单词 | long-distance |
释义 |
例句释义: 长途的,长距离的,长途运作的,打长途电话,远距离,远距离的,远程,路程远 1. Despite the fact that she had her knee severely bruised . she still managed to overtake most of the other long distance runners. 尽管她的膝盖严重擦伤,她还是赶上了大多数其他长跑者。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. It did not know me because of the long distance of time. 它不认识我,却是因为间隔时间长了闹的。 lqlsqsh.blog.163.com 3. A deal, he said, is only a cheap long-distance phone call or a few key strokes on the computer away. 他说,打通便宜的长途电话,或者在用电脑键盘输入一些字就可以做成一笔生意。 dongxi.net 4. The long-distance runner, who was to be married in less than a week, was last seen preparing to go jogging. 只有一周不到,她就要和身为长跑运动员的未婚夫结婚,而她的未婚夫最后一次看到则是她准备外出慢跑。 www.elanso.com 5. Dear USA students, I appreciate for your sincerity -- travelling so long distance to come to China for learning Chinese and its culture! 美国的同学们,欣赏你们的诚意,不远千里来到陌生的国度——中国,学习我们的语言,了解我们的文化! blog.sina.com.cn 6. I know long-distance relationship is hard, but you've got to believe absence makes the heart grow fonder , or you 'll never make it. 我知道分开两地的恋情很痛苦,但你必须坚信“距离产生美”,不然这段感情是没发持续下去的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A long-distance relationship will always put pressure on both of you, but it's a question of how you use that to your advantage. 远距离关系将始终给你们双方带来压力,但问题在于你如何利用这一优势。 blog.163.com 8. For the total length of long distance pipeline, there is no definite stipulation in the design's stage in design standards. 在管道设计的各个阶段,长输管道的总长度在设计规范中没有明确的规定。 www.chemyq.com 9. It would be very difficult to have such a long distance relationship. 隔着这么远的距离,要维持关系是很困难的。 www.bing.com 10. Ms. Ding frequently talks with her long-distance boyfriend on the phone or video chats with him using Skype. 乔伊经常与她身处异地的男朋友通过电话交谈,或利用Skype与他进行视频聊天。 c.wsj.com 1. The night was approaching, Xiaoding have long-distance car ride experience, but so long uphill and downhill he really did not experience. 夜很快来临了,小丁有过坐长途车的经历,但如此漫长地爬坡和下坡他确实没有经历过。 www.bing.com 2. But if he were to do so, he would be the overwhelming first choice of voters, followed at a long distance by Hillary Clinton. 但如果戈尔决定参选的话,他会成为选民们压倒多数的第一选择,将遥遥领先于处于第二位的希拉里·克林顿。 www.hicoo.net 3. The telephone has almost killed the ancient art of letter writing , which used to be the only method of long distance communication . 写信过去一向是长途通讯的惟一方式,可电话几乎扼杀了这个古代的写信艺术。 www.bing.com 4. The changes that had come to this landscape did not favor long-distance rattlesnake migration. 这块地发生的变化不利于响尾蛇长距离的迁徙。 xianguo.com 5. All this long distance between us along with your daily attempts to contact me is affecting me in many ways. 我们之间遥远的距离和你每天尝试和我取得联系都在很多方面感动着我。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Our grandparents grew up in an age when a long-distance telephone call was an expensive luxury, to be scheduled and kept short. 我们的祖父母辈成长的年代,打长途电话是一种昂贵的奢侈,你得掐时间,尽量长话短说。 www.bing.com 7. After a month, school sports meeting, he never did not expect, students should recommend him to attend a kilometer long distance race. 一个月后,学校要开运动会,他做梦也没有想到,同学们竟推荐他去参加一千米长跑比赛。 www.268r.com 8. We are all in this long distance, are willing to be warm and caring, surrounded by a smile and hugs meet, affection let me never be touched. 我们都在这长途上,都愿意被温暖和关爱包围,被微笑和拥抱迎接,亲情让我永远被感动。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Suddenly discovered she had not single, just in a long distance relationship. 突然间发现了她已经不是单身,只是在进行着异地恋。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. If you lose a long distance relationship, not sad, do not be sad, just understand that, you lose the name of love, is not called love. 假如你失去了一段长间隔的恋情,这一点也不值得伤心,请不要伤心,你只需认识到,你只是失去了叫爱而不被称作爱的东西。 www.zahopu.com 1. At this point, it is the object of concern to those who have no right to use, but attempts to obtain long-distance service people. 此时,它关心的对象是那些无权使用,但却试图获得远程服务的人。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. I can hardly imagine that she covered such a long distance within one day with her lame legs. 我几乎不敢想象,尽管自己腿瘸还是在一天之内走完了这样长的一段路程。 wenku.baidu.com 3. For four years, one of my friends had carried on a long-distance marriage with his wife. 我有一位朋友,他四年以来都一直跟他的妻子维持着异地婚姻的关系。 www.putclub.com 4. Smaller canoes were used for traveling around the islands, while larger canoes were used for long-distance traveling or warfare. 小型独木舟可用来做为岛与岛之间的运输工具,而大型独木舟则适合用来进行长途旅行及打仗用。 www.24en.com 5. Like its product, the company's culture seems to be based on long-distance communication. 与其产品一样,该公司的文化似乎基于远距离通讯。 www.ecocn.org 6. Because cacao beans had to be shipped such a long distance, chocolate was an expensive drink and only the rich could afford it. 由于可可豆必须以船运送这麽远的一段距离,于是巧克力成了一种昂贵的饮料,只有有钱人才负担的起; grandeast.com.tw 7. Sofia and I had to continue a long distance relationship for a year. SOFIA和我不得不在相距那么远的距离保持恋爱关系整整一年。 www.tiantianbt.com 8. The geomagnetic orientation is one of the important mechanisms for orientation of insects in the long distance migration. 地磁定向是昆虫远距离迁飞定向的重要机制之一。 www.insect.org.cn 9. Sitting in the long-distance car thinking lines, made a phone call to her, not to say a few words to shut down. 坐在长途车上就想着台词,打了电话给她,没说几句就停机了。 www.bing.com 10. in a friend's house guest when the long-distance calls to go through the master agreement , left, to leave behind a telephone charges. 在朋友家做客时,打长途电话要经过主人同意,离开的时候,要留下电话费。 wenwen.soso.com 1. It is often easier to place an out of state long distance call from a disaster area, than to call within the area. 