单词 | boom | ||||||
释义 | booms是boom的复数
复数:booms 现在分词:booming 过去式:boomed
例句释义: 繁荣,暴涨,激增,急速发展,突然大得人心[出名],突然好转,忽然发展[兴旺]起来的,布姆斯,吊杆,布恩斯 1. Bubbles are usually asymmetric in shape: booms develop slowly but the bust tends to be sudden and devastating. 泡沫的形状通常不对称:繁荣缓慢地成长,但是破灭的趋势却是突然而且毁灭性的。 www.bing.com 2. I sat down in the dark hall with 600 other nervous kids and the lecturer booms out over the mic, "How do you get workers to work harder? " 我和其他600个紧张的孩子坐在暗暗的大厅,演讲者透过麦克风发出低沉的声音:“如何使员工们工作更努力?” www.bing.com 3. It had a built-in tendency to produce ever larger booms and busts, and over the longer term it was bound to destroy itself. 其内在趋势能产生更大的繁荣和萧条,但是从长远来说它注定毁于其自身。 www.bing.com 4. His view was that the government could expand the money supply during recessions and contract it in the subsequent booms. 他认为,政府可以在衰退时期扩大货币供应,在随后的繁荣时期收紧银根。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Thousands of people began to call in, swamping the 911 dispatchers with reports of sonic booms and metal falling out of the sky. 数以千计的人们把911的电话都打爆了,争相报告声爆以及天上坠落的金属。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Just a few years ago, they were a critical factor in the economic booms witnessed in Spain, Ireland and Britain. 就在几年前,移民劳工是西班牙、爱尔兰和英国经济飞速增长的主要因素。 www.voanews.cn 7. THAT economic expansion leads to building booms seems to have been as true 6, 000 years ago as it is now. 在经济扩张时期,人们往往喜欢大兴土木。如今的这条经济定律在6000年前似乎也同样适用。 www.ecocn.org 8. The beginning of wisdom is to recognise that financial booms and busts have been a feature of capitalism from the very start. 智慧之起源,就在于认识到金融盛衰从一开始就是资本主义的特色。 www.ftchinese.com 9. FOR more than a decade, Australia had enjoyed one of the biggest booms in its history, and a robust series of budget surpluses. 十多年前,澳大利亚为自己历史上最大的繁荣,以及一系列财政预算盈余而沾沾自喜。 www.bing.com 10. Absorbent booms and pads are being used to soak up oil floating on the surface or clinging to plants, boats and structures. 我们还采用了可以吸油的栅栏和垫板,来吸收漂浮在海面上和附着在植物表面、船只底部和建筑上的油污。 www.bing.com 1. Both the Dutch experience and the history of housing booms suggest that this counsel deserves to be taken seriously. 荷兰的经验和历史上出现过的房地产繁荣都表明,这一建议值得认真对待。 www.ebigear.com 2. The commodity booms are pumping unprecedented amounts of money into many, though not all, of the countries of the bottom billion. 商品的繁荣正将不可胜数的钱财注入至很多,但不是全部,最底层的10亿人所处的国家。 www.ted.com 3. The wind booms down the curved length of the trailer and under its roaring passage he can hear the scratching of fine gravel and sand. 风沿着拖车的轮廓呼啸着打转,他都能听到沙砾在风中发出刮擦声。 www.ebigear.com 4. You go up in the short run, but then most societies historically have ended up worse than if they'd had no booms at all. 虽然你能暂于短期中加速,但大部分社会,从历史角度看,都落得个极惨的结果,几乎都被打回原点。 www.ted.com 5. Sorbent booms are designed to be linked into barriers of any length for containment and adsorption. 围栏可连接成栅栏,任意长度,起到密封和吸附的作用。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 6. Eventually, that helped spur economic recoveries by touching off export booms at a time of buoyant demand elsewhere. 最终,在其他地区需求激增之际引发了出口大幅增长,进而帮助刺激了经济的复苏。 www.bing.com 7. In earlier booms, fast growth seemed to have been the preserve of a few miracle countries, such as the Asian tigers. 在以前的经济繁荣时期,快速增长似乎只是数个神奇国家的专项,比如亚洲各小虎。 www.ecocn.org 8. For a myriad reasons, both technical and political, financial market regulation is never going to be stringent enough in booms. 出于无数技术和政治原因,在经济繁荣期,对金融市场的监管永远不会足够严厉。 www.ftchinese.com 9. China's railway network is already one of the most extensive in the world, but it has come under pressure as the nation's economy booms. 中国的铁路网已经是全世界最广阔的铁路网之一,但是它承载着国家经济复苏的压力。 www.bing.com 10. So the flow of resources from the commodity booms to the bottom billion are without precedent. 因此商品的繁荣将给最底层的10亿人带来可触的未来。 www.ted.com 1. And the plan seems to favour counter-cyclical capital requirements too, which would brake lending growth in credit booms. 该计划似乎还偏爱反周期资本要求,这将抑制信贷繁荣时期的放贷增长。 www.ftchinese.com 2. So far, the upswing doesn't begin to match the tech booms of the late 1990s and the middle years of this decade. 目前为止,这种上升的趋势尚不及90年代末和前几年的科技热潮。 chinese.wsj.com 3. As sonic booms continued to reverberate in the protesters' ears, the pro-military chants ceased entirely. 在超音声爆音在抗议者耳旁回荡时,那些支持军队的圣歌完全停止了。 www.bing.com 4. They wanted to be able to keep expanding credit during recession as well as booms. 他们的想法,却是奢望在经济衰退时还能像先前那样继续扩张信贷。 www.bing.com 5. Today private-equity types are quick to admit things got out of control, just as in the buy-out booms of the late 1980s and 1990s. 今日私人股权投资公司很快承认事情已经超出可控制范围,就如同80年代末90年代的并购投资狂潮。 www.ecocn.org 6. China's government is racing to make sure one of the world's biggest housing booms doesn't turn into a bust. 中国政府正在迅速采取行动,希望确保世界上最大的房地产热点市场之一不至于崩溃。 www.bing.com 7. We've had wars, booms, good times, hard times, slumps, periods of prosperity--but, I tell you, gentlemen! 我们经历过战争、繁荣、盛世、艰难时期、经济低迷、繁荣时期——但是,听我说,各位! blog.sina.com.cn 8. To be sure, the decaying Victorian mansions along the island's northern seashore are vivid reminders that booms can end in busts. 