单词 | love-making |
释义 | 例句释义: 调情,性交,谈情说爱,求爱,做爱 1. I've discovered that slower, more gentle love-making can leave me a little more satisfied as it takes a bit longer to climax. 我发现缓慢一些、多点温柔的做爱方式可以更让我满足,因为到达高潮的时间更长一点。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Even the love-making scenes between the two girls seem to be more for making the film sexy than to discuss a social taboo. 尽管比起讨论社会禁忌来,这两个女孩儿的做爱场景可以让这部电影更煽情。 www.bing.com 3. A new survey found that over half of women would choose the body of their dreams over a year of love-making. 一项新的民意调查发现半数以上的女人愿意牺牲一年的性生活来实现她们的瘦身梦。 www.bing.com 4. I've always tried to be funny, or stupid, or whatever. I love making people laugh and I think it comes quite naturally to me. -Brian. 我总是试图让自己搞笑一点,滑稽一点,或类似的什么。我喜欢将人们逗笑,我想这对我来说非常自然。 tieba.baidu.com 5. As for the U. S, it turns out that some cities are hotbeds for love-making, whilst others are less than lustful. 至于米国,结果表明,一些城市是造爱的温床,同时其他城市的人们性欲并不很强烈。 www.bing.com 6. Presently there arose from within a ticking like the love-making of the grasshopper. 不久,麦地里传来一种“嚓嚓”声,好像是蚂蚱情说爱的声音。 www.hjenglish.com 7. And you could try to switch your love-making routine to the mornings when you're probably both at your most clear-headed and receptive. 还有,你可以将你们做爱的时间改到早上,当你们都很清醒也最能接受的时候。 www.bing.com 8. Love-making increases a woman's estrogen levels and higher estrogen levels are tied to better mental performance. 做爱可以提高女性雌激素的水平,而高水平的雌性激素导致更好的精神活动。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. As she is lacking experience in love making, you are going to take a more active role here. 如果她在做爱方面缺乏经验,那么你将担任一个活跃的角色。 www.bing.com 10. Is the heroine of her love making his wu really handle this repeatedly day method. 是女主人公对她的爱心使他悟出了真的处理这反复一天的方法。 www.51dazhu.com 1. I'm a big goofball, you know. . . I just love making a fool of myself. 我是个不折不扣的搞笑天王,你知道…我就是爱让自己出洋相。 hi.baidu.com 2. Soon there came a sound like the love-making of the grasshopper. 很快传来一种蚱蜢求爱时发出的声音。 www.kekenet.com 3. Life , love making a comprehensive survey of Hai Zi, are ideal , we are unable to estimate that! 综观海子的人生,爱情,理想,我们无力评价! blog.sina.com.cn 4. Matt: Not at all. I love making my own hours. 完全不会。我喜欢掌控自己的时间。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. The comfort of the bedroom is also enjoyable, since that's where most of us like to kick back and relax after a good love-making session. 舒适的卧室也很不错,因为大多数人在痛快的云雨一场后,都希望能够好好休息。 www.bing.com 6. Sometimes in the height of such energetic love making, which occurs in every 18-hour cycle at this time, the form must remain still. 有时在这样的能量做爱的高潮中,此时会每18个小时出现一次,身体必须保持安静。 tisheng.org 7. I love making everyday different than the last and experience something different as often as possible. 我喜欢是每一天都变得和过去不一样并且经历一些不一样的东西。 www.kekenet.com 8. As Bachelard says, perhaps it was in this " labor of love" , making fire, " that man learned to sing" . 如巴舍拉所言,就在这个制造火的「爱的劳动」中,人类学会歌唱。 springhero.wordpress.com 9. Throughout life activities and creation of Hugo is humanitarian - against violence, to love making "evil" . 贯穿雨果一生活动和创作的主导思想是人道主义——反对暴力、以爱制“恶”。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Besides the obvious physical differences, men and women also have sentimental differences in their love-making. 除了显而易见的生理差异外,男人和女人在做爱时的感情体验也不一样。 www.suiniyi.com 1. That precious time before love-making is ill-served by the pseudo-clinical term, 'foreplay'. 这段做爱之前的宝贵时光,用一个伪临床术语来假称,叫作“前戏”。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This position is what married people do instead of a furious bout of love-making. 这个位置是夫妻做而不是一做爱的猛烈的一回的。 