死刑。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 8. "Only Napoleon did more than I have done, " he tells a TV talk show. "But I am definitely taller. " 2006年,在电视脱口秀节目中说,“只有拿破仑做的事情比我多,不过我显然比他高。” www.bing.com 9. That exam threw me for a loop with that section on Napoleon! 试卷里关于拿破仑的部分可把我难倒了! www.hjenglish.com 10. beautiful scenery and wine are enjoyable like the noble in Corsica, where special local products involves Napoleon, cate and hotel. 美景美酒,贵族般的享受原味科西嘉,科西嘉岛,特产:拿破仑、美食、酒店。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Just as Napoleon said, "fashion leads to many foolish deeds, of which the most serious one is being the slave of it. " 所以拿破仑才说:“时尚使我们陷入许多愚蠢的行为,其中最严重的是使我们成为它的奴隶。” www.elanso.com 2. I still remember sitting in front of the fire on a cold winter day as Hillary and I read Vincent Cronin's biography of Napoleon together. 我还记得在一个寒冷的冬日,我和希拉里坐在壁炉前面,一块看温森特.克罗宁撰写的《拿破仑传》。 www.bing.com 3. Berlusconi has likened himself to Napoleon, saying "only Napoleon did more than me - but at least I am taller than him. " 他曾说:“只有拿破仑比我强一点儿,但至少我比他高。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Thanks to the intelligence he obtained, Alexander was able to outwit Napoleon, anticipating his invasion. 亚历山大在他的情报部门的帮助下,得以击败拿破仑,并侵略它国。 www.ecocn.org 5. However, Napoleon had learned an important lesson: The next time he went to war , food would go with him. 由此,拿破仑学到了重要的一课:以后出战,食物一定要跟随他的军队。 shxy.wzu.edu.cn 6. The quick, decisive victory that Napoleon expected never happened. To his surprise, the Russians refused to stand and fight. 拿破仑期盼着的速决速胜迟迟没有发生,令他吃惊的是,俄国人并不奋起抵抗。 www.ebigear.com 7. One of the most interesting fish is the Napoleon or Humphead wrasse, named for the unusual lump on its forehead. 其中最有趣的就是拿破仑鱼,也就是隆头鱼,是因为牠额头上奇特的隆起物而得名。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Feb. 11, 2008 -- Napoleon Bonaparte did not die from arsenic poisoning, a new examination of the French emperor's hair has established. 拿破仑.波拿巴并非死于砷中毒,最新的一次对这位法兰西皇帝的头发的检测确立了这个结论。 www.bing.com 9. The young Napoleon Bonaparte was just one of hundreds of artillery lieutenants in the French Army. 青年时代的拿破仑波拿马只是法国军队成百上千的炮兵校尉中的一员。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Whatever happened she would remain faithful, work hard, carry out the orders that were given to her, and accept the leadership of Napoleon. 不管出了什么事,她都要依然忠心耿耿,辛勤劳动,服从拿破仑的领导,完成交给自己的任务。 www.exams.cn 1. But the moment he heard that Napoleon had declared himself Emperor, he tore out the dedication on the title page. 但是,当他听说拿破仑宣布自己为皇帝时,立刻撕去了写着献辞的扉页。 www.chinaedu.com 2. In March 1814, Paris was captured. Napoleon abdicated and went into exile, his empire at an end. 1814年3月,巴黎被攻占,拿破仑退位去过流放生活,他缔造的帝国随之灭亡。 www.ebigear.com 3. Napoleon Bonaparte was divorced from the Empress Josephine by an act of the French Senate. 年,拿破仑·波拿巴因法国参议院法案脱离女皇约瑟芬。 www.kekenet.com 4. Was it the evident physical decline of Napoleon that complicated this epoch by an inward diminution of force? 拿破仑体力上明显的变弱,那时难道已引起他精力的衰退? www.ebigear.com 5. Even Napoleon, who was directing operations from the rear, had the tip of his tail chipped by a pellet. 就连一直在后面指挥作战的拿破仑也被子弹削去了尾巴尖。 www.exams.cn 6. Incidentally, Napoleon was not Napoleon but a man named Trevor Francis, who later turned up playing for Birmingham City. 顺便说一句,此拿破仑不是彼拿破仑,而是一个名叫特雷弗·弗朗西斯的人,后来跑到伯明翰城去了。 www.bing.com 7. Napoleon wished to stop the waste ofdisorganization, of cheating and quarreling, in the markets of his time. 拿破仑希望终结他那个时代的市场因杂乱无章,欺诈和争吵造成的浪费。 www.bing.com 8. Napoleon again, like a bolt from the blue , shocked the European countries, are meeting in Vienna of the Anti-Union Law Jingde dumbfounded. 拿破仑的再起,犹如晴天霹雳,震动了欧洲各国,把正在维也纳开会的反法联盟惊得目瞪口呆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Some others said the mere mention of Napoleon now incurs only jeers. 