单词 | boosting | ||||
释义 |
第三人称单数:boosts 过去式:boosted 单数:boost
例句释义: 提高,促进,增加,刺激,推动,升,增压,推进,助推 1. Mahathir, for his part, expressed warm welcome for Premier Wen's visit and said the visit is of vital importance to boosting bilateral ties. 马哈蒂尔热烈欢迎温家宝访问马来西亚,表示此访对推动两国关系发展具有重要意义。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. But the government seems to see the OSCE chairmanship as an international public-relations exercise rather than a way of boosting democracy. 但是政府似乎把欧安主席国一职看成是一个国际公共关系操练,而不是推动民主的方式。 www.ecocn.org 3. How much of the money is going into concrete and boosting consumption, not into solving the really profound problems we have to solve. 到底有多少钱投入到了具体的消费增长中,而不是用来去解决我们必须解决的真正严重的问题 www.ted.com 4. "We hope that this consensus . . . is conducive to boosting market confidence, " she said. “我们希望这项共识···有利于恢复市场信心,”她说。 www.bing.com 5. Researchers who studied thousands of children found a two-year gap to be optimum in boosting brain power. 研究人员研究了成千上万名小孩后发现,要增进小孩的智力,最好是在两胎间相隔两年。 www.kekenet.com 6. Boosting is an attempt to enhance the accuracy of any given learning algorithm for the general approach. Boosting是一种试图提升任意给定学习算法精度的普遍方法。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The U. S. dollar has fallen 9% so far this year compared with a basket of major currencies, through Tuesday, boosting the silver trade. 今年以来截至周二,美元相对一篮子主要货币已经下跌9%,从而助涨了白银投资。 chinese.wsj.com 8. But, how much do you actually have to drink to get these amazing metabolism boosting effects? 但是,实际上,你有多少喝得到这些惊人代谢。绿茶减肥原理。 www.czvicp.com 9. Officials have played down the prospect of a change in strategy; Germany has so far resisted a fresh round of growth-boosting initiatives. 政府官员淡化了策略改变的可能性;迄今为止,德国一直在抵制新一轮的经济增长刺激计划。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Boosting bilateral trade was one of the top issues discussed during this week's three-day visit of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao to India. 在中国国务院总理温家宝为期三天的访印行程中,促进双边贸易是亚洲这两大经济体间探讨的关键议题之一。 www.voanews.com.cn 1. Beijing was right to focus on boosting domestic demand in the preparations for the next five-year plan for 2012-2017, the bank said. 世行表示,北京方面在拟定2012-2017年的下一个五年计划时专注于提振内需是正确的。 www.ftchinese.com 2. It might be more apposite to conclude that promoting efficiency in the domestic service sector is one of the best ways of boosting exports. 做出下列结论可能更为恰当:提高国内服务业的效率,是促进出口的最佳方式之一。 www.ftchinese.com 3. There is a limit to how much you can control your job security. So bolstering your cash may be your best bet for boosting your morale. 你如何掌控你的职业安全是有限度的,所以能让你斗志高涨的最好办法就是支持现金。 www.ebigear.com 4. And yet , Ms Merkel insisted once more that the time had not come to consider another package of growth - boosting measures . 不过,默克尔再次强调,现在还不是考虑另一轮增长刺激政策的时候。 www.bing.com 5. A year ago, set-makers saw it as a nifty way of boosting flagging sales for a few dollars of additional electronics. 一年前,设置决策者视其为推动疲软的销售增加几美元附加电子技术收入的蹊径。 www.ecocn.org 6. the bottom of the thread boosting rod lower body is in threaded connection with a boosting head. 该螺纹加力杆下体底部与一加力头螺接。 ip.com 7. "There has been a lag, but now the substitution effect is taking place, boosting the demand of indigenous crops, " he said. 他表示:“这里面有滞后因素,但如今替代效应正在显现,从而推高了对本土粮食作物的需求。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Boosting educational attainment at the bottom is more promising than trying to reorganize the global economy. 从根本上推进教育程度的提升要比试图重新组织全球经济更有希望解决这一问题。 www.bing.com 9. Boosting long-term growth would take painful reforms that appeal to few, especially when the economy seems to be doing fine without them. 事实上如果要保持长期的经济增长就必须进行不得人心的痛苦改革,特别是现在看起来即使不做这些改革也并无大碍。 www.ecocn.org 10. Although SSRIs are used to treat depression, their mood-boosting effects do not normally show up for around six weeks. 虽然SSRIs是用来治疗抑郁症的,但,通常在约6周内,它们的情绪促进效果不会显现。 www.bing.com 1. Easy to find at the grocery store and incorporate into meals, broccoli is an immune-boosting basic. 在小商店就很容易找到并纳入你的膳食计划中的西兰花是最简单的提高免疫能力的食物。 www.bing.com 2. The firm has been able to control the price of music, boosting sales of iPods but not bringing the record companies a great deal of money. 苹果公司能够控制音乐价格了,这抬升了iPods的销售额但却对唱片公司赚钱没什么帮助。 www.ecocn.org 3. In contrast, boosting SOD1 levels in unrelated muscle cells seems to have had no effect on the flies' life span, he adds. 他补充说,反过来看,让不相关的肌肉细胞增加SOD1的量,似乎不会影响果蝇的寿命。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 4. A few believe that inflation could flare up and force the Fed to begin boosting rates near the end of this year. 一些相信通货膨胀可以闪光在和上面力量对提高的开始的联邦理事会率靠近那结束今年。 www.taoguba.com.cn 5. One of the most under-used but effective ways of boosting the bottom line is through improved procurement processes. 最不常用却最有效的方法是通过改进采购流程来降低成本。 www.suiniyi.com 6. Boosting consumption is hard when consumers are trying to pay off historically high debt. 消费者承担着前所未有的高额债务,要在消费者纷纷努力还债的时候促进消费,这不是件容易的事。 www.ftchinese.com 7. If China were to stop manipulating its currency, the dollar would decline against the renminbi, boosting U. S. exports and economic growth. 如果中国停止操纵它的货币,美元兑人民币就会贬值,即可推动美国出口和经济增长。 www.bing.com 8. While Mike is holding out on boosting the car, he is eyeing kits from both Greddy and JWT at the moment. 当迈克正就提高上车,他正考虑从Greddy和智威汤逊包的时刻。 www.tryjohn.com 9. State Department Spokesman McCormack said the Yemeni government has made strides in boosting security, but could do more. 美国国务院发言人麦科马克说,也门政府已经在加强安全方面取得了重大进步,但依然可以做更多工作。 www.exam8.com 10. President Bush says some of the actions include boosting liquidity in the markets and cracking down on abuse of practices in the markets. 布什总统列举了一些积极的措施。例如:增加市场的流动性,打击趁火打劫,破坏市场稳定的不法行为。 