单词 | logging |
释义 |
例句释义: 伐木作业,日志,记录,登录 1. A year ago, workers on oDesk were logging less than half of that, about 400, 000 hours per month. 一年前,oDesk的用户登录时间仅有现在的一半即每月大约40万小时。 www.bing.com 2. You can now enable Notes client logging of status bar messages to the local log file (Log. nsf) or to an external file that you designate. 您可以将Notes客户机状态条消息设置为记录到本地日志文件(Log.nsf)或者您指定的外部文件。 www.ibm.com 3. Audit logging is usually used in security-sensitive environments where changes made to the portal's run time configuration are recorded. 审计日志通常在安全敏感的环境中使用,其中记录对门户运行时配置的更改。 www.ibm.com 4. With archival logging, it is possible to take an online database backup during which database activity continues to be logged. 利用归档日志记录,就可能采取联机数据库备份,在执行这一操作期间,会继续记录数据库活动。 www.ibm.com 5. Hello, everyone, glad to be here to share with you for one year to the understanding and feelings of well logging. 大家好,很高兴站在这里能与大家分享一下工作一年来对测井的理解和感触。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 6. Invalid combination of events specified for audit logging. You may be trying to set and unset logging for the same event. 指定作审计纪录的事件组合无效。你可以试图设置和复位相同事件的日志纪录。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 7. Transaction logging appeared to have a small but significant effect on overall performance and for the two major transaction types. 事务日志对总体性能和两个主要事务类型的影响比较小但非常重要。 www.ibm.com 8. Even if you've done time logging before, it's a good idea to return to it every few months, at least once a year. 即使你以前这样做过,最近几个月去重做也是一个不错的主意,至少一次一年。 www.bing.com 9. Dr. Webb says most communities value the local forests, but illegal logging is often their only way to earn money to pay for health care. 韦伯医生表示,多数居民珍惜当地的森林,但非法采伐通常是他们赚取医疗费用的唯一途径。 www.ebigear.com 10. It cannot be isolated or encapsulated in one or two specific classes; the logging involves changes in many places across the system. 它不可能通过一两个特定的类被隔离或封装起来;日志包含横跨整个系统的许多位置的改变。 www.ibm.com 1. Due to the synchronous nature of the logging client, the business application needs to fail in case the logging application fails. 由于日志客户端的同步特性,如果日志应用程序运行失败则业务应用程序同样也会失败。 www.ibm.com 2. If an event or service call needs to be logged, create a logging task at the beginning and end of each service where logging is required. 如果某个事件或服务需要被记录,可以在每个服务需要记录的起始和结束处创建一个日志任务。 www.ibm.com 3. The primary purpose of a logging level is to help you filter useful information out of the noise. 日志级别的主要目标是帮助您过滤有用信息中的噪声。 www.ibm.com 4. Try logging out of chat programs for an hour or two each morning to help you focus. 每天早上退出聊天工具1到2个小时会有助于提高你的集中力。 www.bing.com 5. The second part is the logging stored procedures that are used from within the body of SQL-PL or any other external stored procedures. 第二个部分是日志存储过程,可以在SQL-PL或任何其他外部存储过程中使用。 www.ibm.com 6. The experience of logging into one of the registered nodes is very similar to that of logging into a base server console. 登录到某个已注册节点的过程与登录到基本服务器控制台的过程非常相似。 www.ibm.com 7. Try logging your time spent on media for one day, without actually cutting back. Add it up in a spreadsheet at the end of the day. 尝试记录你一天实际花费在媒体上的时间,并且在每天结束的时候做一份电子表格。 www.bing.com 8. This method was simple, convenient and easy to calculate, the level of submerged oil layer could be identified with the logging curves. 该方法简单方便,计算量小,根据测井曲线即可判别出油层水淹级别。 www.chemyq.com 9. As we waited, a truck came out of the reserve piled high with bamboo, in contravention of a court ban on logging. 等待时,一辆满载竹子的大货车驶出了保护区,而当地法院早就禁止在保护区内砍伐树木。 gb.cri.cn 10. If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it's time for you to pick an industrial-strength logging API and start using it. 如果以上的问题的答案都是Yes,到了你该选择一个工业级和强大的日志API和使用它的时候了! corallizi.blog.163.com 1. The analog of logging in would be identifying yourself to a guard as you were admitted to the bank. 与登录类似的是在被允许进入银行之前向警卫表明身份。 www-128.ibm.com 2. To see whichentries are affected, event logging for the offline address list generator must be set to at least medium. 要查看影响了哪些条目,必须至少将脱机地址列表生成器的事件日志记录设置为“中级”。 www.microsoft.com 3. As he did, he remembered his boot prints, how they led right down the logging road from his house. 当做这些的时候,他想起了他的脚印,以及他们如何顺着脚印从伐木路一直找到他家。 www.bing.com 4. You might be trying to find out where a particular application is logging data to, or you might be tracking down a problem. 您可能想尝试找出某个特定应用程序将日志数据记录到何处,或者正在跟踪某个问题。 www.ibm.com 5. In the case of reliable logging, the logging client needs to be an integral part of the business application. 对于可靠日志来说,日志客户端将是一个业务应用程序的主要组成部分。 www.ibm.com 6. It was thought to need humid caves, and conservationists feared it had been wiped out as the forests dried out after extensive logging. 它被认为需要在潮湿的洞穴里才能生存,由于人们的过度采伐,森林逐渐沙漠化,因此生态环境保护者们担心它已经彻底消失了。 www.bing.com 7. When logging is turned off entirely or for a set of priorities, the cost of a log request is a method invocation plus an integer comparison. 当完全关闭日志记录或者对于一组优先级关闭了日志记录时,日志请求的开销就是方法调用加上整数比较。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Eventually selective logging would be the norm for an enormous lumber industry, at least throughout the eastern half of the U. S. 最终,选择性砍伐会成为木材业的常态,至少在美国东部是如此。 www.bing.com 9. Application development teams tend to build performance timing measurements into their applications via some sort of logging mechanism. 应用程序开发小组倾向于通过某种记录机制把性能时间开销测量构建到他们的应用程序中。 www.ibm.com 10. This leads us back to the point of making your logging concise and logging enough information to trace the call through the system. 这又将我们带回这个点:保持日志简洁,记录足够信息以跟踪调用通过系统。 