单词 | magnet |
释义 | magnets是magnet的复数
复数:magnets 例句释义: 磁体,磁铁,磁石,有吸引力的东西[人],磁性,磁筒,磁性材料 1. Unlike the lead paint, the magnets recall was due to a design flaw, not the result of Chinese factories cutting corners. 与含铅油漆不同,此次召回磁铁玩具的原因是设计缺陷,而非中国工厂偷工减料。 www.ftchinese.com 2. One of my test samples had a misaligned ribbon, but it did not affect things so I assume it was not touching the magnets. 我手上的一个样本的铝带没有安装对齐,但不影响什么所以我假定它没有接触到磁体上。 www.tubebbs.com 3. For this reason, it is not at all uncommon for aircraft carriers to be known as bomb magnets. 这就是航母被称为“炸弹磁铁”的原因。 dongxi.net 4. The main bottleneck, they argue, could be the production of rare earth metals such as neodymium, which is often used in making magnets. 他们争论的主要难题是,稀土金属如钕的生产通常用来制作磁铁。 www.bing.com 5. You basically start out with a couple of 'magnets' that can be dragged around the screen. 你基本以一对“磁铁”开始,这可以在屏幕上拖动。 edu.cnbeta.com 6. The propeller is threaded over the shaft, and when mounted between the magnets, the heavy blade will drop to the bottom. 螺旋桨是螺纹在轴上,而当安装之间的磁石的著磁,沉重的刀片将降至底部。 tech-domain.com 7. The great iconic images do not so much need myths and legends as attract them like magnets. 伟大的知名标识并不一定需要神话传说来渲染自己,便能像磁石一样吸引人们的注意力。 chinese.wsj.com 8. I thought this was an appropriate size, considering the size of the magnets. 我想这是一个适当的规模,考虑到大小的磁铁。 www.tech-domain.com 9. If you had extra magnets around that beam to focus it, then I could believe it. But just a wrench ain't gonna do it. 另外,如果斯塔克用些多余的磁铁将粒子束集中起来发射出去,我还觉得有点可信度,但仅凭一把扳手肯定是做不到的。 www.bing.com 10. Tape magnets to the bottom of a cup, put it on the roof of your car and drive around. 在杯底粘上一块磁铁,放到车顶上,开着车四处兜风。 www.ebigear.com 1. Switched reluctance motor (SRM) has no windings or permanent-magnets on the rotor, so it possesses the excellent high speed performance. 开关磁阻电动机(SR电动机)转子上无线圈和永磁体,特别适合高速运行。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. We are ready to become magical relationship builders and magnets for everything we possess within ourselves. 我们准备好了成为魔术般的关系建立者,和吸引我们自己内心所有的磁铁。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. There are as many magnets as you see on the table on the bottom inside of the cone. 有许多磁铁作为你看到桌子上的底部内锥。 www.tech-domain.com 4. When exposed to an external magnetic field, these spinning "bar magnets" attempt to align their axes along the lines of magnetic force. 当这些自旋的磁铁棒暴露在外部磁场中时,它们就试图将自己的轴线按照磁场力的方向排成直线。 www.showxiu.com 5. And I'll stick your message to myself with one of these magnets. 我会用磁贴把你的口讯贴在我自己身上。 blog.21ic.com 6. Using sophisticated magnets on mice, the JPL scientists were able to simulate the effects of a no-gravity environment. 实验室的科学家使用一种精密设计的磁铁,就能使老鼠在失重情况下,重现这种现象。 blog.163.com 7. As a clamp, I simply tied a rope around the magnets and tightened it with a stick through the knot. 作为一个夹子,我只是用绳子捆绑在磁铁和加强它用棍子通过结。 www.tech-domain.com 8. it draws fire. For this reason, it is not a tall uncommon for aircraft carriers to be known as bomb magnets. 不要太显眼,因为那会吸引敌方火力。因此,航空母舰被称作“炸弹磁铁”就不奇怪了。 home.bestphotocanada.com 9. The company's goal is to be the largest and most professional supplier of Nd-Fe-B magnets in the globe. 公司的目标是做全球最大、最专业的钕铁硼磁体供应商。 www.ciamiecn.com 10. Ever-closer union has become ever harder, like trying to push together magnets of the same polarity. 这就好像硬要把两个相同的磁极碰在一起那样,原本越来越近的一体化却变得越来越难。 www.ecocn.org 1. Most magnets, like the ones on many refrigerators, cannot be turned off; they are called permanent magnets. 大多数磁铁,像吸在冰箱上的那些,不能被关闭磁性;他们被称为永磁体。 www.bing.com 2. But then Japan has always been a bit of separate case in Asia, compared to expat magnets like Hong Kong or Singapore. 但是另一方面,日本在亚洲一直都比较特殊,相比对海外人士有着巨大吸引力的香港或新加坡而言。 www.fatisia.com 3. We actually capsulated the magnets, as you can see on that, with a band to stop them from flying out. 实际上,正如你在那下面看到的一样,我们把磁铁包起来了,还有一个带状物,是为了避免轮子飞出来而置的。 www.yxad.com 4. Place the paper clip in an isolated location away from any magnets until needed for the next data point . 在测量下一个数据点之前,将回形针置于不靠近任何永久磁铁的隔离区中。 www.bing.com 5. Cryogenic systems used for cooling superconducting magnets consist of pipes, manifolds, valves, and pumps, etc. 用于冷却超导磁体的低温系统由管路、支管、阀门和泵等组成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The GC can be considered as an electric motor entirely consisting of permanent magnets in the shape of cylindrical bars and annular rings. 色谱可以被视为一种完全电机组成的形状的永久磁铁圆柱酒吧和环形环。 tieba.baidu.com 7. The MCR Series cylinder consists of a piston and a carriage, which are coupled together using rare earth magnets. 在MCR系列气缸由活塞和一辆马车,这是结合在一起使用稀土磁体。 www.testmart.cn 8. It is assumed that every substance which is capable of being magnetized consists of a very large number of molecular magnets. 人们假定,能够被磁化的各种物质都是由大量的分子磁体组成的用来代替。 language.ynenglish.com 9. Magnets were attached to the birds' heads to see whether their direction-sense was confused thereby. 他们给鸟儿的头上系块磁铁,以观察官辨别方向的能力是否由此受到干扰。 www.hotdic.com 10. Fishing. Tie magnets to a string, cut fish shapes out of construction paper and attach a paper clip to the fish's mouth and voila. 钓鱼。将磁铁拴在?在图画纸上剪出鱼的形状,将回形针附在鱼嘴上。 