单词 | made-to-order |
释义 |
例句释义: 定制的,合身的,定做的,订制,定制服务分定制 1. In places like this, where the coffee is truly gourmet and made to order, a dollar tip, minimum, is definitely merited. 在这样的场合,咖啡是真正的美食,又是专门冲泡的,一美元的小费,是最基本的了。 www.bing.com 2. What have something made to order obviously is wooden door, how to turn plywood into the door, chipboard still is completely inside. 明明定做的是木门,怎么变成胶合板门了呢,里面还满是硬纸板。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Welcome the domestic and international travelling trader and have the sample made to order , XingDa wishes to create brilliance with you . 欢迎国内外客商携样品订做,兴达愿与你共创辉煌。 www.bing.com 4. Mexico is a very attractive way to serve the U. S. market with any product that needs to be made to order. 对于美国市场来说,由墨西哥来提供它们所需的定制产品,这也是个非常吸引人的选择。 www.bing.com 5. The product is generally made to order within a specialty juice and smoothie bar and is blended in a high-speed blender. 产品通常被专业的果汁及思慕雪吧用高速的搅拌机来搅拌出品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. To begin with there was the made-to-order stuff which I produced quickly, easily and without much pleasure to myself. 先有那些又容易又快完成,但没有太多乐趣的膳稿。 www.bing.com 7. Drafts must be accompanied by full set original on board marine bill of lading made to order, endorsed in blank, marked right, prepaid. 汇票必须附有全套印有货物收讫字样的正本海运提单,凭指示、空白背书,并写明运费已付。 dict.bioon.com 8. Carbon materials can be made-to-order with a range of pore sizes, say chemists in France. 法国科学家称,碳材料可以根据孔的尺寸不同而量身定制。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. For a language is not made to order and out of hand. 语言并不是定做的或手上的工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He has toured many spare part areas looking for the right size fan belt and even had one made to order back in Tianjin, China. 已与风扇带的部分原因是一些人提出,以提高赛车的性能调整经常出现的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. They would form a whole new class of foods made to order for low-input small-business and small-farm production. 它们将形成一种全新的食品系列,尤其适合低投入的小企业及小农场生产。 www.bing.com 2. For the purpose of being more handsome on his wedding day, he had woolen wedding clothes made to order. 为了婚礼那天显得帅气些,他特意订作了一身羊毛礼服。 www.nciku.com.tw 3. Mr McCarthy's clothes were all made to order. 麦卡锡先生的衣服都是定做的。 huii.cn 4. He was made to order for Bethune, who now invoked the famous Pater dictum with a vengeance. 他正合白求恩的口味,白求恩彻头彻尾应用上了他的名言。 dict.veduchina.com 5. Mass customization, like Levi's made-to-order jeans, has taken root in the fashion industry, and may well transform the business. 像李维斯那样为客户量身定制牛仔裤,即面向消费者个体需求的设计生产理念,已经植根于服装工业,很可能还会改写整个服装的运作模式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. If you are right, I suppose: it maybe made to order by single, fuller and fitting's technic is very carefully, its technic isn't skillful. 如对,推测:可能是单独定制的原因,血槽和装具的工艺都显得很谨小慎微,手法不是很熟练。 hfsword.com 7. Our company produces the best made-to-order Basketball uniforms in the Philippines. 我们公司生产的最好-为了制服篮球在菲律宾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Assembled with general purpose conical holder can meet the normal requirements, special size is also available by made to order. 本机装有通用型锥形支撑,可满足一般瓶口的要求,特殊尺寸可以配做。 detail.china.alibaba.com 9. Types and specifications: Special standards can be made to order. 型号规格:特殊规格可定制。 www.zy-sh.com 10. In rare cases, it even appears that the most movie-like of scenarios ? the made-to-order theft ? may happen. 虽然难得一见,但那些恍如电影情节一般的窃案-所谓“订单作业”-也不是完全不可能发生。 www.bing.com 1. The moment was custom made to order. 那一刻彷佛是特别定作。 bbs.breezecn.com 2. Architect Daniel Libeskind has unveiled Villa , a made-to-order luxury house that can be delivered and assembled anywhere in the world. 建筑师丹尼尔利伯斯推出别墅,一个定制的豪华住宅,可提供组装在世界上任何地方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. For all these reasons it was a situation made to order for someone dishonest and "in the know" . 由于这一切,就为某些不诚实的“知情人”创造了钻空子的好机会。 www.kuenglish.info 4. From on-site laundry service to made-to-order sushi, the following companies offer their employees some serious perks. 从现场洗衣服务到手工定制寿司,公司都倾力为员工们提供了各种各样的诱人福利。 www.bing.com 5. Welcome Chinese and foreign traveling trader, producer come kind pursues to have all kinds of products made to order wholeheartedly. 竭诚欢迎中外客商、厂家来样来图订做各类塑料产品。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 6. China now produces readymade eyeglasses for as little as $2 a pair and made-to-order pairs for $5 to $10 retail. 中国正在产出只需2美元的眼镜,售价在4美元到10美元。 dongxi.net 7. c. Your very attractive advertisement in yesterday Changjiang Daily seemde made to order for me. . . and me for the job. 你们在昨天的长江日报上登载的广告非常有吸引力。……我恰好非常适合做这份工作。 wenku.baidu.com 8. As an entrepreneur who runs a made-to-order children's CD company, she is comfortable mixing business with pleasure online. 作为一位运营着儿童CD订做公司的企业家,她很享受于在线上把快乐融入工作中。 dongxi.net 9. Your spare parts would be made to order in a kind of limb donor kebab shop. 你的零件也可在某种器官捐献商店里预定。 