www.ibm.com 1. If you need isolation for your log manager, java. util. logging would not be suitable due to architectural limitations. 如果您的日志管理程序需要隔离性,那么由于架构的限制,java.util.logging可能不适合您的要求。 www.ibm.com 2. You could create a custom logging file and write log messages to it, but why not use the tools that have already been provided for you? 您可以创建自定义日志记录文件并向其中写入日志消息,但是为什么不使用已经提供给您的工具呢? www.ibm.com 3. Now, he said, logging has poisoned the rivers snaking through the heart of Riau, and he is lucky to find enough shrimp to earn $5 a month. 而现在,伐木业已经污染了蜿蜒流过廖内中心的所有河流,他现在每个月得靠运气才能勉强捕到价值五美元的河虾。 www.bing.com 4. Finally , the system could not support the number of threads running in the logging service as a result of the rate of message arrival . 最后,由于消息到达的速度太快,系统无法支持登录服务中运行的线程数量。 www.bing.com 5. A week before she tried to hang herself, her family found the sites that she had been logging on to on the computer. 在她上吊的前一周,家人发现她在电脑登陆这样的网站。 www.bing.com 6. Class is a useful tool for logging simulation measures , but you could record events by any other technique you wished also . 类对记录模拟措施是个有用的工具,但您也可以通过您想使用的其它任何技术来记录事件。 www.bing.com 7. After earning a bachelor's degree -- and logging a few years on the job -- you're ready to move up, to take on new challenges, and to grow. 后入学士学位-并记录在工作数年-你已准备好起来,迎接新的挑战,以及发展。 www.master-abroad.cn 8. The ability to customize logging like this provides a great deal of flexibility and control over the Linux environment. 像这种定制日志的能力为Linux环境提供了极大的灵活性与可控制性。 www.ibm.com 9. Some of the mediation module primitives (like the logging primitive) require some additional resources to be set up as well. 一些中介模块基元(如日志记录基元)要求也设置一些额外的资源。 www.ibm.com 10. And yet, some people insist on logging in as root all the time, even if they're not doing anything that requires all of this power. 仍然有一些用户坚持以root用户登录系统,即使他们所执行的操作并不需要用到其中所有的权限。 www.ibm.com 1. He figured the driveway was an old logging road and that no one lived down there. 他认为车道是过去运送圆木用的,没人住在前面。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The other kind of logging, called business-critical, influences other parts of the system in a business-relevant sense. 另外一种日志称为关键业务日志。它将影响到应用程序中与业务相关的其它部分。 www.ibm.com 3. However , if the database is damaged or lost when bulk logging is in effect, you cannot recover the database to the point of failure . 不过,如果在大容量日志记录执行时数据库损坏或丢失,则无法将数据库恢复到故障点。 www.bing.com 4. Tcsh provides the built-in shell variable watch, which makes it easy to view who is logging in and out of the system. tcsh提供了内置shell变量watch,可以通过它查看正在使用系统的用户。 www.ibm.com 5. For each logging call, we need to determine whether or not the message is to be sent to the log file. 对于每个日志调用,都需要确定这条消息是否将发送到日志文件中。 www.ibm.com 6. You can do this by clicking the Login link at the bottom of the navigation bar and logging in as user Admin with a password of Admin. 这可以通过单击导航条底部的“Login”链接并以Admin用户身份用Admin密码登录来完成。 www.cnblogs.com 7. Check it out by logging into OUTPERSONALS, then going to the Adult Location Directory section on your home page. 通过登录到outpersonals检查出来,然后去您的首页成人节目录。 wenwen.soso.com 8. The team decided this practice was the appropriate logging idiom and went about changing the existing code to reflect the new practice . 这个小组认定这是一种恰当的日志做法,并对现有的代码加以改变以体现新的做法。 www.bing.com 9. So, logging statements should generally be wrapped in a code guard to see if the application is running at some specific logging level. 因此,登陆信息一般应被包裹在一个代码包裹中来看是否应用程序运行于某些特定的记录层次。 www.proz.com 10. Flexible by nature, mediations can transform and route messages, or simply be used for logging purposes, as shown in this article. 由于本来就具有灵活性,所以中介可以转换和路由消息,或者仅用于日志记录目的,正如本文所述。 www.ibm.com 1. Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix this problem. 可以试试以某个安全模式会话登录,以便查看是否可以解决此问题。 translations.launchpad.net 2. Since separate logger objects are created for each class, you'll be able to turn logging on or off for individual components as needed. 因为日志记录器对象是为每个类单独创建的,所以如果需要的话您可以为单个组件打开或关闭日志记录。 www.ibm.com 3. Therefore, for security reasons, we recommend that you do not select the check box and that you always enter your password when logging on. 因此,出于安全考虑,建议您不选中此复选框,并且登录时始终输入密码。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 4. For our testing, we will use a logging mediation to see that the message gets delivered to the destination. 对于我们的测试,我们将使用记录中介查看消息是否已传递到目的地。 www.ibm.com 5. Reporting Services does not provide a way to turn off application event logging for a report server or control which events are logged. 在ReportingServices,无法关闭报表服务器的应用程序事件记录,也无法控制要记录哪些事件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. People were logging in and feeling so energized to see Gaza trending already, so they boosted with great tweets. 人们登入网站时看到加萨趋向上升而被激励,所以他们发出大量推讯。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 7. Message Emitter and Message Logger enable the ability to turn logging on and off, as well as the option to log to a flat file. MessageEmitter和MessageLogger支持打开和关闭日志记录的能力,以及记录到平面文件的选项。 www.ibm.com 8. This code basically passes the user ID and password information of any user logging into the Web site along to the Web site of the attacker. 该代码通常会将任何登录到此Web站点的用户的ID及密码信息传递到攻击者的Web站点。 www.ibm.com 9. The logging framework can be used for logging informational and debug messages to a log file, and performance measurement. 日志框架可以用来将日志信息和调试信息记录到日志文件中,并进行一些性能方面的评测。 