单词 | mailing |
释义 |
复数:mailings mailing 显示所有例句 例句释义: 邮寄,邮递,邮件,邮箱中称为发送信件,邮寄方式,投递 1. Nobody knows everything so do not hesitate to ask questions in the channel or in the mailing list. 没有人通晓一切,所以别犹豫,尽管在IRC频道和邮件列表中发问吧。 wiki.fcctt.org 2. Each component operates as an autonomous project, with its own set of committers, bug categories, and mailing lists. 每个组件都作为一个独立自主的项目进行运作,有它自己的一组提交者、错误类别和邮件列表。 www.ibm.com 3. B. That'll save me a lot of time on mailing list and when I'm addressing envelopes. Let me give it a try. 这样我在填信封时能省很多做地址清单的时间了。我来试试。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The utility model has the characteristics of a low cost, a light weight, is not easy to crush in mailing, and can be used once. 不但造价低且具有观察、邮寄不易破碎、重量轻、可一次性使用的特点。 ip.com 5. A mailing list is usually a place to ask questions in the hope you'll get a decent answer. 邮寄名单通常是提出问题,并希望获得一个像样的答案的地方。 www.bing.com 6. It's just a Mailman mailing list, which gets emailed by one of the commit hooks (presumably, the post-commit hook). 只不过是一个Mailman邮件列表,它靠一个提交挂钩程序来产生邮件(一般是post-commit挂钩程序)。 www.infoq.com 7. Don't add users to your mailing list because you think they won't complain; wait for them to ask. 不要因为您自以为用户不会反对,而随意将用户加入您的邮寄列表;要等待他们主动要求。 www.ibm.com 8. Expect Shale to have its own mailing lists in the months ahead as it begins to move toward being an independent project of its own. 预期在几个月后,当Shale开始成为独立的项目时,它也会有它自己的邮件列表。 www.ibm.com 9. The company has extensive promotional message mailing amount, and is trying to pass a cheaper way to attract customers. 该公司已经大规模削减了促销性邮件的邮寄数量,并且正在尝试着通过更便宜的方式来吸引客户。 www.bing.com 10. If you've got the inclination, spend at least a month or two reading the BUGTRAQ, CERT, and RISKS mailing lists. 如果你有兴趣的话,可以花费至少一到两个月的时间来阅读BUGTRAQ、CERT、RISKS邮件列表。 wiki.perlchina.org 1. If you want to find out when a new service pack is available, you can fill out a simple online form to be added to my mailing list. 只要简单地填写一个在线表格把你列入我的发送名单中,当有新的服务包发行时,你就会得到通知。 blog.xdnice.com 2. When a visitor registers, the visitor will be given the opportunity to select whether or not to be included in the Nero AG mailing list. 当某一访问者进行注册时,该访问者可以选择是否被包括在NeroAG邮件列表中。 www.securdisc.net 3. would now unpin the drawing from his board, take it into the hall and spray it with fixative, then roll it up and put it in a mailing tube. 传统画家这时要将图画从图板上取下,拿进大厅,喷定色剂。然后将它卷起来,放进邮寄用的纸筒。 www.jukuu.com 4. Talk about your video at conferences, show it at your next event, or include an easy to remember URL on your next mailing. 在会议上讲述你的视频,在新的活动中展示视频,或者在下次信件中包括一个容易记的简单网址。 www.bing.com 5. Also, it has SMTP notification for mailing log files and letting you know when jobs fail. 此外,它还发送邮件日志档的SMTP通知,告知您作业失败的时间。 technet.microsoft.com 6. The only project that has more downloads and a busier mailing list is Grails, a popular Web framework implemented in Groovy (see Resources). Grails是惟一一个拥有较多下载数量以及繁忙邮件列表的项目,它是在Groovy中实现的流行Web框架(请参阅参考资料)。 www.ibm.com 7. The religious right has always been able to rally its troops through church pulpits and mailing lists. 宗教权力总能通过教堂的布道坛和邮件联系表,把这支大军集结起来。 www.ecocn.org 8. This may be a hard step to follow but calling mailing texting and going to her work or where she hangs out will chase her further away. 做到这一步也许很难,可诸如打电话,发邮件,发短信,跟踪她上班这些无聊之举只会将她越推越远。 www.bing.com 9. Which implies that this was Maxim's first-ever patch sent to a mailing list! 这意味着这是Maxim第一次向某个邮件列表发送程序补丁! www.bing.com 10. If it's a non-local company, or you are signing up for a mailing list, then they probably do need it. 如果是一个非当地公司,或者你签署一项邮寄名单,那么他们可能都需要它。 blackmailedslave.com 1. Messages to you from the students mailing list seem to have been bouncing. 邮件给你,从学生的邮寄名单里给你寄出的信似乎已经被退回了。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. What we didn't know at the time was that publishers of IT books lurked on those mailing lists, looking for potential authors. 当时我们不知道在那些邮件列表中间潜伏着正在寻找潜在作者的IT书籍出版商。 www.bing.com 3. New generation phones are used for so much more: texting, e-mailing, and accessing the Internet. 新一代手机的用途可就广泛多了:传简讯、收发电子邮件和上网。 4. And if you don't understand anything, then there's an active and large community available to ask questions on the mailing list. 而且要是你有什么不知道的,还有活跃的大型社区可以让你在邮件列表中进行提问。 www.infoq.com 5. The mailing list is active in the range of two or three messages a day. 活动邮件列表的范围一般都是一天两个或三个消息。 www.ibm.com 6. This means the same message may need to be sent to a mailing list, a Twitter account, an IRC channel, and a Facebook page. 这意味着同样的消息可能需要发送到一个邮件列表、一个Twitter账号、一个IRC频道和一个Facebook页面。 www.infoq.com 7. However, if things do not go as expected, then interested members will discuss their concerns through the scenario-specific mailing list. 但是,如果不是如预期的那样,则有兴趣的成员将通过场景特定的邮件列表讨论他们的关注内容。 www.ibm.com 8. If you are still stuck, someone on the PHP installation mailing list may be able to help you. 如果还卡着,PHP安装邮件列表中的人可能会帮你。 ro2.php.net 9. Note that this address is mapped to a publicly archived mailing list . 注意本地址映射到一个公开归档的邮件列表。 www.bing.com 10. Haley claims that he is just a "normal" boy who also enjoys maths, basketball, golf, Robbie Williams , e-mailing and action movies. 海利宣称他也只是一个喜欢数学,篮球,高尔夫,罗比威廉斯,电子邮件和动作电影的“正常”男孩。 www.showxiu.com 1. When I signed up for the SAT in 1967, I recall mailing in a brief paper form with a few facts. 