单词 | base oil |
释义 | 例句释义: 原油,基础油,底油,基油 1. The base oil viscosity also governs the maximum recommended speed at which a given grease can be used for bearing lubrication. 基油粘度还决定油脂可用于轴承润滑时的最高建议速度。 www.skf.com 2. A lubricating grease is a firm to semi-fluid product obtained by the dispersion of 2 to 15% of a thickening agent into a lube base oil. 润滑脂是一种在基础油中加入2-15%稠化剂的硬至半流体的产品。 wenku.baidu.com 3. The depressurizing tower is provided with a side line, and the lube base oil can be pumped from the side line. 减压塔设侧线抽出润滑油基础油,减压塔塔底抽出重质润滑油基础油。 ip.com 4. The "base" of a crude oil is decorative of its main constituents. A paraffin-base oil contains predominately paraffinic hydrocarbons. 原油的“基类”是描述其主要组成的,石蜡基油主要含石蜡质烃; www.infopetro.com.cn 5. Group II: A Group I base oil bombarded with more hydrogens to take more impurities out of it. 第二组:A第一类基础油的轰炸更氢采取更多的杂质了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. made of high viscosity index and deeply refining base oil, importcomposited agent, and the ceramic composite of lubrication factor. 用深度精制高粘度指数基础油和进口复合剂,复合陶瓷化润滑因子调制而成。 www.imediaconnection.com.cn 7. Thus refined base oil has its petroleum acid eliminated, obviously lowered neutralization value and unaffected other performance. 其中石油酸已被脱除,中和值明显降低,而且并不影响油品其它性能。 ip.com 8. and for the base oil hydrogenation process, the problem is mainly the operation under capacity. 对于基础油加氢工艺,主要是装置开工率不足。 www.dictall.com 9. Again, good base oil composition including viscosity improvers (polymers) are responsible for good ring sealing properties. 再次,良好的基础油组成,包括粘度改良剂(聚合物)负责环密封性能良好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The quality of base oil can be improved effectively when traditional technology combines with hydrotreatment technology. 传统工艺与加氢处理相结合可有效提高基础油的品质,生产高档重质基础油。 lib.cqvip.com 1. An oil for dust adsorption that includes a base oil (A), a nonionic surfactant (B), and an allergen inactivation component (C). 本发明公开一种含有基油(A)、非离子表面活性剂(B)及过敏原失活化成分(C)的灰尘吸附用油剂。 ip.com 2. To examine their depressive effect, these PPDs were used in hydrogenation base oil and paraffin base oil. 将所合成的降凝剂应用于加氢基础油和石蜡基基础油中,考察其降凝效果。 www.fabiao.net 3. The invention provides a diesel car lubricating oil compound, comprising lubricating oil base oil, and triazine compound. 一种柴油车润滑油组合物,所述组合物含有润滑油基础油,其中,该组合物还含有三嗪化合物。 ip.com 4. the pot to do a little base oil (preferably lard), 5 nowadays into the chicken into the hot fire stir chicken fat. 锅中做少许底油(最好是猪油),5成热时下入鸡块大火煸出鸡油。 baike.baidu.com 5. Oil and Lubricants, Valves, Pipes and Pipe Fittings, Base Oil Naphthalene , Valves, Pipes Fittings Oil and Lubricants. 采购产品油和润滑物,阀门,管和管配件,装阀门,管配件,油和润滑物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Also a clean base oil has better solvency for additives and can hold on to dirt particles for suspension better. 还一个干净的基础油具有较好的偿债能力的添加剂和可容纳上污垢粒子暂停更好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Used engine oil after two flocculation and adsorption bleaching the regeneration lube oil which can be used as base oil. 废发动机油经过两次絮凝和吸附脱色后再生出的油可以作为调合润滑油的基础油。 www.fabiao.net 8. This paper analyzes the bad changes of oil quality and the hazards caused to the environment in the transportation to lube base oil. 分析了润滑油基础油在储运过程中,油品质量可能产生的不良变化和对周围环境造成的危害。 www.dictall.com 9. Technologies to accomplish pour point reduction in base oil manufacture have been available for many years. 多年来,业者应用流动点降低的技术以制得担配润滑油的基础油; www.ceps.com.tw 10. For sensitive skin it is better to dilute the oil in a base oil first, like sweet almond, apricot or peach kernel. 