可以确定的是,该岛北部海岸边那些过时的维多利亚女王时代的官邸,是“繁华终将尽,衰退必将来”的最好警示。 www.bing.com 9. That spurred a great deal of cross-border borrowing that fed prodigious construction booms in Spain and Ireland. 这产生大量的跨国借贷,大大加剧了西班牙和爱尔兰建筑市场泡沫化。 www.ecocn.org 10. By leaving monetary policy to market forces we would have normal recessions and minor booms that would be totally self-regulating. 通过自由市场的调节,我们只会有一些温和的繁荣和萧条,但不会如今天这样。 www.bing.com 1. The opportunity we're going to look to is a genuine basis for optimism about the bottom billion, and that is the commodity booms. 如今正有一机会可以使我们敢乐,使那最底层的10亿人受益,而这就是商品的繁荣。 www.ted.com 2. Workers have been placing long lengths of containment booms around the oil as winds and waves push it toward shore. 工人们在浮油周围放置长长的围油栏,以防止风浪将其推向海岸边。 www.51voa.com 3. The tendency for financial services to run right over the cliff is accentuated by financial assets' habit of growing during booms. 金融服务业打擦边球的趋势是在金融资产在增长年代养成的习惯。 www.ecocn.org 4. Japan is a society of "booms, " and I'm always looking for stories that describe purely Japanese trends while in their earliest stages. 日本是一个“繁荣,”的社会,而且我总是找寻在他们最早的阶段中的时候纯粹地描述日本趋势的故事。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Jasonme: As Chinese industry booms and automobile use spreads, the country as a whole appears to be on a feverish quest for fossil fuels. 随着中国工业的发展和机动车使用的普及,一种对于矿物燃料的迫切要求盛行于整个国家。 bulo.hjbbs.com 6. And though he has seen booms go bust, his confidence stretches as far over the horizon as Australia's economy seems to. 而且,虽然他也看到过繁华过后一场空的景象,但他似乎仍然信心满满,就像澳大利亚的经济一样。 www.bing.com 7. The booms in oil and emerging markets have been very good for prices here for at least a decade. 石油和新兴市场的繁荣支撑此地的房价至少已有十年的时间。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The venture capitalists behind the high-tech and biotech booms see clean tech as the next big score. 推动了高科技与生物科技企业发展热潮的风险资本家都将清洁科技看成是下一轮宏图大业。 www.ecocn.org 9. If so, gas will be one of its main drivers, dwarfing even earlier resource booms in its scale. 如果是这样的话,天然气将会成为繁荣的主要驱动力之一,以它的规模甚至使之前的资源激增都相形见绌。 www.ecocn.org 10. But such a compact will not safeguard the euro against future booms and busts. 但这样的条约并不能保卫欧元免遭将来的经济涨落的影响。 www.bing.com 1. Trade math aside, commodity buying would be a pro-cyclical mistake by China leading to bigger booms and bigger busts. 从贸易数学角度看,购买商品对中国将是个导致大涨大跌的顺周期性错误。 www.bing.com 2. By contrast, the long booms during the Reagan and Clinton years were underpinned by low oil prices. 相比之下,里根(Reagan)和克林顿(Clinton)任期内的长期繁荣受到了低油价的支撑。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In the aftermath of World War II , the Japanese economy went through one of the greatest booms the world has ever known . 衡量满足程度二战的灾难过后,日本经济经历了世界上有史以来难得一见的快速成长。 www.bing.com 4. It really is traced to Keynes' great book The General Theory, which in 1936 provided a new way for us to think about booms and recessions. 这可以一直追溯到凯恩斯的伟大着作“通论”。这本书在1936年为我们研究繁荣与衰退提供了新的方法。 www.examw.com 5. In addition, a pair of manual or electric-operated booms is provided for disassembling the mould and mounting the large work pieces. 同时配有一对手动或电动悬臂吊杆,用于拆卸模具和装卡大型工件。 www.c-cnc.com 6. Upper reaches of that bay are now lined by floating booms, intended to protect the shore from oil. 湾区的上游目前业已布下了一条浮油栏以便防止原油近岸。 ngmchina.com.cn 7. McKinsey says the main driver of this turnround is emerging economies embarking on one of the biggest building booms in history. 麦肯锡表示,上述转变的主要驱动力,是新兴市场正在启动的历史上规模最大的一次建筑热潮。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Poland may be able to guard against the risk of credit and housing booms because the climate now favours tighter bank regulation. 波兰可能有能力预防信贷和房价上涨的风险,因为现在经济气候比较适合严格的银行管制。 www.ecocn.org 9. Sonic booms created by vehicles the size and mass of the space shuttle are very distinguishable and two distinct booms are easily heard. 体型和质量相当于航天飞机的飞行器制造的两个音爆则非常容易区分,人们经常很容易地听到两次响声。 www.bing.com 10. Another major divergence between the Austrian and Chicago Schools is their explanation for booms and their policy prescriptions for busts. 奥地利学派和芝加哥学派的另一大区别就是关于繁荣的解释以及针对萧条的政策。 www.bing.com 1. Structures design: Preferably someone with 10-20 years of experience designing structures (frames, booms, etc. ) for off-highway equipment. 结构研发经理:相关行业10-20年工作经验,能够独立带领部门完成挖掘机整体结构设计及研发。 c.quanzhi.com 2. Oil booms are deployed in a marsh off the coast of Louisiana to protect the fragile wetlands from the BP oil spill. 防油栅部署在路易斯安那州一湿地沿岸保护脆弱的湿地免受漏油危害。 thehlc.cn 3. Speculative excess in the stockmarket has tended to be associated with booms in luxury goods and record prices for trophy assets. 股市的投机过度往往伴随着奢侈品市场的繁荣炫耀性资产的创记录价格。 www.ecocn.org 4. We could hear the booms of the enemy guns in the distance. 我们可以听到远处敌人炮火的隆隆声。 chinafanyi.com 5. Birds settle into water surrounded by oil-containment booms off the coast of Breton Sound Island, near Louisiana, on Thursday. 星期四,路易斯安娜附近的布雷顿湾岛海岸线外,阻油栅圈内的水域成为鸟群的安身之所。 www.bing.com 6. A strong cycle of alternating booms and slumps has affected all types of development. 一个涨跌交替的有力周期已经影响了各种类型的发展。 