www.ibm.com 10. Research and experimental results show that this method of identification on logging signals has high accuracy, practicality, run faster. 研究和实验结果表明,本文方法对测井信号的识别有很高的准确性,实用性,运行速度快。 www.elecfans.com 1. The logging occurs to make room for agriculture that feeds growing populations, or to accommodate economic growth. 采伐森林是为了腾出空间进行农耕以养活不断增长的人口或者顺应经济增长。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 2. Logging companies would have to leave the forest before the end of the year. 伐木公司将不得不在年底前离开森林。 collegeenglish.qau.edu.cn 3. This field contains the logging message's sequence number (Message-ID) that this acknowledgement message is acknowledging. 这一字段包含了确认消息所回应的日志消息的序号(Message-ID)。 www.ibm.com 4. Logging was banned there 12 years ago but people continued to cut down and sell trees on the mountainside to make a living. 虽然12年前那里就禁止伐木了,但是人们为了谋生,却继续砍伐和销售山坡上的树木。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Logging your progress is a great way to keep you motivated especially in times where you think you're going nowhere. 记录成果会让你坚持锻炼,尤其是在你觉得健身没有成绩的时候。 www.bing.com 6. Checks to see if logging is enabled by an attached debugger . 检查附加的调试器是否已启用日志记录。 www.bing.com 7. Logging provides a way for you to monitor the progress of a build. 日志记录提供了监视生成进度的方法。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Participants can have access to the result of the evaluation through the news media or by logging onto the official website of BOCOG. 参加人将通过新闻媒体和北京奥组委官方网站了解征集作品评选的最终结果。 www.24en.com 9. Patel said the January 2009 termination of the law prohibiting the export of rosewood and ebony is a key cause of the increased logging. 帕特尔指出,09年一月份禁止紫檀木和黑檀木出口的法案被废止是造成砍伐量激增的关键诱因。 www.elanso.com 10. By logging onto the Net, in a very short amount of time, you should be able to find the exact personalized baby gift that you are seeking. 登陆上网,在十分短暂的时间内,你就能发现你要寻找的个性化婴儿礼物。 www.elanso.com 1. If the system were object-oriented, we might build a logging class and then use an instance of it to handle the logging. 如果系统是面向对象的,我们可以建立一个日志对象,然后通过一个这个类的实例以处理日志。 www.ibm.com 2. If available in real time during logging, the neutron-density crossplot porosity should be used for the best estimate of porosity. 如果测井时是实时记录,中子-密度孔隙度交会图应该用于孔隙度的最佳估计。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. "We have got evidence of widespread and anarchic illegal logging in national parks in both Kalimantan and Sarawak, " he said. 「我们得到证据的证据显示,在加里曼丹和沙劳越都有大规模无法无天的非法伐木行为,」他说。 mailftp.lihpao.com 4. This software has been used to complete digitized task of logging data of 1500 wells to increase efficiency greatly. 该软件已经完成了1500多口井的测井资料数字化工作,极大地提高数字化工作效率。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. You know that aspects are handy for logging and instrumentation, and you ve heard that they can be applied to more complex problems as well. 您知道方面便于进行记录日志和测量,而且还可以应用于更复杂的问题。 www-128.ibm.com 6. This book explores issues at the heart of the logging and wood chipping debate. 这本书探讨在伐木和woodchipping辩论的核心问题。 www.ccebook.net 7. Logging server: This component is the heart of the application. It provides a web service for reliable logging to logging clients. 日志服务器:此组件是应用程序的核心部分,它为日志客户端提供了一个进行可靠日志的Web服务。 www.ibm.com 8. However, on the first logging run or runs after circulation, the mud may be hottest some distance above the bottom of the hole. 但是,在第一趟测井中或者泥浆循环后测量的井底温度不是最高的,此时最高温度在井底上面的一段距离中测量出来。 www.infopetro.com.cn 9. If transaction logging is used for backups, use this switch only before the full backup schedule (once a week). 如果事务日志用于备份,只在完全备份计划(每周一次)之前使用此开关。 www.ibm.com 10. Full custom logging is beyond the scope of this article, but full details can be found in the Resources listed at the end of this article. 完全定制日志超出了本文的范围,不过在本文最后的参考资料列表中可以找到详细的资料。 www.ibm.com 1. server points to the script or executable to run, while log_type specifies additional logging to help iron out any wrinkles in the service. server指向要运行的脚本或可执行程序,log_type指定更高的日志记录级别,这有助于解决服务中的任何问题。 www.ibm.com 2. Dynamic crosscutting is commonly used to facilitate the addition of logging or authentication to various methods in an object hierarchy. 动态横切通常用于帮助向对象层次中的各种方法添加日志记录或身份认证。 www-128.ibm.com 3. If not, the server is checked to see if console logging is enabled and, if so, uses the console output. 如果不是的,就检查服务器是否启用了控制台记录,如果是的,就使用控制台输出。 www-128.ibm.com 4. If I go too many months without time logging, my productivity gradually drops as I fall back into unconscious time-wasting habits. 假如太长时间不用日程表,我的生产率就会逐渐下降——因为我又恢复了那些无意识的浪费时间的习惯。 www.ebigear.com 5. Specifies whether the user is always prompted for Password while logging on to the server . 指定登录到服务器时用户是否总是得到输入密码的提示。 www.bing.com 6. A green box is displayed to let you know that logging has begun, and then the counter is removed for maximum accuracy. 显示一个绿色方块,让你知道,已经开始记录,则计数器是最高的精度。 www.ifhzh.com 7. The hope was that consumer demand for FSC-certified wood products would force logging companies to adopt the scheme. 它希望借助消费者对森林管理委员会认证的食品的需求,来促使伐木公司采用认证系统。 www.ecocn.org 8. If you think about it, of course, I'm only really capturing those things that were logging during my specified timeframe. 当然,如果您还回想得起的话,我实际上仅只是捕捉在我指定的时间期限内做了日志记录的线程。 www.ibm.com 9. The spatial arrangement of these Neogene reservoirs can be analyzed and described by using a logging- constrained inversion technique. 运用测井约束反演技术,对上第三系储集层的空间展布进行了分析和描述。 www.dictall.com 10. While transaction logging provides substantial benefits, it has a definite cost in terms of additional CPU consumption. 尽管事务日志提供了很多有益的特性,但是从对CPU的消耗来说,这是有确定的成本的。