对于敏感皮肤是最好的基础油稀油首一样甜杏仁、杏或桃仁。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Rose essential oil can be added bitter orange blossom oil, base oil with the distribution of red blood conditioning is very good. 可以用玫瑰精油加苦橙花精油,用基础油分配,对红血丝调理是很好的。 99mrw.5d6d.com 2. It starts with good clean base oil. ? The base oil must have very low residue content or be free of residue. 这始于良好的清洁基础油。?的基础油必须有非常高残留内容或无残留。 www.xcar.com.cn 3. Trade business mainly covers petrochemical products include base oil, fuel oil, gas and diesel etc. 国际贸易主要从事石油化工产品的进出口和销售包括基础油,燃料油,润滑油和成品油等。 hr.wtojob.com 4. China's base oil demand is also uncertain, even though the high production season for lubricants is expected to start next month. 中国市场的基础油需求也不明确,虽然润滑油高产量季节预计下个月将要展开。 www.168tex.com 5. The invention also relates to diester preparation and the use thereof as base oil of lubricating oil. 本发明还涉及由此制备的二元酸酯制剂及其用作润滑油基础油的用途。 ip.com 6. The results showed that the additive could evidently improve the biodegradability of HVI350 mineral base oil. 结果表明,该添加剂能够明显改善润滑油的生物降解性能。 epub.cnki.net 7. Is a professional production and sales of white oil, solvent oil, base oil manufacturers. 是一家专业生产销售白油、溶剂油、基础油的厂家。 yueda86.b2b.maoyiba.com 8. No. 1 standard oil for rubber test was formulated by lube base oil from a deep-refining paraffinic crude blended with vacuum side streams. 以深度精制的石蜡基润滑油的基础油与减压侧线馏分调合研制了橡胶试验用1号标准油。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Base oil, thickener and additive have effect on the property of polyurea Lubricating grease. 探讨了基础油、稠化剂、添加剂对聚脲润滑脂性能的影响。 dict.kekenet.com 10. With the high wax-bearing oil as feedstock, the UHVI lube base oil can be obtained through hydroisomerizing process. 以高含蜡油为原料,采用加氢异构法生产UHVI润滑油基础油。 www.chemyq.com 1. The modified ZSM-5 zeolite used as catalyst of catalytic pyrolysis process of hydrocracking tail oil to produce lube base oil. 以改性ZSM-5分子筛作为催化剂,对加氢尾油催化裂解脱蜡生产润滑油基础油。 stae.com.cn 2. the middle of the range between the base oil. 中间基石油介于二者之间。 blog.163.com 3. The results show by sedimentation that modified nano-particles can be stablely dispersed in 32# base oil for a long time. 通过沉降法测试结果可知,改性纳米粒子能长时间稳定地分散在32#基础油中; lib.swpu.edu.cn 4. For grease lubrication the viscosity of the base oil in the grease may be used. 油脂润滑时,可使用油脂中的基油粘度。 www.skf.com 5. This technology is suitable for light, medium base oil and heavy base oil. 该工艺不仅适用于轻、中质基础油,而且也适用于重质基础油的加工。 www.boshuo.net 6. A multigrade automotive gear lubricant comprising a base oil having a traction coefficient less than 0. 021. 多等级的机动车齿轮润滑剂,它包括牵引系数小于0.021的基油。 ip.com 7. Through this method, the base oil yield is over 45 %, and viscosity index is 100. It contains low sulfur, low nitrogen and low aromatics . 用此种方法所得到的基础油收率在45%以上,粘度指数100,含硫、氮、芳烃等杂质较少,降凝效果较好,有良好的工业应用前景。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. In the process of lube base oil denitrification, there are various denitrifiers with different denitrogenation mechanism now. 目前,在润滑油基础油脱氮工艺方面,有各类不同脱氮机理的脱氮剂。 www.dictall.com 9. Stay in base oil, stir into the sponge. 留底油,入丝瓜翻炒。 baike.baidu.com 10. The anti-coagulating mechanism of mineral oil can not explain the flowing ability of biodegradable lubrication base oil at low temperature. 传统矿物润滑油降凝机理不能很好地解释可生物降解润滑油的低温流动性能。 www.dictall.com 1. We want to buy Base Oils, Crude Oil, Bitumen, Fertilizer, Urea, Bitumen, Paraffin, Base Oil, Crude Oil Base Oils, Urea, Bitumen, Paraffin. 