大灾之后,向灾区以外打长途电话要比在受灾区域之内相互打电话容易得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Suppose I were to tell my congregation that we were going to run a long-distance race after the morning service. 假若我告诉会众,主日崇拜后我们会参加长途赛跑,大部分人能跑得多远? www.chinesetodays.org 3. Long distance transmission in any network transport is often a slow. 远间隔传输在任何网络传输洋是不常较缓的。 www.bing.com 4. Upon his arrival at the airport he made a long-distance call to his wife at home. 他一到机场就给他在家的妻子打个电话。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If long-distance transmission, can be used to increase the repeater, but on a bus can only add up to 8 repeaters. 如果需要长距离传输,可以采用加中继器的方法,但在一条总线上最多只能加8个中继器。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. If you were going to meet another long-distance cyclist, it would probably be at a glamorous place like this. 假如你想邂逅其它长途骑车手,很有可能就是在像这种充满魅力的地方。 www.bing.com 7. Nowadays, internet has been a communicative way of modern people. With internet, we feel a fascinating life with a long distance. 因特网目前成为了现代人交流方式。即使我们在很远地方因有了因特网就感到精彩。 forlang.helpask.cn 8. Japanese sportsmen used to be strong in the long distance running, and now the Korean athletes are making progress too. 日本运动员过去一直在长跑中表现突出,现在韩国运动员也追上来了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The crack in Peru went for a long distance though did not separate into a wide crevasse. 秘鲁的裂缝延续了很长的距离,虽然没有裂成一个很宽的破口子。 www.56gk.com 10. The result of clustering showed that there was a long distance among those groups which showed the difference of geological origin. 聚类结果表明:越橘各种群间遗传距离相对较远,说明各种群地理起源上的差异。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Welcome you to come to the long-distance passenger carrying station of the sea city! 欢迎您来到这个海滨城市的长途载客站! www.suiniyi.com 2. " Wizard shook his head and said: " The spring water in the side of the valley, also in the past to bypass long distance. 向导摇摇头说:“泉水在山谷的那一边,要绕道过去还有很远的路程。” cul.zhishi.sohu.com 3. I met mother, took long-distance bus with her to a small town, and then walked twenty kilometers to my enlisted troop. 我接到母亲,与母亲坐长途汽车到一个小镇,而后步行二十华里到我服役的连队。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. says in an aside: a week after the Lovers from the United States long-distance phone calls. 旁白:一周以后,祝英台从美国打来越洋电话。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 5. How much toughly long-distance love has the fruit? 艰辛异地恋,“开花结果”究竟有多少? www.rrting.net 6. Injecting slurry is usually used to reduce the jacking friction in long-distance pipe jacking. 长距离顶管施工中为减小顶进阻力通常采用注浆减摩措施。 www.magsci.org 7. Moreover, owing to the long distance from the Sun, the temperature is quite low on average. 此外,由于火星距离太阳遥远,所以表面平均温度很低。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 8. A Steel Packing System shall be installed behind the Paper packing for the long distance handling of coils as well as for export packing. 钢包装系统将被安装在本文包装之后为长途处理卷以及为出口包装。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Even so it was a very smooth ride, better than the long distance virgin trains in the UK. 即使这样,那段旅程也很平稳,要比英国原始的长途火车好。 www.miltt.com 10. AT&T maintained its long-distance network, but in 2005 the company was purchased by one of its former local phone subsidiaries. AT&T保留了它的长途网络,但该项业务在2005年被原来自己旗下的一家本地电话公司收购。 www.america.gov 1. My boyfriend Greg and I decided to do the long-distance thing after I was accepted to a graduate program 200 miles from where we lived. 我被一个离我们住处200英里开外的研究所项目录取了,于是我和男友格雷格决定开始两地分居。 www.bing.com 2. Long distance love to talk about seven years, not if, instead of in the mall to see her boyfriend and his close friend happy together. 长途恋爱谈了七年,没有修成正果,反而在商场里看到了男友和自己闺蜜喜笑颜开的走在一起。 news.bangkaow.com 3. Then we moved out and looked down on the black water from a long distance so that it seemed like we were looking down on a black pond. 然后我们移出来,从远处往下看那个黑水,所以就好像是在看一个黑色的池塘一般。 sm2000.org 4. As the long distance lines, factories and offices, increased between the Media Converter to increase the transmission distance. 由于线路传输距离较长,工厂和办公室之间增加了光电转换器,以增加传输距离。 bbs.wwenglish.org 5. Surfing athletes have highly developed skills, an ability to maintain balance and a strong long-distance swimming technique. 冲浪运动员都要有很高的技巧和平衡能力,同时要善于在风浪中长距离游泳。 6. At Tokyo Station, the city's main departure point for long-distance bullet trains, was no more crowded than usual on Thursday afternoon. 东京火车站是从这座城市乘坐长途子弹头列车的主要出发点,周四下午并不比平时显得更加拥挤。 chinese.wsj.com 7. A few days ago, I received an international long-distance call, but it was hung up without speaking, I don't know if you called. 前几天我接到一个国际长途,不过没有说话就挂断了,不知道是您打的吗? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Earlier this year, Exxon Mobil broke the record for this sort of long-distance drilling with a well over 11km (7 miles) long. 今年早些时候,埃克森美孚用一个长度超过11千米(7英里)的钻井打破这种长距离挖掘的纪录。 www.ecocn.org 9. Long distance travel is part of this trend too, so you may journey abroad quite a bit in months and years ahead. 长途旅行也是这七年的主题,出国考察也是有可能的。 www.douban.com 10. You said the long distance far away from where you work. 你说路远,离你上班的地方远。 wenwen.soso.com 1. The relationship between switching and routing parallels that of telephone that of telephone local and long distance calls. 开关和路由间的关系相当于本地电话和长途电话。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The ability to carry on long-distance telephone conversations did not happen overnight. 远程电话通讯不是一夜之间就产生的。 