www.bing.com 7. Inflatable booms have been placed around the ship, the Shen Neng 1, to prevent further pollution. 他们还在“深能一号”周围放置充气式围油栏阻止进一步污染。 www.ept-xp.com 8. A report last year by the Office of Fair Trading argues that this trend will continue as online lending booms and the economy stutters. 去年,一份由英国伦敦公平交易办公室(TheOfficeofFairTrading)发布的报告表示这个趋势将会持续,因为在线借贷量急速发展而经济却时好时坏。 www.ecocn.org 9. In general, notes the EBRD, "the size of the output declines correlates with pre-crisis credit booms and external indebtedness" . EBRD表示,总体而言,“产出下降的幅度与危机前的信贷繁荣和外债有关”。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Pull the sail out of the water until you reach the mast. Grab the mast with both hands just below the booms . 碰到桅杆的时候再把帆从水里拉上来,用两只手抓住帆下桁下面的地方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Just as economic booms amplify a country's assets, so busts magnify their frailties. 正如经济繁荣会夸大一国的资产,衰退也会放大其脆弱。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Ms Perez links each financial innovation to its own booms and busts. 佩雷斯把每项金融创新和其自我繁荣衰落联系起来。 www.bing.com 3. 'Bob, ' the CEO booms, 'After all your hard work you've earned a crack at an amazing market, it's tailor-made for a go-getter like you. CEO热情洋溢地说,鲍伯,由于你一直兢兢业业,你为自己赢得了机会,可以派驻一个妙不可言的市场,它简直是为你这种积极能干的老手量身打造的。 chinese.wsj.com 4. If this market booms, you can bet your securitised dollar that this is due to exuberance. 如果这一市场繁荣起来,人们可以将证券化资产押注,而这是源于繁荣。 www.ftchinese.com 5. If you had to pick a capital of China's local-currency private equity and initial public offering booms, it would likely be Shenzhen. 假如你必须选一个中国的人民币私募股权和首次公开募股(IPO)繁华之都,很可能会选中深圳。 chinese.wsj.com 6. In his view, the euro area is characterised by a succession of booms and busts , each in a single country. 据他的观点,欧元区是以一连串在每个国家的繁荣和萧条相继出现为特征的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Financial market crashes do not emerge randomly, but follow booms. 金融市场危机并非随机出现,而是发生在繁荣过后。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Instead, the inflows of money mainly fueled huge booms in private spending, especially on housing. 相反,大量涌入的资金导致私人开支,特别是在房地产方面私人开支的巨大繁荣。 www.bing.com 9. This caused one of the biggest construction booms and housing bubbles in the nation. 由此引起了在美国最大的建设热潮和房产泡沫。 www.bing.com 10. Such leaps have been made in just four years since Macao liberalised its gaming industry, launching one of the biggest casino booms. 实现这种跳跃仅花了4年时间。4年前,澳门政府宣布放开博彩市场,开启了博彩行业最大规模的繁荣期之一。 www.ftchinese.com 1. That said, as long as central banks keep pumping out liquidity at their current rate, asset booms and bubbles are always likely somewhere. 话虽这么说,只要中央银行以当前的速度不断抽取流动性,资产繁荣和资产泡沫可能会在一些国家显现。 www.ecocn.org 2. Why did past episodes when the U. S. ran large current account deficits not result in similar housing booms and busts? 为什么过去的一个个插曲中,当美国持高额的现金赤字并没有导致相同的房产暂时繁荣? www.bing.com 3. During the credit boom, cheap capital flowed into Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain to finance trade deficits and housing booms. 整个信贷繁荣期间,廉价资本流入希腊、爱尔兰、葡萄牙和西班牙,为贸易赤字和住房泡沫提供资金。 www.bing.com 4. Pittsburgh is in relatively good shape because it largely missed the housing and dotcom booms enjoyed by the rest of the county. 匹兹堡表现不俗很大程度上是因为该是没有经历美国其他城市的房地产和科技泡沫。 www.ecocn.org 5. However, the role of the booms, only part of the oil slick to be controlled. 然而,在围油栏的作用下,只有部分浮油被控制。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 6. feeding one of the greatest construction booms in the world. 来满足这个世界最繁忙建设之一的需要 blog.sina.com.cn 7. There is no reason for society to suffer through the booms and busts of the business cycle. 让社会在经济周期的高涨与低落中受煎熬,是毫无道理的。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Now that the booms have been reversed, a decline in confidence could engulf the world economy, throwing it into recession. 现在繁荣已经发生了逆转,而信心的下降可能会吞噬世界经济,导致经济陷入萧条。 autumnwater.galaaa.com 9. Unlike standard straight boom jibs, LongRanger consists of two connected booms. 与标准的直起重机臂不同,此测距仪由两个连接臂组成。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 10. As construction booms in emerging economies and more sources dry up, however, exploitation of the remaining ones is likely to intensify. 新兴经济体国家正大兴土木而更多的资源正在枯竭,因此,各国对现有资源的掠夺可能会愈加升级。 www.china.org.cn 1. The IMF adds that "such expansions are close to those experienced before previous credit booms and busts" . IMF补充表示:“这种扩张速度已接近前几次信贷盛衰周期之前的情形了。” www.ftchinese.com 2. EQUIPMENT FOR WATER POLLUTION AGAINST HYDROCARBONS. BOOMS. TECHNICAL DATA SHEET. STANDARD LAYOUT. 水防石油污染的设备。水上指标。技术数据页。标准流程图。 www.std168.com 3. South Africa has had two lending booms since the end of apartheid. 终止种族隔离后,南非出现了两次贷款潮。 www.ecocn.org 4. When the surf booms, I hear the heart of the earth, and the tempo picks up. 当海面上的浪暴涨时,我听到地球的心,而拍子加速。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. If you had followed the crowd -- buying in booms, selling in slumps -- you'd have less than $2, 000. So don't listen to the crowd. 而如果你盲目从众——高买低抛——你最后拿到手的不会超过2,000美元,所以不要从众,他们的投资记录糟糕透顶。 