还有人说,如今再向孩子们提起拿破仑,只会招来嘲笑。 www.21campus.cn 10. Dirty linen should be washed in private, as Napoleon used to say. 拿破仑说过,脏衣服得躲在家里洗。 www.bing.com 1. If Napoleon, Montgomery or Churchill had been judged on their abilities to control their temper, they would have never become leaders. 如果根据控制脾气的能力来评估拿破仑(Napoleon)、蒙哥马利(Montgomery)或邱吉尔(Churchill)的话,他们永远不会成为领袖。 www.ftchinese.com 2. After months of inaction, Napoleon offered to sell the territory to the U. S. in 1803; he needed the money. 经过几个月的思考后,拿破仑因为急需作战经费,所以在1803年决定将这些地方卖给美国。 www.24en.com 3. Napoleon's humble origin did not stop his political ambition. 拿破仑出身卑微,但却没有阻止他的政治野心。 des.cmu.edu.cn 4. He would hypnotize patients for groups of students and others, gaining the nickname "the Napoleon of the neuroses . " 被称为“神经学的拿破仑”的他,会向学生和其他人演示如何催眠病人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. WATERLOO, the last battle of the Napoleon's wars, was a turning point in modern history. 拿破仑的最后一战滑铁卢战役,是近代史上的一个转折点。 club.qingdaonews.com 6. Prizes were also offered in France for a functional water turbine, and for a method of preserving food for Napoleon's armies. 法国也曾张榜悬赏,希望征求到实用的水力涡轮机和为拿破仑军队储存食物的方法。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Again, the Russian army retreated to safety. Napoleon had a clear path to Moscow, but the occupation of the city became an empty victory. 俄国军队再次撤往安全之处,拿破仑顺利进入莫斯科,然而,对该市的占领成为毫无意义的胜利。 www.ebigear.com 8. The pigeons swirled into the air, and all the animals, except Napoleon, flung themselves flat on their bellies and hid their faces. 顿时,鸽子就立刻飞到空中,其它动物,除了拿破仑外,全都转过脸去,猛地趴倒在地。 www.exams.cn 9. Napoleon was an artillery officer, and felt the effects of this. 拿破仑是使炮的能手,他自己也这样觉得。 www.ebigear.com 10. Of course, Napoleon had a plan when he invaded Russia, and we all know how that ended: with the French army limping back to Paris. 当然,拿破仑当年入侵俄罗斯的时候也有一个计划,但是我们都知道计划是怎么结束的:法国军队跛着走回了法国。 autobbs.pconline.com.cn 1. Waterloo was Napoleon's last battle, it was the battle that ended his otherwise glorious career. 滑铁卢是拿破仑一世的最后一战,结果了他一生辉煌的事业。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. As Churchill (or was it Napoleon? ) is supposed to have said of champagne, "In victory you deserve it; in defeat you need it. " 正如丘吉尔(或拿破仑)对香槟的评价所说,“胜利时我们要举杯庆祝,失败是我们要借酒消愁。” www.ecocn.org 3. Napoleon Dynamite, Like The Best Special Edition Ever! 小人物拿破仑永远喜欢最多特别版 dvdbook.moview.cn 4. It's really, really delicious. Now, listen to this, with a black bean Crabcake Napoleon. Very, very delicious. 真的非常可口。现在,听听这个,有黑豆的蟹肉蛋糕拿破仑。非常非常好吃。 www.yappr.cn 5. Despite his losing the Battle of Waterloo and being humiliatingly sent to exile on St Helena, Napoleon is still revered in France. 尽管输掉了滑铁卢之战,并被耻辱得流放到圣赫勒拿岛,拿破仑仍旧在法国深受爱戴。 www.bing.com 6. Britain first took possession of it in 1815 lest it be used as a staging post to rescue Napoleon Bonaparte from exile in St Helena. 英国在1815年第一次占领了这个岛屿,以免有人利用该岛作为营救在圣赫勒拿岛流放的拿破仑?波拿巴的中转站。 www.ecocn.org 7. "It is horrible to see oneself die without children, " she quotes Napoleon as saying. “最可怕的是看着一个人死去却没有孩子陪在身旁,”她引用了拿破仑的话说道。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. There was in him a headstrong little man who hated Napoleon. 在他心里早就有个憎恨拿破仑的顽固小人儿了。 www.ebigear.com 9. This detail was not lost on the British, who sent Napoleon into exile here following his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. 英国人却没有忘记这个地方。1815年,拿破仑在滑铁卢战败后,就被流放到此。 www.bing.com 10. The Spanish ruler was forced to turn over Louisiana to Napoleon through a secret treaty in 1800. 西班牙统治者被迫通过1800年的一项秘密条约把路易斯安那转手给法国。 1. " And from then on he adopted the maxim, " Napoleon is always right, " in addition to his private motto of " I will work harder. 并且从此以后,他又用“拿破仑同志永远正确”这句格言,作为对他个人的座右铭“我要更加努力工作”的补充。