单词 | major factor |
释义 | 例句释义: 主要因素,重要因素,重大因素,因子 1. The age of the boat is a major factor, but it is the quality of the previous paint finishes which will have the greatest influence. 船的年龄是一个主要因素,但是之前涂刷质量的好坏将是最大的影响因素。 www.frponline.com.cn 2. The time required for capillary gas chromatography (GC) runs is often the major factor in sample turnaround time. 毛细管气相色谱(GC)运行分析时间常常是决定样品总分析时间的重要因素。 bbs.instrument.com.cn 3. All that indicated that the cooperation of parents'GCA and GD was the major factor in yield's transformation. 说明在影响产量的因素中,双亲的一般配合力和遗传距离的共同作用占有最主要的地位。 www.fabiao.net 4. However, this appears unlikely to have been a major factor, given storage constraints and the fast turnover at retail facilities. 但是,由于各种存储限制因素和零售设施的快速周转,这种情况看来不可能是一个主要的因素。 5. The others failed to respond but they were all smokers. Tobacco has long been recognised as a major factor in infertility. 还有一些人精子计数没有变化,这部分人都是烟民。吸烟一直被认为是男性不育的主要原因。 terms.shengwuquan.com 6. Pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria are the main causes of death during the first five years of life, with malnutrition being a major factor. 在生命头五年中,肺炎、腹泻和疟疾是主要死亡原因,而营养不良则是一个重要因素。 www.who.int 7. After analysis, the major factor of the water quality was that positive and nagetive resins wass not completely separated and was polluted. 经分析,阴,阳树脂分离不彻底、产生再生交叉污染,是影响精处理混床出水水质的主要因素。 emuch.net 8. And, of course, personal choice. However, this map of London seems to indicate that geography is a major factor in fan loyalty. 从下面这张伦敦球迷分布图可以看出:在伦敦,决定球迷对球队忠诚的主要因素还是地域。 www.bing.com 9. What was the major factor that propelled your cooperation? In what way did he attract you to work with him? 你觉得叶伟信有什么过人之处吸引你和他合作? www.cinespot.com 10. It was showed, the dark storage was a major factor in improving its storage stability. 结果表明:避光是提高烤鳗油贮藏稳定性的首要因素; www.chemyq.com 1. Maintenance problems have been a leading cause of accidents at the plants, but it isn't clear whether age has been a major factor. 维修问题一直是日本核电站发生事故的主要原因,不过不清楚运行年份长短是否也是一个主要因素。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Reliability analysis can be combined to further determine the slope to determine the impact of state and a major factor in slope stability. 结合可靠度分析可以进一步确定坡体状态以及确定影响边坡稳定的主要因素。 www.13191.com 3. The increase in life span around the world has been a major factor in increasing the population. 全球范围内人口寿命的增长是人口巨增的主要原因。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. Where detection is the major factor, have provisions been made to control the cause prior to the next operation? 在检测非常重要的领域,没有没将关于控制起因的规定在进行下次生产前制定出? www.waiwenfanyi.com 5. The length of the course, however, is not the major factor in the professional qualities at Eagle Eye. 但是,球场的长度不是鹰眼球场最显专业质量的主要因素。 www.igolfyou.cn 6. The failed rainy season is a major factor in the food crisis, but it is also the result of many years of conflict. 未至的雨季是粮食危机的主要原因,连年战乱也是一个原因。 www.bing.com 7. Evans says limiting access to fishing is only part of the solution. Another major factor to be addressed is the level of subsidies. Evans表示,限制捕捞仅仅是解决办法的一部分,另一个应加以处理的问题是补贴水平问题。 web.worldbank.org 8. Note that a major factor for the emergence of a boom is the injections of money "out of thin air" into the economy. 请注意,一个泡沫出现的主要因素是货币“凭空”注入经济体。 www.bing.com 9. Besides the financial factors discussed by economists, quality management should also be considered as a major factor in this development. 除了经济学家感兴趣的财务因素,品质管理也应该扮演重要的角色。 grbsearch.stpi.org.tw 10. "Greenhouse gases are clearly important to climate, " Dorale says, "but just as clearly they are not the only major factor at work. " “很明显,各种温室气体对于气候变化是很重要的,”多瑞尔说,“可是它们并不是起主要作用的唯一因素,这一点也是很明显的。” huzhangao.blog.163.com 1. Most ski injuries are the result of a fall, and most falls occur in the afternoon, with fatigue being a major factor in ski accidents. 许多滑雪而导致的受伤就是在摔跤以后,而这种情况在下午的时候最容易发生,因为疲劳是导致摔跤的主要因素。 