单词 | make a choice |
释义 | 例句释义: 不得不,除…外,没有别的选择,拿定主意,做出选择,做选择,作出选择 1. When she discovered she was Luke Skywalker's sister, she found she had to make a choice as to what her role in the changing galaxy would be. 当她发现她是卢克?天行者的妹妹时,她面临一个两难的选择,她到底以什么样的角色来改变银河以使之更美好。 starwarsfans.cn 2. How much time do I have to make a choice? 我必须在多少时间内作出选择呢? www.cctv.com 3. e. g. If it were up to me to make a choice between both in the event of betrayal of one's country, I would rather choose death over life. 如果要我在出卖国家的情况下在二者之间做出选择,我宁愿选择死而不选择生。 www.yuloo.com 4. When once, through my treachery, it had been necessary to him to make a choice, the old man thought. 由于我干下了欺骗它的勾当,它不得不做出选择了,老人想。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. The children became very conscious when they were about to make a choice and therefore behaviours and classroom dynamics were incredible. 在孩子们要作选择的时候他们变得很有意识,因此他们的课堂表现和纪律都是难以置信的好。 www.bing.com 6. The both viewpoints have their reasons, if I have to make a choice between them, I would prefer. . . 以上两个观点都有一定的道理,如果让我在两者之中选择一个的话,我会选择…… down.qnr.cn 7. Hoho, it was difficult for an Australian to make a choice within such a large number of Chinese names, even for a Chinese! 呵呵,让一个中国人来从那么多名字里选都选晕掉了,让你一个澳洲人来选一定也很晕吧? www.facebook.com 8. Thank you for your understanding. You will have priority to make a choice for the next meal. 感谢您的理解,下一餐我们一定请您优先选择。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. When you have to make a choice, start by thinking about each possible outcome in light of what you've set your values to be. 当你在做出选择时,首先在你已经设定的价值观下考虑每一个可能的结果。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. "Certainly many people make a choice not to be sexually active, " she said. 当然很多人选择对性的不积极,她说。 news.dxy.cn 1. But if I had to make a choice between sugar and artificial sweeteners, I'd choose sugar in a heartbeat! 但是如果我不得不在糖和人工甜味剂之间做出选择,我会选择糖! www.bing.com 2. It's a continuous cycle. The only way to move out of this cycle, is to make a choice. 这是一个恶性循环。跳出这个恶性循环只有一个方法,作出抉择。 www.bing.com 3. If there was any offer it would be different, then I would have to make a choice. 不过如果我面前出现了一份意义不同的新合同,我可能会进行选择。 baobei.vchina.com 4. Jesus is nearing the conclusion of his sermon about life in the kingdom of God. And now he calls his listeners to make a choice. 耶稣传讲天国生活的教训,已接近尾声了,现在祂向听道的人提出挑战,要他们作一个抉择。 www.chinesetodays.org 5. These people might make a choice to reject traditional gender assignments -- a man who identifies as a woman may choose to dress that way. 这些人可能做出拒绝传统社会性别角色分配的选择来,像是一个认为自己是女性的男士会像女性那样穿衣打扮。 www.bing.com 6. You need to tell your mother that you've grown up and have your own right to make a choice. 你应该告诉你的母亲,你已经长大了,你有自己选择的权利。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. If you let me make a choice between a city without bicycles and one without automobiles, I'll choose the latter without any hesitation. 如果让我来决定我们是要一个没有自行车的城市呢,还是一个没有汽车的城市呢,我会毫不犹豫的选择后者。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. It is important for consumers to be able to make a choice with clear and sufficient information. 客户要掌握清楚及充分资料,然后才作出选择,这一点非常重要。 www.info.gov.hk 9. At run time, the user is prompted to make a choice among the registered services for the action. 在运行过程中,用户需要在注册为同一个动作的多个服务中进行选择。 www.infoq.com 10. They started scraping the airlines' sites for timetables, prices and search results to help prospective travellers make a choice. 它们开始搜刮各大航空公司网站的航班时刻表,价格,和一些方便潜在旅行者做出选择的搜索结果。 www.bing.com 1. Helen: What about the salary? Would you get more money? That would influence me if I had to make a choice. 海伦:工资怎么样?你会拿更多的钱吗?如果要我做选择的话,那是个影响因素。 