www.bing.com 1. Maglev, short for "magnetic levitation, " uses powerful magnets that allow the train to float just above the track, reducing friction. Maglev,这是“磁力悬浮”的缩写,该技术利用强大的磁力,让列车悬浮在轨道之上。 www.bing.com 2. Magnetic therapy pillows have embedded magnets that provide a magnetic field around your head and neck as you sleep. 磁疗法枕头都提供了内置磁体磁场抱住头颈部你睡。 zhentou002.bokee.com 3. Research team developed a special new small magnets as an alternative to electronic components used to store data. 研究团队新开发出一种特殊的小型磁铁,用以替代用于保存数据的电子元件。 www.englishtang.com 4. They may damage your keyboard. Shake the dirt out of the keyboard often. Keep magnets away from your computer and disks. 它们可能破坏你的键盘。经常把脏东西从键盘里抖掉。把磁体远离你的电脑和硬盘。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 5. If you are missing just one of these Man Magnets, you won't get the love life you want and deserve. 如果你错过了男性引力中的一个,那么你就错过了你期望的也是应得的爱情生活。 www.bing.com 6. NOTE : if one of the outside magnets has more repulsion than the next one, the motor will stop. 注意:如果其中的磁体外,更比斥力未来一,电机将停止。 www.tech-domain.com 7. The use of magnets as aids to navigation can be traced back at least to the eleventh century. 磁铁用于航海,至少可追溯到11世纪。 8. It only becomes viable as part of an integrated process (say producing magnets or catalytic converters) or as a mining by-product. 唯一可行的办法是融入一体化过程(例如生产磁铁或催化转化器),或成为采矿的副产品。 www.ftchinese.com 9. If the magnets are completely covered and encased within heavy duty material which cannot be chewed or splintered, it's probably alright. 如果磁体完全被覆盖和包裹,同时材料不能咀嚼或破裂,才可能是安全的。 www.ebainet.com 10. The control of the microstructure of nanocomposite magnets is of importance for improving their magnetic properties. 纳米晶复合永磁材料的结构控制对提高合金的磁性能具有重要的意义。 www.dictall.com 1. The components of the system are all attached to the tracked vehicle with extremely powerful magnets. 该系统的所有部件全部依附于被追踪车辆上,并带有极强的磁性。 kk.dongxi.net 2. This platform is magnetic, and his very large boots carry magnets that attach to this platform, so he does not lose it. 这个平台是有磁性的,而他的大靴子带着依附到这个平台上的磁铁,所以他不会踩空。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The so-called Linx device is a ring made of titanium beads with magnets inside that keep the valve closed after the food passes through it. 这种被叫做林克斯Linx的设备是一个由钛珠制造而成的环,在其内部的磁体使食物经过后肌肉阀门紧闭。 www.bing.com 4. Analog Hall-Effect sensors are used to determine the presence or absence of magnets that identify the type of faceplate being used. 模拟霍尔效应传感器被用来确定磁铁存在或者不存在,从而确认所用的面板类型。 ip.com 5. Manufactured magnets are basically the same thing except that we use induced magnetic fields to line up the iron particles. 制造磁铁的情况基本相同,除了我们会利用磁场来排列铁粒子之外。 www.bing.com 6. This class of materials is sold today, but delivers half or less of the power of the best rare-earth-based magnets. 这类合金可以买到,但是只有最好的稀土磁铁一半或更少的磁性。 www.bing.com 7. set of magnets set in a doughnut-shaped ring around which charged particles from an accelerator can be kept circulating until they are used. 设置在圆环图中通过它来自于加速器的微粒能够一直旋转直到它们被使用的磁铁。 www.hotdic.com 8. Known as "maglev" , the technology uses powerful magnets to suspend a train above its rails and drive it forward at high speed. 这项被称为“磁浮”(maglev)的技术利用力量强大的磁力来使火车悬浮在铁轨之上,驱动它高速前行。 www.for68.com 9. Magnets sticking together or becoming attached to a metallic object inside the human body can cause serious or fatal injury. 粘合的磁铁或吸附金属物进入人体,会导致严重或致命的伤害。 www.toysworld.com.cn 10. But with the pendulum, it allows me to manifest these invisible forces that are holding the magnets up. 但是,通过钟摆,我可以明白这些让磁铁悬浮的,隐形的力量。 www.ted.com 1. He developed a variety of treatments using magnets, and even claimed to have restored sight to a blind musician. 麦斯默医师因此研发出各种使用磁力的治疗方式,并宣称曾使一位失明的音乐家重见光明。 www.tingroom.com 2. In the journal Nanotechnology, the physicists report the first experiment to move DNA through a solid-state nanopore using magnets. 在纳米技术杂志里,物理学家们报告了首次使用磁铁移动DNA通过固态纳米孔的试验。 www.suiniyi.com 3. Its wear less impeller is suspended in the pump housing through a combination of passive magnets and hydrodynamic thrust bearing. 它利用被动式磁轴承和水力轴承的共同作用使无磨损的血泵转子悬浮并旋转起来,产生离心力,推动血液流动。 www.ccheart.com.cn 4. Magnets are used for the controller's attachment to the main unit. 磁体用来使控制器固定在主模块上 wenku.baidu.com 5. Magnets are marketed in a variety of forms -- from bracelets and necklaces to magnet-studded insoles, muscle wraps and mattress pads. 磁材的兜售形式有多种,有手镯、项链,有安了磁片的鞋垫、护带和床垫。 c.wsj.com 6. No point in annoying her before God and the science of magnets and whatever else dictates whether you'll find love among the wickets. 缘分,吸引力和其它能暗示你可否找到爱的条件达不到的话,骚扰她是注定是没有意思的。 www.bing.com 7. There, I proceeded to sand down the back of each toy creating a flat, rough surface onto which I could glue strong magnets. 在那里,我接着下来的沙每个玩具创建一个平面,粗糙的表面上,我可以胶水强磁回来。 www.douban.com 8. The processing and its requirement on manufacturing bonded permanent magnets and sintered magnets by MIM are discussed in detail. 详细介绍MIM粘结永磁和烧结磁体的基本工艺过程及基本要求。 www.chemyq.com 9. The physical award appears in the shape of an orb consisting of two halves, using internal magnets to keep it closed. 物理奖出现在两部分组成的一个天体的形状,使用内部的磁铁保持它关闭。 www.gtn9.com 10. The utility model relates to a fresh and clean health-care pillow, which comprises a pillow body, supporting sheets, magnets and filler. 