单词 | My Long | ||||
释义 | My Long
例句释义: 美隆,娘家 1. My long-range career goal is to be the best information systems technician I can for the company I work for. 我国远程职业生涯的目标是成为最好的信息系统技术员我可以为公司为我工作。 www.mianshiba.cn 2. This was another part of my long term plan- I absolutely needed at least 6 months worth of my "salary" in the bank before I would jump ship. 这是我长期计划的一部分:我下海之前至少得有相当与6个月工资的存款。 www.bing.com 3. The family was looking at me gingerly, as if my long stare at the table had exposed my ulterior motive to them. 一家人的目光小心翼翼,或许是他们觉察到我不怀好意地盯了餐桌很久。 wenda.tianya.cn 4. After my long illness, any hopes I might have had of going to college next year were as dead as a doornail. 由于长期生病,我明年上大学的一切希望都落空了。 www.bing.com 5. You were companions of my long dark night, and I make my bow to you, before I bid you good-bye, my fetters. 你是我漫漫长夜中的伴侣,在我向你告别之前,容我向你顶礼,我的镣铐。 www.putclub.com 6. It took my mate and I many years to acknowledge our feelings for one another. Our wedding was the finest day of my long life. 我和我的爱人花了许多年才意识到相互之间的感情。我们结婚的日子是我漫长的生命中最好的一天。 www.anetcity.com 7. Of course I know he is kidding by that but I also understand how much he likes my long black straight hair. 我当然知道他是开玩笑的,可是,我也明白,他究竟有多么喜欢我的黑色长发。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. "It's been a frustrating and difficult year, but I'm committed to my long-term health, " Woods added. “这是相当困惑和困难的一年,但我要为我长期的健康考虑。”伍兹说道。 www.bing.com 9. Look at the moon touched my long hair, how much time varying vicissitudes! 看月影轻抚我的长发,多少时光变沧桑啊! www.bing.com 10. It had been raining from yesterday night to this morning. In the coolish air, my long-confused heart freshened much more all at once. 从昨夜到今晨,雨一直在下,微凉的空气中,我懵懂了很久的心忽然清醒了许多。 lqlsqsh.blog.163.com 1. But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom comes responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not yet ended. 但是我能休息只有一会儿,因为还有更长的路需要走。 bbs.gliet.edu.cn 2. The only trouble that touches me in these moments is the thought of my long life wasted amid the senseless noises of man's world. 这样的时刻唯一触动我的苦恼是想到我漫长的生命虚度在人寰没有意义的喧嚣之中。 www.ebigear.com 3. I shall be much obliged if you will be so kind as to help me accomplish my long-cherished wish. 如果您能帮我实现这一梦寐以求的愿望,本人将不胜感激。 cet.hjenglish.com 4. Many genuine friends of mine are waiting too, my long poem, I have early promised to give one of my friends a year ago. 我的很多真诚的朋友们也在等待,我的长诗,早在一年前就承诺给我的一个朋友了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Throughout my long life, I have served Him diligently, believing that He would notice my service and reward me with Eternal Bliss. 我漫长的一生都勤勤恳恳地为他服务,我坚信他有一天将注意到我的努力,奖赏我他永恒的祝福。 www.bing.com 6. I look around the country today and frankly, terrorism is the least of my long list of concerns. 我环顾我们的国家,坦率地说,恐怖主义现在是我最不关心的事情。 www.ruanyifeng.com 7. And then, on an impulse, I tossed my long-sought prize into the clear, bright air and watched it float away like a perfect, living origami. 那时,我突然有种冲动,将自己长期以来苦苦追寻的战利品抛向了清澈晴朗的天空,看着它象完美的生动的千纸鹤一般飞远了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It was also coincidentally, in the same month of mother's departed, "Jiangnan" magazine published my long poem "On the day of my birthday" . 也是巧合,在母亲去世同月,《江南》杂志发表了我的长诗《在我生日的这一天》。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Science is not my long suit in school either, so when I started teaching science to my students, I feel like a total charlatan. 上学时自然科学也不是我所擅长的,所以我开始给我的学生们讲这门课程的时候我感觉自己简直像个冒充内行的骗子。 dict.veduchina.com 10. ironically , a month before i knew i had a tumor , i cut my long hair short and donated it to the american cancer society. 滑稽的是,在我得知患脑瘤消息一个月之前,我把长头发剪短了,并把头发捐献给了美国癌症学会。 