单词 | Kurdish |
释义 |
例句释义: 库尔德人的,库尔德语的,库尔德文化的,库尔德语,库德族,库德语 1. Two Kurdish factions had been vying for control of the area; after one of them decided to support Saddam, he had attacked the other. 两个库尔德派一直在争夺这个地区的控制权;他们中的一派决定支持萨达姆后,萨达姆派兵进攻了另一派。 www.bing.com 2. Whether such a link could ever work depends mainly on how much progress can be made towards solving the Kurdish problem. 这种联盟是否可能出现,主要取决于解决库尔德问题取得了多大进展。 www.ecocn.org 3. It is hoped that this month tripartite patrols around Kirkuk will start, with government and Kurdish troops to be overseen by American ones. 政府和库尔德部队本月有望分成三个小组在基尔库克周围进行巡逻,并接受美国军队的监督。 www.ecocn.org 4. "He (the contact) drove us to a safe house in a Kurdish city not far from the border, " she said. “他(那个熟人)开车把我们带到离边境不远的库尔德城市一所安全的房子。” www.bing.com 5. Mr Kilicdaroglu had little to say about the Kurdish problem (although he is himself a Kurd, he did not even use the word). 齐力克达洛格鲁先生对于库尔德人的问题没有发表评论(尽管他自己是库尔德人,他甚至一言未发)。 www.ecocn.org 6. Against many expectations, Basra is steadily being transformed into a Mini-Me of the Kurdish city in northern Iraq, Sulaymaniya. 与许多预期相反,巴士拉正在逐步转变成伊拉克北部苏来曼尼亚(Sulaymaniya)的一座库尔德人迷你小城。 en.cnxianzai.com 7. The city's mayor said the hijacker had told the crew he was a member of the Kurdish militant group, the PKK. 该市市长称,劫匪告诉船员,自己是库尔德武装组织成员。 www.chinavoa.com 8. For a time, the CIA helpfully contended that it was Iran, not Iraq, that had dumped poison gas on the Kurdish city of Halabja. 美国中央情报局(CIA)还曾一度坚持说在库尔德人的哈拉巴市释放毒气的是伊朗而不是伊拉克,也帮了伊拉克一把。 www.ecocn.org 9. A class like this would have been unthinkable even just a few years ago. Sabri Eyigun is the Kurdish deputy rector of the university. 像这样的课程在仅仅几年前还是不可想象的。SabriEyigun是该大学的库尔德人副校长。 www.tingroom.com 10. Arab Iraqis reject this dream, fearing that Kurdish secession would destroy their country and, by the by, cost it a lot of oil. 伊拉克阿拉伯人反对这个梦想,担心库尔德人的脱离将毁灭他们的国家,且由此损失很多石油资源。 www.ecocn.org 1. Although the rest of Iraq has been a lot quieter, violence along the Arab-Kurdish border (the "trigger line" ) has been rising. 尽管伊拉克其它地区已经平静了许多,阿拉伯-库尔德斯坦边界(触发线)的暴力事件仍在不断升级。 www.ecocn.org 2. Syria's sizeable Kurdish minority (about 10% of the population) is also trying to work out who would best serve their interests. 少数派中拥有相当可观人数的库尔德人(占了叙人口的约10%),也试着找出谁能更好的为他们的利益服务。 www.ecocn.org 3. Some recent reforms, notably the introduction of a state-run Kurdish-language television channel, have been revolutionary. 现阶段的改革,最引人注意的是,国家经营的电视台将会引入库尔德语,这无疑将是革命性的。 ecocn.org 4. A negotiated settlement with the Kurdish separatists , who represent up to a fifth of the population, is also long overdue. 与库尔德分裂分子谈判解决方案也是早该实现的,他们毕竟代表了人口的五分之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In the northern province of Nineveh, Sunni Arabs seem to have taken seats from Kurdish parties. 在北方省份尼尼微,逊尼派阿拉伯人则从库尔德党派手中夺得了一些席位。 www.ecocn.org 6. There has been a rapprochement with the Iraqi government and an effort to reach an accommodation with the Kurdish minority. 土耳其还与伊拉克政府达成和睦关系,并努力与库尔德少数民族实现和解。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Turkey insists that many were PKK operatives trying to establish "a parallel state" in the Kurdish region. 土耳其当局坚持认为,他们中的许多人是库尔德工人党的间谍,试图在库尔德地区建立一个“平等的国家”。 www.ecocn.org 8. Mr Maliki could team up with a Kurdish block, though that still would not give him a majority. 马利基可能与一个库尔德阵营联合,但那可能仍不能保证他获得多数席位。 www.ecocn.org 9. At least 15 Turkish soldiers have been killed in a clash with Kurdish rebels of the Kurdistan Workers Party. or PKK. 星期五夜间,在土耳其部队与库尔德工人党反政府力量的战斗中,至少有15名土耳其军人被打死。 www.ebigear.com 10. One potential wrinkle is Baghdad, which still has no official agreement with Kurdish authorities on managing the region's oil. 伊拉克政府可能会设置障碍,其尚未与库尔德当局就库尔德地区的原油达成正式协议。 www.bing.com 1. "Kurdish-language education might be considered during later phases of the opening, " he suggests. 他说库尔德语的教育可能在稍后的开放阶段被考虑。 www.ecocn.org 2. He says they are ready to lay down their arm, if the solution include equal rights for kurdish within Turkey. 他说如果解决方案中考虑到身在土耳其的库尔德人的平等权利,那他们将会放下手中的武器。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 3. But we did not do so in Algeria, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Croatia, Rwanda, the Caucasus, the Kurdish area and many other regions. 但是在阿尔及利亚、苏丹、塞拉利昂。克罗地亚。卢旺达、高加索和库尔德地区,我们却没有这么做。 www.ecocn.org 4. Tanya T. Gilly, a member of Parliament from the heavily Kurdish north, will not be part of that next wave. 国会议员谭雅·T·吉利来自库尔德人占多数的北方,她将不会参与这一波政治运动。 