一种清新保健枕,包括枕头体、支撑片、磁石和填充物。 ip.com 1. But there is a crucial difference: alongside the coils are a second set of magnets of alternating polarity. 但是有一个重大的区别:沿线圈旁放置了另一块同线圈内那块磁极相反的磁铁。 www.ecocn.org 2. Both Planet X and the Earth are such magnets, but are not allowed to touch each other as the anti-gravity force keeps them apart. 行星和地球就是这种磁铁,它们是不能相互接触的,因为反重力的力量会使使它们分开。 blog.163.com 3. Owing to its structural advantage, the free radical of nitroxide has been an important component for organic magnets. 氮氧自由基因其结构优势已成为有机磁体的重要构件。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. No sleeves, pulls, shells, magnets, or gimmicks of any kind. 没有袖子、任何的掩护、磁铁或秘密装置。 dict.bioon.com 5. Liquid helium cools infrared detectors, nuclear reactors, and the superconducting magnets used in MRI machines, too. 液氦也用来冷却红外线探测器,核反应堆,以及核磁共振成像器械的超导磁体等。 www.bing.com 6. "If I used magnets, the fish would stick together, " he told a CCTV news programme. “如果我用了磁铁,金鱼会粘在一起的,”他在央视的一个新闻节目中表示。 www.bing.com 7. Neodymium alloyed with iron and boron - NIB - is widely used to produce very strong magnets . 钕合金与铁,硼-添加-被广泛用于生产非常强磁铁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The contact model and spacing distance between the samples are strongly affected on the magnetic flux when two magnets put together. 两磁体放置过程中,接触方式和放置时的间隔距离对合金磁通均有明显影响。 www.boshuo.net 9. The rest of the group received a general letter, without mention of fruits, vegetables, stickers or magnets. 剩下的妇女则只收到了一封普通信件,没有提到水果蔬菜,更没有标签和磁吸。 www.bing.com 10. If any of the LHC's 1, 200 bending magnets are even slightly tilted, he says, the beam would veer up or down out of the ring's plane. 如果LHC中的1200个扭曲磁铁中的任何一个有哪怕是轻微的倾斜,粒子束都会朝上或朝下发生改向,从而脱离环道平面。 www.bing.com 1. Quantum algorithms have been processed before, but only in exotic systems using lasers or ions suspended with strong magnets. 在以前,量子算法也被提出过,但只适用于一些奇特的系统,这些系统使用了悬浮于强磁体的激光束或离子。 ranhouzenyang.com 2. Gifts, Pens, Stapler , Cutter, Torch, Magnets, Keychains, Computer Accessories, Photo Frames Writing Instruments. 采购产品礼品,钢笔,主要物产商,裁剪者,火把,磁铁,钥匙链,计算机配件,相片框架。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The repulsion of the N pole magnets between the inner and outer cylinders will cause rotation and thus gain energy. 在相斥的磁铁的N极之间的内部和外部的气瓶会导致旋转,从而获得能源。 www.tech-domain.com 4. Yes, mothers do pick up things. But they are much more than "magnets, " gathering up clothes and picking up toys around the house. 没错,妈妈会拾起东西,但是她们可比「磁铁」强多了,连房子各角落里的衣服和玩具都能捡拾起来。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 5. Neodymium is key to the permanent magnets used to make high-efficiency electric motors. 钕(Nd)是高效率电动机中永磁体的关键元素。 www.bing.com 6. Step skewing of rotor magnets is an efficient manner for reducing harmonics and minimizing cogging torque and torque ripple. 转子分段斜极是一种能有效削弱齿谐波、改善电机齿槽转矩和转矩脉动的方法。 airiti.com 7. From the summer of 2005, there were at least 11 incidents of intestinal perforation due to magnets in toys. 自从2005年夏季以来,已经至少有11个肠道穿孔案例是由玩具中的磁石引起。 wenku.baidu.com 8. The temperature coefficient of this family is designed to compensate for temperature coefficients of typical samarium cobalt (SmCo) magnets. 该系列的温度系数可补偿典型钐钴(SmCo)磁铁的温度系数。 www.allegromicro.com 9. One target: neodymium, a rare-earth essential for magnets used in everything from microphones to wind turbines. 有一个目标是:钕,一种稀土元素,用于从话筒到风力涡轮机等一切使用磁铁的产品。 www.bing.com 10. "We want parents to be aware of the danger associated with these innocent-looking magnets, " Tenenbaum said. Tenenbaum主席建议,当孩子玩这些看似无害的磁铁时,父母要加以关注。 www.bing.com 1. We are the leading manufacturer of ferrites , magnets and Iron Powder cores as well as Iron Powder automobiles parts. 本公司是一家专业生产铁氧体、磁铁、铁粉芯以及粉末冶金汽配件的龙头企业。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Different epoxy resin have different epoxy model number, different mezzo epoxy, bonded magnets represent different performance. 不同环氧树脂粘结剂的环氧型号不同,环氧值不同,粘结磁体表现出不同的性能。 www.13191.com 3. Japan has the most famous trains using the technology, where magnets are used to both levitate and propel the train. 日本最有名的列车使用这项技术,在使用磁铁和悬浮既推动了火车。 www.tryjohn.com 4. The research significance of the metal injection moulding technique of manufacturing magnets are outlined. 最后指出磁性材料注射成形技术的研究意义。 www.chemyq.com 5. "Even in the best scenario of supply, these [rare earth-based] magnets are very expensive, " Mr. Crane said. “即便是供应情况最好的时候,利用稀土材料制成的磁钢也是非常昂贵的,”Crane说。 www.bing.com 6. In other words, moving magnets cause changing magnetic fields which try to create electric currents in closed circles of wire. 换句话说,移动的磁铁引起磁场的改变,改变的磁场又尽力在封闭的电线圈制造电流。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Once a child earned enough magnets, the child could redeem an item from the prize box. 当孩子挣了足够多的磁铁时,他就能从奖品箱里换一个奖品了。 www.bing.com 8. The way the dev team approached this challenge while designing Silvermoon was to spread out the traditional crowd magnets. 开发团队处理这一点的方法是尽量分散传统的吸引人群的地点。 www.our-sky.com 9. Before long, travel brochures, maps, menus, bumper stickers, refrigerator magnets, baseball cards, five lottery tickets showed up. 