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Unchecked hunting wiped out a number of large species, and today mining, logging and energy exploration threaten those that remain. 无限制的捕猎使许多大型物种灭绝,如今采矿、伐木和能源开发则威胁着剩余物种的生存。 www.bing.com 2. The founders' original vision did not include large companies as users; they only expected 25 or so people logging in to one server. 奠基者最初的想法没有把大型公司也列为用户,他们仅仅设想每台服务器有大约25个人登录。 www.ibm.com 3. Years ago, in logging and mining camps in the United States, employers sometimes ran out of money. 多年前,美国的伐木或矿场雇主有时会周转不灵。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Fixed an issue where if you had chat rooms on auto join, you sometimes would not see all of your friends online when first logging in. 修正一个当你第一次登陆大厅的时候如果你自动加入了一个聊天室,你会不能看见你所有的好友的问题。 bbs.52pk.com 5. Logging client and web service fault tolerant: The logging client and web service need to be able to detect or recover from failure. 日志客户端和Web服务容错性:日志客户端和Web服务需要能够发现错误并能够从错误中恢复。 www.ibm.com 6. In the simplest form, a technician logging the temperature of an oven on a piece of paper is performing data acquisition. 在最简单的形式中,技术人员将烤箱的温度记录在一张纸上就是数据采集。 www.1x1y.com.cn 7. The superuser name and password will be used for logging into the admin tool described in the next section. 超级用户名和密码用来登录将在下一节介绍的管理工具。 www.ibm.com 8. The forestry sector, and logging in particular, continue to be one of the most hazardous occupations in many countries of the world. 在世界许多国家,林业,尤其是伐木行业,仍然是最危险的行业之一。 www.fao.org 9. The company's new @anywhere initiative will allow users to follow people from external Websites, without logging into Twitter. Twitter推出的新平台@anywhere将允许用户无需登陆也可关注外部站点的人。 www.bing.com 10. The application must be able to properly handle the failures, while logging useful information about the failure. 应用程序必须能够正确处理失败,同时记录有用的失败信息。 www.ibm.com 1. You must also ensure that the threads do not interfere with one another when logging events. 还必须确保当记录事件时,线程不会互相干扰。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. If all your databases are in a single storage group, circular logging either applies to all the databases or none of them. 如果所有数据库都在单个存储组中,则循环日志记录或者应用于所有数据库,或者不应用于任何数据库。 technet.microsoft.com 3. It marked the first time in a year that the number of people logging into the site over a month had fallen. 而这标志着,持续登陆网站超过一个月的人数第一次出现了下降。 www.bing.com 4. Logging is an essential part of any mission-critical application. 日志记录是所有任务关键型应用程序的重要部分。 www.ibm.com 5. The purchase would have been a significant boost for APP, which now has logging concessions over about 287, 000 hectares of forest. 此次收购将对APP形成有力推动,该公司目前拥有28.7万公顷林地的采伐许可权。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Circular logging is the default logging strategy used for a database. 循环日志记录是数据库使用的缺省日志记录策略。 www.ibm.com 7. And a huge number of them are logging on to Witkey websites, where Internet users post advertisements for "tasks" not jobs. 其中一大群人登录威客网站,在上面发布寻求“任务”的广告而不是寻求工作的广告。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. With Airlog's quick, easy to use, and intuitive interface, logging your flights is a breeze. 与airlog的快速,易于使用,直观的界面,测井,你的航班是一件轻而易举的。 xtdownload.com 9. Indicates whether or not the host name of the logging machine should be included in the output. 指示输出中是否应包括日志记录计算机的主机名。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. A useful procedure is the logging of every change to the enterprise models. 一个有用的规程是,向企业模型注册每一次变更。 www.ibm.com 1. We did not enable Lotus Domino transaction logging for this comparison. 比较中我们不启用LotusDomino事务日志。 www.ibm.com 2. Radioactive repeat logging is now the only technique which can acquire old well data from casing. 放射性重复测井是目前唯一能在套管内取得老井资料的技术。 www.chemyq.com 3. The logger objects could be created in a number of places, as long they are initialized before the first logging operation. 只要在第一次日志记录操作前对日志记录器对象进行了初始化,就可以在许多地方创建它们。 www.ibm.com 4. Also, the addition of diagnostic monitoring or debug logging might change the system enough to prevent the issue from appearing again. 此外,在增加诊断监视或调试日志记录之后,对系统的更改可能足以使问题不再出现。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Note also that the logging instance is now passed in and accessible through the IEditorContext parameter. 还应注意,日志记录实例现在通过IEditorContext参数传入。 www.ibm.com 6. Message logging can be enabled both on the client and service of any WCF application . 可以在任何WCF应用程序的客户端和服务上启用消息日志记录。 www.bing.com 7. In addition, the template adds simple logging to each function by printing out to the command line the name of the function called. 此外,所调用的函数的名称将输出到命令行,通过这种方式,模板即可为各函数添加简单的日志。 www.ibm.com 8. RETAIN means that the logging is no longer circular but archival, and therefore you need to have an initial backup before you continue. RETAIN意味着日志记录不再是循环的,而是归档的,因此需要在继续设置之前进行一次初始备份。 www.ibm.com 9. The first was the overhead of parsing the XML message into field values to be inserted into the logging database. 首先是将XML消息解析成字段并插入登录数据库的开销。 www-128.ibm.com 10. One day, the error report started logging problems about a bad block being unable to relocate itself on one of the disks. 有一天,错误报告指出在其中一个磁盘上坏块无法重新定位。 www.ibm.com 1. To see diagnostic events related to virus scanning, increase logging level for 'Virus Scanning'category using Exchange System Manager. 若要查看与病毒扫描有关的诊断事件,请使用Exchange系统管理器提高“病毒扫描”类别的日志记录级别。 www.microsoft.com 2. Or you might be able to perform your access logging on the ADC itself. 此外,还可以在ADC本身中执行访问日志记录。 