单词 | love affair |
释义 |
复数:love affairs 例句释义: 风流韵事,性关系,强烈的兴趣,爱情事件,恋爱事件,爱情故事 1. PHP has always had something of a love affair with the popular open source relational database management system (RDBMS) known as MySQL. PHP与流行的开放源代码关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)MySQL之间总是很有默契。 www.ibm.com 2. Because of your good sense of timing and taste, you are usually able to get what you want physically in a love affair. 因为在节奏和品味方面的良好感觉,在爱情中你通常能满足生理上的任何需求。 www.05133.com 3. What's clear is that whatever love affair many Americans may have had with stocks is over, at least for the moment. 但显而易见的是,无论许多美国人以前对股票多麽浓情蜜意,这种“情意”已不复存在,至少目前是。 cn.reuters.com 4. In Moscow, Lyudmila was hounded for her love affair with someone from the enemy camp. 在莫斯科,Lyudmila则因这段与敌对阵营中人的恋情而遭受攻击。 www.ecocn.org 5. Is a man of carry on a clandestine love affair with a woman not to steal? 难道男人偷情不是在跟女人偷吗? lupaba.com 6. The official typed in the word meaning "son, " and one of the Google Suggest terms was "love affair between son and mother. " 这位官员输入“儿子”,Google搜索建议中的一条就是“儿子母亲不正当关系”。 dongxi.net 7. She even produces her anxious showdown to my love affair, seems to be in a sweat about my future marriage. 她甚至产生焦虑,她摊牌,以我恋爱的事,似乎在为我的未来婚姻而流汗。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Love affair is always beginning with such a romantic episode that the young guy meets with young lady occasionally. 恋爱总是以少男巧遇少女这种传统的浪漫插曲开始的 bbs.ebigear.com 9. "I fell in love with mathematics that summer, and I've had a lifetime love affair with it ever since, " he said. 他说:“就在那个夏天我彻底爱上了数学。从那时开始数学便成了我终生的挚爱。” dongxi.net 10. This year's Golden Globe nominations reveal something of a love affair between Hollywood and France. 今年的金球奖提名似乎体现出好莱坞和法国之间的“热恋”关系。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. There is no doubt that China's love affair with the internet is going badly wrong for some teenagers. 毫无疑问,中国的互联网热正在对一些青少年产生极坏的影响。 www.ftchinese.com 2. This book is no mere miscellany, but the story of a man's love affair with the oldest means of locomotion: one foot in front of the other. 本书不止是一本杂集,而且也讲述一个男人如何与最古老的行动方式(双脚行动的方式)而钟爱一生的故事。 www.ecocn.org 3. It was her first love affair, as we have said; she had given herself to this Tholomyes as to a husband, and the poor girl had a child. 我们已经说过,这是她第一次的爱。她早已如同委身于自己的丈夫一样委身于多罗米埃了,并且这可怜的姑娘已生有一个孩子。 www.ebigear.com 4. I've got a girlfriend who's just getting over a terrible love affair, it's been about eight months, she's beginning to feel better. 我的一位女朋友刚从一段痛苦的恋情中恢复过来,经过了八个月,她终于好多了。 www.ted.com 5. Vault of heaven boundless, the livelihood rotation, is writing our tangled up in mine journey, engraves our love affair to be boundless. 苍穹的无边,日月的轮转,在我的旅程里写着我们的缠绵,刻着我们的风月无边。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Perhaps he had had a love affair in early life which he had to strangle-perhaps all early love affairs ought to be strangled. 大概他早年也坠入过情网,但这种感情早已给他扼杀--少年时期的一切爱情,也许照理都应该格杀不论。 dict.veduchina.com 7. In other cases as with Jean Seberg the motive may have been stress or depression over a love affair that did not work out well. 还有一些事件就像珍茜宝所经历的那样,是因为没有处理好由于感情问题产生的压力和沮丧。 www.elanso.com 8. To her astonishment, Ory prescribes a love affair to cure her, which leads her to confess her feelings for Isolier. 令她惊讶的是,欧利建议她开始一段恋情以此治疗她的忧郁,于是她承认了自己对伊索列的感觉。 www.themetinhongkong.info 9. The Egyptian love affair with the army may turn out to be naive, economic aspirations may be disappointed, but tourists will be protected. 埃及人与军队的调情也许太天真,经济上的雄心也许会令人失望,但是游客还是能得到保护的。 www.bing.com 10. China's love affair with cars seems increasingly to be turning its capital into a giant, nightmarish, gridlocked parking lot. 京人与车之间的爱恋似乎正迅速将京城变为一个巨大的天然停车场,这种寸步难移的感觉简直就是一场噩梦。 c.wsj.com 1. After Arthur discovered the love affair between Lancelot and his wife, the lovers fled to Lancelot 's castle. 亚瑟王发现朗斯洛与妻子私通后,这对情人仓皇逃到朗斯洛的城堡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. They are just as obsessed with high-end brands as the Japanese, and their love affair with luxury is in its infancy. 中国富人与日本人一样沉迷于高端品牌,而他们对奢侈品的强烈爱好还处在初级阶段。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Most of the movie revolves around the barber's doomed love affair with a girl who was forced to marry a military official. 大部分的电影都围绕理发的,注定恋爱与一名女童被迫嫁给一位军方官员。 www.ichenkun.com 4. But a love affair imparts adventure, and adventure is as needful to the soul as food is to the body. 但是这种风花雪月给了人们一种刺激感,我们内心深处对冒险的渴求就好像我们身体对食物的需要一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. But Gates who made his vast fortune from a love affair with a machine, was not born to help the poorest people on the planet. 