单词 | ladder |
释义 | ladders是ladder的复数
复数:ladders 例句释义: 梯子,梯状物,成功的手段,〈英〉梯形裂缝,〈英〉抽丝,走红,用梯子爬,在…架设梯子,梯具,鱼梯,铝梯 1. After getting the last piece of treasure, exit to the right and run up and down the ladders. 拿到最后一个宝藏之后,离开右边,并在梯子上下跑。 translations.launchpad.net 2. In the beginning, climb down the first set of ladders and wait on the lowest section until the enemies have settled in their positions. 一开始先往下爬,在梯子的底部等所有的敌人都就位。 translations.launchpad.net 3. Because you'll be following two different paths; you're trying to climb two different ladders. And the ladders go in different ways. 因为你遵循两个不同的途径,你试著去攀登两架不同的阶梯,而这两座阶梯各往不同的方向。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 4. "The American Dream Initiative" is an attempt to make globalisation sound less scary by supplying cushions and ladders. “美国梦倡议书”努力通过提供缓冲和阶梯使全球化显得不那么令人担忧。 www.ecocn.org 5. If dams cannot be removed, then they should be equipped with eel ladders to help juvenile eels travel upstream. 如果大坝非建不可,就应该装备一条留给鳗鱼幼仔洄游河流上游的途径。 www.bing.com 6. If you'd like to bypass all the ladders and stepping stones, I'm here to tell you that it's possible. 如果你想绕过所有梯子以及垫脚石,我会告诉你这是合理的。 www.bing.com 7. Then climb to the top of the ladders on the small pyramid and wait for the mummies to climb the tall ladder and drop off the pole. 然后爬到小金字塔的梯子顶端,等木乃伊爬到高的梯子,再从杆子跳下来。 translations.launchpad.net 8. Fire ladders were unable to reach the upper half of the building, and rescue helicopters were hampered by smoke. 当时,灭火的云梯不能到达大楼中部略上的位置,救援的直升机也因大火的浓烟阻挡。 www.bing.com 9. then , to help the salmon swim upstream to deposit their eggs , they build special fish ladders up the smaller dams and rapids. 同时,为帮助鲑鱼逆水,游回产卵的地方,他们在较小的水坝和急流上建设鱼梯。 www.ichacha.net 10. The children needed to climb up the ladders to pick the apples. 为了摘苹果,孩子们需要爬到梯子上去。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Some, like the two Elwha dams, were built without fish ladders, meaning they serve as completely impenetrable barriers to fish migrations. 一些大坝和这两座埃尔瓦河大坝一样在建造的时候缺乏鱼梯设计,就是说它们完全阻碍了鱼群的洄游。 www.yousoon.net 2. Do not increase the max allowed height by means of scaffolds, ladders or others. 不要用脚手架、梯子或其它去增加所允许的最大高度。(不允许超高。) dzh.mop.com 3. Doors, short ladders, sheets of galvanized metal, etc can all be used to improvise stretchers . Keep an eye out for suitable materials. 门、短梯、镀锌板都可以用来临时做成担架,所以请留心身边合适的材料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Both used the word ladders, also can be conveniently divided into two single staircase use. 既可用作人字梯,也可方便地分成两架单梯使用。 baike.china.alibaba.com 5. He asked me to climb up the ladders to see the birds in the tree. 他要我爬上梯子去看树上的鸟 wenwen.soso.com 6. Use of ladders or makeshift devices on top of scaffold to increase its height or to provide access from above is prohibited. 禁止在脚手架的顶部使用梯子或临时设备来增加脚手架的高度或者供人从上部进入的通道。 www.bing.com 7. Climbing Down Ladders: A creature on a rooftop and next to a ladder square can spend 2 squares of its movement to climb down the ladder. 爬下楼梯:生物所佔据的屋顶方格有邻接著楼梯方格时,可以使用2格的行动力来爬下楼梯。 8. That was a bit crude, at the time. And I made all these little apartments. and little merry-go-rounds, seesaws and swings, little ladders. 那个小公寓现在看来相当粗糙,但所有的小房间都是我亲手做的。还有那些小旋转木马,小跷跷板,小梯子等等。 www.ted.com 9. They all stood around the hook and ladders, arguing about how to put out the fire. 他们都站在云梯消防车周围,为灭火方式争论不休。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. 20 bent steps of the ladders need to be straightened up in place. 10 fractured steps to be renewed. 20根弯曲的舱梯踏板就地矫直,另外10根断裂需要换新。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. Collect all the gold not in the trough, then release the enemies and lead them around over the tops of ladders, until they drop their gold. 把所有不在槽中的金块拿完,然后释放敌人,引导他们到梯子的顶部,直到他们把金块丢掉。 translations.launchpad.net 2. Girls of every race and station showed up, but no ladders were ever long enough for them to reach the fruit. 结果,各家各户的姑娘都来了,可是不论她们用多高的梯子,都够不到果子。 www.dreamkidland.cn 3. Everything you could possibly need is in here. Tools, ladders, paints. 你可能需要的所有东西都在这呢工具、梯子、画具 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Its new offices are in midtown, and all its floors can be reached by the fire department's ladders. 它的新办公室在中城。消防部门的云梯都可到达其所有楼层。 www.ecocn.org 5. Ladders should not be used in a horizontal position as a scaffold. 