www.bing.com 5. Mr. Bush spoke after talks at the White House with the President of Iraq's Kurdish regional government, Massoud Barzani. 布什发表这番讲话前与伊拉克的库尔德政府主席巴尔扎尼在白宫举行了会谈。 www.voanews.cn 6. THE plight of Turkey's Kurdish minority has never been of compelling interest to ordinary Chinese people. 对土耳其的库尔德民族困境,中国老百姓就从没太感冒。 club.topsage.com 7. The PKK has threatened to call off its recently declared unilateral ceasefire unless Mr Erdogan moves on Kurdish rights. 库尔德工人党威胁称,如果埃尔多安无法改善库尔德人的权利,它将取消近日宣布的单方面停火行动。 www.bing.com 8. His regime once ordered the killing of every person between the ages of 15 and 70 in certain Kurdish villages in northern Iraq. 他的政权曾下令对伊拉克北部一些库尔德人村庄15至70岁的村民格杀勿论。 www.fane.cn 9. Until exports were possible, producers were limited to supplying the Kurdish market which consumes only a few thousand barrels per day. 在出口恢复之前,库尔德的原油厂商只能向本地区的市场供应石油,那里的原油日消费量仅有几千桶。 cn.reuters.com 10. Tension is rising along the "trigger line" in north-east Iraq that runs between the Kurdish-controlled areas and the rest of the country. 在伊拉克东北部,沿着贯穿于库尔德人控制的区域和其他地方的“触发线”两边,紧张局势正在升级。 www.ecocn.org 1. Change says it agrees with its Kurdish rivals on territorial goals but would be better at achieving them. 改革者说在领土上同意库尔德人对手的政策,但会有更好的方式去达成目标。 www.ecocn.org 2. Nowadays, even Turkey's chief of the general staff, Ilker Basbug, admits that military might alone will not fix Turkey's Kurdish problem. 现在,甚至土耳其军队的总参谋长伊尔凯尔?巴什布(IlkerBasbug)将军都承认只靠军事手段不可能解决土耳其库尔德人问题。 www.ecocn.org 3. One of them was a fluent Arabic and Kurdish speaker; [she] was terrific. 其中一个可以讲流利的阿拉伯语和库尔德语,非常好。 www.bing.com 4. Iraqi Kurdish leaders, including President Jalal Talabani, whose people across the border have won autonomy, have been giving advice. 伊拉克库尔德的领袖们,包括总统贾拉勒.塔拉巴尼(JalalTalabani),一直在给予建议,而边境线另一边的伊拉克的人民赢得了自主权。 www.ecocn.org 5. They are renaming streets from Arabic to Kurdish and paying Kurdish families to return (and Shia Arabs to leave). 他们把街道名字从阿拉伯语改为库尔德语,并发给返回的库尔德家庭钱(而什叶派阿拉伯人离开了)。 www.bing.com 6. One of the captors perversely forced our Kurdish fixer to translate "We hate Kurds" into English from Arabic, creating even more tension. 其中一个阿拉伯人倔强的强迫我们的库尔德人修理工将阿拉伯语的“我恨库尔德人”翻译成英语,一度甚至造成更大的冲突。 dongxi.net 7. Mr Abdulla's cosy relations with the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP), one of the two main ones in the region, have helped him along. 阿卜杜勒先生与库尔德人民主党(KDP)–该地区两个主要政党之一–的亲密关系帮助他开展这项事业。 blog.ecocn.org 8. Turkey shudders at the thought of a Kurdistan that might some day absorb Turkey's substantial Kurdish minority. 一想到一个库尔德斯坦可能在某天吸收土耳其为数不少的库尔德少数民族,土耳其就颤抖。 www.stnn.cc 9. To understand the Middle East comprehensively and deeply, the study of the Kurdish Issue is essential. 要真正全面、深入地了解中东地区,对库尔德问题的研究必不可少。 www.lwsjz.com 10. Following the election again, Erdogan tentatively suggested that Kurdish demands could be met with a new constitution . 六月选举之后,埃尔多安曾试验性地提议通过新宪法来满足库尔德人的要求。 www.bing.com 1. Last week, in response to a Kurdish PKK attack on its forces, Turkey launched a major offensive against the Kurdish rebels. 库尔德工人党(PKK)曾对AK党发起袭击,作为反击,土耳其对库尔德叛军发起重大进攻。 www.remword.cn 2. In recent months the PKK has stepped up its attacks, killing dozens of Turkish soldiers in and beyond the predominantly Kurdish south-east. 近几个月,PKK加强了攻击,在库尔德东南地区内外杀死了许多土耳其士兵。 www.bing.com 3. President Bush says Turkey, Iraq and the United States all agree the Kurdish rebels pose a threat that must be addressed. 布什总统说,土耳其、伊拉克和美国一致认为,必须处理库尔德叛军构成的威胁。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Change also says the two established parties have done a poor job at defending Kurdish interests in the federal parliament in Baghdad. 改革还声称这两个党派并未在维护巴格达联邦议会库尔德人的利益中做出什么贡献。 www.ecocn.org 5. Kurdish groups have been careful not to frame their grievances as a bid for autonomy or independence. 库尔德人也没有让他们的委屈成为他们寻求独立和自主的理由。 www.ecocn.org 6. The army's response was a scorched-earth campaign that drove more than 1m Kurdish villagers out of their homes. 作为回应,土军把100多万库尔德村民赶出了家园,并摧毁可能被游击队利用的一切资源。 www.ecocn.org 7. In June Sinopec agreed to a C$8. 3bn (US$7. 2bn) takeover of Addax, which had a stake in the Kurdish Taq Taq field. 今年6月,中石化签署了以83亿加元(合72亿美元)收购Addax的协议,后者持有库尔德TaqTaq油田的部分股权。 www.ftchinese.com 8. However, the move did not stop protests in Kurdish areas on Friday. 然而此举并未阻止库尔德地区在周五举行抗议活动。 www.ftchinese.com 9. They include an immediate end to the army's operations and a new Turkish constitution that recognises the Kurdish identity. 这些措施中包括立即结束军事行动,新的土耳其宪法将会承认库尔德人的合法地位。 www.ecocn.org 10. Allowing Kurdish-language teaching in schools would also be a good idea, but it is controversial. 