但是通过发明一种机器而积累了大量财富的盖茨,不是生来就知道帮助地球上最贫穷的人的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Things have happened like this, There was a love affair between monkey king and bai jingjing, So now she loves super gold at first sight. 原来,500年前孙悟空和白晶晶曾有一段恋情,因而白晶晶与至尊宝一见钟情。 item.eachnet.com 7. it is a personal project borne of his love affair with the butterfly and an imagination as wild as the flowers that blanket the fields here. 那是一项个人的工程,承载了他对蝴蝶的热爱和像这片土地上的野花一样无拘无束的想象力。 www.bing.com 8. For some, at least, it could be the start of a life-long love affair. 至少对于某些孩子来说,这可能是毕生爱好的开端。 www.ecocn.org 9. But how it had begun, this love-affair, was mysterious. 追根溯源,他是怎么喜欢上木工的,没人知道。 www.ecocn.org 10. Although you find sex by itself naturally satisfying, you are quite capable of carrying on a love affair without any sexual contact at all. 虽然你也有着对性爱的自然需求,但你也相当有可能发展一段没有任何性关系的恋情。 www.05133.com 1. She had had her first love-affair when she was sixteen, with a Party member of sixty who later committed suicide to avoid arrest. 她第一次发生关系只有十六岁,跟了个六十岁的老党员。老头儿怕给抓起来,自杀了事。 www.jukuu.com 2. One afternoon, while walking in the gardens of Thornfield, he told me the story of his love-affair in Paris with a French dancer, . 一天下午在花园里散步时,他向我讲述了在巴黎和一位叫赛林娜的法国舞女的爱情故事。 www.chinaedu.com 3. Business is in the throes of a passionate love affair with simplicity - all the way up from product design to organisational design. 我们的商业正处在这场和“简约”之间热情似火的爱意当中阵痛:一路从产品设计到组织设计都是这样。 www.bing.com 4. It seems nobody else will admit to a love affair with the rain, nobody else will groan when it's hot outside and join me in a rain dance. 似乎没有其他人愿意承认喜欢雨,但在外面很热时,也没有人为加入我的祈雨舞会而感到犹豫。 www.24en.com 5. Everybody got bored after Nancy rattled away for hours about her love affair with her boss. 南希几个小时喋喋不休地谈论她跟老板的情事,让每个人都感到厌倦。 www.365key.com 6. He gave us the assembly line and the Model T, and sparked America's love affair with the automobile. 他首创了流水生产线和T型车,激起了美国人对汽车的酷爱。 blog.163.com 7. The love affair between Russia and the west in the era of perestroika was always likely to turn sour. 苏联经济改革(perestroika)时期俄罗斯和西方世界之间的风流韵事,总是可能由爱成仇。 www.ftchinese.com 8. They are a beautiful and careful group, with one of whom the young American conducts an idyllic though not very vivid love affair. 那些人具有内在美,全都无忧无虑。那个美国青年还和其中一个发生了纯朴的但非十分生动的爱情。 www.jukuu.com 9. She had a lesbian love affair with her secretary. 她和她的秘书有女同性恋的恋情。 p6.52rentiyishula.com 10. With the rapid development of internet, there has been a new style of intercommunion in campus, we call it "online love affair" 伴随着网络的迅速发展,大学校园出现了一种全新的亲密交往方式,我们称它为“网恋”, zhidao.baidu.com 1. He had a love affair with a French girl when he was studying in France. 他在法国读书的时候,和一个法国女孩有过一段风流韵事。 www.koolearn.com 2. Will soul mates Beth and George be able to maintain their long-distance love affair, even while another boy is catching Beth's eye? 将灵魂伴侣贝丝和乔治能够保持他们的长途恋情,甚至在另一个男孩正在迎头赶上贝丝的眼睛? www.ccebook.net 3. Von Post wrote of their love affair, which included a visit from him to Sweden, in a book called "Love, Jack" in 1997. 冯波斯特在1997年出版的《爱你,杰克》一书中回忆了与肯尼迪的情史,其中还提及了肯尼迪前往瑞典看望她一事。 gb.cri.cn 4. As a nation, it's fair to say that we've developed a love affair with sugar! 作为一个国家,它可以说我们已制定了爱情与糖! actuafreearticles.com 5. Of course a writer doing this is misunderstood: he might as well try to explain a crime or a love affair. 当然,作家如此行事,每每被人误解:他倒不如设法去说明一桩谋杀案或者一个恋爱故事。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. he might as well try to explain a crime or a love affair. 还不如给人讲一个犯罪案件或一个恋爱故事。 www.rrting.com 7. Will not be a mature man on a clandestine love affair that he knows how the mind and body how to make their own health elegant. 一个成熟男人一定不会偷情,他懂得在心灵上和身体上如何让自己高雅健康。 www.bing.com 8. the two could be seen collaborating again onscreen two years later in love affair , a remake of the 1957 an affair to remember. 两年之后人们在银幕再度看到他们的身影,两人合作将1957年的《金玉盟》的翻拍成新片《风流韵事》。 www.ichacha.net 9. Scientists in the US tested the theory on 15 male and female university students who were in the passionate early stages of a love affair. 美国科学家对15位正处于热恋早期的男生和女生进行此项理论的研究。 www.bing.com 10. Instead, they had a secret love affair, and a child, whom Madame Merle dare not acknowledge as her own. 相反,他们有一个秘密的恋情和一个孩子,梅尔里奥夫人不敢承认孩子是她自己的。 wenwen.soso.com 1. You had a love affair all summer and got this girl with child and now I suppose you'll sneak off. 整个夏天你闹恋爱,叫她怀了孕,现在大概你想溜走了。 www.kuenglish.info 2. The love affair is a chimera market veteran, I got a taste of what types of lifestyles. 