c.wsj.com 6. Without their permission, foreign immortals in fairy is not allowed on the city of building booms. 没有他们的允许,外来的仙人是不准在仙月城内自己大兴土木的。 bookapp.book.qq.com 7. Booms and bust will not disappear; hence the crucial importance of bolstering capital, the buffer that banks depend on to absorb losses. 繁荣和衰退将不是消失。因此支持资本的至关重要,缓冲器是银行消化损失的能力。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. However experts reckon that the size of the spill will exhaust the world's supply of booms very quickly. 但是,专家们估算此次泄漏事件的规模会很快耗尽拦河坝在全世界的贮备量。 club.topsage.com 9. But they must eventually return to these norms through "mean reversion" , creating the endemic booms and busts of cycles. 但是,房价通过均值回归(meanreversion)必然回到正常水平,从而造就特定的周期性房地产的繁荣与萧条。 www.ftchinese.com 10. It has proved effective in fighting the last war: preventing 1970s or 1980s-style inflationary booms. 在打上一次战争时——防止上世纪70年代或80年代式的通胀性繁荣——这一做法被证明是有效的。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Luckily, even the most intense sonic booms can't hurt people, but they have been known to damage plaster walls and break windows. 幸运的是,即使是最强烈的音爆都不能伤及人类,但我们已经知道它们会摧毁石灰墙和窗户。 www.bing.com 2. However, it is domestication that holds the dominant position in first three translation booms in Chinese literary translation history. 然而,在中国文学翻译史上一直是归化翻译占据了主导地位。 www.lw23.com 3. In a bull market and particularly in booms, the public at first makes money, which it later looses simply by overstaying the bull market. 在牛市里,特别是在高峰的时候,公众最初赢钱,然后就因为在牛市里停留太长,而全输了回去。 wolfforex.blog.hexun.com 4. Previous Asian booms have been powered by a surge in the working-age population. 以为的亚洲经济繁荣也得益于该地区劳动适龄人口数量的增长。 www.ecocn.org 5. However, two aircraft the same size flying at different altitudes will create sonic booms of different intensities . 然而,同样大小的飞机飞行在不同高度会产生不同强度的音爆。 www.showxiu.com 6. Higher inflation for too long risks creating permanently higher expectations and stoking future booms. 较高的通胀持续时间过长,也可能导致通胀预期持续高启,并加大未来通胀激增的风险。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Foreign capital kept booms going for longer, but that was true in many rich countries outside the euro zone as well. 外国投资使繁荣期持续更长时间,但对于这点,欧元区以外的富裕国家也是如此。 www.ecocn.org 8. Such booms have worked magic to keep "the lucky country" out of trouble before. 正是矿业的繁荣神奇地使这“幸运国度”在全球经济衰退的最初没有受到影响。 blog.ecocn.org 9. German firms sold into the credit-fuelled consumer booms of America, Britain and Spain, supplying high-quality cars and other durable goods. 德国公司向因信贷刺激消费而繁荣的美国,英国和西班牙大肆供应,提供高品质的汽车和其他耐用消费品。 www.ecocn.org 10. No longer did Western banks have to raise rates to halt consumer booms. 西方国家的银行再也不需要用提升利率的方式来阻止消费热潮的产生。 www.bing.com 1. Cycle-dependent capital ratios would reduce the tendency of banks to lend too generously in booms and too timidly in recessions. 随周期变动的资本率将削弱银行在繁荣时放贷过多、在衰退时又过分惜贷的倾向。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The end of the credit and housing booms ended in a once-in-a-century bust. 信贷和房市热潮随着百年一遇的泡沫破裂而结束。 chinese.wsj.com 3. I spent most of the next two days inspecting the harbour and the entrances with their booms and nets. 以后的两天,我用大部分的时间视察港口入口处以及水栅和铁丝网。 4. The mapping relation between the telescoping cylinder and the rotation of booms is obtained, so the control of booms are performed. 2. 得到了油缸伸缩运动和臂架变幅运动之间的映射关系,实现了臂架变幅运动的制约。 www.zidir.com 5. The agreement comes as Chinese companies' commodities consumption booms amid the country's rapid urbanisation. 随着中国的快速城市化,中国企业的大宗商品消费呈现一派繁荣。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Commodity booms have come and gone in Australia's history but no boom this strong has lasted this long (see chart 1). 商品盛衰周期在澳大利亚历史上屡见不鲜,但没有一次繁荣能向这次一样强劲、持续时间如此之长(见图1)。 www.ecocn.org 7. So when the building booms came to a screeching halt, employment crashed. 因此,当建筑业繁荣嘎然而止时,就业崩溃了。 www.bing.com 8. The "smoothie" world is one where cool-headed and far-sighted consumers help smooth out booms and busts. “居安思危型”的消费者头脑冷静、富有远见,他们的行为方式有助于平滑繁荣与萧条的更迭。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In one corner, ex-KGB tycoons are finding that slumps are a greater test of business ability than booms. 一方是前克格勃大亨们,他们认为在衰退时期比经济高速增长期更能检验出领导人的商业才能。 www.bing.com 10. Housing is less vulnerable to booms and busts because only highly qualified buyers can get a mortgage. 房屋对于经济的繁荣和萧条并不敏感,因为只有少数高素质的购买者才能够获得抵押贷款。 www.bing.com 1. Of all the factors influencing sonic booms, increasing altitude is the most effective method of reducing sonic boom intensity. 在所有影响音爆的因素中,提高飞行高度是减弱音爆的最有效措施。 www.bing.com 2. Brown Pelicans fly past booms stained by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill at Cat Island, Louisiana. 路易斯安那猫岛,褐鹈鹕飞过粘上斑斑石油的围油栏。 www.bing.com 3. China's online retail booms as consumer base grows The middle class in China loves brands as much as shoppers in any other country. 跟其他国家的购物者一样,中国的中产阶级也喜欢品牌。 www.bing.com 4. When bankers assembled models to predict defaults, they wanted data on what normally happened in both booms and busts. 银行经理整合模型来预测违约既需要有繁荣时期也需要有萧条时期通常发生的数据。