单词 | mailer |
释义 |
复数:mailers n. envelope,padded envelope,carton,container,advertisement 例句释义: 邮件封套,邮件程序,梅勒,邮寄者 1. In his final work Norman Mailer offers his concept of the nature of God, showing that even at 84, the author's blade had not been dulled. 在他最后的工作中,诺曼.梅勒提出了他对上帝本性的观点,显示了他即使84岁,仍然宝刀未老。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. And when he won a collegiateliterary prize, Norman Mailer knew that his true calling was as a writer. 并且,当他赢得了学院的文学奖后,诺曼.梅勒认识到他的真正使命是要做一名作家。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Mailer's short sentences carried a more pugnacious message: he was the champ, and would be until someone braver and better knocked him off. 梅勒的短句隐含着好斗的信息:他是卫冕者,直到出现比他更勇敢和更优秀之人将其击败。 www.ecocn.org 4. Raised in New York City, Mailer entered Harvard University at the unusually young age of 16. His plan was to become an engineer. 梅勒在纽约长大,并在年仅16岁时进入哈佛大学。他本打算成为工程师。 www.hjenglish.com 5. The sendmail command will respond with a message advising which IDs can be resolved to a mailer command. 这个sendmail命令的响应是一个消息,它指出哪些ID可以解析为mailer命令。 www.ibm.com 6. Finish the outlined implementation of the event channel above and rewrite the message mailer to be a multi-adapter. 完成上述事件通道的大致实现并将消息邮件收发器重写成多适配器。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 7. The Mailer sample allows you to fill in a form, attach some files, and send the resulting message through SMTP e-mail. Mailer示例使您可以填充表单,附加一些文件,然后通过SMTP电子邮件发送得到的邮件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Note that the mailer is an instance of the 'MessageMailer' class and is initialized at the end of the module. 注意邮件收放器是`MessageMailer`类的一个实例并在模块后面被初始化。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 9. For your personal benefit , we recommend that you destroy this mailer after memorizing your PIN. 为保证您个人的利益不受损害,我们建议您熟记此密码后立即将此密码销毁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Mailer publicly acknowledged that he modeled himself after Hemingway, that he tried to become the all-around male single symbol. 梅勒公开承认过他在模仿海明威,他努力想要成为一个全面的男性象征。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Mailer publicly acknowledged that he modeled himself after Hemingway that he tried to become the all-around male symbol. 梅勒尔曾经公开宣称他希望自己成为海明威那样的,全方位的男人的典范。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Change this command to run your favorite mailer, and you can let your systems administrator know when a user is abusing equipment. 更改此命令以运行您最喜欢的邮件程序,用户滥用设备时可以让系统管理员知道此情况。 www.ibm.com 3. Mr. Mailer drew on his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories. 大多数故事的素材用了童年的回忆。 blog.yeworld.net 4. This poster will arrive to you flat in a custom made mailer made by the same black backing material. 这张图在邮递到你这里时,是装在用同样黑色背景材料制成的传统人工信封里,会让你觉得单调。 www.elanso.com 5. A mailer table in Sendmail can be used to override routing for particular domains, which are not local host names. Sendmail中的mailertable用于覆盖某些域的路由,这些域不是本地主机名。 www.ibm.com 6. "These essentials are inseparable from the history and it must be linked with the background of the times too. " Long Mailer said. “这些要素是与历史密不可分的,也必须和时代背景结合起来看。”朗·梅勒说。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. "I'll have to check, " he said. "We have a WATS line to Mailer's house. " “得查一下。”他说,“我们和梅勒家经常电话联系。” www.douban.com 8. Its main claim to fame is as a helper tool for the popular sendmail mailer configuration file. 它的声望主要是由于这是流行的sendmail配置文件所使用的辅助工具。 www.ibm.com 9. In addition to his novels, creative nonfiction, short stories and essays, Mailer wrote, produced, directed and acted in several films. 除了小说、创作性非小说、短篇故事、随笔,梅勒还编写、制作、导演和演出了几部电影。 www.hjenglish.com 10. In addition to his novels, creative non-fiction, short stories and essays, Mailer wrote, produced, directed and acted in several films. 除了他的小说,富有创造力的纪实文学,短故事及小品文外,梅勒在几部电影中担任了编剧,制片人,导演及演员。