gzmp.dayoo.com 2. By imposing a degree of moderation on American politics, the two-party system has been a major factor in the country's stability. 两党制使美国的政治必须保持一定程度的温和性,这始终是维护国家稳定的一个主要因素。 www.america.gov 3. The danger of feeding babies formula or pasteurized milk, devoid of enzymes, can be seen to be a major factor in the cot death problem . 用缺乏酶的配方牛奶或巴氏灭菌牛奶喂养婴儿,是引发婴儿猝死综合症的一个主要因素。 www.bing.com 4. Whitish yellowy lumps around the eyelids can be a sign of high cholesterol, a major factor in heart disease. 眼睑周围发白的淡黄色肿块可能是高胆固醇的迹象,这是心脏病的主要因素之一。 www.bing.com 5. Now China is helping the German companies achieve record profits and is a major factor in the rebound of the German economy. 现在,中国正促使这些德国汽车公司实现创纪录的利润,并且成为德国经济复苏的一个主要因素。 dongxi.net 6. On the other end, Gasol's mobility, rebounding, and shot-blocking will again be a major factor for one of the league's stingiest defenses. 在防守端,家嫂的灵活性、篮板及盖帽能力也是让湖人成为最具防守震慑力球队的重要因素之一。 www.kobechina.com.cn 7. But the sales of tablet computers, like the iPad, were another major factor and that could become a persistent problem forMicrosoft. 不过,iPad等平板计算机的旺销,是另一主要因素,这对微软来说也可能会成为一个长期的问题。 www.bing.com 8. A major factor in nurturing and maintaining the fighting spirit of the Waffen-SS panzer divisions was their strong sense of unit identity. 武装党卫队装甲师保持战斗精神的一个很主要的因素是他们对单位身份的强烈意识。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. laser drift is the major factor that affects the accuracy of the propagating direction of a laser beam. 在激光准直高精度直线度测量中,激光漂移是影响其测量精度的主要因素。 www.chemyq.com 10. Several investors said the SEC scrutiny was likely a major factor in delaying a Groupon IPO. 数位投资者说,SEC的调查可能是令Groupon推迟IPO的主要原因。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Color is a major factor in each of the shots, with the impeccable compositions being the next most noticeable element. 色彩在其每个镜头中都是重头戏,除此之外最显著的风格就是完美的构图布局。 www.bing.com 2. Although economic development and imported goods is the spread of alien invasive plants one of the reasons but not the major factor. 尽管经济的发展和进口货物是外来入侵植物扩散的原因之一,但不是主要因素。 www.say666.com 3. Toothpaste packaging design, text, as a major factor of the visual expression in packaging design is an irreplaceable role. 牙膏包装设计中,文字作为最主要的视觉表达要素之一,在包装设计是具有不可替代的作用。 www.pai-hang-bang.com 4. Basically, the simplicity of fitting a split roller bearing, compared with a solid bearing, is a major factor in its longevity. 基本上,简单的拟合分裂滚子轴承相比,具有坚实轴承,是一个主要因素在其寿命。 www.nskfbj.com 5. Expectations can be a major factor in stock valuations for years; you don't always get what you foresee. 预期是影响股票长期价值的一个重要因素,但预期并不总是能成为现实。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Perinatal factors, congenital malformations, variability and chromosomal abnormalities was a major factor in neonatal deaths. 围产期的因素、先天畸形、变性和染色体异常是发生新生儿死亡的主要原因。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. One major factor is the fact that visitors want to quickly know what your website is all about. 其中一个主要因素是访问者可以迅速知道你的站点是讲什么的。 www.bing.com 8. The fact that they haven't heard it before adds to the element of surprise which is a major factor getting laughs with your funny lines. 听众之前没有听过这个幽默的事实会让你的幽默话语在使听众大笑的惊讶感上增色。 www.bing.com 9. Constraints of their fitness are a major factor in consumption, "have no time for themselves. " 制约他们健身消费的主要因素是“认为自己没时间”。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. The paper has expounded the general process of knowledge transfer, and held the view that "site or environment" is the major factor. 概述了知识转移的一般过程,认为其主要影响因素是“场所或环境”。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 1. According to the theory of software rejuvenation, the system resources wastage is the major factor of the degradation of computing system. 软件再生理论认为,计算系统运行过程中的系统资源损耗是影响系统性能的主要因素。 www.joca.cn 2. That is to say, the machining time of one rotational part is the major factor of its design and development costs. 