www.xici.net 3. It cost to travel to my destination and back, and the long distance phone calls cost as well. 我旅行去看她再回来,一路上要花钱;打长途电话,同样也是开销。 www.bing.com 4. The long distance thrust system is composed of Ordovician and Silurian and some part of it shows as a klippe. 远距离冲断系统由奥陶系和志留系构成,局部地区表现为飞来峰; www.magsci.org 5. Your opinion though, is rather like the opinion of a long-distance runner who has finally made it past the winning post. 你的感觉很象一个长跑运动员终于跑过了终点。 cckitty.blogcn.com 6. In his writings the same authority believed that Hansenne was the greatest long distance racer of his day. 在他的著作中,他同样权威地认为汉森是他那个时代最伟大的远程信鸽作翔者。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Kind of like a long-distance relationship where your beloved forgets to tell you they've moved on. 这就有点儿像远距离恋爱,你的爱人已经不爱你了,但却忘了告诉你。 www.bing.com 8. We are restricted to remote signaling and, of the long-distance techniques available to our technology, radio is by far the best. 我们只限于运用远距离的通信,在目前我们的技术所能运用的长距离的技术手段中,无线电肯定是最好的。 wiki.jukuu.com 9. It also briefly introduces the current situation and question of long-distance transmission technology. 同时也介绍了远程传输技术的现状和问题。 www.fabiao.net 10. Many Beijingers have been reduced to clustering around the gates to the area and taking long-distance snaps of the stunning venues within. 许多北京人只能聚集在通往公园的大门周围,远远地对着里面引人注目的场馆拍照。 www.ftchinese.com 1. To lose the long-distance migrations performed by some species would be a grievous diminution. 失去由某些物种执行的长距离迁徙活动将是令人痛心的衰退。 www.bing.com 2. Development of the network technology makes it possible to carry out the long-distance education on the basis of the network technology. 网络技术的进步使得基于网络技术的远程教育成为可能。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 3. Reduced dependence on long-distance transportation also reduces the rapidity with which diseases spread and makes it easier to contain them. 对长距离交通依赖的减少同样也会减少疾病传播的速度。 www.postmodernchina.org 4. One of the hardest parts of a long distance relationship is connecting when one person gets busier than the other. 异地恋中最困难的一部分就是,当一个人比另一个人更忙时,你们之间的联系。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. However, Ronaldo also ride to try to teach these players away from for a long distance goal, how to hit the ball accurately beams. 不过,罗纳尔多还饶有兴致地试着教这些小队员们在距球门相当长的距离时,如何将球准确地击中横梁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Some of the threatened areas were near the town of Marathon, from which the long-distance race takes its name. 一些危险地带毗邻马拉松镇,一项长途赛跑正是以它来命名。 www.bing.com 7. This puts you in a sound negotiating position - unless, of course, the boy is maintaining a long-distance relationship of his own. 这样做会让你在谈判中处于很有利的地位——除非那个男孩也维持着一份他自己的远距离关系。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But, there still has been a long distance between the theoretic fundamental research and the practice development. 但是,理论研究与实践发展之间仍然存在着不小的距离。 www.fabiao.net 9. It was the first year that passenger traffic in the United States surpassed rail traffic for long distance passengers. 这是第一年美国长途旅客运输不再局限于轨道交通运输。 www.bing.com 10. I'm trying to connect your long distance call to you, please hold on. 请不要挂线,我正帮您把长途电话转过来。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In this case, steady precipitation may extend over a long distance ahead of the front. 在这种情形下,稳定性降水可在锋前向前延伸很长一段距离。 www.ebigear.com 2. But our kids are growing up in an age when long distance is free on their cell phones. 但我们的孩子则生长在打长途免费的年代。 www.bing.com 3. Doctor: We have to check your long distance vision. Let me also check you for color blindness. 医生:您需要检查一下远视力和色盲。 www.hz-hospital.com 4. Living and working in coastal Georgia for most of my life, I did not have a great deal of long-distance driving experience. 我长这么大,大多生活和工作在沿海的佐治亚州,多少长途驾驶的经验。 www.ttxyy.com 5. and also for a long distance the only road lay right across a quantity of warm, bubbling mire, called by the witch her turf moor. 有好长一段路程需要通过一条冒着热泡的泥地:巫婆把这地方叫做她的泥煤田。 wiki.dioenglish.com 6. Before parting with your partner, you need to have an agreement to trust each other during the long distance period. 在和你的另一半分开前,你们需要达成一致想法:在分别期间彼此要信任对方。 select.yeeyan.org 7. What matters is not the long distance, but a weak mind. 不怕路难,就怕志短。 www.boke-china.com 8. Such a system features accurate positioning of long-distance information, low cost, fast running and simple maintenance. 该系统具有发送信息定位精确,运行速度快,成本低,维护简单等特点。 lib.cqvip.com 9. There might be a flurry of correspondence from abroad after Mercury enters your ninth house of long-distance travel. 在水星进入你的第九宫(远距离旅行)后,可能会有很多从国外,或者远方来的联系信件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Please must make sure pack them strongly for long-distance flight. We really do not want to see the samples arriving broken again. Please. 请务必确保其包装坚固足以应付时间运输。我方不再希望收到损破的样品。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 1. There's no doubt that the modern food economy encourages long distance transport. 毫无疑问,现代的食品经济助长了长途运输。 www.bing.com 2. The hunting dog has evolved a keen sense of smell which allows it to detect the presence of its prey from a long distance. 在漫长进化过程中,猎狗形成了灵敏的嗅觉,使它在很远就能察觉猎物的存在。 bbs.fesco.com.cn 3. Tests with artificial stars have proved that certain night-flying birds are able to follow the stars in their long-distance flights. 有人造星星的试验已经证明,某些鸟类在它们遥远的夜间飞行时能够追随星星。 zhidao.cfzn.org 4. IP phone service will be your first choice if you call quite often, as the cost is only 30% to 50% as much as that of long distance calls. 