www.bing.com 1. India is a responsible nation and access to reliable base-load power generation is the key to boosting living standards, ' he said. 印度是个负责任的国家,能够以可靠的方式满足基本发电量需求是印度提高本国人民生活水平的关键。 www.qeto.com 2. The "shock sheet" , invented by a British anaesthetist, squeezes blood from the legs, boosting blood flow to the heart and brain. “休克毯”通过挤压病人腿部,推动血液向身体上部流动,到达心脏和脑部。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Interestingly enough, in addition to boosting your career, there might be some personal benefits from diversity education as well. 够有趣的是,多元化教育除了可以促进你的事业,同样可以让你获得一些个人利益。 www.bing.com 4. Now, having doubled its stake last December, Minsheng is reported to be considering boosting its holding to at least 50 per cent. 去年12月,民生银行将其持股比例提高了一倍,而目前有报道称,该银行正考虑将其持股比例提高到50%以上。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Bright red birds, red sorghums and the dark red sky constitute a sharp contrast with green crops, boosting picture's decorative effect. 鸟儿的亮红,高粱的火红,天空的暗红,都与庄稼植被的碧绿构成鲜明的对比,增强了画面的装饰性效果。 hy1959.com 6. There may be some truth to this, but extending tax cuts to the rich is not a very efficient way of boosting the economy. 这当然可能是真的,但是延长对富人的减税政策并不是一种十分有效的刺激经济的方法。 www.ecocn.org 7. Higher rates tend to draw investment into a currency, all things being equal, thus boosting the dollar's prospects over the euro's. 美元利率的上调会吸引人们投资这种货币,在其他因素不变的情况下,这对美元前景有利而对欧元不利。 c.wsj.com 8. With 93 events, the fair aims at boosting economic and trade cooperation between western China and other parts of the world, he said. 刘还称,本届西博会将举办促进中国西部和世界各地的经济贸易合作活动93项。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 9. The firm needs boosting up, if it is not to be defeated by its competitors. 该公司如要在竞争中不被对手挤垮,就需加强实力。 www.1stenglish.com 10. The Bank of Korea held off from boosting borrowing costs for two months after two quarter-point increases in January and March. 朝鲜银行在1月及3月调升0.25码以后,即延缓提升借贷成本。 www.bing.com 1. Boosting their levels seems to compensate for oxidative damage to this enzyme. 提高它们的量似乎弥补了氧化物对这种酵素的损害。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Gingko has had many claims of memory boosting, but a longterm study showed this not to be the case. 都说银杏有助提高记忆力,但长期的研究表明,事实并非如此。 www.elanso.com 3. No matter in the central government or local government level, all will expand exports as an important means of boosting economic growth. 无论在中央政府还是地方政府层面,均将扩大出口作为拉动经济增长的重要手段。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. And a policy of boosting exports can all too easily turn into a policy of blocking imports. 鼓励出口的政策太容易转变成阻碍进口的政策。 www.ecocn.org 5. It has now brought the impetus for growth-boosting reforms, or indeed for any joined-up policymaking at all, to a halt. 政治混乱已经中止了刺激经济增长的改革,或确切来说,中止了所有需要集思广益的政策制定。 www.ecocn.org 6. Neither country, intent on boosting incomes, is about to sign up to binding caps. 中印两国决心增加国民收入,它们都无意接受具有约束力的上限。 www.ftchinese.com 7. There are downward pressures on rents too: many frustrated sellers have decided to let their houses instead, boosting supply. 房租也面临下滑的压力:许多受挫的卖房者下定决心租房,而不卖房,使租房供给上升; blog.ecocn.org 8. Perhaps productivity can accelerate again, boosting incomes enough to support robust spending as well as more saving. 可能生产力能再次加速发展,以促进增加足够多的收入来有力支持消费和储蓄。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In the longer term, the bank said it was boosting its spending on agriculture to $6-8bn a year from $4. 1bn in 2008. 从长远来看,银行表示,这使得农业投入从2008年的41亿美元增加至每年60到80亿美元。 www.bing.com 10. China's manufacturers have been able to keep costs under control by investing in new equipment and boosting productivity. 中国制造企业通过投资新设备、提高生产率而让价格保持在可控范围内。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The supply disruptions are also boosting the price of lower-quality thermal coal, used for power generation. 供应中断还推高了用于发电的质量较低的热煤的价格。 www.ftchinese.com 2. First, BNDES seems to have gone on boosting its loans for too long. 第一,BNDES很久前就已经开始不断增加贷款了。 www.ecocn.org 3. He said it was instead depressing the dollar and aimed at boosting US exports. 他表示,相反,这种流动性正在压低美元汇率,意在提振美国出口。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It is all about boosting their own identities through making their own group look better. 这完全是通过让自己的这组看上去更优秀,从而抬高自己的身份。 www.bing.com 5. Boosting this, while essentially meaningless, would at least attract some attention. 提高派息的做法尽管本质上毫无意义,但至少会吸引某些注意力。 www.ftchinese.com 6. An alternative way of boosting supplies of a vaccine is to make it from a live virus. 另一种增加疫苗供应的方法是使用一种活病毒制造疫苗。 www.scidev.net 7. He ticks off the main values on his fingers: boosting the national economy, driving local businesses and spurring employment. 他掰着手指历数种种益处:提振国民经济、拉动国内相关产业发展和促进就业。 www.fortunechina.com 8. The U. S. central bank also discussed boosting inflation expectations as a way to prop up the economy. 美联储还讨论了上调通货膨胀率预期,作为促进美国经济的手段。 www.bing.com 9. It's just a turbo here, which is so smooth that you really can't feel it boosting pressure. 虽然仅仅只有一个涡轮增压,但它却运行的如此顺滑,甚至完全感受不到涡轮工作时的突兀感。 www.xcar.com.cn 10. When plants conquered the land they found new places to grow and new ways to be buried, gradually boosting atmospheric oxygen. 当植物破土而出,他们发现了新的空间去生长以及新的方式去深埋,这样的过程逐渐增加了大气中的氧气。 www.bing.com 1. Only if it gets its own economic house in order, by boosting domestic saving, will its "advice" to Beijing seem credible. 只有当它把它自己的经济搞得秩序井然的时候,它对北京的“建议”才会看起来可信。 club.topsage.com 2. Nor did she need to try to trump Mr Bush's Social Security reforms with reforms of her own, which might lead to a Bush-boosting compromise. 她也不需要利用自己的改革计划使布什的社会保障体制改革相形见绌,因为那样会加速布什妥协的速度。 