允许用库尔德语授课也不失为一条良策,但争议太大。 www.ecocn.org 1. So long as the Kurdish problem, in particular, festers, Turkey cannot be a truly healthy democracy. 民主的难题和库尔德问题一样历史长久,尤其是它已经溃烂,者使得土耳其不能有一个真正的,健康的民主。 www.ecocn.org 2. Even government officials concede that the Kurdish problem cannot be solved by force alone. 就连政府官员也承认,库尔德问题不能单靠武力解决。 www.ecocn.org 3. The conflict with the PKK, which is fighting for greater Kurdish rights, has been steadily escalating over the last couple of months. 土耳其政府和库尔德工人党的冲突在过去几个月不断升级。工人党想要为库尔德族争取更大权利。 www.bing.com 4. But it is unlikely to repeat the drubbing that it gave the BDP (then known as the DTP) in Kurdish areas in 2007. 不过,它曾在2007年重创库尔德地区的和平民主党(当时称土耳其独立党),现在不可能历史重演了。 www.ecocn.org 5. A coalition of intellectuals from Kurdish, secular and Islamic opposition groups provided the last internal push. 库尔德的知识分子以及非教派或反伊派的联合成为来自内部的最后一根稻草。 www.ecocn.org 6. Iraq's constitution is decentralising enough to please Shia and Kurdish voters, but anathema to the once-dominant Sunni Muslims. 伊拉克宪法的权力下放程度足以取悦什叶派和库尔德选民,但却让曾是多数派的逊尼派穆斯林恨之入骨。 www.ecocn.org 7. Successive governments have mumbled about dealing with the Kurdish problem, only to be stopped by Turkey's hawkish generals. 历届政府都对库尔德问题含糊其辞,原因是土耳其鹰派将领阻止。 www.ecocn.org 8. As Kurdish-Arab relations in Baghdad worsen, the Americans may be starting to lean towards the more important of the two sides: the Arabs. 由于库尔德人与阿拉伯人在巴格达的关系变坏,美国可能开始倾向两方中更加重要的一方:阿拉伯人。 www.ecocn.org 9. If the Turkish state is really investing so much into the Kurdish regions, then they are really doing something wrong. 如果土耳其政府真的花了那麽多钱在库德地区,就表示他们一定有什麽地方做错了。 taipedia.selfip.info 10. Peace is shakiest along the "trigger line" that runs between the Kurdish and Sunni Arab areas in the north-east. 由于东北库尔德和逊尼阿拉伯地区之间存在的一触即发的“导火线”,和平局势也因此不堪一击。 club.topsage.com 1. It faults the Kurdish regional government in Iraq, and the United States occupying forces, for not suppressing the cross-border raids. 它给伊拉克的库尔德地区政府和美国占领军挑毛病,认为它们不抑制跨境袭击。 www.stnn.cc 2. Baghdad TV showed pools of blood and chunks of cinderblock from the explosion of a bomb in the Kurdish village of Sinjar, near Mosul. 巴格达电视台的画面显示,在摩苏尔附近的库尔德村镇辛贾尔,炸弹爆炸现场一片血海,到处是炸碎的砖块。 www.ebigear.com 3. Back in the field in 1991, he led a Marine expeditionary unit into northern Iraq to rescue millions of Kurdish refugees from Saddam Hussein. 1991年回到战场,他率领一直海军陆战队远征团进入伊拉克北部从萨达姆侯赛因手中拯救了上百万的库尔德难民。 www.ecocn.org 4. Past experience suggests that both the Kurdish issue and a new constitution need some input from the opposition. 过去的经验表明库尔德事件和新宪法需要来自反对派的一些投入。 www.ecocn.org 5. Language: Turkish, the official language, is spoken by the majority of the population. Kurdish and Arabic are also spoken. 语言:土耳其语为官方语言。大多数居民讲土耳其语,少数民族聚居区使用库尔德语和阿拉伯语。 www.welao.com 6. He eased restrictions on the long-banned Kurdish language and blunted the army's influence. 他缓解了对库尔德语的长期禁止,并且减弱军队的影响力。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. Kurdish officials say their own history of suffering gives them responsibility to help Syrian Kurds. 库尔德官员称自己受苦的历史让他们有责任帮助叙利亚的库尔德人。 www.bing.com 8. Mrs Clinton also opposes permanent bases, but says a residual American force may have to linger, perhaps based in the Kurdish region. 克林顿夫人也反对永久性基地,但她说剩下的美军将不得不留下来,可能驻扎在库尔德人地区。 www.ecocn.org 9. Iraqi Mig and Mirage fighter planes were used in the 1988 gas attack on the Kurdish city of Halabja, which killed up to 5, 000 people. 伊拉克的米格和幻影战斗机曾用于1998年对库尔德人城市哈莱布杰的毒气攻击,5000人因此丧生。 www.bing.com 10. The Arab-led central government also remains embroiled in a dispute with the largely-autonomous Kurdish north over oil and land. 阿拉伯领导中央政府还与北部大体上自治的库尔德卷入了一场针对石油和土地的争论。 www.kekenet.com 1. Yet the organisation is not defeated, and the autonomy won by the Kurdish region of northern Iraq will inevitably give it sustenance. 然而库尔德工人党并没有被打败,伊拉克北部库尔德人争取到了自治,以后必将为该组织提供支持。 www.ecocn.org 2. Ms. Rashid was a Kurdish immigrant from Iraq with an interest in politics. 拉希德是一位对政治感兴趣,来自伊拉克的库尔德移民。 www.24en.com 3. Her biggest crime was to accompany her oath with a short speech in Kurdish. 她最大的罪行是誓言用库尔德语发表简短的演讲。 www.ecocn.org 4. The incumbent Kurdish President Massoud Barzani said all problems should be settled through constitutional means. 现任库尔德斯坦地区主席马苏德?巴尔扎尼呼吁任何问题都应通过宪法的手段解决。 www.bing.com 5. "Blood and Belief" offers unusual insight into the rebels' shadowy universe and, by extension, into Turkey's festering Kurdish problem. 《鲜血和信仰》这本书以独特的视角深入叛军隐秘的世界,并进一步延伸到土耳其不断恶化的库尔德问题。 