我们要采购以油,原油,柏油,肥料,尿素,柏油,石蜡,原油,以原油为基础的油,尿素,柏油,石蜡。 easytrade.com 2. We want to buy Lubricant, Grease, Base Oil, Engine Oil, Industrialoil, Petrochemical, Solvent, Refineries Chemical Supplies. 我们要采购润滑油,润滑脂,润滑油基础油,发动机油,工业油,石化,溶剂,炼油厂和化学用品。 easytrade.com 3. In aromatherapy texts, you'll often see the term, "Carrier oil" or "Base oil" this is the diluter. 在有关芳疗的文章中经常出现“媒介油”或“基底油”,这个专业术语说的就是稀释剂。 bbs.tingroom.com 4. knows how to use each base oil above to oil formulating. 一个好的配方知道如何使用上述每个基础油石油制定。 www.showxiu.com 5. We want to buy Chemicals, Petroleum Producs, Base Oil, Rpo, Bitumen Petroleum Products. 我们要采购化学药品,石油产品,基础油。 www.easytrade.com 6. We want to buy Scrap, Base Oil and Motor Oil, Grease Oil, Break Fluid Base Oils. 我们要采购废料,基础油和电动机润滑油,润滑脂油,液体原油。 easytrade.com 7. We want to buy Base Oil, Diesel, Gasoline. 我们要采购原油,柴油,汽油。 easytrade.com 8. Study of Rapid Analysis of Hydrocarbon Group-types in Lubricant Base Oil by High Performance Liquid Chromatography 高效液相色谱法快速测定润滑油基础油化学族组成的研究 ilib.com.cn 9. In the current lubricant base oil in the market is divided into five levels: 60 years of solvent refined mineral oil; 在目前润滑油的市场内基础油共分为五个等级:有60年代的溶剂精制矿物油; www.tonke.cn 10. Study on the Thermal Oxidation Stability of Hydrogen Base Oil and Its Receptivity on Oxidation Inhibitor 加氢基础油热氧化安定性及对抗氧剂感受性的研究 service.ilib.cn 1. The Tribological and Biodegradable Characteristic of the Light Sulfurized Castor Oil as Base Oil 轻度硫化植物油的摩擦学特性和生物降解性 ilib.cn 2. The Effective Technique to Get High Quality All- purpose Internal - combustion Engine Oil from Narrow Fractions in Petroleum Base Oil 用窄馏分石油基础油获得高质量通用内燃机油 ilib.cn 3. Hydro-catalytic Dewaxing Technique Applied for the Production of Base Oil of the Lubricant 加氢脱蜡催化技术在润滑油基础油生产中的应用 ilib.cn 4. Application of High Pressure Hydrogen Entrainment Base Oil in Rolling of Copper and Its Alloy 高压加氢基础油在铜及铜合金轧制中的使用 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on activity stability of catalytic cracking catalyst for producing lube base oil from hydrocracking bottoms 加氢尾油催化裂解生产润滑油基础油催化剂活性稳定性研究 6. Influence of Transformer Oil and Base Oil Composition and Additive Prescription on Pulse Flashover Voltage 变压器油基础油组成、添加剂配方对脉冲击穿电压的影响 ilib.cn 7. Study on the Knowledge Representation in the Expert System on the Selection of the Base Oil and Additives 基础油与添加剂优选专家系统的知识表示方法研究 ilib.cn 8. Study of Blending Compressor Oil from Naphthenic Base Oil 以环烷基油调合压缩机油的研究 ilib.cn 9. Developing Hydrogenation Technology for Premium Lube Base Oil Production 发展加氢工艺技术优产润滑油基础油 ilib.cn 10. Discussing and Analyzing of Jet Combustion in the Gas Burning Heating Furnace for Base Oil Transportation 燃气原油输运加热炉射流燃烧分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Application of light stabilizers in hydro-treating lube base oil 光稳定剂在加氢裂化润滑油基础油中的应用研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Application of Middle-pressure Water Technology in Liuzhou Highway Asphalt-base Oil Depot 中压水加热技术在郴州公路沥青油场中的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Tribological and Antioxidant Properties of Base Oil of Hydrofining and Iso-dewaxing 加氢精制和异构脱蜡基础油的摩擦学性能和抗氧化性能比较 ilib.cn 4. Improve the performance of the vacuum pump oil with hydro-upgrading lube base oil 加氢处理润滑油基础油对真空泵油性能的改进 www.ilib.cn 5. Application of Nanofiltration-Membrane Separation Technology in the Process of Lube Base Oil Production 纳滤膜分离技术在润滑油基础油生产过程的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Preparation of Plasticizer for Polystyrene Using Hydroisomerization Dewax Base