单词 | labor union |
释义 |
复数:labor unions n. organized labor,trade union,staff association,syndicate,union 例句释义: 工会,分娩过程 1. I saw only one labor union table at the demonstration, but most of the people seemed to have no connection to organized labor. 我在示威中只看见一张工会组织的工作台,不过大多数人看起来似乎也跟劳工组织没什么关系。 www.bing.com 2. Other Democrats and the main auto labor union assailed the deal as unfair, saying workers were going to have to concede too much. 其他民主党人和主要的汽车业工会认为新救援案不公平,称工人将不得不做出太多让步。 cn.reuters.com 3. The number of candidates for the labor union chairman of an enterprise shall be more than the number of labor union chairman to be elected. 企业工会主席候选人获得赞成票超过应到会有选举权人数半数的始得当选。 www.wangluofanyi.com 4. Article 38 When a debtor of a labor union goes bankrupt, the said union shall have the preferential right to claim against his property. 第38条(工会之优先受偿权)工会于其债务人破产时,对其财产有优先受清偿之权。 www.cntranslators.com 5. Members of a labor union just occupied part of the finance ministry to protest against the planned austerity measures. 工会成员前不久刚占领了财政部大楼的一部分,以抗议政府计划实施的财政紧缩措施。 c.wsj.com 6. The labor union continued to seek dialogue with the authorities. 工会继续寻求与当局对话的机会。 www.zikao365.com 7. They also break the relationship with labor union and worship a sort of cultural revolution. 他们断绝了与工会的联系,崇尚书斋裹的文化革命。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The Company shall provide necessary activity conditions and fund to the Labor Union. 公司应当为本工会提供必要的活动条件和经费。 www.ok-chinese.com 9. When a Unit is to dissolve a labor contract unilaterally, it shall give the labor union notice of the reasons in advance. 第四十三条用人单位单方解除劳动合同,应当事先将理由通知工会。 www.bing.com 10. The White House announced on Friday it will impose steep tariffs on Chinese tire imports after an appeal from a U. S. labor union. 白宫星期五宣布,在接到美国一个工会的申诉后,美国将对中国轮胎征收高额关税。 club.topsage.com 1. Peter J. McGuire, a carpenter and labor union leader, was the person who came up with the idea for Labor Day. 彼得.马奎尔(PeterJ.McGuire)是一个木工,也是工会的领袖,他想到这个劳工节的点子。 www.24en.com 2. A collective contract shall be executed by the labor union, on behalf of the enterprise's employees, and the Unit. 集体合同由工会代表企业职工一方与用人单位订立; www.bing.com 3. Kenny: A famous investor, a poet, a former US president, baseball and basketball stars, and the leader of a labor union. 有投资大亨、诗人、美国前总统、棒球、篮球巨星,还有劳工联盟领袖等。 times.hinet.net 4. Party, administration and labor union cooperate closely, increase the reform step of school internal administrative system control. 五、党政工密切配合加大学校内部管理体制改革的步伐。 www.yccj.sh.cn 5. Article 39 The public property of a labor union shall not be subject to confiscation. 第39条(没收工会财产之禁止)工会之公有财产不得没收。 www.cntranslators.com 6. The meeting conducted by the chairman of Labor Union ended with nothing settled . 由工会主席所主持的这次会议以不了了之而结束。 www.bing.com 7. Do you think the Election method of labor union reasonable that we do through voting and volunteers? 公司工会的选举方式(集体投票和自荐)你觉得是否合理? www.sojump.com 8. BE outside taken employee labor union to provide an instruction help by Shanghai. and provide register form and member's certificate. 由上海外服雇员工会提供指导帮助。并提供登记表和会员证。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Under the plan, Chrysler will be able to change terms of an agreement with the labor union. In. 将可以改变与工人联合会达成的条款。做为回报,工人联合会将拥有百分之五十五的克莱斯。 www.unsv.com 10. Adjustment to tax payment for employee benefits , employee labor union dues, employee education expense. 工资薪金纳税调整额职工福利费、职工工会经费与职工教育经费的纳税调整额 www.24en.com 1. Records of activities of labor union or other organization of workers (when applicale). 工会或其他员工组织活动记录(如适用) wenku.baidu.com 2. It is reported by the radio that the labor union will express their different appeal by the chance of "Social Trend Day" . 据法国国际电台的报道,各个工会还利用“社会风潮日”表达不同的诉求。 www.kekenet.com 3. Demonstrators wave union flags as part of the traditional labor union May Day march in Paris. 在巴黎,游行者挥舞着工会的旗帜。 www.bing.com 4. Though the labor's demands were diversification, the labor union could hold their common characteristics. 