我记得1967年报考SAT的时候,只填写了一张简单的表格,寄过去完事。 bbs.51ielts.com 2. Sandberg, who goes to bed early and starts e-mailing at 5 A. M. , often had to usher the nocturnal Zuckerberg out at midnight. 早睡早起5点就开始发邮件的桑德伯格经常要在午夜送走夜间活动的扎克伯格。 www.bing.com 3. Another part of that commitment is helping to create mailing lists and IRC channels for Ubuntu users in different languages . 承诺的那一部分就是要帮助不同语种的用户创建邮件列表和IRC频道。 www.bing.com 4. A few days later , you can use the same file to generate newsletters that include the Board members's names and mailing addresses . 数日以后,可以使用同一文件生成包括董事会成员姓名和邮寄地址的新闻稿。 www.bing.com 5. Think about it. You're e-mailing someone and, generally, you're seeking some sort of reply. 想一想,你给某人发电子邮件,一般而言会寻求某种程度上的回复。 kk.dongxi.net 6. Progressed from softer, benefit-oriented message to a strong, product-focused message in the final mailing. 邮件中的信息由最初的柔性的、利益导向信息发展为明确的以产品为中心的信息。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Hundreds of people signed him up for advertising mailing lists and free catalogues, prompting him to complain of harassment. 几百人把广告、产品目录塞到他信箱里,迫使他抱怨自己受到了骚扰。 www.bing.com 8. We return to the United States on Tuesday after a few days in Chengdu, where, among other things, we will be mailing samples. 在成都呆几天后,我们返回美国。在那儿,一堆其他事儿中,我们将邮寄样本。 www.bing.com 9. I'm supposed to have this package ready for mailing out tomorrow morning and I'm miles away from being ready. 我得将这个套案整理好,明天一早发送出去,但我现根本还没有准备好。 www.ebigear.com 10. I initially created a mailing list for communication among Tcl users, but within a few years it became so large as to be unwieldy. 我起初为社区中的用户建立了一个邮件列表,但是短短几年里,这个列表变得相当冗长,以至于后来无法控制。 www.diybl.com 1. If this does not help, explore the resources listed at the end of this document. Finally, ask on the appropriate mailing list. 如果这样还不行的话,浏览这个文档结尾列出的资源列表。再不行的话,请在适当的邮件列表上提问。 www.linuxsir.org 2. And I can tell you right now, if you're just e-mailing pictures to your buddies, you don't need it. 我现在就能告诉你,若只是通过邮件发照片给朋友,你用不着这档机型。 www.bing.com 3. Further, users can return unwanted or defective products simply by going to the store, rather than mailing it to a web site operator. 更进一步,使用者能藉由去商店只是归还不必要的或有缺陷的产品,并非邮寄它对一个网站操作员。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Unsubscribe from as many mailing lists as you can. This way you can cut down the amount of incoming e-mails and prevent distraction. 订阅邮件能少则少。这样能减少收到的电子邮件数量,不让工作分心。 www.hjenglish.com 5. This information is collected only with your knowledge and permission, and is kept in various WHO databases and mailing lists. 这些信息仅在你知情和允许的情况下收集,并保存在世界卫生组织各数据库和邮寄清单中。 www.who.int 6. Therefore, you should send him your full Name and telephone number your correct mailing address where you want him to send the Draft to you. 因此,你应该尽快把你的姓名和电话号码你正确的邮寄地址在你想要他立刻把汇票向你。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. This section answers some of the questions that have been commonly asked on the Usenet news groups and mailing lists. 这一节回答经常在Usenet讨论区及通信论坛常被问到的问题。 mirror.cc.shu.edu.cn 8. I subsequently posted it on a UNIX mailing list, and many of the members told me they found it to be a useful tool. 随后我将它公布在一个UNIX邮件列表上,结果有许多成员告诉我他们发现这是一个有用的工具。 www-128.ibm.com 9. It wants to be copied from friend to friend, beamed from a Palmdevice, pasted into a mailing list. 它需要在朋友之间复制,从Palm设备上收发,粘贴到邮件列表上。 www.bing.com 10. Generating trade show passes, thank you letters, for mailing mass brochures to the company customer database. 预备展会证,感谢信–并根据公司的客户数据库群发给客户。 jobs.renhe.cn 1. As per Belinda, please send your mail list for me to arrange mailing label. Since the. 每贝琳达,请发送邮件清单,为我安排邮寄标签。 translate.google.cn 2. As he related in the Python Business Forum mailing list, he had implemented an XML processor that required eight hours to complete its task. 就象他在Python业务论坛(PythonBusinessForum)邮件列表中所叙述的那样,他已经实现了一个XML处理器,该处理器完成其任务需要8小时。 www.ibm.com 3. The mailing label is to be completed and returned with your application . 填妥此邮寄标签后,连同申请书一并交回本处。 www.bing.com 4. We've had dozens and dozens of fund managers, and several CEOs, e-mailing and calling all day. 我们已经度过了数十座基金经理,和几个首席执行官,电子邮件,并要求所有的一天。 www.bing.com 5. I know a ton of you guys will continue e-mailing me, asking if a second chance is possible. 我知道好多男孩会继续发邮件给我,问我是否可以给他第二次机会。 www.bing.com 6. After a bit of back and forth on the mailing list, he put his machine outside the firewall and gave me VNC access to debug the problem. 经过邮件列表上的一番往来,他干脆把机器放到公司防火墙的外面,然后给了我一个VNC帐号去调试这个问题。 www.infoq.com 7. If you want help getting your focus pointed in the right direction, sign up for our mailing list so you don't miss anything! 如果你期望你的关注方向正确,请在我们的邮箱列表里标注,这样你就不会错过任何东西! www.bing.com 8. Sign-Up for Our Mailing List to get notified of new releases, special offers and our free monthly Game Industry Research Briefs. 签到让我们的邮寄表变得通知了新版本,特价和我们游戏工业研究通报的免费月刊。 tr.bab.la 9. The department to contact, and the means of contacting it, including its mailing address, telephone number, fax number, email address, etc. 联系部门和联系方式,包括通信地址、电话、传真和电子邮箱等。 www.dffy.com 10. S. . . If not B to obtain a visa to return Party A Party B to pay the cost (Party A deduction of the cost of mailing invitations). 如果乙方未能获得签证,甲方退还乙方以交纳的费用(甲方扣除邀请函邮寄费用)。