即是说,一个旋转部件的加工时间是其设计和开发成本的主要因素。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 3. Therefore, the cavity length of the slab is a major factor of affecting the force status of the slab. 因此,搭板脱空长度是影响搭板受力状态的主要因素。 jiaotong.whut.edu.cn 4. Still, Opel labor is divided on which buyer to favor, with immediate concerns about jobs being the major factor. 但欧宝工会对于支持哪一方也存在分歧,迫在眉睫的就业问题是主要忧虑因素。 cn.reuters.com 5. For the same water depth and same aperture, the gas flow was the major factor for effecting the bubble size and velocity. 对于相同的水深和相同的孔径,流量是影响气泡大小和速度的主要因素。 www.chemyq.com 6. Shape and appearance of the crushed stone dust is the major factor of influencing workability of concrete. 石屑的颗粒形貌是影响混凝土拌合物流动性的主要因素; www.boshuo.net 7. Torres' hot-streak has been a major factor in Liverpool's recent winning run. 托雷斯的火爆的状态已经成为利物浦最近连胜的主要因素。 engbbs.fans1.com 8. A major factor that heavily affects the performance of a Content Delivery Network(CDN) is content placement scheduling. 内容分发策略是影响一个内容分发网络(CDN)性能的主要原因之一。 www3.chkd.cnki.net 9. Although the struggle of Chinese community is the major factor, the influence of international factors should not be ignored. 虽然华人社会的斗争是主要的,但国际因素的影响力也是不容忽视的。 www.boshuo.net 10. The sensibility of flight information is one of major factor that determines the force of fighter. 空情信息感知能力是决定飞机战斗力强弱的主要因素之一。 www.chinamca.com 1. The importance of a bank to its country's financial system is a major factor in the rating process. 一家银行对其所在国金融系统的重要性是对该银行进行评级的重要因素。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Evy Hambro, manager of BlackRock's Gold &General fund, says the change in central banks' behaviour is "one major factor supporting" prices. 贝莱德(BlackRock)黄金基金(Gold&Generalfund)经理韩艾飞(EvyHambro)表示,央行行为的转变是金价的“一个重要支撑因素”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The variation of the reservoir heterogeneity is a major factor affecting the flowing of oil- gas- water and the recovery ratio of oil- gas. 储层非均质性变化是影响地下油、气、水运动及油气采收率的主要因素。 www.chemyq.com 4. An organization's propensity toward "governability" will be a major factor in its ability to adopt a governance strategy. 组织对“治理能力”的倾向将成为其采用治理策略的主要因素。 www.ibm.com 5. The fact that Turk is already worn out drops his value some, although he should still be a major factor in the Raptors offense this season. 事实上特克已经没有以前那么好了,但是他任然是猛龙这个赛季进攻的重要因素。 www.176348.com 6. Cigarette smoking is believed to be a major factor contributing to lung cancer. 吸烟被认为是导致肺癌的主要因素。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Many addicts and most alcoholics cite their inability to deal with stress as a major factor in their addiction. 许多瘾君子以及大多数酗酒者都把他们难以排解压力归因为他们成瘾的主要原因。 www.elanso.com 8. It gives English a unique sound and rhythm, as well as being a major factor to an English accent when Anglophones speak other languages. 它让英语有了一种独特的声音和节奏,也给了英语母语的人说其他语言打上了一个烙印。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major factor of non-A non-B hepatitis transmitted mainly through blood products and is a global health problem. 丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)是输血后肝炎的主要致病因子,给人类的健康造成了极大的危害。 terms.shengwuquan.com 10. Now, here at Mind Tools, we often emphasize that feeling out of control is a major factor in feeling stressed. 今天在MindTools论坛里面我们常常强调指出,情绪失控是情绪压抑的一个主要的因素。 www.bing.com 1. Low temperature is a major factor limiting the productivity and geographical distribution of many plant species. 低温是影响许多植物的产量和地理分布的一个主要环境因素。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Nitrogen is the most limiting nutrient in many plant communities, and is the major factor affecting primary production of plant. 氮在许多植物群聚中属于有限的养分,且是植物最初生产力之主要限制因子。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Coach a team and prove it to be a major factor in the national league matches. 执导一支球队,使其成为全国联赛中的一支劲旅。 