尽管职工需求呈多样化,但工会可以抓住职工共有的需求。 www.chemyq.com 5. The budget management of Labor Union is the key link of its financial management. 工会预算管理是工会财务管理的中心环节。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Water company labor-union leader Angelica Navarette dismissed the man as a troublemaker whose demands are unfounded. 水公司工会领袖安洁莉卡.纳瓦雷特将该男子斥为麻烦制造者,并说他的要求根本没有事实根据。 suyage.com:8080 7. The labor union stands for the benefits of most workers. That's why its suggestion is welcomed by workers. 工会代表了大多数工人的利益,因而它的建议受到工人们的欢迎。 www.xici.net 8. That makes it more likely that South Africa's political left will start to melt away, with labor union support for Zuma. 随着工会支持祖马,南非政坛中的左派很有可能退出舞台。 www.bing.com 9. Each Labor Union Branch will organize a game in the BaiYun Mountaintop Park, and the winner will get gifts at the spot. 每个分会将在白云山山顶公园主持一个游戏活动,参与活动的人均有机会赢取纪念品。 blog.163.com 10. The plant agreed to provide a 20% wage increase Tuesday evening, and the factory's labor union formally accepted the offer Wednesday. 周二晚,工厂同意加薪20%,并且工会于周三正式接受了这一加薪幅度。 chinese.wsj.com 1. If there are confrontations between labor and management in the future, the labor union will help you to solve it. 如若将来工作中与管理层产生了矛盾,工会将帮助你解决。 sports.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The National Labor Union was created to pressure Congress to make labor law reforms. 全国劳工联盟设立的目的在于施压国会,使之制订相关改革法案。 www.24en.com 3. Fight for in additional esteem contend for for the labor union prestige. 争取在其他方面为工会争得荣誉。 bbs.bnb.cq.cn 4. Four is to enhance labor union buildup developments. 四是加强工会组织建设。 www.juhe8.com 5. That's the idea behind "card-check, " the labor union movement's top legislative priority. 这就是“卡片检查”——工会运动的最高立法优先权——背后的想法。 www.bing.com 6. He proposed his idea to New York's Central Labor Union early in 1882, and they thought the holiday was a good idea, too. 他在1882年初向纽约中央劳工联盟(CentralLaborUnion)提出这个建议,而联盟也认为这是一个好主意。 www.24en.com 7. Free or semi-free activities organized by company labor union. 公司工会组织的免费或半免费活动。 jobs.zhaopin.com 8. But the labor union tried to force it to keep them on. 但工会却强迫那家公司继续雇用他们。 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 9. The actual problems of labor union in protecting emigrant workers'rights and interests are analyzed in the third part. 分析工会在维护农民工权益方面存在的问题。 www.fabiao.net 10. Thus we must keep advancing with times in every work, also excepting the labor union management. 因此,我们所进行的任何一项工作都必须坚持与时俱进。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Now, what that means is that workers in Michigan won't have to join a labor union or to pay union dues in order to get or get a job. 现在意味着在密歇根州的工人们不需要加入一个工会或支付会费以获取或得到一份工作。 www.kekenet.com 2. Our labor union is staging a nationwide strike today. ' 我们工会今天要英语口语陪练在全国举行罢工。 www.peilian365.com 3. Assist to implement and manage labor union issues. 协助进行工会事宜的执行和管理; www.lietou.com 4. china has one umbrella labor union , but waves of strikes. 中国有统一的工会组织,但出现一波波工潮。 www.ichacha.net 5. At the same time, South Korea's biggest labor union group has begun a strike and says its members will join protesters in the streets. 与此同时,韩国最大的劳工组织开始罢工,并表示,其成员将加入到街头抗议中去。 www.ebigear.com 6. A labor union, especially one limited in membership to people in the same trade. 劳工联合会,尤指限于同一行业中有会员资格的 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Is the Labor Union established? 是否建立了工会组织? wenku.baidu.com 8. One subject deserving exploration is how to enhance the performance of labor union's fund in the process of management. 如何提高工会经费使用的绩效性,是当前工会经费管理值得探讨的课题。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. a female person who is a fellow member (of a sorority or labor union or other group). 是同会(妇女联谊会、工会或其它团体)会员的女性。 dict.veduchina.com 10. To induce (employees) to form or join a labor union. 组成工会:引导(雇员)组成或者参加某劳工协会。 www.fane.cn 1. One who is learning a trade or occupation, especially as a member of a labor union. 