如果你经常打电话,IP电话服务将是你的第一选择,因为它的花费只有普通长途电话费的30%至50%。 wenwen.soso.com 5. We talked for a little while , and I had to hang up because the long-distance call was too expensive . 我们只说了一会儿话,我就必须挂了,因为长途电话太贵了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. This means that it is vital that you and your partner set rules and parameters to guide your long distance relationship. 这就意味着双方设定些指导你们异地关系的原则是及其重要的。 www.bing.com 7. What's the point of walking such a long distance home? 这么长的路步行回家有什么意思? zhidao.baidu.com 8. My friends and I exclaimed that only some superman could survive such a long distance. 在看台上,我和朋友们不禁感叹到只有那些超人才能跑这么长的距离。 www.docin.com 9. Comparing with the train, long distance bus and ship, sitting in the private car would be luxury for most of us. 与火车,长途汽车,轮船相比,使用私人交通工具履行对大多数人来说是惬意的。 www.dxyer.cn 10. Just finalized the contract involves only the concept of a military vehicle design TX, from the birth of prototypes have a long distance. 刚刚敲定的合同只涉及TX军车的概念设计,离原型车诞生还有较长的距离。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 1. They're easy to mail, so they would work well for long-distance gift-giving, too. 它们便于邮寄,因此它们也方便于长途礼品寄送。 www.elanso.com 2. The API of core carries out a service to transmit, appurtenant manage with cycle management, resource management and long-distance service. 核心的API执行服务传输、从属和周期治理、资源治理以及远程服务治理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In long-distance transportation process with oil pipeline, communication between the control room and on-site needs to be realized. 在石油管道远距离长输过程中,需要实现控制室与现场的通讯。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Through real-time examination CNC machine tool movement many parameters, it has realized the long-distance monitoring using the network. 通过实时检测数控机床运行的多项参数,利用网络实现了远程监控。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. RFID tags in plastic bags worn against the athlete's chest will also be used to provide performance data in long distance track events. 在长距离径赛项目中,运动员胸前塑料袋内也有微型射频装置,提供比赛数据。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The rural long-distance teacher education is known as a application of long-distance education in rural teacher education. 农村远程教师教育是远程教育在农村教师教育中的应用.对于提高农村教师素质有着至关重要的作用。 lib.cqvip.com 7. I made a long-distance call to my wife, asking her to sell our house. 我给妻子打了通长途电话,让她卖掉我们的房子。 www.ebigear.com 8. After a few weeks, she told her father, "Daddy, what I'd really love to do is break the world's long-distance running record for women. " 在几个星期后,她告诉她父亲,“爸爸,我最想要做的事打破女子长距离赛跑纪录。” www.bing.com 9. It may have some voice recognition to do directory for you or the long-distance charges may be cheaper. 它可能有一些声音承认为你做目录,否则长-距离指控可能比较廉宜。 sushe5518.bokee.com 10. This paper describes different hydraulic characteristics of piping of gas gathering station, compared to one of long distance gas pipeline. 本文介绍了天然气集输站场管路与长输干线水力特性的区别。 www.chemyq.com 1. Today, the guy I've been having a long distance relationship with told me he wants to move across the country and be with me. 今天跟我谈了好久远距离恋爱的家伙说想从美国另一端搬来和我一起住。 www.bucter.com 2. During the long distance journey, they encountered many unexpected difficulties. 在长途旅行中,他们遇到许多预想不到的困难。 www.aim99.com 3. Brightly coloured birds and birds that have a long distance migration were some of the organisms most likely to be affected by contaminants. 色彩艳丽的鸟类和长距离迁徙的鸟类是最易受环境污染影响的生物群。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. By tracing experiment, we review the long distance transportation of green pepper with railway mechanically refrigerated car. 通过跟踪试验,考察了青椒采用铁路机械冷藏车进行长途冷藏运输的情况。 www.jukuu.com 5. A rapid means of long-distance transportation became a necessity for the United States as settlement spread ever farther westward. 随着新拓居地不断向西推进,快速长途运输方式这个问题亟待解决。 www.enfang.com 6. thus strengthening the long-distance surveillance and on-site surveillance of hydrological information. 加强了管理人员对水情信息的远程监视和现场监视。 www.juyy.net 7. A long distance try to ask peaceful deny? And remember fondly to send mutually. 千里试问平安否?且把思念遥相寄。 www.ebigear.com 8. Today, my long-distance boyfriend was at my house for a 10-day visit. 今天,我网络上认识的男朋友来我家玩十天。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Therefore, people often talk about looking for long-distance call or not to influence others to walk the roadside location. 因此,人们谈长话时往往寻找路边或者不影响他人行走的地点。 www.7781.org 10. The countermeasure to this problem is to strengthen the teaching of long-distance running skills and broadly spread the knowledge of it. 提出了解决对策:加强技术教学的同时注意长跑运动理论知识的渗入与普及。 lib.cqvip.com 1. Although the long-distance tickets are in short supply, yet the short-distance tickets to Fuyang, Bengbu and Anqing remain adequate supply. 尽管长途票稍显紧张,不过省内短途诸如阜阳、蚌埠、安庆等地还有大量余票。 bbs.hf365.com 2. If you're running regularly and you're training for a long-distance event, proper nutrition is especially critical for your performance. 如果你有规律地跑步,而且你正为了一个长跑项目训练,适当的营养对你的表现非常重要。 www.bing.com 3. to run such a long distance. The pretty girl's reputation was defiled by malicious gossips. 那位美丽姑娘的名誉因为恶毒的流言蜚语而受损 bbs.ebigear.com 4. She made a long-distance call to her mother. 她打长途电话给她妈妈。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. So about a year long distance relationship should be ok. 因此,大约一年的长途关系应该没问题。 www.spiiker.com 6. Increased long-distance livestock transportation facilitates the movement of viruses and arthropods (especially ticks) around the world. 