www.1stenglish.com 4. The fact that both my wife and I are practising Christians is also a major factor. 其次,我和太太对于耶稣基督的共同信仰也是一个主要因素。 hi.baidu.com 5. Researchers increasingly believe that how individual women react to stress is a major factor in its effects. 研究人员越来越相信,孕妇对压力的反应是影响压力结果的一个主要因素。 chinese.wsj.com 6. The major factor contributing to the pace shift is, of course, declining consumer confidence. 导致增幅回落的主要原因当然是消费者信心不断下滑。 www.ebigear.com 7. coach Li Yongbo said that though Chinese players are young and inexperienced now, they will prove to be a major factor later. 中国队主教练李永波说中国选手目前是很年轻,缺乏比赛经验,但是将来会成为一支劲旅。 www.1stenglish.com 8. One major factor is that so much of the environment is a commons, a resource that everyone can use but no one owns. 一个重要的因素就是如此多环境是一种公共资源,每个人可以使用资源但是不能拥有。 www.bing.com 9. Sleep deprivation could be also be a major factor in obesity. 睡眠缺乏可能也是肥胖症的一个主要诱导因素。 www.bing.com 10. Therefore, it seems that making and keeping strong interpersonal bonds is a major factor in a healthy lifestyle. 因此,建立和维护强大的人际关系是健康方式的主要因素。 www.elanso.com 1. He also said that the major factor for pedophilia in Pakistan was the easy access of people to children due to the negligence of parents. 他还表示恋童狂发生在巴基斯坦的主要因素,是父母对儿童的疏忽使人们容易接近儿童。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. The impact of mergers and acquisitions of financial risks are a major factor in information asymmetry and uncertainty. 影响企业并购的财务风险的主要因素是信息的不对称性和不确定性。 fw.t135.com 3. Such situation is a major factor resulting in a generally low level in current circulation economic research. 这种状况是导致当前流通经济研究总体水平不尽如人意的重要因素。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Substantial evidence indicates that health is a major factor affecting the learning capacity of a person . 据资料显示,健康是影响人们学习能力的主要因素。 www.bing.com 5. Another major factor is the number of competing events that dilute exhibitors and visitors at any given trade fair. 另一个重要因素是竞争项目的数量,那会在任何一个展会上直接影响展商和访客。 hi.nciku.cn 6. The lack of mutual legal assistance arrangements between jurisdictions at the time was obviously a major factor. 主要原因是由于在当时的若干司法管辖区之间仍然缺乏相互的法律程序安排。 www.icac.org.hk 7. The allure of better job prospects in the emerging markets, particularly China, is frequently cited as a major factor. 新兴市场,特别是中国,能提供更好的工作机会,这是人们经常提到的最主要原因。 cn.nytimes.com 8. In structural geology the relative movement of the banging wait and footwall is a major factor to classify various faults. 在构造地质学中,断层上盘和下盘的相对位移运动特征是划分各种类型断层的一个主要因素。 dict.ebigear.com 9. However, customers created more new product ideas that actually solved their problems, a major factor in determining perceived value. 然而,顾客提出越多的新产品设想,越能解决他们对产品价值的认识问题, www.bing.com 10. Thus, bai ming enterprises before a major contribution to export, product price increase is major factor in export delivery value increases. 由此可见,前百名企业对行业出口的贡献很大,产品单价上升是出口交货值增加的主要因素。 texclo.net 1. Declining water quality is a major factor in the pollution of the Great Barrier Reef. 水质下降是在大堡礁污染的主要因素。 www.bing.com 2. The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating our nation. 中国的书面文字一直是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The results show that the root flaw "kissing-bonds" defect is major factor of affecting friction stir welding fatigue behavior. 焊缝根部“吻接”缺陷是影响搅拌摩擦焊接头疲劳行为的主要因素。 www.juyy.net 4. This essay classifies the measured data and analyzes the major factor that influences the indoor radon concentration levels in Chengdu city. 针对所得测量数据进行分组归类比较,分析了影响成都市居室氡浓度水平的主要因素。 www.fabiao.net 5. What do you think is the most major factor affecting personal growth of adolescents nowadays? 您认为甚麽因素对现时青年人造成的个人成长影响最大? www.my3q.com 6. At present, there exists a huge gap between Chinas urban and rural education has become a major factor in a fair education. 目前我国的城乡教育存在着巨大差距,成为制约教育公平的主要因素。 www.chemyq.com 7. In general, the source of the API Starting Materials is not the major factor. 