www.dyabc.com 2. If asked to make a choice between the two, I would no hesitate to choose the latter over the former for several sound reasons. 如果要我在两者之间选择的话,我有几条充分的理由而毫不犹豫选择后者。 edu.21cn.com 3. It is difficult to make a choice because there is no clear-cut difference between them. 实在太难抉择了因为他们之间并没有明显的区别。 oral.ebigear.com 4. In syntax, when you must make a choice between two or more items, the items are enclosed in braces and separated by vertical bars. 在语法中,必须在两项或多项中选择一个时,这些项括在大括号中,由竖线隔开。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Christine: Stewart? That new guy? Jakes: Stewart was hard to make a choice under the heart. 克里斯汀:“斯图?新来的那个?”杰克斯:“斯图狠得下心来做出选择。” dict.kekenet.com 6. If asked to make a choice, I would not hesitate to side with the latter view for several strong reasons. 假定要我选择的话,我将基于以下几面出处尽没有犹豫天选择后者的没有雅见解。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Competition often means waiting for people to make a choice. That was the case with VCRs, video cassette recorders. During the nineteen . 竞争常意味着等待人们做出选择。比如VCR-卡带式录像机的例子。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Thus, the decision makers must make a choice of an information system that they know will not completely meet their needs. 因此,决策者必须在一个不能完全满足他们需求的信息系统下做出决定。 www.bing.com 9. In such a case you will have to make a choice - e. g. choose the event or circumstance that is given most prominence in the news story. 在这种情况下,你必须做出选择,即选择在文章中最显著的那个事件或情况。 genders.zsu.edu.cn 10. It is always difficult to make a choice in our life, so how about let a coin to help you? 它始终是难以作出选择在我们的生活,所以如何让硬币来帮助你? www.nokiabbs.com 1. The drug stores and big-box retailers opening in-store clinics should make a choice: Stop selling cigarettes, or shut down the clinics. 药店和公开零售储存的大型诊所需要做出一个选择:停止出售香烟,或者关闭诊所。 news.dxy.cn 2. Carl Jung found it hard to make a choice between the two alternatives: science and philosophy. 卡尔·容格在他对科学的兴趣和对哲学的酷爱之间很难做出选择。 www.kowei.net 3. If you make a choice to give up that pay check, you are opening your family to the risk of financial instability down the road. 如果你选择放弃薪水,你就是让你的家人陷入财政危机的风险中。 www.kekenet.com 4. When asked to make a choice, he was willing to receive extra pay in place of a vacation. 当被要求做选择时,他希望拿到更多的报酬而不是假期 zhidao.baidu.com 5. However, if the volunteers tensed up too long beforehand they felt depleted by the time they had to make a choice. 当然,实验是人性化的,只要志愿者们已经达到“不能忍受”的地步的时候,他们可以做出选择。或坚持,或放弃。 www.hxen.com 6. There is no give and take, as the Controller is uncomfortable and bossy if you want to make a choice about something. 那是不容商量的,因为如果你想对某件事作出选择,控制狂会不安而专横。 www.bing.com 7. If I am asked to make a choice between the two views, I will not hesitate to side with the former. 如果要我在两种观点之间选择,我将毫不犹豫地选择前者。 romanticzhao.bokee.com 8. I don't know if someday I have to make a choice and which side I will stand by and luckily I don't have to make myself in trouble like this. 我不知道如果哪一天我必须做出选择,我会愿意站在哪一方,幸运的是,我可以不必这样难为自己。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. If I was forced to make a choice I would say the league title and Champions League. 如果我必须做出选择的话,我会选择联赛冠军和冠军杯。 mymilan.cn 10. NEED TO MAKE A CHOICE IS ALL. 得做出个决定 www.tingclass.net 1. We make a choice, we act on that choice, and all that's left is to live in hope. 我们做了选择然后活在那个选择中剩下的就是满怀希望地生活下去。 www.12sign.cn 2. The man was standing upon a "burning platform, " and he needed to make a choice. 他站在一个“燃烧的平台”上,并且他必须做出选择。 dongxi.net 3. You can make a choice as to what you wish to ride and consequently you can fiddle with the axis to give preferred shape. 您可以选择什么你想坐,因此您可以拨弄轴给予优先形状。 www.tech-domain.com 4. "Everyone has a different dream of getting to paradise, " said Tan. "But they have to make a choice at the gates of heaven. " “每个人都做着不同的天堂梦,”陈说。