单词 | book review |
释义 | 例句释义: 书评,图书评论,书评短文,书评摘要 1. It was indeed like the book review said, this book had detailed and indepth findings of Chinese tradition of protecting life. 的确如书评所说,本书对中国人护生的传统作了非常深入广泛而细致的挖掘。 www.chinadialogue.net 2. "How they compile these lists is still a mystery to me, " Seuss complained in an essay in The New York Times Book Review. “他们是如何编出这些单词表的?对我来说这始终是个谜,”苏斯在一篇纽约时报书评文章中抱怨说。 dongxi.net 3. I finished the book review the day before yesterday, but it was written on the base of a book review my young brother did. 前天我完成了书评,不过是在我弟的写的一篇书评的基础上完成的。 hi.baidu.com 4. Pamela Paul is the children's books editor of the Book Review. 帕梅拉·保罗是儿童读物的书评编辑。 dongxi.net 5. The result of lexical density calculation and etymological analysis all prove that The New York Times Book Review is a high formal genre. 词汇方面进行的词汇密度和词源分析都证明了《纽约时报书评》是一种正式的文体。 www.fabiao.net 6. When antivirus companies post on their websites a new warning of a fresh menace the author is thrilled like getting a great book review. 当反病毒公司在他们的网站上贴新威胁的新警告,病毒编写者就激动得象收到很好得书评一样。 guyuenglish.com 7. book review Personally, the book is far to be good, so the review is not to blame! 个人觉得主要是书太差,不能怪书评差! www.chinadialogue.net 8. Book review, also known as study notes, is a common application style, are generally argumentative category. 读后感,也叫读书笔记,是一种常用的应用文体,一般属于议论文的范畴。 www.bing.com 9. Whereas English academic book review, as an important form of discourse, has received less attention in this field of study. 而英语学术书评作为论文一种重要的形式,却在人际意义的研究中没有得到应有的重视。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. Based on the result of the macro-analysis and micro-analysis, the situational context of The New York Times Book Review is summarized. 根据宏观与微观分析的研究发现,论文最后总结了《纽约时报书评》的情境语境。 www.fabiao.net 1. Investigation from a web page is also OK, but must be to book review, not the content nor the Introduction. 从网页上查的也行,不过一定是要读后感,不是内容也不是简介。 www.zhuxiansf.org 2. Portfolio : the portfolio will contain lesson plan reviews, notes from observations, course book review and an EFL course plan . 课题计划:包括课题编辑,观察笔记,课本评论和一个EFL课程编写。 www.bing.com 3. One recent week, the Sunday Book Review was a slender twentyfour pages and contained scant advertising. 最近一周,《星期日书评》只有薄薄的24页,而且几乎没有广告。 dongxi.net 4. This paper analyses the background and content of this book review. 本文分析了该书评的时代背景,内容以及由此引发的思考。 www.libnet.sh.cn 5. But if you are going to write a book review of substance, you are going to have to find substance in the book. 但是如果你们要写一篇读后感,你们应该先读书,从书中找到有感触的东西。 www.bing.com 6. The year's best books, selected by the editors of The New York Times Book Review. 这是《纽约时报书评》编辑精选的年度十大好书。 cn.nytimes.com 7. I had written a book review the day before yesterday, but it was not good enough. 前天我写了一篇书评,但不是很好。 blog.163.com 8. In fact, interpersonal meaning is an essential component of English academic book review. 其实,学术书评的人际意义十分丰富。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. a paper on corporate accountability and the Holocaust, I discovered a remarkably pertinent book review in that day's New York Times. 