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Napoleon, who certainly was not destitute of vanity, preferred power when he had to choose. 对于拿破仑来说,他当然不是没有虚荣心,只是当他必须做出抉择时,他更向往权力。 www.bing.com 3. That, it will be recalled, was the effect which he produced upon Napoleon. 我们记得,他当年给拿破仑的印象正是这样的。 bbs.ycwb.com 4. Napoleon used aluminum cutlery on special occasions and had an aluminum rattle made for his young son. 拿破仑在特殊场合下用铝餐具并给他儿子做了一个喀哒玩具。 www.yhlbbs.com 5. After dinner they went to drink coffee in Napoleon's study, which had four days before been the study of the Emperor Alexander . 午餐完毕后,大家都到拿破仑的书斋里去饮咖啡茶,四天前这里是亚历山大皇帝的书斋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He announced that, by a special decree of Comrade Napoleon, Beasts of England had been abolished. 他宣布,遵照拿破仑同志的一项特别命令,“英格兰兽”已被废止了。 www.exams.cn 7. France's former ruler, Napoleon Bonaparte, whose armies once swept across the Europe, dies in exile on the South Atlantic island of St. 1821年,法国前统治者,拿破仑?巴拿马在被流放的南太西洋圣赫勒那岛逝世。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. The Institute had the academician, Napoleon Bonaparte , stricken from its list of members. 法兰西学院任人把院士拿破仑·波拿巴从它的名册上除名。 dict.veduchina.com 9. A century or two ago, overthrown rulers like Napoleon were often allowed a plush retirement. 一两百年前,像拿破仑那样被推翻的统治者常常可以拥有豪华的退休生活。 www.bing.com 10. Just as Free French troops landed here in Corsica to liberate the birthplace of Napoleon's, . 就像法国部队登陆科西嘉解放拿破仑的故乡一样,。 www.engxue.com 1. In Zola's L'Argent, the rise and fall of a bank provides a metaphor for the rottenness of Louis Napoleon's Second Empire. 在左拉的小说《金钱》中,一家银行的兴衰隐喻路易?拿破仑第二帝国的腐败; blog.sina.com.cn 2. Both authors reveal Napoleon's strength as an administrator, restoring France to order after the chaos of the revolution and the Terror. 在书中,她们向人们展示了拿破仑作为一个执政者的力量,在大革命和白色恐怖的一片混沌中重建了法兰西的秩序。 www.ecocn.org 3. Tsar Alexander III was on the train into Nice shortly after the line opened in the 1860s. Napoleon III of France followed. 在这条铁路开通后不久的1860年代,沙皇亚历山大三世乘火车到了尼斯,后面紧跟着法国的拿破仑三世。 www.bing.com 4. Napoleon 's attempt to alter that balance was characteristically bold and risky. 拿破仑改变均势的企图非常大胆,也十分冒险。 dict.veduchina.com 5. A study of Napoleon Bonaparte's trousers could put an end to the theory that the French Emperor was poisoned. 一项对拿破仑-波拿巴穿过的裤子的研究也许可以推翻这位法兰西皇帝中毒身亡的理论。 www.bing.com 6. Great people like Napoleon or Genghis Khan can be digitally replicated if the information about their personal identity will be full enough. 像拿破仑和成吉思汗一样的伟大人物能够被数字技术复制只要他们的个人信息足够。 www.miltt.com 7. That dream for him, had long been thwarted as he hoped for same within Europe in the days of Napoleon. 他的这个梦想长久被阻挠,如同在欧洲的拿破仑时代。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Napoleon wrote to his love: Millions of kisses to you, even to your dog. 拿破仑写给情人的情书是:千百万次吻,甚至吻你的爱犬。 www.for68.com 9. Napoleon three-quarters of a league; Wellington, half a league; seventy-two thousand combatants on each side. 拿破仑,一法里的四分之三,威灵顿,半法里,每边七万二千战士。 www.ebigear.com 10. Followed by some of his officers, Napoleon inspected his troops. 在几位官员的陪同下,拿破仑检阅了他的军队。 www.jszzzx.com 1. "Let me hear no more, " said Napoleon. "Forward to Italy! " “不要再说了,”拿破仑说道。“向意大利前进!” blog.sina.com.cn 2. But Napoleon believes himself to be of such superhuman strength so he takes six times the amount of poison needed to do the job. 但是拿破仑相信自己有超乎常人的体质所以他服用了六倍于常人剂量的毒药。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Nelson was the naval captain who defeated Napoleon at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, and so stopped him from invading England. 纳尔逊是海军舰长,在1805年的特拉法加海战中打败了拿破仑,因而使他没有入侵英国。 www.netfm.com.cn 4. One Sunday morning, when the animals assembled to receive their orders, Napoleon announced that he had decided upon a new policy. 