club.topsage.com 6. Aiming to win the supermajority that would have eased this task, Mr Erdogan embraced a strident anti-Kurdish tone on the campaign trail. 企图赢得绝大多数来缓解这个改宪任务,埃尔多安先生在竞选运动中采用了刺耳的反库尔德人的腔调。 www.ecocn.org 7. Goran supporter, parliament member Sirwan Zahawi, said his bloc "could win up to 35 seats" in the 111 seat Kurdish parliament. 反对派支持者议会议员泽哈维说,他的集团在库尔德议会111个席位中“赢得多达35个席位”。 www.ttxyy.com 8. In the early hours Tuesday morning police raided offices and homes of members the pro Kurdish Democratic Society Party or DTP. 在星期二凌晨的几小时里,警方突袭了亲库尔德的库尔德民主社会党成员的办公室和住宅。 www.24en.com 9. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but local officials have blamed Kurdish separatists. 目前还没有人宣称对这起袭击事件负责,但地方官员指责是库尔德分离分子策划的。 www.360abc.com 10. Reckless talk of "going our own way" by hotheads in the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party has not helped. But the distrust is mutual. 支持库尔德民主社会党的一些鲁莽之徒提出的不计后果的“走我们自己的路”的口号并不起什么作用,但是这中不信任却是相互的。 www.ecocn.org 1. You also describe the PKK as fighting for "an independent Kurdish state" , a sentiment that all but condones the killing of Turks. 你的文章也提到库尔德工人党为建立“一个独立德库尔德人国家”而战,但是却没有宽恕对土耳其人的杀害。 www.ecocn.org 2. Soli Ozel, a political scientist, says that if the government does not change course it may soon be faced with a "Kurdish spring. " 政治科学家索立·奥泽尔表示,若土政府不改变做法的话,可能很快就会爆发“库尔德之春”了。 www.ecocn.org 3. After more than two decades of war against the rebels, Turkey knows that military measures alone cannot fix its Kurdish problem. 20年与反叛者的战争之后,土耳其明白了单靠军事力量并不足以解决库尔德问题。 www.ecocn.org 4. This was marked by the launch of the first state-owned Kurdish-language television channel. 这个标志是第一个国有的库尔德语言视频道的开播。 www.ecocn.org 5. The Kurdish districts of Damascus and Aleppo have been blockaded by the Syrian security forces. 大马士革和阿勒波的库尔德人区已经被叙利亚安全部队封锁。 www.ecocn.org 6. Kurdish businessman scoffs that the state-owned hotels in Baghdad "haven't been refurbished. . . since Saddam's time. " 一个库尔德商人嘲笑巴格达的国有宾馆“自萨达姆时代以来……就没有整修过。” www.ecocn.org 7. And across the Middle East, Kurdish factions are taking steps to control their destinies. 纵观整个中东地区,库尔德派系正在采取措施来掌控自己的命运。 www.kekenet.com 8. Finally we were taken close to the border to make the crossing with two Kurdish men who had done it many times. 最后,我们被带到边境附近,和两个多次送人过境的库尔德人越过了边境。 www.bing.com 9. President Bush told Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani that the request will receive serious consideration . 布什总统对库尔德族领袖巴尔扎尼说,美方会认真考虑有关要求。 www.bing.com 10. In this paper, the author proposes that the Kurdish nationalist movements in this period was still in the stage of tribal resistance. 文章认为,此时期的库尔德民族主义运动尚处于部落反抗阶段。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. One is the Kurdish question, of which more later. 其一就是库德人问题,这一点后面还有更详尽的叙述。 www.ecocn.org 2. In October, some 10, 000 Christians fled into Kurdish-held areas from close to Mosul after a dozen of them had been killed. 10月份,在十多个基督徒被杀死之后,大约10000名基督徒从摩苏尔附近逃入库尔德人控制的地区。 www.ecocn.org 3. Soon afterwards four women died in an attack in the province of Siirt, in Turkey's mainly Kurdish south-east. 不久后,位于土东南部、库尔德人为主的锡尔特省发生袭击事件,四名妇女丧生。 www.ecocn.org 4. The largely Kurdish district of Rukn al-Din, not far from the city centre, then erupted. 接着在Ruknal-Din离市中心不远的Kurdish地区爆发。 www.ecocn.org 5. Sezgin Tanrikulu, a Kurdish human-rights lawyer, mutters of a "last exit" before Turks and Kurds go their separate ways. 一个名叫SezginTanrikulu的库尔德人权律师喃喃的说道在土耳其人和库尔德人各走各的道路是“最后的出口”。 www.ecocn.org 6. But its success over the referendum boycott reflects its continuing appeal to Kurdish voters. 但和平民主党抵制全民公决取得胜利,证明它在库尔德选民中仍有号召力。 www.ecocn.org 7. Most Kurdish voters in the south-east complied with the wishes of the largest Kurdish party to boycott the referendum. 大多数处于东南部的库尔德投票者遵从最大的库尔德团体的意愿联合抵制了这次大选。 www.ecocn.org 8. Meanwhile Turkey's security chiefs were muttering darkly about punishing Greece for abetting Kurdish terrorists. 同时,土耳其的安全官们也私下暗算,要让煽动库尔德恐怖分子的希腊付出代价。 www.ecocn.org 9. Conscious that Kurdish involvement could divide the opposition, some have discouraged and dispersed any rallies. 考虑到库尔德人的卷入可能会分化反对阵营,一些人劝阻并驱散任何集会。 www.ecocn.org 10. In northern Iraq, officials say a car bombing killed at least one Kurdish soldier and wounded 10 others. 官员说,伊拉克北部汽车炸弹,炸死一名库尔德士兵,并造成10人受伤。 www.voa365.com 1. West Azerbaijan province, northwestern Iran, Kurdish neighborhood, adjacent to Iraq. 伊朗西北部西阿塞拜疆省是库尔德人聚居区,毗邻伊拉克。 www.englishtang.com 2. He cites recent incursions by Iran and Turkey into Iraq's territory, including air strikes by Turkey, in attacks against Kurdish militants. 