单词 | make a deal | ||||||||||||
释义 | make a deal
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 达成交易,达成协议,做交易 1. But in principle at least, Japan is ready to make a deal. 然而日本至少在原则上已经准备接受协定。 www.ecocn.org 2. Despite of that, both Barcelona and Inter Milan had prepared to make a deal with Ronaldo. 尽管如此,巴赛罗纳和因特米兰队都准备和罗纳尔多签约。 www.hotdic.com 3. Once upon a time, the name of the real estate game was 'let's make a deal. ' 从前,房地产游戏的名字是“让我们做笔交易吧”。 www.ebigear.com 4. He has no imagination. I can unload plenty of cotton in the black market if he'll make a deal . 他这个人没有想象力,要是他愿意和我做一笔交易,我有办法在黑市上抛售掉许多棉花。 www.jukuu.com 5. Google tried to make a deal with Facebook too, Schmidt said, but "Microsoft was willing to give them terms that we were unwilling to. " 施密特说,谷歌也试图与Facebook合作,但“微软愿意给他们优惠条件,我们不愿意”。 www.bing.com 6. Amy wants Matt to help her with her homework, so they make a deal. 想让Matt帮她做家庭作业,他们做了一笔交易。 online.modernenglish.com.cn 7. "By buying the rights to continental Europe and Morocco you more or less force Nanjing to make a deal, " he said. 他表示:“通过购买(MG)在欧洲大陆和摩洛哥的权益,或多或少会迫使南汽妥协。” www.ftchinese.com 8. I can't force you to make a deal, but I can assure you that our product can stand competition. has the edge on the competition. 我不能强迫您买,但是我可以想您保证我们产品是有竞争力的。 wenku.baidu.com 9. To be honest, if you insist on the price , we won't be able to make a deal. 老实说,你如果坚持自己的价格,我们是不可能成交的。 www.12edu.cn 10. And that prompted board members to make a deal with a South African developer to sell the site. 这促使董事会成员,与南非的开发到销售现场交易。 www.maynet.cn 1. If you stick to your count offer without any compromise we may not able to make a deal. 如果你坚持你的还盘而不做任何让步的话,我们的生意也许泡汤了。 bbs.wwenglish.org 2. Meanwhile, speculation increased that Comcast, a cable-TV operator, would make a deal for a majority stake in NBC. 与此同时,有关有线电视运营商康卡斯(Comcast)将收购NBC大部分股权的猜测也在不断增加。 www.ecocn.org 3. You'll have to make a deal with the police if you want to save your skin. 你想保命就得跟警方谈条件。 www.wwenglish.com 4. We have the lowest prices in town, and we're ready to make a deal. 我们的价格是全市最低价,而且我们愿意与您做生意。 www.tingroom.com 5. Sunday brought word that Netanyahu had extracted a promise from the U. S. that cast Obama as Monty Hall in Let's Make a Deal. 星期日捎回口信说内塔尼亚胡提取出新政诺言,从美国的蒙提霍尔在让投奥巴马AS的制作-。 www.englishtang.com 6. Left to himself, John Boehner, the Republican speaker of the House of Representatives, would probably make a deal to avoid a shutdown. 孤身作战的众议院共和党议长约翰?博纳很有可能会妥协以力避政府倒闭。 www.kekenet.com 7. Whenever you make a deal, check first to make sure that the money you receive is kosher. 每当你们达成一笔交易的时候,首先要查清楚你收进来钱是不是完全正当的。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Rabin thought he could make a deal with Syrian president Hafez al-Assad before or soon after the Palestinian process was completed. 拉宾认为,他能够在巴勒斯坦和平进程结束前或刚结束时,同叙利亚总统哈菲兹.阿萨德达成协议。 www.bing.com 9. If included in the final bill, it would make a deal at the climate summit in Copenhagen in December more difficult. 如果将其纳入最终法案,无疑将使十月份在哥本哈根举行的气候高峰论坛的商讨更加困难。 www.ecocn.org 10. That brought suffering on the Palestinian people, but Israeli analyst Zvi Mazal says Hamas is in no hurry to make a deal. 这使巴勒斯坦人民陷入水生火热的战乱生活中。但是以色列分析家兹维·玛左称,哈马斯并不急于做出决定。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. But that's churlish. So instead, let's make a deal. Boomers, fix what you did to the country. And I promise you, the kids will be alright. 但这实属冒犯之举。不如让我们打个赌。各位大佬,做好各自的份内事,我保证,年轻人会有他们的出路。 www.bing.com 2. William: But what if the market stallholder wants to make a deal? What language can he use? Listen to this conversation. 