单词 | loss | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:losses adj. n. great loss,heavy loss,severe loss,tragic loss,sad loss v. n. suffer loss,experience loss,mourn loss,bear loss loss 显示所有例句
例句释义: 损失,丢失,亏损,丧失,损耗,遗失,失落 1. He stared at it in front of his locker after the Lakers' 103-84 loss to the Spurs on Sunday in Game 3 of the Western Conference finals. 在星期天西部决赛第三场中湖人103-84不低马刺后,奥多姆站在他的柜子前发愣。 www.kobechina.com.cn 2. He finds it hard to believe that the sort of money needed to compensate for the loss of deforestation revenue would be forthcoming. 他认为,很难相信所需用于补偿毁林收入损失的那种资金会流入印尼。 www.ecocn.org 3. Don't fall for gimmicks when it comes to weight loss. Evaluate diets carefully to find one that could work for you for the long term. 千万不要被一些减肥的小技巧所吸引。正确地评估节食计划,从中找到一个自己可以长期持续坚持的。 www.yayan123.com 4. Researchers may have found a clue to age-related memory loss among the coiled strands of DNA in the brain cells of elderly mice. 科学家们发现了引起年老老鼠记忆力衰退的一些新线索。 www.bing.com 5. "Well, " said Mr. Gradgrind, breaking into a smile, after being for the moment at a loss, you are even more dispassionate than I expected. “好!”葛擂硬先生踌躇了一会儿,然后笑逐颜开地说,“你比我料想的还要冷静得多。” 6. When a sale results in a loss, and is accompanied by an understanding of why that loss occurred, it too may be considered a good sell. 一次交易赔了钱并让你明白为什么会赔钱,这也可以看作是一次好的卖出。 www.bing.com 7. You were shocked when you had to deal with my egregious blood family after my passing when you were suffering the shock of my sudden loss. 你曾经震惊于在我过世之后的亲戚们的过分对待,那时候你一直痛苦于我的突然过身。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. This disappointment was no doubt compounded by deep, but unspoken, guilt that perhaps the KMT had brought the loss on itself. 无疑的,除了失望的情绪外,还有那种无以言喻,怀疑国民党自己把自己打败了的挫折悔恨之情。 www.dorcas.org.tw 9. Among them was Richard, 43, who had traveled from sussex, England, to pay tribute to a leader whose loss he said is still mourned worldwide. 43岁的理查德就是其中的一个,他从英国的苏塞克斯前来悼念这位领导人,他说到现在世界仍在为肯尼迪的逝世而惋惜。 www.tdict.com 10. Former Sundance chairman, George Jones, has been trying to help bereaved relatives cope with their sudden loss. 桑当斯公司前总裁乔治。琼斯一直在努力帮助死者亲属从突降噩耗的悲哀中恢复。 www.ttxyy.com 1. The measure is now down 0. 4% for the early going of 2010, the first time it has ended with a year-to-date loss. 今年截至目前,该指数已下跌了0.4%,为首次跌至年初水平下方。 chinese.wsj.com 2. If West Ham stay up, the clubs will back a legal claim for loss of Premiership status on behalf of any club who drop into the bottom three. 如果西汉姆没有降级的话这几家球队会继续为了失去超级联赛资格诉讼。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. "If I cannot play in the Olympics for my country this time, it will be the biggest loss in my career to right now, " he said. 尽管复出与否给他带来了很大的压力,但他仍表示“如果这次不能代表我的国家参加奥运会,那这将是我职业生涯中最大的遗憾。” www.bing.com 4. I love you and you leave, I'll experience a loss and be sad and lonely, but I'll still be able to survive. 我爱你,你离开了,我有失落感,我难过,我感到孤独,但我还能支撑下去。 bbs.xue360.com 5. I will learn more than I can do to pursue a bright future. Life is only once for everyone. Don't loss it in wasting your life. 我要更多的学习,追赶更美好的明天。因为,生命对每个人都只有一次。不要浪费生命。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. What you eat and how much you exercise are important factors in a weight loss program. 你所吃的与你锻炼的量对你的减肥计划都是重要的因素。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It is a sad day and a great loss. I never played for a more enthusiastic man. He gave so much to the game. 这是一个悲哀的日子,巨大的损失。我从来没有为比他更积极热情的人踢过球。他为比赛付出了这么多。 www.tianya.cn 8. Maggie's weight-loss program started more than a year ago, Lampi said, "She was slightly heavy for an elephant. " 一年多前,麦吉开始了减肥。兰皮说:“作为一头大象,它稍微有点超重。” edu.sina.com.cn 9. Mr Yue filed a lawsuit against the bank, claimed that, the bank shall compensate the pecuniary loss, and bear the court fee. 岳先生把银行告上法庭,要求银行赔偿损失并承担本案的诉讼费用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. How much we loss this time? 这一次,损失多少啊? glendasworldaround.spaces.live.com 1. In case of loss or damage of any article, we'll be responsible only up to ten times the amount charged for laundering. 交洗的东西如有遗失或损坏时,我们负责赔偿洗衣费十倍以内的赔偿金。 www.jukuu.com 2. The minute you walked towards me with your rosy cheek, I felt at a loss; my ashamed hands buried deeply in the pocket. 当你慢慢向我走来的那一刻,脸颊绯红,我茫然不知所措。我把那双害羞的手,深深地埋进了口袋。 dzh.mop.com 3. Sad, and filled with a strong sense of loss, Mr Pamuk's "The Museum of Innocence" is his most accessible novel and his most profound. 《纯真博物馆》格调忧愁哀伤,也充满强烈的失落感,是帕氏最具感染力的小说和最具思想深度的作品。 www.ecocn.org 4. What your body starts to do is to act as a fat storage, which is not going to help you with your weight loss goals. 此时身体作为脂肪存储库,将不会助你实现减肥的目标。 www.elanso.com 5. He did not deserve to be the spokesperson for this competition because he has set a very bad example to weight loss. 这家伙根本不该当什么比赛的代言人,这可是减肥的反面典型啊。 tieba.baidu.com 6. I remain at the mouth of the Yellow River for a moment while tears of joy and a sense of loss dry on my cheeks. 在黄河入海口我待了一会儿,任脸上的泪水逐渐干涸,既满心高兴又有一丝失落。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I feel very sorry for him to miss out on the rest of the World Cup - its a blow to him and a big loss for the team. 对于他将错过世界杯剩余的比赛,我感到非常遗憾,对他是一个打击,对球队则是一个重大的损失。 www.thefa.cn 8. Weight loss before the real pain, with a paragraph. Slimming capsule month pay cut of 19 pounds, without dieting activities, do not know. 减肥以前真痛苦,用了一款。减肥交囊一个月减了19斤,不用节食活动,不知不。 99mrw.5d6d.com 9. Cost Price : shows the cost price of the product. If the salesperson sells at less than this amount, then the company incurs a loss. 