望月是风月场中的老手,让我领略了什么叫做万种风情。 bbs.renyu.net 3. Remember, it's not the love affair that will get you canned, but the stalking, accusations, and retribution that sometimes follow. 记住,不是谈恋爱这件事让你深陷险境,而是流言蜚语,指责,报复这些东西会接踵而来。 www.bing.com 4. It tells the story of an unlucky love affair between West and a beautiful bird woman who falls from space. 它讲述了一间西和一只美丽的小鸟从太空跌倒女人谁不吉利的恋情故事。 www.englishtang.com 5. Our love affair would be on probation for a period of three months and depending on compatibility, would be made permanent . 我们的恋情将有三个月的试用期,根据我们之间的兼容性,这份爱情有可能成为永久的爱情。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. People can easily run into a love affair nowadays due to many reason. 如今由于许多原因,人们很容易搞外遇。 www.bing.com 7. From James Dean to Growing Pains, Hollywood has long had a love affair with the relationship between teens and their parents. 从詹姆斯迪恩成长的烦恼,好莱坞一向与青少年和他们的父母之间关系的恋情。 www.m148.net 8. Rumours of a love affair between Karen Mok Man-wai and Stephen Chiau Sing-chi have been circulating for some time. 莫文蔚和周星驰间的绯闻已流传了好一段时间。 www.crazyenglish.org 9. Still, one long-term effect of this crisis may be a cooling of Ireland's love affair with the EU. 尽管如此,这场危机的一项长期影响可能会使得爱尔兰与欧盟的恋情冷却下来。 www.ecocn.org 10. Like the rival film, Greek Fire focuses on the love affair between Callas and Onassis. 与竞争对手一样的,《希腊火》也将以卡拉斯与Onassis的爱情故事为主线。 www.bing.com 1. They won't be far apart, the pair of them, out there in the glacier. An ice-cold end to their love affair. 他们之间不会离得太远,这对情人都被埋在冰川里。这真是一个爱情故事的冰冷结局。 www.jukuu.com 2. Article 25 Laws governing a love affair involving a foreign factor shall be defined in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. 第二十五条涉外恋爱的法律适用,依照本章的规定确定。 bbs.translators.com.cn 3. By lucky coincidence, Zhou Yi and the manager of a headhunter company Yuan Shan have a love affair as well. 一次机缘巧合下,周易与人才中介公司经理袁姗春风一度。 bbs.faloo.com 4. She was known for being passionate about diamonds and she published a book in 2003 entitled Elizabeth Taylor: My Love Affair with Jewelry. 她以对钻石的痴迷而闻名于世,并且于2003年出版了题为《伊丽莎白.泰勒:我和珠宝的情缘》一书。 www.bing.com 5. Now it seems America's love affair with the plastic doll may also be coming to an end. 如今,美国人对这个塑料娃娃的酷爱之情也似乎即将结束。 www.ywhc.net 6. Alcohol, as I described in a piece on China's love affair with wine, has become a prime tool for conspicuous consumption. 正如我在《中国人和酒那点事》那篇文章中所描述的那样,在中国,酒已经变成了用来炫耀性消费的最好工具。 www.bing.com 7. When a love affair ends, the once treasured mementos of lost romance are often consigned to the dustbin or a bonfire. 当一段恋情结束,之前浪漫中弥足珍贵的纪念品通常会丢弃到垃圾箱里或者篝火堆中。 www.bing.com 8. As he continues his revolt, he also has a love affair with Isabella, Edward's daughter-in-law. 他继续领导起义,同时与爱德华的儿媳妇伊莎贝拉擦出爱的火花。 www.lailook.net 9. His wife left him when she found out about his love affair. 当他的老婆发现他有外遇时便离开了他。 www.wwenglish.com 10. She kept her knowledge of the love affair a secret from her husband. 她知道这桩风流韵事,但没有告诉她丈夫。 www.wordreference.com 1. Compatibility for Capricorn and Libra may work on the personal front, in a friendship or love affair. However, not for very long! 摩羯与天秤的和谐性也有可能在个人方面——如友谊或恋爱,遇到一些问题,但这些问题不会长久存在。 www.kekenet.com 2. Eugenie was delighted to make her cousin forget his grief in the childish joys of a dawning love-affair. 因此,欧也妮竭力使堂兄弟领略爱情初期的、儿童般的欢喜,来忘掉他的痛苦。 3. "Two weeks before she turned 3, she got on the ice, and it really has been a love affair since then, " Yasmin's mother said. 娅斯敏的妈妈说,“还差两个星期不到三岁的时候,她就上了冰,从那时起一直着迷。” www.america.gov 4. Only old age and increasing frailty finally brings the enduring love affair to a reluctant end, sales figure show. 据销售数据显示,只有年长与衰老才会最终导致女性结束自己对高跟鞋的癖恋。 bbs.24en.com 5. When you're a therapist, she says, people come to you in anguish about a love affair that's gone sour, a marriage that's gone wrong. 如果你是个医生,她说,人们会痛苦不堪地来找你,因为他们的爱情变质了,婚姻出差错了。 www.bing.com 6. For Taiwan singer Christine Fan , it's the latter. Her 10-year love affair is about to culminate in a wedding. 对于台湾女歌手范玮琪来说,答案无疑是后者。她长达十年的爱情长跑终于要在婚礼中走向高潮了。 www.examw.com 7. I was drawn to teaching through a long love affair with words but I haven't had any formal training. 由于自己长期对文字的热爱,我选择了这份职业。但我确实没有接受过任何正规的培训。 www.bing.com 8. You regard sex in a very positive light; in a love affair, you feel, the more the better. 你会从很积极的角度去看待性爱,认为爱情生活质量也和性生活的质量息息相关。 www.05133.com 9. e. g. Their love affair was played out against the background of a country at war. 他们恋爱那时国家正进行着战争。 www.kekenet.com 10. Their love affair was played out against the background of a country at war. 他们恋爱那时国家正进行著战争。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. You ask yourself where you went wrong and begin to analyze why a broken friendship hurts as much as a collapsed love affair. 