但是如果摊主(主动)想要做成一桩生意呢?他会用到哪些表达?来听一下这个对话。 www.remword.cn 3. I'll make a deal with you, Mindermann. I'll suggest it in my column, but you have to answer my mail. 明德尔曼,我要和你达成一个协议。我将在我的专栏里提出它,但你得回复我的信件。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Let's make a deal. You give me money and I'll tell you where the shoe pinches. 咱们做笔交易。你出钱,我告诉你问题出在哪里。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Don't even try to make a deal with xiao luo. He lies like a rug. 你可千万别与小罗共事。这家伙撒谎都不带脸红的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But often things go awry because owners won't make a deal at a reasonable price, as with America's nascent aircraft industry. 然而事情往往会出岔子,因为所有者不会以一个合理的价钱和你成交,就像当初美国刚萌芽的飞机制造业一样。 www.bing.com 7. God, Ouyang: the Lord is equal to everyone, she can keep the beautiful appearance because she make a deal with the devil. 欧阳:主对每个人都是公平的,她之所以可以保持容貌的美丽是因为她和魔鬼做个交易。 www.iifaq.cn 8. So can we make a deal right now that we're even, and just wipe the slate clean and no guilt and no responsibility ? 现在我们做个约定吧,把往事一笔勾销,谁都不许内疚也没有责任。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Why should we make a deal with a notorious scoundrel like you? 凭什么我们要和像你这样臭名昭彰的恶棍打交道? www.xfzgw.com 10. Gary: I'll make a deal with you. 我向你说定了。 www.hxen.com 1. Okay, I'll make a deal with you. 好了我要和你做个协议 www.tingroom.com 2. Yahoo has signaled potential suitors that it isn't under pressure to make a deal quickly, a person familiar with the situation said. 据一位知情人士说,雅虎已向潜在竞购者表示自己并没有迅速达成交易的压力。 cn.wsj.com 3. I will make a deal with you. I'll practice with you everyday up till I leave for Stanford. 我和你做个约定。我动身去斯坦福之前天天陪你练习。 www.eoezone.com 4. i'd like to make a deal that will benefit both of us. i bet u dont wanna miss this great opportunity! 我想和你做一个交易。这是一个对我们双方都有很大好处的交易。相信你一定不会错过这个机会的·! zhidao.baidu.com 5. Adulation is an intangible currency used by some adults to make a deal. 阿谀奉承是有些成年人用于交易的无形的货币。 e.3edu.net 6. I'm looking for someone to make a deal with me. 我想找个人和我作个交易。 www.bing.com 7. Don't ever try to make a deal with Lou. He lies and cheats like crazy. 根本别想和娄打交道。他不停地撒谎骗人。 beckroi.blog.163.com 8. Many Western diplomats thought that Russia would eventually make a deal, trading Kosovo's independence for something else. 许多西方外交官员心想俄罗斯最终会达成一个交易,用科索沃的独立去换取其它的一些东西。 www.ecocn.org 9. Once you make a deal with someone, it's really important to carry it through. 你一旦与某人做生意,就一定要坚持到底。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. no matter what service you provide, try to make a deal with supplier and in exchange for their service. 不管你提供什么服务,看看能否与供应商进行交易,换取他们的服务。 bbs.tingroom.com 1. If we make a deal quickly, I'll be able to give you a discount. 如果我们能很快成交,我可以给你打折。 www.bing.com 2. The person you make a deal with on Monday can disappear by Tuesday. 你星期一的合作伙伴可能在星期二就换了。 jukuu.com 3. May: What happens if we make a deal and thirty to sixty days after delievery the price goes down and you didn't get the best possible price? 如果我们达成了交易,但交货的30~60天内,市面降价,导致你的价格不是最好的,该怎么办? www.ebigear.com 4. Not all of them were eager to make a deal, particularly those with children. 这些间谍并不都渴望着被交换,尤其是已有子女的间谍。 www.bing.com 5. If you cannot make a counter offer, then I'm afraid we cannot make a deal. 如果你不还价的话,恐怕我们无法交易。 www.jukuu.com 6. Let's make a deal. I will pay you two thousand dollars now and two thousand dollars next week. 让我们成交。我现在先付你两千,下星期再付你两千。 wenku.baidu.com 7. I enjoy man I mean a buisness deal. You konw, every 5 years you make a deal. That's exactly what, that's how I know the word. 