不能把梯子放平当脚手架。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Why do you think she has the knife ladders? To keep her from running out for a snack. 干嘛放刀梯?就是怕她偷跑去吃点心 www.tingclass.net 7. Made up of 500 bamboo ladders tied together with traditional hand knotting technique, it resembles the solidity of a Chinese For tress. 500个竹梯用传统的手工绑结方式连接在一起却稳固得像一座中式城堡。 www.far2000.com 8. The Jaintia hills, located in India's far North East state of Meghalaya, miners descend to great depths on slippery, rickety wooden ladders. 在这个印度遥远的东北部梅加拉亚邦(Meghalaya)的贾因蒂亚山区,矿工仅仅靠危险湿滑的木梯到达地下深处。 www.bing.com 9. Ladders shall not be loaded beyond the rated load capacity. Weight capacities shall be affixed on ladders . 梯子不得承受超过其额定荷重的重量。梯子的荷重必须固定地标示于梯子上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Without them, those unknown numbers of Poles or Baptists or car-salesmen will presumably go on climbing ladders; the jokes are safe. 没有白炽灯,那些很多不知名的波兰人、浸礼会教徒或汽车销售员估计会继续爬梯子;这个笑话并无恶意。 www.ecocn.org 1. Although this is the case, but the dish I made the public lose a good scaling ladders, and (I) is absolutely necessary to look at Song. 虽然是这样,但是公输盘给我造好云梯了,(我)一定要打一下宋国。 wenwen.soso.com 2. It can take as long as eight days to rig up rope ladders and to establish supply bases before a descent can be made into a very deep cave. 有时需要花费整整8天时间来搭起绳梯,建立供应基地,然后才能到一个很深的洞穴里。 www.hjenglish.com 3. You can trap several enemies in the pits at the bottom left and right, but they will get loose when the hidden ladders appear. 您可以让一些敌人困在左下与右下方的陷阱中,但是天梯出现后他们就可以脱困。 translations.launchpad.net 4. And their parents -- (applause) -- their parents, low-incomeAmericans who desperately want to work, will have more ladders out of poverty. 他们的父母--(鼓掌)--他们的父母,在拼命寻找工作的美国低收入群体,将有更多走出贫穷的机会。 m.yeeyan.org 5. When getting the gold from the 4, wait until the enemies have reached the top of the ladders shaped like a 4. 从4处拿金块后,等著直到敌人到达长得像4的梯子的顶端。 translations.launchpad.net 6. Morale in any civil service, and its attractiveness to recruits, are also affected by factors unrelated to promotion ladders or pay-scales. 由于一些与晋升梯级或工资标准无关的因素,公共服务的士气以及对应聘者的吸引力也受到影响。 www.ecocn.org 7. The alma mater thanks you, you is steps and ladders which I grow, spends together the difficulty with me, altogether will create tomorrow! 母校谢谢您,您就是我成长的阶梯,与我共度难关,共创明天! blog.sina.com.cn 8. This rare brave to test the water tower ladders can be described as the best witness. 这一罕见的水云梯可谓是测试勇者的最好见证。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. ATA-treated HeLa displayed typical morphological apoptotic characteristics and formation of DNA ladders in agarose gel electrophoresis. 周晓华治疗宫颈癌展示典型的细胞凋亡的形态学特征及形成DNA的云梯车在琼脂糖凝胶电泳。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Historical traces everywhere obviously: Constantine Mungu sports arena, four river eruptive fountains, Spanish steps and ladders. 历史遗迹处处可见:君士坦丁门古竞技场,四河喷泉、西班牙阶梯。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. The ladders include more subsidies for college and a proposal for longer school hours. 阶梯则包含更多的大学学费补助以及延长授课时间的建议。 www.ecocn.org 2. Except stair treads, ladders, handrails, grating and fixings, bolts, washers and nuts which shall be galvanised. 不包含楼梯踏步,楼梯,扶手,格栅和紧固件,螺栓,垫片,螺母。这些构件需要镀锌。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Step ladders are not to be used above 2 meters and must be placed on a firm level footing. 人字梯不能用于2米以上场合并且必须放置在坚硬的水平基础上。 wenku.baidu.com 4. On the Earth had already completed eight universe tunnels, looks like eight tall ladders to pass through eight other stars. 地球上已经建成了八条宇宙隧道,像八架天梯一直通到八个其他的星球。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The ladders specified in paragraph (2) (b) of this Article shall be of adequate length and strength, and properly secured. 本条第(2)款第(b)项所规定的扶梯,应有适当的长度,并须相当坚牢稳固。 www.lawyee.com 6. Tripping him on the ladders . 在梯子上拌安德。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. When in use, portable ladders should be secured at the top. If not, it should be held by another person. 使用轻便梯子时,要把顶部拴住,否则,就由另一个人扶着。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. An old painting shows villagers at sea using ladders to scale a slaughtered right whale. 在一副古老的画作中,描绘了村民用梯子来宰杀一头露脊鲸。 www.ecocn.org 9. Ladders must not be used to extend the height of the scaffold. 