成本价格:显示这个产品的成本价格。如果销售员销售的价格低于此数,那么公司将承受损失。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Pierson went to bed very excited about the prospect of the tooth fairy financially compensating him for his double loss. 小皮上床睡觉时高兴坏了,一个劲幻想牙仙会怎样弥补他双份的损失。 www.bing.com 1. Yet life can be merciful as well as cruel. The pain of loss does fade, and with it those memories that were less than happy. 然而,生命总是厄运与善意共存,丧亲之痛随着时间谈话,随之淡化的还有不那么愉快的回忆。 www.bing.com 2. Life insurance contracts are not contracts of indemnity as they do not compensate for a loss that must be calculated. 人寿保险合同不属于赔偿合同,因为(保险人)并不是对一笔可计算的损失进行赔偿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. UPS automatically protects every shipment against loss or damage up to a certain value depending on the type of package and your location. UPS将根据包裹类型和您的地点,自动保护每个货件免于特定价值之内的损失或损坏。 www.ups.com 4. Your plan should also include a sales forecast, cashflow forecast and a projected profit and loss account for up to five years' ahead. 你的计划还应该包括销售和资金流预期,以及五年内盈亏预测。 www.bing.com 5. The bare loss of him as a gallant was not so much my affliction as the loss of his person, whom indeed I loved to distraction. 单单失去一个献殷勤的公子倒不会使我感到很大的悲伤,但是我实在爱他这风采翩翩的人儿,我爱他几乎爱得发狂。 wenwen.soso.com 6. He said the degree of fat loss that comes from social activities is far more than you would get with a treadmill. 他说,参加社交活动所达到的减肥效果远胜于使用跑步机。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 7. Power can be transmitted over a great distance with practically negligible loss if it is carried by an electric current. 电流可以把动力传送到很远的地方,其消耗几乎可以忽略不计。 hi.baidu.com 8. In three minutes to let your opponent to zero blood loss, or to collect more points than the opponent, then you can win the game. 在三分钟内你要让对手血损失为零,或收集比对手多的积分,那么你就可赢得比赛。 www.fishjava.com 9. Perhaps, as in one case that I know of, a distant, rejecting wife turned out to be a very sad woman, grieving the loss of her mother. 冷淡、有排斥心理的妻子原来是一个非常悲伤的女人,因为失去母亲而肝肠寸断。 www.bing.com 10. The report said the company was still in the red, but was able to cut its loss from the year before. 报道称,该公司目前仍处于亏损状态,但较前一年亏损减少。 www.bing.com 1. She said that while the U. S. deeply regrets all loss of life, she was particularly saddened by the deaths of two journalists Wednesday. 希拉里说,美国对在利比亚冲突中所有失去生命的人深感悲痛,尤其对星期三遇难的两名记者感到悲伤。 www.voanews.com.cn 2. Then, out of the blue, he said, "And I'm going to help other kids cope with loss. " 接着,他突然说,“我要帮助其他孩子应对失亲之痛。” www.bing.com 3. Full trying to abandon some of those non-positive, inertia anxiety, loss and helplessness. 全力试图摒弃那些非正面的部分,惯性的感到彷徨,失落与无奈。 english.31931.cn 4. His wife back from calling for help cradled him in her arms, clinging to each other, they wept at their loss. 老人的妻子听到喊声跑了过来,抱住老头儿,他们互相依偎,为他们的损失而哭泣。 www.bing.com 5. The size of the loss would depend on how much the price falls, something difficult to know ahead of time. 亏损程度将取决于价格的跌幅。不过,在这之前是非常难预测的。 www.1stenglish.com 6. Because that would not involve the great loss of human life that would have happened around the Oct event that we asked you to announce. 因为那不包括巨量的人类生命死亡,那我们要求你去声明的必定发生的10月事件。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The cost of roasting turkeys doesn't tend to follow actual wholesale prices but is often a loss leader. 烤火鸡的费用并不跟随实际的批发价格走还经常亏本。 www.bing.com 8. Jack was trying to hide the cigarets under a pile of books when his wife popped out from nowhere. Stunned, Jack was at a loss how to react. 杰克正想把香烟藏到一大堆书底下时,他妻子不知从什么中央冒了出来。 www.sousoufa.com 9. The bank reported a third-quarter net loss applicable to shareholders of $91 million, compared with a profit of $498 million a year earlier. 该银行第三季度录得股东应占亏损为9100万美元,去年同期的盈利则是4.98亿美元。 www.bing.com 10. If the loss estimates are too high or too low, you can get a very distorted picture of how the bank is truly performing. 如果坏账准备的估值过高或者过低的话,你就会看到一张非常扭曲不实的银行报表。 www.bing.com 1. Division of a compound or complex sentence Unfortunately, the want of the family had kept him from school and he seemed to feel the loss. 不幸的是,他因家境贫寒不能上学,他似乎痛切地感受到这种损失。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Had Krishnamurthy not gone to the physician, the worm could have burrowed his way into the patient's brain, caused vision loss. 假如Krishnamurthy没有来看医生,那么这条虫可能一路钻进他的脑袋,导致失明。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Over the last two decades thousands of new, trendy weight loss and dieting products have cycled in and out at your local health food store. 在过去的二十年内,数千种时兴的减肥产品和食品补充剂在健康食品商店中循环着流进流出。 www.bing.com 4. when the police arrived at the school, students and teachers is still in a state of a loss. 当警察到达学校的时候,学生和教师还在一种茫然不知所措的状态。 wenwen.soso.com 5. So am I wrong to follow #4? Is it a waste of self-control to monitor my eating like this, without getting the pay-off of weight loss? 所以第四条是不是不对?如此这般地监督我的饮食是不是在浪费了自制力,还不会有减肥的效果呢?。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. People have been in love with her and with the show. . . "It's a loss. People are going to have to grieve, " he said. 观众们都很爱她也很爱她主持的脱口秀…“这是我们的损失。大家肯定都很悲伤,”他说。 www.hjenglish.com 7. They would be paid by investors to securities assets or to hold them in safe-keeping, while the risk of loss would be transferred. 投资者会向他们支付资产证券化或保管的费用,而亏损的风险将得到转移。 www.ftchinese.com 8. From Adam and Eve Toushijinguo beginning to face the desire to love and hate the vortex, the human is always a loss. 从亚当、夏娃偷食禁果开端,面对爱恨交错的愿望旋涡,人类总是无所适从。 