单词 | Mandalay |
释义 |
例句释义: 曼德勒[瓦城],曼德勒,曼德勒省,曼德勒市,曼特勒 1. There may be, as Kipling said, "no 'busses runnin' from the Bank to Mandalay" . 像吉卜林所说,也许从班卡到曼德勒没有开通巴士。 www.ecocn.org 2. At the south end of the Strip, our non-gaming sanctuary provides immediate access to the amenities of Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. 在加沙地带的南端,我们的非博彩避难所提供即时访问曼德勒湾度假村和赌场的设施。 www.caaad.com 3. An ear-piercing ceremony at the Mahamuni Pagoda in Mandalay is one of the many coming-of-age ceremonies in Burmese culture. 这是一个在曼德勒的敏贡宝塔举行的隆重的仪式,它是缅甸文化中众多的古老仪式之一。 www.bing.com 4. The size and grandeur of this example suggest that it was used at royal court in Mandalay. 宏伟的规模和这个例子表明,它是在曼德勒用在皇家法庭。 word.hcbus.com 5. A railway from kunming to mandalay in burma was almost finished when work was interrupted by the second world war. 二战爆发的时候,一条从昆明到缅甸曼德勒的铁路线已近竣工,但是战争使得修筑过程不得不中断。 word.hcbus.com 6. Mandalay has seen its heaviest rainfall in more than six decades since the rain began on Thursday. 曼德勒自上周四开始下雨,已经测量超过六十年来最严重的雨量。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The flood of Chinese into border towns and Mandalay, the old royal capital, has fed anxieties over Chinese neo-colonialism. 中国人潮水般地涌入缅甸的边境城镇及其过去的皇家首府曼德勒,让人们对中国的新殖民主义感到不安。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Residents of Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma), participate in the Water Throwing festival marking the Buddhist new year. 世界庆典。曼德勒的居民,缅甸,参与在水的投掷运动节日标志为佛教徒的新年。 forum.home.news.cn 9. A well known Mandalay woman writer on social issues said Burmese should be free to marry whomever they wished. 一个曼德勒的知名社会问题专栏女作家说,缅甸女人应享有与任何人结婚的自主权。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Telephones fax facilities are available in most hotels in Yangon and Mandalay but charges are quite expensive. 在仰光和曼德勒的大多数饭店或酒店都具备电话和传真设施服务,不过收费却相当地高。 myanmar-tourism.com 1. The UN's World Food Programme (WFP) said that army chiefs in Mandalay briefly restricted its much-needed food supplies (see article). 联合国粮食计划署曾表示,曼德勒的军方指挥官们暂时禁止了其急需的粮食供应。 www.ecocn.org 2. We cannot convene the conference in major cities such as Rangoon, Mandalay or Taunggyi as it would raise tensions between us and the junta. 我们不能在主要城市仰光、曼德勒、栋枝召开这个会议,那会加剧我们与军政府之间的紧张关系。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Among these developments include The Venetian , Mandalay Bay , and Paris Las Vegas . 在这些发展包括威尼斯人,曼德勒海湾和巴黎拉斯维加斯。 word.hcbus.com 4. This photo was taken at Shark Reef Aquarium at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, Nevada. 这幅图片获得在鲨鱼暗礁水族馆在拉斯维加斯曼德勒海湾,内华达州。 word.hcbus.com 5. Until Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party came to power in May 2000, Taipei had economic and cultural offices in Rangoon and Mandalay. 直到2000年台湾的民主进步党上台,台北一直在仰光和曼德勒有经济和文化办事处。 www.bing.com 6. It is reported that trains starting from the Yangon, Myanmar's second largest city Mandalay sailing. 据悉,这列客车由仰光出发,驶往缅甸第二大城市曼德勒。 www.englishtang.com 7. On a stretch of shore north of Mandalay, the Irrawaddy serves man and beast. 