没过多久,旅行宣传册、地图、菜单、汽车贴纸、冰箱留言签磁贴、棒球卡、五张彩票接踵而至。 www.bing.com 10. But it is not just the countries with fast growing populations that have become investment magnets. 但并非只有人口迅速增长的国家才是投资“磁场”。 www.ftchinese.com 1. These indispensable magnets are always found in Geoff's meteorite hunting kit and on his pick. 这些不可缺少的磁铁,总是发现杰夫的陨石狩猎套件和他挑。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. They are used in the manufacture of such products as iPods, wind turbines, batteries, magnets and high-definition television equipment. 他们被用来制造各类产品,比如IPods,风力漩涡机,电池,磁铁以及高清度电视设备。 www.bing.com 3. The researchers intend to use the standard lithographic techniques employed in chip making to coat a semiconductor with microscopic magnets. 研究人员拟应用芯片制作中所用的标准平版印刷技术,将许多极小的磁铁包被到一块半导体上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But the Consumer Products Safety Commission says some of the hazards are hidden, like tiny magnets find in toys. 但是美国消费品安全委员会表示有些危险是隐性的,比如玩具里面的小吸铁石。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. The conventional magnet brake systems were composed of a brake panel with 3-5 small magnets sitting close to spool. 传统的磁力制动系统是由一个刹车平板和安装在靠近线杯处的3-5小磁铁组成。 lure8.com 6. Analogies between phase transitions in fluids and magnets using continuum and spin models are emphasized, leading to a better understanding. 在在流体方面的相位转变和使用连续统一体的磁铁和螺旋模型之间的类似被强调,导致更好的理解。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. attraction for iron; associated with electric currents as well as magnets; characterized by fields of force. 吸引铁的力;和电流、磁铁有关;用力场刻画。 www.showxiu.com 8. That Beijing and some other metropolises have been drawing people like magnets has little to do with whether control is strict or loose. 北京和其他的城市像磁铁一样吸引人们,其与控制是严还是松没有关系。 www.bing.com 9. Most motors used in electric and hybrid cars today use a different type of motor that relies on permanent magnets. 大部分用于电动车和混合动力车的发动机于此不同,需依赖永久磁铁才能运转。 www.bing.com 10. If you do not have one, we offer for sale the same powerful rare earth magnets used in our television series Meteorite Men. 如果你没有,我们在我们的电视系列陨石男子用同样强大的稀土磁铁要约出售。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Examples include: self gravitating systems, plasmas, dipolar magnets and wave-particle interactions. 包括了:引力系统,等离子体系统,偶极磁铁系统等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. It will be easier for you find& take out the things you are looking if you use the matching magnets, hooks, rearview mirror. 使用我们配套的磁铁、铁钩、后视镜可以帮助您更轻松的找到和取出您寻找的物体; www.hi1718.com 3. A series of cute and interesting badges, toys and magnets have aroused consumer's desire to collect them. 一系列可爱又有趣的胸章、公仔和磁铁引起大家蒐集的欲望。 www.share888.info 4. Do whatever it takes to feel good. The emotions of joy and happiness are powerful money magnets. Be happy now! 去做任何让你感觉很好的事情。快乐幸福的情感是最强有力的吸引财富方式。现在就快乐起来! blog.sina.com.cn 5. A much-watched mineral now is neodymium, an ingredient in permanent magnets that are used in wind turbines and hybrid cars. 目前备受关注的一种矿物质是钕,这是制造永久磁铁的一种原料,永久磁铁被用于风力涡轮机和混合动力车。 cn.wsj.com 6. This car works with a system of opposing magnets, MAGLEV, which allows the vehicle to take on some amazing curves. 这款车与许多反对磁铁,磁悬浮列车,它允许车辆采取了一些惊人的曲线体系。 club.china.com 7. Earlier versions of some toys had employed a chemical adhesive that failed in a number of cases to keep magnets from coming loose. 一些老款的玩具使用的是化学粘合剂,但曾发生过数次磁铁脱落事件。 www.bing.com 8. Fast economic growth also makes these countries magnets for international capital, which again adds to the domestic money supply. 快速经济增长也让这些国家成为国际资本的吸金石,这样又增加了国内货币供应量。 www.bing.com 9. While traveling , the on-board batteries are recharged by linear generators integrated into the support magnets. 而在运行过程中,车载电池可由配备与悬浮磁铁中的线性发电机供电。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Apple stores became magnets for technology enthusiasts who waited for the phones to go on sale at 6pm local time in each US time zone. 苹果产品店一早就吸引了大量的技术“粉丝”,等待当地时间下午6点钟起正式开始销售。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The idea of Magnetix is to build different shapes and designs with small plastic pieces -- bound together by tiny, powerful magnets. 磁性玩具的创意是用微小的强磁块将小塑料块拼接起来,搭建出各种形状和设计。 blog.hexun.com 2. Change the filters on your air-conditioning vents. These filters are dust and pollen magnets. 更换空调通风口的过滤器。这些过滤器是灰尘和花粉的“吸铁石”。 www.bing.com 3. The properties and advantages of bonded permanent magnets and sintered magnets made by metal injection moulding are reviewed. 概括了金属粉末注射成形技术(MIM)制造粘结永磁和烧结磁体的特点和优点。 www.chemyq.com 4. The "magnets" are the word bank, and it is the reader's responsibility to fill in the blanks (don't worry, they give you the answers later). “magnets”是词库,填空是读者的责任(不要着急,稍后他们会给出答案)。 www.ibm.com 5. They are used in magnets and semiconductors and a host of other technologies. 这些稀土材料可应用于磁铁和半导体的生产,并被应用于一系列其他技术中。 www.bing.com 6. This kind of makes them look like "social magnets" who are always able to draw strangers' chitchat in various kinds of activities. 这种“社交磁铁”般的吸引力让他们在参加各种活动时,经常会吸引陌生人前来与他们攀谈。 www.elanso.com 7. Republicans rallying together are natural magnets to Democratic Party rivals who also congregate in this key Midwestern state. 