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. But anyway , this same person , Laura, ended up mailing me a little bit after that project . 无论如何,这个人,劳拉,在那个项目结束后,给我发了封邮件。 www.bing.com 2. Collated all the information to the customer or the bank to pay a single mailing. 整理好所有的资料给客户或者是邮寄银行交单。 dict.wanyuwang.com 3. Enter the e-mail addresses and domain names of mailing lists that you belong to that are never treated as junk e-mail messages. 输入您所属的永远不会被当作垃圾电子邮件处理的邮件列表的电子邮件地址和域名。 office.microsoft.com 4. After more specific communications, if needed, we will arrange mailing you some samples for you to test. 在更详细的交流沟通后,如果有必要,我们会安排邮寄样品给您以供化验。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Messages sent to such a mailing list and received by you will not be treated as junk e-mail. 发送到该邮件列表中的邮件以及您收到的邮件将不会被视为垃圾邮件处理。 technet.microsoft.com 6. We do not need the user to verify the data via email, we just need the data sent directly to the corresponding mailing list. 我们并不需要用户通过电子邮件,以验证数据,我们只需要数据直接发送到相应的邮件列表。 www.bing.com 7. B filled out in this contract mailing address, address for service for the Party. 形),乙方在本合同中填写的住址为甲方邮寄送达地址。 img3.zhubajie.com 8. An argument in a mailing list, newsgroup, or other forum over some emotional and controversial topic. 在信址列表、新闻组,或其他论坛就某些激动人心的和引起争论的主题展开的辩论。 www2.ccw.com.cn 9. This document is intended to be a guideline for new posters to a Fink mailing list. 本文档是作为Fink邮件列表的新张贴者的一个使用规则。 www.finkproject.org 10. One thing I'll need to look at is what sort of support MTN has for commits mailing lists. 我要确定的一件事是MTN对代码提交的邮件列表有什么样的支持。 www.infoq.com 1. It is being discussed on several internet newsgroups and a Kombucha listserv mailing list was started a few years ago. 它在几个因特网新闻组讨论和康普茶列表服务邮件列表在几年前开始。 www.bokee.net 2. But no one is going back to mailing grocery store-developed photos or reel-to-reel film editing anytime soon. 但是,很快就没有人会再像从前一样去邮寄从杂货店冲洗的照片,或者一卷一卷地剪辑胶卷了。 www.bing.com 3. If there is sample text for the mailing address on the envelope , go on to the next step . 如果信封上有通讯地址的示例文本,请前进到下一步。 www.bing.com 4. Wait a day or two and reread your letter several times before mailing it, so you can gain some perspective. 在寄信前等一两天,或是多读几遍,以便看得更清。 www.bing.com 5. Yes, sir. It includes the mailing charge and a handling fee as well. 是的.先生.邮寄费和手续费都包含在内了。 www.bing.com 6. Spending a lot of time preparing and mailing reports, and requesting and collecting signatures, is probably not the best use of your time. 花费太多的时间用来准备和邮递报告,以及索取和收集确认签字,你很可能就无法充分利用自己的时间。 www.bing.com 7. It also appears difficult to get help in using Quick: Questions often do not receive any responses on the forum and mailing list. 另外,使用Quick时,获得帮助看来也很困难:在论坛和邮件列表中,提出的问题常常得不到任何响应。 www.ibm.com 8. The most common use of labels is for mailing, but any Access data can be printed in a label format for a variety of purposes. 标签最常用于邮件,不过任何Access数据都可以打印成标签的形式,以用于各种目的。 office.microsoft.com 9. In a mass mailing or in an advertisement, you might post a coupon code to give customers an added incentive to order. 在大量邮件推广或在某个广告中,您可以公布优惠券代码以刺激客户的订购欲望。 www.regnow.com 10. You can start by sending as much information as you can about the card to opensc-devel mailing list. 你可以着手尽量发些信息到opensc-devel邮件列表上询问该卡。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The marketing department of Adventure Works wants to increase sales by targeting specific customers for a mailing campaign. AdventureWorks的市场部希望通过向特定客户发送邮件的方式来提高销售量。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The NH Forge site is completed with a Wiki, a Mailing List and a Download section. 新的NHForge站点是由一个Wiki、一个邮件列表和一个下载区组成。 www.infoq.com 3. I sent out a round-robin e-mail to a mailing list of about 500 people all of whom do busy, supposedly workaholic jobs. 我给邮件列表上大约500人群发了一封电子邮件,他们按说都是繁忙的工作狂。 www.ftchinese.com 4. An aide to Mr. Emanuel said it was for an official mailing sent to every household in his district. 他的一名助手说,那是由于他们当时向选区每户家庭都投递了公务邮件。 www.bing.com 5. Indicia: Formal mailing information or permit, AS on business reply envelopes or bulk mail, printed on envelope or item to be mailed. 邮政标记:印于信封上或邮寄物品上,例如商业回邮信封或在大量邮寄的正式邮寄资料或执照。 dict.ebigear.com 6. I cannot stress enough how important it is for a money-making blog to have a mailing list. 我对它的重要性已说得够多的了,一个赚钱的博客不能没有邮寄名单。 www.bing.com 7. It includes the mailing charge and a handing FEE as well. 邮寄费和手续费都包含在内了。 www.94493.com 8. Use one side of A4 paper, plain white photocopier paper is fine. If you are mailing it put it in the body of the email; don't attach it. 使用A4纸的一面、纯白的复印纸就可以了。如果要发邮件,请将内容放正文里,不要放在附件里。 www.ttxuexi.com 9. If you have problems installing, take a look at the Nagios Web page (see Resources for a link) and join the mailing list. 如果安装时出现问题,可以查看Nagios网页(链接见参考资料)并将其添加到邮件列表。 www.ibm.com 10. You need a set of mailing labels, and each member's name and address is recorded on an index card. 需要一组邮递标签,每个成员的姓名和地址都记录在索引卡上。 www.jukuu.com 1. You need a set of mailing labels, and each member's name and address is recorded on an index card. 需要一组邮递标签,每个成员的姓名和地址都记录在索引卡上。 www.jukuu.com 2. Is the address of the party paying for your trip the same as your Home or Mailing Address? 支付您行程者的地址是否与您的家庭地址或邮寄地址相同? wenku.baidu.com 3. If the name and the mailing address of the receipt is different from the above, please state. 