单词 | Mac-1 |
释义 | Mac-1例句释义: 全部 1. Bonzi ready to play and he needs to be the #1 scoring option while Mac is resting. 棒子准备好比赛了,他应该是麦蒂休息下场时的第一进攻选择。 www.tianya.cn 2. U. S. retail Mac sales, which had surged this year, fell 1% in November. 美国Mac零售量今年曾一度猛增,但十一月份下降了1%。 www.bing.com 3. I was sitting alone at a table with a big mac, two large fries, a large drink and 1 case of chicken nuggets. 我一个人坐在桌子旁边,面前是一只巨无霸,两份大薯条,一杯大可乐和一盒麦乐鸡。 www.bucter.com 4. AppleInsider will have full live coverage of today's "Back to the Mac" event, scheduled to begin at 10 a. m. Pacific, 1 p. m. Eastern. AppleInsider将会完整直播预定今天太平洋时间上午10点、东部时间下午1点开始的“回归Mac”发布会。 www.bing.com 5. The concentrations of benzene, toluene and xylene in work places were close to MAC or exceeding 1-2 folds of MAC. 接触组女工所在车间空气中苯、甲苯、二甲苯的年平均浓度接近或超过国家卫生标准1~2倍。 www.magsci.org 6. What was T-Mac doing on the 1 on 1 fast break? He was hesitating and not sprinting towards the basket, allowing Okur time to block the shot. 1对1快攻的时候麦迪在干嘛呢?他很犹豫,没有快速切入篮下,让奥库有时间可以盖帽。 club.sohu.com 7. We are treating the Mac as a tier-1 platform so all of our future games will release simultaneously on Windows, Mac, and the Xbox 360. 我们已经把Mac当作一线平台,未来我们所有的游戏都将在Windows、Mac和Xbox360平台同时发布。 www.bing.com 8. The number of MAC addresses per port can be limited to 1. 每个连接埠MAC位址的数目可以限定为1。 www.cyut.edu.tw 9. Unfortunately, I am unable to install 4Suite 1. 0a1 on the Mac OSX machine I use (a workaround is in the works). 很遗憾,我不能在我使用的MacOSX机器上安装4Suite1.0a1(我正在研究一种变通方法)。 www.ibm.com 10. For a Windows PC the average price was $515, for a Mac it was $1, 400. 其中Windows电脑平均售价曾经是515美元,而苹果Mac电脑为1400美元。 www.bing.com 1. Apple on Thursday announced that its Mac App Store will open for business on Jan. 苹果周四宣布,其MacAppStore将在1月6日开张,主要面向企业。 www.bing.com 2. Click on the link above to download the Silverlight 1. 0 Beta for Mac (after you accept the license terms). 单击上面的链接可下载适用于Mac的Silverlight1.0测试版(接受许可条款后)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. the fast food company just raised the cost of its popular big mac hamburger and other food by 0 . 1 - 0 . 5 yuan. 这个大型快餐连锁公司最近将它著名的巨无霸汉堡以及其他食品价格提高了0。1至0。5元。 www.ichacha.net 4. Apple includes a patched version of libtool 1. 3. 5 In Mac OS X, but it will not work correctly in most cases. Apple在MacOSX中包括了一个修正的版本,但在多数情况下不能正常工作。 www.finkproject.org 5. The flat_namespace bug: This problem only occurs if you use libtool on Mac OS X10. 1 And later. flat_namespace问题:这个问题只发生在MacOSX10.1和更新的版本上使用libtool的时候。 www.finkproject.org 6. A new patch is available for the PC and Mac versions of Diablo II Patch 1. 10 Beta. 适用于pc和苹果机的暗黑破坏神2新的1.10测试版补丁现在放出。 club.sohu.com 7. Simply run python in your shell (use Terminal. app on a Mac) and you should see something like Listing 1. 仅需在shell中运行python(在Mac上使用Terminal.app),您就可以看见清单1所示的内容。 www.ibm.com 8. At the end of 2008, Freddie Mac held $1. 8tn in single-family home loans. 在2008年底,房地美持有18000亿美元的独家住房贷款。 www.bing.com 9. Figure 1 shows PHPEclipse running on Mac OS X. 图1显示了MacOSX上运行的PHPEclipse。 