练习生,工会成员:一个正在学习某一行业或职业的人,尤指作为工会的一个成员。 www.fane.cn 2. Labor union takes care of culture life for company employees and often holds sports, travel and other colorful activities for them. 工会关心公司员工的文化生活,经常举行体育,外出旅游以及其它丰富多彩的工会活动。 www.doli.com.cn 3. When she graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in April 2001, she had her sights set on one thing: working for a labor union. 她2001年4月毕业于匹兹堡大学,她给自己定了个目标:在工会找份工作。 www.haokaoshi.com 4. Carrying out the important thought of "Three Representatives" in an all-round way and performing the basic duty of the labor union 全面贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想履行工会的基本职责 www.ilib.cn 5. having legal knowledge and engaging in human resources management, labor union work or other professional work for five full years; 具有法律知识、从事人力资源管理或者工会等专业工作满五年的; www.lawpaver.com 6. Discussion on How the Labor Union of the Modern Enterprises to Realize Its Own Value 论现代企业工会如何实现自身价值 www.ilib.cn 7. Protect the Legitimate Rights and Interests of the Staff in Conformity with Legal Provision is the Basic Way for College Labor Union 依法维护教职工的合法权益是高校工会履行职责的根本途径 service.ilib.cn 8. Some Opinions on the Building of the Labor Union Culture in the Construction Enterprises 施工企业工会文化建设之管见 www.ilib.cn 9. Continually strengthening the creativity of the working class and labor union organizations 不断增强工人阶级和工会组织的创造活力 www.ilib.cn 10. On Advantages and Characteristics of Ideological and Political Work Conducted by Labor Union in Colleges and Universities 浅议高校工会思想政治工作的优势与特色 www.ilib.cn 1. Including salary bonus Employee benefits. Employee labor union dues. Employee education expenses 工资薪金职工福利费、职工工会经费、职工教育经费 info.china.alibaba.com 2. Analysis on the Practice Innovation of the Moral and Political Work of Enterprises'Labor Union 浅析企业工会思想政治工作的实践创新 service.ilib.cn 3. Committee of labor union or other workers' organization (when applicale) 工会或其他员工组织及其架构(如适用) wenku.baidu.com 4. Exert Fully the Function of Labor Union and Improve the Construction of Harmonious Enterprises 充分发挥工会作用推动构建和谐企业 www.ilib.cn 5. The research and implementation of electronic platform for tsinghua university labor union 清华大学工会电子会务系统研究与实践 service.ilib.cn 6. The harmonious campus sets up the high school labor union in the visual field 和谐校园构建视野中的高校工会 www.ilib.cn 7. Discusses the labor union organization to be open to navigation shallowly in the cultural reconstruction function in the Three Gorges 浅议工会组织在三峡通航文化建设中的作用 www.ilib.cn 8. The Advantage Of Labor Union Developing Ideological And Political Work 浅析工会开展思想政治工作的优势 www.ichacha.net 9. College labor union should enhance ideological and political work of youth teachers 高校工会应加强青年教师的思想政治工作 ilib.cn 10. The work of labor union in higher schools should insist on the basic idea of human-orientation 高校工会工作要坚持以人为本的根本理念 www.ilib.cn 1. Really exerting the function of the labor union in the enterprise system-reform 要切实发挥工会组织在企业改制中的作用 service.ilib.cn 2. Grasp the development opportunities and strive to open up a new situation of HEIs'labor union work 把握发展机遇努力开创学校工会工作新局面 scholar.ilib.cn 3. On implementing the scientific development concept by university labor union 关于高校工会落实科学发展观的若干思考 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Labor Union's role in the construction of a harmonious company 工会在构建和谐企业中的作用 ilib.cn 5. The Function of Labor Union in Developing Harmonious Relationship of Laborer 工会在发展和谐劳动关系中的作用 www.ilib.cn 6. A Brief Introduction of the "Six Changes" in the Work of Labor Union in the New Period 简议新时期工会宣传思想政治工作要搞好“六个转变” www.wanfangdata.com.cn 7. On the important role of labor union in colleges and universities in the construction of harmonious campus 论高校工会在构建和谐校园中的重要作用 scholar.ilib.cn 8. The important role of labor union in improving the construction of harmonious enterprises 论工会在推动和谐单位建设中的重要作用 www.ilib.cn 9. Existing Problems and Ameliorating Strategies of Rural School Labor Union 山乡学校工会应为构建和谐学校而努力 