如收据抬头或邮寄地址与上述不同,请注明。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 4. Homepage includes designing of a logo, facility for subscription to mailing list, and link to registration page. 首页包括一个标志,用于订阅邮件列表设施,并链接到注册页面设计。 www.bing.com 5. A subsequent query specifying the ADDRESS column in the CLIENTS table retrieves the address information as a concatenated mailing address. 随后的查询指定了CLIENTS表中的ADDRESS列,从中检索地址信息,并将其作为连接的邮寄地址。 www.ibm.com 6. It also offer other useful information, including mailing list, index of contributors, and a links-list. 此外,还提供有著者索引、邮件列表、相关站点链接等内容。 nano.nstl.gov.cn 7. Fill in and submit the following form if you had registered to this Web site and want your name be removed from the mailing list. 如你曾在本会网页登记,现希望从邮递名录删除你的名字,请填妥以下表格! www.wwf.org.hk 8. Within a few days, we had thousands on our mailing list. 短短几天之内,我们的邮件列表中就有了上千的订户。 www.bing.com 9. They keep mailing things to me that I don't want. 他们老是寄来我不想要的东西。 dict.hjenglish.com 10. Contrariwise , if you suspect that your question is too dumb for a mailing list, it's not an excuse to harass individual developers. 反之,若你认为这个问题不值得在邮件列表中提起,就没有理由用它来骚扰任何一位开发者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. A OK, I'll make a note of that. And finally, may we put you on our mailing list? 好,我会作个说明,我可以有你的有机地址? bbs.24en.com 2. You can mail brochures without the extra cost of using envelopes by adding your customers'mailing addresses to the back panel. 通过在封底添加客户的邮寄地址来邮寄小册子,可以节省使用信封的额外费用。 office.microsoft.com 3. The mailing address you provide must be the residential address of a person or the business address of a firm. 你的邮寄地址必须是一个人的居住地址或一个公司的商业地址。 bbs.canadameet.org 4. Why the mailing address is different to the company location address? 还有为什麽寄件位置跟公司位置不一样呢??。 www.hkknow.com 5. For me, it does not mean that you have to be on my Christmas card mailing list. 对我而言,“朋友”一词并不意味着你的名字必须出现在圣诞卡邮寄列表上。 www.bing.com 6. Groovy has one of the busiest mailing lists at Codehaus. org, where the project is hosted (see Resources). Groovy在Codehaus.org中有一个最忙碌的邮件列表,这是托管该项目的位置(请参阅参考资料)。 www.ibm.com 7. Support for the client can be acquired through mailing lists which can one can subscribe to via the SQuirrel Client home page. 对于该客户机的支持可通过邮件列表来获取,而每个人都可以通过SQuirrelClient主页订阅这些邮件列表。 www-128.ibm.com 8. The recession has prompted businesses and advertisers, which account for the bulk of its income, to cut back on mailing. 商业和广告业是邮政收入的主要来源,经济衰退加速了它的下滑。随之而来的是邮政量的降低。 www.ecocn.org 9. I want to make ane-mailing campaign with this newsletter so it must be ready to send via Direct Mail. 我想与此通讯电子邮寄活动,因此必须做好准备,通过直接发送邮件。 www.bing.com 10. Follow the links to the CVS repository on developerWorks, as well as the ananas-discussion mailing list. 请使用developerWorks上连接CVSrepository的链接,以及“ananas讨论邮件列表”。 www.ibm.com 1. SAX was developed by the members of the XML-DEV mailing list as a standard and simple API for event-based parsers. SAX是由XML-DEV邮件列表的成员开发的一种用于基于事件的语法分析器的标准和简单的API。 www.ibm.com 2. People on the mailing list are often willing to help. 邮件列表上列出的人一般都乐于给予帮助。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Jump on the PhoneGap mailing list, IRC channel or even just ping @phonegap on Twitter if you want to help out. 加入PhoneGap邮件列表、IRC频道或即便只是查看一下Twitter上的@phonegap,如果想帮忙的话。 www.infoq.com 4. Researchers at Kaspersky Lab have recorded a mass mailing of spam emails containing a link to a video advertisement on YouTube. Kaspersky实验室的研究人员发现大量的包含垃圾邮件的链接出现在YouTube上。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. To save a list by using only the recipients of your mailing, click Only included. 若要通过只使用邮件的收件人来保存列表,请单击“仅包含的记录”。 office.microsoft.com 6. A list that includes the e-mail addresses of mailing lists for which you want to be a recipient. 一个列表,其中包含您希望成为其收件人的邮件列表中的电子邮件地址。 technet.microsoft.com 7. When mailing entries, insurance coverage is recommended in case of damage or loss during shipping. 为了防止送件过程中参赛作品遭到破坏或遗失,请妥善包装邮寄作品。 www.3ydesign.com 8. This could include a past catalog, special mailing, a dated price list or evidence of identical work for a past customer. 这可能包括过去的目录,特别邮寄,注明日期的价目表或为过去的客户相同工作的证据。 www.good2.com 9. Hal is still active daily on the Ruby mailing list and IRC channel, and has several Ruby projects in progress. Hal仍旧活跃于Ruby邮件列表和IRC频道中,并且有几个开发中的Ruby项目。 www.infoq.com 10. Nutty people are always writing me. I always think I must be on some nutty mailing list. 老有疯子写信给我。我想我一定在某张疯人通讯薄上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. This issue has been discussed on the StatCVS mailing list (see Resources), but it doesn't seem likely to be fixed anytime soon. 这个问题曾在StatCVS的邮件列表上讨论过(请参阅参考资料),但是看起来近期不会得到解决。 www.ibm.com 2. That's the time you spend at work socializing with colleagues, E-mailing back and forth, instant messaging, talking on the phone. 这个时间特指的是你在工作中与同事进行交往的时间,如:往来电子邮件、即时消息和电话交谈等。 www.bing.com 3. When was the last update performed on the mailing list? 邮寄名单最近一次修改是在什么时候? club.topsage.com 4. The first is the CVS mailing list -- this one is a no-brainer because it's so easy to implement. 第一件是CVS邮件列表―这件事无须费神,因为它很容易实现。 www.ibm.com 5. If people on a mailing list are civil, then newcomers will try to be civil. 