“但在天堂门口,他们必须做出选择。” blog.sina.com.cn 5. It doesn't really matter what you choose, just make a choice and let go of the idea of making the right choice. 你做出的选择和放弃制定正确决策的想法真的没啥关系。 www.bing.com 6. Carlisle: You have to make a choice. You could let the change happen. 卡莱尔:你必须做个决定,你可以改变她。 blog.163.com 7. Jakes: Stewart was hard to make a choice under the heart. 杰克斯:“斯图狠得得下心来做出选择。” 07mx.com 8. How to be a good thing to do, order, the severity of it is very important to make a choice. 如何来将这件好事做好,先后顺序、轻重取舍显得非常重要。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The students make a choice on what specialty they'll undertake 'with their heads, and not their hearts, ' he said. 学生在选择他们从事的专业时,都是用脑子不是凭良心。 news.dxy.cn 10. Now that you've weighed both sides of the issue--your payoff and your tradeoff--it's time to make a choice. 既然你已经衡量了问题的两个方面——回报和代价——接下来就是你做决定的时候了。 www.bing.com 1. Only one choice will be accepted for each situation and you must make a choice before you can advance to the next situation. 针对每一种情境,您只能选择一个该领导会采取的行动。 wenku.baidu.com 2. The cure is to force yourself to make a choice. File some papers. Donate some old clothes. Delete some emails. 你必须强迫你自己做出选择,以治愈你的事无巨细综合症。整理一些文件。捐出几件旧衣服。删除一些邮件。 www.bing.com 3. Close_ended questions pre_specify all the possible answers, and respondents make a choice among them. 封闭式问题事先确定了所有可能的答案,答卷人可以从中选择一个答案。 www.tingroom.com 4. I really dislike the word 'alternative medicine, ' because it suggests you have to make a choice. And I think that should not be the case. 我真的不喜欢“替代医学”这个词,因为这表明你必须做出选择。而我认为不应该是这样。 www.yappr.cn 5. I hope you could make a choice on your own terms. 我希望你能按照自己的主张作出决定。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. choose, select, elect, pick These verbs mean to make a choice from a number of possibilities. 这些动词都指从一些可能性中做出选择。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. It takes guts to make a choice -- and gumption to stick with it. 做一个选择需要勇气——坚持下去需要毅力。 sunstreak.blog.35.cn 8. Rent from your local library to try a few out before you make a choice. 在决定前不妨从当地图书馆租借一些现成的来试试。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. At present, It have variety communications to make a choice. Each communication has their merits and faults. 当前水文监测系统通信方式有多种选择,通信方式上存在着各自白勺优缺点。 www.lunwenzhiku.com 10. Make a choice after careful consideration, and set the terms of engagement. 仔细考虑后作出选择,制定好相关条款。 www.bing.com 1. Traditionally, your federated multi-tier enterprise application has to make a choice between security and performance. 以前,联合多层企业应用程序必须在安全和性能之间做出选择。 www.ibm.com 2. rather than two separate fairways, which rarely work, adding a key interior bunker can often dictate the need to make a choice from the tee. 与其使用将球道分开这种很少有效的到方法,不如增加一个主要的内在沙坑,这样常常能提示球手在发球台就需要做出决定。 www.igolfyou.cn 3. In the final analysis, both sides have sound foundations. However, if asked to make a choice, I will not hesitate to assent to the latter. 综上所述,双方都有一定道理。然而,如果要我作出选择,我将毫不犹豫选择后者的观点。(表明自己的立场) gzmp.dayoo.com 4. This module of drop-down list controls lets users make a choice among a list of mutually exclusive values in the list. 这个下拉列表模块控制使用户能够选择列表中一系列互斥值。 www.ibm.com 5. There are so many great scenes and characters it's too difficult to make a choice, but I just love her quick wit and sarcasm. 里头精彩的片段和角色实在太多了,我都不知该怎么选才好,可是我就是喜欢她伶俐的口才和嘲讽言辞。 www.trorg.net 6. You need to make a choice before someone makes it for you. 你最好在他人为你决定前做出自己的选择。 www.24en.com 7. Since he doesn't give you a chance to make a choice, you might as well refuse his offer. 既然他不给你选择的机会,你不如干脆拒绝他的提议。 wenku.baidu.com 8. And the leaders of these armed groups must make a choice. 那些武装团体的首领必须做出抉择。 