一个星期天早晨,当动物们集合起来接受任务时,拿破仑宣布,他已经决定了一项新政策。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Napoleon was a great conqueror of foreign countries; Chiang was a servant of foreign nations. 拿破仑是威震异邦的伟大征服者,蒋则是拜倒在洋人脚下的顺从奴才。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 6. After the revolutionary storm subsided there was a Cromwell, a Napoleon, a Stalin . 革命的风暴平息之后,克伦威尔、拿破伦和斯大林取而代之。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. It was later given to Bonaparte's nephew, Emperor Napoleon III, before being put in a permanent exhibit at the Army Museum in Paris in 1936. 1936年巴黎军事博物馆中的拿破仑棺木永久陈列馆开放之前,这缕头发被交到了拿破仑的侄子--拿破仑三世手中。 www.hxen.com 8. Napoleon wrote somewhere that in love the only victory is to escape. 拿破仑曾经在某处这样写道:爱情中唯一的胜利就是逃跑。 jp.hjenglish.com 9. The novel fan is always daydreaming and sometimes under the delusion that he Becomes Napoleon. 这个小说迷总是白日做梦,有时会产生错觉,自以为变成了拿破仑。 chinafanyi.com 10. Make it-make it as Napoleon made his in a hundred "impossible" situations. 去创造它,正如拿破仑在无数次“绝”境中创造自己逢生的机会一样。 www.crazyenglish.org 1. And, besides being absurd, to cut off the retreat of Napoleon's army was also impossible. 然而,除了切断拿破仑的军队毫无意义之外,这也是不可能做到的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Napoleon's intention was not to occupy Russia or overthrow Alexander by stirring a domestic revolt against him. 拿破仑侵略的目的不是占领俄国或者通过掀起国内叛乱推翻亚历山大的统治。 www.ecocn.org 3. "The beginning of retreat! " cried Napoleon. “退却开始!”拿破仑大声说。 www.ebigear.com 4. It cannot be supposed that Rastoptchin had scared them with tales of the atrocities perpetrated by Napoleon in the countries he conquered. 切不可以为,是拉斯托普钦用拿破仑在被占领土制造的暴行吓坏了他们。 novel.tingroom.com 5. This Sweden admired Napoleon so much that he wanted to join the French army and fight for him. 這個瑞典人非常崇拜拿破仑,以致想参加法国军队,为他而战。 wenwen.soso.com 6. looking ecstatically at the place where napoleon had stood , though he was no longer there , and at that moment thought themselves happy. 神情激动地望着那个拿破仑站过而现在已经离开的地方,那时他们认为自己很幸福。 www.ichacha.net 7. This Swede admired Napoleon so much that he wanted to join the French army and fight for him. 这个瑞典人非常崇拜拿破仑,以至想参加法国军队,为拿破仑而战。 www.hotdic.com 8. At Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned as the first Emperor of France in a thousand years. 年,在巴黎的天后大教堂,作为一千年来法兰西第一个皇帝的拿破仑·波拿巴被加冕授冠。 www.for68.com 9. Napoleon indulged in many fits of this laughter during the breakfast at Waterloo. 拿破仑在滑铁卢早餐时,这种玩笑便开了好几次。 www.chinabaike.com 10. Invented by Napoleon, the French judge'instruction, or investigating judge, has extraordinarily wide-ranging judicial powers. 由拿破仑设立的法国预审调查法官(或称调查法官)[注1]有非常广泛的司法权。 www.ecocn.org 1. Whilst this is not the improved AI system from Napoleon Total War, it does make a significant advancement on Empire's current Battle AI. 尽管这不是改善自拿破仑:全军破敌的AI系统,它却作为对帝国战斗AI当前的一个重大进步。 www.clanlong.com 2. Foreign policy became resolutely anti-French, and remained so, with brief intermissions, until the defeat of Napoleon. 外交政策变得坚定地反法兰西,除开一些短暂的中断期之外,一直维持到拿破仑覆败时为止。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It survived attempted destruction during the French Revolution to witness the crowning of Napoleon and Josephine. 它幸免遭受法国大革命时期试图的破坏,得以为拿破仑和约瑟芬的加冕做见证。 www.kekenet.com 4. as his force neared that goal , napoleon grew increasingly impatient and began planning an immediate attack. 一旦他的军事力量达到目标,拿破仑便日益失去耐心,开始计划一场直接进攻。 www.ichacha.net 5. Napoleon bragged that he could train men to sacrifice their lives for a scrap of ribbon. 拿破仑吹嘘道他可以训练人们为了块破布而献出生命。 www.bing.com 6. When starting a Single Player Campaign in Napoleon: Total War, players are presented with an option to allow Drop-in Battles. 当开始单人战役的时候,玩家会被给予一个是否允许切入战斗的选项。 game.dayoo.com 7. In 1800 Louisiana was secretly returned to Napoleon's France, and by 1803 the French emperor had negotiated its sale to the United States. 