如果一个邮件列表中的成员都很文明,那么新人也会尽量文明。 www.bing.com 6. If this address now changes, then every bundle referring to the mailing address must also be changed. 如果这个地址现在发生了更改,每一个与此邮件地址有关的束都必须改变。 www-128.ibm.com 7. And any time you send email to a mailing list, everyone who subscribes to that list gets it. 你任何时候发送电子邮件到邮件表,订阅该邮件表的每一个都会得到它。 it.sohu.com 8. Theserange from something as easy as a monetary donation, and participating in mailing lists, to actually contributing code for the product. 这些范围从东西一样简单的货币捐赠,参与的邮件列表,以实际贡献代码的产品。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. If your mailing address changed, please notify the insurance company to ensure that you enjoy continuous service. 如您的通讯地址发生变更,请及时通知保险公司,以确保您能享有持续的服务。 www.xiami360.com 10. And that ratio is considered very good in the marketing world of direct mailing which is essentially what this is all about. 然而这样的比例在直接邮寄广告市场已经算很好了,不过实际情况也就是这样。 www.elanso.com 1. The letter carrier found the package wrapped haphazardly in a plastic bag, with no mailing address or return address, and notified police. 信差发现该包裹被随便包在一个塑料袋中。由于上面既没有寄信地址也没有回信地址,信差马上通知了警方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. All information about one client in a client mailing list is an example of a data record. 例如,客户邮件列表中的有关某位客户的所有信息为一条数据记录。 www.kuenglish.info 3. Consider incorporating job search strategies that yield higher results, like networking and direct targeted mailing campaigns. 考虑把更有成果的求职方法,例如:通过人际网路、直接投递简历。 www.showxiu.com 4. Or, maybe they're for announcements you're mailing to a select group of customers about a special sale event. 或者,您的标签可能表示您要就某一特定销售事件向一组选中客户邮寄的通知。 office.microsoft.com 5. Chinese courts have been known to convict citizens on secrets charges for mailing newspaper clippings overseas. 众所周知的是,曾有公民向海外邮寄剪报,结果被中国法庭判以泄密罪名。 cn.wsj.com 6. I feel anxious whether cannot receive up message because mailing box system either the electric network reason . 我担心是否因为邮箱系统或是网络的原因而未能接收到信息。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. Please specify the mailing address for the invitation tickets here. If no indication, all tickets (including complimentary tickets) will be. 请列明参观券收件人地址,如没有指示,所有参观券﹝包括免费配给或。 www.2456.com 8. I felt deeply that I had to take the ring to the Jacksons myself; mailing it seemed harsh and irreverent. 我深感必须亲自把戒指送到杰克逊家才好,邮寄似乎有点缺乏情义和不够尊敬。 www.hotdic.com 9. Receiving and distributing incoming & outgoing mailing, packages and deliveries accurately and timely. 准确和及时地接受和分发信件,包裹和快递。 jobs.zhaopin.com 10. The easiest thing would be to just collect email addresses and add them to your mailing list. 最简单的办法就是收集访问者的电子邮件到你的邮件列表。 www.bing.com 1. Allow sufficient mailing time. Do not send in post-dated cheque or cash . 请预留足够邮递时间,切勿邮寄期票或现金。 www.bing.com 2. As the package of sample is overweight, air mailing would be too expensive. 因为样品包装过重,空邮用度太高。 yibar.com.cn 3. The official site for the Geronimo project has the latest source code and binaries, and an active community on the mailing lists and wiki. Geronimoproject的官方网站具有最新的源代码和二进制文件,以及邮寄列表和wiki上的活动社区。 www.ibm.com 4. Mailing tubes are used infrequently and are sufficiently unrelated to the drawing process, so he stores them in a closet. 邮寄用的纸筒不常使用,而且与画图过程无关,所以画家将它们存储在壁橱里。 www.jukuu.com 5. If you would like some personnel photo of me, give me your mailing address and I'llsend you some throw the mail. 如果你想要我个人的相片的话,把你的邮箱地址告诉我,我将给你发邮件。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. All the worms mentioned above were designed with one aim in mind: mass mailing spam from infected computers. 以上所提到的所有蠕虫都是为一个目的而设计的:从被感染的计算机大量地向外散发垃圾邮件。 blog.163.com 7. The large spike in the Router task was a mass mailing, another example of a workload spike for which you must plan. Router任务中的大峰值是大量邮件,这是必须计划的工作量峰值的另一个示例。 www.ibm.com 8. Information about the team, its mailing lists, projects, etc. Can be found on the Ubuntu Documentation Team Website. 有关本团队,本团队的邮件列表,本团队的项目的信息可以在Ubuntu文档组的网站上找到。 forum.ubuntu.org.cn 9. Other fees include administrative fees, which pay for things like mailing out prospectuses , annual reports, and account statements. 用作邮寄年报、会计帐目等资料给投资者的行政开支等费用,亦包括费用比率内。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Most of all, you can turn your database into standard 2x5, 2x10 or 3x10 mailing labels in just a few clicks. 最重要的是,可以将您的数据库为标准2x5,2x10或者3x10邮寄标签只要按几下滑鼠。 xtdownload.com 1. These smuggling articles through international mailing channels are high value and little volume. Smuggling crime is concealed. 通关邮寄渠道走私的物品价值大、体积小; www.ceps.com.tw 2. The linux-kernel mailing list, Linus said, is somewhat famous for its outspoken nature; it is seen as a barrier to participation sometimes. 李纳斯说,linux-kernel邮件列表以直言不讳闻名。有时候对于想参与的人来说,经常会被浇冷水。 www.bing.com 3. If you are new to hacking the kernel, find lots of resources including an IRC channel, a mailing list, and a wiki at. 上可以找到很多资源,包括IRC频道、邮件列表和wiki。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Incidentally, if you experience problems accessing the files, please report them on the ananas-discussion mailing list (see Resources). 顺便说说,如果您在访问文件时遇到问题,请将它们报告给“ananas讨论邮件列表”(请参阅参考资料)。 www.ibm.com 5. in addition to mailing , telephone calls will be made to patient or fisher next of kin to request for an early settlement of medical fees. 