www.5212.cn 9. It depends on your risk profile as of how much you should set for the stop loss. 这主要取决于你的风险预测,你准备再什么位置斩仓。 www.bing.com 10. I am always at a loss to know how much to believe of my own stories. 我老是在困惑,对自己写的那些故事究应相信到什么程度。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. And when she had discovered this she was plunged into a misery which transcended that of the child's simple loss. 她看出了这一点,也就陷入了悲痛之中,甚至比孩子单纯死去的悲痛还要大。 www.hjenglish.com 2. If I stand on the free-throw line, but the brain think of that 10 million viewers watching me, and I may be loss. 如果我站在罚球线上,脑中却想着有1000万观众在注视着我,我可能会手足无措。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Although physically she was fine. The veterinarians felt that the loss of her litter had caused the tigress to fall into a depression. 尽管她身体尚可,但兽医认为丧子之痛令虎妈妈精神消沉。 www.elanso.com 4. However, the convergence of US and Chinese interest rates threatens to turn that into a loss-making proposition for Beijing. 不过,对于中国政府而言,中、美利率的趋同效果,可能使得上述操作成为一种赔钱的做法。 www.ftchinese.com 5. If the system is down even for a moment, the loss might be substantial and it may affect the lifetime of the business. 如果系统停机(即使很短的时间),损失会很大,可能会影响业务的生存期。 www.ibm.com 6. The form of pores is ellipse close to round , goes against to the lock age of pores , and also keeps off the water loss effectively . 气孔形态为椭圆近圆形,不利于气孔的开闭,也能有效地防止水分的流失。 www.fabiao.net 7. Since the responsibility rests with both parties, we are ready to pay 50% of the loss only. 既然双方都有责任,我们准备仅付50% www.bing.com 8. With all the protection the EU has in place, it was surprising to see it was a hotspot for biodiversity loss. 随着所有的保护措施都已在欧盟适当开展,仍然令人惊讶的是、这仍是生物多样性减少最多的地区。 www.bing.com 9. The Institute is now funding study of this erosion to understand how it happens and what triggers the coastline loss. 该研究所现在正在资助这项侵蚀海岸的研究,以了解它是如何发生,以及怎样触发了海岸线的逐步消失。 www.bing.com 10. The biggest loss caused by the quake was that of life and property, but it was not included in the calculation of GDP growth, said Wang. 地震造成的最大损失是生命和财产,但国民生产总值增长的计算并未涉及这些,王说。 www.elanso.com 1. Glaucoma - one of the leading causes of vision loss and blindness - is usually treated with eye drops. 青光眼,一种主要的导致视力丧失和失明的疾病,其主要治疗方法是滴眼药水。 www.bing.com 2. A cheap drug used to treat bowel cancer should also be prescribed to patients with a condition that leads to sight loss, say UK researchers. 英国研究人员称,一种用于治疗肠癌的廉价药物可用于易导致失明状况的患者。 www.enread.com 3. This error, if it had been left uncorrected, could have led to a potential loss of bookings equating to $3 million per year. 如果我们不更改这条错误信息的话,可能每年会造成价值300万美元的潜在预订业务损失。 www.bing.com 4. While the shaky cursor might be due to a packet loss, it might also be the result of a Web service timing out. 然而光标的轻微抖动都可能产生信息包的丢失,也可能产生Web服务超时的结果。 www-128.ibm.com 5. weight-loss business professional market analysis, planning, diagnosis, solve your confusion on the industry to help you to easily join. 企业进行专业减肥市场的分析、企划、诊断、解决你对行业的困惑,帮您轻松入行。 www.kmswcp.cn 6. Japanese accounting rules require that any loss existing at the end of the quarter must be deducted from the bank's capital base. 根据日本会计规则,每个季度末发生的损失都须从银行的资本金中扣除。 www.bing.com 7. The result of the competition may be more market share, may also be profit decrease or loss capital due to the high competition cost. 竞争的结果可能是更多的市场份额,也可能是由于高竞争成本导致的利润减少或资本亏损。 taody.com 8. No loss is a college student, conversation elegant, every act and every move all seem to be liberal and dignified. 不亏是大学生,谈吐文雅,一举一动都显得落落大方。 www.bing.com 9. The Bible tells us that when Naomi despaired over the loss of her husband and sons, her daughter-in-law Ruth refused to leave her. 圣经告诉我们,拿俄米因失去丈夫、儿子而沮丧时,她的媳妇路得不肯离开她。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 10. I can, if I wish, continue to produce at full capacity and sell at a loss, losing one dollar for every hundred or more lost by the monopoly. 如果我愿意,我可以继续开足马力亏本销售,我每损失一美元,垄断巨头将要损失一百美元或者更多。 www.bing.com 1. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money would make up for. 这些宝物的破坏是对人类而言的一种无法用金钱弥补的损失 zhidao.baidu.com 2. We are obliged to ask you to make up for the heavy loss we have suffered by the damage of the goods. 因货品破损,我方蒙受了很大的经济损失,不得不请贵方赔偿。 www.jstvu.edu.cn 3. Since the responsibility rests with both partie we are ready to pay 50% of the loss only. 既然双方都有责任,我方准备只赔偿50%的损失。 www.joyen.net 4. Ascend into a new preoccupation that supports ascension and there is no further sense of loss. 而提升进入一个支持提升的并不再有失去的感觉的新职业。 www.tisheng.org 5. As you said the forward market of foreign exchange is very helpful for companies of foreign trade to avoid possible loss. 您说过,期货外汇交易可以使外贸公司避免一些可能的损失。 www.hxen.com 6. It means partial loss or damage accidentally caused to the ship or to a particular lot of goods. 它意味部份损失或损伤偶然地被造成对船或对特殊全部物品。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. He produced a documentary called "Going Blind, " with the telling subtitle "Coming Out of the Dark About Vision Loss. " 他制作了一部叫作“眼睛瞎了”的纪录片,配有生动的副标题“走出丧失视力的黑暗阴影。” dongxi.net 8. Philip Morris Finland said the incineration resulted in a significant financial loss for the company. 菲莫芬兰称,焚烧给公司带来了巨大的经济损失。 www.tobaccochina.com 9. First, power can be transmitted over a great distance with practically negligible loss if it is carried by electric current. 第一,用电流可把动力输送到很远的地方,而其损耗几乎可以不计。 spdc.shnu.edu.cn 10. Even if I make any mistake, I shall not have to answer to anyone, though I might suffer some loss for some wrong decisions. 升值,如果我犯了任何错误,我也不用去回答任何人,尽管我也许会为了一些错误的决定而遭受一些损失。 