Oil 用加氢异构脱蜡基础油研制聚苯乙烯专用增塑剂 www.ilib.cn 7. Solvent-Free Synthesis of Pentaerythritol Fatty Acid Ester as Lubricant Base Oil 无溶剂条件下合成润滑剂基础油脂肪酸季戊四醇酯 www.ilib.cn 8. Study on Low Temperature Properties of Bio-degradable Base Oil in Automobile Engine 可生物降解润滑油基础油低温性能研究 ilib.cn 9. The Effect of the Processing Flow Sequence on the Production of Paraffin Wax and Lubricant Base Oil 加工流程次序对石蜡和基础油生产过程的影响 service.ilib.cn 10. Supply, Demand and Forecast of Lubricating Base Oil at Home and Abroad 国内外润滑油基础油市场供求情况及需求预测 1. Antioxidant and antiwear property of additives in vegetable base oil 添加剂在植物基基础油中的抗氧抗磨性 www.ilib.cn 2. Forecasting method of base oil and its application 基础油的预测方法及应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Results show that high viscosity base oil is preferred for preparing the grease; 结果表明:复合锂基润滑脂的制备宜采用黏度较大的基础油; www.sylzyhg.com 4. Formulation of Citroen Car's Upgrading Engine Oil with Hydrogenated Base Oil 用加氢基础油研制富康轿车升级换代油 ilib.cn 5. Aluminum base oil-impregnated sintered bearing 烧结铝基含油轴承 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Application of reducing neutralization value in base oil 降低基础油中和值的工业实践 www.ilib.cn 7. The Solvent Selection of Lubricating Base Oil Complex De-nitrogen 润滑油基础油络合脱氮的溶剂选择 ilib.cn 8. Research progress in light stabilizer for hydro-treated lube base oil 加氢处理润滑油基础油光稳定剂的研究进展 service.ilib.cn 9. Possible Hazards and Measures in the Transportation Lube Base Oil 润滑油基础油在储运过程中可能产生的危害和对策 www.ilib.cn 10. The New Advance On Production Technology Of Lubricating Base Oil 润滑油基础油生产技术的新进展 www.ilib.cn 1. Formulation of High Quality PCMO With Hydrogenated Base Oil 用加氢油研制高档轿车汽油机油 www.ilib.cn 2. Anti-oxidation behavior of biodegradable lube base oil 可生物降解汽油机油基础油抗氧化性能试验 ilib.cn 3. Study on Oxidation Stability of Biodegradable Base Oil 可生物降解润滑油基础油抗氧化安定性的研究 ilib.cn 4. Application of Naphthenic Base Oil to Transformer 环烷基油在变压器中的应用 service.ilib.cn 5. The contrast of processing and the analysis of technical economic to lube base oil 基础油加工工艺对比及技术经济性分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Study on the Hydrogenation Combined Process of the Lube Base Oil 润滑油基础油加氢联合工艺研究 ilib.cn 7. Industrial Test Of Lube Base Oil Production With Sandi Light Crude Oil 沙特轻质原油生产润滑油基础油的工业试验 www.ilib.cn 8. A review on catalysts and mechanism of hydroisomerization for producing lube base oil 润滑油基础油加氢异构脱蜡研究进展 ilib.cn 9. Analysis of the Fluctuations in the Base Oil Price 基础油价格波动原因分析 ilib.cn 10. Rapeseed oil as base oil of gasoline engine lubrication oil 基于菜籽油的汽油机油基础油 www.ilib.cn 1. Overview on China's Import of Lubricating Base Oil in Recent Years 近年我国基础油进口概况 www.ilib.cn 2. The Effect of Base Oil Component on Antiwear Properties of Lubricating Grease 基础油组成对润滑脂抗磨性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 3. Methods of improve oxidation stability of base oil 提高润滑油基础油氧化安定性的方法 ilib.cn 4. Base oil and additives for modern gasoline engine lube 现代汽油机油基础油和添加剂 service.ilib.cn 5. Advancement in Lubricating Base Oil 世界润滑油基础油的发展动态 ilib.cn 6. Methods to Improve Base Oil Quality of Lubricate Oil 提高润滑油基础油质量方法的探讨 ilib.cn 7. Hydroprocessing Technology on Base Oil of Lube Oil 润滑油基础油加氢处理技术 ilib.cn 8. Skin Care Base - Oil Control 妆前护肤打底霜-控油 www.xici.net 9. The Development of the Study of Lube Base Oil by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 润滑油基础油结构的核磁共振研究进展 ilib.cn 10. The Prospects for Lube Base Oil Specifications in China 中国润滑油基础油规格展望 ilib.cn |
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