你问自己哪里出了错并开始分析为何一份绝裂的友谊带来的伤害如同一份崩溃的爱恋那般大。 www.transcn.org 2. A modern, visual, and visceral Romeo and Juliet story of the ultimate forbidden love affair - between vampire and mortal. 该片讲述的是在吸血鬼和凡人之间的浪漫爱情故事,可以说是现代版的《罗密欧和朱丽叶》。 www.ttxyy.com 3. China's love affair with injections and infusions is becoming a medical nightmare, spreading illness rather than curing it, experts say. 但是专家说,中国热衷于注射和输液治疗已经演变成了医疗上的恶梦。造成疾病传播的病例比治愈还多。 www.hbvhbv.com 4. Which two people struggle with an adulterous love affair in the weeks before the fleet arrives at the Ionian Nebula? 以下哪两个人在舰队到达爱奥尼恩星云之前的几周一直被不忠的风流韵事所困扰? dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Therefore, it can be deduced that Qu Yuan was but a sacrifice of a secret love affair. 这样看来,屈原最终不过是一场秘密爱情的牺牲品而已。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. When Gemini and Libra come together in a love affair, they enjoy a great relationship based on intellectual interests and mental agility. 当双子遇到天秤时,他们会相当享受这样基于智商和敏捷思维的关系。 www.douban.com 7. Countess Gemimi's exposure of his love affair with Madame Merle is another reason for Isabel's resistance to Osmond . 伯爵戈米和茉莉女士的爱情曝光,这件事情是伊莎贝尔拒绝欧斯蒙德的另一个原因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The love affair of the Cold War superpowers with nuclear power and weapons was obviously an era of insanity that we are not recovered from. 发展核武器打造超级大国的冷战思维可谓荒谬,更悲剧的是,我们到今天还没有清醒过来。 new.chinadialogue.net 9. Love affair, considered to be remarkable or worth description. 值得叙述的风流韵事,浪漫史。 poeticlife.bokee.com 10. They decided to bring down the curtain on their love affair after four years. 他俩决定结束年之久的变爱私能。 get.3322.net 1. They decided to bring down the curtain on their love affair after four years. 他俩决定结束年之久的变爱私能。 get.3322.net 2. In a love affair you can pursue seemingly well-hidden motives that reveal your lover's special needs, and then satisfy them. 在爱情中你能透过那些被隐藏起来的动机,发现你另一半的特别需求,并满足他们。 www.05133.com 3. This relationship can be characterised as a tragic love affair on the Jewish part, which was met with a deep phobia by Europe. 这种关系可以从犹太人的角度上,刻画成一种悲剧式的恋爱事件,在欧洲它遇到了一种严重的恐怖症。 www.ecocn.org 4. As we've written before, the American love affair with massive and mass-produced luxury homes is fast coming to a close. 正如我们之前讨论过的,美国人与规模庞大、批量生产的豪宅之间的爱情故事正在迅速消散。 c.wsj.com 5. Smith has a love affair with a like-minded woman, but then they are both arrested by the Thought Police. 史密斯和一位有头脑的女人有性关系,他们都被思想警察逮捕了。 www.bing.com 6. Winchester's own love affair with the Atlantic began with a passage to America. 温彻斯特与大西洋的“情事”开始于一次美国旅行。 www.bing.com 7. The first giant that must be slain is the middle - and upper-class love affair with peasant agriculture . 第一个要干掉的巨人是中上层人士与小农农业的暧昧关系。 www.bing.com 8. But western car manufacturers are betting that things will change, as China's budding love affair with the automobile matures. 但西方汽车制造商深信,随着中国对汽车的热爱从萌芽走向成熟,情况将会发生改变。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Two set pieces stand out: the death of the Thwaites' aged cat and the disintegration of Julius's gay love affair. 有两件事显得十分突出:斯维特的老猫死了,还有朱利叶斯的同性恋爱吹了。 www.ecocn.org 10. If you look closely, you may wonder if the love affair between the two leads is too blatant? 仔细来看,会发现男女主角的爱情戏是否太过蜻蜓点水? www.cinespot.com 1. For this particular reason, the futile love affair, divorce and painful separation happen in this society. 由于这个特殊的原因,无益的风流韵事,离婚,分手在这个社会轮番上演。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. If the nation's love affair with entrepreneurship continues, then we are in for a bright future. 如果全国性的对创业精神的这种钟情继续下去,那么我们将面临一个光明的未来。 www.bing.com 3. Whoever deserves the credit, the relationship between Microsoft and the Kinect hackers has blossomed into an unlikely love affair. 无论是谁应得到信誉,微软公司和Kinect黑客的关系已经发展到不太可能的恋情了。 www.bing.com 4. This love affair has long been beyond the human world ~ there is no reality, no harm, no tumult of all things. 这样的爱情早已超越了人世的情愫~没有现实,没有伤害,没有一切凡事的纷扰。 ebook.2u4u.com.cn 5. They hardly saw each other. When she noticed he had a love affair with a colleague she divorced. 他们很难得见到面,当她发现,他和女同事有暧昧的关系时,她便离婚了。 www.forgemind.net 6. Yet this was not a simple love affair between two people. 而这却不是一个简单的只存在于两人之间的恋爱关系。 www.bing.com 7. Of the minister's love affair forced him to resign. 绯闻的曝光迫使这位部长辞职。 www.hstc.edu.cn 8. One half of participants had dreamt of having a love affair with a celebrity. 半数受访者曾梦到过与名人谈恋爱。 www.kekenet.com 9. Michael, a veteran actor and director, has had a lifelong love affair with props. 