www.ichacha.net 1. Of course, if I got waxed, my long-hoped-for political career could be over before it began. 当然,如果我败得太惨,我那期待已久的政治生涯尚未开始就会走向结束。 www.bing.com 2. Today, my long-distance boyfriend was at my house for a 10-day visit. 今天,我网络上认识的男朋友来我家玩十天。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I'm training for a marathon and towards the end of my long runs, my legs muscles start to cramp up. How can I prevent muscle cramps? 我正在为了一场马拉松赛而训练,可是在快要到达终点时我的双腿却开始发生痉挛了。那我该怎样做才能避免发生肌肉痉挛呢? www.bing.com 4. Less than your gentle touch, I can only remember to give their own heating, through my long night. 摸不到你的温柔,我只能用回忆来给自己取暖,度过我的漫漫长夜。 enwaimao.cn 5. Following her longstanding custom, she'd lean down and push my long hair out of the way, then kiss my forehead. 她一直有一个习惯,那就是倚靠着,拨开我的头发,然后亲吻我的前额 www.ebigear.com 6. My long hair was always in my eyes and face. 我的长发总是飘到我的眼睛和脸上。 www.hjenglish.com 7. I found the experience challenging and rewarding so I decided to make teaching my long-term career. 我发现这个经验很有挑战性且很值得,所以我决定以教学为长期的职志。 david.com.tw 8. I wanted to tell her that sometimes, in my long sleep, I dreamt of her. 我想要告诉她,有些时候,在我漫长的沉眠中,我会梦到她。 blog.163.com 9. I was the only mother on my long block who worked. Today it's rare to find any mothers at home on that street. 那时我是街区里唯一一位还在工作的母亲,但是现在街区却很少有全职母亲。 www.bing.com 10. Of course, if your feel bad for the my long and tiring travel, buy me a dinner or something and make it up. 当然,如果觉得我过来的路途有点遥远的话你可以请我吃饭。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. "It has been something that I've been talking about but only managed to do so during my long break, " said Sun. “这是我一直说要做,但是只有在我的休假期间才能做的事”孙说。 bbs.sunyanzicc.net 2. My long term plan is to tie play style to difficulty level, there's a few things which could change by difficulty level. 我的长期计划是给不同的难度不同的的游戏方式。有一些事情可以随着难度改变而改变的。 www.civclub.net 3. That's my long-term goal, and to get there is probably going to be a while. 那是我长远的目标,要达到这个目标可能还需要一段时间。 bbs.chinaunix.net 4. I've lost all notion of time, but the mirror, my baldness, my long white beard, and the pain in my joints tell me that I'm very old. 我完全没有了时间的概念,不过那面镜子、我光秃秃的头、长长的白须还有关节的疼痛告诉我,我已经老态龙钟了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I've finally completed my long standing desire to be done with desktop software and desktop files. 我终于完成了很久以来的一个梦想,跟桌面软件和桌面文件撇清关系。 www.36kr.com 6. In my long answer , I try to be a little less flippant . 至于我的长答案,我尽量不罗唆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I woke from a long nap after working the late shift, to about 15 inches of my long blonde hair all over my bed and floor. 我下了夜班睡了一阵,醒来时发现床上和地板上满是我的金发,有大概15英寸长。 hi.baidu.com 8. My long-term aim is to set up at least 25 schools on the West London Free School model. 我的长远目标是照西伦敦免费学校的模式至少建25所学校。 www.ftchinese.com 9. As I recall from my long ago youth, the best part of the music came down to those two factors. 当我回想起我以前的时候,最好的音乐都来自这两个地方。 www.bing.com 10. I collected my profits at the close of the day by closing my long positions trades on the SPX, and am now mostly neutral. 俺在那天收盘时通过收回俺在SPX上的长仓而取得了俺的收益,而俺现在基本上就是中立的了。 www.007china.com.cn 1. I was tired with my long- continued labour. My head dropped on my hands, and I fell asleep. 长期不断的工作,弄得我精疲力尽,我把头埋在手里,便沉沉入睡了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. He obviously thought I was a foreigner, with my long hair and beard, rawhide boots, and British navy pea jacket. 他显然认为我是个外国人,因为我留着长发,蓄着大胡子,足蹬一双生牛皮靴,身穿一件英国海军式的厚呢短大衣。 www.bing.com 3. I remember clearly that I tricked myself up with bed sheets as my long dress and my mom's scarf as my veil. 