他指出,最近伊朗和土耳其为了打击库尔德激进分子而进入伊拉克领土,土耳其还使用空袭。 www.24en.com 3. Kurdish activists pulled out after accusing other participants of marginalising them and ignoring the Kurdish issue. 库尔德活动积极分子指控其他与会者排斥他们,忽视库尔德问题之后退出会议。 www.hxen.com 4. However the other Kurdish bloggers from the other regions of Kurdistan have been incredibly quiet. 然而,来自库德斯坦别的区域的部落客却安静地让人惊讶。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 5. Mr Erdogan could also reinstate and build on the "Kurdish opening" that he launched two years ago. 埃尔多安先生也可能对两年前推出“开放库尔德”的项目不仅恢复原状而且可能增强。 www.ecocn.org 6. Yet the chief of the general staff, General Ilker Basbug, broadly supports the government's softer Kurdish policy. 但是军队的司令,Bashug将军却坚定地支持政府对库尔德人的怀柔政策。 ecocn.org 7. Amid growing public anger at the PKK, Turkey started bombing the rebel group's bases in Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq. 由于民众对劳工党的愤怒日益上涨,土耳其决定开始对在伊拉克北部的土耳其控制区对叛军基地进行轰炸。 www.ecocn.org 8. Some claimed the assailants were from a militia that had helped Turkish troops fight Kurdish separatists. 据称这些杀手来自一个民兵组织,该组织曾帮助土耳其军队打击库尔德分裂分子。 www.ecocn.org 9. My brothers [that what I called the U. S. soldiers] or against the Kurds [I am half Kurdish]? 我的兄弟吗(那是我对美国士兵的称呼)?或是反抗库德族(我是半个库德族人)? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. And both Kurdish and Sunni ministers have boycotted Cabinet meetings in support of the protesters. 而库尔德方和逊尼派的部长们已经抵制支持抗议者们的内阁会议。 www.kekenet.com 1. He is increasingly rude about the European Union and has gone so far as to declare that Turkey no longer has a Kurdish problem. 他对欧盟越来越严厉并到了宣布土耳其不再有库尔德人问题的程度。 www.ecocn.org 2. The Militias have not been disarmed and the local Kurdish army, the Peshmerga, is holding the north separate. 民兵组织还未被解除武装,而且库尔德地方武装自由斗士依然控制着北方。 www.bing.com 3. Kurdish politicians face increasing pressure if they violate language restrictions. 如果库尔德政治家违反语言限制,他们将面临越来越大的压力。 www.tingroom.com 4. Kurdish demonstrators threw Molotov cocktails during a clash with Turkish riot police earlier this month. 本月初,库尔德示威者在与土耳其防暴警察的冲突中投掷燃烧弹。 www.bing.com 5. Turkey and Iran, after all, share common interests in curbing Kurdish irredentism inside their borders. 毕竟,土耳其与伊朗在抑制他们边境内库尔德民族统一主义方面有共同利益。 www.bing.com 6. In any event, the Kurdish regional government in Erbil, the Iraqi Kurds' capital, is arguing with Baghdad over how payment is allocated. 无论如何,库尔地区政府正在首府Erbil与巴格达当局争吵这笔付款应如何分配。 www.ecocn.org 7. But DNO's announcement could add strain to relations between Iraq's Kurdish authorities and the central government in Baghdad. 然而,上述消息可能会给伊拉克库尔德政府和巴格达中央政府之间的关系增加压力。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Yet in the neighbouring province of Mardin, Kurdish tribes continue to harass the handful of Christians who remain. 然而在邻近的马尔丁省,库尔德人继续骚扰屈指可数的那几个留下来的基督徒。 www.ecocn.org 9. But Natali said this self-rule has forced Iraqi Kurdish leaders to face geopolitical reality in a landlocked region. 但娜塔莉表示这一自治迫使伊拉克库尔德领导人在内陆地区面临地缘政治的现实。 www.kekenet.com 10. But Peace and Democracy, the largest Kurdish party, has ordered its supporters to boycott the referendum. 但是库尔德最大政党和平与民主党要求其支持者联合抵制全民公投。 www.ecocn.org 1. In fact, so far the Kurdish issue has long stand about one hundred years. 事实上,库尔德问题由来已久,迄今已有近百年的历史。 www.lwsjz.com 2. The governments of Turkey and India are unhappy about the report's mentions of, respectively, Kurdish girls and low-caste children. 土耳其和印度政府就分别对报告中提到库尔德女孩和低种姓的孩子表示不满。 www.24en.com 3. A motion allowing troops to enter Iraq in pursuit of Kurdish rebels is expected to pass in the Turkish parliament. 土耳其国会预料会通过一项动议,允许土耳其军队进入伊拉克追捕库德族叛军。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Kurds are spurning mosques staffed by state-appointed imams in favour of Kurdish-language prayers in fields. 库尔德人唾弃由国家任命的阿訇坐镇的清真寺支持各行各业的库尔德语祈祷者。 www.ecocn.org 5. Speaking Kurdish was banned in schools and state institutions, and later, a total ban on the language was imposed. 先是在学校和政府机构不允许使用库尔德语,随后便是对库尔德语的全面封杀。 www.bing.com 6. General Ray Odierno, the American commander in Iraq, has called the Arab- Kurdish dispute "the number one driver of instabilities" in Iraq. 驻伊美军指挥官奥迪耶诺将军认为阿拉伯-库尔德人是在就伊拉克(谁是)“头号不稳定制造者”问题争执。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The new broadcast was seen as groundbreaking considering the strict controls on the use of the Kurdish language in Turkey. 那个新的频道在土耳其严格控制库尔德语的情形下被视为极具开创性。 www.24en.com 8. During the election campaign Mr Erdogan has used much harsher language about the Kurdish party, the BDP. 