www.ecocn.org 3. Ministers said they wanted to consult on a number of new areas as part of its "root and branch" review aimed at boosting employment. 部长们表示,他们希望能够与该行业磋商,这一步将是促进就业审查的“根和分支”的一部分。 www.fatisia.com 4. So whip up an omelet, boil an egg for a midday snack or scramble eggs with your favorite veggies and feel the mood-boosting effects. 所以无论是煎鸡蛋,煮鸡蛋,中午吃或是和喜欢的蔬菜配在一起,都能让你觉得心情大好。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. This has the great advantage of boosting earnings per share, one of the key measures watched by investors. 这样做大有好处,可以抬高每股的收益,这是投资者关注的关键指标。 www.ecocn.org 6. By offering a beefed-up menu, the company hopes to increase the average customer sales ticket while also boosting lunch and dinner traffic. 通过提供带有增强的菜单,该公司希望提高平均客户销售机票,同时提高午餐和晚餐交通。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Some suspect that Mr Obama's earlier nuke-boosting was a ploy to win Republican support (which never materialised) for a climate bill. 有人怀疑奥巴马早期提出发展核电只是争取共和党对气候法案支持的花招。 www.ecocn.org 8. On the contrary, if you're keen on tamping down your own cold, "boosting" your immunity may be the last thing you want to do. 相反,如果你想少患感冒,“增强”你的免疫力可能是你最不需要做的事情。 www.bing.com 9. Nippon Steel Corp. , Japan's largest producer of the metal, returned to a first-quarter profit after boosting output to tap demand in Asia. 由于开辟亚洲市场带来产量猛增,日本最大的金属生产商新日铁出现首个季度盈利。 www.bing.com 10. In response, many governments have been pushing back against the tide of money boosting their currencies. 作为回应,许多国家政府一直以来大力反对资金流入来推动货币升值。 www.bing.com 1. The State Department is boosting productivity, doubling the number of shifts in a day and shifting consular staff to high-demand sites. 美国国务院将提高效率,将每日的班次增加一倍,将使领馆人员调配到签证需求较大的地点。 cn.wsj.com 2. The purpose of more quantitative easing would be to reduce the chances of Japan-style deflation over the longer term by boosting inflation. 实行进一步定量宽松政策的目的是,通过推高通胀,在较长期内降低发生日本式通缩的几率。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Is there a way to reduce the rate of oxidants the body churns out, rather than simply boosting antioxidants? 可有办法降低身体制造氧化剂的速率,而不是只增加抗氧化剂呢? edba.ncl.edu.tw 4. Continuous filament and ply yarns are inherently strong enough and usually do not require boosting of their strength. 连续长丝纱和股线具有较高的强度,通常不必进一步增加强度。 dict.ebigear.com 5. When you're in the mood, it's a sure bet that the last thing on your mind is boosting your immune system or maintaining a healthy weight. 当你兴致勃勃的时候毫无疑问地,你脑海中的最后一件事是增强你的免疫系统或是保持一个健康的体重。 www.bing.com 6. Although this rarely happens, it induces buyers to spread the word among friends and family, boosting the uptake. 这会诱使购买者在朋友和家人中散播打折的信息,从而增加购买者的数量,尽管这事不常发生。 www.ecocn.org 7. Youth, like a flower blossoming, a boosting of the years, a good time, I would like to spend in the struggle. 青春,一个花一样的年华,一段激扬的岁月,一段美好的时光,我愿在拼搏中度过。 iciba.3gpdj.com 8. Other scents that are supposed to have libido-boosting qualities include frankincense, ginger, lavender, lime, orange, patchouli, and rose. 其他能增加性欲的气味包括乳香、姜味、薰衣草香、柠檬香、橙香、天竺薄荷、和玫瑰。 www.bing.com 9. Small-scale performance is the best means of training singers on live performance, and boosting loyalty of fans. 至于小型的演出,是锻炼歌手现场表演、提高歌迷忠诚度的最好方式。 www.elanso.com 10. If your current system is slower than you would like it to be, take a look at boosting its performance. 如果你目前的电脑系统比你预想的要慢,那就去提高它的性能。 www.bing.com 1. U. S. stocks rose as well, as investors cheered the prospect of a bailout deal, boosting the dollar against the yen. 美股也大涨,因投资人对救援计划快将达成的前景欢欣鼓舞,这也提振了美元兑日圆。 cn.reuters.com 2. It has been about six months since the Obama Administration unveiled a new strategy boosting efforts to rebuild Afghan civil society. 大约六个月前,奥巴马政府公布了一项为加强重建阿富汗公民社会而制定的新策略。 www.ebigear.com 3. The Americans said Mr Hu assured them of his commitment to boosting demand as well as improving economic management. 胡主席向他们保证,中国会信守诺言,刺激需求并改善经济管理。 www.ecocn.org 4. It's voluntary, but that in and of itself could end up boosting savings rates significantly. 这是自愿的但本身会终结储蓄率的显著提高。 www.bing.com 5. As prime minister, she was determined to repair the country's finances by reducing the role of the state and boosting the free market. 作为首相,撒切尔夫人决心通过弱化国家作用和提升市场自由度来修复国家财政。 www.kekenet.com 6. In Germany and France, the car scrappage scheme has been a key factor in boosting spending and hastening recovery. 在德国和法国,汽车报废计划已成为增加消费、加快复苏的关键因素。 www.bing.com 7. Such TV program that boosting the extreme desire to material should never be supported by the public. 这样大肆宣扬极端物质追求的节目也不应该得到大众的支持。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 8. Boosting the page views to a new blog goes together with making the blog more popular or improving page ranking for your blog. 深入推进到一个新的页面浏览量博客一起去使博客更受欢迎或改善你的博客网页排名。 corrugatedroofing.info 9. By the same token, a deficit would be a welcome sign that other countries are boosting their growth by selling to China. 同样道理,如果出现贸易逆差,将是受欢迎的信号,表明其他国家通过向中国出售商品促进了他们自身的经济增长。 cn.wsj.com 10. But the China market is proving to be a bright spot even for companies not benefiting from Beijing's consumption-boosting initiatives. 不过事实开始证明,即便是对那些没有从北京的消费刺激措施中获益的企业来说,中国市场也是个亮点。 www.bing.com 1. Second, the Federal Reserve is boosting the money supply by creating commercial bank reserves, the modern day equivalent of printing money. 其次,美联储(Fed)正通过创造商业银行准备金来增加货币供应,用现代的说法就是印钞。 www.ftchinese.com 2. With its deepening economic reforms, Shanghai is playing a leading role in boosting the economy development in Yangtze River Valley. 随着经济改革的深入,上海在推动长江流域的经济发展中起着领导作用。 english.114study.com 3. The head of Britain's armed forces said recently that boosting cyber capability is now a huge priority for the UK. 英国国防参谋长最近表示,提升网络战能力是英国当前的一项重大优先任务。