我清楚地记得我用床单作长裙,用妈妈的围巾作面纱来打扮自己。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Please take me home my long to leave. 请带我回家。曾经我想离开的家。 www.yywuxian.com 5. Make me happy and throw it in the bin. Then my long face can say so long. 要让我开心,就是把它扔进垃圾桶,那么我的脸便不会再拉长了。 www.yuloo.com 6. I thought I heard a voice I knew; turning round, I saw my long lost brother. 我觉得听到的声音很熟,一转身,看见了失散多年兄弟。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 7. I grab a handful of chips from the bowl by my side and resolve to make tomorrow the first day of my long- delayed diet. 我从身边的碗里抓了一把薯条,决定明天再开始执行我那拖延了很久的节食计划。 bbs.translators.com.cn 8. My long-term goal is to work freelance as a book editor from my home. 我的长期目标是在家做一名书籍的外包编辑。 onlinetest.chit.edu.tw 9. This stage will sound familiar to my long-time readers, but it should be covered here: Don't allow your inboxes to overflow. 长期阅读我博客的读者应该会觉得挺耳熟的,但是我还是要反复地强调:不要让你的收件箱溢出。 ziranren.blog.163.com 10. I would tuck my long hair up under my hat and go into a store. 我会把我的长头发藏到帽子里然后去商店。 www.ebigear.com 1. My long term goal for you is to excel above yourself. I know from the start of school term, you have been working really hard. 在长远的生活目标上,妈妈倒只是希望你时时超越自己就可以了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Fig1. Some individuals coping with hi-tech products too long will have Interpersonal communication obstacles, after my long observation. 经过我仔细观察,和高科技产品打交道时间长了,和人的交流会有障碍。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Well, forgive me for my long speech. Now read time. 好的,请原谅我的唠叨。看下面的图文吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. at the most difficult moment, but finally still stepped out thanks to my long-tested willpower. 可是我的脚却还是跨出,感谢久经考验的意志力! www.zizhupark.com 5. It's my long term hobby, and to me, it's more of a meaningful thing. 这是我长期坚持的一项爱好,对我来说,更多的是有趣儿。 www.bing.com 6. To had my hair cut, and an idiot cut my? long hair to short, that's the? tragic event which makes me throw up. 去剪头发,被一个白痴剪成了短发,这是我今年最呕的事情。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Anyways , after a brief visit to Japan for Xmas, I finally embarked on my long awaited yearly sabbatical in South Africa. 总之,圣诞节在日本短暂访问后,终于踏上我盼望已久的南非度假之旅。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. My long-held view is that the yen should never have been allowed to rise so high. 我长期以来一直抱持这样的观点:从来就不应该放任日元汇率升到如此之高的水平。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I am sure that I will be involved in the Arsenal game on Saturday, which I am looking so much forward to that after my long injury break. 我肯定、确定以及一定相信我将参与到周六这场阿森纳比赛中,我非常期待这场比赛,因为我因伤缺席太久了。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. I'm not going to tear up my long-term plan to overweight developing market equities, though. 尽管如此,我并没有打算撕毁我增持新兴市场股票的长期计划。 www.bing.com 1. I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live. 我认为我的长寿和活跃的生活是由于我的健康生活方式。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Forgive me for my long silence. 原谅我好久没声内息。 wenku.baidu.com 3. S. or overseas. I couldn't imagine managing their care or asking them to adapt to my long hours and intense work schedules. 我无法想像拼命想办法照顾他们,或是让他们适应我时间长、强度大的工作日程。 www.oxford.com.cn 4. I believe this company can fulfill my long-term goals and offer me great upward mobility. 我相信公司能实现我长期目标,给我巨大的动力。 www.kekenet.com 5. By my third application, I was wincing at the thought of asking my long-suffering mentors to write yet another online paean. 在我第3次申请时,一想到要请导师再给我写一份网上赞歌就头大。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I've decided to shave off my long beard . 我已经决定把长胡子剃掉。 www.showxiu.com 7. Lorenzo Sweet friends, your patience for my long delay. Ho, who's within? 