汇集在这个州的共和党人很自然地会像磁石一样将民主党总统提名人参选者吸引到这个关键州来。 www.america.gov 8. They act, in other words, like tiny bar magnets with north and south poles, making them rotate in a magnetic field. 打个比方,这个“磁极矩”可以让电子像一个微型的条形磁铁那样在磁场中旋转。 www.ecolion.cn 9. If you've ever played with magnets, you know that opposite poles attract and like poles repel each other2. 如果你从没乘坐过磁悬浮列车,你知道同极相吸和异极相斥。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Single-chain magnets are another highlight field following the single-molecular magnets in molecular magnetism. 单链磁体是继单分子磁体之后分子磁学领域的又一前沿课题。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. When you learn the 4 Man Magnets, you'll be able to attract any man you desire, regardless of how you look and how old you are. 学会这4个男性引力,不论你漂亮与否,或是年轻与否,你都能吸引到任何一个你渴望的男人。 www.bing.com 2. The four gold magnets supporting the levitated graphite in the carbon cube are examples that would equally belong here. 四金磁铁支持磁悬浮石墨的碳立方体的例子,将同样属于这里。 blog.chinamil.com.cn 3. Some U. S. consumers of rare earth magnets echoed the German concerns. 美国部分稀土类磁石消费者也呼应德国的顾虑。 cn.reuters.com 4. That he arrived looking like a refrigerator with magnets attached? 他来的时候,看上去像不像一台粘满了磁性冰箱贴的电冰箱? www.ftchinese.com 5. Custom magnets simply cost too much, it often pays to work with that which is available. 自定义磁铁只是成本太大,往往支付给工作与现已。 www.tech-domain.com 6. Cadeddu watched a television show featuring teens who used magnets to hold studs on their lips to avoid getting their lips pierced. 该节目描述的是一些十几岁的年轻人,使用磁铁吸住他们嘴唇上的大头钉,以免他们的嘴唇被刺穿。 news.dxy.cn 7. We have not become magnets for big box stores that deprive small businesses of the human marketing air they need to prosper. 我们没有变成那种像磁铁一样、剥夺需要在繁荣的市场氛围下生存的小商铺的生存机会的大仓储商场。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Emerging equity funds remain huge money magnets though allocations to global equities have dipped, EPFR figures show. EPFR数据显示,尽管对全球股市的资产配置下滑,但新兴市场股票基金仍强力吸金。 cn.reuters.com 9. Based on the power of attraction, the set conveniently seals at the center thanks to magnets positioned on the shaking surfaces. 由于吸引力,磁极被定位在调料出口的表面,这件调味品摇瓶的中央能够方便地封好。 www.elanso.com 10. No carbon, slates, slides, shines , special markers, magnets, threads, stooges, pad switches. 碳,板岩,幻灯片,发亮光物体,特别标志,磁铁,螺纹,傀儡,垫不交换。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. But if his magnets do pick the right patients, neurology will have made an important step forward. 但如果他的脑磁图方法能筛查出真正的病人,神经病学将迈出一大步。 www.ecocn.org 2. Now as then, cities are the real magnets of economies, the innovators of politics, and, increasingly, the drivers of diplomacy. 所以说,此时的城市才真正是经济的凝聚体,政治的改革者以及越来越多时候,外交的掌舵手。 www.bing.com 3. Magnets pull out steel and iron, blowers tease out bags and paper, while shakers and centrifuges help separate other materials. 磁体“吸出”钢铁,鼓风机吹走塑料袋和纸张,而震动机和离心机分离其他的材料。 www.bing.com 4. Electricity is produced by spinning large magnets inside a coil of wire within the generator. 电是靠使大型磁铁在发电机内的线圈里面转动而产生的。 ens.ccit.edu.cn 5. These magnets will generate local magnetic fields that point in opposite directions at different points on the chip's surface. 磁铁可产生局部磁场,从相反的方向作用于芯片表面不同位点。 www.ttxyy.com 6. That's the same weight as the magnets used in Iraq's gas centrifuge program before the Gulf War. 这与海湾战争前伊拉克气体离心分离机计划所用的磁体重量相当。 www.hotdic.com 7. The blades are housed in a medical-grade stainless steel cartridge with the cartridge is held in place by 16 neodymium magnets. 刀片安装在一个医用等级不锈钢的框架内,然后用16个强力钕磁固定到位。 www.bing.com 8. Magnetic material interior is by innumerable extremely tiny "small magnets" of composition. 磁性物质内部是由无数个极其微小的“小磁铁”组成的。 www.xsj521.com 9. City planners, who once viewed parks as financial drains and nests of crime, now see them as magnets for tourists and creative types. 那些曾经视公园为浪费金钱和罪恶深渊的城市规划者,现在将它们看作是吸引游客的特色景观和创新的设计。 www.ecocn.org 10. Other types of magnets could be used in turbines, and rare earth metals could be recycled. 其他种类的磁铁可以用在涡轮机上,稀土金属可以循环使用。 www.bing.com 1. China and India harbour the world's fastest-growing collection of millionaires and billionaires, making them magnets for wealth managers. 中印拥有世界上增长最迅速的百万富翁与亿万富翁群体,吸引了众多财富管理公司蜂拥而至。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Small magnets represent different assignments. When the clock hand reached and collects the magnets - the assignments are due. 这些小磁铁代表了不同的作业。当时钟指针到达并收集了这些磁铁,就该交作业了。 www.bing.com 3. This is true for Mercury as well, as both these planets are themselves magnets, planets with a magnetic core. 这对水星来说同样是正确的,因为两个行星自己都有磁场,行星有个磁核心。 apps.hi.baidu.com 4. Holding magnets on both sides hold the knife blade precisely at the set angle and ensure a constant grinding result. 刀刃角度精确的被设定在两侧固定研磨轮上,确保打磨效果一致。 wenku.baidu.com 5. He had explained about magnets and showed how they would pick up nails and other bits of iron. And now it was question time. . . 在课堂上,他向学生解释了磁铁原理并向他们展示磁铁是如何吸引铁块、钉子。接下来就是提问的时间了… bbs.teawang.cn 6. 17 type RE cobalt base magnets with super low temperature coefficient, radial orientation and high electrical insulation were investigated. 研究了具有超低温度系数、辐射取向和辐射多极取向、高电绝缘三种特殊用途的2:17型稀土钴基永磁体及制作方法。 