麦克,一位演员和导演的老手,对演戏道具有种无法忘怀的爱恋。 blog.roodo.com 10. A perfect ending for a love affair that had lasted nearly sixty years. 一份持续了60年的爱终于得到了完美的结局! www.ebigear.com 1. So I began another sensational love affair, which, of course, again ended tragically. 于是我又有了一场海誓山盟的恋爱,结果当然也不妙。 sm2000.org 2. It was after Copenhagen that his love affair with the Australian public soured. 正是在哥本哈根气候峰会后,他与澳大利亚国民的亲密关系开始恶化。 www.ftchinese.com 3. That gossip about Mr. Smith's love affair got about all over town. 有关史密斯先生爱情的闲话传遍了全镇。 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 4. For your most successful sexual development, a love affair should have a definite framework. 想要培养最美满的两性关系,你就应该对恋爱进行明确的规划。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. My advice: leap. A love affair, pregnancy, new financial picture, new domicile, even new country could result. 我的建议是,去争取这些事情吧:感情、怀孕、新的财务前景、新住所甚至可能是新的国家。 sun.e-say.com.cn 6. If they're accustomed to being paid for, ultimately they lose more than money in a love affair. 如果他们习惯于让对方支付,那么最终他们在恋爱中失去的要远比金钱多的多。 bbs.e5zj.com 7. Our love affair with cheap flights enabled us to criss-cross Europe for a day's shopping in Milan or a stag weekend in Prague. 我们对廉价航班的酷爱使我们能够在欧洲穿梭往返,在米兰购物一天,或在布拉格过一个情色周末。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Mr. Boyce predicts that China's love affair with Bordeaux wines will fade as palates become more sophisticated. 博伊斯预计,随着人们越来越懂品酒,中国对波尔多葡萄酒的喜爱会逐渐淡化。 chinese.wsj.com 9. My first serious love affair was with a penniless classical guitarist who lived in a garret in Islington. 我第一次认真的恋情是和一个身无分文的古典吉他手,他住在伊斯灵顿的小阁楼上。 www.bing.com 10. China's love affair with fashion runs two ways, and during fashion week the country is eager to boost its visibility in the design world. 中国对时装的强烈爱好有两种方式,在时装周期间,中国渴望提升其在设计界的清晰度。 www.hxen.com 1. International investors seem incapable of ending their love affair with the dollar. 国际投资者们似乎无法舍弃他们对美元的偏爱。 wenku.baidu.com 2. a serious illness or injury, the end of a love affair. 严重生病或受伤,最后一个爱的事。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. there is a mixed feeling after reading a post here about her love affair in yahoo english chat room. 当读完关于她在雅虎英语聊天室的恋情事件,她的心情久久不能平静。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. White is Not Right: Having a love affair with white bread, white potatoes and white rice? 白色的食物并不一定是好的:喜欢吃白面包,土豆和米饭吗? www.ebigear.com 5. (Yes, but. . . ) Does the film portray his rumoured love affair with his aide, Clyde Tolson? (是的,不过……)影片有描写他与他的副官克莱德·托尔森之间谣传的基情吗? www.ecocn.org 6. The two began a passionate love affair, which Toede, sadly, was forced to break off. 他们开始了一场充满激情的恋爱,但是后来投德悲哀的决定终结这段关系。 www.cndkc.net 7. THIS week the death-knell sounded for America's love affair with pick-up trucks and sport-utility vehicles (SUVs). 本周,美国人钟爱皮卡车和运动型汽车(SUV)时代的丧钟敲响。 www.ecocn.org 8. Hollywood's love affair with the sequel continues unabashed with no less than 3 part 2s set for release in the US. 超过三部的好莱坞电影对续集难分难舍,依旧厚脸皮的将第二集搬上美国电影院。 mag.nownews.com 9. And, as with any love affair, the two of you need time to get to know one another. 正如我们生命中的其它亲密关系一样,你和宝宝都需要时间来了解彼此。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. This summer the BBC has broadcast a season of programmes to celebrate what it calls the "great British love affair with the countryside" . 今年夏天英国广播公司播出了一系列节目,以此来赞美英国人与自然的伟大恋爱。 www.ecocn.org 1. according to greek myth , apollo , the god of health , had a love affair with the mortal woman coronis. 根据希腊神话,健康之神阿波罗与一个凡人女子克洛尼斯产生了一段爱情。 www.ichacha.net 2. Can't you get into a love affair with Life? 你难道不能与生活谈恋爱吗? q.sohu.com 3. South Calorina governor Mark Sanford says he did * resigning after his * love affair became public. 南卡罗来纳州州州长马克。桑福德称在他的婚外情曝光后他确实有一会在考虑辞职。 www.bing.com 4. And my clitoris is having an intense love affair with my vibrator. 而且我的阴蒂有着一种想和振动器发生风流韵事的强烈欲望。 www.bing.com 5. The second major problem with the church growth movement is its love-affair with the business world. 教会增长运动的第二个主要问题,是与世俗商业的联合。 www.7xi8.com 6. He was distracted with an unhappy love affair. 他因失恋而心烦意乱。 oral.ebigear.com 7. Use on minute to describe your disappointment in a love affair. 用一分钟讲述自己的失恋经历。 www.boardgamechina.cn 8. The June 1 Solar Eclipse finds you yearning for a love affair "until death do us part. " 六月一日的月食将会使你渴望一份“知道死亡将我们分开”的忠贞不渝的爱情。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Asia's love affair with real estate has been fuelled by easy money and accommodative government policies. 过去,亚洲人是在简易贷款以及政府鼓励性政策的推波助澜下,对房地产产生迷恋的。 