感谢你们为我的晚到而耐心的等候,亲爱的朋友们。喂,谁在房子里? www.bing.com 8. In a word, today I understand that my long-term career goal is to maximize my contribution to society. 总而言之,现在我知道了我的长期职业目标是使我对社会的贡献达到最大限度的。 www.bing.com 9. It would make my long-cherished wish come true. 正好满足了我的这个愿望。 www.cctv.com 10. I have a worry my long problem. Genuflect begs everybody to help me solve this problem. Troubled me really really very long. . 我有个困扰我很久的问题了。跪求大家帮我解决掉这个问题。真的真的烦恼了我很久了… dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Look at my long Dao next Tuesday. 下星期二看看我的一把长刀。 hfsword.com 2. 'My long-term concern is around revenue for the province. ' 我的长远担忧是有关本省的收入。 c.wsj.com 3. My long journey of love with you comes to an end because I have married another man. 一段漫长的爱情,在我的婚姻以前结束。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This week's preliminary data on gross domestic product in the first quarter of 2011 support my long-standing scepticism. 英国本周发布的2011年一季度国内生产总值(GDP)初步数据支持了我长期以来的怀疑。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Well, they are too small for my long legs , you see. 这个嘛,它们太小,搁不下我的大长腿。,您知道吧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. I called up my long-time best friend whose entire family is in the mattress business. 我给一个很好的老朋友打了电话,他们家都是做床垫生意的。 www.bing.com 7. A: Well, they are too small for my long legs, you see. 它们太小,搁不下我的大长腿,你知道吧! www.rrting.com 8. and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not yet ended. 我不敢逗留,漫长的旅途还未到尽头。 www.tingroom.com 9. I wonder if my long lost neighbor can still be alive. Such things can and do happen. 我怀疑我失踪已久的邻居是否还有可能活着。这样的事情可能而且确实发生了。 bbs.mac418.com 10. As luck would have it, then my long term relationship ended. 更惨的是,我的长久以来维系的关系也破裂了。 www.bing.com 1. In the course of my long life I've known many changes. 我在漫长的一生中饱经沧桑。 www.hxen.com 2. In time, my long-awaited, waiting for a true love, waiting for a person. 在对的时间里,我望穿秋水,等待一份真的情,等待一个对的人。 www.chineselovelinks.com 3. I am extremely grateful to everyone who put forth the time and effort, as well as those who donated money for my long-term project. 你们每位为了我的长期方案,付出时间和力量,以及那些人的捐款,我是非常的感激。 www.tai-sing.com 4. Well, my long hair is indeed a declaration of independence. 好吧,我的长头发极其需要一份独立宣言。 www.bing.com 5. Friends find it strange that I eat see why so many, but could not see my long meat? 朋友都觉得奇怪,为甚麽见我吃那麽多,却不见我长肉? blog.sina.com.cn 6. Most of my height comes from my long neck. 我大部分的身高主要来自于我的长脖子。 en.eol.cn 7. No matter what good things to eat, I eat when will slowly through my long neck, it could be a long time to enjoy delicious. 无论什么好吃的东西,我吃的时候都会慢慢的通过我的长脖子,那美味可以长时间的享受。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 8. My long fangs, under the moonlight appear so horrible, whether you are insignificant? 我的长长的尖牙,在月光下显得那么可怖,你是否淡然?。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I recovered slowly after from my long illness. 我于久病后慢慢复元。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Based on my long experience in advising corporate managers, I think taking a law course at Sloan is a good idea. 根据我多年来为公司经理人提供建议的经验,我想各位在史隆管理学院修法律课程是个不错的主意。 www.myoops.org 1. Go back to come my long-cherished wish. 归去归去来兮我夙愿。 bbs.ahu.edu.cn 2. Can I really do anything about my long-term career right now? 目前我真能对长期的职业生涯做点的什么吗? www.bing.com 3. That's the story behind my long road to a tattoo. 以上就是我漫长滴刺青历程。 www.barrichello.com.cn 4. In my long life I have traveled through this land, seeking out my brothers, and learning from them many things full of wisdom. 在我长久的生命岁月里,我旅行穿过这土地寻找我的兄弟,从他们那里学习充满智慧的东西。 www.chinaufo.com 5. Wait for you my long, long time, long, long time. 