距离增加的家畜长途运输,有利于在全世界范围内病毒与节肢动物(尤其蜱)的移动。 dict.ebigear.com 7. The results show that the system improved the VGA signal attenuation and distortion, achieved high-quality, long-distance transmission. 实验结果表明,该系统有效改善了VGA信号的衰减和失真现象,可保证信号的高质量、长距离传输。 lib.cqvip.com 8. Despite the long distance, peoples of both countries are interested in developing trade, economic, cultural and people-to-people relations. 尽管有着千山万水的阻隔,双方的国民都希望能够发展两国之间的魔力以及经济、文化和国民关系。 www.bing.com 9. The president is doing long-distance lobbying on this Africa trip by urging American taxpayers to encourage Congress to double AIDS funding. 布什总统在他这次非洲之行中进行远程游说,敦促美国纳税人鼓励国会将艾滋病防治资金增加一倍。 www.ebigear.com 10. Wooden box should be used for massive and long-distance handling. Anti-oscillation device should be used during delivery. 对于批量出售和长途运输的电池片,要外加木质箱包装。汽车运输应用较好的减震装置。 www.eleweb.cn 1. The long-distance pipeline end segment storing gas system was researched in this paper as a main enterprise. 主要研究长输管线末段管道储存天然气系统。 www.dictall.com 2. This text briefly introduces the application of the technology on long-distance education as well the implement. 本文简单介绍了视频直播技术在远程教育上的应用以及视频直播的实现方法。 club.tech.sina.com.cn 3. Five years is not long, but it is also a long distance, will happen, what will be, I do not know. 五年,不长,但也是不短的路程,会发生,会遇到什么,我不知道。 www.tradeask.com 4. For its particularity of structure, the heat now limit of separate long distance heat tube has its own features. 分离式长尺热管由于结构的特殊性,其热流极限也有独自的特点。 www.chemyq.com 5. Little Janet is not used to walking such a long distance. 小简妮不习惯走那么长的路。 jspd.ew.com.cn 6. Long-distance truck drivers in particular have been identified as a potential vehicle for the wider dissemination of HIV infection. 长途卡车司机已被确定为艾滋病病毒感染广泛传播的潜在媒介。 www.chain.net.cn 7. That's runner-speak for "hitting the wall, " which is what happens when a long-distance runner runs out of gas, metabolically speaking. 跑马拉松的长跑者说的“撞墙”,指的是长跑运动员耗尽了(新陈代谢的)“汽油”。 www.bing.com 8. Long-distance product exhibit platform is such a tool to exhibit products information via internet. 产品远程展示平台就是一个可以将产品信息通过网络进行远程展示的工具。 www.boshuo.net 9. Since the late 1940s, the state regarded long-distance trade as a speculative, capitalist activity and branded those involved as criminals. 自20世纪年40年代后期起,中国把长途贸易视为一项具有投机性质的资本主义活动,并将与之有关的行为定性为犯罪。 www.bing.com 10. Nothing in life is to begin comedy, not always a tragedy, only those with long distance. 生活中没有从头来过的喜剧,更没有永远悲情的悲剧,只是那些与我有着很远的距离。 www.bing.com 1. In a long distance relationship, interaction over the phone can become dull in the long run. 长期打电话是不是很无聊?尝试一些其他形式的协作吧。 www.ed09.com 2. Make a data transfer system with fast, long distance transit and high precision is of great significance in well-logging. 快速、高精度、远距离的测井数据传输系统的开发对于石油测井环节具有重要的意义。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 3. In the US, more long distance calls are made on Mother's Day than any other day. But on Father's Day, the most collect calls are made. 在美国,每逢母亲节,打长途电话的比例总是比其他日子高,但父亲节则是有最多的「对方付费电话」。 www.yimaneili.net 4. Sound is the only effective information carrier for medium of long distance wireless communication on underwater. 水下通信领域,声波是目前实现中、远距离无线通信唯一有效的信息载体。 51lunwen.net 5. the public toilet does not need long-distance external transmission pipe, and the contamination due to feces discharge is avoided. 这种公厕不需较长距离的外输管线,解决了粪便排放污染的问题。 ip.com 6. Such long distance transmissions coupled with obscuring dark robes kept his identity and location a secret to all of his accomplices. 长距离传输和阴暗的黑袍,使所有他的共犯对他的身分和传输地点毫无所知。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In the light of technology, the writer analyses the economic benefits and accounting of large caliber and long distance water delivery pipe. 针对确定的工艺进行了大口径长距离输水管道经济效益分析与核算。 www.fabiao.net 8. Meanwhile, it also achieves the long-distance communications and remote adjustment and display of parameter. 同时,实现远程通信和各参数的远程调节与显示。 www.boshuo.net 9. If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance. 我若打发他们饿着回家,,他们将会在路上困乏,因为有些人从很远的地方来。 www.ebigear.com 10. Will soul mates Beth and George be able to maintain their long-distance love affair, even while another boy is catching Beth's eye? 将灵魂伴侣贝丝和乔治能够保持他们的长途恋情,甚至在另一个男孩正在迎头赶上贝丝的眼睛? www.ccebook.net 1. But only do this if you need to carry on the next day, like if you're on a tour or a long-distance ride. 但是,只有当隔天骑行长途或长距离时,您才需要这样做。 bbs.running8.com 2. Carrie could feel that she was being borne a long distance off -- that the engine was making an almost through run to some distant city. 嘉莉能感觉到她正被带往很远的一个地方--机车差不多是在直奔某个遥远的城市。 www.bing.com 3. These characteristics for long-distance pipeline robot to complete specific tasks operation is of great practical value. 这些特点对于管道机器人完成长距离特定任务作业具有重要的实用价值。 www.pai-hang-bang.com 4. English is the course that I hate most of the long distance education and I am bad at English. 英语是远程教育中我最不喜欢的课,我英语学得很差。 www.shrhedu.com 5. I no longer have the stamina to work all night. You need stamina to be a long-distance runner. 做长跑运动员,你得有耐力。 wenku.baidu.com 6. It's taken nearly a month, but on the outskirts of the German city of Passau I finally met my first fellow long-distance cyclist. 出发差不多有一个月了,但是一直等我到了德国城市伯绍(Passau)郊外,才第一次遇到了一个长途骑手。 www.bing.com 7. Transmission by ultraviolet fiber is not suitable for long distance considering the great losses and the sensitivity limited of detector. 