www.hotdic.com 10. She says she doesn't know why she is so good at beer-tasting but thinks it may have something to do with her long love affair with perfumes. 她说,她不知道自己为何如此擅长品尝啤酒,但她认为这或许和她长期锺情于香水有关。 www.qeto.com 1. In the meantime, though, the love affair that investors once had with Apple is clearly waning. 然而同时,投资客们对苹果曾经的热情正在明显地减退。 cn.nytimes.com 2. And though China's love affair with French wines have forced prices sky high, only 15% of wines consumed were imported. 除此之外,尽管中国人对法国葡萄酒的偏爱致使后者价格飞涨,中国人消费的葡萄酒却只有15%来自进口。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Brokeback marriage came from the movie Brokeback Mountain, which is about a gay love affair between two cowboys, both of whom are married. 断背婚姻这个词来自电影《断背山》。它讲述了两个已经有家室的西部牛仔之间的同性恋爱情故事。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. As with any budding love affair, we wanted to believe our newfound object of fascination could change the world. 在它还没有得到任何认可的时候,我们希望相信我们具有魅力的新发现可以改变世界。 www.bing.com 5. The nation's new-found love affair with the Lib Dems does not yet make them obvious winners in Brentford and Isleworth. 自由民主党同国家新建立的爱恋势态并没有显露出他们是布伦特福德和艾尔沃斯选区的最后赢家。 www.ecocn.org 6. You can find women who have never had a love affair, but seldom women who had only one. 你可以找到从未恋爱过的女人,但很少有只恋爱过一次的女人。 www.bing.com 7. But British media reported Saturday that the love affair was over. 但上周六英国媒体报道,这对情侣已分手。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Newcastle's love affair with coal is almost as old as British settlement of Australia. 纽卡斯尔与煤炭的亲密关系,几乎与英国殖民澳大利亚的历史一样悠久。 www.ftchinese.com 9. You thought they would get along pretty well, a great love affair! 你以为它们会相处得很好,多好的一对啊。 www.ebigear.com 10. So does everybody. For me, the love affair starts with the profound lyrics. 每个人都一样,对我来说,恋爱随着深奥的抒情诗开始。 www.kekenet.com 1. A perfect ending for a love affair that had lasted nearly 60 years. 一段持续了近60年恋情,终于有了一个完美的结局。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Samantha: Let's hear what the worldwide love affair with the romance novel is about, in Dateline USA. 萨曼莎:在美国报道中,让我们来听听全世界与浪漫小说的相恋吧。 www.oxford.com.cn 3. However, she does think that administering serotonin can help someone get over a bad love affair faster. 然而,她确实认为调控血液复合胺(5羟色氨)水平能更快地帮助人走出恋爱的低谷。 www.ebigear.com 4. The US's new love affair with biofuels is likely to intensify. 美国对生物燃料的全新眷爱可能更为强烈。 www.ftchinese.com 5. but they began a widely publicized love affair while filming the movie. 但他们开始广泛宣传恋情,同时拍摄的电影。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. In his youth he had had a serious love affair. 他青年时代曾严肃地恋过一次爱。 www.bing.com 7. Viewers now know the outcome of the show 's on-off love affair between Ross and Rachel, played by David Schwimmer and Jennifer Aniston. 如今,观众们已经知道了剧中由大卫·修蒙和珍妮弗·安妮思顿扮演的罗丝和雷切尔之间离离合合的爱情结局。 www.jukuu.com 8. In recent decades a far broader range of Americans, including evangelical Christians but not only them, have joined the love affair. 最近十几年来,不仅仅只有福音基督徒,更多其他教派的美国人加入到了(美国和以色列的)这场恋情中。 www.ecocn.org 9. China's love affair with big, flashy autos is clearly just beginning. 中国对大而豪华车的强烈喜爱显然才刚刚开始。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Mrs Thatcher came to power 18 months before Ronald Reagan and the two swiftly developed an ideological love affair. 撒切尔夫人比罗纳德?里根(RonaldReagan)早上台18个月,两人之间迅速发展出一段意识形态“恋情”。 www.ftchinese.com 1. In this relationship, whether it is a friendship or a love affair, you are seeking something more than love in the ordinary sense. 在这样的关系中,无论是朋友关系还是恋爱关系,你们都会追求超越平常意义上的爱的事物。 hi.baidu.com 2. It is about a love affair between two young women. You can hear Lena screaming out her love for Yulia. 歌的内容是两个年轻女人的恋爱,你可以听到丽娜号叫着表达她对尤丽亚的深情。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. The more we talked, the more I realized that another love affair had bitten the dust. 我们聊得越多,我越意识到再来一段感情那就是自取其辱。 www.bing.com 4. He has a love affair with that beautiful woman. 他和那个美丽的女子关系暧昧。 www.kekenet.com 5. But what is surprising is that Washington called a "model husband" Edwards, even "development" for a love affair. 但令人惊讶的是,堪称华盛顿“模范丈夫”的爱德华兹,竟然“发展”了一段婚外恋情。 www.englishtang.com 6. Here are some virtual attractions to get you started with your own Nebraska love affair. 这儿有一些虚拟景点能让你浏览你所喜欢的内布拉斯加。 engnet.jiangnan.edu.cn 7. If the trend thus far this year is anything to go by, the love affair between Brics and luxury cars still have some way to go. 从今年迄今为止的发展趋势来看,金砖国家与豪华汽车之间的“蜜月”仍会持续一段时间。 www.ftchinese.com 8. His first love affair proved rather traumatic. 他的初恋是痛苦而难忘的。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. How insufferably arrogant for the love affair , like poison. 这般如此不可一世的爱恋,就如同毒药醉人。 