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Historically, productivity has been "procyclical" : it rose during booms and fell during recessions. 从历史的角度看,工作效率是循环的,经济繁荣是增长,经济衰退时下降。 www.bing.com 6. Compared with past oil booms, the resource-poor economies are not enjoying as many spillover effects from the high price of oil. 与以往的石油繁荣相比,资源贫乏的经济目前从高涨的石油价格中获得的溢出效应没有以往那么多。 web.worldbank.org 7. In this blog, our correspondents consider the fluctuations in the world economy and the policies intended to produce more booms than busts. 在本篇博文中,作者认为世界经济和政治上的波动产生的影响利大于弊。 www.ecocn.org 8. In recent decades, electrical power industry booms fast with the developing economy. 近几十年来,随着经济水平的提高,我国的电力行业也迅速发展。 www.fabiao.net 9. Such measures have proved effective in addressing credit growth and property booms, the root cause of most crises. 事实证明,宏观审慎措施在解决信贷增长和楼市过热问题方面卓有成效,而这两个问题是大多数危机的根源所在。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The currency peg to the US dollar has survived inflation, deflation, and booms and busts in the property market. 盯住美元的联系汇率制历经通胀、通缩和房地产市场的繁荣与衰败,依然屹立不倒。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Banking crises in the developing world have also tended to happen at the peak of housing booms or just after a bust in prices. 发展中世界的银行业危机同样往往发生于房地产兴旺发展的巅峰期,或紧随房价泡沫破灭之后。 www.ecocn.org 2. The Basel regime for capital adequacy does nothing to constrain credit booms. 有关资本充足率的巴塞尔(Basel)体制无助于抑制信贷繁荣。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I've been hearing sonic booms near my home, one was too close to my home it slightly shooed the house. 我在自家附近一直了听见了隆隆之声,有一个太过靠近我的家,使房子轻微晃动。 apps.hi.baidu.com 4. Evidence of credit-fuelled property booms is visible in luxury homes in Mumbai, Rio de Janeiro and Chinese cities. 信贷推动的房地产热潮,从孟买、里约热内卢和中国城市的豪宅可见一斑。 www.ftchinese.com 5. With the rapid development of socioeconomic and the continuous improvement of material life, home interior decoration booms. 社会经济的飞速发展,物质生活的不断提高,使得家庭内部装修成为热潮。 cn.qikan.com 6. Normally, housing follows stock market booms but has not caused them. 通常,住房紧随股市繁荣,但没有导致股市兴旺。 www.america.gov 7. Cheap money has accelerated the process. If the script plays out like other booms, eventually the bubble will burst. 廉价资金已加速了这一过程。如果此轮繁荣的“剧情”与以往相同,那么最终泡沫将会破裂。 www.bing.com 8. As domestic consumption booms, China's export-oriented manufacturers are under siege. 与国内消费的欣欣向荣相对应的是中国出口导向型企业的四面楚歌。 www.bing.com 9. Telescoping of the boom is carried out through telescoping cylinder and steel cable, and all booms telescope simultaneously. 吊臂的伸缩是通过伸缩油缸和钢丝绳进行,各伸缩臂同步伸缩。 www.kuenglish.info 10. Legislators are easily seduced by booms and lobbies. Voters are ignorant of and bored by regulation. 立法者很容易被游说者口中繁荣的景象所迷惑,选民对于监管的无视甚至厌烦。 www.bing.com 1. Like most everything else in the country, infrastructure investment fluctuated with the booms and busts of the past. 就像这个国家几乎所有事情一样,基础设施投资也随着往日兴衰而几多起伏。 www.voa365.com 2. Shrimp boats are used to collect oil with booms in the waters of Chandeleur Sound. 在钱德尔勒尔声水域,虾船装上拦油栅栏用来收集漏油。 www.slideshare.net 3. Therefore, they will create sonic booms stronger and louder than those of smaller, lighter aircraft. 因此它们制造的音爆更强,更响。 www.bing.com 4. and people experience more stress due to the rigors of hard work during booms. 经济繁荣时期,由于繁重工作的待遇,人们承受更多的压力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Spanish demand has been driven by housing and credit booms that are vulnerable to higher interest rates. 西班牙的需求量一直是以易受高利息率打击的住房和信誉来推动的。 www.ecocn.org 6. Put the booms of the port and starboard crane onto the brackets and secure them. 左右舷吊车扒杆放在支撑架上固定。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Those give you the right to buy into the fund later at a fixed price if it booms. 如果金市繁荣,金价持续走高,那么你能以约定的较低价格买入上述基金。 c.wsj.com 8. Each of these booms saw loan growth of near 50 percentage points of GDP. 在上述两个繁荣期内,新增贷款都接近国内生产总值的50%。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Meanwhile, retail financial markets have hummed as cheap credit powered housing booms in the Anglo (and other) economies. 与此同时,由于廉价信贷资金推动了英国(及其它)经济体房地产市场的繁荣,零售金融市场也活跃了起来。 www.ftchinese.com 10. stuffs it into old nylon stockings and creates makeshift oil absorbers called 'booms'. 填入陈旧的尼龙袜套中,做出叫做‘水栅’的临时油污收集器。 www.yappr.cn 1. While they lasted, the booms that preceded these busts caused these economies to overheat. 在繁荣阶段,先于萧条的繁荣导致这些经济体出现过热迹象。 autumnwater.galaaa.com 2. Presidents coming to office during economic booms have been 3. leaner users of hope than those who were inaugurated during 4. heavy times. 总统在经济繁荣的时候就任比在这么沉重的时候就任更倾向使用“希望”一词。 bbs.putclub.com 3. The variation between households was far greater than the difference between booms and recessions. 家庭与家庭之间的差异,远大于繁荣期和衰退期之间的差异。 www.ftchinese.com 4. American shares may be richly valued relative to earnings, but they are less unhinged than in earlier booms. 美国股票价格相对利润可能是被高估的——所幸相比早期的经济膨胀时期股票的势头平稳虚度。 club.topsage.com 5. If judged correctly, this allows the economy to adjust steadily, without booms and busts. 如果判断正确的话,这会让经济稳定调整,而不会出现大起大落。