单词 | log cabin |
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复数:log cabins 例句释义: 小木屋,原木小木屋,森林小木屋,木屋色 1. Now I'm wondering if they took her off to a log cabin in the woods after they were done, introduced her to a friendly . 我在想是不是他们也给她动完手术之后就把她带到小木屋里头了,接着就介绍她认识了个慈眉善目的心理医生。 www.suiniyi.com 2. Once upon a time, a little girl lived with her mother in a small log cabin near the Black Forest. 在不知多久以前,有一个小女孩和她的妈妈,住在靠近黑森林的一间小木屋里。 www.ccfy.net 3. Just about to have lunch at this log cabin restaurant on the edge of a frozen lake, so I thought I'd give you a call. 现在正准备在封冻了的湖边上的木屋餐馆吃午餐,所以想着给你打个电话。 cn.wordmind.com 4. James A. Garfield was born in a log cabin, and his father died when he was only a baby. 詹姆斯·A·加菲尔德出生在船舱里,当他还是个婴儿时,他的父亲即已过世。 www.lqqm.net 5. The next day, I strengthened the log cabin, and dug the trap around the room. 第二天,我加固了木屋,并在屋子周围挖了陷阱。 sq.k12.com.cn 6. A tiny log cabin two hours' drive away was the closest thing to the city I could afford. 一所两小时车程的小木屋,是我能买得起的离纽约城最近的房产。 www.ftchinese.com 7. One was born in a log cabin in Kentucky to poor parents, the other in a country estate to a wealthy British family. 一个出生于肯塔基州一家贫困家庭的小木屋里,而另一个则出生在一户富有的英国夫妇的田庄里。 bbs.putclub.com 8. There was even a book available for a modest price that showed how to deliver your own baby in a log cabin. 甚至还有一本价钱便宜的书,教你如何在一个木头小屋里给婴儿接生。 www.bing.com 9. The theme "From log cabin to White House" dominates American folklore. “从木屋到白宫”是美国民间传说中最常见的主题。 10. He was born in a Kentucky log cabin, the son of a typical pioneer family. 他出生在肯塔基州的小木屋里,典型的拓荒者的儿子。 www.bing.com 1. Laura Ingalls's story begins in 1871 in a little log cabin on the edge of the Big Woods of Wisconsin. 劳拉英戈尔斯的故事开始于一个在美国威斯康星大森林边缘的小小木屋于1871年。 www.xiaoshuomm.com 2. The main lodge was a towering old log cabin, and the guest rooms were small wooden cottages. 度假村的主体宾馆是一栋高耸的原木房子,客房是一间间小木屋。 app.fortunechina.com 3. He had started life in a log cabin in the frontier territory that is now Tennessee . 他出生于现在称为田纳西州的那个边远地区的一个小木房里。 dict.wenguo.com 4. It was snowing when I arrived, and the clouds had settled on the slopes of the mountains behind their log cabin. 我到那里的时候,空中还飘着雪花。阴沉地云层在木屋后面半山腰间游荡。 www.bing.com 5. Dorian had offered to take me panning for gold in return for helping with work on his new log cabin. 多利安答应带我去采金,而我为他帮工作回报,他正在盖一幢新的原木小屋。 www.bing.com 6. He lives in this log cabin: no running water, no heat other than -- no windows and high-speed Internet connection. 他住在这个小木屋里,没有自来水,没有暖气,没有窗户,更没有高速的互联网连接。 www.ted.com 7. The American dream is that talent and hard work can take you from log cabin to White House. 美国梦就是勤劳和才智可以帮助你从陋室来到白宫。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. They hired all the equipment: the reels, the rods, bait, wading boots, rowing boat, the car and even a log cabin in the woods. 他们租好了所有设备:卷线筒、鱼竿,鱼饵、大筒靴、划艇、小汽车以及森林里的原木屋。 blog.163.com 9. The suit was brought against the government and Gates by the Log Cabin Republicans, a group of gay Republicans. 这项起诉是针对政府和国防部长的,是由一群同性恋木屋共和党人提起的。 www.bing.com 10. The young pioneers lived in a little log cabin during the summer camping. 少先队员们夏令营期间住在一间小木屋里。 www.nmhrjy.com 1. But the Log Cabin case would by now be moot if Mr Obama had moved faster to repeal "don't ask, don't tell" . 而如果奥巴马先生能够在废除“不要问,不要讲”政策上行动的更快一些,小木屋事件也将受到热议。 www.ecocn.org 2. "For consumers, perception is reality, " says Jim Sieple, a senior vice president for Log Cabin syrup. 小木屋糖浆的高级副总裁吉姆希尔普说:“对于消费者来说,观念是现实的。” www.elanso.com 3. The big ash wolf not and difficultly destroyed a grass house, log cabin and brick house. 大灰狼不费劲地摧毁了草屋、木屋、砖屋。 bbb.sjhcx.com 4. Lincoln was born in a humble log cabin. 林肯在一个简陋的小木屋里出生。 www.bing.com 5. The poor family lived in a sordid log cabin in the valley. 这家人很穷,住在一个肮脏的山谷中的小木屋。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Joe was chopping at a tree when I walked past his log cabin. 我走过乔的小木屋时,他在砍树。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. I THOUGHT HE WAS BUILDING A LOG CABIN. 我总以为他在造房子。 qaf.cn 8. are used to build a beautiful log cabin. 这些柱子都用来建造一个漂亮的木屋。 www.shanbay.com 9. For example, this beautiful log cabin home in Canada features surround sound speakers that are built into the stonework of the home. 比如,这个坐落于加拿大的漂亮原木小屋,它的环绕立体声扬声器是被装进家中的石墙里的。 www.elanso.com 10. The hunter hid in a log cabin. 猎人藏在小木屋里。 dict.netat.net 1. He was isolated in a log cabin in the mountain by the heavy snow. 他因大雪被隔绝在山上的小木屋里。 test.2u4u.com.cn 2. The log cabin is where Lincoln was born. 这小木屋是林肯诞生之地。 www.tlabc.net 3. The log cabin stayed empty, except when we came. 除非我们到来,要不然那间小木屋一直都是空的。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. I have a log cabin in those same woods of Northern Wisconsin. 我在北威斯康星州的树林中有一座小木屋。 nhjy.hzau.edu.cn 5. There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood, 那里矗立着一座用泥土和木头盖成的小屋 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Logs for a log cabin were hewn from whatever was available; 日志木屋被凿磨来自任何可用; www.lixiaolai.com 7. Log Cabin syrup recently announced that they've stopped using HFCS in their syrup; 木屋糖浆最近宣布,他们已经停止使用含有氢氟碳化物的糖浆; www.elanso.com |
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