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Urbanization needs boosting steadily and problems of polarization between the rich and the poor needs solving. 城市化需要稳步推进,要解决贫富分化问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Part of making the mobile experience smooth for Parallels included boosting speed of the app to make it launch and run apps faster. 对Parallels公司来说使移动体验流畅包括:加速应用程序的速度,使应用程序启动和运行速度更快。 www.bing.com 6. Changing the way you think about yourself and your life is essential to boosting self-esteem. 提高自尊的关键是改变你对自己的看法和对生活的看法。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. He, like the others, talks of boosting the private sector, but repeated efforts to do so have failed. 和其他人一样,他总是强调着要促进私企部门的发展,也为此做了很多的努力,但都收效甚微。 www.ecocn.org 8. Uganda will focus on commercial agriculture as a means of boosting economic growth this year. 乌干达将致力于商业农业,以此作为今年刺激经济增长的一个手段。 www.ecocn.org 9. Yet the policy has been less effective in boosting monetary growth, which was one of its main purposes. 量化宽松政策对促进货币增长也没少发挥作用,这也是主要目的之一。 www.ecocn.org 10. Hyperbaric chambers are sometimes used to literally bombard the wound area with pure oxygen, boosting blood flow and encouraging healing. 高压氧舱有时被用来利用纯氧来精确轰击伤口感染区域,进而加强血流和促进伤口愈合。 bbs.tnbz.com 1. Since their establishment, the Task Forces established by the two sides have been playing a positive role in boosting bilateral cooperation. 中英关系互动小组成立以来,为推进双边合作发挥了积极作用。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. Boosting productivity to counter the effects of a shrinking workforce will require a cultural revolution, especially in business. 提高生产力来降低劳动力缩水的影响,需要一场文化革命,特别是在商界。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He dreams of a French-style presidential system, boosting the powers of an office he still hopes to occupy himself. 他向往增强他仍然希望从事的总统权力的法式总统制。 www.ecocn.org 4. Although higher body temperatures might kill some bacteria or viruses, fevers help us most by boosting the body's own immune response. 尽管高温会杀死一些细菌和病毒,但发烧对身体最大的益处在于提高人体自身的免疫反应。 www.kekenet.com 5. As well as boosting the profile of individual politicians, Twitter may be better designed for campaigning and opposition than for governing. 除了能提高政治家的个人姿态外,推特在竞选活动和反对活动中的用武之地要比在治理国家上大得多。 www.bing.com 6. Since its original decision, commodity prices have soared, boosting mining valuations and undermining much of the rationale for the deal. 自当初作出决定以来,大宗商品价格大幅上扬,提高了矿山的估值,颠覆了当初达成交易的许多理由。 www.bing.com 7. Aneesh Chopra, the White House's chief technology officer, says the promise of this money is already boosting investment. 白宫的首席技术官AneeshChopra说,对这笔资金的承诺已正在激起相关投资。 www.ecocn.org 8. Mr Lee is said to have promised to share some tips on boosting manufacturing, a fond ambition of the Emirates. 据说,李明博已经承诺在提升制造业方面分享建议,制造业是酋长国喜好的,并意欲大有作为的产业。 www.ecocn.org 9. The company blew away analysts' revenue and profit estimates in the first quarter, boosting its stocks on the equity market. 该公司第一季度的利润与营业收入远远优于分析师的预期,激励其股票价格大涨。 group.eet-cn.com 10. Unencumbered capital would flow to its most productive use, boosting economic growth and improving welfare. 不受阻碍的资本将流向其运用效率最高的地方,结果促进经济增长并提高整体福利。 www.ecocn.org 1. Decreasing longevity is merely the byproduct of a decade of corporate governance reforms aimed at boosting c-suite accountability. 缩短任期,不过是过去10年加强企业领导责任感,改革企业治理的一种副产品。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Boosting incomes is likely to be one of the priorities of China's next generation of leaders, who are due to take over in 2012-13. 提高人民收入,很可能是将于2012-13年上任的中国下一代领导人的工作重点之一。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Another popular add-on to cellphones at home is the repeater, which focuses on boosting a phone's signal in a place with poor coverage. 另一个与手机相关的家用产品是转发器,它能增强手机的信号,适用于电信信号较弱的地方。 www.ebigear.com 4. The pressure of urban life have led to a boosting percentage of drug abuse, suicide, divorce and riot in western society. 在西方国家。都市生活的压力导致了吸毒、自杀、理论和暴乱事件的上升。 www.bing.com 5. Mill trails of xylanase boosting bleaching of eucalyptus kraft pulp have been carried out in Guangxi Hezhou Pulp & Paper Co. 本文介绍在广西贺纸有限责任公司进行的桉木硫酸盐浆木聚糖酶辅助漂白生产试验。 www.dictall.com 6. Her budget for boosting marriage is tiny: $100m a year, or about what the Defence Department spends every two hours. 她为促进婚姻而拨付的预算也少得可怜:一年只有1亿美元,或者说只是国防部两个小时的开销。 www.ecocn.org 7. China's leader came with a more co-operative stance than before on boosting the International Monetary Fund. 在增强国际货币基金组织(IMF)的问题上,中国领导人的姿态比以往都更加乐于合作。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Put in an effort to both seek out happiness-boosting experiences and learn to appreciate what you find. 努力去搜寻激发幸福的经历,学会欣赏所发现的点点滴滴。 www.bing.com 9. The multinational Anatolian Eagle exercise is hosted by the Turkish Air Forces and is aimed at boosting aerial cooperation and training. 安纳托利亚之鹰多国军事演习由土耳其空军组织,意在增进空中领域的合作和训练。 www.ttmil.com 10. Now, Perez says, they will have to work on boosting production - and investing in technologies like irrigation to deal with future droughts. 贝利兹说,现在,他们还将致力于产量的增加,投资于水利工程,以预防未来的干旱气候。 www.hxen.com 1. One Chinese newspaper said boosting grain subsidies would probably be offset by the continuing high cost of fertiliser. 一份中文报纸最近则提出增加农业补贴的效果恐怕会被居高不下的化肥价格给抵消。 www.bing.com 2. The only remedies are a period of wage restraint combined with structural reforms aimed at boosting productivity. 唯一的解决之道是在今后的一段时期内限制工资水平,同时通过结构性改革提高生产率。 www.ecocn.org 3. As corn prices rise, some ranchers are choosing wheat as a feed crop, boosting demand for the cereal and its price. 由于玉米价格上涨,一些牧场主选择小麦作为饲料作物,提升了这种谷物的需求及其价格。 