revo-create.com 10. Obviously this is a good position for any kind of personal relationship, especially a love affair. 显然这个位置有利于任何类型的私人关系,特别是恋爱关系。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Surgery is a love-affair with boldness and precision. 外科手术则是大胆和精准的风流韵事。 www.ecocn.org 2. But Hollywood's love affair with Mr Gibson ended abruptly on the Pacific Coast Highway in 2006. 但是2006年沿海高速公路事件后,梅尔吉布森一夜间失宠,为好莱坞所抛弃。 www.ecocn.org 3. Getting into love affair with Life therefore means to make the present moment your beloved. 因此与生活谈恋爱意味着视当下为你致爱。 q.sohu.com 4. The end of a love affair? 爱情结束了,还能做什么呢? frogstar.blogbus.com 5. (informal)(of a married person) have a love affair. (非正式)(已婚者)拈花惹草 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The triangle love affair only brings forth pain. 三角恋情只会带来痛苦。 learning.sohu.com 7. The novel originally came from a true love affair. 这本小说原先是从一个真实的爱情故事发展而来的。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The ideal love affair is one conduct by post. 理想的恋爱是以通信方式进行的恋爱。 www.goodedu.cn 9. (Just say this love affair will never end tonight). (只需说这段韵事今晚无休)。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. IN ANY love affair the offering of gifts helps to sustain the ardour. 在所有的恋情中,送礼物可以帮助激情永存。 www.ecocn.org 1. e. g. He conducts a love affair with my sister. 他在与我的妹妹谈恋爱。 www.kekenet.com 2. The love affair between women and shoes runs deep. 女性与鞋之间的爱恋史源远流长。 chenyang2008.cool.blog.163.com 3. Problem is, American motorists have a long-standing love affair with large, powerful vehicles. 问题在于,青睐大排量、动力强劲的汽车是美国司机的一个传统。 www.fortunechina.com 4. My love affair with Facebook was brief and bland. 我与Facebook的热恋简短而乏味。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Farrell's love affair took root in childhood. 法雷尔对蝴蝶的热爱从童年就扎下了根。 www.bing.com 6. And China is developing that love affair. 而中国的这种爱好正在成长之中。 www.bing.com 7. Cheeks when we teased her about her love affair. 当我们以她的风流韵事来取笑她。 bbs.gter.net 8. Her love affair with gardening. 她热衷于种花养草。 www.tingroom.com 9. But in America, which has long had a love affair with both therapy and the Net, these stories are common. 然而,对于美国这么一个与心理治疗和网络结缘已久的国家来说,此类故事不足为奇。 www.bing.com 10. we had this great love affair going , doctor. 我们保持着这段伟大的爱情,医生。 www.ichacha.net 1. Her new best-selling album Love & Fanfan is both a witness to their 10-year love affair and her own philosophy. 她的最新畅销专辑《Love&Fanfan》在见证她与黑人十年爱情长跑的同时,也见证了她自己独有的人生哲学。 edu.21cn.com 2. This is the second such mega-jam this summer and the underlying problem is China's growing love affair with automotive transport. 这是今年夏天第二次出现这种大堵塞,而根本的问题是中国日益增加的汽车运输。 www.neworiental.org 3. However, it is a big event that a woman has a love affair with another man and the bad news runs faster. 妇女与别的男人有外遇可是一件大事,而且坏事传千里。 www.suiniyi.com 4. America's love affair with the credit card began in 1949. 美国从1949年开始盛行使用信用卡。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. The street was known for love affair with books. 那条街以前是以热爱书籍而闻名。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Thus began my first love affair. 因此,开始我的第一次恋爱。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Its a dangerous love affair. 它的一个危险的恋爱。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. But the Chinese-Iranian love affair is not all about oil and gas. 但是中伊的亲密关系并不仅仅局限与石油和天然气。 dongxi.net 9. Can a love affair with cars be cooled? 对汽车的热情会被削减吗? www.bing.com 10. But 14 years on, its love affair with America is on the rocks. 然而14年后,该公司与美国的恋情却遭遇坎坷。 www.ftchinese.com 1. After the love affair, she still lives as usuall. 绯闻过后,她仍然象往常那样生活。 www.360abc.com 2. The Chinese love affair with the dollar began in the 1940s when it held its value while the Chinese currency depreciated massively. 中国人对于美元的热爱始自上世纪40年代,当时,中国货币大幅贬值,而美元则能够保值。 www.ftchinese.com 3. It's murder on our love affair. 这是谋杀我们的爱情。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Alicia: This is a very strange love affair. 艾霞:这场爱情真是奇怪。 forum.dabutek.com 5. What's driving this extraordinary love affair with English study in China? 是什么让中国人对英语学习如此痴迷呢? app.fortunechina.com 6. It is normal to have a love affair at this age. 在这样的年龄谈恋爱很正常。 www.bing.com 7. These are trying times for China's love affair with the other white meat. 中国人爱上吃其它类肉是艰难时期的事。 www.bing.com 8. If lack of sex is going to disintegrate you, then go out and have a love-affair. 如果缺少性的满足使你不完备,那么找一个对手去。 www.tdict.com 9. Today, more than 30, 000 cars and 1. 5 million people join in this celebration of America's love affair with the car. 一直到了今天,超过30,000辆车子及150万人会前来参加这场美国人对车最爱的盛事。 