www.ibm.com 10. And between Mac Bundle Box and Branchr he`s made around 1. 2 million British pounds, which is close to $2 million. “MacBundleBox”和“Branchr”这两个公司,他净赚120万英镑,约合近200万美金。 tr.hjenglish.com 1. Next, the hacker sends a malicious ARP reply to your computer, associating his MAC Address with 192. 168. 0. 1 (see Diagram 4). 然后,黑客在发送一个恶意的ARP响应到你的计算机,将他的MAC地址和192.168.0.1绑定起来。(如图4)。 www.bing.com 2. Opened Mac App Store on Jan 6. Available in more than 90 countries, features over 1, 000 free and paid apps. 1月6日苹果商店开业。在90多个国家都能买到苹果产品,其主要特色是提供1000多种免费和付费的软件。 www.bing.com 3. Testers can download Firefox 3. 1 Beta 1 builds for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux in 36 different languages. 测试人员的可以直接下载Firefox3.1Beta1builds,包括Windows、MacOSX和Linux三个平台的版本和36种不同的语言。 www.bing.com 4. Meanwhile, Mac unit sales came in at 4. 1 million, slightly below the Street's 4. 3 million consensus. 同时,Mac笔记本电脑的销售量是410万台,比华尔街预期的430万台略低。 www.bing.com 5. Cmd [1-8] : On a Mac, hold the Cmd key and press a number 1 through 8 to jump to a specific tab. 加利福尼亚 [1-8]:在Mac上,按住加利福尼亚键,然后按到8数字1跳转到一个特定的标签。 www.fachun.net 6. One in 10 had more salt than the 2. 1g found in a McDonald's Big Mac. 十分之一的沙拉比麦当劳的巨无霸的2.1克盐还多。 www.bing.com 7. The figure is also a 21. 7 percent increase compared to the same period in January 2007, when Macs claimed 6. 2 percent of site hits. 这个数字与2007年1月同期相比,也增长了21.7%,当时Mac的网站访问份额仅为6. www.bing.com 8. Big Mac in China costs 11 yuan, equivalent to just $1. 45 at today's exchange rate, which means China's currency is undervalued by 58%. 在中国,巨无霸的售价是11元人民币,依照当前汇率,相当于1.45美元,这意味着中国的货币被低估了58%。 www.ecocn.org 9. the good thing, t mac sucks and we're ahead by 1. 好消息是,麦迪虽然有点软,但我们还是领先了1分。 club.learning.sohu.com 10. we are losing all of these games with 1-2 points max. this is with t mac who is probably our best clutch scorer and closer missing games. 所有这些比赛,我们最多就输1,2分,还是因为我们或许关键时刻最好的得分手和终结者麦蒂不在场上。 bbs.club.sohu.com 1. Based on that estimate, 1400 calories is roughly a meal and a half of food wasted every day (or a Big Mac meal with a large Coke). 基于此,那么每天1400卡路里就差不多相当于一餐半的食物被浪费了(或者说就是1个巨无霸外加一份大杯可乐)。 www.bing.com 2. Big Mac costs $1. 95 in China at current exchange rates, against $3. 73 in America. 以中国目前的汇率,一个汉堡包花费1.95美元,而在美国需要花费3.73美元。 www.bing.com 3. The structure of the new IDS Mac OS X installer can be described as a three-layer topology, as shown in Figure 1 新的IDSMacOSX安装程序的结构可以描述为一个三层拓扑,如图1所示 www.ibm.com 4. When T-Mac only had 1 point more than Deke after 3 quarters you know something is terrible wrong 当麦迪3节比赛只比大叔多1分的时候,你知道一定有什么严重的事情发生了 bbs.lhinfo.ha.cn 5. Big Mac costs 12. 5 yuan in China, which is $1. 83 at today's exchange rate, around half its price in America. 中国一个巨无霸卖12.5元,用今天的美元兑人民币汇率是1.83美元,这个价格仅是它在美国售价的一半。 www.ecocn.org 6. MAC0 also contains a 1-bit arithmetic shifter that will left or right-shift the contents mac 0还载有1位运算器,将左或右转向内容 zhidao.baidu.com 7. [On Mac OS X, Fortune, Jan. 24, 2000] [关于MacOSX操作系统,《财富》杂志(Fortune),2000年1月24日] chinese.wsj.com |
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