单词 | mah-jongg |
释义 | 例句释义: 麻雀牌,麻将,麻将牌,麻将麻将 1. She calls mah-jongg a superficial, frivolous game, and was a bit taken aback to hear her own 29-year-old daughter, Amy, had taken it up. 她称麻将是一种肤浅的、无聊的游戏,听到自己29岁的女儿阿波拉菲尔(AmyAbolafia)开始学打麻将的时候有点吃惊。 c.wsj.com 2. ' We joke that by the time we are old enough to go on mah-jongg cruises , we 'll clean up because we started young, ' she said . 她说,那个时候我们开玩笑说,等我们老到在游船上打麻将的时候,我们就发财了,因为我们从很年轻的时候就开始了。 www.bing.com 3. She also said he had affairs with a number of women and demanded a total of 500, 000 yuan from Mr. Lan to finance mah-jongg games and trips. 她还说,袁善腊跟多名女子有染,并从兰世立那里索要共计50万元的款项用于打麻将和旅游。 cn.wsj.com 4. But unlike her mother, she can't get enough of mah-jongg. 但和妈妈不同,她对麻将情有独锺。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Today, some are exclusively devoted to mah-jongg, a tile game that is one of the most popular forms of recreation among the Chinese. 现在,这些麻将馆中,有些只经营麻将,一种在华人之间最受欢迎的的娱乐活动。 www.bing.com 6. Some in her group said that colleagues do a double-take when they hear about their love for mah-jongg. 其中有些牌友说同事们听说她们喜欢麻将时,一时还反应不过来,而后非常吃惊。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Finally, I returned to the hotel, where I discovered my floormates click-clacking away at mah-jongg. 最后我回到酒店,发现那层的楼友霹雳啪啦地打麻将。 www.bing.com 8. The cave is popular among locals, however; they gather each morning to talk and play mah-jongg. 不过,百魔洞在当地居民当中很受欢迎;他们每天清晨都会聚在这里聊天,打麻将。 www.bing.com 9. Ultimately, the diagnosis the doctors came up with was "mah-jongg-related deep-vein thrombosis. " 最终,医生得出的诊断结论是“与玩麻将关联的深静脉血栓。” dongxi.net 10. Clad in black and speaking Chinese, the three men entered a mah-jongg parlor hidden in a building on Hester Street in Chinatown. 三名讲汉语的黑衣男子走进一家麻将馆。这家麻将馆隐匿于中国城Hester街的一幢建筑里。 www.bing.com 1. Although Cantonese tea houses are very noisy, nobody plays cards or mah-jongg. 尽管广东茶馆很热闹,没有人打牌或打麻将。 www.bing.com 2. Mah-jongg players at a Chinatown community organization. 一个唐人街社区组织里的麻将玩家。 www.bing.com 3. The omen of this year is good, and the lucky comes back on the mah-jongg table. 今年的兆头确实不错,连牌桌上也转运了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But there are those in the generation that 'skipped' mah-jongg who cast a cold eye on the new fashion-especially when it hits home. 但在“跳过”麻将的一代人中有那么些人对这种新潮流冷眼相对,尤其是直接接触到麻将的时候。 c.wsj.com 5. The gambling, they said, was friendly, low-stakes games of mah-jongg and cards. 他们说,所谓赌博,只是一些气氛友好、小笔赌注的麻将和纸牌游戏罢了。 cn.nytimes.com 6. The company doesn't sell mah-jongg sets. 该公司不销售麻将牌。 c.wsj.com 7. Mrs. Singer, 83, is also thrilled: Most of the women in her mah-jongg group are in their 80s and 90s. 83岁的辛格也很激动:她的牌友们大多都八九十岁了。 c.wsj.com 8. Enthusiasm for mah-jongg has waxed and waned over the past century. 过去一百年来,人们对麻将的热情时强时弱。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Not all mah-jongg games involve gambling; acquaintances often gather to play for fun, with no wagering. 并不是所有麻将牌局都涉及赌博;熟人经常聚在一起打麻将玩,不下注。 www.bing.com 10. The robberies have chilled the mah-jongg network. 抢劫案已经使麻将赌博网络胆战心惊。 www.bing.com 1. Mah-jongg's not just for grandma anymore. 麻将不再仅仅是奶奶辈女人的专属。 chinese.wsj.com 2. But as more and more women joined the work force in the 1970s, many no longer had time to play mah-jongg for hours at a stretch. 但随着70年代越来越多的女性开始工作,很多人不再有大把连续的时间打麻将。 c.wsj.com 3. Mah-jongg is becoming as hip as martinis in New York, but in Hong Kong, this Chinese game is far from 'cool. ' 麻将在纽约的流行程度可与马提尼酒相提并论,但在香港,这个中国游戏还远远称不上“酷”。 chinese.wsj.com 4. "I like to play mah-jongg on the computer, but you have to wait when school is out, " he said. “我喜欢在计算机上打麻将,但比必须等到学校放假。”他说到。 www.bing.com 5. One reason why Hong Kong's younger generation isn't playing mah-jongg is the huge investment of time it requires. 香港年轻一代之所以不打麻将,其中一个原因是打麻将需要耗费大量时间。 c.wsj.com 6. The Jiun Bao Mahjong Club is a typical mah-jongg parlor in Hong Kong. It is open 24 hours. 香港君俊商务酒店旗下的君宝麻将俱乐部在香港属于普通麻将馆,24小时开放。 c.wsj.com |
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