不得用梯子来延伸脚手架的高度。 www.tydf.cn 10. Vertical caving using ladders or SRT (Single Rope Technique) to avoid the need for climbing passages that are too difficult. 垂直洞穴探索使用梯子或SRT(单绳技术)来避免攀爬太困难的通道。 www.doyouhike.net 1. Beaming villagers scramble up ladders to smarten up the fronts of their homes. 灿烂的村民爬上家门前的梯子。 www.bing.com 2. Bunks, ladders, tables, and a large dusty fan cluttered the tiny train compartment. 铺位,梯子,桌子和一台脏兮兮的大风扇充斥着狭窄的火车车厢。 www.bing.com 3. Gymnastic equipment - Wall bars, lattice ladders and climbing frames - Safety requirements and test methods. 体操器材。肋木、格子梯和攀缘。安全要求和试验方法。 www.stdbook.org 4. When they reached the burning building they found that their ladders were not long enough to reach the people who were trapped. 当他们靠近烈火熊熊的大楼时,他们发现梯子不够长,够不着那些被火围困的人。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Visitors must climb down into the canyon on a narrow path with many steps. They must also climb down several ladders. 游客必须通过一条狭窄的有很多台阶的小道下去,他们还得爬几个梯子。 www.bing.com 6. Some girls tried to jump to the ladders that could not reach the ninth floor. None reached the ladders. 有些女孩企图跳到达不到九楼的梯子上,只有九个人跳到了梯子上。 www.bing.com 7. ELEMENT OF INDUSTRIAL PLANTS. FIXED METAL LADDERS WITH OR WITHOUT CAGED LADDER. CONCEPTION. INSTALLATION. TESTS. 工业设备部件.固定金属梯子.罐笼式梯子 www.mapeng.net 8. Outside, under a camouflage canopy, soldiers ran for cover while others climbed ladders to the guard towers. 哨所外面,伪装帆布篷下面,有些士兵急忙跑去找隐蔽,有些爬上梯子,进入岗楼顶层。 www.bing.com 9. I remember so clearly that all the ladders and walls were covered with nice silver carpet and you are still inside digging more. 我记得楼梯和墙壁都是铺满地毯的,而你一个人在里面继续挖着。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A brand new multiplayer component will include player rankings , leagues and ladders and completely new gameplay modes. 一个新的多人连线模式将会拥有玩家的等级、同盟、天梯和全新的游戏模式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Throughout career ladders, Austin Mr. Jieh worked with Philips, Wickes, and Acer in the management and financial capacities. 介先生在其事业历程中先后在飞利浦,威克斯及宏基管理和财务方面工作。 www.ujelly.org 2. Deeply loves the book, the books are humanity's nutriments, is also the human culture progressive steps and ladders! 热爱书吧,书籍是人类的营养品,也是人类文明进步的阶梯! zhidao.baidu.com 3. The review done was by way of miming and describing, spelling and guessing, and by playing snakes and ladders. 我们通过模仿,描述,拼写,猜词,蛇爬梯子游戏来进行了复习。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 4. The pirates use fast-moving skiffs to pull alongside their prey and scamper on board with ladders or sometimes even rusty grappling hooks. 海盗们通常驾驶机动性很强的快艇迅速接近目标,利用梯子——有时候甚至用锈迹斑斑的锚钩——爬上甲板。 www.bing.com 5. shipbuilding . engine and boiler rooms . floors and ladders . assembly and nomenclature. 造船工业。发动机和锅炉舱。地板和梯子。组装件和名称。 www.ichacha.net 6. Firefighters sprayed water at the blaze and plucked people from balconies with extension ladders . 消防人员忙于喷水灭火,并用伸缩梯将困在阳台上的人们接下来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. It needs your time, it needs your energy, it needs your contributions of furniture, paint, brushes, ladders, lamps etcetera. 它需要你的时间,它需要你的精力,它需要你贡献设备,油漆,刷子,梯子,台灯等。 blog.hi.mop.com 8. For Mr Obama, opportunity could be reached up ladders, on frameworks, through doors and gateways. 对奥巴马而言,机会从大门和过道延伸至梯子、到框架。 www.ecocn.org 9. The crew of the Indian ship detached the ladders the attackers were using, stopping them temporarily. 印度船员们切断了袭击者攀登的舷梯,暂时制止了他们的行动。 www.voanews.cn 10. Take action to evaluate and minimize risks when working on ladders, platforms, scaffolding, hi-reach, or stairways. 当在梯子、平台、脚手架、站高才可触及的范围或楼梯上工作时要采取评估、降低风险的措施。 www.sndhr.com 1. Now you can dig and get onto the ladders before he gets back to you. 现在您可以挖洞,到梯子上等他回来。 translations.launchpad.net 2. As hinted above, the steps and ladders theme points to the process of psychic transformation, with all its ups and downs. 如以上所暗示,台阶及楼梯的主题指向心灵转变的过程,有其起伏。 www.028sjz.com 3. Please confirm that if the pallet jacks, ladders are in normal use, and the damaged ones have been repaired in time. 液叉车、梯子等是否能够正常使用,已损坏的是否得到了及时维修; wenku.baidu.com 4. Scaffolds and ladders should be checked and maintained constantly . 脚手架和楼梯须经常检查和保养。 www.bing.com 5. SHIPBUILDING. ENGINE AND BOILER ROOMS. FLOORS AND LADDERS. DRAWN GAUGED STEEL LADDER AND PLATFORM RAILS. 造船工业.机舱、轮机和锅炉舱.地板和梯子.