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In this paper, the calculating method of telescopic crane booms with hexagon section is proposed. 本文对五节臂六边形截面伸缩臂的设计计算方法进行了探讨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In the distance troops of red colobus gave honk calls, and crowned monkeys made their throaty booms. 远处一群红疣猴叫了起来,猴王发出嘶哑的鸣叫。 ng.trends.com.cn 8. EVERYONE loves a booming market, and most booms happen on the back of technological change. 人人都热爱繁荣的市场,而最繁荣的景象总是发生在技术变革之后。 www.bing.com 9. But one thing is for sure: as with previous booms, signature deals will come to epitomise its excesses. 但有一件事是确定的:与以前的繁荣一样,一些引人注目的交易最终将成为并购活动泛滥的写照。 www.ftchinese.com 10. And how best to cope with the booms and busts that have been capitalism's peculiar contribution to human life? 最好如何对付资本主义对人类所做的特殊贡献——繁荣和衰退的交替循环? www.bing.com 1. As a result, domestic production booms have ended sooner than they used to. 因此国内生产(阶段)繁荣的结束时间比过去提前了。 www.bing.com 2. And booms can be hard to stop when they get going: just ask the Chinese authorities. 一旦开始繁荣起来,就很难去停止,中国当局深有感触。 www.ecocn.org 3. Though scientists are not sure the booms offer a practical defense against the oil, some think it's worth a try. 尽管科学家不能肯定这些水栅是否可以有效的抵御石油,他们中的一些人认为值得一试。 ngmchina.com.cn 4. Meanwhile, other older age groups have seen similar booms in social networking use. 同时,其他的高龄用户群使用社交网络的数字也有相类似的激增。 www.bing.com 5. Sales: concrete pumps, placing booms, vibrators, vibrator, power tools, small construction machinery and machine parts such as the above. 销售:混凝土输送泵、布料杆、振动器、振动棒、电动工具、小型建筑机械及以上机械配件等。 www.good2.com 6. In fact, the prevalence of such large employment changes is the norm in both booms and busts. 事实上,如此巨大的就业量变化的普遍性,在繁荣和萧条中都是常态。 www.bing.com 7. The statutory capital requirements should rise during booms and fall in busts. 法定资本要求应当在景气时增加,不景气时则下降。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Business at the department store booms as Christmas comes closer. 当圣诞节接近时,百货公司的生意突然兴隆。 chinafanyi.com 9. The hair is stuffed into nylon tights to make "booms" , which are shaped like sausages. 他们将毛发填进尼龙紧身裤做成“栅栏”,形状就像香肠。 www.bing.com 10. Housing booms helped make huge household deficits possible in the US, the UK, Spain, Australia and other countries. 房地产繁荣使得美国、英国、西班牙、澳大利亚以及其它国家的巨额家庭赤字成为可能。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Credit booms are often followed by credit busts. 信贷繁荣之后通常会发生信贷泡沫破灭。 www.ftchinese.com 2. As with all booms, urbanisation promises huge wealth. 和所有的繁荣期一样,城市化预示着巨大的财富前景。 www.ftchinese.com 3. One line of thinking is that the ability to short overvalued stocks will temper the market's spectacular booms (and subsequent busts). 一种观点认为,能够做空估值过高的股票,将抑制市场的投机热情(以及随之而来的崩盘)。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Booms are caused by one of several phenomena, all related to plate stress and adjustment. 隆隆之声是由几个现象中的某一个引发的,都与板块压力和调整有关系。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. During modeling, the effect of double-side booms-extended disturbance on the satellite attitude has been considered in detail. 建模中特别考虑了自旋小卫星双侧伸杆扰动对其姿态运动的影响。 www.acabice.cn:8080 6. As the Chinese economy booms and competition in the domestic market gets fiercer, more companies look overseas. 随着中国经济的迅速发展和本土市场竞争的日益激烈,更多的公司放眼海外。 www.i21st.cn 7. With the development of E-commerce, Electronic Exchange Market (EEM) also booms very quickly as an important part of e-commerce. 随着电子商务的迅猛发展,电子交易市场作为电子商务的一种重要的形态,发展也十分迅速。 www.juhe8.com 8. Before the Industrial Revolution in approximately the late 18th century, there were no regularly recurring booms and depressions. 在18世纪后期的工业革命之前,没有周期性的繁荣和萧条。 www.bing.com 9. Other rich countries had their own booms, with slight variations in timing and intensity. 而其他发达国家的婴儿潮在时间选择和密集程度上也与美国相去无几。 www.ecocn.org 10. Busts always follow booms, so the only unknowns are when it will come and how long it will last. 衰退总是紧跟繁荣而来,因此未知因素是不知道衰退何时来临,将持续多长时间。 www.ozchinese.com 1. But given that there are smaller booms in dozens of cities at the same time, the chance of localized bubbles bursting is substantial. 在十几个城市同时都有较小规模繁荣的情况下,地方化泡沫破裂的机会是很大的。有人估算。 2. If experiences of major booms and busts shape the way we behave, it's something that macro economists may need to take into account. 如果说大繁荣和大萧条时期的经历塑造了人们的行为方式,那么宏观经济学家或许需要考虑到这一点。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Then there is the noise a cacophony of booms and crackles so deafening that small children can't sleep, cats fret and car alarms go off. 由此带来的巨大爆炸噪音是如此震耳欲聋,以致于孩童无法入睡,猫烦躁不安,汽车警报四处鸣响。 www.gjjy.com 4. There have been three big banking booms in modern U. S. history. 银行业在美国现代历史上曾有过三次大繁荣。 www.bing.com 5. In good times more lending and rising asset values mean that booms feed on themselves. 经济景气时期更多的贷款和上升的资产价值意味着繁荣推动着进一步繁荣。 www.bing.com 6. All four of the debtor countries in the chart enjoyed housing booms. 图表中所列四国全部享受过住宅市场的景气。 www.ecocn.org 7. From protection against enemies to social security to sonic booms, insurance has come a long way. 从保证不受敌人侵犯,到社会安全,到声爆,保险业走过了一条长长的路。 