www.america.gov 9. Or can not find the source of the problem, the only love in the moment, it is difficult to make a choice. 找不到问题的根源,此刻唯一的爱,我很难做出选择。 wenwen.soso.com 10. In its place is a new menu that uses buttons instead of the cursor keys to make a choice. 取而代之的是一个新的菜单设计,采用了鼠标指点按钮而不是键盘方向键的选择方式。 www.bing.com 1. "People make a choice that suggests they're too confident about their future attendance, " says Ulrike Malmendier of UC Berkeley. 人们对于他们未来的健身出勤率太有自信了,致使他们做出这样一个选择。 www.bing.com 2. the ethical construction is not to instruct people how to make a choice following the rules, but to build a person of virtue and character . 伦理建设的目标不是教导人怎样按照规则进行行为选择,而应该是造就有德性、有品格的人。 www.jukuu.com 3. Here are three ways to take the pressure off yourself to make a choice right this second. 下面的三个方法能让你减轻要立即做出决定的压力。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. It's too hard to make a choice between the two dresses. 很难在这两件衣服中作选择。 www.hxen.com 5. Money can support you with more space to make a choice, and it will disappear if you waste it up. 金钱可以为你提供自由选择的余地,浪费金钱你的选择权也会随之而消失。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Make a choice. Most of us can cope with periods of frenzied activity if they're followed by inactivity and rest. 做出选择。如果将静止和休息放在疯狂的活动之后,多数人都能应付疯狂的活动时期。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Microsoft crushed its competition by forcing consumers to make a choice. 微软通过迫使顾客做出抉择的而介入了这场混战。 www.bing.com 8. Would you please help me to make a choice ? 你能帮我挑选吗? wenku.baidu.com 9. Maybe what should I learn is to make a choice with confidence, and this is an instinct of survival. 也许我应该学会的是用一种自信去面对选择的能力,这一种生存的本能。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. But mistresses eventually have to make a choice. 但是能人最终还是要作出选择的。 www.bing.com 1. When you decide to make a choice, I hope that you'd better not put all your eggs in one basket. 当你做决定的时候,我希望你最好不要孤注一掷。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Fourth, I can tell you how to tell right from wrong, but can not make a choice for you. 我能告诉你怎样分辨是非,但不能替你做出选择。 www.xiami360.com 3. Once you make a choice you become a servant of the choice. 一旦作出选择,人就成为这个抉择的仆人。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Theboss demanded him to make a choice between going on study and quiting. 老板要他作出选择,要么读书,要么辞职。 www.elanso.com 5. You know, i loved my ex girl friend, but i had to make a choice, i won't regret, i won't beg anything for this ! 知道吗,我爱我的前女友,但我不得不选择,我不会后悔,我不乞求任何事。 qzblog.zxmxd.com 6. When you consciously make a choice over and over again, it eventually becomes a habit. 让你一次又一次地有意识地去选择同一件事,它最终会变成一个习惯。 www.51mokao.com 7. He needs to make a choice between the apple and the orange. 他需要在苹果和桔子之间做出选择。 www.wordreference.com 8. Life demands you make a choice: excuses or results. Choose results. 如果让你在申辩和结果中择一,那么选择面对现实,接受结果。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The original application, I resolutely to make a choice. 当初报名的时候,我毅然地做出了选择。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Quit thinking that you have to make the right decision; instead, make a choice and don't look back. 放弃考虑你必须做一个正确的决定,相反,做出选择并且不要回头。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. You'll have to make a choice now, boy. You've taken too long. 现在你该选择了,老弟。你已经磨蹭得太久了。 2. I'd like you to make a choice. 我想由你来选。 www.lightblue.net 3. Jill had to make a choice between her career and her family. 吉尔不得不在事业与家庭之间作出选择。 edu.sina.com.hk 4. We're giving you all the information you need to make a choice at this year's election. 我们已为您提供了详尽的信息以使您能够在年底的大选时做出一个最佳选择。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. People ask whether you have to make a choice between your family and your career. You definitely do. 