除邮寄方式外,院方也会致电病人或其最近亲,要求尽快清缴医疗费用。 www.ichacha.net 6. Pick one or more mailing list that might be of interest for yourself, and start reading. 选择一个或多个自己可能感兴趣的邮件列表,并开始阅读。 www.bing.com 7. Mailing lists, archives and draft specifications should continuously be visible to the public. 邮件列表,存档,规范草稿应一直对公众开放。 dongxi.net 8. Business and transaction documents printed by users or in captive printing and mailing operations are susceptible to security breaches. 由用户或圈养印刷和邮寄印刷品业务操作和交易文件很容易受到安全漏洞。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. We cannot send the mail to the recipient due to invalid mailing address. Kindly provide correct address asap. Thank you. 这件邮件的寄达地址不正确,我们无法将它投递给收件人,请你尽快正确的寄达地址。谢谢。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. E-mailing notes back and forth is not a very efficient way to collaborate with workspace members. 对于工作空间成员之间的协调,往返的电子邮件并非是一种非常有效的方式。 www.ibm.com 1. It involves customers mailing their used books for me to purchase. 它涉及到客户的二手书邮寄给我购买。 www.bing.com 2. Please do not send bug reports in mailing list or personal letters. 请不要在邮件列表或私人信件中发送错误报告。 at.php.net 3. If you would like to help, please join the audacity-translation mailing list and introduce yourself. 如果您想参与,请加入audacity-translation邮件列表并做个自我介绍。 audacity.sourceforge.net 4. In this example, it retrieves an email address from the database which will be used for mailing the result to user. 在此示例中,该类将从数据库检索电子邮件地址,以便使用其将结果发送给用户。 www.ibm.com 5. Others will charge or require that you pay for a separate mailing. 有时则需要你另外支付些邮费。 www.bing.com 6. So when it comes to marketing your product, everything from packaging to mailing materials should convey a message about your business. 因此,当你为自己的产品准备市场活动时,一切从包装到邮寄资料都会传达关于你生意的信息。 www.bing.com 7. He is mailing the card in his hands. 他,在邮寄手中的卡。 home.hjenglish.com 8. Some of them also spend their free time surfing the Internet, e-mailing their friends, playing computer and video games. 他们中的一些人也在空闲的时间上网,电子邮件,他们的朋友,玩电脑游戏。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. A hardcopy Instructor's Manual with problem solutions is available for a fee of $ 10 to cover reproduction, mailing and handling. 支付10美元的翻印、邮寄和处理费用,可以获得带有问题解答的教师用书印刷本。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Spam In Web context: The action of sending multiple unwelcome messages to a newsgroup or mailing list. 兜售邮件在万维网语境中,指把不受欢迎的消息发送给新闻组或者收件人列表的行为。 www.newwisdom.net 1. Activities considered essential would continue, including the mailing of Medicare and Social Security checks. 被认为至关重要的政府活动将会继续,包括“美国联邦医疗保险”(Medicare)和“社会保障项目”(SocialSecurity)支票的邮寄。 chinese.wsj.com 2. May I confirm the mailing address with you? 我可以跟你确认寄送地址吗? 1043.english.tw 3. We had a website, Twitter feed and I emailed lots of people on various mailing lists. 我们已经拥有一个网站和Twitterfeed,同时我向邮寄名单中的人均发送了邮件。 www.bing.com 4. They do a DNA scan of this, they will come up with a great mailing list. 比如,你知道,你有每一个来参观的访客的皮屑,他们做一个DNA扫描,就能得到一个很长的地址清单。 www.ted.com 5. If you want to send the same message to two different mailing lists or Twitter accounts you are simply out of luck. 如果你想向两个不同的邮件列表或Twitter账号发送相同的消息,那你就不走运了。 www.infoq.com 6. Handle air-ticket & hotel booking, visas issue, business card application, mailing service and daily duty meals statistics. 负责机票及酒店预定、签证办理、名片申请、信件处理、每日用餐统计; www.528hr.net 7. The ReiserFS mailing list is an excellent source for current, more in-depth ReiserFS information. 要想了解当前更为深入的ReiserFS信息,ReiserFS邮件列表是一个极好的资源。 www.ibm.com 8. If you and your father have not received Chinese bibles from my wife, please send us your mailing address and we will send them to you. 如果你和你的父亲并没有收到中文圣经,从我的妻子,请你寄给我们你的邮件地址,我们将他们送到你的。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Bulk mailing rates require that you follow certain handling and mailing procedures. 大宗邮件费率要求您遵从一定的处理和邮寄程序。 office.microsoft.com 10. A mailing list that acts as a forum for discussion of implementation and interoperability issues. 一个邮件列表,作为讨论实现和互操作性问题的论坛。 www-128.ibm.com 1. What is your address. I could mail it out TOP PRIORITY mailing. It saves me $80 and does not cost you any less money. 请告知你方邮寄地址,我方需要寄快件给你,这样可以节省我方80美元而你方不需任何费用。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. The online archive of this mailing list is located at The Mailing list ARChives ( MARC ). 该邮件列表在线归档这个位于邮件列表归档(马克)。 www.diybl.com 3. I knew that the simple act of mailing that letter would alter my life. 我知道寄出这封信的这一简单举动将改变我的生活。 51test.foreign.studyez.com 4. The online and offline homes of classic movie star fan clubs, including Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley, plus sources of mailing addresses. 经典明星球迷俱乐部在线和离线家园,其中包括玛丽莲梦露,猫王,加上邮寄地址的来源。 www.360doc.com 5. Questions and comments regarding the implementation of PDT itself should be posted to the PDT mailing list. 关于PDT项目本身的开发和实现的问题,应当提交到PDT项目的邮件列表。 www.bing.com 6. For distribution to local operators, or promote the use of mailing in the form of, spreading more targeted. 有针对地分发到当地的经营者,或是采用邮寄的形式进行推广,传播的效率更有针对性。 www.texclo.net 7. Several developers have asked if we could create a mailing list that would be devoted exclusively to describing CVS commits. 有一些开发人员询问我们是否可以创建一个邮件列表,它将专用于描述CVS提交。 