www.24en.com 10. My father, Winston Churchill, began his love affair with painting in his 40s, amid disastrous circumstances. 我的父亲,温斯顿·丘吉尔,在他四十多岁时开始迷恋上绘画,当时环境异常恶劣。 www.hxen.com 1. You'll have a new love affair soon, don't worry. 你很快就会有一个新的恋情。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. After a broken love affair, you have a lot to wail about, but there is no reason to despair over it. 恋爱失败后,你有理由许多感到痛心,但没有理由要痛不欲生。 wenku.baidu.com 3. The market's love affair with media and technology companies was over. 市场与传媒及科技公司的恋爱宣告结束。 www.ftchinese.com 4. I loved to watch cartoons, so I sat there for up to 4 hours per day, almost every day, and that is how my love affair with English began. 我喜欢看卡通片,我几乎是每天4小时坐在沙发上,这也是对英语的钟爱的起源。 www.bing.com 5. Controversy aside, the important message here is that our love affair with ALL kinds of sugar is problematic. 让我们暂时把争论放在一边,重要的信息是,我们人类对于各种糖的天然的热爱是有问题的。 www.bing.com 6. In fact i 'v learnt a lot from u guys , such as how to flirt with sb, how to carry on a clandestine love affair, and so on. 事实上我从你们身上学到了很多东西,包括如何调情,如何私会等等,虽然我一贫如洗,可我有纯洁的灵魂和一颗善解人意的心。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I had a love affair with the car from the very beginning because this method of movement that can enable you to see vast, expansive space 我从一开始就疯狂地爱上了汽车,因为那种移动方式能够带我领略天地的广阔无垠 www.kekenet.com 8. he ' s having an extramarital love affair with a colleague of his 他正与他的一位同事搞婚外恋。 www.ichacha.net 9. The judge is said to have an illicit love affair with a film star. 'No 据说那个法官与一个电影明星私通。 www.foodmate.net 10. (Yes, but. . . ) Does the film portray his rumoured love affair with his aide, Clyde Tolson? (Absolutely, but. . . ) (是的,但是……)电影描述了他与他的助手克莱德?托尔森的传说中的爱情故事吗? www.bing.com 1. Disappointed in love recently, little A has been pondering on silly mistakes he has made since he began his first love affair in 2000 最近失恋的小A一直在思考自己从2000年初恋以来犯下的种种傻 www.ecocn.org 2. But the Hong Kong public's love affair with the big elephant is being tested as never before. 然而,香港民众对这只大象的钟情正经受空前考验。 www.ftchinese.com 3. On college students'love affair psychological long-standing mistaken concept and countermeasure 大学生恋爱心理误区及对策研究 ilib.cn 4. (And there can be little doubt that Mr. Market's love affair with equities is based on anything other than artificial stimulants! ) (而且毫无疑问,“市场先生”与“股票小姐”之间的“恋爱”决不是建立在人工刺激手段的基础上!) www.bing.com 5. Influence of online love affair on physical and mental health among college students and relevant strategies 恋网大学生身心健康的调查及对策 www.ilib.cn 6. Nothing to do with a love affair 这与你的风流韵事是决然不同 backstreetboys.star.haodifang.com 7. "Phoenix Very" borrows the adulterous love affair theme to write ethics morals and the human nature US's harmonious unification; 《凤来兮》则借婚外恋题材而写出伦理道德与人性美的和谐统一; www.boshuo.net 8. Investigation on modern college students'moral concepts on love affair 当代大学生恋爱道德观状况的调查 ilib.cn 9. Amour (n. ): a love affair, esp. Of an illicit or secret nature 恋情;(尤指)不正当的男女关系 blog.hjenglish.com 10. And love affair has nothing to do with lonesome 与爱情无关,与寂寞有染 wenku.baidu.com 1. Women's Marriage and Love Affair in the Early Qin Dynasty 先秦时期妇女的婚姻与恋爱 www.ilib.cn 2. The love affair that technology firms had with America's president is fading fast 技术公司和美国总统的亲密关系正在迅速地转冷 www.bing.com 3. Footsie; carry on a clandestine love affair 暗中与人谈恋爱或搞男女关系 cy.winzheng.com 4. A statistic analysis of the students who have love affair in teachers colleges and universities 师范大学生恋爱现状调查统计分析及建议 www.ilib.cn 5. On Extramarital Love Affair on the Internet 网络婚外恋状况初探 www.ilib.cn 6. British women's love affair with cosmetics 英国女性恋上化妆品 gb.cri.cn 7. From way back when we were just friends , Before this love affair began 回想当初我们在谈恋爱之前,还只是普通的朋友 wenwen.soso.com 8. A half finished book is a half finished love affair 一本读了一半的书就像是一段走到半路的恋情 zhidao.baidu.com 9. his love affair with Madame Pompadour 他与蓬帕杜夫人的婚外情 www.kekenet.com 10. So many things have taken place before this love affair began 在这场爱恋之前发生了太多的事 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Before this love affair began 在这场恋爱开始之前 zhidao.baidu.com 2. My first teenage love affair 我的第一个青涩恋爱事件 wenwen.soso.com 3. What we had, a beautiful magic love affair 我们曾拥有的爱情,两情相悦 zhidao.baidu.com 4. What a sad beautiful tragic love affair 却变成一出凄美悲情的爱情故事 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Our Love Affair with Cars 我们的汽车情结 wenku.baidu.com 6. The Love Affair with Cars 和汽车有关的爱?倒~~ www.24en.com 7. What good is a love affair 爱情故事有什么好 www.51bei.net 8. The Love Affair I Had 我那一场恋爱 www.tingsky.net |
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