www.bing.com 10. Surgeon's shirts, with detachable cuffs, are still made to order by London tailors. 可拆开袖口的外科医生衬衫现在仍然可以从伦敦的裁缝店里定制。 voyeah.blog.163.com 1. Each sculptural planter is made-to-order with handmade glass and lead-free solder and comes with everything you need but the plants. 每个艺术花盆都是定制的。它们由手工制作的玻璃和无铅焊料接合而成,交付使用时,万事俱备,只欠花卉。 www.bing.com 2. To him I bequeath my collar and leash and my overcoat and raincoat, made to order in 1929 at Hermes in Paris. 把我的颈圈、皮带、外套和雨衣留给他,这是您1929年在巴黎的赫耳墨斯为我定做的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It will be made to order and is expected to enter production in the autumn. 它将按定单生产并且预计在秋季投产。 www.transcn.org 4. French polishing is made to order for instrument collectors , dealers and guitarists. 虫胶漆涂装适合乐器收藏者,经销商和吉他手掌握。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. We will supply you with a made-to-order service according to your income so that you can get more income. 我行将根据您的收入情况,为您提供一种度身定做的服务,从而增加您的收入。 www.douban.com 6. Can you deliver on board all the spare parts made to order before our departure? 在我们船离开之前你能否把所有定做的备件送上船。 www.gk361.com 7. They all lived in a remote mountain area in a made-to-order environment. They had waited for the opportune time to appear in public. 他们全住在一个偏僻的山区,有特定的生活环境,直到时机成熟了,才同时出来亮相。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. At home breakfast is made to order: eggs, bacon, pancakes, or even French toast. 在家里早餐是现成弄好的:煎蛋、熏猪肉、薄饼,甚至还有法式面包; blog.zjol.com.cn 9. Yes, we have a made-to-order service and it is part of our business but the ethos for us is to make a beautiful product and make it simple. 不错,我们也有订制服务,它属于我们业务的一部分。但是,我们的品牌定位是生产美观的产品,减少环节。 c.wsj.com 10. I know Flint Lockwood made the food, but it was made-to-order. 我知道FlintLockwood制造了食物,不过那都是按命令来的。 www.kekenet.com 1. And all of our furniture is made to order in your choice of style, frame, leather grade and color. 我们完全根据您选择的样式、结构、皮革等级与色调进行订单式生产。 bbs.wwenglish.org 2. Our The chips are made to order from fresh g tortillas . 我们的玉米饼片由每天新鲜订制的玉米饼制成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. We supply office furniture made to order. 我们提供定制的办公家具。 wordnet.sparke.cn 4. Both are based on the ngiu above unique rotary control techniques and tailor made to order high quality offset printing. 二者都是基于纽博泰独特的轮转控制技术和为客户量身定做的高质量胶印单元。 www.bing.com 5. We can then develop an ontology of PC components and characteristics and apply the algorithm to configure made-to-order PCs. 然后,我们能够开发PC组件和特性的本体,并应用算法来配制定制PC。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Our Valve manifold boxes are made to order. 我们的阀导管盒可以按照您的需求订做。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 7. Are your clothes made to order or ready made? 你的衣服是定做的还是买现成的? dict.veduchina.com 8. These machines are made to order. 这些机器是定做的。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Choose a restaurant where food is made to order. 询问食物的加工方法。选择可以点菜的饭馆。 nutrition.fmmu.edu.cn 10. Many of our products are shipped from our location within 24 - 48 hours, however some products are made to order and ship in 3 - 5 days. 我们的许多产品都运到我们的位置在24-48小时,但部分产品取得了令和船舶在3-5天。 www.bing.com 1. The site charges a 20 percent premium for made-to-order shoes, which are assembled in China and are not returnable. 该网站对定做鞋另外收取20%的费用,这些鞋在中国生产且不可退货。 www.ebigear.com 2. Cat 5 compliant wedding rings set, each ring is made to order. 5猫公司服从客户需要生产的结婚戒指,每只戒指都是特制的。 www.bing.com 3. This jacket is made to order. 这件夹克是订做的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. We can have the pattern and color made to order. 底布花样颜色可定做。 www.qianyan.biz 5. of shoes is made to order. 这双鞋是定做的。 www.bing.com 6. We can supply lathes made to order. 我们可以供应定做的车床。 www1.gdufs.edu.cn 7. The furniture in the room has been made to order. 室内的家具是定做的。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Is your suit made to order? 你的衣服是订做的吗? www.xifeiyizhong.com.cn 9. made to order for a foreign prince - you may know him, sir, his Serene Highness the Hospodar of Halifax; 这是给一位外国亲王定做的——先生可能认识,就是尊敬的哈利法克斯·赫斯庞达尔殿下; www.worklish.com 10. Study on Developmental Countermeasure of Chinese Enterprise Management Software for Large Scale Made-to-order Production 大规模定制下我国企业管理软件发展对策研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Research on made-to-order management system for mould base production enterprise 模架企业定制化制造业务管理系统研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Management made to order on personalized information service 个性化信息服务的定制管理 todayhistory.hit.edu.cn 3. The Economic Meaning Analytical of the Large-scale Made to order Mode 大规模定制模式的经济学意义解析 www.ilib.cn 4. Survey and Speculations of Development of Made - to - order Farming in Xinjiang 对新疆订单农业发展情况的调查及思考 www.ilib.cn 5. Mobile Phone Made to Order Forming New Pattern 手机定制重划产业格局 www.ilib.cn 6. And he had this piano made to order 那这架钢琴就是他特别为 news.cctv.com |
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