www.ibm.com 3. This kind of logging activity is to be treated as carefully as the other business operations of applications. 这种类型的日志将像其它的一些业务操作一样来被谨慎处理。 www.ibm.com 4. In the first case, the logging client is able to keep the unavailability of the server transparent to the business application. 在第一种情形下,日志客户端能够针对服务器无效的状况对业务应用程序保持透明。 www.ibm.com 5. Is the default database of the login (the database to which the login is first connected after logging in). 登录的默认数据库(在登录后登录首先连接到该数据库)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. To make logging requests, invoke one of the printing methods of a category instance. 为生成日志记录请求,需调用类别实例的一个打印方法。 www-128.ibm.com 7. This paper is concerned on studying the logging force and optimizing the sleeve length of the iron- cored to reduce the cogging force. 该文通过对电机定位力的分析并通过优化电机铁心的轴向长度,使其定位力得到有效抑制。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Comprehensive logging instrument as an important means of oil exploration and development has been more attention. 综合录井仪作为石油勘探开发的重要手段越来越得到人们的关注。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 9. Whether the communication partner of the logging client or logging web service is a Hop needs to be kept transparent. 不管是日志客户端的直接通信组件还是日志Web服务来作为跳转,都需要保持透明。 www.ibm.com 10. Logging is an important step of exploration and one of the methods of discriminating oil reservoir and gas reservoir. 录井是油气勘探的重要环节,是识别油气层的主要手段之一。 www.fabiao.net 1. Some of the recent enhancements to it include having metadata logging to improve both reliability and performance. 最近对其进行的增强包括增加元数据记录,从而改进可靠性和性能。 www.ibm.com 2. When you choose to use circular logging (the default), the only choice is to do an offline backup and version recovery. 当选择使用循环日志记录(默认情况下选择这种日志记录)时,惟一的选择是执行脱机备份和版本恢复。 www.ibm.com 3. This can be as simple as marking an X on your calendar, or creating a simple spreadsheet, or logging your goal using online software. 这很简单,在日历上画个叉,或做一份简单的表格,或用网络软件写目标日志。 www.bing.com 4. It took him a long time to find his way back to the logging trail. 他花了很长时间回到伐木路上。 www.bing.com 5. Did not find the application for the cached script in the policy logging database. The script will be deleted. 在策略日志数据库中没有找到缓存脚本的应用程序。脚本将被删除。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 6. You will probably find yourself just logging in, and sitting in one of the stations chatting with the community. 你很可能发现自己刚刚登入就坐在某个星际站里在社区中聊起天了。 wiki.fcctt.org 7. The logging ban has not been applied to bamboo, resulting in a sharp rise in demand for bamboo products. 禁伐令不适用于竹子,这引起了对竹子的大量需求。 www.bing.com 8. The standard way to handle this problem is to check first to see if logging is enabled before constructing expensive logging messages. 解决这个问题的标准方式是在构造昂贵的日志消息之前,首先检查是否启用了日志。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Array acoustic wave data are widely applied in well logging evaluation due to its abundant stratigraphic information. 阵列声波资料由于能提供丰富的地层信息,在测井评价中被广泛应用。 www.showxiu.com 10. This combination of characteristics makes logging an excellent candidate feature to be structured as an aspect. 这些特点结合在一起使得日志记录成为构建aspect的很好候选对象。 www.ibm.com 1. With circular logging, only offline full database backup is possible. 在使用循环日志时,只能进行离线全数据库备份。 www.ibm.com 2. Including theoretical derivation algorithms, physical modeling, well logging response to the law of inversion, and data processing. 包括理论算法推导、物理模型建立、测井响应规律,反演以及数据处理等。 www.71155.com 3. Most users would be hard-pressed to clear their HTTP authentication credentials for a site by any means other than logging out. 用户常常被要求以某种方式清除他们对某个站点的HTTP身份验证凭证。 www.ibm.com 4. When the MTA generates an event with a significance number less than or equal to the logging level, the event is recorded in the Event Log. 当MTA以一个小于或等于该日志记录级别的重要性编号生成事件时,该事件就会记录在事件日志中。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Off the main road, small patches of "natural" forest survive alongside the swathe of broad sandy corridor cut by a logging company. 大路旁边,一块块“自然”林生长在伐木公司铺就的又长又宽的林中走廊两侧。 ecocn.org 6. Such data logging and telemetry have made what used to be more of an art into an exact science. 这些数据记载和遥测装置已从过去较常用于艺术,进阶成为精密的科学。 www.bdza.cn 7. When troubleshooting , restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write . 进行故障排除时,请使用详细的历史日志记录来重新启动同步,并指定要写入的输出文件。 www.bing.com 8. For this reason, trace and debug logging levels should be cautiously used in a production environment. 出于此原因,在生产环境中应该谨慎使用跟踪和调试日志级别。 www.ibm.com 9. It clearly would be intrusive to manually replace all of the existing logging calls with calls to a generic logger interface. 将现有的日志记录调用手动替换为针对通用日志记录器接口的调用显然很麻烦。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Imagine 2, 000 users logging into the system during the early working hours of the day, each having multiple sessions to the same server! 假设在一天工作时间的早些时候有2,000个用户登录到系统中,而且每个用户都在相同的服务器上有多个会话,那是什么情况?! www.ibm.com 1. Full - bore Micro resistivity Scanner Imager (FMI) is one of the most advanced image logging techniques of Schlumberger. 全井眼微电阻率扫描成像测井(简称FMI)是斯伦贝谢公司最为先进的成像测井技术之一。 lib.cqvip.com 2. If Message Logging is enabled, you can use the Message Tab to see which message is impacted by the error. 如果启用了“消息日志记录”,则可以使用“消息”选项卡查看受错误影响的消息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Secure Shell (SSH) tools provide a secure method for logging in and exchanging information with a remote host. 安全Shell(SSH)工具为远程主机的登录和交换信息提供了一种安全的方法。 www.ibm.com 4. Now possible for you to know exactly where your money has been just by logging into WheresGeorge. com. 