www.dictall.com 7. Magnets with internal short-circuit rings prevent distortion very effectively. 含内部短路环的磁铁能有效防止失真情形。 www.xinheaudio.com 8. Reassemblethe turbine and check again to make sure the clearance between the coils and magnets is correct. 重组的涡轮机和再次检查,以确保清除之间的线圈和磁铁是正确的。 www.tech-domain.com 9. 'In some cases, we found loose magnets falling right out of the packaging, ' says Mr. Mierzwinski of U. S. PIRG. PIRG的米兹文斯基说,我们发现了一些松动的磁性零件直接从包装里掉出来的情况。 www.bing.com 10. The heavy wool garment she's modeling in the photograph has 60 magnets placed everywhere you see an orange spot. 图中展示的厚重羊毛服饰装配有60块磁铁,以橙色标识。 www.bing.com 1. Electromagnets are similar to other magnets in that they attract metal objects, but the magnetic pull is temporary. 电磁力与吸引金属物体的另一种磁力相似,但是磁力牵引是短暂的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Today, Amsterdam, Paris and Rome are just beautiful and highly livable cities (if you have the money), but no magnets. 今天,阿姆斯特丹,巴黎和罗马依旧美丽宜居,但他们失去了核心的吸引力。 www.bing.com 3. mezzo epoxy magnets, higher density, lower corrosion, best magnetic property. 环氧值适中的磁体,密度高,腐蚀小,磁性能最好。 www.13191.com 4. Need at least 300 tiny multi-colored magnets. 至少需要300个不同颜色的小型磁铁。 www.infoq.com 5. Its advantages over magnets are; it works well throughout a wide range of temperatures and it works with misaligned coil edges. 在大多数工作范围下运转良好,可用于不整齐的卷材边缘。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 6. Fifty-three of 1, 624 large superconducting magnets - some of them 50 feet long - were damaged and had to be replaced. 1624个超导磁体中损坏了53个,其中一些长达50英尺,它们必须被换掉。 www.bing.com 7. An array of permanent, rare-earth magnets enables the unit to completely erase data and timing information. 这款采用永久,稀土磁材料制成的消磁器能清除所有数据和定时信息。 www.21csp.com.cn 8. Explore science tools: magnets, prisms, magnifying glasses, etc. 探索科学工具:磁铁,棱镜,放大镜等 blog.sina.com.cn 9. If you want more magnets and particles you just double click and drag them to where you want them. 如果你想要更多的磁铁和微粒,只需双击并拖动他们到任意地方。 edu.cnbeta.com 10. Magnets with the specified size and strength should be restricted. 指定尺寸和强度的磁石会被限制使用。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Their unpaired electrons make the atoms behave like tiny permanent magnets that align with and strengthen an applied magnetic field. 它们的未成对电子使原子成为小型的永磁体,它们沿外磁场排列,并因此增强外磁场。 www.tdict.com 2. It may contain conductors, permanent magnets, or alloy metals selected for their magnetic properties. 它可能包含的指挥家,永磁材料,金属或合金为他们选定的磁学性质。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. If the magnets are of a strength and closeness to each other the magnets will line up with their poles in the same direction. 如果磁性物体相互靠近,强度足够,那这些物体就会按照同一方向将其磁极排成一排。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The city is one of the magnets for the huge shift of people from the countryside that is transforming China. 对于改造中国的、从乡村转移出来的人们来说,这座城市是一块磁石。 www.stnn.cc 5. The taping of the magnets was the final step. 解决磁铁报警器是最后一步。 www.bing.com 6. Two very large nonphysical magnets were also removed during this hurricane from the Gulf of Mexico region. 在这次来自墨西哥海湾地区的飓风中两个非常巨大的非物质磁体也被迁移。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Using this method after never happened magnets fall off, completely solve the problem of fixed magnetic department. 采用此方法后从未发生过磁块脱落的情况,彻底解决了磁系固定的问题。 xsj521.com 8. The notion that the brain might respond to magnets and electricity actually goes way back. 脑部可能对磁场或电流产生反应的概念其实早已存在。 www.tingroom.com 9. The idea of using magnets to manipulate the instruments in the abdominal cavity was formulated after Dr. 使用磁力对腹腔内的器械进行操纵这一想法是Cadeddu博士在观看了一个电视节目后产生的。 news.dxy.cn 10. A very small gap between coils and magnets is important, especially if the coils do not have a ferrous core. 一个非常小的差距线圈和磁铁是重要的,尤其是当线圈没有有色金属核心。 www.tech-domain.com 1. USES: Raw materials for producing yellow pigment in ceramics and RE permanent magnets alloys. 用途:用作陶瓷釉,镨黄颜料和稀土永磁合金的原料。 2. Generators (roughly speaking) consist of magnets moving relative to coils. 发电机(大致说来)由朝线圈移动的磁体构成。 www.ecocn.org 3. The price of neodymium oxide, used for high-strength magnets in wind turbines, fell 2. 2% to $236. 84 a kilogram. 制造风力涡轮机所用高强度磁铁的氧化钕价格跌了2.2%,至每公斤236.84美元。 c.wsj.com 4. Rare earth metals like neodymium are used in the powerful magnets in electric motors for cars. 稀土金属广泛应用于汽车电动机磁铁、其它高科技及国防产品的制造。 cn.reuters.com 5. The separating matrix is a stack of stainless steel grids magnetized by permanent magnets. 分离基体采用永磁体制成的不锈钢栅格。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 6. The tilt magnets and the tilt coils are mounted to the movable block and the stationary block, respectively. 倾斜磁体和倾斜线圈分别设置到可移动块和固定块上。 www.hgpf114.com 7. Each permanent magnet in the rotor is composed of two different magnets stacked on each other and tangentially magnetized. 转子中每极永磁体由两块不同磁体叠加而成,均切向磁化。 ip.com 8. toy containing one or more magnets intended for carrying out educational experiments involving magnetism and electricity. 明显用于教育实验室的,含有一块或多块磁铁的玩具,包括磁学和电学。 www.qiyeku.com 9. Generator: The 90-ton generator consists of a nearly 20-foot ring of magnets that spins to produce current. 发电机:这台90吨重的发电机,通过旋转产生电流的环型磁铁直径近20英尺。 