www.hjenglish.com 8. In the past, when these bubbles burst they often triggered a chain reaction of events that converted the booms into busts. 过去,当这些泡沫破裂时,它们常常会造成连锁反应,把繁荣转变为萧条。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Hence capital requirements should rise during booms and fall in busts. 因此,资本需求在景气时增加,不景气时则下降。 www.bing.com 10. Given the repeated credit booms and busts of the past 40 years, that may be a pity. 有鉴于过去四十年来信贷繁荣与破灭的往复循环,这或许是一种悲哀。 www.ecocn.org 1. giving it power to adjust banks' capital charges to mitigate booms and busts. 给予FSA调整银行资本费用以缓和繁荣和萧条的权力。 www.ecocn.org 2. Financial busts almost always follow credit booms. 金融崩溃几乎总是发生在信贷繁荣之后。 www.ftchinese.com 3. As India's economy booms, there is growing demand for industrial fabrics, which are currently imported at great cost. 随着印度经济的迅猛发展,进口代价不菲的工业用布需求量大增。 www.ecocn.org 4. Cheap foreign credit fuelled the booms in domestic demand in Greece, Spain and Ireland in the years after the euro's launch in 1999. 自1999年开始使用欧元以后,优惠的海外信贷使得希腊、西班牙及爱尔兰的内需激增。 www.ecocn.org 5. One example is provided by the sonic booms from airplanes. 飞机的声震就是一个例子。 www.jukuu.com 6. In Spain (see article) and Ireland, where price gains rivalled Britain's, heady housing-market booms have given way to bust. 西班牙和爱尔兰的房价同英国相若,现在那里的住宅市场繁荣不再。 ecocn.org 7. The structure is intended to reduce the sound from annoying sonic booms. 这种结构可降低讨厌的音爆所引起的巨大声响。 jishenhua.jn.blog.163.com 8. Economies that witness high investment are prone to booms and busts. 大举投资的经济体容易大起大落。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Business booms for builders and producers of capital goods. 资本生产和建立者的生意开始兴隆。 www.ecocn.org 10. Usually, only high-value crops such as sugar beet and vegetables receive irrigation; this year, the sprayer booms have been turned on. 通常情况下,只有糖用甜菜和蔬菜等高价值的作物才会被灌溉,今年,喷水车铁定会供不应求。 newssgo.com 1. Others built chevrons of plastic booms to block the oil from coming ashore. 有的制作了塑料帆桁以阻挡原油向海岸的渗漏。 www.bing.com 2. A noted sceptic on the dotcom and housing booms, he closed his short-only fund (which bet on falling prices) in 2008. 作为对互联网和房地产繁荣的著名怀疑论者,他在2008年关闭了公司空头基金(做空,即赌股价下跌)。 www.ecocn.org 3. In this way, monetary forces could produce booms and busts, although they had no long-run effect on output. 通过这种方式,货币因素可以促成繁荣,也可以造成萧条,尽管其对产出没有长期影响。 www.bing.com 4. But these are both countries that have experienced real poverty in living memory, followed by massive and unsustainable booms. 但这两个国家都曾体验过真正的贫困,那种感受还历历在目,其后又经历了规模庞大但不可持续的经济繁荣。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The refuge remains open, but visitors can see offshore oil booms intended to keep the oil at bay. 目前这个保护区仍对外开放,但是游客们可清楚的看到旨在将石油拦截在海湾的近海拦油栅。 ngmchina.com.cn 6. History also shows that financial booms tend to occur when money is cheap. 历史同样表明,金融昌盛更倾向于在货币廉价时出现。 www.ecocn.org 7. Shrimp boats are used to collect oil with booms in the waters of Chandeleur Sound, La. , Wednesday, May 5, 2010. 虾船是用来搜集的钱德尔勒尔声音,路易斯安那州的海域石油繁荣,星期三,2010年5月5日。 08062788.blog.163.com 8. The smiling face of rootlessness are the 300, 000 French expats who line their pockets in the City of London when the stock market booms. 面带微笑的漂泊者是30万流亡的法国人,当股市大涨时,他们在伦敦市大发横财。 www.bing.com 9. The world has changed dramatically in the 15 years since she's been on this beat. Booms have busted. 自她开始涉足这个领域的15年来,世界发生了巨大变化。 www.bing.com 10. Lessons from past booms and crashes were ignored as many focused only on the present. 许多人由于只注意眼前而忽视了过去的繁荣和崩溃带来的教训。 dongxi.net 1. Booms are also created from loose hair that is stuffed into nylon stockings and then doubled up and tied together to absorb oil too. 新的方法也出现了,那就是把蓬松的头发塞进尼龙丝袜里,挤在一起绑起来,这样也可以吸收原油。 www.bing.com 2. Legislators are easily seduced by booms and lobbies. 委员很容易的就被繁荣和游说所蛊惑。 www.ecocn.org 3. India's economy booms, yet hardly anything is traded with next door. 虽然印度的经济飞速发展,但与其邻国巴基斯坦几乎没有贸易往来。 www.ecocn.org 4. Most people who buy houses, even in the last stages of housing booms, are buying them to live in. 多数购房者(即使是在房地产热潮最后阶段购房的人)都是以居住为目的。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Over the past decade, we observed large housing booms in the US, where property prices almost doubled between 1996 and 2006 in real terms. 在过去10年中,我们见证了美国房地产市场的极大繁荣,按实际价格计算,美国房价在1996至2006年上涨近一倍。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Secured all derrick booms and other fittings, then battened down all hatches. 紧固好所有吊杆及索具,然后封舱。 wenku.baidu.com 7. My heart booms at the speed of light. 我的心以光速颤动着 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The booms lead to overinvestment, reckless risk-taking and too much debt. 繁荣导致过度投资、鲁莽的冒险行为和过度负债。 www.ftchinese.com 9. France, Sweden and Denmark have all had booms of similar size. 法国,瑞典和丹麦的房市都有类似程度的增长。 www.ecocn.org 10. They are better paid, better qualified and more influential than the regulators. Legislators are easily seduced by booms and lobbies. 金融家报酬更高、资历更深、影响力比起政策制定者来说也较大,立法者很容易受到经济繁荣和游说集团的诱惑。 www.ecocn.org 1. The booms will be laid on beaches rather than out at sea, soaking up any oil that washes ashore. 