单词 | mag |
释义 | mags是mag的复数
复数:mags 例句释义: 杂志,雄性附腺,马格斯 1. Well, poor Mags is stuck with me all day, I'm sure the last thing she wants to do when she gets home is to talk about me. 咳,可怜的Mags整天被我缠着,我确信她回家后想做的最后一件事就是说我。 bbs.putclub.com 2. Fred: It's very nice of you, Jason. Mags , I didn't tell you. Two of these goons tried to muscle me when I was in East Town. 弗瑞德:你太客气了,杰森,麦克斯我忘了告诉你了,垃圾场那有一群暴徒,他们想揍我,我得小心点才是。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The ogres brought catapults to the front of their ranks as their mags summoned huge spheres of flame to launch at the walls. 巨魔们把投石车推到了阵前,用它把他们的法师召唤的巨大火球射向城墙。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Well, poor mags is stuck with me all day. 整天和我在一起。 iloveblog.cn 5. FWIW, Mage Armor is quite powerful, but it's a trade-off. It's going to make mags harder to kill by some classes but easier to others. 无论如何,法师甲很有威力,但它也是一个交易,使法师容易被一些职业杀掉而强化对其他职业的能力。 bbs.ngacn.cc 6. In need of a technological ally with the healing power of the greatest Tullan mags? 亟需一个治疗能力媲美最强大的图拉法师的科技盟友? www.bn13.com 7. Mags , I didn't tell you when I two of these, two of these goons tried to muscles me when I was in East Town dump. 我没有告诉你当我在东镇垃圾堆存处(采访)的时候,那些打手中的两个人,那两人想迫使我让步。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Familiars make excellent spies for those mags capable of casting scrying spells and sympathetic magic. 使魔对于那些能施展探知与交感魔法的法师而言是绝佳的间谍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We'll probably never get to the point where mags ignore ships, mounts or flight paths. 我们不会让法师可以无视船,坐骑或者飞行路线的情况发生。 bbs.ngacn.cc 10. I think making the engine parts and wheels red were a mistake. Chrome or steel mags would have looked a lot better, but over all a nice car. 我认为把引擎和车轮喷成红色是个错误。铬或铁制的的发动机应该能让它看起来更好些,但总的来说这是辆不错的车。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Those who practiced it were mostly the more learned men, the mags, or very young women. 能汲取这力量的大多是学识渊博的人,巫师,或是非常年轻的女士。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Before you arrive in Hoi An, comb your local fashion mags for a suit that pops out at you. 到达会安之前翻一下你当地的时装杂志找找能让你眼前一亮的款式。 www.bing.com 3. Three months later, the mags summoned a demon and turned it loose against their templar watches. 三个月过后,法师们召唤出了一个恶魔,并将其转向对付那些负责看守的圣殿武士。 gl.ali213.net 4. I know for certain that he has hired mags to read my thoughts for all of his designs. 我肯定他聘请了法师偷窥了我的构思用于他所有的设计。 www.bn13.com 5. Most top level mags are frost, so watch for fire spell channeling if they've summoned their water elemental. 大多顶法是冰法,所以如果他们已经召唤了他们的水元素,当他们释放火系魔法的时候就不要打断了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. These Sheogh-bent mags are called Warlocks, and their reputation on the battlefield is infamous. 这些对谢尔戈嗜好的法师被称为妖术师,他们在战场上臭名昭著。 www.heroworld.net 7. Those mags who honor the Maker and keep His laws we welcome as our brothers and sisters. 那些崇尚造物主荣誉并谨守他的戒条的人都是我们所欢迎的兄弟姐妹。 www.dashuye.com 8. The Underworld is a dread place where, according to most mags, ghosts without anchors are banished. 地狱是一个可怕的存在,多数法师,失去锚流放的鬼魂会去那里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The caster opens this mind to allow other mags to guide his magic power. 这个施法者将放开他的精神来允许其它法师来引导他的魔法能量。 dominions.eastgame.org 10. Mags : Well, boho chic is in right now. 梅格:唔,波西米亚风现在正流行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. In a lot of current games, ranged attackers such as mags or archers, are dominating forces against their melee counterparts. 在当前的许多游戏中,远程攻击者如法师或弓手克制对近战职业。 bbs.ngacn.cc 2. Fred: Hi, Mags , wanna grab some lunch? 弗瑞德:嗨,麦克斯,想去吃饭吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 3. I think that minor differences in manufacturing dimensions accounts for this, and the pockets aren't specifically sized for M4 mags. 我想,制造尺寸上的微小差异造成了这个问题,而且这些口袋的尺寸并非专为M4弹匣设计的。 www.tadgear.net 4. And subscribing to so many print mags is a big waste of paper. 而订阅这么多印刷杂志是一大纸张浪费。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Ugh. . . Crazy mags give me the creeps . 恶…疯狂的法师让我毛骨悚然。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The protein content in MAGs after mating was significant lower than that prior to mating, with a decrease of 40. 2%. 交配后雄虫附腺的平均蛋白质含量显著低于交配前,降低了40. www.fabiao.net 7. They don't know whether to play with their train set or look at nudie mags . 他们不知道是该去玩火车站呢还是去看色情电影与报刊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The decline was first seen in the UK, birthplace of "lads' mags" , where circulation fell 14 per cent last year. “男性杂志”的诞生地英国首先显现这种衰落迹象,去年此类刊物的发行量下降了14%。 www.ftchinese.com |
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