www.ftchinese.com 4. boosting the population density in areas that are still economically viable, while encouraging people to move out of districts that are not. 促进经济依旧可行的地区的人口密度,同时鼓励人们从没希望的地段搬迁出来。 ecocn.org 5. But Marshall demonstrated that capitalism advances not by immiserating the poor, but by boosting productivity. 马歇尔却证明了资本主义的发展并非依靠加大对穷人的剥削,而是靠着生产力的提高。 bbs.pinggu.org 6. Perception that Japanese assets are probably less risky than those in the U. S. may generally be boosting the yen, some economists said. 一些经济学家说,认为日本资产风险可能低于美国资产的看法,可能总体上提振了日圆。 chinese.wsj.com 7. QUESTION 2: Please let me know your hourly rate and your strategy for boosting Google quality score and minimizing cost per targeted click. 问题2:请让我知道你和你的薪谷歌提高质量得分和每次有针对性的点击成本最小化的策略。 www.bing.com 8. They have made great strides in eradicating illiteracy, boosting university enrolment and reducing gaps in education between the sexes. 他们已经在根除文盲、增加大学注册人数并降低两性的教育差距等方面大步前进。 www.ecocn.org 9. This year, economic conditions are also boosting demand since further study can be attractive in a downturn. 今年的经济环境也将促进相关需求,因为在经济下滑期间,再深造可能会比较有吸引力。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Higher rates for bank deposits would form part of that process of boosting consumption. 提高银行存款利率,将构成提振消费的过程的一部分。 www.ftchinese.com 1. At the outset, we had every reason to hope that boosting self-esteem would be a potent tool for helping students. 为了帮助学生,一开始,我们很有理由期望提升自尊是强而有力的工具。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 2. Savings would be channelled to the most promising investment projects, thereby boosting economic growth and welfare. 储蓄会被输送到最有前途的投资项目上,从而促进经济增长并提高社会福利。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has sought ways of boosting local consumption to offset the effects of a sagging world economy. 泰国总理他信已在寻找推动当地经济的办法,以弥补疲软的世界经济所带来的影响。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. Beyond today's needs, suppliers would be well advised to give thought to boosting investment to secure production for tomorrow. 我们建议,供应厂商都应该越过今天的各种需要,周到地考虑为保证明天的生产而扩大投资。 5. As well, the Swiss bank is boosting headcount in Asia by poaching experienced private bankers from bigger rivals. 另外,嘉盛莱宝还在通过从规模更大的竞争对手手中挖来经验丰富的私人银行家,来扩大它在亚洲的客户数量。 c.wsj.com 6. Human waste may even be better than cow feces for compost, she added, since our meatier diets contain more plant-boosting nitrogen. 因为人们的肉食性的饮食习惯,使我们的粪便富含植物生长需要的营养素,所以我们的粪便比牛的粪便更适合堆肥。 ng.trends.com.cn 7. It also works as an estrogen moderator, boosting collagen production and preventing premature ageing without any harmful side effects. 大豆异黄酮亦是一种雌激素调节剂,有助促进胶原蛋白的制造,延缓肌肤老化,全无副作用。 www.n21-china.com 8. The weakened euro also has aided car companies by boosting the margins of vehicles exported from Europe to the U. S. and China. 而欧元疲软也增加了从欧洲出口至美国及中国的汽车盈利,使欧洲汽车制造商获益。 c.wsj.com 9. The two main approaches, which appear to be paying off, are in boosting exports and introducing new technologies. 似乎可能受益的两种主要途径是推动出口和引进新技术。 www.tdict.com 10. This category is one of the easiest wins for boosting employee satisfaction. 这是最容易提高工作满意度的方面之一。 800.firstacc.cn 1. More agricultural research funding and a farmer-centred approach to boosting food production are needed to prevent future food emergencies. 为了防止未来出现粮食紧急状况,需要通过提高农业研究资助和以农民为中心的方法增加粮食产量。 www.scidev.net 2. We are also boosting our competitive position through a strategic focus on globally connected transportation and logistics systems. 我们也通过建立运输和物流的全球网络系统重点提高我们的竞争力。 www.kouyi.org 3. Many of these discoveries come at a time when the shark's reputation could use some boosting. 许多此类发现来得正是时候,或许对扭转鲨鱼的名声可助一臂之力。 www.bing.com 4. In the longer term, their products become more competitive in overseas markets, boosting revenue as well. 从长期看,它们的产品在海外市场上将变得更有竞争力,这也会提高它们的收入。 c.wsj.com 5. The survey by parrot company ADP finds business boosting their hiring last month. Louise Mark says it may be better to celebrate thought. 鹦鹉公司ADP的自动数据处理调查结果显示上月经济繁荣促进了雇佣率提升。路易丝·马克表示人们甚至要欢呼庆祝了。 www.bing.com 6. At Davos, the focus will be more on the private sector and how business can help Haiti over the long term by boosting investment. 在达沃斯,关注的重点将更多放在私营部门,并重点讨论商界长期而言将如何通过扩大投资来帮助海地。 c.wsj.com 7. It has launched measures including raising taxes on luxury homes, boosting land supply and rolling out inventory of subsidized housing. 香港政府为此出台了多种措施,包括提高针对豪华房产的税负,增加土地供应,加大廉租房存量。 www.bing.com 8. Today, tens of thousands of European SMEs are sharing business growth and boosting competitive strength by doing business with China. 数以万计的欧盟中小企业积极参与对华经贸合作,在分享中国经济快速增长带来巨大商机的同时,自身竞争力也不断加强。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. Mongolian people are now suffering from destitution and dying to be back to China to share the fruit of China's boosting economy. 但又怎样呢?蒙古的人民现在饱受贫困,渴望回归中国享受中国经济增长的果实。 www.loveunix.net 10. He said that Coke would focus on boosting its existing brands in what is its fastest-growing global market. 他表示,可口可乐将专注于在这个全球增长最快的市场发展其现有品牌。 www.ftchinese.com 1. I thought that boosting my income would be the best way to buy time, so I could figure out what I really should be doing. 我以为我的刺激收入最好的方式是抓紧时间,我必须找出真的应该做的。 www.elanso.com 2. While all berries provide a number of health-related benefits, blueberries in particular are a memory-boosting powerhouse. 扫数浆果都有供给一些与健康有关的好处,而蓝莓,尤其是加强记忆的动力。 www.ecally.com 3. Centre-headquarters. Western Combines. Intelligent matching. boosting the competitiveness of enterprises. 院式总部。融贯中西。智能配套。助推企业竞争力。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. They may be freer to set up joint ventures with foreign companies, in new "special development zones" aimed at boosting job creation. 