wenwen.soso.com 1. The result of the competition may be more market share, may also be profit decrease or loss capital due to the high competition cost. 竞争的结果可能是更多的市场份额,也可能是由于高竞争成本导致的利润减少或资本亏损。 taody.com 2. No loss is a college student, conversation elegant, every act and every move all seem to be liberal and dignified. 不亏是大学生,谈吐文雅,一举一动都显得落落大方。 www.bing.com 3. The Bible tells us that when Naomi despaired over the loss of her husband and sons, her daughter-in-law Ruth refused to leave her. 圣经告诉我们,拿俄米因失去丈夫、儿子而沮丧时,她的媳妇路得不肯离开她。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 4. I can, if I wish, continue to produce at full capacity and sell at a loss, losing one dollar for every hundred or more lost by the monopoly. 如果我愿意,我可以继续开足马力亏本销售,我每损失一美元,垄断巨头将要损失一百美元或者更多。 www.bing.com 5. Microsoft said the loss in its ad sales division was due to the significant decline of average rates in display advertising. 微软表示,这一损失主要是由于在线图片广告平均资费的大幅度降低。 www.bing.com 6. Increase in temperature increases the rate of deposition and hence the heat loss to the surroundings should be prevented. 温度升高,沉积速度加快,因此,应当避免热量散失到周围环境中。 lib.cqvip.com 7. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money would make up for. 这些宝物的破坏是对人类而言的一种无法用金钱弥补的损失 zhidao.baidu.com 8. We are obliged to ask you to make up for the heavy loss we have suffered by the damage of the goods. 因货品破损,我方蒙受了很大的经济损失,不得不请贵方赔偿。 www.jstvu.edu.cn 9. Since the responsibility rests with both partie we are ready to pay 50% of the loss only. 既然双方都有责任,我方准备只赔偿50%的损失。 www.joyen.net 10. Ascend into a new preoccupation that supports ascension and there is no further sense of loss. 而提升进入一个支持提升的并不再有失去的感觉的新职业。 www.tisheng.org 1. I can, if I wish, continue to produce at full capacity and sell at a loss, losing one dollar for every hundred or more lost by the monopoly. 如果我愿意,我可以继续开足马力亏本销售,我每损失一美元,垄断巨头将要损失一百美元或者更多。 www.bing.com 2. Microsoft said the loss in its ad sales division was due to the significant decline of average rates in display advertising. 微软表示,这一损失主要是由于在线图片广告平均资费的大幅度降低。 www.bing.com 3. Increase in temperature increases the rate of deposition and hence the heat loss to the surroundings should be prevented. 温度升高,沉积速度加快,因此,应当避免热量散失到周围环境中。 lib.cqvip.com 4. Its video-game division, which used to dominate the field and sustain the rest of the company, is expected to make a loss in 2008. 它的视频游戏部门原来在这个领域占支配地位并能帮助维持公司其他部门,但是在2008年可能开始亏损。 www.ecocn.org 5. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money would make up for. 这些宝物的破坏是对人类而言的一种无法用金钱弥补的损失 zhidao.baidu.com 6. We are obliged to ask you to make up for the heavy loss we have suffered by the damage of the goods. 因货品破损,我方蒙受了很大的经济损失,不得不请贵方赔偿。 www.jstvu.edu.cn 7. Since the responsibility rests with both partie we are ready to pay 50% of the loss only. 既然双方都有责任,我方准备只赔偿50%的损失。 www.joyen.net 8. Ascend into a new preoccupation that supports ascension and there is no further sense of loss. 而提升进入一个支持提升的并不再有失去的感觉的新职业。 www.tisheng.org 9. As you said the forward market of foreign exchange is very helpful for companies of foreign trade to avoid possible loss. 您说过,期货外汇交易可以使外贸公司避免一些可能的损失。 www.hxen.com 10. It means partial loss or damage accidentally caused to the ship or to a particular lot of goods. 它意味部份损失或损伤偶然地被造成对船或对特殊全部物品。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Its video-game division, which used to dominate the field and sustain the rest of the company, is expected to make a loss in 2008. 它的视频游戏部门原来在这个领域占支配地位并能帮助维持公司其他部门,但是在2008年可能开始亏损。 www.ecocn.org 2. It involved foolishness and loss but it did not invalidate the internet any more than this upheaval invalidates credit derivatives. 互联网泡沫中有愚蠢和损失,但它对互联网的破坏程度怎么都比不上此次剧变对信用衍生品的破坏。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money would make up for. 这些宝物的破坏是对人类而言的一种无法用金钱弥补的损失 zhidao.baidu.com 4. We are obliged to ask you to make up for the heavy loss we have suffered by the damage of the goods. 因货品破损,我方蒙受了很大的经济损失,不得不请贵方赔偿。 www.jstvu.edu.cn 5. Since the responsibility rests with both partie we are ready to pay 50% of the loss only. 既然双方都有责任,我方准备只赔偿50%的损失。 www.joyen.net 6. Ascend into a new preoccupation that supports ascension and there is no further sense of loss. 而提升进入一个支持提升的并不再有失去的感觉的新职业。 www.tisheng.org 7. As you said the forward market of foreign exchange is very helpful for companies of foreign trade to avoid possible loss. 您说过,期货外汇交易可以使外贸公司避免一些可能的损失。 www.hxen.com 8. It means partial loss or damage accidentally caused to the ship or to a particular lot of goods. 它意味部份损失或损伤偶然地被造成对船或对特殊全部物品。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. He produced a documentary called "Going Blind, " with the telling subtitle "Coming Out of the Dark About Vision Loss. " 他制作了一部叫作“眼睛瞎了”的纪录片,配有生动的副标题“走出丧失视力的黑暗阴影。” dongxi.net 10. Philip Morris Finland said the incineration resulted in a significant financial loss for the company. 菲莫芬兰称,焚烧给公司带来了巨大的经济损失。 www.tobaccochina.com 1. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money would make up for. 这些宝物的破坏是对人类而言的一种无法用金钱弥补的损失 zhidao.baidu.com 2. We are obliged to ask you to make up for the heavy loss we have suffered by the damage of the goods. 因货品破损,我方蒙受了很大的经济损失,不得不请贵方赔偿。 www.jstvu.edu.cn 3. Since the responsibility rests with both partie we are ready to pay 50% of the loss only. 既然双方都有责任,我方准备只赔偿50%的损失。 www.joyen.net 4. Ascend into a new preoccupation that supports ascension and there is no further sense of loss. 而提升进入一个支持提升的并不再有失去的感觉的新职业。 