在选举期间,埃尔多安对采取了非常严苛的言辞攻击库尔德和平民主党。 www.ecocn.org 9. According to local TV reports, quoting security officers, the bombings have the hallmark of the Kurdish separatist group the PKK. 据当地电视台援引保安官员的话说,连环爆炸案带有库尔德分离主义组织库尔德工人党制造的爆炸案的特点。 www.ebigear.com 10. That suggestion would outrage them. The city of Kirkuk was once predominantly Kurdish. 这一建议将激起库尔德人的愤怒,他们曾经在基尔库克城占据着主导地位。 www.ecocn.org 1. About 300 Turkish troops move several kilometres into northern Iraq, local officials say, stepping up pressure on Kurdish PKK rebels there. 300民土耳其士兵向伊拉克北部前进了几千米的事件,地方官员这是对库尔德PKK反叛军的压制。 iamin.blogbus.com 2. As ever, ordinary Kurds will pay the price as support for the AK's Kurdish reforms fizzles out. 如同以往,每当AK党库尔德改革的支持消失殆尽,库尔德平民就将付出他们的代价。 www.ecocn.org 3. The emergency applies to all regions of Iraq except the Kurdish north, which has been relatively stable. 除了相对稳定的库尔德北部地区外,紧急状态法令适用于伊拉克所有地区。 gb.cri.cn 4. From Amazon's American site to Kurdish and Israeli news outlets, a broad swath of websites remain blocked. 从亚马逊美国网站到库尔德和以色列的新闻机构,仍有一大堆网站被屏蔽。 www.ecocn.org 5. The Turkish army says it's killed nearly 50 Kurdish rebels over the past two days in a major military offensive. 土耳其军方宣称,在过去两天的大型军事进攻中,杀死将近50名库尔德叛军。 www.24en.com 6. A military statement said 12 Kurdish rebel bases in northern Iraq were targeted by the Turkish air force early Sunday. 一份军方声明说,土耳其空军星期天清晨袭击的目标是库尔德反政府组织在伊拉克北部的12个基地。 www.voanews.cn 7. Some human rights groups say coercion was widely used by the government to test the loyalty of the local Kurdish population. 一些人权组织称,政府经常使用高压政策来测试当地库尔德人口的忠诚。 club.topsage.com 8. Saddam Hussein still faces prosecution for the killings of Kurdish civilians, many with poison gas, in the late 1980s. 萨达姆·侯赛因还被指控在80年代末杀害库尔德平民,其中很多人被毒气杀害。 www.america.gov 9. A new program called Vcommunicator produces spoken and written translations of Arabic, Kurdish and two Afghan languages. 比如一个叫做Vcommunicator的新软件支持阿拉伯语、库尔德语和两种阿富汗语言的口头和书面翻译。 www.bing.com 10. The main Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) seems certain to win seats. 库尔德人的主要政党,和平民主党(BDP)似乎肯定能够获得议会席位。 www.ecocn.org 1. The attack is being blamed on Kurdish rebels of the Kurdistan workers Party. 土耳其军方认为是库尔德族反政府力量库尔德工人党发动了这次袭击。 www.voanews.cn 2. And honour crimes are not a uniquely Kurdish phenomenon, says Leyla Pervizat, an Istanbul-based expert. 伊斯坦布尔的一名专家LeylaPervizat指出,“荣誉”谋杀并不是库尔德特有的现象。 www.ecocn.org 3. Many foreign companies have already started coming to the Kurdish region. 许多国外的公司已经开始进入库德人的地区了。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. The blast happened near a building used by Turkey's governing AK party in the mainly Kurdish town of Bingol. 爆炸发生在宾格尔市一座为土耳其执政正义与发展党(AK)使用的建筑附近,该市人口主要是库尔德族。 putclub.net 5. Turkey attempted to assimilate non-Turkish speakers, starting in the 1930s, when Kurdish language and culture was banned. 从上世纪30年代起,土耳其就一直试图同化吸收所有非土耳其语的人,因而从当时起库尔德语言和文化都遭到了禁止。 www.bing.com 6. Not only was Kurdish culture suppressed, but so was the language. 库尔德认不但在文化上受压制,在语言上也受到压制。 bbs.ecocn.org 7. Kurdish alliance, the fourth main block, swept the Kurds' three provinces in the north. 第四大集团库尔德联盟则在库尔德人在北方的三个省份获得压倒性的优势。 ecocn.org 8. 17 evening, Turkish war planes hit Iraqi soil near the border Kandi Le mountainous Kurdish armed groups in 60 positions. 17日晚,土耳其战机打击了土伊边界附近坎迪勒山区的60个库尔德武装组织阵地。 www.englishtang.com 9. A blizzard of shaving cream falls on a Kurdish wedding party in northern Iraq. 暴风雪般的剃须膏落在伊拉克北部的一场婚礼上。 www.bing.com 10. Turkey, with the biggest Kurdish population in the region, has been the prickliest about its Kurds. 土耳其的库尔德人数量为该地区之最,但同时,它对待库尔德人也最为苛刻。 www.ecocn.org 1. BDP officials in Diyarbakir dismiss the so-called Kurdish opening as rubbish. 迪亚尔巴克和平民主党官员对所谓的“库尔德开放”工程不以为然。 www.ecocn.org 2. They have been boycotting parliament ever since 20 members of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) were elected in 2007. 甚至连将军们都到场旁听,自从2007年20名亲库尔德的民主社会党(DTP)成员当选议员后,他们一直在抵制议会。 www.ecocn.org 3. So do five new deputies from the Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), who are behind bars on terror-related charges. 库尔德和平民主党(BDP)的五位代表也是如此。他们正在法庭上接受有关恐怖主义的指控。 www.ecocn.org 4. Turkey's regional problems go beyond the Kurdish question. 土耳其地区难题不仅限于库尔德问题。 www.ecocn.org 5. Kurdish violence in Turkey has intensified since a general election in June. 自6月大选以来。土耳其发生的库尔德暴力运动激发。 www.ecocn.org 6. On Jan. 16, Kurdish militants threw Molotov cocktails during clashes between militants and the Turkish riot police. 1月16日,库尔德激进分子在与库尔德防爆警察的冲突中投掷了燃烧弹。 