由于光纤的损耗大,考虑到探测器的灵敏度限制,不宜作长距离传输。 www.jgjs.net.cn 8. Modulation format of signal has become a key technique to enhance the transmission capability of system in the long-distance system. 在超长距离传输时,信号调制格式是可提高系统传输性能的一项关键技术。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Pugh is the only person to have completed a long distance swim in each of the five oceans of the world. 普是全球惟一一位在五大洋中完成长距离游泳的人。 big5.chinabroadcast.cn 10. The long-distance vehicle moved to the new long-distance motor station, hoped that my reply had the help to you. 长途车都搬到新长途汽车站了,希望我的回答对你有所帮助。 www.fenleimama.com 1. Imagine what will happen when the cost of a long distance telephone call becomes as low as the cost of a local call? 想象会发生什么事时,长途电话通话费用变得如低本地电话费用? beijing.newchannel.org 2. When I pick up a receiver, I want to talk to you, but I have nothing to say for the reality between us is in long distance. 当我拿起电话,想和你说话,但是我说不出一句话,因为现实的生活使我们距离遥远。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. The anomalously warm water can exist for a long distance along the equator at least as far west as Canton Island (172oW, 3oS). 异常温暖的海水可沿赤道向西长距离延伸,至少可到坎吨岛(172oW,3oS)。 www.ebigear.com 4. The new optical wires could be used for long-distance temperature sensing device. They could be used in some medical operation. 他们可用于远距离温度感应装置,也能用于某些医学手术中。 www.hbzxr.com 5. As for our relationship, I dunno. . . I just think that the long distance part of it is not working well. . . 至于我们的关系,我不知道……我们在距离问题上似乎处理得不是很好…… wenwen.soso.com 6. Across the oceans is to use ships long-distance transportation form, rely mainly on the traffic volume big large ships. 是使用船舶跨大洋的长途运输形式,主要依靠运量大的大型船舶。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The other embarrassed condition usually happens on the taxi drivers who provide the long distance services. 另一个尴尬的情况发生在提供长途服务的出租车司机身上。 www.dxyer.cn 8. But I have another long distance call on hold. Let me get back to you later. 可是我正在接一个长途电话。 www.veryen.org 9. The system is simple, sensitive, strong to electromagnetic interference, and can realize long-distance detecting. 该系统结构简单,检测灵敏度高,抗电磁干扰能力强,可以实现远程监测。 www.opticsjournal.net 10. Eleven long-distance travel a large number of households is bound to divert Golden Week tourists showings. 大量家庭十一长途出游,势必分流黄金周看房客源。 dictionary.osun.org 1. However, there is no similar large-scale, long-distance water diversion project for reference in southwest hilly region at all. 然而在西南丘陵地区类似这种大规模、长距离的输水工程尚无实例工程项目可供参考。 www.fabiao.net 2. I have referred to the long distance that pastoralists are now migrating with their cattle in search of water. 我提到过牧民带着他们的家禽为了寻找水迁徙到很远的地方。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. The difficulty is most acute for long-distance transmission, but shows up at times even over distances of a few hundred miles. 这一困难对于长距离传输最为严重,不过,即便传输距离只有几百英里,有时也会出问题。 www.bing.com 4. The control system based on CAN BUS can realize the long-distance monitoring and controlling of many artificial diamond press machines. 基于CAN总线的人造金刚石压机分布式监控系统可以实现多台压机的远程监控。 www.dictall.com 5. The last point may be the most significant if you are replicating your database over a long distance for disaster recovery. 如果您远程复制数据进行灾难恢复,最后一点最重要。 www.ibm.com 6. Some long-distance runners use it in training runs and races to help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue. 一些长跑运动员在训练和比赛中使用它来减少肌肉疼痛和疲劳。 www.bing.com 7. Question 12: Are the long distance bus passenger stations in the scope of this design? 长途汽车客运站是否在本次规划设计范围内? club.metrofans.sh.cn 8. The long-distance bus collide with a truck calling three clouds. 一辆长途公共汽车与卡车相撞,造成了三人死亡。 wenwen.soso.com 9. You can save up to 40% on all your long distance faxes by faxing documents over the Internet. 您可以储存高达40%对所有您的长途电话传真,传真文件,随著国际互联网。 word.hcbus.com 10. A long-distance runner decided to prove his stamina by running a marathon without drinking any water during the race. 为了证明他的耐力,某长跑运动员决定在马拉松赛跑中,一滴水也不喝。 www.chinesetodays.org 1. The problem of the water shortage would be solved without long distance water transfer when rate of wastewater reuse reaches about 45%. 西安市污水的回用率应达到45%左右,才能在不依靠远距离调水的情况下基本解决缺水问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. This since skeletal muscle can extract circulating glucose 25% faster than if you were a long distance runner. 这是因为长跑运动员骨骼肌摄取循环中葡萄糖速度可增加25%。 www.idiabetes.com.cn 3. Inherent safety design concept shall be applied to long distance gas pipeline construction in densely populated areas. 敷设于城镇等人口稠密地区的天然气长输管道设计,应采用本质安全的设计思想。 www.cnpc-ngo.com 4. Thus, the long-distance computer positive governing screen operation has realized. 从而实现了对远程计算机的直接控制屏幕的操作。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. This is an alternating operation method for the long distance deoppilant and transportation of dense phase materials. 本发明是一种浓相粉状物料长距离疏通与输送交替作业的方法。 ip.com 6. Official long-distance communications were written in Aramaic, sent across the empire and then translated from Aramaic upon arrival. 长期的官方交流都使用亚拉姆语进行书写,由此发往全国,之后再在到达地从亚拉姆语中翻译过来。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Many European long-distance freight movements also continue to be by more expensive road, rather than more cost-efficient rail. 许多欧洲的远程货运仍然在继续使用比较昂贵的公路,而不是性价比更高的铁路。 www.bing.com 8. A common complaint among long-distance runners, runner's knee feels like a soreness around and sometimes behind the kneecap. 