www.tisheng.org 5. As you said the forward market of foreign exchange is very helpful for companies of foreign trade to avoid possible loss. 您说过,期货外汇交易可以使外贸公司避免一些可能的损失。 www.hxen.com 6. It means partial loss or damage accidentally caused to the ship or to a particular lot of goods. 它意味部份损失或损伤偶然地被造成对船或对特殊全部物品。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. He produced a documentary called "Going Blind, " with the telling subtitle "Coming Out of the Dark About Vision Loss. " 他制作了一部叫作“眼睛瞎了”的纪录片,配有生动的副标题“走出丧失视力的黑暗阴影。” dongxi.net 8. Philip Morris Finland said the incineration resulted in a significant financial loss for the company. 菲莫芬兰称,焚烧给公司带来了巨大的经济损失。 www.tobaccochina.com 9. First, power can be transmitted over a great distance with practically negligible loss if it is carried by electric current. 第一,用电流可把动力输送到很远的地方,而其损耗几乎可以不计。 spdc.shnu.edu.cn 10. Even if I make any mistake, I shall not have to answer to anyone, though I might suffer some loss for some wrong decisions. 升值,如果我犯了任何错误,我也不用去回答任何人,尽管我也许会为了一些错误的决定而遭受一些损失。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Since the responsibility rests with both partie we are ready to pay 50% of the loss only. 既然双方都有责任,我方准备只赔偿50%的损失。 www.joyen.net 2. Ascend into a new preoccupation that supports ascension and there is no further sense of loss. 而提升进入一个支持提升的并不再有失去的感觉的新职业。 www.tisheng.org 3. As you said the forward market of foreign exchange is very helpful for companies of foreign trade to avoid possible loss. 您说过,期货外汇交易可以使外贸公司避免一些可能的损失。 www.hxen.com 4. It means partial loss or damage accidentally caused to the ship or to a particular lot of goods. 它意味部份损失或损伤偶然地被造成对船或对特殊全部物品。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. He produced a documentary called "Going Blind, " with the telling subtitle "Coming Out of the Dark About Vision Loss. " 他制作了一部叫作“眼睛瞎了”的纪录片,配有生动的副标题“走出丧失视力的黑暗阴影。” dongxi.net 6. Philip Morris Finland said the incineration resulted in a significant financial loss for the company. 菲莫芬兰称,焚烧给公司带来了巨大的经济损失。 www.tobaccochina.com 7. First, power can be transmitted over a great distance with practically negligible loss if it is carried by electric current. 第一,用电流可把动力输送到很远的地方,而其损耗几乎可以不计。 spdc.shnu.edu.cn 8. Even if I make any mistake, I shall not have to answer to anyone, though I might suffer some loss for some wrong decisions. 升值,如果我犯了任何错误,我也不用去回答任何人,尽管我也许会为了一些错误的决定而遭受一些损失。 wenwen.soso.com 9. DENNIS: Well, in case of loss or theft, all of the password-protected data is automatically backed up to a web account once a day . 丹尼斯:不怕,这里所有带密码保护的资料,会每天一次自动备份到一个网络帐户里,为的就是防止丢失或被盗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. 你的损失是沉重的,我觉得以任何言语来劝你节哀都是软弱无力,无济于事的。 www.hicoo.net 1. He produced a documentary called "Going Blind, " with the telling subtitle "Coming Out of the Dark About Vision Loss. " 他制作了一部叫作“眼睛瞎了”的纪录片,配有生动的副标题“走出丧失视力的黑暗阴影。” dongxi.net 2. Philip Morris Finland said the incineration resulted in a significant financial loss for the company. 菲莫芬兰称,焚烧给公司带来了巨大的经济损失。 www.tobaccochina.com 3. First, power can be transmitted over a great distance with practically negligible loss if it is carried by electric current. 第一,用电流可把动力输送到很远的地方,而其损耗几乎可以不计。 spdc.shnu.edu.cn 4. Even if I make any mistake, I shall not have to answer to anyone, though I might suffer some loss for some wrong decisions. 升值,如果我犯了任何错误,我也不用去回答任何人,尽管我也许会为了一些错误的决定而遭受一些损失。 wenwen.soso.com 5. DENNIS: Well, in case of loss or theft, all of the password-protected data is automatically backed up to a web account once a day . 丹尼斯:不怕,这里所有带密码保护的资料,会每天一次自动备份到一个网络帐户里,为的就是防止丢失或被盗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. 你的损失是沉重的,我觉得以任何言语来劝你节哀都是软弱无力,无济于事的。 www.hicoo.net 7. Farmland external benefit is often neglected, which leads to the loss of farmland mostly in the process of the rapid urbanization. 快速城镇化进程中耕地损失的深层次动因之一是耕地的外部效益往往被忽视。 lib.cqvip.com 8. Toshiba spokeswoman Kaori Hiraki said the loss estimate was not issued by the company, which is still reviewing its earnings forecasts. 东芝发言人KaoriHiraki称,该亏损预估不是由公司发布的,而公司仍在评估获利前景。 cn.reuters.com 9. We have to ask for compensation of the loss incurred as a result of the inferior quality of the goods concerned. 我方不得不向贵方提出索赔,赔偿因劣质货给我方造成的损失。 www.joyen.net 10. Liver cancer is often asymptomatic at early stage. Patients may experience weight loss and malaise. 早期肝癌一般没有任何病徵,患者或会感觉身体疲倦及体重下降。 www.chp.gov.hk 1. DENNIS: Well, in case of loss or theft, all of the password-protected data is automatically backed up to a web account once a day . 丹尼斯:不怕,这里所有带密码保护的资料,会每天一次自动备份到一个网络帐户里,为的就是防止丢失或被盗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. 你的损失是沉重的,我觉得以任何言语来劝你节哀都是软弱无力,无济于事的。 www.hicoo.net 3. Farmland external benefit is often neglected, which leads to the loss of farmland mostly in the process of the rapid urbanization. 快速城镇化进程中耕地损失的深层次动因之一是耕地的外部效益往往被忽视。 lib.cqvip.com 4. Toshiba spokeswoman Kaori Hiraki said the loss estimate was not issued by the company, which is still reviewing its earnings forecasts. 东芝发言人KaoriHiraki称,该亏损预估不是由公司发布的,而公司仍在评估获利前景。 cn.reuters.com 5. We have to ask for compensation of the loss incurred as a result of the inferior quality of the goods concerned. 我方不得不向贵方提出索赔,赔偿因劣质货给我方造成的损失。 www.joyen.net 6. Liver cancer is often asymptomatic at early stage. Patients may experience weight loss and malaise. 早期肝癌一般没有任何病徵,患者或会感觉身体疲倦及体重下降。 www.chp.gov.hk 7. What he meant by looks was how much my loss of them was worth in a court of law. 他所指的外表问题是指我在这方面损失的金钱数额是否值得上法庭打官司。 