我等待你很久很久,很久很久。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Also interfere with my long spot for a long time. 长斑也干扰我很久了。 99mrw.5d6d.com 7. eg. I feel stiff from my long walk. 我因为走远路而感到两腿僵硬。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. I beguiled my long journey by reading novels. 我藉著看小说来排遣漫长的旅。 crack.livid.cn 9. My long journey was beguiled with novels. 在旅途中,我看小说,以消磨时间。 www.wzhz.net 10. In addition, my long-time friend, Walter Scott, along with his family, has a major ownership position in the company. 另外,我的老友瓦尔特-斯科特(WalterScott)及其家族也持有该公司部分股权。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Hot melt you with my long-frozen heart! 用我的炙热融化你冰冻已久的心扉! www.xici.net 2. I started my long journey of losing hair in my early twenties. 我的脱发苦旅始于二十出头。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. consideration, I should like to resign my current posts while I am still in good health, so as to realize my long-cherished wish. 经过慎重考虑,我想趁自己身体还健康的时候辞去现任职务,实现夙愿。 www.jukuu.com 4. I had to cook up an excuse about my long delay. 我得编个理由解释自己为什么耽搁了这么久。 www.bing.com 5. A cold drink refreshed me after my long walk. 走了很长一段路之后,一杯冷饮使我恢复了精神。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. My ' long ' foreign ' 长的很‘洋气’ wenwen.soso.com 7. My long term vision is to get my Ph. D. 拿博士学位是我长期的梦想。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. e. g. She nursed me through my long illness. 我病了很长时间,她都一直护理着我。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. It is no use of my long waiting. 原来一直以来的等待都是没有用的。 mechol.blog.com.cn 10. I beg pardon for my long silence. 长久没有写信给你,请原谅。 tr.bab.la 1. That put a fairly fatal rupture in my long-term relationship. I was 25. 这让我彻底结束了一段长期的恋爱关系。 www.ftchinese.com 2. My long-term portfolio has posted hefty returns, partly because I don't buy and forget. 我的长期投资组合获得了丰厚的收益,部分原因是因为我不是买入后不打理(buyandforget)。 www.bing.com 3. My long term answer is maybe, after about 6-10 years, but my short term answer is definitely not. 从长期来看答案是“也许”,那要经过6-10年。从短期来看,答案是“肯定不会”。 www.bing.com 4. well, how can I start my long long speech? 唉,如何才能开始,我长长的故事 wenku.baidu.com 5. In my long term work, I have witnessed this very cycle of constriction and expansion in my clients. 在我长期的工作中,我目睹过我的客户这种反复周期。 www.bing.com 6. I have read "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift during my long vocation. 长假里,我读了英国作家乔纳森?斯威夫的《格列佛游记》。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. My long full face bean now bean not good. 我现在脸长满了豆豆不好看。 wenwen.soso.com 8. These are my long term favorite job search, career planning, and career management books for grads. 这是我最喜欢的长期求职,职业规划,以及毕业生的职业生涯管理书籍。 hr.58.com.cn 9. eg. words failed me when i met my long-lost sister. 见到失踪很久的妹妹我说不出来话。 www.vvcha.cn 10. Words failed me when I met my long-lost brother. 当我见到久别的兄弟时激动得说不出话来。 xz6.2000y.net 1. Today, my long lost father came to visit me. 今天好久没见的父亲来看我。 www.bucter.com 2. who will twist my long hair ? 谁会把我的长发盘起? wenwen.soso.com 3. I'll have my long skirts shortened because they are out of style now. 我要裁短长裙,因为它们已经过时了 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Perhaps I shouldn't spend too long fretting about my long life and actually live it. 也许我不该太在意长寿,我只要活着就行。 www.bing.com 5. My long lost buddies say Im gettin in too deep. 我早已失去了鬼鬼说,在肠抓住太深。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Goals List - This is a list of all my long-term goals (everything 90-days away or longer). 目标清单——我有一张记录长期目标的清单(指的是那些要持续90天以上的事情)。 www.elanso.com 7. Medicinal and agricultural products the following is my long-term purchase and sale of varieties, for your reference. 以下药材和农产品是我公司长期购销的品种,供你方参考。 