单词 | life testing |
释义 | 例句释义: 使用期试验,寿命,耐久性评估的需要 1. Analysis of a damaged material usually requires intuitive judgment followed by real-life testing. 对一件被损坏的物件的分析通常要求敏锐的判断和实在的测验。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Analyze data from Accelerated Life Testing in a familiar, intuitive user interface. 使用熟悉风格的用户界面,指导用户分析加速寿命试验数据? wenku.baidu.com 3. Consquently, the present invention has a more practical value compared with the existing life testing method. 因而它和现有寿命试验相比有更加实用的价值。 www.bing.com 4. b. When we are doing and analysis of a damaged material, usually it requires intuitive judgment followed by real-life testing. 我们在分析破损材料时,通常需要先做直观判断,再做实际试验。 www.ebigear.com 5. When we are doing an analysis of a damaged material, usually it requires intuitive judgement followed by real-life testing. 当我们在分析破损材料时,通常需要先做直观判断,再做实际实验。 www.kancaimi.cn 6. P600L fuses have been subjected to over 6 million hours of life testing without a failure. P600L熔断器在超过600万小时的寿命测试中没有失败。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 7. TOOL LIFE TESTING IN MILLING. PART 1 : FACE MILLING. 铣刀寿命试验.第1部分:铣削平面 www.mapeng.net 8. TOOL LIFE TESTING IN MILLING. PART 2 : END MILLING. 铣刀寿命试验.第2部分:端铣 www.mapeng.net 9. moment estimation of the accelerated life testing - circular - progressive - stress weibull distribution under censored samples 分布场合下循环序进应力加速寿命试验的矩估计 www.ichacha.net 10. Moment estimation of the progressive stress accelerated life testing under exponential distribution censored samples 指数分布场合下序时应力加速寿命试验的矩估计 www.ichacha.net 1. Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Performance and life testing (traffic compatible, urban use vehicles) 电动道路车辆推进用二次蓄电池.性能和寿命试验(城市车辆的交通相容性) www.mapeng.net 2. Photography (Projection Equipment) - Slide Projectors - Life Testing 摄影(投影设备).幻灯投影机.使用寿命试验 www.mapeng.net 3. Statistical Analysis for Randomly Censored Exponential Data under Constant-stress Accelerated Life Testing Models 恒加试验下随机截尾指数寿命数据的统计分析 ilib.cn 4. Statistical Analysis of Constant Stress Accelerated Life Testing of Mixture Exponential Distribution 混合指数分布恒定应力加速寿命试验的统计分析 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Study of Simulation Based Optimal Designs for Accelerated Life Testing 仿真基加速寿命试验优化设计方法研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Statistical Analysis of Constant Stress Accelerated Life Testing for the Occasion of Extreme Value I Distribution 极值I型分布恒加应力试验的统计分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Analyzing step-stress accelerated life testing with the transformation of cumulative exposure model 采用线性累积模型的变换形式分析步加试验 www.ilib.cn 8. Microcomputer Control and Detection Techniques for Electric Life Testing of Current Conversion Relays 交流继电器电寿命试验微机控制与检测技术 service.ilib.cn 9. Accelerated life testing method and its applications for space products 加速寿命试验方法及其在航天产品中的应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Statistical Techniques In Life-testing, Reliability, Sampling Theory And Quality Control 寿命试验、可靠性、抽样论与质量管理的统计技术 www.cnpbook.com 1. Parameters estimates for random step-stress life-testing under exponential distribution 指数分布下随机应力步加试验参数估计 www.ilib.cn 2. Bayesian analysis for randomly truncated constant-stress accelerated life testing 一种随机截尾恒加寿命试验的贝叶斯评估 ilib.cn 3. Statistical Analysis of Constant Stress Accelerated Life Testing under Multiply Type-II Censoring 恒定应力加速寿命试验数据缺失时的统计分析 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Statistical Analysis of Cyclic Progressive Stress Accelerated Life Testing 循环序进应力加速寿命试验的统计分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Life Testing Research of Fixed Installation Protruding Hob to Cut Milling Front Gear of Excavating Coal Machine 切制采煤机磨前齿轮固定安装突起滚刀寿命试验研究 service.ilib.cn 6. Electric Lamps - Incandescent Projection Lamps - Method for Life Testing 电灯.