dongxi.net 8. When a child has become conditioned to life in a city , he may feel quite at a loss in any other environment. 当一个孩子对城市生活习惯以后,他在任何其他环境里都可能感到不知所措。 qq163s.cn 9. I heard that moxibustion moxibustion temple can prevent hair loss, do not know whether to use tubes, you can consult a doctor . . . . . . 我听说可以用艾灸灸太阳穴防脱发,不知道管不论用,可以咨询一下医生…… 99mrw.5d6d.com 10. ATLANTA -- The bottom line on the Lakers' 86-76 loss today to the Atlanta Hawks was that they didn't get the ball to Pau Gasol often enough. 亚特兰大——湖人今天以86-76大败于亚特兰大老鹰队,是因为他们命中率不高。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Liver cancer is often asymptomatic at early stage. Patients may experience weight loss and malaise. 早期肝癌一般没有任何病徵,患者或会感觉身体疲倦及体重下降。 www.chp.gov.hk 2. What he meant by looks was how much my loss of them was worth in a court of law. 他所指的外表问题是指我在这方面损失的金钱数额是否值得上法庭打官司。 dongxi.net 3. When a child has become conditioned to life in a city , he may feel quite at a loss in any other environment. 当一个孩子对城市生活习惯以后,他在任何其他环境里都可能感到不知所措。 qq163s.cn 4. Everyone practiced for the Lakers today as the team began to shake off the ill effects of Sunday night's blowout loss to Boston. 今天每个队员的训练貌似都已经摆脱了周日对阵凯尔特人的失利带来的不良影响。 bbs.tbba.com.cn 5. I heard that moxibustion moxibustion temple can prevent hair loss, do not know whether to use tubes, you can consult a doctor . . . . . . 我听说可以用艾灸灸太阳穴防脱发,不知道管不论用,可以咨询一下医生…… 99mrw.5d6d.com 6. ATLANTA -- The bottom line on the Lakers' 86-76 loss today to the Atlanta Hawks was that they didn't get the ball to Pau Gasol often enough. 亚特兰大——湖人今天以86-76大败于亚特兰大老鹰队,是因为他们命中率不高。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The waiter was entirely at loss and my boss stared at me, asking me what "congee" was. 那个服务员听了一头雾水.老板望着我,意思是叫我翻译一下。 www.ebigear.com 8. I felt concerned, but being far from proficient in medical science, or in any other science, I was at a loss what advice to give him. 我很关切,但鉴于我对医学或是任何科学都远谈不上精通,我简直不知怎样给他出主意。 www.bing.com 9. when a feeling not belong to you, it was no value for you too, so you don't think it is a loss. 当一份感情不属于你的时候,它根本也对你没有一点价值,所以你也不必认为它是一种损失。 www.tiantianbt.com 10. The sort of loss of "well integrity" that would lead to such a leak would in its turn relieve the pressure exerted by the cap. “油井完整性”缺失可能引起这场泄漏,反过来,这会缓减阀门盖释放的压力。 www.ecocn.org 1. I heard that moxibustion moxibustion temple can prevent hair loss, do not know whether to use tubes, you can consult a doctor . . . . . . 我听说可以用艾灸灸太阳穴防脱发,不知道管不论用,可以咨询一下医生…… 99mrw.5d6d.com 2. ATLANTA -- The bottom line on the Lakers' 86-76 loss today to the Atlanta Hawks was that they didn't get the ball to Pau Gasol often enough. 亚特兰大——湖人今天以86-76大败于亚特兰大老鹰队,是因为他们命中率不高。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The waiter was entirely at loss and my boss stared at me, asking me what "congee" was. 那个服务员听了一头雾水.老板望着我,意思是叫我翻译一下。 www.ebigear.com 4. I felt concerned, but being far from proficient in medical science, or in any other science, I was at a loss what advice to give him. 我很关切,但鉴于我对医学或是任何科学都远谈不上精通,我简直不知怎样给他出主意。 www.bing.com 5. when a feeling not belong to you, it was no value for you too, so you don't think it is a loss. 当一份感情不属于你的时候,它根本也对你没有一点价值,所以你也不必认为它是一种损失。 www.tiantianbt.com 6. The sort of loss of "well integrity" that would lead to such a leak would in its turn relieve the pressure exerted by the cap. “油井完整性”缺失可能引起这场泄漏,反过来,这会缓减阀门盖释放的压力。 www.ecocn.org 7. Liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any use or reliance on any of the information provided here. 对于因使用或依据所载的资料而引起的任何损失或损害,金管局恕不负责。 www.info.gov.hk 8. He imagined that she was troubled over the loss of her child and that her health was not entirely restored. 他设想她是为失去孩子而受着折磨,设想她的健康没有完全复原。 9. Your doctor also may be able to direct you to weight-loss support groups or refer you to a registered dietitian. 医生也可能会向你推荐减肥自助小组和营养师。 www.bing.com 10. Accordingly, liu Shihui overcame the iron that surpass the door the company to tell a court, ask this company recoups its loss 1644 yuan. 因此,刘士辉将赛门铁克公司告上了法庭,要求该公司赔偿其损失1644元。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The waiter was entirely at loss and my boss stared at me, asking me what "congee" was. 那个服务员听了一头雾水.老板望着我,意思是叫我翻译一下。 www.ebigear.com 2. I felt concerned, but being far from proficient in medical science, or in any other science, I was at a loss what advice to give him. 我很关切,但鉴于我对医学或是任何科学都远谈不上精通,我简直不知怎样给他出主意。 www.bing.com 3. when a feeling not belong to you, it was no value for you too, so you don't think it is a loss. 当一份感情不属于你的时候,它根本也对你没有一点价值,所以你也不必认为它是一种损失。 www.tiantianbt.com 4. The sort of loss of "well integrity" that would lead to such a leak would in its turn relieve the pressure exerted by the cap. “油井完整性”缺失可能引起这场泄漏,反过来,这会缓减阀门盖释放的压力。 www.ecocn.org 5. Liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any use or reliance on any of the information provided here. 对于因使用或依据所载的资料而引起的任何损失或损害,金管局恕不负责。 www.info.gov.hk 6. He imagined that she was troubled over the loss of her child and that her health was not entirely restored. 他设想她是为失去孩子而受着折磨,设想她的健康没有完全复原。 7. Your doctor also may be able to direct you to weight-loss support groups or refer you to a registered dietitian. 医生也可能会向你推荐减肥自助小组和营养师。 www.bing.com 8. Accordingly, liu Shihui overcame the iron that surpass the door the company to tell a court, ask this company recoups its loss 1644 yuan. 因此,刘士辉将赛门铁克公司告上了法庭,要求该公司赔偿其损失1644元。