一般来说,物料的来源不是考虑是否是起始物料的主要因素。 chinagmp.net 8. Recent legal research indicates that in correct identification is a major factor in many miscarriages of justice. 近来法律方面的研究表明,指认错误是造成误判的一个主要因素。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The inveterate reward-related memory induced by addictive drugs is a major factor for the persistence of addiction. 成瘾药物所产生的奖赏记忆的长久性可能是成瘾长期性的重要原因之一。 terms.shengwuquan.com 10. They are basic infrastructure and a major factor in contributing to community pride, quality of life, and economic development. 他们是在贡献共同荣誉,有质量的生活和经济发展中的基本框架和主要因素。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 1. Finally, we need to acknowledge the important Tibetan livestock industry as, traditionally, the major factor in its economy. 最后,我们要指出,西藏的畜牧业一直是该地区的主要经济支柱。 www.kouyi.org 2. Reference: Population increase is also a major factor behind China's relative slowness in establishing universal secondary school education. 人口增长也是中国普及中等教育比较缓慢的一个重要原因。 www.24en.com 3. Improving hole quality is a major factor for accurate formation evaluation and reduced well construction costs in deep water . 改进井眼质量是在深水区准确评价地层和降低油井施工费用的一个主要因素。 www.bing.com 4. Effective personal communication becomes a major factor in accomplishing objectives. 高效的个人交流在目标的完成中起到了主要的作用。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. As mentioned above, besides animal welfare, health concerns are also a major factor influencing the rise in vegetarian food use. 除了上述保护动物福利的因素外,养生保健也是促使素食品消费增加的重要因素。 sm2000.org 6. Discuss one major factor which contributes to the difficulties most second language learners encounter. 论述导致大多数第二语言学习者学习困难的一个主要因素。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Economic recovery, led by China, was a major factor, particularly for oil and copper. 中国领头的此轮经济复苏是促成牛市的一个主要因素,尤其是对石油和铜来说。 chinese.wsj.com 8. At present, the major factor influencing the harmony between man & nature, man & society, man himself lies in the vacancy of humane spirit. 当前,影响人与人之间的和谐、人与自然的和谐、人自身和谐的主要因素在于人文精神的缺位。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Conclusion Gestational age is the major factor affecting the incidence and survival rate of NEC. 结论胎龄是影响NEC发生率和存活率的重要因素。 www.chemyq.com 10. Oxygen demand or consumption is a major factor in regulation of coronary blood flow, while the neural control is of secondary importance. 需氧量或消费是一个重要因素调节冠脉血流量,而神经网络控制是次要的。在已知的代谢产物,腺苷被认为是最重要的。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. A major factor in their success was taking enough time to examine the colon thoroughly, as opposed to rushing through the procedure. 他们技术高明的主要原因就是对结肠内壁进行彻底仔细的检查,反对草草了事。 www.readfree.net 2. The major factor is that while the sun is overhead at the equator, it is at a rather slant angle at the poles. 最主要的因素是在赤道上太阳位于正上方,而在两极太阳则从一个倾斜的角度照射。 www.weather.gov.hk 3. Environmentalists have denounced automobiles, believing they are a major factor in the production of dirty air. 环境保护主义者严厉谴责了汽车,认为汽车是产生空气污染的主要因素。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Discharge coefficient is a major factor influencing flow field in natural ventilation buildings. 开口特性参数-流量系数是影响建筑自然通风流场的关键因素之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Taobao shop details and product description Pictures are a major factor in the transaction. 淘宝店的图片和产品细节描述是促成交易的重大因素。 www.baidubo.org 6. Variance analysis shows that the type of catalysts is the major factor influencing the yield of target product. 方差分析结果表明,催化剂类型是影响六氯环三磷腈产率的主要因素。 lib.cqvip.com 7. Collaborative development will be a major factor in the software industry for years to come. 协作开发将成为未来几年软件行业中的主要因素。 www.ibm.com 8. A major factor influencing the capability of speech recognition systems is the accuracy of endpoint detection. 影响语音识别性能的一个关键因素是端点检测的准确性。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Food prices rose by 6. 