在19世纪80年代,路易斯安娜曾秘密的回归到法兰西拿破仑帝国,直到1803年法国皇帝经协商后卖给美国。 www.bing.com 8. Napoleon had been denounced in the infinite and his fall had been decided on. 拿破仑已在天庭受到控告,他的倾覆是注定了的。 www.ebigear.com 9. And then, Tolstoy writes, Napoleon "walked silently several times up and down the room, his fat shoulders moving quickly" . 那时,托尔斯泰写到,“(他)在房间内来来回回安静地走了数次,(伴随着)他的肩膀快速的移动。” zhidao.baidu.com 10. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible" ---Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor. 所有决心取得胜利的人从来不说“不可能”---拿破仑.波拿巴,法国皇帝。 www.mosesenglish.com 1. As soon as they were weaned Napoleon took them away from their mothers, saying that he would make himself responsible for their education. 小狗刚一断奶,拿破仑就从他们母亲那里把他们带走了,并说他将亲自负责教育他们。 www.bing.com 2. Napoleon Bonaparte was awarded the island as a tiny principality in a face-saving deal after his first abdication in 1814. 拿破仑·波拿巴在1814年被授予这座岛屿,作为他在当年被第一次流放后的挽回面子的交易。 www.bing.com 3. The toward evening, the counter-method allied armies controlled the battlefield initiative, Napoleon's army losing battle have decided. 黄昏时分,反法联军控制了战场的主动权,拿破仑的军队败局已定。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The plot is set in the beginning of the 19th century when Napoleon invades Russia. 故事的背景设在19世纪拿破仑开始入侵俄罗斯时。 www.bing.com 5. Take the "Waterloo" campaign for instance, Napoleon in the original winner of the "Waterloo" campaign in defeat. 就拿“滑铁卢”战役来说吧,拿破伦在原本胜券在握的“滑铁卢”战役中大败。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Napoleon Bonaparte abdicated as emperor of France and was banished to the island of Elba. 年,拿破仑退出法兰西王位,被放逐到厄尔巴岛。 www.kekenet.com 7. After the death of Napoleon, his empire began to fall to pieces. 拿破仑死后,他的帝国开始瓦解。 bbs.tesoon.com 8. In Tolstoy 's dubious theory of war , Napoleon was a mere monkey riding an elephant . 根据托尔斯泰那个靠不住的战争理论,拿破仑不过是骑在大象身上的一只猢狲。 www.bing.com 9. Even his conduct towards Napoleon had been accepted and tacitly pardoned. 连他对拿破仑的态度也被人民接受,默宥了。 bbs.ycwb.com 10. " WHEN China awakes, " Napoleon is said to have warned, "the world will tremble. " “当中国这头雄狮苏醒时”据说拿破仑曾告诫过“世界将为之一颤。” www.bing.com 1. Napoleon got up, and summoning Caulaincourt and Berthier, began conversing with them of matters not connected with the battle. 拿破仑站起来,把科兰库尔和贝蒂埃叫来,同他们谈一些与战斗不相干的事。 novel.tingroom.com 2. Napoleon once said, a are arranged in the right location of the agents can is worth the battlefield of the twenty thousand soldiers. 拿破仑曾经说过,一个被安排在正确地点的特工能抵得过战场上的两万名士兵。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I think of Napoleon at St. Helena, and of Byron growing morose and fat in the enervating climate of Italy. 我想到了圣·海伦那岛上的拿破仑,想到了拜伦在令人感到懒洋洋的意大利气候中变得乖戾和臃肿。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Napoleon fish are one of the animal highlights in Atoll Reef, Ocean Park. 苏眉是海洋公园海洋馆其中一种重点鱼类。 www.wwf.org.hk 5. The Constitution also affirmed the Napoleon House counselor founded by the national institutions. 宪法还肯定了拿破仑一世创立的参事院这一国家机构。 wenda.tianya.cn 6. Charlemagne's empire, in some form, lasted until the age of Napoleon. 查理曼帝国以某种形式一直延续到了拿破仑时代。 www.bing.com 7. Included in Napoleon's plan to resurrect France was a ministry to encourage French industry . 在拿破仑复兴法国的计划中包括政府对法国工业的资助。 shxy.wzu.edu.cn 8. John Heder is a twin, and he is probably best known as Napoleon Dynamite. 约翰-海德是双胞胎,他《大人物拿破仑》而出名。 www.ttxyy.com 9. A follower or supporter of Napoleon I and his policies and dynastic claims or of the Bonaparte family. 波拿巴主义者拿破仑一世和他的独裁政策及其帝王专断以及波拿巴家族的支持者或追随者 dict.ebigear.com 10. Napoleon said China is a sleep lion, but I think China is not so bloody war, like. 拿破仑曾说中国是一只睡狮,而我觉得中国并不那么血腥,喜欢战争。 wenwen.soso.com 1. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say " Impossible" . ( ? ? ? ? Napoleon )? 