www.b2easy.com 8. "My long-run prediction is that newspapers in 2020 will look like newspapers in 1920, " Wharton School's Wolfers says. 华顿商学院的沃尔夫斯表示:「我的长期预测是,2020年的报纸将会呈现1920年的风貌。」 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. I'll bring my long bow. 我会带上我的长弓。 movie.douban.com 10. He has been my long suppressed. 他过去一直长期压制我。 bbs.renyu.net 1. Now that my college education is almost complete, I am more determined than ever to fulfill my long-term goals. 现在我的大专教育基本结束了,所以我比以前更想实现我的长期目标。 www.usastudy.com.cn 2. Maiev: Ah, my long hunt is finally over. Today, Justice will be done! 我漫长的追猎终于要结束了!今天,正义将会得到伸张。 blog1.ielts.com.cn 3. Last year I returned to my long separation hometown, the hometown change often to reappear in my brain. 去年我回到了我久别的家乡,家乡的变化时常在我脑中浮现。 www.dota123.com 4. My long-term professional objective is to find a job that fully utilizes my unique educational and cultural background. 我的长期职业目标是找到一份工作,充分利用我国独特的教育和文化背景。 blog.163.com 5. My long both is fit my clothes very much. 我的长筒靴非常配我的衣服。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Mr. Plank: Well, how are you doing, Clara? Are you ready for my long reach yet? 普兰克先生:啊,你怎么样,克拉拉?要我帮你拿高架子上的货物吗? lib.cqust.cn 7. Greece is indeed an enchanting place, and it is my long-cherished wish to visit this ancient and beautiful land. 希腊确实是一个令人向往的地方,访问这个古老而美丽的国家,是我多年的夙愿。 www.jinhaigui365.com 8. Glass and pinch of breast Knocking at my tray While leave on Please take me home my long to leave Forever at your feet 玻璃和我胸口的刺痛在生活中敲响我的盘子请带我回到阔别已久的家园与你永相随 wenwen.soso.com 9. Today, I went to my long-distance boyfriend's party. 今天我去参加异地恋男友的聚会。 bbs.plu.cn 10. There in front of me is my long dead son. 在我面前的是我很久以前死去的儿子。 www.2012nian.org 1. B: Why, don't you like my long hair? 为什么?难道你不喜欢我的长头发吗? www.rrting.com 2. Song of missing in the distance is your long lingering; letter of missing sent from distance is my long waiting. 思念的歌声从远方飘来,那是你长久的徘徊;思念的信从远方寄来,那是我漫长的等待。 blog.maoyiren.com 3. My long-term goal is to be an international known thinker and practicer in the management field before year 2020, 我的长期目标是在2020年成为国际知名管理思想实践家, amico.wealink.com 4. while leave on please take me home my long to leave 请带我回到阔别已久的家园 blog.sina.com.cn 5. and my long years of innocence ended 结束了多年以来的纯洁 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Why I'm never able to forget your appearance in my long life journey 不明白的是为何人世间总不能溶解你的样子 post.baidu.com 7. my long-term goal is to become an art director 但我的长远目标是当美术总监, www.tingroom.com 8. That year my long kowtow hug dust not only for toward Buddha stick your warm 那一年我磕长头拥抱尘埃不为朝佛只为贴着你的温暖 wenwen.soso.com 9. My long lost buddies say I'm getting in too deep 我的密友们都说我陷得太深 zhidao.baidu.com 10. studied me naked on the bed in my long yellow coat 细看床上那裸身穿着黄色长衣的我 kk.dongxi.net 1. With my long lost love under the black rose 黑玫瑰下伴随着我遗失已久的爱 wenwen.soso.com 2. Therefore my long time seat in the identical position, does not want because of to miss this kind but the gloomy mood pulls long; 所以我长时间的坐在同一个位置,不想把这种因思念而起的愁绪拉长; blog.sina.com.cn 3. Wearing a beard, I cut my long hair 我剪去长发留起了胡须 blog.hjenglish.com 4. When my long hair was kept and flow 那时的我还没剪去长发 wenku.baidu.com 5. Here are 3 reasons that I have experienced in my long career for moving of technology: 经过了从事技术研发的漫长职业生涯,我有以下三点体会: www.bing.com 6. My Long March People's Republic of China 我的长征 analyst.iresearch.cn 7. Where have you been My long lost friend 好久未见的朋友,你到那里去了 xiximiko.blogbus.com 8. Do you know that the leaves have Yangyang is my long, long the yearning; 你可知道,那纷纷扬扬的叶子是我多长、多长的思念; wenwen.soso.com |
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