标准冷拉钢制驾驶台栏杆柱和梯子 www.mapeng.net 6. But they have done far too little about America's rusting ladders of opportunity. 但两党对机会那锈迹斑斑阶梯的实际修复却鲜有作为。 www.ecocn.org 7. Swimming pool equipment - Part 2 : additional specific safety requirements and test methods for ladders, stepladders and handle bends. 游泳池器械.第2部分:梯子、直爬梯和把手弯头的附加特殊安全要求和检验方法 www.mapeng.net 8. He also spends much time climbing up ladders and throwing away the ladder, leaving himself stranded in mid-air. 他还经常爬上梯子,然后将梯子推掉,把自己晾在半空中。 www.bing.com 9. Our cleaning equipment: vacuum cleaner, polishing machine, belts, ladders, and occasional, glass and other special tools. 我们的清洁设备:吸尘器、抛光机、安全带、梯子、地托、擦玻璃器及其他专用工具。 www.showxiu.com 10. The carpet is thick and each of the ladders are fastened by metallic panel strip to resist skidding. 地毯也是厚厚的隆重质感,每一梯都与金属嵌条固定住,防止打滑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Childhood may certainly be fairly happy, free from financial worries the anxiety about social ladders . 童年固然很幸福,孩子们没有经济上的忧愁,也没有争名夺利的焦虑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. shipbuilding . engine and boiler rooms . floors and ladders . railing sockets. 造船工业。发动机和锅炉舱。地板和梯子。栏杆立柱插座。 www.ichacha.net 3. SHIPBUILDING. ENGINE AND BOILER ROOMS. FLOORS AND LADDERS. DRAWN GAUGED STEEL RAILS AND HANDRAILS. 机舱、轮机和锅炉舱.地板和梯子.标准冷拉钢制栏杆、板和扶手 www.mapeng.net 4. Either ladder would be a much better option than the traditional ladders that many of us own. 对我们大多数来说,这梯子将是比传统的梯子更好的选择。 www.bing.com 5. In Western culture, it is also unlucky to walk under ladders, open umbrellas indoors and to cross the path of a black cat. 在西方的文化里,在楼梯下行走,在室内打伞,以及横穿有条黑猫的小径也都是很不吉利的。 bak.xinkb.org 6. CLIMBING LADDERS Run or Walk against a ladder to climb up or down it . Press and hold the Sneak Key to quickly descend the ladder . 靠近梯子跑或者走来爬上或者爬下梯子。按下并保持按住潜行键,可以快速的从梯子上滑下。 www.bing.com 7. No ladders were built in the pavilion for it is a symbolic structure other than touring purposes. 因为它是一种镇风水的标志性建筑,不是用来登高游玩的,所以没有上楼的楼梯。 www.suiniyi.com 8. The lovers chased each other around ladders and balconies, and fairies covered the walls with hearts and thunderclouds scribbled in chalk. 情人们围着木梯追逐打闹,在阳台上谈情说爱,仙子们用粉笔在墙上圈画着一个个爱心和雷雨云。 www.bing.com 9. Ladder feet are in good condition, e. g. rubber tips on metal rolling ladders. "Safe-Hi" feet on extension ladders. 梯子脚底是否有很好的止滑垫片。如金属梯子脚底的橡胶,延伸梯的防滑垫片。 ak01.com 10. Lock up garden tools, ladders, etc, which could be used to enter your home. 把园艺工具如梯子等收起来,以免被盗贼利用进入房间。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Still others contribute tripod ladders, pruning gear, and canning equipment. 还有一些贡献三脚梯子,修枝剪和灌装设备。 www.bing.com 2. Lock up garden tools, ladders, etc, which could be used to enter your home. 把园艺工具如梯子等收起来,以免被盗贼利用进入房间。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Ladders always maintain a straight back to give the climbers energy and support. 梯子总是挺直了脊梁,给攀登者力量和支援。 www.8875.org 4. Check your equipment - tools for mushroomed heads, ladders for broken rungs, unsafe trays, etc. 检查你的设备-工具,确保蘑菇头、梯子没有损坏的梯级、不安全托盘等。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 5. The little men fetched more ladders and leaned them against my sides. 那些小人拿来更多的梯子倚靠在我的身体两侧。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 6. Surely sailing with RPGs, long ladders and grappling hooks should fall within this definition? 当然,携带火箭弹、长梯和抓钩航行应该也属于其中吧? www.ecocn.org 7. Karune: Stat tracking and personalized ladders for maps will be possible, but may not be at launch of the game. 卡肉:为地图做跟踪统计和个性化天梯是有可能的,但是可能不会在游戏一发售就推出。 game.ali213.net 8. Please put down soft ladders before hand at portside and starboard side in middle of vessel for draft checking. 请把左舷或右舷、中处,提前放好软梯以便看水尺。 www.dictall.com 9. When the firefighters reached the burning building they found that their ladders were not long enough. 当救火队员达到正在燃烧现象的大楼,她们发明青春进行时插曲她们的木梯子不敷长。 2fwww.aqydy.com 10. Painters should never need to use equipment other than permanent access ways, platforms or ladders for access or support. 除了永久性通道、工作平台或爬梯外,漆工应该不需要使用其它的进出通道或支撑物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Aluminum ladders should not be used around electrical equipment. 在电器周围不能用铝制梯子。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Inland navigation vessels. Boarding ladders. 内河航运船舶.