人们问我是否不得不在工作与家庭之间做出选择,我明确的表明是。 www.bing.com 6. If you're stuck and don't have enough info, let go of worry and just make a choice. 如果你停下了而且没有足够的信息,放弃焦虑只做选择。 www.bing.com 7. You will be forced to make a choice, whether good for bad, about continuing your habit. 你将会被迫做一个选择,无论这选择是好是坏,它关系着你的习惯的是否继续下去。 www.bing.com 8. Free will is the capacity to make a choice based on stories that the neocortex generates. 对于大脑皮层产生的某个场景,自由意志有能力作出选择。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. You will not want to make a choice that may leave doors closed to your future, whatever that may bring. 你不想做出选择,你可以离开门关闭时,可能带来什么。 actuafreearticles.com 10. In his prepared remarks, Semmel said Iran has to make a choice. 塞梅尔在讲话中表示,伊朗必须做出选择。 www.america.gov 1. When the users were forced to make a choice between QQ and 360, they changed from spectators to victims. 当用户被迫在QQ和360之间做出艰难选择之时,他们已从围观群众变成受害者。 www.i21st.cn 2. Ask for help: make a choice for me or talk about your opinion! 求助:帮我作个选择或说说你的看法! jacobwoo.spaces.live.com 3. "Once you make a choice in life, the unchosen alternatives evaporate, " he says. “一旦你作出了选择,另一位备选项就马上失去了存在的意义,成为了博物馆中的展品,”他说。 www.bing.com 4. Otherwise, there are two temples of different material, please make a choice. 另外,这是两种不同材质的样板,请你选择。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. or Billy Bulger or Robert E. Lee, of course they make a choice. 或者比利·布杰或罗伯特·李,他们当然做了一个选择。 www.bing.com 6. It is now that I must make a choice. 就是现在,我必须作出抉择。 www.putclub.com 7. There comes a time when you have to make a choice. 你必须作出抉择的时候到了。 wenwen.soso.com 8. It is pretty hard to make a choice between family and career. 翻译在家庭和事业之间做出抉择是一件很难的事。 learning.sohu.com 9. Who can make a choice between the wish for Heaven and the wish for hell unless he recognizes they are not the same? 除非分辨得出天堂之愿及地狱之愿的不同,有谁能在两者之间作选择呢? cid-faaa7b0f89409ae6.spaces.live.com 10. There were so many cakes that it was difficult to make a choice. 糕点那么多,以致挑选起来很困难。 yingyu.eduu.com 1. Note, however, that at three specific points in the Campaign story you must make a choice between two paths of action. 但是请注意,在面对其中三个特殊的转折点时,您的决定将使游戏朝着截然不同的两条路线发展下去。 www.bing.com 2. Make a choice. See immediate and clear results. 只要做出一个选择,立刻就能看到明确的结果。 www.bing.com 3. If you have to make a choice between a clean mind and clean body, it oughtn't to be no contest. 如果你得在「纯净的心」或「洁净的身体」两者选择其一,那最好还是不要去比较优劣吧! yam.nnmtv.com 4. Your first action as a person living with HIV is make a choice - what to do next. 与HIV一起生活的第一个步骤是做一个选择——接下来做什么。 www.bing.com 5. I don't want to die, but if I must make a choice, I will choose winter. 我还不想死,不过一定要选的话,我选冬天。 www.longcore.net 6. So the rich make a choice: Would I rather donate or pay taxes? 所以这对富人来说就是一个选择:捐赠还是缴税? www.bing.com 7. How can an infected woman make a choice on pregnancy? 受感染妇女如何做一个怀孕的抉择? www.info.gov.hk 8. I was hard put to make a choice between the two. (要在这两者之中选择一个,我感到很为难)。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. From your ancient knowledge you instantly understand you must make a choice. 從您遠古的知識中,您立即明白,您必須作出選擇。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. You couldn't just record over it. You had to make a choice. 你不可能光是记录,你需要作出选择。 www.bing.com 1. The customer will usually make a choice based on food preference, experience, location, or recommendation of a friend or guide book. 顾客通常凭对食物的偏爱、经验、地理位置,或朋友推荐或食物指南做出选择。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. As a special group, secondary school students will enter society earlier and make a choice among majors. 职高生,作为高中生的一个特殊群体,将更早地进入社会,面临升学与就业、以及专业科系的选择。 www.fabiao.net 3. In some cases, they need to make a choice to trust them or believe their luck, and maybe that is the only way out. 