www.ibm.com 8. Subscribe to the audacity-users mailing list to share tips, questions, and feedback with other Audacity users and developers. 订阅audacity-users(Audacity用户)邮件列表,与其它Audacity用户及开发者分享提示、问题和反馈。 audacity.sourceforge.net 9. Please fill out information below if you would like to be added into AAMA's mailing list for future event information. 如果您希望加入AAMA邮件列表,获得未来活动通知,请填写下表信息。 word.hcbus.com 10. In web terms: The action of sending multiple unwelcome messages to a newsgroup or mailing list. 网络术语:将大多数不受欢迎的信息发送到新闻组或邮件列表的行为。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The program also supports parameterized mailing list management for your mass mail needs. 该方案还支持参数化邮件列表管理你的群发邮件的需求。 www.jisuxz.com 2. NOTE: Please scroll down and fill out the form below to join this mailing list. 注意:请向下滚动,添些下面的表格,加入这个邮件列表。 cotocg.com 3. Reuse what you can, like boxes for mailing and padded envelopes can have several uses in them. 重复使用你能用的,像是邮件包装箱或是用过的信封都可以找到几种用途。 www.bing.com 4. We are seeking assistance with Advertising primarily on the Internet as well as through magazines and direct mailing. 我们正在寻求与主要的互联网广告以及通过直接邮寄杂志和援助。 www.bing.com 5. If mailing address is different from your permanent address, please give us your mailing address for all admission correspondence. 如果邮寄地址不同于您永久家庭地址,请告诉我们您的邮寄地址以便邮寄录取等各类信函。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Also, groups that challenge management must be permitted access to mailing lists of stockholders so that all sides can present their views. 还要求把股东的名址录交给那些向管理人员提出意见的人,以便各方面都能发表自己的见解。 www.jukuu.com 7. I want to return it but there is no mailing address and I feel that if I do return it the person will not give my money back. 我想返回,但没有邮寄地址,我觉得,如果我不返回它的人不会给回我的钱。 translate.google.com.hk 8. Total fee is the amount of the postage (for mailing to "Little Painter" Editorial Department, Wuhan, China) plus its 10%. 此单程邮费应为寄往中国武汉《小画家》编辑部的邮资再加10%。 www.dictall.com 9. There's a netfilter (iptables) mailing list available, as well as one for netfilter developers. 可以使用netfilter(iptables)邮件列表,而且有一个适用于netfilter开发人员。 www.ibm.com 10. Discuss vulnerabilities and security flaws on this public mailing list. 在这个公共邮件列表中讨论漏洞和安全隐患。 www-128.ibm.com 1. After watching the uploaded Video Recording of many of you doing the packing and mailing of the winter clothing s, I am deeply moved. 在看了你们所做的打包和邮寄寒衣的视频之后,我深深地感动了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. All active Geronimo developers subscribe to the Geronimo developer mailing list (see Resources). 所有活跃的Geronimo开发人员都订阅Geronimo开发人员邮件列表(参见参考资料)。 www.ibm.com 3. Everyone agrees that we spend too much of our lives e-mailing. 大家都同意,收发电子邮件在我们的生活中占用了太多的时间。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Mailing List Group is "theme discussion group" based on themes, or "interest group" that comprises customers interested in a theme. 邮寄清单组是基于主题“主题讨论组”,或者由对某个主题感受兴趣的客户组成的“兴趣组”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The only "RTFM" in our mailing list archives was from a user, not a developer. 我们的邮件列表归档文件中惟一一条“RTFM”是从用户那里发出的,而不是从开发者那里发出的。 www.ibm.com 6. If you click the mailing list name, it will ask for your authentication password. 如果您点击邮件列表名,它将显示订阅表单。 translations.launchpad.net 7. He told the journalist, "I chewed out my staff for mailing that out when they did. It should have gone out a long time ago. " 他告诉新闻记者说,“当我的工作人员要发出邮件时我自己需要再检查一下,这封邮件本该很早就发出去了。” blog.sina.com.cn 8. Yes! Please include me in the mailing list to receive great deals exclusively for Paid Zone Members. 是的!请在邮寄表包括我只为付的地区成员收到大买卖。 www.zqhm.com 9. The action of sending multiple unwelcome messages to a newsgroup or mailing list. 将大多数不受欢迎的信息发送到新闻组或邮件列表的行为。 www.w3pop.com 10. I encourage you to download it, test it, and report your findings on the ananas-discussion mailing list (see Resources). 我鼓励您下载它,测试它,并向ananas讨论邮件列表(请参阅参考资料)报告您的发现。 www.ibm.com 1. Follow the links to the CVS repository on developerWorks as well as to the ananas-discussion mailing list and the packaged version of XM. 请使用到developerWorks上CVS资源库的链接以及到ananas讨论邮件列表和XM打包版本的链接。 www.ibm.com 2. At the same time, the postal area will be collected by the cost of mailing a full refund of the sender. 同时,邮政方面将把所收的邮寄费用全额退还寄件人。 news.chinawutong.com 3. Use the Mail Merge task pane to create form letters, mailing labels, envelopes, directories, and mass e-mail and fax distributions. 使用“邮件合并”任务窗格创建套用信函、邮件标签、信封、目录和大量电子邮件和传真。 office.microsoft.com 4. Dennehy and three others had built what they called their "box castle" using cardboard mailing boxes to delineate their space on the plaza. 丹尼希和三个同伙建立了“盒子城堡”,将邮寄用纸板盒搭建出他们在广场上的活动空间。 www.bing.com 5. The project has seen several thousand downloads and is approaching 500 members on its mailing list. 不仅下载次数接近万次,而且Hobo邮件列表中的用户也即将突破500人。 www.infoq.com 6. Mailing lists are an important tool for keeping in touch with security-related issues as they arise. 邮件列表是保持对新产生的安全性相关问题有所了解的一项重要工具。 www-128.ibm.com 7. And there was a $264 fine for mailing indecent materials. 因为邮寄不雅资料,他还被处以264美元罚金。 www.bing.com 8. If you enter the correct password, you will be able to change administrative settings of this mailing list. 如果您输入了正确的密码,您就可以修改这个邮件列表的管理设定。 