外舷梯子 www.mapeng.net 3. Wooden portable ladders should not be pained. 木制的轻便梯子不应当喷漆。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Portable metal or aluminium ladders should be equipped with non-skid feet. 金属或铝制的轻便梯子应当装防滑凳。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. You navigate your character on a field (29x18 elements), which consists of ladders, walls, stones and grass. 您浏览您的性格在一个领域(29x18元素),它的云梯车,墙壁,石头和草。 xtdownload.com 6. The ladders of upward mobility have been dismantled. 向上活动的阶梯已被拆除。 www.wyzxsx.com 7. Steel ladders and pedals shall be provided in the water tanks and oil tanks according to the shipyard's standard. 根据船厂标准,水舱和油舱安装钢质梯子和踏步。 www.1x1y.com.cn 8. They needed to climb up the trees with ladders. 他们需要梯子来爬上树。 xueyingyu.blogchina.com 9. on duty up and down ladders to safety. 值班人员上下梯子要注意安全。 aufine.blog.china.com 10. The firemen climbed ladders to rescue people living above the ground floor. 消防员们爬上梯子抢救一楼以上活着的人们。 www.bing.com 1. The firemen climbed ladders to rescue people living above the ground floor. 消防员们爬上梯子抢救一楼以上活着的人们。 www.bing.com 2. Given the nature of our industry, the need for the use of ladders and scaffolding is commonplace. 对周遭环境付出我们的关心,使用梯子,脚手架是司空见惯的事。 www.yappr.cn 3. Have ladders and access gates been installed and tightened properly? 已经安装了梯子和进入门并且正确地固定了吗? www.tydf.cn 4. Fixed bug where players could duck while traveling up ladders and not lose any speed (but the sound volume was reduced). 修正了当玩家上下梯子时能蹲下且不减速的bug,(但声音变小了) bbs.gamespot.com.cn 5. Once you have all the gold (except the pieces to the right of the 11), run to the top right of the H of ladders in the middle. 当您拿到大部份的金块(11右侧的除外),跑往中央梯上方H型的梯子处。 translations.launchpad.net 6. She didn't cook much when she was moving up the corp ladders. 当她还是一个职业女性的时候,他很少做饭。 www.ecocn.org 7. Live working - Ladders of insulating material. 带电作业.绝缘材料作成的梯子 www.mapeng.net 8. Chairs and desks should never be used as ladders nor should boxes, buckets, or open file drawers. Use a stepladder instead. 不能用桌椅当作梯子来使用,更不应该使用箱子、桶、打开的抽屉当作梯子。请使用梯子登高。 wenku.baidu.com 9. When the fire engines arrived the ladders reached only to the sixth floor. 当消防车赶到,云梯车只能达到到六楼。 www.englishtang.com 10. They had no ladders to get through the windows. 他们没有梯子从车窗户进入。 www.bing.com 1. They had no ladders to get through the windows. 他们没有梯子从车窗户进入。 www.bing.com 2. And it needs your contributions of furniture, paint, brushes, ladders, lamps, etcetera. 而且也需要你贡献家具、油漆、刷子、梯子、灯等等。 www.ebigear.com 3. All ladders should be in good condition for use. 所有梯子均须在良好的使用状态。 www.cts-com.com 4. Determined to capture it, his men put ladders in place to scale the walls. 他决心占领这座城,于是他的士兵把梯子放在与墙成一定比例的适当的位置。 www.bing.com 5. All non-title, write endless romantic poetry, is the love you want to use to build ladders of words! 所有的无题,写不尽的风花雪月,诗,是你要用文字搭建的爱的云梯! www.yinghanhuyi.com 6. There were ladders like these everywhere on the buildings in newyork. 纽约的建筑到处都是这种梯子,方便蜘蛛侠? www.5yhua.org 7. Is scaffold free of makeshift devices or ladders to increase height? 脚手架没有为了增加高度安装临时装置或梯子吗? www.tydf.cn 8. Do you avoid walking under ladders because you think it's unlucky? 你会因为害怕厄运而避免从梯子下走过么? www.voa365.com 9. Firefighters sprayed runing runing water at the blaze and plucked human from balconies with extension ladders. 消防打工人们忙于喷水灭火,并用伸缩梯将困在阳台上的大部分人接下来。 www.bing.com 10. As they had no ladders, the French scaled it with their nails. 法国兵没有梯子,便用指甲抓着往上爬。 www.ebigear.com 1. They needed to climb up the tree with ladders. 他们需要用梯子爬上树。 www.12edu.cn 2. Please fix up the rope ladders. 请把绳梯装备起来。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. paint, brushes, ladders, lamps, et cetera. 油漆,刷子,梯子,灯等等。 kuuai.com 4. We cross on aluminum ladders with safety ropes attached. 我们攀爬一个有安全绳索的铝制梯子。 www.ted.com 5. So, Reginald made some ladders, and the others caught some snakes. 然后,雷金纳德做了几个梯子,其他的动物们抓了几条蛇。 bbs.iyaya.com 6. Many injuries occur when ladders move, slip, fall, or break. 许多意外发生在梯子在移动,滑动,倾斜或是断裂时候。 www.yappr.cn 7. He DID athletic stunts on bamboo ladders. 他在竹梯上表演了体育绝技。 dict.ebigear.com 8. Ladders and medicine box from Safety&Security. 梯子和药品的安全及保安盒。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. The marmosets are housed in nine rooms, in cages nearly 3 metres (9ft) high that are full of ladders, beams and ropes. 9间屋内住着绒猴,它们被饲养在高达3米的笼子中,里面满是梯子、横杆和绳索。 