一篇关于公司责任和二次大战期间对犹太人的大屠杀的论文,我在当天的纽约时报上看到了一篇十分中肯的书评… www.yibar.com.cn 10. Pamela Paul is the features editor and children's books editor at the Book Review of The Times. PamelaPaul是《纽约时报书评》的专题编辑和童书编辑。 cn.nytimes.com 1. Francesca Mari has written for The New Republic, The New York Times Book Review, Bookforum, and other publications. 弗朗西斯卡·玛丽,《新共和杂志》、《纽约时报书评》、《书会》和其他出版物的作者。 dongxi.net 2. Sam Tanenhaus, the editor of the New York Times Book Review, is well qualified to explain this extraordinary debacle. 山姆·塔纳豪斯作为《纽约时报》(书评专刊)的编辑,绝对够资格解释这个非比寻常的难题。 www.ecocn.org 3. The book review is the comment on books, so is the book review of the books on Translation Studies. 书评是对书籍的评论,是评论的一种形式,而译学专著书评则是对翻译学专著的评论。 www.sinoss.net 4. The Book Review is part of the Sunday edition via Kindle, where a monthly subscription runs $13. 99; the crossword puzzle isn't. 通过Kindle订阅的《纽约时报》周日版电子版包含有书评,每月价格为$13.99美元。周日版不包含填字游戏。 www.bing.com 5. Kostakos studied voting patterns on Amazon, the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), and the book review site BookCrossings. Kostakos研究了亚马逊,IMDB(互联网电影数据库),以及图书评论站点BookCrossings上的投票模式。 www.bing.com 6. Term-Paper-Writer helps you on College Term Paper, College Essay, Research Paper, Book Review and Thesis. 任期制纸皮作家帮助你对大学来说,学院征文、论文、书评和论文。 www.2getnews.com 7. Last week's New York Times Book Review contained no fewer than three separate items about the death of print. 上周纽约时报书评刊登了不少于3篇谈论图书印刷消亡的文章。 www.bing.com 8. This book review was written with acrimony. 这篇书评语调刻薄。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Try writing a book review on your blog, or joining a book club. 试着在你的博客上写写书评,或者加入一个阅读俱乐部。 www.hjenglish.com 10. The New York Times Book Review gives such books their own best-seller list so they won't crowd out the real books. 《纽约时报书评》给这类图书单独排了畅销书榜,以免它们把其他真正的书籍都挤出去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Take photos of positive episodes and put them in your memory book. Review photos often. 照些正性事件的照片并把他们放入你的记忆书中。常复习那些照片。 www.cautism.com 2. Being a person who loves dogs, after seeing the book review, I immediately bought the book. 作为一个爱狗的人,看了书评以后马上购买了此书。 www.chinadialogue.net 3. Books and Arts; Book Review; The Eisenhower presidency; O lucky man! 文艺;书评;艾森豪威尔总统;哦,幸运儿! www.hxen.com 4. The Washington Post has shut down Book World, its book review section. 《华盛顿邮报》关闭了其书评栏目——书世界(BookWorld)。 dongxi.net 5. Mary abstracted a story for the book review . 玛丽为这篇书评写了故事梗概。 www.bing.com 6. Book Review: 'More Money Than God' Book Review: 'More Money Than God' 书评:《富可敌国》 www.bing.com 7. "Getting Near Laoshe: Book Review for Critical Biography of Laoshe by A Manchurian Scholar" . National Literature , July 2000, pp. 78~91. “走近老舍:一位满族学人的《老舍评传》”,《民族文学》2000年7月号,第78~91页。北京。 iel.cass.cn 8. Liesl Schillinger is a regular contributor to the Book Review. LieslSchillinger是《纽约时报》书评版的定期撰稿人。 cn.nytimes.com 9. For this issue we have specially requested Professor Qian to write a book review. 