service.ilib.cn 10. Social Necessary Demand: Laborers from the Countryside Joining the Labor Union 农民工加入工会是社会发展的必然要求 ilib.cn 1. Let Peasant Workers Join Labor Union: to Guarantee their Legal Rights and Interest in Real Earnest 吸纳民工加入工会:切实保障民工合法权益 www.ilib.cn 2. On the Function of the Labor Union in the Mingled College Development 工会在合并高校校园软环境建设中的作用与思考 service.ilib.cn 3. On Legal Responsibility of the Labor Union in Collective Contract 论工会在集体合同中的法律责任 www.ichacha.net 4. The Actual State and Countermeasures to the Labor Union Budget Management 工会预算管理的现状及对策 www.ilib.cn 5. Labor Standards Law labor union lifetime employment paid vacation part-time job 劳动基本法工会终身雇用留薪假期兼职,业余工作 www.hxen.com 6. Organize the social activities periodically on behalf of Labor Union; 定期组织各种工会活动; www.021so.com 7. Discussion on the Role of the Labor Union in Building a Harmonious Campus 论工会在构建和谐校园中发挥作用的着力点 www.ilib.cn 8. Role of the Labor Union in Constructing Harmonious Campus 浅谈我院工会在构建和谐校园中的作用 ilib.cn 9. On Change of Labor Relations and Innovation of Safeguarding System of Labor Union in Universities 高校劳动关系的变化与工会维权机制的创新 ilib.com.cn 10. Perfect Governance Structure of Occupational Pension from Reforming Labor Union's Perspective 从工会角度论我国企业年金治理结构的完善 www.ilib.cn 1. College Labor Union with Legitimate Management 依法治校背景下的高校工会 www.ilib.cn 2. On how labor union to stand their accurate political location 简议工会组织如何准确把握自己的政治定位 service.ilib.cn 3. Discussion on the Service Function of College Labor Union 论高校工会的服务职能 www.ilib.cn 4. Reflection upon the Duties of Labor Union in College in the New Era 对新时期高校工会工作的思考 www.ilib.cn 5. Interest and Right Protection Department of Labor Union 工会权益保障部 zhidao.baidu.com 6. A Preliminary Exploration to the Performance of Labor Union's Fund 工会经费使用绩效性初探 service.ilib.cn 7. On Three Transformations of Labor Union Management in New Period 新时期工会工作的三个转型 beta.ilib.cn 8. Thoughts on Quality Improvement of Cadres Working in Labor Union 关于提升工会干部自身素质的思考 www.ilib.cn 9. A preliminary discussion on the new train of thought in HEIs'labor union work 试论高校工会工作的新思路 www.ilib.cn 10. Discussion About Raising the Quality of Labor Union Cadre 提高高校工会干部素质三议 www.ilib.cn 1. On the Countermeasures of Labor Union in the Process of Campus Cultural Construction 工会在校园文化建设中的作用力研究 ilib.cn 2. Legal status of labor union of colleges and universities 论高等院校工会的法律地位 www.ilib.cn 3. New ideas about right-protection for labor union in the process of corporate system reform 企业改制中工会维权工作新思考 scholar.ilib.cn 4. The Role Labor Union Plays in Building a Harmonious Society 试论工会在构建和谐社会中的作用 ilib.cn 5. Documentation related to labor union at facility (if applicable) 工会相关文件记录(如适用) wenwen.soso.com 6. Commentary on the Pattern of the Labor Union Zhi 工会志模式述论 www.ilib.cn 7. Hospital labor union should focus on the labor demands 医院工会工作应以职工需求为导向 www.ilib.cn 8. On the Task of Labor Union in Higher Vocational Colleges 浅议高职院工会组织的任务 www.ilib.cn 9. trade union funds , Labor union budget 工会经费 wenku.baidu.com 10. The Plan About Labor Union News Report and Conduct 浅谈工会新闻报道的策划 www.ilib.cn 1. The Russian Labor Union in Times of Transition 社会转型中的俄罗斯工会联盟 www.ilib.cn 2. A Brief Talk on Intervention of Basic Labor Union 浅谈基层工会的调解工作 www.ichacha.net 3. Labor Union Exhibition In Israel 以色列工会展 big5.mofcom.gov.cn 4. On Li Lisan's Achievements of Labor Movement and Labor Union Working 李立三工人运动和工会工作成就研究综述 service.ilib.cn 5. Coalition of Labor Union Women 工会妇女联合会 www.wyzxwyzx.com 6. The labor union's work and social work in the harmonious enterprises 和谐企业视野下的工会工作与企业社会工作 www.ilib.cn 7. How to Bring the Function of Labor Union into Play 浅谈如何发挥工会组织作用 service.ilib.cn 8. Perform "the Three Represents" and Make Efforts to Do the Work of Labor Union Well 践行“三个代表”重要思想,努力做好工会工作 www.ilib.cn 9. The Legal System of Labor Union in Our Country and the Way to Make It Perfect 我国的工会法律制度及其完善 www.ilib.cn |
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