长跑者中一个常见的抱怨,跑步者的膝盖感觉周围酸痛,有时在膝盖骨后面。 www.bing.com 9. That's why you see so many "experts" proclaiming that long distance relationships are a bad idea and don't work. 这就是为什么你会发现很多“专家”宣称异地恋不是好主意,行不通。 www.bing.com 10. as she swims the long distance to England. 游过这段漫长的距离到达英国。 www.kekenet.com 1. Yes, you need a seat or berth reservation for any long-distance journey on an Indian train, you cannot simply turn up and hop on. 当然,在印度长途旅行你必须得预定座位或是铺位,你不可能跑到车站然后飞身上车。 www.bing.com 2. Yet although anyone can place a long-distance call, not everyone knows whom to call, or whom to trust. 但是尽管每个人都可以打长途电话,然而不是每个人都知道电话应该打给谁,或者应该信任谁。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 3. They have cut down the long-distance telephone supplier's access fee which pay to the local company. 他们削减了长途电话供应商向本地电话公司缴纳的使用费。 bbs.kekenet.com 4. Increased long-distance air travel facilitates the movement of infected persons and exotic arthropod vectors around the world. 距离延长的空中旅行对于感染者与外来的节肢动物媒介在全世界的移动创造有利条件。 dict.ebigear.com 5. I after vacation every night food must exercise, sometimes the long-distance race, sometimes skips rope. 我在假期每天晚上饭后要锻炼,有时长跑,有时跳绳。 sports.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Would you mind telling the others that the long distance bus leaves at eight tomorrow morning? 请你告诉其他人长途汽车明天上午八点开车,好吗? www.for68.com 7. As I say, liberate the workforce, that will eliminate. . . Pay-by-productivity will eliminate long distance commuting almost entirely. 就像我说的,解放劳动力,那将会消除…按生产力付薪水将会基本上完全地消除长距离的每天上下班。 www.yappr.cn 8. Sign up for a long-distance bike ride or marathon, and start collecting pledges right away instead of training secretly. 参加一个长途骑自行车或马拉松比赛,马上做出承诺而不是开始秘密的训练。 www.douban.com 9. We have many happy time, many painful time, long distance, much image and guess, one year, there should be have to go. 我们有过许多快乐,许多痛苦,许多距离,许多想象和猜测,一年了,也应该有个行动了。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. These provide long distance links that extend a LAN into a wide area network. 它们提供了远程链接,使局域网延伸到广域网之中去。 cs.jnu.edu.cn:8080 1. in accomplishing ways, the long-distance control model and the short-distance communication model. 根据不同实现方式可分为两类:远程控制模式和近距离通信模式。 www.fabiao.net 2. A few hours, Xi'an on the mobilization of the 268 long-distance bus, eager to return home to the migrant workers send home the road. 短短的几个小时,西安就调集了268辆长途客车,把急切返乡的民工送上了回家的路。 www.ebigear.com 3. For long-distance mosquito, up to 36 meters, and can enhance mosquito lure to attract fluid and the role of alcohol information. 用于远距离诱蚊,可达36米,且能增强蚊虫引诱液和信息醇的吸引作用。 www.cntrades.com 4. followed by the contactor, the main role is to connect and disconnect the circuit can realize long-distance operation. 其次是接触器,主要作用是接通和断开电路,可实现远距离操作。 www.qiyeku.com 5. Long distance, large capacity, high speed is the latest development in the direction of the belt conveyor. 长距离、大运量、高速是带式输送机的最新发展方向。 www.aljxsj.com 6. Were there no transformers to switch the voltage, long-distance transmission of electricity would be impossible? 要是没有变压器来调节电压,远距离输送电力是不可能的。 www.hx41.com 7. The long-distance spread of Erwinia amylovora mainly depend on the transfer of reproductive material and fruit among different areas. 梨火疫病菌的长距离传播主要靠不同地区间繁殖材料和水果的调运完成。 www.fabiao.net 8. PRODUCT SPECIFICATION FOR OPTICAL FIBRE USED IN RAILWAYS NETWORKS FOR TELECOMMUNICATION ON AVERAGE AND LONG DISTANCE. 平均长度和长距离通信铁路网用光缆的产品规范 www.mapeng.net 9. Although the police finally clarified the innocence of athletes and coaches, but for South Korea against long-distance running is obvious. 尽管最后警方澄清了运动员和教练的清白,但对于韩国长跑的打击显而易见。 www.dw188.com 10. Wang is waiting in a Greyhound bus station for a long-distance bus, and needs some help. He approaches the woman sitting next to him. 王在长途汽车站等长途车,他需要帮助,他来到坐在他旁边妇女前。 www.dictall.com 1. At this stage, the company has major long-distance education, English e-learning tools, school supplies and other main business. 现阶段,公司主要有远程教育、英语电子学习工具、学习用品等主营业务。 www.tonke.cn 2. Your host family is not obligated to let you use their telephone for long distance calls. 您的寄宿家庭没有义务让你使用他们的电话的长途电话。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. Short-distance passenger trains would be suspended for more long-distance trains. Hard sleepers would be changed to seats. 为加开更多的长途列车,(铁道部)将暂时取消短途列车,坐席将取代硬卧。 www.ttxyy.com 4. You may even find some common ground. Maybe they like long-distance running as much as you do. 你甚至还能找到你们的一些共同之处——或许他们也像你一样喜欢长跑。 www.hxen.com 5. The player is equally comfortable in a creative or holding midfielder role and has the fire power to trouble keepers from long distance. 这名球员是一位有创造力的防守型中场,有远距离威胁球门的能力。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The system performs well in practice, and can realize on-the-spot, long-distance monitoring and control of radiation sources. 在实际应用过程中有着良好的表现,能够满足日常对放射源的远程、实时监控。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. Compared with the other way, the train remains the most important in the long distance travel. 与别的方式相比,火车在长距离的旅行中仍然是最重要的。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Unlike the grainy, long-distance spy shots that paparazzi regularly take of new models as they whiz around company test tracks. 摄影记者经常用长镜偷拍在公司试车道上疾驶而过的新型车,这种照片颗粒都很粗。 www.tingclass.net 9. We could see some flowers and trees are planted on both sides of the road from the long distance shuttle bus. 在长途汽车上我们可以看到公路的两边栽有一些花草树木。