有些情况下,你们应该做出相信自己的选择和相信自己的好运,或者这是唯一的正确道路。 www.bing.com 4. All journalists, both female and male, can play a role in changing attitudes to women and gender-based stereotypes. You can make a choice. 所有记者,包括男性和女性,都可以在改变人们对女性的态度以及性别旧框框中,起到重要作用。 genders.zsu.edu.cn 5. He promises he will tell her his decision , he will make a choice between her and his old girlfriend. 他本来答应了要把自己的决定告诉她。他要在她和旧女朋友之间作一个抉择。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I couldn't make a choice and just asked the waiter to 'surprise me. ' 我不知道点什么好,就让服务员帮我点了些有特色的东西。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Once you havened these, can consider the situation, make a choice. 一旦你掌握了这些,就能审时度势,做出抉择。 www.517hb.com 8. When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that is in itself a choice. 当你必须作出选择而不选择时,这本身也是一种选择。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. You must make a choice between this and that. 这样东西和那样东西你必须选择其一。 ms.mhsyxx.com 10. I make a choice about life instead of reacting to life. 我选择生活而不是应付生活。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Young people to make a choice: to stay or go. 青年人要作出选择:去或留。 www.360doc.com 2. Now that you've brought them into the light, you can make a choice. 既然你已经让它们清晰明了,这时就可以做出选择了。 www.bing.com 3. If a task is taking more time than needed, then I make a choice. Either I. 如果一项任务需要的时间比我预计要多,那我会做一个选择,或者我会。 www.360doc.com 4. Beijing's world or world's Beijing, if make a choice I will choose the first. 北京的世界和世界的北京,如果让我选择我更喜欢前者。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The street, you say: if you make a choice, I hope that person is me. 那个街口,你说:如果你做出选择,我希望那个人是我。 www.bing.com 6. Everyone should feel grateful to the earth and make a choice better for the earth in every action. 每个人每一个行动,都要怀着感恩地球之心,做出更有利于地球的选择。 baike.baidu.com 7. I JUST NEED TO MAKE A CHOICE AND GET IT OVER WITH. 我只需要做个决定一次解决掉 www.tingclass.net 8. The answer is that we should use our minds to dig out the hidden meaning and rely on our own judgment to make a choice. 答案是我们应该运用自己的大脑挖掘出深层的含义,并且依靠自己的判断做出选择。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. We are here to make a choice between the quick and the dead. That is our business. 我们在这里就生与死作出抉择。这是我们的职责。 www.hjenglish.com 10. I am facing a no-win situation right now; it is too hard to make a choice. 我现在面临的是必败的情况,太难做出选择了。 www.english-corner.com.cn 1. But the Bible teaches we need to make a choice to forgive. Instead of reacting, we should take the initiative to forgive. 但是圣经教导我们必须选择去宽恕。相反的,我们应该主动地去宽恕。 www.bing.com 2. The coverage in section 20. 2 "The Second Level Cache" in HRD is just too succinct for most developers to really know how to make a choice. HRD第20.2节“二级缓存”中的描述对大多数开发者来说过于简单,无法做出选择。 www.infoq.com 3. we should make a choice as to whether we should go or not. 关于去还是不去,我们应该做出选择 wenwen.soso.com 4. Learn to make a choice. 学会做出选择。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. We make a choice, we act on that choice. 我们做出选择,然后活在那个选择中。 www.i-pride.net 6. Through the autumn harvest some of the forest, but also know how to make a choice! 穿过秋天的森林总会有些收获,也知道了该如何取舍! www.tradeask.com 7. Make a choice about which game you want to play and play it. 选择并开始一个游戏。 www.bing.com 8. How do you make a choice when you're stuck at a fork in the road? 当你困在一个三岔路口时,你如何做出选择? www.bing.com 9. You have to make a choice. Are you going to leave the job or stay? 你不得不做个决定。是辞去这份工作呢还是留下? zhidao.baidu.com 10. So you have to make a choice. 因此你必须做出选择。 www.bing.com 1. If you have to make a choice from the two cruel scenarios, whom are you going to save? 如果你必须在这两个残忍的情境中作出抉择,你会救哪一个?。 dipan.kekenet.com 2. Did you make a choice? 