在曼德勒北部延伸出的河岸边,伊洛瓦底江同时服务于人和牲畜。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Bagan and Mandalay are the seats of Myanmar culture. 蒲甘和女权天使是缅甸文化的主要反映。 www.ebigear.com 9. Myanmar is a country of tea shops and there are several fast food centres and snack bars in Yangon and Mandalay. 缅甸有许多茶叶店,在仰光和曼德勒有几家快餐中心和快餐吧。 www.myanmarembassy.com 10. Mandalay mayor Phone Zaw Han, a USDP candidate for election to the regional parliament, and Minister of Health Dr. Kyaw Myint also attended. USDP地区议会选举候选人、曼德勒市长朋卓汗(PhoneZawHan)和卫生部长觉敏博士(Dr.KyawMyint)也参加了开张仪式。 www.bing.com 1. Near Mandalay, in the village of Meiktila, I saw this young boy bathing by a river bank. 在曼德勒附近的密铁拉(Meikila)的乡村,我看到这个小男孩在河边泼水洗澡。 www.kekenet.com 2. The Hacienda Hotel was imploded in 1996 to make room for the gigantic Mandalay Bay Resort. 该庄园酒店是在1996年破裂,使度假村空间巨大的曼德勒湾。 word.hcbus.com 3. Night turns to dawn's sickly half light and Mandalay begins to wake up. 天色从深夜转成萎靡的半色天光,曼德勒从睡梦中苏醒。 blog.ci123.com 4. Both MPT ISP and Myanmar Teleport ISP cut down internet access in Yangon and Mandalay since this morning. 无论MPTISP和缅甸电讯服务供应商今天早上切断仰光和曼德勒的网际网路。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 5. Many years ago, I led a group of pilgrims from Shwebo to visit pagodas in Mandalay and Rangoon . 多年以前,我领一个朝圣团从雪布去曼德勒参观佛塔。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Although the rain has stopped in other areas, some townships in Mandalay are still under 60 centimeters of water. 虽然在其他地区领域雨已经停止了,曼德勒一些乡镇仍在60厘米深的水面。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Half an hour drives from Mandalay. 从曼德勒驱车约半小时到达。 myanmar-tourism.com 8. From Peking to Mandalay: A Journey from North China to Burma through Tibetan Ssuch'uan and Yunana. 从北京到曼德勒:自华北穿过四川藏区和云南到缅甸的旅行 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Founded in 1857, Mandalay is the second largest city and last royal capital of Burma. 曼德勒于1857年建立,是缅甸第二大城市也是最后的皇城。 word.hcbus.com 10. In border towns and cities such as Mandalay, Chinese money and influence are everywhere. 在曼德勒(Mandalay)等边境城镇,中国的资金和影响力无处不在。 www.ftchinese.com 1. This is the first themed resort in the city, which is operated by the Mandalay Resort Group. 这是第一主题渡假,在城,它是由缅甸曼德勒度假集团。 word.hcbus.com 2. When I go to meet a friend by the pool at the Mandalay Bay, it's too crowded to find chairs. 我去曼德拉湾见朋友,那里人满为患,座位都找不到。 www.bing.com 3. Constructing Kunming-Mandalay Economic Corridor, Promoting Sino- Burmese Economic Cooperation 构建昆明-曼德勒经济走廊,全面推进中缅经贸合作 www.ilib.cn 4. Went down the road to Damascus, the road to Mandalay 顺著往大马士革的路驶去,一路往缅甸的瓦城 wenwen.soso.com 5. Techniques for Closing Steel Girders of Mandalay Bridge in Myanmar 缅甸曼德勒大桥钢梁合龙技术 www.ilib.cn 6. The call of Mandalay (visa permitting) 曼德勒的召唤(已签证) www.ecocn.org 7. The Power Station of Mandalay, Burma 缅甸曼德勒电站 www.himarktech.com 8. Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino 曼德勒海湾赌场度假村 www.1bx.com 9. On the road to Mandalay 在往曼德勒的路上 zhidao.baidu.com |
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