这一期我们特约钱教授写了一篇书评。 www.websaru.com 10. Book Review: Toward a Science of Ethnic Conflict? 种族冲突趋向科学? www.chinaelections.org 1. He is abstracting a story for a book review. 他在为一篇书评撰写故事摘要。 wenku.baidu.com 2. You can also contact the book review staff directly. 你也可以直接联系书评家。 www.websaru.com 3. The Lateiner Gang Book Review Spot has had 34, 000 visits this year, from readers as far off as Mauritius, Estonia and Bangladesh. 拉泰纳家的书评博客今年已有三万四千的访问量,读者远及毛里求斯、爱沙尼亚和孟加拉国。 www.bing.com 4. Book Review: What's in Store for China? 书评:中国隐藏着什么? www.chinaelections.org 5. I don't hate the book review. 我不讨厌书评。 dongxi.net 6. It also allows for fair use of copyrighted content, such as quoting a passage, writing a book review, or making a parody. 它还允许合理使用受版权保护的内容,如引述一段话,写书评或诙谐模仿等。 www.america.gov 7. Books and Arts; Book Review; Chile; Man of the moment; 文艺;书评;智利;谁主沉浮; www.kekenet.com 8. Books and Arts; Book Review; History of diplomacy; Dealing with the enemy; 文艺;书评;外交往事;应敌之策; www.kekenet.com 9. Books and Arts; Book review; Black magic in London; 文艺;书评;伦敦巫术; www.bing.com 10. Books and Arts; Book Review; Algeria and France; War by any other name; 文艺;书评;阿尔及利亚与法国;冠以他名的战争; www.hxen.com 1. "A slice of history told in the lively manner of a novel. " (Ian Buruma, The New York Times Book Review) “一个历史片告诉了一种新型生动的方式。”(伊恩布鲁玛,纽约时报书评) www.ccebook.net 2. Contrastive Rhetoric: a Comparative Study of English and Chinese Book Review Genre 对比修辞:英汉书评比较 ilib.cn 3. INTERDISCIPLINARY BOOK REVIEW EXCHANGE: Lawyer and Anthropologist Confront Terrorism and American Law 学科间书评交流:正视恐怖主义与美国法律的法学家与人类学家 www.bing.com 4. The Organic Application of The Book Review Studies in Reader Service Work 书评学在读者服务工作中的有机应用 ilib.cn 5. Books and Arts; Book Review; The power of faith; Irrational belief; 文艺;书评;信仰的力量;非理性信仰; www.kekenet.com 6. Special Service of Colleges and Universities'Library--take internet book review as an example 高校图书馆的特色服务--以网络书评服务为例 www.ilib.cn 7. Books and Arts; Book Review; Nuclear warfare; Conscientious objector; 文艺;书评;核战争;良心反对者; www.kekenet.com 8. Business books; Book Review; Job interviews; Application; 商业书籍;书评;面试;申请; www.bing.com 9. Books and Arts; Book Review; Death and mourning; The end of the line; 文艺;书评;死亡与哀悼;生命的终点站; www.bing.com 10. Books and Artts; Book review; How the internet works; 文艺;书评;互联网如何运作; www.bing.com 1. Books and Arts; Book Review; New fiction; Celebration of the vanities 文艺;书评;新书出炉;名利赞 www.bing.com 2. Still in Books and Arts; Book Review; Memoir of the Middle East; Scent of dreams; 文艺;书评;中东回忆录;梦之味; www.putclub.com 3. Books and Arts; Book Review; Americans in Nazi Germany; Without hindsight; 文艺;书评;在纳粹德国的美国人;没有事后诸葛亮; www.hxen.com 4. Books and Arts; Book Review; Richard Holbrooke; Bullish and bullying; 文艺;书评;理查德·霍尔布鲁克;风生水起,恃强凌弱; www.hxen.com 5. Books and Arts; Book Review; Understanding language; Talk, talk; 文艺;书评;理解语言;不停地说; www.kekenet.com 6. Books and Arts: Book Review-- Deceit and self-deception, Suspicious minds 