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能”的。(拿破仑) wenku.baidu.com 2. This is just another form of sexual transmutation that Napoleon Hill mentioned in his book Think and Grow Rich. 这是拿破仑·希尔在《思考致富》中提到的一种性能形式。 www.elanso.com 3. Soon after, Snowball and Napoleon engage in a power struggle to control the farm, with Napoleon emerging on top. 不久之后,雪球和拿破仑进行权力斗争,以控制农场,结果拿破仑获胜。 www.bing.com 4. Many reasons have been put forward to account for Napoleon's fame, apart from those put forward by Napoleon himself. 为解释拿破仑本人的名声,迄今已有许多理由曾经被提出过了,撇开那些由拿破仑本人提出来的不说。 www.hotdic.com 5. He may have taken inspiration from Napoleon who once said: "Paris-Rouen-Le Havre: one single city with the Seine as its main road. " 他的灵感来自拿破仑曾说过的话:“巴黎-鲁昂-勒阿弗尔是一座以塞纳河作为其主要的道路的独特城市。” www.bing.com 6. Napoleon made a conqueror 's entry into Berlin. Here he issued the Berlin Decree that barred British goods from Europe. 拿破仑以征服者的姿态进入柏林。在那里颁布了禁止英国与欧洲大陆通商的柏林敕令。 dict.wenguo.com 7. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. " - Napoleon Bonaparte" 永远不要在敌人犯错误的时候打断他们。“-拿破仑?波拿巴” zhidao.baidu.com 8. Modern pathology tests reviewing Napoleon's 1821 autopsy report have concluded that stomach cancer was responsible for his death. 现代病理学实验回顾了拿破仑1821年的尸检报告,得到结论认为胃癌是导致他死亡的原因。 news.dxy.cn 9. And as for France, that weak imitation of Napoleon is far too busy establishing the French in Mexico to be bothered with us. 至于法国,正在墨西哥忙于建设法国区,;这个拿破仑的孱弱模仿者,根本不可能为我们操心了。 www.jukuu.com 10. His masterstroke: the decision to finance the ill- fancied army being led by the Duke of Wellington against Napoleon. 他的得意之作:决定资助威灵顿公爵率领那支毫无斗志的军队对抗拿破仑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I think it was Napoleon who said you can know a state's foreign policy by its geography. By and large the rule still holds good. 我记得拿破仑曾经说过,了解一个国家的地理,也就了解了它的外交政策。 www.ftchinese.com 2. His daughter inherited Napoleon's penis and has fielded at least one $100, 000 offer. 他的女儿继承了该物,并拒绝了一人对该物100000美元的报价。 www.bing.com 3. Napoleon succeeded the monarchs of France, to exercise a power as unrestricted as they had ever possessed. 继法国君主之后,拿破仑行使着这些君主所曾经拥有的不受限制的权力。 yingyucihui.scientrans.com 4. "The man who has made up his mind to win, " said Napoleon, "Will never say: 'Impossible'. " “一个决心取胜的人,”拿破仑说,“从来都不会说:‘不可能’。” blog.sina.com.cn 5. One teacher wrote an angry editorial comparing Horizon to Napoleon's invasion of Russia, destined for "history's trash heap of bad ideas" . 一位教师写了篇义愤填膺的社论,将“地平线”比作拿破仑入侵俄国,注定沦为历史悲剧。 www.ecocn.org 6. Emperor Napoleon of France, who ruled much of Italy at the time, was impressed by Volta's inventions. 那时统治意大利大部分地区的法国皇帝拿破仑对伏打的发明印象深刻。 www.bing.com 7. Blucher from Prussia and the Duke of Wellington wanted Napoleon stopped. Therefore, they marched their armies to the French border. 普鲁士的布吕歇尔和威灵顿公爵想阻止拿破仑,于是他们率军来到法国边境。 english.tw 8. The Bank of France was organized in 1800 by Napoleon. 拿破仑1800年组建了法国银行。 www.bing.com 9. That's almost as much protection as the French give to Napoleon. 这差不多和法国人对拿破仑墓的保护有一拼了。 www.bing.com 10. To prove his theory, Roy-Henry wrote to France's Defense Ministry last month to request a DNA test on a strand of Napoleon's hair. 为证实自己的理论,七月份罗伊·亨利致信法国国防部,提齣要对拿破仑的一缕头发进行dna测试。 ezitong.com 1. If its subject had been Napoleon, or Socrates, or Solomon, my astonishment could not have been greater. 如果他说的是拿破仑、苏格拉底或是所罗门,我也不会感到更惊奇了。 www.jukuu.com 2. About more than one hundred and fifty years ago, Napoleon was the king of France. 大约在一百五十年前,拿破仑是法国的国王。 wenwen.soso.com 3. History: Arbat had discerned businessmen's camel team and invaders, for instance, Mongol, Poland Army, Napoleon etc. 历史:阿尔巴特目睹过商人的驼队和侵略者:蒙古人,波兰军队,拿破仑。 www.elanso.com 4. After Vinci died, the painting became the private property of French kings. 