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. By general consent, though not by Mailer's, his best book was "The Executioner's Song" of 1979. It won him his second Pulitzer. 一般认为梅勒的最佳作品是成于1979年、为其赢得第二次普利策奖的《刽子手之歌》,不过他本人未必同意。 www.ecocn.org 2. If you mailer automatically saves messages in mbox, be sure to go through your mbox every week or so or it will become unmanageable. 如果你的程序自动将信息存入mbox,你必须每周清理一次,否则会变得无法管理。 www.bing.com 3. Mailer won acclaim for his classic debut novel "The Naked and the Dead" , and later won two Pulitzer Prizes for other works. 梅勒凭借他的第一部名著《裸者与死者》而赢得赞誉,并在之后又两获普利策奖金。 bbs.putclub.com 4. Self-mailer Printed piece designed to be folded and mailed without an envelope. 可以不用信封,折叠后便可付邮的印刷品。 big5.cgan.net 5. And when I was in Paris, I got a chance to read a certain amount, Tolstoy and Norman Mailer. 我在巴黎的时候,有机会读了大量托尔斯泰(Tolstoy)和诺曼梅勒(NormanMailer)的作品。 www.bing.com 6. As the author readily admitted, he was again dealing with the Mailer theme of man testing himself. 正如作者欣然宣布的,他再次写出了梅勒式主题男人检视自己(的男子汉气概)。 www.hjenglish.com 7. "They talk male talk, " grumbled the late Norman Mailer, a novelist who thought liberals could be macho too. “他们以男人方式讨论,”小说家诺曼?梅勒满腹抱怨,他认为自由主义者也可能男子气。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. MaxBulk Mailer is a software tool that you purchase once, no need to pay on a per-email basis to submission services. MaxBulkMailer软件,只需您进行一次性的购置,不再需要另行交纳按电子邮件数量计算的递交服务费。 maxprog.net 9. even as an author , norman mailer considered himself a battler , a fighter. 甚至作为一名作家,诺曼米勒把自己当作一名战士,斗士。 www.ichacha.net 10. Among the DVD's many assets is that it's very small, you can stick it in the mailer, and post it cheaply. DVD众多的特点之一就是它很小你可以把它放在信件里,很便宜地邮寄。 www.ted.com 1. Other changes include the new mailer layouts, or comfortable memoization to make your code more readable. 其它变化还包括新的mailerlayouts,更舒适的memoization,它们都可以提高代码的可读性。 www.infoq.com 2. Best Mass Mailer is the best mass mailer you can use for sending emails utilizing your mailing lists. 最好的大规模梅勒是最好的大规模的邮件,您可以使用为发送电子邮件,利用您的邮寄名单。 xtdownload.com 3. Line 23-27: The mailer should now be able to retrieve both subscriptions. If the test passes, it does. 第23-27行:邮件收发器现在可以收到两个订阅了,如果测试通过的话。 forum.ubuntu.com.cn 4. E-mail messages sent from this account show AdventureWorks Automated Mailer on the From: line of the message. 此帐户发送的电子邮件将在邮件的“发件人:”行中显示AdventureWorksAutomatedMailer。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. He is still the writer before whom everyone from Faulkner to Mailer has knelt. 不管是福克纳还是梅勒,他依然是他们膜拜的对象。 www.bing.com 6. Flamboyant , sexually blatant, frequently preposterous, it is redeemed in part by Mailer's energy and curiosity. 本书光怪陆离,色情泛滥,多处荒谬可笑,幸而梅勒的精力和好奇心使这部小说没有全盘失败。 dict.veduchina.com 7. Norris Church Mailer will perhaps best be remembered as someone who knew how to hold on to the best seats in the house. 诺里斯.丘奇.梅勒,也许最被大家铭记的是“一个明白如何坚守婚姻阵地的女人”。 www.ecocn.org 8. With the publication of The Naked and the Dead, Mailer became a celebrity, and he basked in the attendant publicity. 随着《裸者和死者》的出版,梅勒尔成了一个名人,成了公众人物。 www.hjenglish.com 9. The program also sets the subject of the e-mail, the mailer, and the sent date. 这个程序还设置了电子邮件标题、邮件程序和发送日期。 www.ibm.com 10. But Hemingway observed that becoming a public figure clouds a writer's sharpness, and Mailer agreed. 然而,海明威发现成为一个公众人物会使得影响自己作为作家的洞察力,对此梅勒尔也表示同意。 www.hjenglish.com 1. How could anything make mailer owners and mail service providers completely re-think the way we prepare and enter flat mail? 怎样才能使任何邮件的业主和邮件服务提供商完全重新思考我们如何准备,并输入单位的邮件? bzxw.512121.com 2. Mailer had trouble finding a publisher for his third effort, The Deer Park, because it was considered too overtly sexual. 为他的第三部作品《鹿公园》寻找出版商而犯愁,因为里面涉及过多了色情描写。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The Mailer children put the place up for sale earlier this year for $2. 