www.bing.com 10. They need to climb up the trees with ladders. 他们需用梯子爬那些树。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. lugs and fitting lugs for platforms, ladders, etc. 台,梯子等的支耳 wenku.baidu.com 2. WARNING: AI is set to use all ladders and towers from the entry point. 警告(提示?):AI也被设定为使用一切可用的梯子和攻城塔作为进攻点。 bbs.mountblade.com.cn 3. 50% of injuries associated with stairway and ladders result in lost work ? 50%的与爬梯和楼梯相关伤残事故导致无效工。 wenku.baidu.com 4. You need to climb up the trees with ladders. 你需要用梯子来爬树。 bbs.lintun.com 5. Only when you climb to the top of the ladders then do you find that you are on the wrong way. 旅游业啊,总是要爬到楼梯的顶端,才知道搭错了墙! bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Portable ladders for fire service use. 消防用轻便梯 www.mapeng.net 7. lugs for platforms, ladders, etc. 平台,梯子等的支耳 wenku.baidu.com 8. Are accommodation ladders arranged to face aft when rigged? 当配有舱室舷梯时是否布置成朝向后方? www.dinghengshipping.com 9. A new OSHA approved substitute for ladders. 一个新的安全操作系统被批准取代云梯。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. But others soon took their places on the ladders. 但很快就有别的人取代他们爬上去。 www.jukuu.com 1. barrel of monkeys? or chutes and ladders? 是猴子桶吗?还是瀑布和梯子? www.anetcity.com 2. The association of ladders with ambition, transcendence, salvation was a vital part of the educator's life. 雅各天梯象徵进取、超越与救赎,犹如教育家布克华盛顿的一生。 www.lib.ntnu.edu.tw 3. and they needed to climb up the trees with ladders. 他们得用梯子爬到树上。 www.hbez.net 4. few fire engine ladders can reach above it. 很少的消防车梯能在它上面到达。 hx61.5d6d.com 5. Walking or working surfaces in our work environment are diverse. The use of stairs, ladders, and scaffolding is very common. 走路或工作的表面在我们的环境中是多变化的。楼梯,梯子和脚手架的使用是非常普遍的。 www.yappr.cn 6. High Rise Hotels Rooms on the 6th Floor or Lower Fire Ladders Can Reach. 住宿的楼层高度不要高于6层—消防梯能够到达的高度。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Crosses are ladders to heaven. 十字架是登上天堂的梯子。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Never use ladders on a wet floor. 千万不要在湿地板上使用梯子。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. They would pull the ladders up after them, so that no enemy could follow. 他们用完梯子后,便把梯子拉上去,敌人便没有办法跟上来。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Encourage lots of climbing on different kinds of ladders -- rope, chain, etc. 多让孩子爬爬不同的梯子——比如说,粗绳梯,链梯等。 www.bing.com 1. Crosses are ladders that lead to Heaven. 十字架是通往天堂的梯子。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Walk under ladders on my way to hell, I'll meet you there. 从通往地狱的梯子上一路走下来,我会在那遇见你吗? zhidao.baidu.com 3. Such as personalized ladders for maps and their updates perhaps? 如为地图和地图更新做个性化天梯? sc2c.com.fbj.8-host.com 4. Hanging ropes are as good as step ladders to those who know how to use them. 悬挂的粗绳实际向前面的梯子走,了解如何使用它。 forum.gamer.com.tw 5. Adriana: I am nervous about ladders, but I have a black cat. So I guess I'm not very superstitious. What about you? 我看到梯子就很紧张,但是我有一只黑猫。所以我觉得我还不算超级迷信,你呢? blog.sina.com.cn 6. Please fix up rope ladders at Hatch No. 2 and No. 4 over side, because the stevedores will go down to the lightersbarges. 请在二舱和四舱外档安装好绳梯,因为装卸工要下到驳船上。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. All you summoners out there will soon be enjoying the new Season One features such as Ranked Games, Ladders, Draft Mode, and more! 你召唤师那里不久将在新赛季享受一场等特点,梯子,草案排名模式,更多! bbs.c7u.info 8. How many injuries are caused by people falling off ladders every year? 每年有多少伤害是由于人们从梯子掉下来而造成的? wenku.baidu.com 9. How do I know that's not a work of art that happens to consist of ladders and paint buckets and so forth? 我怎么知道那不是一个艺术品,这个艺术品碰巧包括梯子、油漆桶之类? blog.sina.com.cn 10. Do you avoid walking under ladders too? 不会走到梯子的下边 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Xu Sheng said, "Set up scaling ladders and towers so that we can see inside and then attack. " 徐盛曰:“可竖云梯,造虹桥,下观城中而攻之。” www.bing.com 2. How do you build real, meaningful career ladders so teachers will want to stay in the profession for 10, 20, 30 years? 你怎样建立真正的有意义的事业阶梯以便自己在这个职业里工作10年,20年,30年? blog.sina.com.cn 3. Daddy, there are scaling ladders in front of the park Oh, you do not have a go? 爸爸,前面的公园里有云梯哦,要不要一展身手?。 www.baihuoyw.com 4. India's patience next time is not going to ponder escalatory ladders, and they are going to find a way to strike back. 