300 years later, Napoleon opened the 'Louvre' to the public. 达芬奇死后,此画就为历代法王拥有,直到300多年后,拿破仑开放了卢浮宫,公众才得以看到。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Napoleon quickly reneged, returned to France and met his Waterloo -- but that's another story. 拿破仑很快就卷土重来,回到法国然后遭遇了滑铁卢——不过那是之后的事情了。 www.bing.com 6. We quite rightly consider people to be insane if they go around declaring that they are Napoleon when they are very clearly not. 要是一个人四处宣扬自己就是拿破仑,我们肯定毫不迟疑地认为他疯了。 dongxi.net 7. After seizing the reins of power in France and storming through Italy, Napoleon set his sights on a new continent: Africa. 拿破仑在执掌了法国政权并侵袭了整个意大利后,将他的视野投向了一个新大陆:非洲。 www.bing.com 8. But in restoration period, Napoleon-style rank of the Road has been closed by the elite class. 但是在复辟时期,拿破仑式的晋身之道已被贵族阶层堵死了。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. From that time on, Napoleon's rise was meteoric. By the next year, he'd been put in charge of the French army in Italy. 从那时起,拿破仑的掘起是迅速如流星。到第二年,他已被摆在负责对抗在义大利的法国军队。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Napoleon soon realized he could not feed, clothe, and quarter his army in Moscow during the winter. 拿破仑很快意识到,他无法在冬天向远在莫斯科的军队供应粮草、提供御寒衣物和宿营之地。 www.ebigear.com 1. Moscow was set on fire during the war against Napoleon. 在反抗拿破仑战争时,莫斯科起了火。 www.hxen.com 2. Napoleon I signed his act of abdication here when he had suffered crushing defeat in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. 1815年拿破仑一世在滑铁卢战役大败之后曾在此签降书逊位。 iphone.unisk.cn 3. It's almost like a business version of the Napoleon Complex. 这几乎就像一个商业版本的拿破仑综合症(译注:矮人自卑心理)。 www.bing.com 4. We studied the tactics used in Napoleon's day. The day of computer science is well upon us. 我们研究在拿破仑时代用过的策略。计算机科技时代正向我们走来 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Canning and others also helped to transform the diplomatic architecture of Europe after the end of Napoleon. 拿破仑时代结束后,坎宁等人同样促进了欧洲外交格局的改变。 www.ecocn.org 6. In his last years, Napoleon was kept prisoner on a lonely small island in the Atlantic. 在拿破仑最后的岁月里,他被囚禁在大西洋中的一个偏僻的小岛上。 www.jxenglish.com 7. Sir George Scott said that Bayin Naung, like Napoleon, created a great empire and that, like Napoleon, he exhausted the country. 乔治史考特说,勃应囊像拿破仑,创造了一个伟大的帝国;也像拿破仑,用尽了国家。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Every soldier of Napoleon's army feels it, and the expedition advances of itself, by the force of its own impetus. 对此,拿破仑军队的每一士兵都感觉得到,入侵行动在不由自主地推进,勇往直前,全凭这一股冲力。 dict.bioon.com 9. The collection was added to by several of the kings of France and by the Emperor Napoleon I. 收藏在数位法国国王以及拿破仑一世时期都不断增加。 bbs.qiuyang.com 10. There is a link between animals and the deity. Man is merely a more perfect animal then the rest. -- Napoleon Bonaparte. 在禽兽和上帝之间,有着一种联系。人不过是比其它动物更为完美的一种动物而已。——拿破仑。 www.dictall.com 1. Today they were discussing the chapter on faith from Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich. 今天他们正在讨论的是有关信仰的章节,出自拿破仑·希尔的经典作品《思考致富》。 www.elanso.com 2. Napoleon sent for pots of black and white paint and led the way down to the five-barred gate that gave on the main road. 拿破仑叫拿来几桶黑的和白的漆,沿着路一直拿到到那扇正对着大道的五道栅栏的大门前。 www.bing.com 3. Had Napoleon lost the direct sense of victory? 难道拿破仑对胜利已失去了他那种锐利的眼光吗? www.ebigear.com 4. The circumstances surrounding Napoleon's death are a subject of fierce debate. 围绕拿破仑之死所涉及的这些情况仍是一个颇有争议的论题。 www.hxen.com 5. Then the journey is continued through the tunnel under the English Channel, to France, the land of Charlemagne and Napoleon. 他们继续旅行,穿过英吉利海峡的隧道来到法国:查理大帝和拿破伦的国度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. At 11 am Napoleon attacked the British army, led by the Duke of Wellington. 上午11点,拿破仑袭击了由威灵顿公爵率领的英国军队。 club.qingdaonews.com 7. "I plead for mercy. " "Your son does not deserve mercy, " Napoleon replied. 