他们在新的能创造就业机会的“特别行政区”和外国公司共同面对风险。 www.ecocn.org 5. By boosting the share of wages and household income in GDP, this would increase the role of consumption in an economically sustainable way. 通过提高工资和居民收入在国内生产总值中的比例,可以以经济上可持续的方式加强消费的作用。 web.worldbank.org 6. because breathe in boosting effect and no more volume, the gap of air compressor of the vortex volume efficiency is as high as 98% above. 因为吸气增压效应和没有余隙容积,故涡旋式空气压缩机的容积效率高达98%以上。 www.sokongyaji.com 7. Below, you'll find seven endurance-boosting strategies that have worked for a range of runners. 接下来,是在很多跑步者身上都适用的七个耐力提高方法。 www.bing.com 8. Part V is a little countermeasure suggestion about boosting rural area special field economy association health developing. 第五部分为关于促进农村专业经济协会健康发展的一些对策建议。 www.fabiao.net 9. The audience was also very enthusiastic, boosting the morale of the participants. Finally the race came to an end in the cheers for success. 场下观众用热情为每位选手呐喊助威,随着最后一名选手冲向终点,比赛在大家的欢呼声中画上了圆满的句号。 www.zizhupark.com 10. Across the globe countries have countered the recession by cutting taxes and by boosting government spending. 世界各国透过减税与增加政府支出的方式对抗这波经济衰退。 www.bing.com 1. This new concept of women's desire explains why Viagra doesn't work for most women, and why sex-boosting herb blends help only some. 这一关于女性情欲的新提法也就能解释“伟嫂”这种药物为何对于大多数女性而言收效甚微,而助性的草药也只是对部分女性起作用。 www.bing.com 2. No method for genetically boosting IQ currently exists, of course, but strides in gene therapy might someday make it possible. 当然,目前还不存在从遗传上提高智商的办法,但是,基因疗法方面的大的进展有朝一日会使它变得可能。 www.zftrans.com 3. In the long run the market is likely to respond to higher prices by boosting production. 从长远看,市场可能会通过增产来应对价格上涨。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Another fifth of the total paid down debt , thus boosting spending indirectly, while 45 per cent was invested . 总额中的另外五分之一用于偿债,这也间接促进了消费。45%被用于投资。 www.bing.com 5. Globalisation is speeding up the process by boosting the demand for agricultural goods produced in tropical countries. 全球化时期,对热带国家出产的农产品需求量增加,毁林的速度也随之加快。 www.ecocn.org 6. Much of the investment in boosting volume is to build up reserves in the expectation that something similar will happen in India and China. 大量用以增产的投资其目的在于增加苏格兰威士忌的储量,此举缘于这样一种预期,即在印度和中国也将出现类似的畅销潮。 www.ecocn.org 7. But as well as boosting brain cells, sex could also sharpen a woman's mind, says Dr Ghosh. Ghosh博士说,在增加脑细胞的同时,性也可以使女人的大脑更加敏锐。 www.bing.com 8. A unified outcome of this two day meeting will likely help quell fears of further EU bailouts, potentially boosting the European currency. 这次会议若真能如此,则将有可能帮助驱散欧盟浮现更多紧急求援的忧虑,从而提振欧元。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Most berries, including blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and others, are full of antioxidants that are great for boosting the brain. 大多数浆果,包括黑莓,蓝莓,覆盆子等,均富含能够促进大脑健康的抗氧化剂。 www.bing.com 10. Several Indian outsourcing companies have made a point of boosting local hiring at American facilities. 许多印度外包公司已决定增加在美国机构中的当地雇员。 www.ecocn.org 1. Just 38% said policymakers should worry more about boosting the economy even if it means larger deficits. 只有38%的受访者认为决策者应该更加关心经济刺激,即使这意味着会扩大赤字规模。 chinese.wsj.com 2. It is thought to have been made as a morale-boosting propaganda film for British troops. 这是部被认为鼓舞大不列颠军队士气的电影。 www.bing.com 3. an application of neural net on attribute reduction is proposed, by which, to a greater extent, the overfitting in boosting is avoided. 本文提出了使用神经元网络技术进行属性约减后进行助推决策树建模的方法,较大程度上避免了助推的过度训练问题。 www.dictall.com 4. e. g. The main purpose of attracting foreign direct investment can be focused on boosting domestic economy. 吸引外商直接投资的最主要目的可以归结于促进国内经济。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Analysts see increasing competition boosting costs across the entire industry in the fourth quarter. 分析师预计,日益激烈的竞争将增加该行业第四季成本。 cn.reuters.com 6. Elegant in texture and quick absorbing, this product helps correct skin undertones, while boosting skin's moisture level throughout the day. 优雅的质地和快速吸收,这种产品可以帮助正确的皮肤意味,皮肤的水分含量,同时提高整个一天。 www.wujinggou.com 7. For the best metabolism boosting results make sure you introduce super foods to your existing healthy diet and you will notice the benefits. 为获得最好的促进新陈代谢效果,你必须保证在已有的健康的日常饮食中加入超级食物。你将会注意它们带来的好处。 www.elanso.com 8. Only a fall in the price can hope to restore balance to the market, by boosting demand and restricting scrap supplies. 看来只有寄希望于价格下跌使需求回升并抑制旧金供给,才能使得市场重回平衡。 www.putclub.com 9. A greater number of talented candidates joined the opposition ranks, boosting their parties' credibility with voters. 大量有才能的候选人加入了反对派的行列,提升了他们在选民中的可信度。 www.bing.com 10. After a panic, Minsky and his (few) allies argued, boosting the money stock would fail. 明斯基及其(少数)支持者主张,在恐慌之后,增加货币存量的做法将会失败。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The country may choose other means, such as boosting domestic consumption and increasing imports, to achieve a trade balance, he said. 国家也可以采取其他的措施,比如扩大内需和扩大出口,以达到贸易平衡,他说。 www.bing.com 2. So Chinese investments, made for sound business reasons and boosting employment and growth, offer new hope and an alternative way forward. 因此,中国方面本着理性商业逻辑做出、并起到提振就业和增长等实际作用的各项投资,带来了新的希望和另一条发展途径。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The misfortunes of the US brands are surprising since the Chinese government has made boosting domestic consumption a top policy priority. 这些美国品牌的不走运令人惊讶,因为中国政府已把扩大内需列为首要政策。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The United States is again relying on boosting consumption, and China is again channeling funds to investment. 美国再度依靠于提高消费,而中国再度向投资项目输送资金。 web.worldbank.org 5. German industrial companies are boosting investment in plant and equipment to ease capacity constraints driven by a recovery in demand. 