我喜欢商务人士。你知道,每5年你做成一笔交易。这正是我知道的字眼。 www.kekenet.com 8. I think we could undertake to make a deal with the firm. 我认为我们可以着手同这家公司做笔生意。 www.kekenet.com 9. Bob Dole wanted to make a deal to reopen the government, and after a couple of days so did Newt Gingrich. 鲍勃·多尔想达成一个协议来使政府重新运作起来,几天之后,纽特·金里奇也想达成某个协议。 www.bing.com 10. Make a deal, trade your soul for certainty. 做个交易吧,你的灵魂是必然的。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 1. In China, layers of management were much fewer, and corporate goals were abundantly clear: Make a deal, then make cars. 在中国,管理结构要简单得多,而且公司的目标也非常明确:达成协议,生产汽车。 www.fortunechina.com 2. Can we create a win-win situation to make a deal? 我们能够创造一种双赢局面以便达成这笔交易吗? oral.ebigear.com 3. Look at you, out to make a deal. 看看你,就要去做一笔大生意了 zhidao.baidu.com 4. And any buyer would need to hack away costs to make a deal work. 而且,任何买家为了使交易收到成效,都必须削减成本。 www.ftchinese.com 5. That is a huge vote of confidence in Barclays' ability to make a deal with ABN pay off. 这是极大的信心投票,相信巴克莱有能力让收购荷兰银行的交易取得回报。 www.ftchinese.com 6. How can they possibly make a deal? 怎样才能让这两家做成交易呢? new.chinadialogue.net 7. They met us halfway so that we could make a deal that worked for all of us. 由于他们对我们做了让步,所以我们能够做成这笔使双方都能受益的交易。 bbs.made-by-cn.com 8. Make a deal with God. 和上帝做一个交易。 hi.baidu.com 9. Helen: If we need to get people drunk to make a deal, it's a deal we don't need. 海伦:如果我们要把别人灌醉才能谈成生意,那这笔生意我们不要也罢。 www.szfob.com 10. You side must reduce price by 3%, or it is impossible to make a deal. 你方必须降价3%,否则无成交可能 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Make a deal with sb. 与某人做买卖;与某人妥协。 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 2. If you bend a bit , we will make a deal. 如果你稍做让步,我们就成交了。 moonandstart.home.24en.com 3. I want to make a deal with you. 我想给你做个交易! www.soflash.net 4. If ever there was a time to make a deal, this is it. 如果说有什么达成协议的时机的话,这就是。 www.bing.com 5. deal Let's make a deal. 我们做个交易吧。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Why don't we make a deal? 厎我们何不做个交易? qyj1699.blog.163.com 7. are you willing to make a deal with me? 你愿意跟我做个交易吗 www.kekenet.com 8. Together we decide what is fair and we make a deal. 大家共同决定怎么做才公平并达成交易。 www.bing.com 9. Didn't we make a deal not to buy any clothes? 咱们不是说好了嘛,不要看服装啊? blog.sina.com.cn 10. And ask him do you want to make a deal? 问他,要做个交易吗? zhidao.baidu.com 1. And say do you want to make a deal? 和说你怎么还不去死?感觉如何? www.allmusic.biz 2. Make a deal at first time. 成交于第一时间。 www.04914.com 3. Look. Witnesses say there were two other men with you. You have a good record. You give me those men's names and maybe we can make a deal. 听着。有目击证人说有两个男人和你在一起。你的记录良好,如果你告诉我 blog.sina.com.cn 4. If you add a little more again, then we can make a deal. 如果您再加一点,我们就成交。 www.shswim.com 5. But I have nothing to trade, so I'm ready to make a deal, some sorrow just to feel 但我一无所有,所以我准备好要做个交易,体验失意的感觉 zhidao.baidu.com 6. NO04, 5. You drive a hard bargain, but I think we can make a deal. 你的价钱很硬,不过我想我们的生意是可以谈得成的。 msnking.com 7. If you raise the offer to 0. 15 US dollar, we can make a deal. 假如你能承受0.15美金价钱本人们能够协作。 tu.yo52.com 8. We might be able to make a deal with each other; 我们也许会相互达成一种交易; www.smartgridtimes.com 9. make a deal with you 和你做笔交易 blog.sina.com.cn 10. obvious safety hidden trouble not found in time or found to make a deal with the deduction of 5 points; 明显安全隐患没有及时发现或发现未作出处理的扣5分; www.cnqr.org 1. we have to make a deal with them; 我们必须和他们达成协议 dongxi.net |
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