拿破仑回答说:「你的儿子不配得怜悯。」 www.chinesetodays.org 8. Germany is simply too big and strategically placed (Napoleon's geography) to go it alone. 德国的规模、及其地理位置(拿破仑口中的地理)的战略重要性,让它无法独善其身。 www.ftchinese.com 9. It was well known that Napoleon always asked the same three questions, and usually in the same order. 大家都知道,拿破仑总是问那样的三个问题,而且通常按同样的顺序问的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. During the Napoleonic wars, the English poet Thomas Campbell caused a stir at a literary dinner by proposing a toast to Napoleon. 拿破仑战争期间,英国诗人坎贝尔在一文学界晚宴上提议向拿破仑敬酒,举座哗然。 forum.bomoo.com 1. Without taking any notice of Napoleon, they dashed at the booty , and Napoleon succeeded in getting away. 他们没有注意拿破仑,扑向战利品,他逃脱了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Napoleon is presumably the greatest militarist of modern times. 拿破仑也许是现代最伟大的军事家。 cet.hjenglish.com 3. Napoleon Hill -Napoleon Hill I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. 一名法官嫁给了我。我本该向陪审团求婚的。 www.bing.com 4. Napoleon took the initiative during the early parts of the battle, leading a force of 72, 000 men against Britain's 68, 000. 拿破仑带领7万2千士兵对抗6万8千英军,在战斗前期握有先机。 www.elanso.com 5. On June 18, in one of history's most decisive battles at Waterloo, Napoleon suffered a crushing defeat. 6月18日,在滑铁卢一次历史上最有决定意义的战役中,拿破仑遭到了彻底的失败。 6. The French successes against Austria had followed closely upon Napoleon's drive into Spain to crush the revolt there. 法国在战胜了奥地利之后,旋即进入西班牙,镇压那里的叛乱。 www.jukuu.com 7. Still later, after reviewing his army amid cheering crowds, Napoleon invites the shaken Russian to dinner. 再后来,在审查际欢呼的人群,他的军队,拿破仑动摇俄罗斯邀请吃饭。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. This was helpful and arguably benign in the 19th Century especially in the wake of Napoleon's imperialistic ambitions. 在19世纪特别是拿破仑帝国主义野心萌芽时期,这种民族主义观念是有积极作用的,其带来的益处也是可考的。 www.bing.com 9. During the Napoleon era, French philosopher Telaxi put forward the "Ideology" of the concept. 拿破仑时代,法国哲学家特拉西提出了“意识形态”这个概念。 www.fabiao.net 10. Napoleon once against the disheartened and hopeless people, always a loser. 拿破仑一经打击就灰心泄气的人,永远是个失败者。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Napoleon, as a character in Tolstoy's War and Peace, is more than once described as having "fat little hands. " 拿破仑,这一托尔斯泰笔下著作《战争与和平》中的角色,不只是像曾经描述过的那样“有一双肥肥的小手” zhidao.baidu.com 2. These were fastened to Napoleon's boots when he was buried in St. Helena, but missing when the coffin was opened in Paris in 1840. 但是当他的棺木1840年在巴黎被打开的时候,那对马刺却不翼而飞了。 www.hxen.com 3. Napoleon stood astride the early 19th century like a giant. 拿破仑像个巨人跨越19世纪初叶。 4. Napoleon III himself and some of the other European monarchs en joyed the play that made them ridiculous. 拿破仑三世本人和欧洲不少君主都能坦然欣赏那些嘲讽他们的戏剧。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Today I found out that Napoleon Bonaparte was not in fact especially short. 今天我有一个重大发现,拿破仑其实没有那么矮。 www.bing.com 6. The article was also amended to clarify the following sentence: Napoleon shipped the whole collection back to Paris in 1810. 这篇文章同时还修改了有关以下问题的陈述:于1810年,拿破仑将所有的藏品船运带回巴黎。 www.bing.com 7. According to Prof Duggan, Napoleon had flashes of inspiration or strategic intuition, which he calls Napoleon's glance, or coup d'oeil. 杜根教授表示,拿破仑具有灵感的火花(战略直觉),他称之为拿破仑的洞察力。 www.ftchinese.com 8. If Napoleon had lived 20 centuries ealier, he would doubtless have been apotheosized. 如果拿破仑早生2000年,他无疑会被奉为神明。 9. It is said that Napoleon saw a black cat before the battle of Waterloo. He lost the battle, and the British won. 传说有滑铁卢战役之前,拿破仑看见了黑猫,结果法国吃了败仗,英国人打了胜仗。 www.ycxyz.com 10. It was well known that Napoleon always asked the same questions, and usually in the same order. 大家都知道,拿破仑总是问那同样的三个问题,而且通常是按照同样的顺序来问的。 wenku.baidu.com |
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