释义 |
n. bridesmaid,attendant,matron of honour,flower girl 1. | (尤用于美国,指未婚的)首席女傧相,伴娘(especially in the US) a young woman or girl who is not married and who is the main bridesmaid at a wedding |
n. | 1. an unmarried woman of noble birth who attends a queen or princess 2. a small individual cake with a base of short crust pastry topped with sponge cake 3. in the United States and Canada, the chief bridesmaid 4. a woman who is not married and is the main bridesmaid at a wedding, helping the woman getting married 5. a young woman from a high social class who is not married and who looks after a queen or princess 1. an unmarried woman of noble birth who attends a queen or princess 2. a small individual cake with a base of short crust pastry topped with sponge cake 3. in the United States and Canada, the chief bridesmaid 4. a woman who is not married and is the main bridesmaid at a wedding, helping the woman getting married 5. a young woman from a high social class who is not married and who looks after a queen or princess |
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