单词 | mansur | ||||||||||
释义 | mansur
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 曼苏尔,有神帮助的,嗣位算端满速儿 1. Deputy Information Minister Abdou al-Janadi said the president had assigned Vice President Abd al-Rab Mansur Hadi as acting president. 也门信息部的副部长阿尔-贾纳迪说,萨利赫已经指派副总统哈迪代理总统。 www.voanews.cn 2. Mufti, Abdulla Mansur: After the disaster, every night I would teach the children to recite the Koran. My house is much livelier now. 灾难过后,每天晚上我开始教孩子们朗诵古兰经,家里也热闹起来了。 www.newdaai.tv 3. Through the influence of the caliph, Mansur secured the captive's liberty and appointed him tutor to his sons. 透过影响力的哈里发,有担保曼苏尔被俘人员的人身自由和任命他为导师,以他的儿子。 jones.famousnudelady.com 4. British forces described Mullah Mansur as a prominent local leader of the Taliban insurgency in Helmand province. 英国军队称,穆拉?曼苏尔是赫尔曼德地区塔利班叛乱分子的主要领导。 club.topsage.com 5. Interior Minister Mansur al-Eissawy declared a state of high alert, cancelling all police leave. 埃及内政部长曼苏尔·埃萨维随即宣布国家进入高度警戒状态,取消所有警察的休假。 www.360doc.com 6. It was Mansur who also issued a call for gazavat, or holy war, against the Russians, a slogan still used by today's guerrillas. 曼苏尔还提出了一种叫法“gazavat”,或者叫做圣战,来反抗俄罗斯,这个口号直到今天的游击队还在用。 www.bing.com 7. Mansur's chameleon is one of six loans from Queen Elizabeth. Mansur的《变色龙》是伊丽莎白女王慧借的六幅画作之一。 club.topsage.com 8. He mentions Sheikh Mansur, who in 1785 organised the first large-scale rebellion against Russian expansion into the Caucasus highlands. 他提到了谢赫曼苏尔,1785年组织了第一次大规模的反抗战争,反对俄罗斯向高加索高山地区的扩张。 www.bing.com 9. The issue by Guaranty Trust Bank should encourage others to follow, according to Mansur Muhtar, Nigeria's top debt-management official. 根据尼日利亚的债务管理高层官员MansurMuhtar的说法,GuarantyTrust银行此次债券发行树立了榜样,有望鼓励其他机构闻风跟进。 www.ecocn.org 10. The first suicide bomber attacked a polling station in the Mansur district of Baghdad. 第一起自杀炸弹袭击发生在巴格达Mansur区的一个投票站。 www.bing.com 1. Several times, after occupying Hami, Mansur tried to attack China in 1524 with 20, 000 men, but was beaten by Chinese forces. 占领哈密地区后,曼苏尔好几次试图在1524年用2万人的军队攻打中国,但是都被中国军队击败。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 2. My name is Mansur. Because of slavery, because of past injustices today, 我的名字是曼苏尔。正因为奴隶制 www.bing.com |
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