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. If your annual loss was shrinking year after year, then you would be probably be able to come out of it, like Amazon did. 如果您的年度亏损逐年萎缩,那么你可能会像亚马逊能够走出有这样做。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. That's likely to include requiring the Fed in an accounting sense to see a significant accounting loss. 会计角度看,这可能包括令联储面临巨大账面亏损。 cn.reuters.com 1. If your annual loss was shrinking year after year, then you would be probably be able to come out of it, like Amazon did. 如果您的年度亏损逐年萎缩,那么你可能会像亚马逊能够走出有这样做。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. That's likely to include requiring the Fed in an accounting sense to see a significant accounting loss. 会计角度看,这可能包括令联储面临巨大账面亏损。 cn.reuters.com 3. Mr. Zhang said he's been through hair loss for many years and his image had been seriously spoiled at least 5 years. 张先生说他的脱发已经有很多年了,而感觉脱发已经严重影响形象至少有5年时间了。 shenzhen.kefayuan.com 4. But I have to be very careful with these kids, because if you get too attached, you're just setting yourself up for loss. 但是我必须非常小心的跟这些孩子相处,因为如果你太依恋,你会感到不舍。 www.xue.net 5. But the stubborn body fat like Laichuang dolls, no matter how much weight loss drug to eat, or do not want the shelf. 但身上顽固的肥肉像个赖床的娃娃,无论吃了多少减肥药,还是不愿意下架。 www.dota123.com 6. But she promised that if there was a bird flu outbreak in poultry there would be support for farmers suffering economic loss. 但她许诺,如果有一个家禽禽流感爆发将有对农民的支持遭受经济损失。 www.sodua.net 7. He seemed lost in thought and nod his head, but I can still see the upset and loss from his confused eyes. 他若有所思地点了点头,但是我从他迷茫的双眼当中,仍看得出一丝不安与彷徨。 yanglina992.blog.163.com 8. Employees in DC schemes can be at a loss when deciding how much to invest, where to put their money and what kind of pension to expect. 在DC计划中,雇员在决定投入多少额度以及需要哪种养老金时茫然不知。 www.ecocn.org 9. Years of heavy sales incentives had gutted its profit margins, and the company warned a significant loss was likely that year. 多年的高额销售激励措施吞食了公司的利润率,公司发布预警称当年可能出现巨额亏损。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The top line of profit and loss statements is revenue (that's why you'll often hear revenue referred to as "the top line" ). 损益表的顶行是收入(这也是为什么你经常听到收入被称为“顶行”的原因)。 www.bing.com 1. The top line of profit and loss statements is revenue (that's why you'll often hear revenue referred to as "the top line" ). 损益表的顶行是收入(这也是为什么你经常听到收入被称为“顶行”的原因)。 www.bing.com 2. Pearl, whose activity of spirit never flagged, had been at no loss for amusement while her mother talked with the old gatherer of herbs. 珠儿的精神从来十足,当她母亲同那采药老人谈话时,她一直玩得挺带劲。 www.ebigear.com 3. I'm sorry for your loss of Mimi, she was lucky to have spent many years with a family that loved her, My thoughts all with you. 对你失去的咪咪我很遗憾,她很幸运,与一个爱她的家庭一起生活了许多年。祝你平安 blog.sina.com.cn 4. There is also the question of police morale, already shaken by the phone-hacking scandal and a loss leadership in London. 此外还有警队士气的问题,电话窃听丑闻以及伦敦警方缺乏领导本已令士气动摇。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Is it really any coincidence that at least seven of his biggest movies have been about him gaining revenge for the loss of a loved one? 难道他在七部大片里都上演为失去的爱人复仇的剧情是个巧合? www.bing.com 6. Atlanta was one of the last remaining industrial cities of the South. Its loss seriously hurt the Confederacy. 亚特兰大是南方残留的为数不多的工业城市之一,亚特兰大的丢失,极大地打击了南方。 www.bing.com 7. They are right, but I can tell you that that loss is nothing compared to what I gained. 他们说得对,但是我可以告诉你:那点损失和我所得到的相比根本不算什么。 bbs.hcbbs.com 8. Prefer loss to the wealth of dishonest gain; the former vexes you for a time; the latter will bring you lasting remorse. 宁可失去以不诚实得到的财富;失去让你懊恼一阵子;不诚实得到的财富会给你带来永恒的自责。 www.hfu.edu.tw 9. He sounded like he was trying the words on for size, attempting to make sense of their enormity, and of his loss. 他说话的速度很慢,好像还不相信,妻子的去世对他们造成的伤害和损失。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. At this point, it may seem, labor has suffered a net loss of employment, while it is only the manufacturer, the capitalist, who has gained. 在这种情况下,好像劳工的就业机会遭受了损失,而只有那位制衣商,也就是资本家才能从中获利。 dongxi.net 1. The report says hearing loss is not just a natural result of the aging process. The major cause is noise. 该报道称,失聪不仅仅是年龄增长的自然结果,主要原因是噪音。 www.unsv.com 2. Assuming you can back up the active log after a disaster occurs, you can restore the database up to the point of failure without data loss. 假定可以在发生严重故障后备份活动日志,则可将数据库一直还原到没有发生数据丢失的故障点处。 technet.microsoft.com 3. The sort of loss that climate change inflicts in a decade is often the sort of gain that better farming brings in a year. 十年里气候变化造成的减产,经常与一年里由于耕种技术改进带来的增产相等。 www.ecocn.org 4. Withstand this pressure, there is often a sense of loss, which is commonly known as "gray" mentality. 经受不住这种压力,往往会有失落感,也就是人们常说的“灰色”心理。 www.xiami360.com 5. "I would think a loss like this might take a little bit out of their sails, " said Jordan Farmar, dressing slowly. “我想这场失利可能会阻碍他们的前进道路。”法码尔正在慢慢地穿上衣服。 www.kobechina.com.cn 6. A negative difference is a loss and is usually shown in brackets, or sometimes in red ink. 负的结果就是亏损,通常放在括号中体现,有时也用红色字体体现。 www.elanso.com 7. In Ramah there was a sound of weeping and great sorrow, Rachel weeping for her children, and she would not be comforted for their loss. 在拉玛听见了声音,哀哭和大悲伤的声音;是拉结哭她的儿女,不肯受安慰,因为他们不在了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. During the mid game, or even in the late game at stages, losing a small chunk of your army to the enemy is no small loss. 年代中期场,甚至是在游戏后期,失去在阶段中的一小块敌人部队是不小的损失。