你选了吗? www.yourblog.org 3. My suggestion is that we should check more about the price before we make a choice. 我的建议是在我们做出决定前,再核实一下价格方面的信息。 bbs.esnai.com 4. There are times when we have to make a choice because we can't have things both ways. 有些时候我们必须做抉择,因为我们不能兼顾事情的两面。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 5. The most important point is how to make a choice between operational leasing and financing leasing in the development of airplane leasing. 在飞机租赁业务的发展过程中,重要的问题就是如何在经营性租赁和融资性租赁中进行选择。 www.showxiu.com 6. Responsibility we can make a choice, we can say no and its empowering. 责任:我们可以做出选择,我们可以说不而且从中获取力量。 www.infoq.com 7. Everybody will have that time when he has to make a choice, but this is where I am not adept in. 每个人都会有不得不做出选择的时候,而这是我最不善长的。 hi.baidu.com 8. If it is someone, you are being asked to make a choice for them because it is your choice that will make them better. 如果这个对象是人,你就是被邀请为他们承诺,因为这是你的选择与他们一起过的更好。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Thereare many books you can make a choice. 有许多书你可以任意选择。来自《简明英汉词典》 zhidao.baidu.com 10. why? Do you have to make a choice now? 为什么?你现在必须做出选择吗? edu.qq.com 1. So to learn how to make a choice, learn to give up. 所以要学会取舍,学会放弃。 www.bing.com 2. You've got to, make a choice if the music drowns you out 所以此时,如果音乐淹没了你,那就做出选择吧 zhidao.baidu.com 3. It seem as if we have no voice It's time for us to make a choice 我们已无话可说,此刻我们该做出选择了 blog.donews.com 4. For the former, enterprises should make a choice based on the relation between the path of technological change and industrial evolution; 对于前者来说,企业应该根据技术变化轨迹和产业演化的关系,进行抉择; www.ceps.com.tw 5. Idea of Community Corrective Pattern, Make A Choice among Conflicts of Values 社区矫正模式的理念:矛盾冲突中的选择 www.redlib.cn 6. to make a choice of his belief the elderly 选择自己的信仰,长辈 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The Chinese Macroscopic Economic Policy that Make A Choice from the Macroscopic Economy of Seeing in Western Camera Adjusts to Control 从西方相机抉择的宏观经济政策看我国经济的宏观调控 ilib.cn 8. to make a choice of his belief 选择自己的信念 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Make a choice or decision after consideration 经考虑后选定或决定 sfl.csu.edu.cn 10. make a choice between the two 在这两者中选择 www.kekenet.com 1. appointed full-time senior management representative is responsible for, and make a choice on behalf of management and communication; 委派专职的资深管理代表具体负责,同时让非管理阶层自选出代表与其沟通; www.cnqr.org 2. Life is simple; you make a choice and don't look back 生活是简单的。你做出选择,然后就不要回头。 wenku.baidu.com 3. make a choice among the three 在这三者中选择 www.kekenet.com 4. If this question is a little unclear, we can make it more specific by letting him make a choice: A. an overall developed college graduate; 如果这个问题有些不明确,那就把问题更具体化一些:请您选择:A:一个全面发展的大学毕业生; 6318.cn 5. decide on make a choice or decision about 选定,决定 www.kekenet.com 6. To make a choice; make a selection: 选择;进行挑选: zhidao.baidu.com 7. Opt: to make a choice or decision 选择或决定 blog.hjenglish.com 8. I must make a choice, a tough decision 我必须做出选择,一个艰难的决定 zhidao.baidu.com 9. And if you're free to make a choice 你可以自由地选择, zhidao.baidu.com 10. make a choice between A and B 在A和B之间作出选择 www.jxenglish.com 1. To balance in the mind in order to make a choice; ponder or evaluate: 在脑中比较以便做出抉择;思索或评价: zhidao.baidu.com 2. Gu Xiaobai has to make a choice between two women – 顾小白必须在两个女人间做出取舍—— wap.putclub.com 3. That's how I went to school -- pretty much a government guy pointing a gun, and told my father, "You have to make a choice. " 我是这样开始上学的——一个兵用枪指着我爸说:“你必须得做个决定。” www.ted.com 4. It's time for us to make a choice 现在是时候做出我们的努力 blog.hjenglish.com |
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