www.bing.com 10. If you want to draw money from the ATM, just insert the magnets card into the slot and enter your pin number. 如果想从自动取款机里取钱只要将磁卡插入,输入你的密码即可。 news.koolearn.com 1. Optional magnets available in different materials. 备有不同材料的磁铁,可供选购 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Physicists use super-powerful magnets to speed particles and control radiation like X-rays. 物理学家利用超强磁加速粒子运动,控制X射线等辐射。 www.24en.com 3. Why not have the magnets encapsulated in the external, fast moving part of a turbine? 为什么磁铁不是被安装在外部的,快速移动的涡轮中? www.bing.com 4. But for SC and hydrogenated magnets the crack source is the transcrystalline break of main phase. 而SC加氢化磁体的裂纹源于主相的穿晶断裂。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 5. The unlike poles of two magnets will attract each other, and like ones will repel each other. 两个磁铁的不同的极互相吸引,相同的极彼此排斥。 www.ecp.com.cn 6. This rotation will further cause the disc containing permanent magnets to rotate. 这将进一步导致旋转的光盘含有永磁体旋转。 www.tech-domain.com 7. There are ongoing concerns regarding the future supply of neodymium, a rare earth metal used to make permanent magnets. 目前专家对于用于钕—制造永久磁铁的稀土金属,未来的供应而感到担忧。 www.showxiu.com 8. It is customary to use electromagnets rather than permanent magnets for the field. 在实际使用中。普遍的方法是用电磁代替永久磁体。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Ceramic magnets are highly resistant to demagnetization, yet they are relatively low in magnetic-flux level. 陶瓷永磁磁铁抗退磁性能高,但它产生的磁通量较低。 wenku.baidu.com 10. In addition, it includes special use and abuse requirements to avoid magnets from detaching from components during play. 另外,这部分还包括了针对磁铁的特殊测试和滥用情况的要求,以避免玩耍过程中磁体从部件上脱落。 www.intertek.com.cn 1. These magnets will interact with the magnets in the stationary outer Cylinder. 这些磁体相互作用的磁铁固定在外缸。 www.tech-domain.com 2. Prior treatment of NdFeB powders is vital to the preparation of bonded NdFeB magnets. 粘结NdFeB磁体的制备工艺中磁粉的表面预处理是非常重要的。 www.13191.com 3. Everything fit well--the clearance between coils and magnets was excellent. 一切都很好-清除线圈和磁铁之间良好。 www.tech-domain.com 4. The coded magnets are available as standard versions, or as strong magnet versions. 磁代码可以作为标准版本或者强磁性版本。 www.dianqi163.com 5. The metals, 17 in all, are also used to make lasers, magnets, camera lenses, computer memory chips and more. 稀土金属共有17种,也被用于制造激光、磁铁、相机镜头、电脑存储芯片,还有其他各种用途。 career.51youcai.com 6. In that case, CERN would adjust the strength of compensating magnets to coax the beam back into shape. 遇到这种情形,CERN将调整补偿磁铁的强度以诱使粒子束重新回到平面上。 www.bing.com 7. Thoughts are like magnets, drawing effects to you. 思想如磁铁,引物上身。 www.bing.com 8. Various specifications of rotor magnets can be produced based on the client's requirement. 可根据客户具体要求生产制造各种规格的转子磁体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Electric lift magnets in round and rectangular styles for all applications. 电子升降磁铁有圆形和矩形两种。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 10. The transmitters are stuck to my head, behind my ears, using magnets. 传播器是利用磁石安装到我的脑袋里的,就在耳朵后面。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The magnetic poles field is produced by permanent magnets mounted on the stator. 磁场由安装在定子上的永磁磁 wenku.baidu.com 2. As positive and negative magnets attract each other, so people of very different types attract each other. 磁铁作为正极负极相互吸引,所以人们非常不同类型的吸引对方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Little magnets were tied to the pigeons' heads to block their magnetic sense. 将小块磁铁绑在鸽子的头上,以此破坏他们的磁场感觉。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. The bacteria had made themselves into little magnets that could line up with the earth's magnet. 这种物质提供磁力。细菌已经让他们组成了一个小磁铁与地球的磁铁连起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The magnetotherapeutic bra consists of main body, cap, horizontal belt, shoulder belt and magnets. 本发明是一种磁疗乳罩,包括乳罩主体、乳罩帽、横带、肩带和磁体。 ip.com 6. It comes with color coded leather-covered magnets that can be added or removed from the clock face. 它配有带彩色皮革套的磁铁,这些磁铁可以贴到钟面上或从上面移除。 www.bing.com 7. Magnets in the handles keep the measuring cups together when not in use. 把手带磁铁,不用时可将量杯附在一起。 www.ikea.com 8. The effect of kind and content of the binder on the performances of the bonded magnets was studied. 本文研究了胶粘剂种类和胶粘剂用量对粘接磁体磁性能的影响。 www.chemyq.com 9. Uses top class neodymium rare-earth magnets for strong retaining force. 采用时间顶级钕系希土类磁铁,具有强力保持力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. And the lock ring, picture frames, coaster, magnets, Opener, technology and other promotional gift tag. 以及锁圈、相框、杯垫、磁铁、开瓶器、吊牌等工艺促销礼品。 www.tonke.cn 1. The minerals are found in the magnets used in the motors. 而电动发动机中使用的磁钢则需以稀土为原料。 www.bing.com 2. Nickel is used in stainless steel, magnets, coins, guitar strings, batteries, and in many different alloys. 不锈钢、磁铁、硬币、吉他弦、电池等多种合金都含有镍。 www.bing.com 3. Not even close. There are things in space that put all of these magnets to shame. 还差得远呢。宇宙中还有更多让这些磁体相形见绌的事物呢。 www.for68.com 4. A series of electromagnetic motors in the track called stators interact with powerful magnets in the car's undercarriage. 在轨道上的一系列电磁发动机叫做固定片。它与车盘相互作用。 www.zftrans.com 5. A magnetic balancer consists of a shaft which is suspended between two magnets. 