但现在通过登录网站WheresGeorge.com,我们就有可能知道用过的钞票正在哪里。 www.bing.com 5. He presided over a mineral-resources and logging boom, and built his National Alliance into the dominant party in a fractious parliament. 在他的领导与管理下,矿产资源业和伐木业欣欣向荣,国民联盟党成为议会的主要政党(议会可是动辄翻脸,极难驾驭的)。 www.ecocn.org 6. First, the logging response characteristics of an oil play were used to synthesize the characteristic curves. 然后,进行有井约束的综合地震储层特征反演,得到油层的地震反演体; 7. This component receives messages to be logged from the application and then submits those to the logging server in a reliable manner. 组件可以从应用程序中接收日志信息并通过可靠的方式提交到日志服务器。 www.ibm.com 8. If the server supports configuration for logging at a low level, turn the setting to the lowest level for the system out log. 如果服务器支持低级登录配置,请选择设置为最低级的登录配置以退出系统登录。 www-128.ibm.com 9. You can attach a simple logging system at the end of the process that keeps track of each download of the item in question. 可以在进程最后附加一个简单的日志记录系统,以跟踪所涉及的项目的每次下载操作。 www.ibm.com 10. Many insiders agree that logging on to the Internet through broadband networks will be all the rage in the next decade. 许多业内人士认为利用宽带网登录国际互联网在未来十年将会非常流行。 www.englishdata.cn 1. The fracture effectivity evaluation is one of the most difficult problems in well logging interpretation. 裂缝的有效性是裂缝性油气藏测井解释的难点之一。 www.chemyq.com 2. If you choose to do that, consider turning off JFS logging on your new file system before you start copying to it. 如果这样做,需要在新文件系统上关闭JFS日志,然后才能开始复制。 www.ibm.com 3. The code that implements logging is similar to any method in Java, but it is placed in a new type, called an aspect. 实现日志的代码与Java中其它任何方法都很相似,但是被置于一个称作方面的新风格中。 www.ibm.com 4. One of the many mechanisms used by relational database systems to insure those all-important qualities is transactional logging. 关系数据库系统为确保那些非常重要的特性所使用的众多机制之一是事务性日志记录。 www.ibm.com 5. The first area of interest was the benefit vs. performance cost of transaction logging. 第一个特性是事务日志的获益和性能成本。 www.ibm.com 6. Westwood, a picturesque mountain logging town in northern California, draws big crowds to its Paul Bunyan Mountain & Blues Festival. 韦斯特伍德是加利福尼亚州北部一个风景如画的山区伐木小镇,它的保罗·班扬山与布鲁斯节吸引了众多的观众。 www.360doc.com 7. Logging out in space with Power Grid Rigs fitted should no longer result in modules off lining. 在使用能量栅格类船插的前提下,在太空中下线将不会导致某些装备下线。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Now that you can see log4j through JMX, the next step is to adjust some of the logging settings. 现在可以通过JMX看到log4j了,下一步是调整一些登录设置。 www.ibm.com 9. Or you can do both, logging accesses to both a log for a program to analyze and to another log in a more human-readable format. 或者你可以两者都做,日志记录程序访问这两个日志分析和更可读的格式到另一个日志。 www.360doc.com 10. As defined above, logging messages must not get lost after those have been submitted to the logging server by the logging client. 如上所述,日志信息在被日志客户端提交到服务器端后绝不能够丢失。 www.ibm.com 1. Pulsed neutron logging is one of the effective means for oil saturation evaluation in current casing wells. 脉冲中子测井是目前在套管井中评价储层含油饱和度的最有效办法。 www.chemyq.com 2. They also studied the threat of deforestation by looking at satellite imagery showing the rate of illegal logging. 他们还通过观察卫星图所显示的非法伐木比率对滥发森林所造成的威胁进行了研究。 www.bing.com 3. Make a data transfer system with fast, long distance transit and high precision is of great significance in well-logging. 快速、高精度、远距离的测井数据传输系统的开发对于石油测井环节具有重要的意义。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 4. The next day, the ground is full of water-logging, after thunderstorms, farmland inundated, and some homes had collapsed. 第二天,地上到处是渍水,暴风雨过后,农田被淹,有的房屋倒塌。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. This provides the flexibility to assign any logging level to any class filter without external restrictions. 这允许灵活地为任何类过滤器分配任意的日志级别,而不存在外部限制。 www.ibm.com 6. Its members began logging their forest in 1989, and with the profits they made they bought their sawmill two years later. 它的成员在1989年开始砍伐森林,利用获得的利润,他们在两年后购买了自己的锯木厂。 www.ecocn.org 7. You can turn on OJB logging to see the queries that are being executed by the CMS on the backend database. 您可以打开OJB日志,查看后台数据库的CMS正在执行的查询。 www.ibm.com 8. If the website is not secure, you may have been given a choice between a secure and insecure connection when logging into the site. 如果网站不安全,在登录该网站时,会提示您在安全连接和不安全连接之间进行选择。 docs.info.apple.com 9. Before we get into the numbers, we'll start with a general overview of transaction logging and its benefits. 在我们开始分析数字之前,我们首先概述事务日志及其益处。 www.ibm.com 10. One of the often-cited arguments against logging stems from its computational cost. 日志记录经常会引起的一个争论,即它的计算开销。 www-128.ibm.com 1. You might be logging on for a combination of reasons, or for a reason you don't yet know. 你可能因为多个原因而登录,或者由于一个你并不知道的原因。 www.bing.com 2. By reading the depth interval between each minute mark, it is possible to check the logging speed. 通过读取分钟记号之间的深度,可以检查测速。 www.infopetro.com.cn 3. The final problem identified in the logging service example was the large number of threads active at any given time. 登录服务这个例子中发现的最后一个问题是任何时候庞大的活动线程数量。 www.ibm.com 4. Depending on the purpose of informational logging, it might be more or less critical for the successful operations of applications. 根据日志信息的用途,它对应用程序的操作有着不同的影响。 www.ibm.com 5. Even better: Popcorn counts as a whole grain. So while munching , you're logging a few whole-grain servings too. 甚至:爆米花是整粒的,所以当你在咀嚼时,也在享受这个过程。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Be sure to turn on TRACE logging and watch the log output, which reveals details of the application not discussed in the article. 