www.bing.com 7. In Sinjar, west of Mosul, some Yazidis, who predominate there, say the Kurds want to force them to vote for the Kurdish list. 在Sinjar,摩苏尔以西,一些Yazidis人,他们在那儿占据人口多数,说库尔德人想强迫他们为库尔德候选名单投票。 blog.ecocn.org 8. Such efforts helped AK to overtake the main Kurdish party in the south-east in the 2007 general election. 这种努力有助于AK在2007年的大选中超越东南部的主要库尔德政党。 www.ecocn.org 9. Counting of ballots from Saturday's Kurdish elections has begun in earnest. 星期六库尔德地区选举的计票工作已经严肃认真地开始。 www.ebigear.com 10. Kurdish militants have been active in the past in the region which borders Iraq and Turkey. 库尔德激进分子过去在伊拉克和土耳其边境地区一直很活跃。 www.360abc.com 1. They speak the Kurdish language, which is a member of the Iranian branch of Indo-European languages. 他们的语言是库尔德语,属于印欧语系伊朗语族。 www.bing.com 2. Locals dialling his emergency hotline are greeted in Kurdish. 当地的库尔德人拨打他的紧急热线电话向他致敬。 www.ecocn.org 3. But in the past few days internet forums in China have been clamouring their support for Kurdish separatists. 可这几天,中国的网络论坛却吵吵嚷嚷,支持库尔德分裂分子。 club.topsage.com 4. Now living in Erbil, the capital of Iraq's largely-peaceful Kurdish enclave, Mrs Pouraghaie and her husband are seeking asylum in the West. Pouraghaie女士和丈夫现在住在埃尔比勒(伊拉克库尔德主要的和平地区),正在寻求西方的庇护。 www.bing.com 5. On December 16th Turkish aircraft bombed what they said were Kurdish rebel positions deep inside northern Iraq. 12月16日土耳其的飞机越境轰炸了他们所称的深入伊拉克北部的库尔德反叛武装。 www.ecocn.org 6. Iraq's president has ordered Kurdish guerillas to lay down their arms or leave Iraq. 伊拉克总统命令库尔德游击队要么弃械投降,要么撤离伊拉克。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The PKK have been fighting the Turkish state, for Kurdish autonomy since 1984. 1984年以来,库尔德工人党为了争取库尔德人自治一直在跟土耳其当局作战。 www.voanews.cn 8. In other countries, this is still true: in Syria, Kurdish is banned in most contexts. 如今在一些国家仍是这样的情况:如在叙利亚,在大多数情况下均不允许使用库尔德语。 www.bing.com 9. President Bush is calling for Turkey to end its military operation against Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq as soon as possible. 美国总统布什呼吁土耳其尽快停止在伊拉克北部针对库尔德叛军的军事行动。 www.ebigear.com 10. Patterns of neat bullet holes peppered skulls and garments, many of them the baggy trousers peculiar to Kurdish men. 用于弹道测试的布满弹孔的头骨和衣物模型,许多是库尔德男性特有的那种宽大的裤子。 www.huaxia-ng.com 1. Kurdish construction worker Amjad Abdollazadeh voted for Mousavi too. 库尔德的建筑工人阿姆贾德·阿卜杜拉扎德也投票给穆萨维。 www.bing.com 2. "One, two, three, four bullets, " counts a Kurdish voice off-screen. 一个库尔德语的画外音数道:“一个,两个,三个,四个弹孔”。 www.ecocn.org 3. Soon after it came to power, it allowed the first ever Kurdish-language television broadcasts. 执政不久,政府即批准了首次出现的库尔德语电视广播。 www.ecocn.org 4. Kurdish in origin, a key lieutenant for bin Laden, trusted and capable. 纯种的库尔德人,本拉登的重要副官,备受信任且能力过人。 www.bing.com 5. Mr Maliki's only quasi-ally, the Kurdish block, has too few seats to secure him power. 马基利唯一的准同盟就是库尔德团体了,但其过少的席位难以保证他上位。 www.ecocn.org 6. General Basbug has long conceded that military means alone cannot solve the Kurdish problem. 巴什布将军长期以来表示,单纯的军事手段不能解决库尔德问题。 www.ecocn.org 7. Mr Tammo's death could unite the popular and political opposition groups within Kurdish society. 塔莫的遇害能够使库尔德社群中的民众及政治反对团体团结一致。 www.ecocn.org 8. In the northern city Mosul, a suicide bomber exploded a car near a checkpoint guarded by national and Kurdish forces. 在北部城市摩苏尔,一名自杀式袭击者引爆了附近的国家和库尔德部队把守的一个检查站的车。 bbs.5i5i.cn 9. Indeed, the government's Kurdish policy is replete with risks, not least that the PKK could revert to urban terrorism. 事实上,政府的库尔德人政策危险重重,至少不是库尔德工人党可能会转向城市的恐怖主义。 ecocn.org 10. As a result, KDP supporters smashed the offices of opposition groups in Erbil, the Kurdish capital and the KDP's biggest fief. 结果,库尔德民主党支持者打碎了在埃尔比勒的库尔德人首府和库尔德民主党的最大封地的反对派的办公楼。 www.showxiu.com 1. Meanwhile, Arabs in the north are casting doubt on Kurdish voter rolls. 与此同时,北部的阿拉伯人阵营也在质疑库尔德阵营的选民名单。 www.ecocn.org 2. A new party dents a Kurdish duopoly. But does it bring independence closer? 一个新派别削弱了两派操控库尔德人的态势,但其能促成真正的独立吗?。 www.ecocn.org 3. The MHP's poor showing should free Mr Erdogan to respond to Kurdish demands. 民族行动党差劲的表现会将Erdogan先生从回应对库尔德人要求的窘况中解救出来。 www.ecocn.org 4. As such, he is a notable figure in Kurdish, Arab, Persian, Turkish and Muslim culture. 照此,他在库尔德、阿拉伯、波斯、土耳其和穆斯林文化里是一位名人。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. FOR Walid Siti, a Kurdish artist, the river Zei is a powerful subject. 对于沃理德·斯提这位库尔德艺术家来说,Zei之河是一幅强有力的作品。 www.bing.com 6. Moreover, Arab-Kurdish tension has been gumming up politics in Baghdad. 除此之外,阿拉伯-库尔德斯坦之间的紧张局面也使得巴格达政局陷入混乱。 