德国工业企业正加大对工厂与设备的投资,以缓和需求复苏带来的产能不足。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The search engine giant quickly responded to the article, and explained what they're doing to stop bad service from boosting sales. 搜索引擎巨头马上对该文章做出回应,解释了他们正在为阻止恶意商家的欺诈性销售所做的事情。 www.bing.com 7. Called Lola, the sweets are cholesterol-free, and are said to help digestion by boosting a healthy level of intestinal bacteria. 这种糖名为洛拉,不含胆固醇,据说,能通过促进肠道细菌的健康水平来帮助消化。 www.bing.com 8. Switzerland's close ties to the German economic powerhouse are boosting growth. 瑞士与德国经济强权的紧密关系促进了增长。 www.ecocn.org 9. Boosting the soldiers' clout diminishes the chances of a political settlement with India. 军方的士气大振降低了与印度达成政治和解的可能性。 www.ecocn.org 10. But there is unlikely to be any significant policy tightening before next year, because boosting growth remains governments' main priority. 然而今年不太可能有任何意义重大的政策出台,因为促进经济发展仍然是政府工作的重中之重。 www.ecocn.org 1. When a novel or salient stimulus occurs, the dopamine neurons in the brain increase their firing rate, boosting the release of dopamine. 当一个新的或者是显著的刺激发生的时候,大脑的多巴胺神经元增快了它们的代谢率,加速多巴胺的释放。 news.dxy.cn 2. The weakening euro, after all, makes their goods cheaper in the U. S. , boosting sales and market share. 毕竟,走软的欧元令这些国家企业的产品在美国更便宜,能够推动销售、增加市场份额。 www.bing.com 3. Some government-controlled companies are doing their patriotic duty and boosting investment plans during the downturn. 一些国有企业正在尽它们的爱国职责,在经济下滑时期加大投资力度。 www.bing.com 4. In his Cabinet, President Jonathan has taken personal responsibility for boosting electricity. 在他的内阁,总统乔纳森已对促进电力个人责任。 bbs.5i5i.cn 5. Mnemonics are now considered an effective means of boosting memory. 现在,记忆法被看成一种提高记忆力的行之有效的方法。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. There's another component of this, though, and that's also boosting the quality of childcare. 虽然还其他的方面的事情,这也事关提高儿童保育质量。 www.bing.com 7. He said China will put its focus on boosting development in rural areas because that is key for the economy. 温家宝表示,中国将高度重视农业,因为农业是整个经济的命脉。 c.wsj.com 8. To avoid Japan's fate, rich countries need to foster growth in two ways, by supporting short-term demand and by boosting long-term supply. 为避免日本的命运,富裕国家需要从两个角度入手促进增长:一方面支撑短期需求,另一方面助推长期供给。 page.renren.com 9. Funds poured into new infrastructure and buildings, boosting some of the most polluting industries. 资金流向了新的基础设施和建筑,却让一些污染最严重的工业得到了发展。 www.bing.com 10. The pendulum proved to be the key to boosting the accuracy and dependability of timekeepers . 后来,人们认识到「单摆」是增进计时装置精确度与可靠性的突破关键。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The power shortage has forced companies to run on diesel-fired portable generators, boosting oil demand. 电力短缺迫使企业启动以柴油为动力的便携式发电机,这加大了石油需求。 www.ftchinese.com 2. the indirect effects were consisted of the manpower capital increasing and district economy development boosting etc. 间接影响包括提高人力资本,促进区域经济发展等。 www.13191.com 3. As an important dimension of China-ROK relations, business cooperation has played an important role in boosting bilateral ties. 经贸合作是中韩关系的重要组成部分,在两国关系发展中起到了重要作用。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. and clearly defining the direction of financial support, and boosting efficiency in fund use. 明确财政支持方向,提高资金使用效率。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. A stronger yuan could benefit other economies by boosting China's purchasing power, leading to more imports from the rest of the world. 人民币走强会增强中国的购买力,使中国从世界其他地方进口更多的商品,进而给其他经济体带来好处。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Since the end of 2001 , world steel prices have risen threefold , boosting the sector's profitability . 自2001年底以来,全球钢铁价格已上涨2倍,提升了该行业的盈利水平。 www.bing.com 7. The group's French mobile phone and pay television services also put in strong performances boosting profits across the group by 10%. 维旺迪旗下的法国移动电话及付费电视业务也有强劲的表现,促使整个集团的利润增长10%。 www.bing.com 8. Manufacturers, which are boosting productivity even more rapidly than the rest of the economy, should do even better. 由于制造业对生产率增长的贡献超过了其它部门,所以制造商应该做得比以前更好。 www.ecocn.org 9. Open trade and investment policies are crucial to encouraging innovation, creating jobs, increasing income and boosting economic growth. 开放的贸易和投资政策是至关重要的,鼓励创新,创造就业机会,增加收入,促进经济增长。 www.oralpractice.com 10. Gordon Brown and Alistair have said boosting the economy must be balanced with public spending cuts to repay debt. 布朗和阿利斯泰尔曾说为了偿还债务,刺激经济必须和削减公共开支相平衡。 www.bing.com 1. Ideological education plays an important role on improving worker' ideology, boosting worker' morale and increasing unit's collectiveness. 思想教育在提高职工思想素质、调动职工工作积极性、增强单位凝聚力等方面发挥着重要作用。 lib.cqvip.com 2. Allowing states to retain even more looks like a sure-fire way of boosting production. 允许各州政府保留更多的收益肯定会进一步提升能源生产。 www.ecocn.org 3. The deal is aimed at boosting commercial ties between the two rivals by normalizing trade arrangements. 协议旨在通过贸易正常化来增强彼此间的商业联系。 www.voa365.com 4. Low-end manufacturers stayed open by boosting efficiency, says Arthur Kroeber, head of the Dragonomics consultancy. 低端制造业仍停留在推进工作效率而盈利的思维上,龙洲经讯的董事葛艺豪说。 www.bing.com 5. As an alternative, you might try boosting your calcium levels by making changes to your diet. 作为选择,或许你可以尝试在饮食中补钙。 www.bing.com 6. And it also acts as an automatic regulator for the economy; hitting consumer spending when its price rises and boosting it when it falls. 同时,它也作为经济的自动监管者;当它价格升高,可抑制消费,当它价格降低,可促进消费。 www.ecocn.org 7. In conclusion, Wen Jiabao said that China would join forces with Denmark in boosting cooperation between the two countries in all fields. 