印度下一次就不会再有耐心担心战事升级的问题了,他们会想办法反击。 www.voanews.com.cn 5. The ladder! The ladders formed a letter! 梯子!很多梯子形成了一个字母! blog.sina.com.cn 6. Mother: Why don't you play a game of Snakes and Ladders. 母亲:为什么不玩“蛇梯”游戏呢?。 www.engxue.com 7. I want to play Snakes and Ladders. 我想玩蛇梯棋。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Able to walk, bend, climb ladders and work at dirty construction environments for longer periods 能够长期在环境不好的施工工地工作 www.aqfhxx.com 9. Industry: Seat belts, safety ropes; Ladder, escape ladders; Insulation; Semiconductor materials; Sewage Treatment Equipment; 所属行业:安全带、安全绳;软梯、逃生梯;绝缘材料;半导体材料;污水处理设备;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 10. Inspects, repairs, services and tests aircraft maintenance ground equipment (working platforms, stands, ladders, jacks, etc), as practical 检验,修理,保养和测试飞机维修地面设施(包括工作台,架子,梯子等设施) job.carnoc.com 1. Industry: Security, protective products processing; Ladder, escape ladders; Safety net; Seat belts, safety ropes; Fire-fighting equipment; 所属行业:安全、防护用品加工;软梯、逃生梯;安全网;安全带、安全绳;灭火器材;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 2. Industry: Seat belts, safety ropes; Safety net; Ladder, escape ladders; Helmet; Fire Equipment; Security, protective products processing; 所属行业:安全带、安全绳;安全网;软梯、逃生梯;安全帽;防火设备;安全、防护用品加工;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 3. Industry: Safety net; Ladder, escape ladders; Protective gloves; Protective mask mask; Safety glasses goggles; Ear protection earmuffs; 所属行业:安全网;软梯、逃生梯;防护手套;防护面罩面具;防护眼镜眼罩;防护耳塞耳罩;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 4. Turntable ladders and similar fire fighting vehicles; purpose, concepts, safety equipment, requirements 升降梯式救火车.用途.概念.安全设备.要求 www.mapeng.net 5. Industry: Fire-fighting equipment; Life-saving equipment; Protective clothing; Ladder, escape ladders; 所属行业:灭火器材;救生器材;防护服;软梯、逃生梯;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 6. Swimming pool equipment - Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for ladders, stepladders and handle bends 游泳池设备.梯子,脚踏梯和手拉带的附加特殊安全要求和试验方法。 www.mapeng.net 7. Safety of machinery--Permanent means of access to machines and industrial plants--Part 4: Fixed ladders 机械安全进入机器和工业设备的固定设施第4部分:固定式直梯 mapeng.net 8. specification for portable aluminium ladders , steps , trestles and lightweight stagings 便携式铝制梯子踏板栈桥和轻型工作架规范 www.ichacha.net 9. Stairs, ladders and walkways - Code of practice for the design, construction and maintenance of straight stairs and winders 楼梯、梯子和走道.单跑楼梯和斜踏步的设计、制造和维修的实施规范 www.mapeng.net 10. Dual-Ladders Mechanism of Higher Education: Feasibility, Procedure and Characteristics 高校双梯阶机制:可行性、程序及特征 service.ilib.cn 1. Industry: Seat belts, safety ropes; Ladder, escape ladders; Safety net; Other cleaning, cleaning equipment; Fence, bar, net; 所属行业:安全带、安全绳;软梯、逃生梯;安全网;其他清洗、清理设备;隔离栅、栏、网;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 2. Industry: Fixture; Hook, Hoist; Safety net; Ladder, escape ladders; Rope, anchor rope; Lifting handling equipment; 所属行业:工装夹具;吊钩、抓钩;安全网;软梯、逃生梯;缆绳、锚绳;起重装卸设备;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 3. Ladders - Specification for requirements, testing, marking 梯子.要求、试验和标志规范 www.mapeng.net 4. Industry: Life-saving equipment; Fire Equipment; Ladder, escape ladders; Fire-fighting equipment; 所属行业:救生器材;消防设备;软梯、逃生梯;灭火器材;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 5. Amulet of the Cat: You cannot be heard when running ing up ladders| 猫之护身符:消除你跑步和爬楼梯时的声音。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Industry: Seat belts, safety ropes; Safety net; Ladder, escape ladders; Rope, anchor rope; Hydraulic System; Shackle; 所属行业:安全带、安全绳;安全网;软梯、逃生梯;缆绳、锚绳;液压系统;卸扣;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 7. The general rutes for marine accommodation ladders 船用舷梯的基本规定 www.zftrans.com 8. Tank wagons and wagons for pulverized material; side ladders; main dimensions, requirements 槽车和装运粉状物料的车辆.车侧面的梯子.主要尺寸.要求 www.mapeng.net 9. Aluminium ladders for fruit-trees - Dimensions, requirements and testing 铝制果树用梯子.尺寸.要求和检验 www.mapeng.net 10. Industry: Job protection; Daily Hardware; Rope, cable ties; Ladder, escape ladders; 所属行业:作业保护;日用五金;绳索、扎带;软梯、逃生梯;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 1. Ladders - Portable Metal - Safety Requirements 便携式金属梯--安全要求 china.ihs.com 2. Specification for ladders for permanent access to chimneys, other high structures, silos and bins 烟囱、筒仓、存斗和其它高建筑物攀登用永久性梯子规范 www.mapeng.net 3. Turntable ladders and similar fire fighting vehicles; turn table ladders, engine driven 升降梯式救火车.