translations.launchpad.net 9. The "winners" of the Razzies were determined by mailing ballots to 657 voters living in the United States and 19 foreign countries. “金酸莓奖”由来自美国和其它19个国家的657名评委通过邮寄投票选出。 www.hjenglish.com 10. As this often involves copying and pasting the authentication details into an e-mail and then mailing the user or telephoning the details. 这常常需要把身份验证信息复制并粘贴到电子邮件中,然后向用户发送电子邮件,或者通过电话通知他们。 www.ibm.com 1. Members of the open source community provide web pages that provide administration tips, mailing lists, FAQs, and other useful resources. 开源社区的成员提供了一些Web页面,其中给出了一些管理技巧、邮件列表、FAQs以及其他一些有用的资源。 www.ibm.com 2. At this economic retrenching period, enterprises can't not use the previous unsorted marketing method, mailing DM to inform all customers. 在经济紧缩的年代,不能像以往采乱枪打鸟的行销手法,用普发DM的方式去传递行销讯息。 3. Mailing address of recipient: (Left-hand side, one line below the return address) This identifies the recipient of the letter. 收信人地址:(靠左,写于回信地址的下一行)这显示了谁是该信的收信人。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Online - we may be a regular on a forum or mailing list or Google group. 网络——我们也许是某个论坛或是某个邮件列表或是某个Google小组的固定成员。 www.bing.com 5. As hte package of sample is overweight, air mailing would be too expensive. 由于样品包装过重,空邮费用太高。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. They would take the outgoing mail to the post office for mailing and distribute incoming mail to the right person. 他们将往外发的邮件送到邮局,并将寄来的邮件准确无误地分发到收件人的手中。 www.bing.com 7. The Internet also has created new mailing opportunities from e-commerce sales, digital photo printing and DVD rentals. 因特网因此通过电子商务,数码打印,DVD版税为邮政产业创造了很多新机遇。 www.bing.com 8. Some service providers offer mailing list capabilities. This is a valuable plus if you plan sending out email to a large number of users. 一些服务提供商提供邮件表容量。如果你想把邮件发给大量用户,这是很有价值的添加物。 www.86oo.com 9. It has been suggested that we could host our source code repository and mailing lists at RubyForge. 有人建议,我们可以将源码仓库和邮件列表放在RubyForge上。 www.infoq.com 10. Chris and Jennie began e-mailing each other, and eventually went out on a date. 克里斯和詹妮开始互发电子邮件,最后终于出去约会。 www.bing.com 1. For instance each bundle may define a property with a mailing address. 比如每一个束可能都定义一个带有邮件地址的属性。 www-128.ibm.com 2. If the app1ication is sent by mail, the date of mailing indicated by the postmark shall be the date of filing. 如果申请文件是邮寄的,以寄出的邮戳日为申请日。 www.hjenglish.com 3. When you send a series of e-mail messages, strive to be consistent in your messaging, in the layout, and in the timing of the mailing. 在发送一系列电子邮件时,请尽力在消息、布局以及邮寄计时方面保持一致性。 office.microsoft.com 4. If you cannot resolve the issue, please refer the mailing list archive of those packages. 如果你无法解决这些问题,请反馈给这些包的邮件列表。 www.oulan.com 5. In addition to the WSTF mailing lists for general topic discussions, each scenario provides its own unique mailing list. 除了用于一般主题讨论的WSTF邮件列表外,每个场景还提供其本身的独有邮件列表。 www.ibm.com 6. Members who wish to simply join and read the mailing list are welcome to do so. 欢迎希望简化加入和阅读邮件列表的成员这些做。 www.ibm.com 7. He often begins e-mailing the executives who work for him at 4: 30 a. m. ; worldwide conference calls can take place at any time of day. 他经常在早上4:30给为他工作的高管们发电子邮件,全球的电话会议可能一天的任何时间召开。 www.bing.com 8. Most users that subscribe to a software project's mailing list end up hanging around. 订阅了软件项目邮寄列表的大多数用户最终都四处游荡。 www.ibm.com 9. website and created mailing statements electronically. 建立网站和电子邮寄报表。 www.512121.com 10. Sending the e-zine to the mailing-list server will dispatch it to all subscribers. 将e-zine发送到邮递列表服务器将把e-zine发往所有订户。 www.ibm.com 1. Note, that freebsd-cluster mailing list is available for further discussion about clustering of FreeBSD. 需要指出的是:关于FreeBSD在集群方面的深入讨论,FreeBSD集群邮件列表可以参考。 blog.163.com 2. The SOAPBuilders mailing list is also improving interoperability by ironing out the differences between current Web service toolkits. SOAPBuilders邮件列表通过消除现有Web服务工具箱的不确定性也改进了互操作性。 www.ibm.com 3. Information about calling or e-mailing throughout HP, HP partner and office locations, and online resources. 通过致电或发送电子邮件了解有关HP、HP合作伙伴、办公地点及在线资源的信息。 h41186.www4.hp.com 4. Trust Your Gut. If you find yourself e-mailing something you would not want your spouse to know, you are in danger of crossing a line. 相信自己的直觉。如果你发现自己在发送一封你不希望你的配偶知道内容的电子邮件,那你处在越界的危险期。 www.bing.com 5. The Directory of Web Pages On Herbs, Herb Discussion Groups and Herbal Products herb mailing lists and herbal products. 该网站提供有关草药的网页、草药讨论组、草药邮件列表以及草药产品等的在线目录。 nmip.cnmedline.com 6. If he's close to someone, he'd be e-mailing them. 如果他和谁亲近也许会给他们发邮件 www.kekenet.com 7. attention line , subject line, file or account number, enclosures, carbon copy motation, mailing notation & postscript. 经办人姓名、事由或标题、查号或编号、附件、抄送、邮寄方式和再启。 www.hxen.com 8. gstreamer-devel: Don't hesitate to post a message on gstreamer-devel, which is a mailing list for development of and with GStreamer. gstreamer-devel:请不要犹豫,您可以在gstreamer-devel上发布消息,这是面向GStreamer开发和使用的邮件列表。 www.ibm.com 9. Under separate cover, we are air mailing you a copy of our catalogue with detailed (full) specifications. 我方另封空邮寄上带有详细规格的目录一份。 10. Forget the mailing list, I am just sending a document to my immediate boss so how do I if he really opened my document? 我发送一个文档给我的直接上司,怎样才能知道他是否看了这个文档呢? www.elanso.com |
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