温家宝最后表示,中方愿与丹方一道努力,进一步推进两国在各领域的合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. Then, used the fast ICA technique for boosting up the feature wave by separating the feature wave again. 再利用ICA分离技术,以初次提取的特征波为参考信号对其进行增强。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. First, in the long term, you cannot raise employment by boosting inflation. 首先,就长期而言,你不能通过推升通胀来促进就业。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The war of words between Washington and Iran about Tehran's nuclear programme is boosting oil prices. 美国和伊朗围绕伊朗核计划的口水战正在推高石油价格。 www.ftchinese.com 1. So worried are the authorities, that economic policy shifted in the summer from restricting credit to boosting growth. 中国政府如此忧虑,以至于在今年夏季改变了经济政策,从收紧信贷转变为促进增长。 www.ftchinese.com 2. He wants to introduce a French-style presidential system, boosting the powers of an office he hopes to occupy himself. 他意图引入法国式总统制,以提升他希望由他本人控制的该职位权力。 www.ecocn.org 3. Programmers and marketers are taking advantage of the hype by boosting their social coverage of the games. 程序员和市场营销人员正利用社交媒体的蓬勃发展,在社交媒体上增加对奥运会的报道。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Separately, China*s government has also been boosting its already strong efforts to control the flow of information on the Internet. 另外,中国政府也一直在加强对互联网信息流动已经很严格的控制。 chinese.wsj.com 5. At a first step in boosting customer satisfaction, a company must compile feedback regarding its present performance. 加强顾客满意度的第一步,是公司必须收集顾客对公司现行运作的反馈意见。 club.topsage.com 6. While CBD is boosting the city economy, these features also make a bad influence on the city health. 中心商务区在繁荣城市经济的同时,其高密度特征也给城市健康带来了一定影响。 www.horizonlandscape.cn 7. Limiting the destruction of homeowners' wealth would help to maintain consumer spending, boosting production and employment. 限制房屋业主的破产将有助于维系消费者支出,促进生产与就业。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Such expectations, combined with the return of modest inflationary pressures, are boosting the risk appetite for renminbi assets. 这种预期,加之温和的通胀压力再度出现,都推动了对人民币资产的风险偏好。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Exercise is also well known for its mood-boosting effects, and people who exercise are less likely to get dementia as they age. 运动也被公认为具有提升情绪的作用,常运动的人年老的时候也更少得痴呆的毛病。 www.bing.com 10. Boosting the scientific research work at university level in the TAR with the guidelines of the important thought of the "Three Represents" 以“三个代表”重要思想为指导推进我区高校科学研究工作 www.ilib.cn 1. for instance, intradermal administration may work better when coupled with immune-boosting compounds called adjuvants. 例如,皮下注射给药时联合免疫增强佐剂效果可能会更好。 news.dxy.cn 2. The cost reductions are boosting the bottom line. 成本的裁减提振了盈利能力。 c.wsj.com 3. Cutting back on salt could do you more harm than good, boosting chemicals that are bad for the heart, scientists warn. 科学家发出警告,少吃盐对身体的作用弊大于利,会产生对心脏有害的化学物质。 www.bing.com 4. At the summit, both Chinese and European leaders committed to boosting innovation to lay down a solid foundation for future economic growth. 在这次峰会上,无论是中国还是欧洲的领导人,都允诺会推进创新,以此来为将来的经济发展打下坚实的基础。 www.bing.com 5. Extracted from the ancient ginkgo tree, ginkgo biloba is considered the best of all brain-boosting supplements on the market. 采摘自古老银杏树的银杏叶,被认为是市场上所有补脑品中最好的。 www.bing.com 6. Through this many are boosting local peoples' income, providing employment or training, and improving women's status in their community. 许多项目能通过技术来提高地方人民的收入,提供就业或训练,和甚而改善妇女在他们社区中的地位。 www.cdb.org.cn 7. Boosting the income of poor families can increase their children's academic achievements significantly, researchers have found. 研究发现,增加贫穷家庭的收入可以大幅提升该家庭小孩的学业成就。 mailftp.lihpao.com 8. They're also one of the best sources of libido-boosting zinc. 他还是富含能增强性欲的锌的最佳来源之一。 www.bing.com 9. One of the main reasons fruit and vegetables are so health-boosting is that they're packed with antioxidants. 水果和蔬菜能促进健康的主要原因之一是,它们含有丰富的抗氧化剂。 www.hellomandarin.com 10. A technique using small amounts of fertiliser, pioneered by African agricultural scientists, is boosting crop yields in degraded soils. 非洲科学家们先行了一种使用少量化肥的技术,促进了在已退化土壤中的庄稼产量。 www.scidev.net 1. Their reforms are part of a broad agenda of boosting competitiveness. 他们的改革都是刺激竞争的广泛议程中的一部分。 www.ecocn.org 2. You'll enhance the mood of the recipient, too, boosting his or her odds of a lucky day. 你会提升受者的情绪,亦增加了他或她拥有一个幸运日的几率。 www.bing.com 3. But what's important is that none of these policies is about boosting consumer spending. 但重要的是没有一个政策是关于推动消费支出的。 www.bing.com 4. The pair hope to follow Estonia into the euro, reducing their currency risk and boosting their image with investors. 这两国希望在爱沙尼亚之后加入欧元区,来减少他们的货币风险和提高投资者对他们的印象。 www.ecocn.org 5. Keep a foothold finally bringing forward the concrete measure boosting a think bank developing in Realpolitik, the social environment. 最后立足于现实政治、社会环境提出匆匆入思惟库发铺的详细办法。 www.qk114.net 6. Mass transit has long spurred real-estate development. In this mountainous city, escalators are boosting some sleepy neighborhoods. 公共交通一直以来都能提振房地产开发。在香港这个多山地区的城市,自动扶梯正在帮助唤醒一些沉睡的地区。 www.bing.com 7. Officials said simultaneous announcements would maximize the confidence-boosting impact on markets. 官员们表示,各国同时发表公告将最大程度地提升市场信心。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Boosting productivity, however, is not just about finding the industrial darlings of tomorrow. 日本要提高生产力,但是,不仅仅只是寻找明日的工业宠儿。 www.ecocn.org 9. In normal circumstances these asset purchases would lower interest rates, boosting American borrowing and spending. 通常情形下,这类资产购买会降低利率,刺激美国借贷和消费。 www.bing.com 10. This Wednesday: Six tips for boosting your sense of self-respect. 本周三:提高自尊感的六个方法。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn |
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