机械驱动旋转云梯 www.mapeng.net 4. On the application of inside ladders for the fire evacuation 中庭内步梯在火灾疏散中的应用探讨 service.ilib.cn 5. Industry: Fence, bar, net; Helmet; Seat belts, safety ropes; Safety net; Ladder, escape ladders; 所属行业:隔离栅、栏、网;安全帽;安全带、安全绳;安全网;软梯、逃生梯;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 6. Semi-automatic turntable ladders for fire service use - Requirements and test methods 消防用的半自动回转梯要求和试验方法 www.mapeng.net 7. Automatic turntable ladders for fire service use - Requirements and test methods 消防用的自动回转梯要求和试验方法 www.mapeng.net 8. Stairs, ladders and walkways - Code of practice for the design of helical and spiral stairs 楼梯、梯子和走道.旋转式和盘旋式楼梯设计实用规程 www.mapeng.net 9. Wooden ladders for fruit-trees - Dimensions, requirements and testing 果树用木梯.尺寸.要求和检验 www.mapeng.net 10. Vertical fixed ladders made of iron 立式固定钢梯 www.mapeng.net 1. Observation of chinese medicine function in tumor three ladders analgesia 肿瘤三阶梯镇痛中中药作用的观察 service.ilib.cn 2. Ladders - Fixed - Safety requirements 固定式梯子的安全要求 www.mapeng.net 3. Industry: Life-saving equipment; Ladder, escape ladders; 所属行业:救生器材;软梯、逃生梯;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 4. Standard on Design of and Design Verification Tests for Fire Department Ground Ladders 消防部门地面梯设计检定标准 www.neworiental.org 5. Turning device for aluminium accomodation ladders 铝质舷梯翻梯装置 www.zftrans.com 6. Are Access ladders guarded or equipped to be used with fall arrest systems 进入梯都已安装了保护装置或者配备了防摔落装置了吗? www.tydf.cn 7. Fixed Ladders - Safety Requirements 固定式直梯-安全要求 china.ihs.com 8. Protecting plates for sloping ladders in ships` engine rooms and boiler rooms 船舶机舱和锅炉舱的梯子护板 www.mapeng.net 9. Marine Aluminum Accommodation Ladders In Series 船用铝质舷梯系列 cnzyjzy.cebiz.cn 10. Ladders and handrails in ships` cargo tanks; basic requirements 船舶货舱的梯子和栏杆.基本要求 www.mapeng.net 1. Safety requirements for fixed steel vertical ladders 固定式钢直梯安全技术条件 ascetlan.bokee.com 2. Safety requirements for fixed steel oblique ladders 固定式钢斜梯安全技术条件 www.ichacha.net 3. Fire fighting purposes; metal escape ladders 消防.金属消防梯 www.mapeng.net 4. Wood for ladders and steps - Quality requirements 梯子和阶梯用木材.质量要求 www.mapeng.net 5. Safety standard for light-metal extension ladders 二节轻金属拉伸梯安全标准 ascetlan.bokee.com 6. Ladders on ships; summary of types, installation 船用梯子.一览表.安装 www.mapeng.net 7. The Gift of Climbing the Ladders That Reach to Your Stars 第十九件礼物:攀上摘星的阶梯 dangdang.com 8. Safety Requirements for Job-Made Wooden Ladders 工地用木梯的安全要求 www.mapeng.net 9. Very superstitious, ladders bout' to fall, 非常迷信的梯子忽然倒下 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Sloping ladders in ships` engine rooms and boiler rooms 船舶机舱和锅炉舱的梯子 www.mapeng.net 1. Ladders for small buildings in water supply plants 小型供水建筑工程用攀登梯 www.mapeng.net 2. Studies is the steps and ladders which the humanity progresses 读书是人类进步的阶梯 wenwen.soso.com 3. MOUNTING OF LADDERS AND ACCESS PLATFORMS 梯子和引道的装配。 wenku.baidu.com 4. All straight ladders will be equipped with safety shoes in good 所有直梯都必须配备完好的防消垫。 wenku.baidu.com 5. before or when using ladders , or working at heights 使用梯子或高空工作前或期间 www.ichacha.net 6. Ladders Cross the Blue Sky in a Wheel of Fire 作品名称:火轮里跨越蓝天的梯子 design.arch-world.cn 7. Fixed ladders with one upright 单立柱固定式直梯 www.51ehs.com 8. Ladder, escape ladders; 软梯、逃生梯; www.integrity-enterprises.net 9. Steel ladders for cargo tanks in vessels 船舶货舱的钢制梯子 www.mapeng.net 10. Log-domain filter design based on the operational simulation of LC ladders 基于LC梯形网络运算模拟的对数域滤波器设计 www.ilib.cn 1. Fixed ladders with two uprights 双立柱固定式直梯 www.51ehs.com 2. Ladders on ships, medium type 船用立式梯子.中型 www.mapeng.net 3. Lugs for ladders, platforms, and other 梯子,平台及其它附件的支耳 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Ladders on ships, heavy type 船用立式梯子.重型 www.mapeng.net 5. Ladders on ships, light type 船用立式梯子.轻型 www.mapeng.net 6. Ladders of wood or plastics 木或塑料梯 www.21etm.com 7. Columns and other vessels - Part 3: Vertical ladders 塔和其它装置.第3部分:直梯 www.mapeng.net |
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