书评:欺人与自欺——疑心病 www.putclub.com 7. New York Times to offer book review on e-readers |Media | guardiancouk New York Times to offer book review on e-readers 纽约时报将为电子版读者提供书评阅览|媒体|卫报 www.bing.com 8. Minimum Essentials of a Book Review 书评最低要求 wenku.baidu.com 9. Books and Arts; Book Review; American agribusiness; The power in the union; 文艺;书评;美国农业;工会的力量; www.kekenet.com 10. Books and Arts; Book Review; Post-apartheid South Africa; The rejected son; 文艺;书评;后种族隔离时代的南非;游子被拒在外; www.bing.com 1. Books and Arts; Book Review; Fiction from Argentina; The price of love; 文艺;书评;阿根廷小说;爱的代价; www.bing.com 2. Business Books; Book Review; Wall Street analysis; In need of therapy; 商业评论;书评;华尔街分析;寻医问药; www.kekenet.com 3. Books and Arts; Book Review; Human decision-making; Not so smart now; 文艺;书评;人类的决策;聪明不在; www.kekenet.com 4. Book Review on Several Titles of Monographs about Digital Library 已出版的七部数字图书馆著作述评 www.ilib.cn 5. Books and Arts; Book Review; Political philosophy; Mightier than the sword; 文艺;书评;政治哲学;雄文胜武; www.hxen.com 6. Books and Arts; Book Review; Nancy and Lawrence Durrell; Days of heaven; 文艺;书评;南希和劳伦斯·德雷尔;天堂里的日子; www.kekenet.com 7. Books and Arts; Book Review; Iraq under Saddam; Only obeying orders; 文艺;书评;萨达姆治下的伊拉克;唯命是从; www.hxen.com 8. Books and Arts; Book Review; Pakistan's future; Resilient mess; 文艺;书评;巴基斯坦未来;扑朔迷离的未来; www.bing.com 9. Still in Books and Arts; Book Review; Joys of craftsmanship; Handy work 文艺;书评;手工技艺的乐趣;手工劳动; www.kekenet.com 10. Books and Arts; Book Review; Stories of resistance; Shades of grey; 文艺;书评;关于抵抗的故事;灰色的幽影; www.kekenet.com 1. Still in Books and Arts; Book Review; New thriller; Wreathed in smoke; 文艺;书评;新的惊悚小说;烟雾氤氲; www.bing.com 2. Books and Arts; Book Review; English landscape; Up hill, down dale 文艺;书评;书卷中的英伦风光;风光无限好 www.bing.com 3. Books and Arts; Book Review; New fiction from India; Lotus-eaters; 文艺;书评;印度新小说;醉生梦死的人; www.kekenet.com 4. Books and Arts; Book Review; Philip Larkin; Library book; 文艺;书评;菲利普·拉金;图书馆藏书; www.hxen.com 5. Books and Arts; Book Review; The restaurant business; Eat up; 文艺;书评;餐饮业;请尽情享用; www.tingclass.net 6. Books and Arts; Book Review; Revolution in Egypt; Square eyes 文艺;书评;埃及的革命;广场上的旁观者 www.kekenet.com 7. Books and Arts; Book Review; The spread of disease; Germs and money; 文艺;书评;疾病传播;细菌与金钱; www.kekenet.com 8. Influencing Factors on Spreading Effect of Book Review 影响书评传播效果的因素谫议 service.ilib.cn 9. Books and Arts: Book Review-- Human beings and dogs, Man's best friend; 书评:人类与狗狗——人类最好的朋友; www.putclub.com 10. To Discuss the Classification of Books about Book Review 谈书评类图书的分类 service.ilib.cn 1. To Discuss the Classification of Books about Book Review 谈书评类图书的分类 service.ilib.cn 2. Books and Arts; Book Review; Women and Islam; God-daughters; 文艺;书评;妇女和伊斯兰教;安拉与女人; www.kekenet.com 3. Books and Arts; Book Review; New fiction; The City dark; 文艺;书评;新小说;城市的黑暗; www.hxen.com 4. Books and Arts; Book Review; Japanese history; 文艺;书评;日本历史; www.tingclass.net 5. Books and Arts; Book Review; A history of dieting; Binge and purge; 