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. People always complain about the long distance transportation as inconvenient, discomfortable with poor service and fixed time. 很多人抱怨公共的长途旅行工具不方便,不舒服,态度差,时间固定。 www.dxyer.cn 1. The Indians travelling on board, who are well-off enough for a long-distance train fare but not rich enough to fly, are full of hope. 坐火车的印度乘客虽富不足以买机票旅行,却完全对付得起一趟长途火车,他们对未来信心十足。 www.ecocn.org 2. E-mail is great so make sure you use it, especially if long-distance phone calls put a strain on your budget. 电子邮件是非常好的所以你一定要用它,特别是长途电话费对你来说比较昂贵的话。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Much of the work of modern air-defence involves long-distance missile shots rather than acrobatic dog-fights. 现代防空工作的大部分都涉及到远程导弹的射击,而不是展现特技的拼命打击。 www.ecocn.org 4. There are no rules defined for this calling card. To create a rule, select the Long Distance, International, or Local Calls tab. 这个电话卡没有定义规则。要创建一个规则,请选择长途、国际或本地呼叫选项卡。 www.dictall.com 5. Information technology needs to be used to develop long-distance education. 利用信息技术发展远程教育。 hongbinlaoshi.blog.163.com 6. It is also possible that romance with a long-distance client or vendor from another culture is causing trouble for you at work. 还有的可能是,和一个文化背景不同的人的长距离恋爱也会为你的工作带来麻烦。 www.douban.com 7. high-power explosion-proof resistor is applied on braking of under-mine accumulator locomotive working with a long distance and big slope. 在长距离大坡度条件下的井下蓄电池机车制动时需要大容量隔爆电阻器。 www.juyy.net 8. From his post at Dongguan Eastern Long-Distance Bus Station, Xie Shaoning is witness to the world's greatest annual human migration. 东莞长途汽车东站负责人谢少宁(XieShaoning音译)正亲历世界上一年一度最壮观的人类迁徙。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Has the long-distance range manually controlled box, the start, stops, reversing and the rotation eed may the remote control. 配有远距离手控盒,启动、停止、正反转和转动速度均可远距离控制。 product.ch.gongchang.com 10. So Yiting was assigned character-building tasks such as long-distance swims and holding an ice cube until her hand turned purple. 所以为了塑造亦婷的性格设定了任务,例如经常进行长距离的游泳和用手握着冰块直到手变紫。 club.topsage.com 1. Undertake vehicle, LTL distribution. Long-distance move, import and export LCL cargo into the cargo delivery. Warehousing. Distribution. 承接整车、零担配送。长途搬家及进出口拼箱货物的提货入货。仓储。配送。 qingdao.qite8.com 2. To increase the radar detection range, pulse compression is commonly adopted as a mature technology in modern long-distance guard radar. 为了增大雷达的作用距离,脉冲压缩是现代中远程警戒雷达通常采用的一项成熟技术。 www.fabiao.net 3. Hydrocarbons through the unconformity belts can migrate in a long distance and formed stratigraphic reservoirs. 不整合面作为运移通道往往可使油气长距离运移形成各种地层油气藏。 www.magsci.org 4. Additional courses in Pre-school Education from Adult and Continuing Training, Long Distance Training, Self-Taught Test, may be required. 如有必要申请人需要通过成人教育、远程教育、自学考试的方式选修一些学前教育的课程。 dict.bioon.com 5. Perhaps long-distance commuters tend to be poorer or less educated, both conditions that make divorce more common. 或许,长途通勤者更倾向于贫穷或受教育程度低,两种情况下离婚都更为普遍。 www.bing.com 6. I most love the person, your body is so weak, how can the long distance travel? 我最喜欢的人,你的身体是如此之弱,怎么可以长途旅行吗? translate.google.cn 7. Both Guldner and Stafford see greater conflict avoidance in long-distance relationships and a tendency to idealize a faraway partner. 高勒和斯塔福都认为异地恋爱可以回避更多矛盾,更趋向于把另一半理想化。 www.bing.com 8. Far away, out of the state or country Can I use your phone to make a long distance call? 我能用你的电话打个长途吗? abe0451.blogchina.com 9. You can continue to forge ahead if you make a few long distance calls pertinent to closing pending deals. 交易快要达成时,如果你可能打些长途电话,你会顺利完成交易的。 www.hjenglish.com 10. You can persist to forge ahead if you make a few long distance phones pertinent to closing pending deals. 如果能打一些新的长途电话来结束未解决的事情就仍然能获得进步。 blog.zol.com.cn 1. Josep Valls, of the ESADE business school, predicts that trains will carry most long-distance travellers within two years. 西班牙伊萨德商学院(ESADE)的JosepValls预测火车将在两年内承担大多数长途旅行者的运送。 www.ecocn.org 2. Long distance relationships are not for the faint of heart. They can be very trying - but so can proximal relationships. 一颗脆弱的心不适合异地恋。它们可能非常令人烦恼-近距离的爱情也会这样。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The long-distance race competition started quickly, I also registered. 长跑比赛快开始了,我也报名了。 www.qxuetang.com 4. The retirement of the Shuttle was supposed to free up money for a new family of long-distance, heavy-lift rockets. 航天飞机的退役应该是为新的长距离重载火箭家族腾出资金。 www.bing.com 5. These above are my expectations of the long-distance education. 以上这些是我对远程教育的期望。 hi.baidu.com 6. The amount of time you put aside for training depends highly on your experience in long- distance running. 你准备用来训练的时间长短主要取决于你的长跑经验。 www.24en.com 7. In the construction of long-distance oil and gas pipelines, the cost of steel pipe nearly covers 50% of the equipment and material cost. 在长距离输送油气管道工程中,钢管费用约占工程设备材料费的50%以上,因此合理地选用钢管材质等级十分重要。 www.chemyq.com 8. Josep Valls, of the ESADE business school, predicts that trains will carry most long-distance travelers within two years. 来自ESADE商学院的JosepValls预计,在2年内,火车将成为人们远途旅行的首选交通工具。 www.ecocn.org 9. Mr. Thomas is making a long-distance call. Please wait for a few minutes. 托马斯先生正在将长途电话。请稍等几分钟。 talk.oralpractice.com 10. customers, Alexandera Christina, Princess of Denmarkarrived in Shanghai for her visit after the 11-hour long-distance journey. 作为首批旅客,丹麦王妃亚历山德拉·克里斯蒂娜,经历了11个小时的长途飞行,抵达上海访问。 www.showxiu.com |
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