www.ecocn.org 7. The shadow of war again looms over Turkey's mainly Kurdish south-east. 战争的阴影再次笼罩在以库尔德人为主的土耳其东南部地区。 www.ecocn.org 8. The army blamed Kurdish terrorists from the PKK rebel group. 军队归咎于库尔德工人党恐怖分子的叛乱集团。 www.ecocn.org 9. That would, however, require concessions such as Kurdish-language education, more power for local mayors and reining in the army. 可是,这需要政府在诸多方面做出让步,例如,用库尔德语授课、向地方市长放权、控制部队等。 www.ecocn.org 10. What is most heartening is that the Kurdish initiative is not merely about responding to European Union pressure: it is a home-grown affair. 最令人可喜的是,库尔德人的行动不受制于欧盟的压力:这是国内事务。 www.ecocn.org 1. During two decades of enforced Arabisation under Saddam, some 250, 000 Kurdish residents of Kirkuk were expelled. 在过去20年受萨达姆的强制阿拉伯化过程中,基尔库克大约有25万库尔德居民被驱逐。 www.ecocn.org 2. He's living with his family of 10 in a tent donated by the semi-autonomous Kurdish government of northern Iraq. 他和家人10人一起住在伊拉克北部半自治库尔德政府捐赠的帐篷里。 www.kekenet.com 3. Help Kurdish refugees fleeingtheir homes in northern Iraq. 帮助库尔德难民逃离他们位于伊拉克北部的家园。 www.ecocn.org 4. Mr Bilici says the government's new tactic is to coerce Kurdish youths into becoming agents. 比利西说土耳其政府的新策略就是强迫库尔德青年成为他们的工具。 www.ecocn.org 5. The Kurdish question is a festering sore in Turkey. 库尔德问题是土耳其难以愈合的疮痛。 www.ecocn.org 6. Iraq's self-ruled Kurdish region has started exporting crude oil for the first time. 伊拉克库尔德自治区开始首次出口原油。 kaoshi.alai.net 7. In 1991 she won a seat in the mainly Kurdish province of Diyarbakir, in south-east Turkey. 1991年她赢得了土耳其东南部主要是库尔德人的迪亚巴克尔省的一个议会席位。 www.ecocn.org 8. Yet Mr Botsali's public appearance before the Kurdish flag marks a shift in Turkey's approach to Iraq's Kurds. Botsali先生在库尔德旗帜下的公开露面标志着土耳其对伊拉克库尔德人政策的转变。 www.ecocn.org 9. efforts to aid Kurdish refugees. 美国援助库尔德难民的努力。 wenku.baidu.com 10. The difference today is that almost everybody, be they Kurdish, secular or anti-army, is under pressure. 今天的不同之处是,几乎每一个人,他可以是库尔德人,无神论者或是反军者都处于压力之中。 www.ecocn.org 1. The same year saw the start of the first state-owned 24-hour Kurdish-language TV station. 同年,第一家24小时播放的国有库尔德语电视台成立。 www.ecocn.org 2. Apromising newcomer is Iraq's Kurdish region. 另一个有希望的新来源是伊拉克的库尔德地区。 www.ecocn.org 3. Why America doesn't force Turkey to accept the Kurdish people and peace? 为什么美国不力促土耳其接受库德族人以及和平? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 4. The Kurdish opening was put on hold. “对库尔德人的开放”政策被搁浅。 www.ecocn.org 5. Buying Switzerland's Addax Petroleum, for example, gave Sinopec access to Nigerian and Kurdish oil but ruffled few feathers. 举个例子,购买瑞士的Addax石油公司,可以给中国石油获得尼日利亚和伊拉克的石油,但这仅仅是崭露头角。 www.bing.com 6. That is what the mainly Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) is doing. 而这一方式正是土耳其和平民主党所采取的主要参选方式。 www.ecocn.org 7. Perhaps 3m of them live in Istanbul, which in that sense is the world's biggest Kurdish city. 大约300万库尔德人生活在伊斯坦布尔,也使该市成为最大的库尔德人居住地。 www.ecocn.org 8. The pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy party (BDP), which fielded independents so as to get around the 10% threshold, won a record 36 seats. 支持库尔德人的和平民主党(和民党)推出独立候选人,以之能够绕过10%的门槛值,赢得破记录的36个议席。 www.ecocn.org 9. Now she is free to campaign in Kurdish. 现在,她可以自由地用库尔德语参加竞选。 www.ecocn.org 10. Immigrant languages include Turkish, which is spoken by around 1. 8%, and Kurdish, by 0. 3%. 移民语言包括土耳其语,大约1.8%的人操土耳其语,还有约0.3%的人将库尔德语。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Last year, the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a Kurdish separatist group, detonated a roadside bomb in Istanbul's Halkali district. 去年,库尔德分离主义者组织——库尔德工人党在伊斯坦布尔的Halkali地区引爆了一枚路边炸弹。 www.bing.com 2. DNO International ASA, a Norwegian oil company that is operating in the Kurdish region of Iraq, jumped 6. 6 percent to 9. 38 kroner. 在伊拉克库尔德地区经运营的挪威石油公司DNOInternational股价上涨6.6%,至9.38克朗。 www.bing.com 3. Kurdish Election Turnout High Amid Charges of Irregularities 伊拉克库尔德地区选举投票率高 www.ebigear.com 4. The Turkish government is preparing a serious plan to settle its Kurdish problem 土耳其政府正准备一份解决库尔德问题的重大方案 www.ecocn.org 5. The Study of the Kurdish Nationalist Movements after World War 试论一战后初期的库尔德民族主义运动 www.ilib.cn 6. The government doggedly pursues a settlement of its Kurdish problem 政府坚持不懈地寻求解决库尔德人问题 www.ecocn.org 7. Education Report - Kurdish Lessons Now Allowed in Some Turkish Schools 教育报道-土耳其一些学校开始允许开设库尔德语课程 www.tingroom.com 8. Turkey Strikes Kurdish Bases in Northern Iraq 土耳其空袭伊拉克北部库工党基地 www.ebigear.com 9. The Kurdish Issue Perplexing the Middle East 困扰中东地区的库尔德问题 www.ilib.cn |
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