www.tianya.cn 3. I love making friends and I hope my friends will come to Qingdao for leisure. 我喜欢交朋友,希望朋友们有空一定要来青岛度假哦~~! lang-8.com 4. Losing an erection or coming before your partner doesn't have to spell the end of love-making. 不能勃起或是在伴侣之前达到高潮都不会一次性爱匆匆偃旗息鼓。 www.bing.com 5. The combination with death further upgrades love, making his works a tragic beauty. 与死的结合又使爱升华到更高的层次,使作品形成一种悲剧的美。 epub.cnki.net 6. Please feel free to add it to your love making soundtrack. 请随时将它添加到你的爱配乐。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 7. Love not meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. Love making life strong and warm. 爱情不是鲜花,礼物和甜蜜的亲吻。)(爱使生活变得坚固而温暖。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. They love making friends while in turn, people also get attracted to their sheer charm and quick wit. 他们喜欢交友,周围的人也往往被他们十足的魅力、活跃的思维所吸引。 www.bing.com 9. Everyone has their favourite position for love-making. 每人有他们最喜爱位置给做的爱。 www.tianya.cn 10. Love making between Virgo man and Pisceswoman also depends on their level of understanding! 处女座男人和双鱼座女人之间的爱也依赖于彼此理解的程度之上。 www.bing.com 1. Personally, I love making eye contact once and awhile during a kiss. 就我个人来讲,在接吻时,我喜欢时不时地做眼神交流。 www.bing.com 2. They love making lots of friends, so do those with disabilities. 他们喜欢广交朋友,残疾人也一样。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Female college students who love making up are not rare on campus. 在大学校园里,爱化妆的女大学生并不稀奇。 bbs.sparke.cn 4. There is a position after a furious bout of love - making where you lie totally still, side by side in a kind of satisfied silence. 肩并肩在一种满足的寂静里,在一你全部安静躺的做爱的猛烈的一回之后有一个位置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. So, let us protect our earth with our love, making it better and more harmonious. 所以,让我们大家用自己的爱来好好保护宇宙中这颗唯一的地球吧,使它更美好更合谐。 www.bing.com 6. Secondly, describe the life in the kindergarten with passion and love, making the baby think it's a friendly and interesting place. 第二,描述幼儿园生活的时候充满温暖和激情,让宝宝觉得那是一个友好而有趣的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I love making love, with people who are intelligent, sensitive, and kind. 我喜欢做爱,与那些有经验而又体贴的人。 www.elanso.com 8. Of course, Will never put real love-making on stage. 当然,威尔从没把真正的做爱场面放到舞台上。 www.zftrans.com 9. I love making pizza with my children. 我喜欢和我的孩子一起做比萨。 www.bing.com 10. I guarantee by implementing these tips you'll be on the way to creating better love making techniques. 我保证,掌握这些秘诀后,你就踏上了创造更佳做爱技能的康庄大道。 www.bing.com 1. The brothers beggar pricks . The love-making is made. 兄弟们花子扎起来。做爱做起来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. I love making big food! 我超爱做大餐的! www.bing.com 3. this is bay of love , making you show your true feeling here. 这里是爱的港湾。这里让你真情流露。 www.ichacha.net 4. I love making out under the stars. 我喜欢在星空下亲热 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I really love making friends because I can learn how to communicate well with others and learn the importance of harmony for our life. 我非常喜欢交朋友,在与朋友的相处中让我学会了沟通,学会了合协对于生活的意义。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I like making money, but I love making money when I'm helping someone or providing value just like I'm doing with this article. 我喜欢赚钱,但我更喜欢通过帮助别人或者提供有价值的东西赚钱,就像现在我写这篇文章一样。 www.bing.com 7. Baby I love making love in front of the mirror (in front of the mirror) 宝贝,我喜欢在镜子面前做爱(在镜子面前) zhidao.baidu.com 8. oh i love making love to you 哦,我爱与你做、爱做的事 wenwen.soso.com 9. Lesbian Love: Making It Work 拉拉之恋:梦想成真 www.bing.com 10. I love making friends and I often take part in all kinds of activities, 我喜欢交朋友,我经常参加一些聚会 blog.sina.com.cn |
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