一定要打开TRACE日志记录,查看日志输出,日志会揭示本文中没有讨论的应用程序细节。 www.ibm.com 7. The server reads an XML configuration file into the Config object to obtain the port number, queue names, and a logging switch. 服务器将XML配置文件读入Config对象中以获取端口号、队列名和记录切换。 www.ibm.com 8. It has been suggested that the true purpose of the proposal is to allow logging companies the rights to the timber in the region. 有意见指是项项目的真正目的是容许伐木公司在区内砍伐树木。 www.wwf.org.hk 9. Depending on the purpose of informational logging, it might be more or less critical for the successful operation of applications. 根据日志信息的用途,它对应用程序的操作有着或轻或重的影响。 www.ibm.com 10. The mechanical or electrical displacement of a curve on a well log by a logging engineer during a wireline survey. 在测井过程中,测井工程师对所测量的曲线作机械性移动或者电移动。 www.infopetro.com.cn 1. Note that to obtain those different logging behaviors, we did not need to recompile code. 请注意,要获取不同的日志记录行为,不需要重新编译代码。 www-128.ibm.com 2. A well logging instrument deployment device includes a housing configured to be coupled to a pipe string. 一种测井仪器配置装置包括:外壳,配置用于连接到钻柱。 ip.com 3. In most cases, a service requestor of a logging service does not need an acknowledgement from the logging service. 多数情况下,登录服务的服务请求者并不需要登录服务的确认。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Because users are logging in and validating their authorization, the processing overhead is associated with this elevated cost. 由于用户在登录和验证权限,处理开销使成本增加。 www.ibm.com 5. Right-click on the database you desire to turn the archive logging on. 右击要打开存档日志的数据库。 www.ibm.com 6. Next, you are going to perform a few more steps required to enable logging of rejected packets and activating your configuration. 下一步,还需要做一些事来启用对拒绝包的记录,并激活配置。 www.ibm.com 7. Its only purpose is to carry the relevant logging information in an NCSA-common-compatible way. 其唯一用途是以NCSA公共兼容方式携带相关日志记录信息。 www.ibm.com 8. The traditional way would be to lease the land to a logging company. 传统的做法是把土地租赁给一家伐木公司。 www.ecocn.org 9. An introduction is made of the general level of logging quality in Jiangsu Oilfield . 阐明了目前江苏石油测井质量的总体水平; www.bing.com 10. Rollout is the ability to delete a set of related data as a unit, with minimal logging, without having to delete individual rows. Rollout是指将一组相关的数据作为一个单元一起删除,涉及很少的日志记录,并且不必逐行删除。 www.ibm.com 1. As a developer, you may also expect that the mediation module will provide some data to meet a logging or monitoring requirement. 作为一名开发人员,您还可能预期中介模块将提供一些数据以满足日志记录或监视需求。 www.ibm.com 2. You should at least specify quantum durations , quantum limits , distributor logging , and data removal . 至少应该指定量程持续时间、量程限制、分发服务器日志记录和数据删除。 www.bing.com 3. The weak link: County employees had been logging into the network through their home computers, leaving a gaping security hole. 薄弱环节是:郡上的员工曾通过家里的电脑登录过该网络,由此留下了一个安全缺口。 www.bing.com 4. Forest rangers patrol with elephants as part of a local government campaign against illegal logging in Jantho, Indonesia. 森林护林员骑大象巡逻是印度尼西亚仰度(Jantho)市反对非法伐木计划的一部分。 www.bing.com 5. The act of logging makes you more aware, and that awareness, that mindfulness, is what allows you to eat less and be healthier. 记日志能让你更明白,从而进一步让你吃得更少、更健康。 www.ebigear.com 6. With transaction logging enabled, the system captures database changes and writes them sequentially to the transaction log. 在启用事务日志之后,系统开始捕捉数据库变更并按照先后顺序将它们写到日志中。 www.ibm.com 7. Although methods of logging have evolved, it is still considered one of the world's most dangerous jobs. 尽管伐木技术有了发展,但伐木业依然被认为是全球最危险的工作之一。 www.bing.com 8. After logging in visitors will arrive in an atrium displaying a map of the exhibition with the names of participating galleries. 登陆后,参观者将到达中庭区,此处显示展区示意图,标注了各个参展画廊的名称。 www.ecocn.org 9. Trace level logging is not exposed in Exchange System Manager and can only be set using Registry Editor. 跟踪级别日志记录不会显示在Exchange系统管理器中,只能使用注册表编辑器来设置它。 technet.microsoft.com 10. After logging three-quarters of each year on the road, Peter realized he had no real friends to confide in. 每年在公路上的时间达四分之三的皮特意识到他没有真正的朋友来倾诉。 glossy.nakedprisoner.com 1. This method of logging ensures data consistency for all committed transactions so that crash recovery is possible. 这种日志记录方法确保了所有已提交事务的数据一致性,这样就可以执行应急恢复。 www.ibm.com 2. As the name implies, this type of logging reuses the logs in a circular mode. 正如其名字所暗示的一样,这种类型的日志可以以循环模式重用日志。 www.ibm.com 3. Illegal logging is estimated to cost it $2 billion a year in lost revenues. But that can be fixed by policing. 据估计,印尼非法砍伐让国库损失了每年20亿美元的税收收入,但这可以通过增加监管力量的投入得到解决。 www.ecocn.org 4. He quickly gained international fame, with thousands of people logging onto a live video feed of his activities. 它迅速成为了国际明星,成千上万人在网上观看记录它一举一动的直播视频。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Non-administrators may be allowed to create or modify connections before logging on. 非系统管理员可以在登录前创建或修改连接。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 6. Conservationists and economists fear that if illegal logging is not halted, regional ecological and economic disaster could be imminent. 环境保护主义者及经济学家担心如果非法采伐得不到禁止,地区生态和经济环境都将面临灾难。 wwf.com.cn 7. Users may want to set their globalization preferences after logging into a portal Web site. 用户登录到门户网站后,可能希望设置其全球化首选项。 www.ibm.com 8. The main studied objects are the information of drilling, logging, earthquake and the dynamic develop data of the gas reservoir. 以钻井资料、测井资料、地震资料、气藏动态开发资料为研究对象。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. One tool will monitor all interactions between a web service and its client, logging the information it captures to a file. 