白炽投影灯.寿命的试验方法 www.mapeng.net 7. Nonparametric Approach of Accelerated Life Testing with Competing Causes of Failure 竞争失效产品加速寿命试验的非参数统计方法 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Statistical analysis of step-stress accelerated life testing for repairable product 可修产品的步进应力加速寿命试验统计分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Application of Control and Measurement Technology for Life-testing of Heat Pump Four-way Reversing Valve 测控技术在热泵用四通换向阀寿命测试上的应用 www.ilib.cn 10. The Step-stress Life-testing with Random Stress-change Times under Exponential Distribution 指数分布下具有随机应力转换时间的截尾步加寿命试验 www.ilib.cn 1. Optimum Progressive Constant-Stress Plans For Accelerated Life Testing 序恒应力加速寿命试验的优化设计 www.ilib.cn 2. Research of Temperature Stepped Stress Accelerated Life Testing 温度步进应力加速寿命试验研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Research on electric life testing condition and realization method of special relay on vehicles 车辆用特制继电器电寿命试验条件与实现方法的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Nonparametric approach of accelerated life testing 恒定应力加速寿命试验的非参数统计方法 www.ilib.cn 5. The Design of Hydraulic Loading Device in Automobile Gearbox Life Testing Platform 汽车变速总成疲劳寿命试验装置液压加载器设计 ilib.cn 6. Products life testing and reliability testing procedure and records 产品寿命及信赖性测试的程序和记录 wenku.baidu.com 7. Research on computer control and detection technique for electric life testing of AC relay 交流继电器电寿命试验微机控制与检测技术的研究 service.ilib.cn 8. Testing for multiple outliers in life testing of electronic products 电子产品寿命检测中异常数据的检验 service.ilib.cn 9. Optimum constant-stress plans for accelerated life testing 指数场合下定时截尾恒加试验的优化设计 www.ilib.cn 10. Maximum Likelihood Estimation in the Life Testing for the Two-parameter Exponential Distribution with Replacement 二参数指数分布有替换寿命试验极大似然估计 www.ilib.cn 1. Zero-failure data process of constant stress accelerated life testing 恒应力加速寿命试验中无失效数据的处理 service.ilib.cn 2. A New Dynamic Termination Method for Reliability Life Testing 可靠性寿命试验的动态截尾方法 www.ilib.cn 3. OPtimum step-stress plans for accelerated life testing 指数场合下定数截尾步加试验的优化设计 www.ilib.cn 4. The Parametric Best Estimations of Cut Tail's Models in Life Testing By the Constont-stress 恒应力寿命试验截尾模型参数的最佳估计 www.ilib.cn 5. ALTREC Automatic Life Testing and Recording of Electronic Components 电子元件寿命的自动测试和纪录 bbs.translators.com.cn 6. Synthetic Stress Life Testing for Hydraulic Pump 液压泵综合应力寿命试验方法研究 www.ichacha.net 7. Review of multiple-stress models in accelerated life testing 加速寿命试验中多应力加速模型综述 8. Maximum likelihood estimation in the simple step stress accelerated life testing based on the grouped data 指数分步场合分组数据下简单步加试验的极大似然估计 www.ilib.cn 9. The effect of different life testing methods on VRLA batteries and plates thereof 不同寿命试验方法对阀控电池及其极板的影响 www.batteryinf.com 10. Life estimation of constant stress accelerated life testing based on grey predict theory 基于灰色预测理论的恒加试验寿命估计 service.ilib.cn 1. Tool-life testing with single-point turning tools 单刃车削刀具寿命试验 blog.globalimporter.net 2. Estimation of Fuze Storage Life Based on Stepped Stress Accelerated Life Testing 基于步进应力加速寿命试验的引信贮存寿命评估 www.ilib.cn 3. Maximum Likelihood Estimation in the simple Step-stess Accelerated Life Testing Based on Grouped Data 分组数据下简单步进应力加速寿命试验的极大似然估计 www.ilib.cn 4. Study on the Method of Laser Diode Life Testing 激光二极管寿命测试方法研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Tool life testing in face milling 面铣刀寿命试验 blog.globalimporter.net 6. Life testing method for heat pipe 热管寿命试验方法 blog.globalimporter.net 7. Accident Analysis of the Life Testing in the Rolling Piston Compressors 滚动转子压缩机寿命试验的事故分析 ilib.cn 8. Tool life testing in end milling 立铣刀寿命试验 www.zftrans.com |
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