这些围油栏将被放置在岸边而并非远海区域,用来吸收冲到岸上的各种油污。 www.i21st.cn 2. The charity says in just one month enough hair, fur and wool was donated to make 25 miles of booms. 此机构称,仅仅一个月收集的毛发,已经够做25英里长的“栅栏”了。 www.bing.com 3. The Chinese economy booms as the South once boomed with cheap plantation cotton. 中国的经济繁荣就如同南方从便宜棉花上获得的繁荣一样。 www.mwjx.com 4. If you're not near an airport used by jets, you may not need to worry about sonic booms, but some people do suffer damage in this way. 如果你不在靠近喷气机场的地方住,你不需要担心声爆,但是,某些人的确在这方面受到损害。 www.24en.com 5. To some extent, government budgets in rich countries stabilise the economy automatically in booms and busts. 在某种程度上,发达国家的政府预算能够在繁荣和萧条时自动地稳定经济。 www.bing.com 6. Growth booms based on capital inflows or commodity booms have typically been shortlived. 基于资金流入或大宗商品热潮的增长热潮往往都不会长久。 www.ftchinese.com 7. There were booms in those not-yet-euro nations, too: money flooded into Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Romania. 那些尚未加入欧元的国家也出现了房地产热:金钱大量涌入爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、保加利亚和罗马尼亚。 www.bing.com 8. Saarland's economic growth has been the second-fastest among German states since 2000, thanks to booms in steel, cars and machinery. 自2000年起萨尔凭借钢铁、汽车和机械设备领域的繁荣,经济增长率在全国排名第二。 www.ecocn.org 9. These are the countries that had the biggest credit booms and asset bubbles. 这些国家同样经历过最狂热的信贷扩张和资产泡沫。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Service attachments and working tools such as harvesting and tillage equipment, blades, ploughs, winches and side booms. 使用服务附件和工作工具,如收割和耕作设备,刀片,犁,绞车和侧臂吊管机。 www.canadameet.com 1. They are in the business of creating perpetual booms. 他们是想创造永久的昌盛。 www.bing.com 2. Surely there are rational investors who can profit from market booms and panics? 无论是资本市场繁荣或者恐慌,有总能从中赚取的理性的投资者吗? www.ecocn.org 3. Ireland and Spain were ripe for housing booms too. 爱尔兰和西班牙的房产业繁荣也来得太快。 www.bing.com 4. The booms and busts have caused great redistributions of wealth. 这样的繁荣和萧条带来了大规模的财富再分配。 autumnwater.galaaa.com 5. It wasn't clear why, though booms were heard earlier. 原因尚不明确,但早些时候听到了爆炸声。 chinese.wsj.com 6. "Booms don't work well with big waves, " says oil expert Greg McCormack of the University of Texas. 得克萨斯大学石油专家戈雷格?麦考梅克(GregMcCormack)说:“面对巨大的海浪,漏油栅的效果并不好。” www.bing.com 7. "Now make a four! " the voice booms. “现在,显示‘4’!”响起这个声音。 www.bing.com 8. Mainly what they're doing is booms and dispersants. 他们基本上做的就是漂浮栅栏和分散剂。 www.ted.com 9. The booms are absolutely not made for open water. 这些漂浮栅栏完全不是为开放水域而制的。 www.ted.com 10. imported from Japan, 4 booms with original Kato computer. 整车日本进口,4节臂,原装加藤电脑。 china.makepolo.com 1. The common feature of countries in difficulty is that they enjoyed credit-fuelled booms. 陷入困境的国家有一个共同点:它们都曾享受由信贷助长的繁荣。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Experience counts for more in busts than in booms. 经验在危机中比在繁荣时有用。 www.ecocn.org 3. Wrong, because it flies in the face of five centuries of financial booms and busts. 不对,因为5个世纪以来无论经济是繁荣还是萧条,危机总在不断出现。 www.bing.com 4. Sonic booms, baby! Let's do this thing. . . 音爆来了,宝贝!让我们开始吧! tieba.baidu.com 5. The euro's introduction led to housing booms in countries such as Spain and Ireland. 引入欧元造成了诸如西班牙和爱尔兰这样的国家的房市繁荣。 dongxi.net 6. is the cycle of economic booms and slumps. 这是经济繁荣和经济萧条的周期变化。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 7. You are at risk from booms and busts in the property market. 你一定会在房地产市场兴衰起落中冒风险。 www.elanso.com 8. Which is why lots of people are now looking to central banks to intervene when property booms get going. 这也是为什么很多人在房产开始繁荣的时候,希望中央银行介入其中。 www.bing.com 9. Business booms run in cycles. 商业的繁荣是有周期性的。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. All booms eventually go bust. 所有的暴涨,最后都会终结。 meclab.blog.hexun.com 1. But the history of Wall Street is a series of booms and busts. 但是华尔街的历史,就是一系列的繁荣和崩溃。 www.bing.com 2. Problems such as the labour shortages of earlier booms seem likely. 像以前经济迅速繁荣时期的劳动短缺等问题也可能出现。 www.ecocn.org 3. That is, to make them restrain booms and ease the retrenchment in the bust. 就是让它们经济繁荣时限制膨胀和在衰退时缓和紧缩。 www.bing.com 4. As the demand for vacation homes in China booms, a quirky market has emerged. 随着中国对度假屋需求的迅猛增加,一种新兴市场也渐渐浮出水面。 dongxi.net 5. banks should build up more capital in booms (when it is easy to raise) in order to prepare for a bust. 银行应该在繁荣时集聚更多的资本(那时资本较易筹集),为衰退做好准备。 www.ecocn.org 6. Florida, with a long history of property booms, played its full part in the subprime excesses. 佛罗里达的房地产业有一段繁荣的历史,在次贷危机中房地产业也不甘落后。 www.ecocn.org 7. There are hundreds of shrimp boats employed to drag booms instead of nets. 成百上千的捕虾船被雇佣来拽东栅栏,也不是渔网。 www.ted.com 8. But with booms come busts. 但繁荣与萧条总是相生相伴。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The 160T railway crane telescopic booms in China is the largest railway standard gauge used tonnage railway crane. 160T伸缩臂式铁路救援起重机是国内标准轨距铁路使用的最大吨位铁路起重机。 www.fabiao.net 10. The dispersants make the oil go right under the booms. 分散剂让石油从栅栏下面穿过。 www.ted.com |
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