有一个工具监视Web服务与它的客户机之间的所有交互,把它捕获的信息记录到文件中。 www.ibm.com 10. Others have articulated joints attaching them to the logging tool, with a backup arm to press the pad against the borehole wall. 另有一些极板需要使用连接装置才能和下井仪器相连,测井时需要使用推靠臂才能紧贴井壁。 www.infopetro.com.cn 1. As illustrated in Figure 4, you see that logging into the site using the relevant user id results in the assigned styles being used. 如图4所示,您将看到使用相关用户id登录到网站会导致分配样式的使用。 www.ibm.com 2. Add the mediation parameters with the appropriate "setters and getters" and logging references to the class, as shown in Listing 5. 向该类添加具有恰当setter和getter方法的中介参数及记录引用,如清单5所示。 www.ibm.com 3. Transaction logging writes all transactions out to a separate group of files. 事务日志将所有事务写出到一组不同的文件中。 www.ibm.com 4. The others do not, and are threatened by logging, expansion of agriculture and mining activities. 另外一些则受到伐木、农业用地和采矿业的扩张而受到威胁。 www.bing.com 5. All the elastic modules received from the logging information can be used to solve the problems of rock mechanics. 根据测井资料确定的各种弹性模量值同样适用于解决各种岩石力学问题。 www.chemyq.com 6. We'll provide information by way of a notification alert, Application Card, and Security History logging. 我们将提供一个通知警报,应用卡,安全记录和日志记录方式的信息。 bbs.kafan.cn 7. The advantage to doing this is noted in the comment at the end of the function: "do any other error logging things here. " 这样做的好处已在函数末尾处的注释中提到:“在这里进行任何其他日志记录操作。” www.ibm.com 8. This statement allows you to temporarily suspend logging of changes to an Adaptive Server Anywhere or UltraLite remote database. 此语句允许您暂时停止记录对AdaptiveServerAnywhere或UltraLiteremotedatabase远程数据库所作的更改。 www.ianywhere.com 9. When using the logging method, it is possible to process the data in several ways, depending on the format specified. 当使用日志记录方法时,可以以多种方式处理数据,这取决于指定的格式。 www.ibm.com 10. The value associated with each parameter represents the diagnostics logging level for that category. 与每个参数关联的值表示该类别的诊断日志记录级别。 technet.microsoft.com 1. In this article, we'll take a look at a performance analysis of Domino transaction logging on Windows NT. 在本文中,我们将介绍WindowsNT上Domino事务日志的性能分析。 www.ibm.com 2. The fluxgate sensor of supersonic TV imaging logging tool was used to determine the position of image. 在超声电视成像测井仪器中,磁通门传感器用于确定图像的方位。 www.dictall.com 3. The distance between the static measure point and the dynamic measure point of a logging measurement. 测井测量中静态测量点和动态测量点之间的距离。 www.infopetro.com.cn 4. In the case of our customer, increased logging pointed to a handful of views taking a very long time to index. 在我们客户的情况中,增加的记录中许多指向了花费很长时间来建立索引的视图。 www.ibm.com 5. In geophysical logging, the measured parameters generally include resistivity, polarizability , magnetic susceptibility etc. 在物探测井工作中,一般的测量参数是电阻率、激化率、磁化率等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. If you switch between the full and bulk-logged recovery models during a bulk operation, logging of the bulk operation changes accordingly. 在大容量操作过程中,如果在完整恢复模式和大容量日志恢复模式之间切换,则大容量操作的日志记录也会相应更改。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Many, if not most, introductions to AOP use logging as an example to illustrate the concept of aspects. 很多,也许不是全部,关于AOP的介绍使用日志作为一个例子来说明方面的概念。 www.ibm.com 8. Comparing with wireline logging, although LWD has many advantages, it is still affected by the environmental factors. 与电缆测井相比,尽管随钻测井具有诸多优点,但仍然要受其环境因素的影响。 www.chemyq.com 9. This category creates very verbose and detailed messages, and can only be enabled by setting the logging level to FINEST. 该类别会创建非常冗长而详细的消息,并且只有通过将日志记录级别设置为FINEST才能启用它。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. When a database server slows down, the added workload from people logging in to test and troubleshoot can easily make matters worse. 当一个数据库服务器的速度降低时,为进行测试和排除故障而增加的工作负载很可能使问题变得更严重。 www.ibm.com 1. The last thing we need to do in this add-on is to configure project logging and set up the log level to trace. 我们在该附加组件中需要做的最后一件事是配置项目日志,并设置要跟踪的日志级别。 www.ibm.com 2. The state is appropriately shaped like a logger's boot, and logging as well as mining are big industries in the state. 爱达荷形似伐木工靴,伐木业及矿业都是主要产业。 www.24en.com 3. carry out on-site commissioning and training of logging system. 完成测井仪的安装调试培训和验收; www.job592.com 4. Enable security auditing and logging for the database you are using so that you are alerted to any security breaches. 为您使用的数据库启用安全审核和记录,以便违反任何安全性时得到警报。 technet.microsoft.com 5. An application experimental study of NMR logging in Tahe ultra-low porosity and low permeability reservoirs in Xinjiang is conducted. 在新疆塔河特低孔低渗油气藏进行了核磁共振测井应用实验研究。 www.chemyq.com 6. On this basis, the proposed ant colonies algorithm is extended to the case of back logging. 在此基础上,将开发的蚁群求解算法扩展到允许延期交货情况; www.13191.com 7. well logging interpretation technique is developing from single well logging interpretation toward the multi-well logging interpretation. 测井解释技术正逐渐由单井解释向多井解释研究发展。 www.juyy.net 8. Our desire is to keep the system maintainable, and therefore we want our logging approach to keep the code as clean and simple as possible. 我们期望能够保持系统的可维护性,因此,我们希望我们的日志方案能够保持代码尽可能的整洁与简单。 www.ibm.com 9. The tasks and containers in a package can be enabled for logging even if the package itself is not. 即使不对包本身启用日志记录,也可以对包中的任务和容器启用日志记录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. It seems China is in a unique position to influence the way logging is done around the world. 中国似乎在一个独特的位置影响着全球伐木业的运作方式。 www.chinadialogue.net |
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