文艺;书评;节食的历史;狂欢和清理; www.kekenet.com 6. Still in Books and Arts; Book Review; Short stories; Of moose and men 文艺;书评;短篇故事;驼鹿和人; www.kekenet.com 7. Books and Arts; Book Review; New fiction; Petals of blood; 文艺;书评;新小说;血色花瓣; www.kekenet.com 8. Book Review: The Moon: Resources, Future Development, and Settlement 图书评介:《月球:资源,未来开发与移民》 www.bing.com 9. Books and Arts; Book Review; Paul Volcker; Tall tale; 文艺;书评;保罗·沃尔克;伟人传奇; www.hxen.com 10. Books and Arts; Book Review; The life of Lillian Hellman; Profile in courage; 文艺;书评;丽莲·海尔曼的生活;勇气的轮廓; www.kekenet.com 1. Books and Arts; Book Review; Queen Elizabeth II; 文艺;书评;伊丽莎白二世; www.hxen.com 2. Books and Arts; Book Review; New fiction from Japan; 文艺;书评;来自日本的新小说; www.bing.com 3. Books and Arts; Book Review; Harry Belafonte's autobiography; 文艺;书评;哈利·贝拉方特自传; www.bing.com 4. Books and Arts; Book Review; 19th-century British politics; Third man; 文艺;书评;19世纪英国政坛;第三人; www.hxen.com 5. Books and Arts; Book Review; Poetry and the first world war; Late starter; 文艺;书评;诗歌与第一次世界大战;诗坛后起之秀; www.kekenet.com 6. Books and Arts; Book Review; Terminal care; 文艺;书评;临终关怀; www.tingclass.net 7. Book Review: Law and Injustice in Latin America 拉美的法律与非正义 www.chinaelections.com 8. Books and Arts; Book Review; The drug industry; 文艺;书评;药业; www.hxen.com 9. Books and Arts; Book Review; Racism in sport; 文艺;书评;运动场上的种族歧视; www.bing.com 10. Books and Arts; Book Review; Mass murder; 文艺;书评;大屠杀; www.hxen.com 1. Books and Arts; Book Review; The constant gardener; The future of wilderness 文艺;书评;永恒的守护者;荒野的未来; www.kekenet.com 2. Discussion on Brief Book Review Work 刍议图书简评工作 www.ilib.cn 3. Books and Arts; Book Review; Jane Austen 文艺;书评;简·奥斯汀 www.kekenet.com 4. Books and Arts; Book Review; Money and the markets 文艺;书评;货币与市场 www.hxen.com 5. Books and Arts; Book Review; 20th-century women; Dandy dames; 文艺;书评;20世纪的女性;逆世唯心的巾帼; www.kekenet.com 6. Calligraphy, Book Review and the Chan Sect 书法与书道、禅宗 www.ilib.cn 7. On the Book Review of Archival Science 试论档案学书评 www.ilib.cn 8. Books and Arts; Book Review; The English gentry; Happy landings; 文艺;书评;英国乡绅;一路顺风; www.bing.com 9. Second Round-book Review of Local Records 第二轮志书篇目述评 www.ilib.cn 10. Book Review of City Construction in Wen Zhou 一部研究温州建制城市化的专著 www.ilib.cn 1. The Theory and Style of Li Chang-zhi's Book Review 李长之的书评及其理论和风格 service.ilib.cn 2. On Book Review at College Library 论高校图书馆书评工作 www.ilib.cn 3. Los Angeles Times Book Review 洛杉矶时报书评 bbs.musicool.cn 4. Books and Arts; Book review; The second world war; 文艺;书评;第二次世界大战; www.kekenet.com 5. Still in Books and Arts; Book Review; Tax reform in America; A simple bare necessity; 文艺;书评;美国税改;必须做的一件事; www.hxen.com 6. New York Times Book Review 纽约时代书评杂志 www.heyunfeng.com 7. Books and Arts; Book Review; The future of Europe; A declinist's case 文艺;书评;欧洲的未来;一个衰落论者的观点 www.kekenet.com 8. Book Review in the Library 图书馆的书评工作 ilib.cn 9. Read in English Book review: The father of Silicon Valley 书评:硅谷之父 zhongwen.ft.com |
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