5 million, and it's now in contract. 今年早些时候米勒的孩子准备以250万美元的价格卖掉房子,现在房子已经卖出去了。 dongxi.net 4. Lastly, we need to register the message mailer component to the event service and setup the mail utility correctly. 最后,我们需要注册消息收发器组件并正确设置邮件程序。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 5. I also have an idea for a bulk mailer of the female hygiene company. 我还有个大宗女性护理用品邮购公司的设想。 www.putclub.com 6. His biographer says Mailer died Saturday morning of kidney failure at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. He was 84. 他的传记作者称他是星期六早上在纽约的西奈山医院死于肾衰竭。 bbs.putclub.com 7. MaxBulk Mailer handles plain text, HTML and styled text documents and gives full support for attachments. MaxBulkMailer可以处理精美的文本文件和HTML文件,还可以携带附件。 maxprog.net 8. Many critics saw flashes of Ernest Hemingway in the young Mailer's novel. 许多评论家在年轻的梅勒尔的小说中看到了欧内斯特·海明威的影子。 www.hjenglish.com 9. You'd better buck the question on to Mr. Mailer. 你最好把这个问题交给梅勒先生去解答。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Back in the 1960s, writer Norman Mailer and a friend started The Village Voice, a weekly based in New York. 早在20世纪60年代,作家诺曼·梅勒就和一位朋友在纽约创办了周报《村声》。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Dark Mailer has the capability to use Proxies and Relays and also to send directly. 黑暗梅勒将有能力使用委托书及继电器,也派遣直接。 xtdownload.com 2. Mailer: Kinberg building. Bass collects the insurance. Kinberg大楼,Bass拿了保险。 www.ebigear.com 3. Super Email Sender is a stand-alone bulk-mailer program. 电子邮件发件人超是一个独立的大容量邮件程序。 www.jisuxz.com 4. When you read an e-mail you cannot tell the mood of the e-mailer. 当你阅读一封电子邮件时,你是读不出邮件作者的心情的。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Norman Mailer had one (though he later described it as "kind of crap" ). 诺曼·梅勒就有一套这类装置,尽管他后来用“那个东西”婉言指代。 www.ecocn.org 6. Mailer was brave. That was his virtue of virtues. 梅勒是个勇者,这是他最大的有点。 www.ecocn.org 7. In 1948, Mailer wrote his first mystery novel "Tough Guys, Don't Dance" . 1948年,梅勒写了他的第一部玄疑小说《硬汉不跳舞》。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. In 1984, Mailer wrote his first mystery novel, Tough Guys Don't Dance. 1984年,梅勒写了其第一部悬疑小说--《硬汉不跳舞》。 www.hjenglish.com 9. This server can be used along with virtually any mailer or email client program that is compliant with SMTP protocol. 此服务器可以与几乎任何一起使用邮件或电子邮件客户端程序,它是使用SMTP协议兼容。 www.jisuxz.com 10. Line 5: Here we notify the mailer that an object has been modified. 第5行:在这里我们通知邮件收发器有对象被修改。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 1. In this example we will convert a standalone mailer, presented in [2] into custom email action (Listing 1). 在这个例子中,我们会对独立的邮件程序进行转换,并展现到自定义的email动作中[2](代码1)。 www.infoq.com 2. Norman Mailer was just 25 years old when he burst on the literary scene with his first novel, The Naked And The Dead. The Wo. 诺曼·梅勒尔25岁时就凭着自己的小说处女作《裸者和死者》登上了文学舞台。 www.hjenglish.com 3. For example, an account for SQL Server Agent may display the name SQL Server Agent Automated Mailer on e-mail messages. 例如,SQLServer代理的帐户可以在电子邮件上显示名称SQLServerAgentAutomatedMailer。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Open the solution file, Mailer. Sln, in the Visual Studio development environment. 在VisualStudio开发环境中打开解决方案文件Mailer. msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Mailer's Exploration and Pursuit of Hip Philosophy in His Literary Creation 论诺曼·梅勒在创作中对嬉皮哲学的探索与追求 www.ilib.cn 6. Norman Mailer and the American Literary Tradition 诺曼·梅勒与美国文学传统 www.ilib.cn 7. The Carnival World of Texts: Intertextuality in Norman Mailer's Biographical Works 文本的狂欢世界:诺曼·梅勒作品中的互文性策略解读 www.ilib.cn 8. Norman Mailer's Artistic Techniques and Writing Styles 诺曼·梅勒的写作技巧与艺术风格 www.ilib.cn 9. On the Fictional Strategy about History in Norman Mailer's Novels 梅勒非虚构小说中历史的虚构策略 www.ilib.cn |
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