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Where the Company foresees a loss or any major change to its operating results, a timely business result forecast must be made. 公司预计经营业绩发生亏损或者发生大幅变动的,应当及时进行业绩预告。 www.bokee.net 10. The girl watched delightedly at the bird's enjoyment. Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss. She wanted the bird to be happy. 看到鸟儿快乐的样子,女孩很高兴,她的内心已不再计较自己的得失,她希望鸟儿能够幸福。 blog.163.com 1. Of the 8000 duck breeding farm, said the duck 9, appetite loss, and color began to have symptoms, 10 had reported this. 养殖8000只种鸭的该农场表示,鸭子9日开始出现食欲减少和色便等症状,10日就此进行了申报。 www.englishtang.com 2. Please be aware that this loss in rating is not currently displaying properly and will instead show as a draw for both teams. 请注意:现在扣分的情况还不能正确显示,而会显示出两队平局。这个问题将在以后的更新中解决。 bbs.ngacn.cc 3. "This is a journey about redemption and loss and returning, but at the end of the day we're just all trying to stay people, " she said. “这是一个关于救赎,失去与回归的旅程,但长日将尽时,我们所做的一切也不是维持我们的人性。”她说。 www.bing.com 4. But let me take some of those concepts and simplify them a little more, for some (almost) easy ways to beat your weight-loss struggles. 但我想用我领悟到的观念把它简化一下,能让你在减肥的时候少做些挣扎。 www.ttxyy.com 5. Dama and the stepfather of her loss of reproductive capacity, but also inconsistent with her all the men, they did not dare to squint. 继父的打骂与侵犯让她失去了生育的能力,也让她抵触所有男性,对他们不敢斜视。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Your doctor will ask you some questions, like how much hair you're losing, when it started, and whether your parents have hair loss. 医生会提出一些问题,比如掉发多少,什么时候开始掉发,父母是否掉发等。 www.bing.com 7. Inventory at least once a year, and the amount included in current profit and loss. 每年至少盘点一次。盘盈及盘亏金额计入当期损益。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 8. My master's surprise equalled or exceeded mine: he remained for a minute at a loss how to address the plough boy, as he had called him. 我主人的惊奇跟我一样,或者还超过了我,他呆在那儿有一分钟之久,不知该怎样招呼这个他所谓的乡巴佬。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He said he realized he was going to take a loss by selling it to us, but it was worth it. 他说他知道卖给我们会蚀钱,但是认为值得。 www.bing.com 10. over time the grief and sense of loss left and greater freedom and a higher vibration achieved in their evolution was the result. 随着时间的过去,结果就是,在他们提升中悲痛与丧失感消失了,而更大的自由和更高的振动实现了。 www.lingyuan.net 1. Again, this loss does not show up in the FAO's figures, and the resulting emissions are considered to be natural, not man-made. 又一次,其损失数额没有出现在联合国粮农组织的统计中,导致的温室气体排放被看作是自然现象,而不是人为造成的。 www.ecocn.org 2. While it's easy to blame your parents for your thin hair or balding scalp, not all causes of hair loss trace back to genetics. 我们常常把头发稀少或者秃顶怪罪于我们的父母,但其实脱发的原因并不完全是遗传的。 www.bing.com 3. Furthermore, donor age seems to be a more important predictor of graft loss than donor sex. 此外,供者年龄较供者性别似乎能更好地预测移植物的丢失。 news.dxy.cn 4. A pure risk has no chance of gain: there is only a chance of loss. 单纯的风险没有获利的机会,只有可能受损; www.jukuu.com 5. Now, in John Logan she saw a man prepared to die to prevent the kind of loss she felt herself to have sustained. 现在,从约翰·洛根身上,她看到一个男人为了不让她自己所承受的悲剧重演而准备英勇赴死。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Argon filled liners have been used in solar greenhouses to reduce heat loss at night. Light bulbs have been filled with Argon. 氩吸收光线已用于日光温室,在晚上减少热损失,电灯泡也是充满氩气的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. She said if he were to break his neck it wouldn't be much loss. 她常说,即便吉姆折断了脖子,对她来说也不是什么大事儿。 www.joyen.net 8. Part One 831. We accept the claim, but can you tell me how much you want us to compensate you for the loss? 我们接受索赔,但你能告诉我赔偿你多少损失 www.kekenet.com 9. Today, I saw a weight loss 'before and after' advertisement and I wished I could at least look like the 'before'. FML. 今天,我看到一个减肥广告,上面有“减肥前”和“减肥后”的效果对比。我好希望我看起来能起码像那个“减肥前”啊。FML。 autumnwater.galaaa.com 10. However, it may also be a warning sign of blood loss in your body that may be causing you to be deficient in iron. 然而,血红蛋白降低也可能警示着,你的身体正在失血(并可能由此导致缺铁)。 www.bing.com 1. That means how much physical activity you get in a day has more impact on your weight loss and gain than a fast or slow metabolism. 这意味着一天当中你有更多的身体运动就会更多地影响减肥,这与代谢的快慢无关。 www.bing.com 2. We assume no liability to you or any other person for any loss or expense due to your failure to comply with this provision. 如果贵方或其他方没有遵守这款规定而导致额外的损失或费用,我方对此不负有任何责任。 www.tianya.cn 3. The Organization is still in a state of shock. There is a strong sense of loss. 本组织仍处在震惊之中,有一种强烈的失落感。 www.who.int 4. Edmund, on this appeal, had first to hear what was going on; but, on understanding the question, was at no loss for an answer. 埃德蒙听父亲这样问他,先得听听他们刚才在谈什么,等一打听清楚,就觉得没什么不好回答的。 novel.tingroom.com 5. Id like media upload so sort of id like them to be compressed as much as possible without quality loss. 我上传想媒体等图像和视频排序。本人想他们被压缩无质量损失尽可能。 www.bing.com 6. Sometimes, a man of sense of loss, aloof and a world. 有时候,一个人的失落,孤傲了一个世界。 www.haoqq.net 7. of the manufacturing enterprise, the objective was to turn a loss into a profit. 在上述制造企业中,其目标是扭亏为盈。 www.jukuu.com 8. As his birthday and anniversary of his death approaches, I feel overwhelmed by emotions. . . by his loss. 随着他生日和逝世周年的临近,我陷入对他无尽的思念之中。 dongxi.net 9. How much did you compensate him for loss? 你们赔偿他多少损失费? www.hxen.com 10. There is the beginning of the "early loss" , far from looking like the same moon night. 开始所出现的是是“初亏”,远远看去,想夜晚的月亮一样。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com |
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