一个磁性的平衡器是由一个轴悬在两个磁体。 tech-domain.com 6. Batteries to store megawatts of power. Strong magnets that don't rely on rare earths. 能存储兆瓦电量的电池,从非稀土元素中分离出强磁体,变二氧化碳为燃料。 www.bing.com 7. The Voice coil is a part of HSA, Voice coil and the magnets form Voice Coil Motor or VCM. 音圈是一个人血清白蛋白,语音线圈和磁铁部分表格音圈电机或氯乙烯。 wsfix.com 8. If the poly is poured too fast it might create to much heat for the magnets. 如果聚尿苷酸倒入太快,磁铁可能就会产生大量热量。 baike.china.alibaba.com 9. The invention relates to an electric motor (1) comprising a stator (3), a rotor (2) and a number of permanent magnets (6). 本发明涉及一种具有定子(3)和转子(2)以及多个永久磁体(6)的电机(1)。 ip.com 10. The gift shop sells Todor Zhivkov refrigerator magnets. 礼品店也开始出售日夫科夫冰箱贴。 chinese.wsj.com 1. "But Dad, " my 6-year-old son pointed out, "you're supposed to keep magnets away from electronics! " “但是,爸爸,你说要让磁性的物体远离电子产品”我6岁大的儿子指出。 www.bing.com 2. The decay oscillating wave pulses can be applied in situations such as demagnetization of permanent magnets. 交流衰减波电流可用于永磁体的退磁等应用中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. A wireless capsule endoscope was modifiedcv to include neodymium-iron-boron magnets. 该胶囊内镜经过改良后包括一枚钕铁硼磁铁。 www.csde.org.cn 4. The current situation and future tendency of VCM magnets in the following years is discussed. 论述了音圈电机(VCM)磁体的现状,预测了未来几年的发展趋势。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The workout: are those pig magnets on the refrigerator not working? 计划:小猪的冰箱贴没有刺激到你吗? www.bing.com 6. If he moves, you move. Like magnets. 他动你也动就像磁铁一样 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Nagqu has many beautiful sceneries and the highland pastures attract tourists like magnets. 那曲拥有数不尽的风光名胜,高原牧场风光更令人流连忘返。 www.yesasia.com 8. You notice, that a magnet sticks to iron, and observe the behavior of magnets, that makes it appear that opposites attract. 你注意到,磁棒吸引铁,观察磁铁似乎得出“异性相吸”。 yushenduihua.5d6d.com 9. Also, care should be taken to prevent hazards from metal objects being suddenly attracted to magnets in field exceeds 3 mT. 此外,还应注意防止因金属物件突然被超过3mT磁场的磁体吸引而造成的伤害。 www.who.int 10. Ordinary magnets are familiar to everybody. 通常的磁体是人人都熟悉的。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Also, the book has this exercise called Code Magnets, which is like fill in the blank . . . but with code! 而且,本书还有其练习部分,称为CodeMagnets,它像填空,但用代码填写! www.ibm.com 2. So while he remained one of the game's top foul magnets, his TS% fell below 60 for the first time in five years. 尽管马丁依然是那个顶尖造犯规机器,但他的TS%还是五年来首次跌破了60%。 www.bing.com 3. Such wires are of greater use than sintered pellets for many measurements and for applications such as magnets. 与烧结的颗粒相较,这种金属线在许多测量或应用(例如磁铁)上用途更大。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. We're also going to be using small magnets to control the sail because they will interact with the Earth's magnetic field. 我们还打算使用小型磁铁通过磁铁与地球磁场的相互作用来控制风帆。 www.bing.com 5. The negative poles of two magnets will repel each other. 两块磁铁的负极相互排斥。 www.jukuu.com 6. They believe the performance could involve the use of magnets and therefore harm the fish. 因为他们认为该表演可能使用了磁铁,并对鱼造成了伤害。 www.bing.com 7. Doggie Day Care, Batman and Polly Pocket toys were recalled because they contained small magnets that could be dangerous if swallowed. 召回DoggieDayCare、Batman和PollyPocket玩偶是因为其中含有小块磁铁,儿童如果吞食可能造成危险。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Making use of magnets and iron filings, the Quays create an eerie frosting on a Christmas scene. 奎氏兄弟使用磁铁和铁屑为圣诞节场景制作了一层怪异的霜。 www.simplecd.org 9. But they have magnets horizontally in them that make them all like compasses . 它们都具有水平的磁性,这样它们就像指南针一样。 www.bing.com 10. to test the idea , one group of ten pigeons had strong little bar magnets attached to their backs. 为验证这一看法,一组为十只的鸽子背上缚上了强力小磁棒。 www.ichacha.net 1. Chen's father made his money manufacturing magnets. 陈的父亲通过制造磁铁赚钱。 www.bing.com 2. So that's a little bit unrealistic unless he's got really, really strong magnets. 这有点不现实,除非他用上了非常非常强的磁铁。 www.bing.com 3. The positive poles of two magnets repel each other. 两块磁铁的正极互相排斥。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 4. Magnets held down their knives , forks and spoons. 磁铁可以吸住他们的刀子、叉子和勺子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The use of conventional magnets for commercial fusion reactors is ruled out. 商业聚变反应堆上使用常规磁体已不予考虑。 dict.veduchina.com 6. All kinds of heat loads of the TF magnets on EAST have been analysis in the normal operation conditions. 文章分析了EAST托卡马克核聚变装置在正常运行情况下产生的各种热负荷。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Earliest use of relays for switch control instead of direct operation of magnets over line wires . First die cast switch frame. 最早使用继电器。用于开关控制,从而代替了电线中对磁铁的直接操作。第一个压铸件开关架成形。 www.bing.com 8. All magnets behave the same whether they be large or small . 所有磁铁,不论大小,其性质都是一样的。 www.hotdic.com 9. Permanent magnets are used in some machines to provide the major source of flux in the machine. 在一些电机中采用永磁体以产生主磁通。 www.mirautomation.com 10. "How does a non-magnetic metal react to magnets, " you ask? 你也许要问:“非磁性的金属怎么和磁片产生作用呢?” www.freelure.cn |
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