9%, becoming the major factor in the rise of the total commodity retail index. 上月物价呈现以下特点:食品类价格同比上涨6.9%,成为影响物价总指数上涨的主要因素。 old.zhtv.com 10. Prevention and control of membrane fouling is a major factor influencing membrane performance. 膜污染及其防治是影响膜系统运行效果的重要因素。 www.showxiu.com 1. By analyzing the bit error rate, the results show that the major factor causing quantum bit errors is quantum noise. 对误比特率分析的结果表明,量子噪声是引起比特错误的主要因素。 www.boshuo.net 2. the number of porosity is major factor of affecting tensile strength and elongation. 缩松的数量是影响抗拉强度和伸长率的主要因素。 rjggy.net 3. Results also suggest that extensive knowledge of Japanese vocabulary is a major factor influencing Japanese language comprehension. 通过调查我们还发现,学生的词汇量相对较少是影响他们日语综合能力提高的一个因素。 www.dictall.com 4. Research of hydraulic properties of groundwater, which is one major factor inducing slope failure, is a key task in slope engineering field. 地下水作为边坡失稳破坏的主要诱发因素之一,其水力学特性是边坡工程领域一项重大的研究课题。 www.lw23.com 5. To vegetable production in field, climate is the major factor causing fluctuations of vegetable supply. 在露地的蔬菜生产中,气候是引起蔬菜上市量波动的主要因子。 qk.cams.cma.gov.cn 6. Android's different classfile design had several motivations; but avoidance of Sun's IP was certainly a major factor. Android特异的classfile设计有好几种动机;而为了避免和Sun的知识产权保护冲突显然是一个主要的因素。 www.bing.com 7. One major factor is the infancy of the market, meaning the whole concept of auctions is alien in China. 其中的一个主要因素是市场还处于起步阶段,这意味着整个拍卖概念在中国都很陌生。 dongxi.net 8. The Chinese drop in demand for chicken has been noted as a major factor in a worldwide fall in the price of soy, a prime chicken feed. 中国对鸡肉需求的下降使作为饲料主要原料的大豆的国际价格走跌。 bbs.foodmate.net 9. distance. the impact of distance is a major factor in the cost of transport. 距离。距离是影响成本运输的主要因素。 www.58qm.com 10. Multiple access interference (MAI) is a major factor which limits the capacity and the performance of CDMA systems. 在CDMA通信系统中,多址干扰是影响系统性能和系统容量的主要因素之一。 www.fabiao.net 1. Among them, the impact of corneal astigmatism becomes a major factor in postoperative visual quality. 术后的角膜散光成为影响术后视觉质量的主要因素。 www.fabiao.net 2. For a long time, high prices affect the consumer is still a major factor. 在较长时间内,车价过高仍然是影响消费的主要因素。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Today, communications have become a major factor in the coordination of ship and gun control. 到今天,通信已成为操船与火控之间协调的重要因素。 www.theautoindex.com 4. A major factor in the emergence of store brands is the increased concentration in retailing and in particular in grocery retailing. 商店品牌新兴的一个主要因素是零售业不断地在集中,特别是在杂货零售行业。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The major factor causing resistance in membrane filtration is dissolving organic matter in raw water. 黄浦江原水中的溶解性有机物是造成膜过滤阻力的重要因素。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Which interactions are important to describe will be a major factor in deciding what levels of decomposition to use. 那一个交互作用是重要的将成为决定使用什么分解层级的一个主要因素。 www.ibm.com 7. At present, the aflatoxin B1 is recognized as a major factor in the pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma. 目前,黄曲霉毒素B1已经是世界公认的肝癌发病的主要因素。 bbs.cnqr.org 8. The stratiform skarn is a major factor of gold mineralization control and the regional ore-searching criteria. 层矽卡岩是该区金矿化主要控矿因素之一,同时也是重要区域找矿标志。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. At certain conditions, the fluid shear becomes the major factor to influence the fractal dimension of flocs. 在既定条件下水体紊流剪切作用是影响絮体分形维数的主要因素。 www.pet2008.cn 10. Chemical bond is the physical and chemical properties of the decision a major factor. 化学键是决定物质化学性质的主要因素。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Reaction temperature as major factor on consumption of acetic acid was found by analysis of operation of PTA unit. 通过对PTA(精对苯二甲酸)装置影响醋酸消耗的分析,认为反应温度对酸耗影响最大。 www.chemyq.com 2. With the advent of life-long learning society, citizen's level of education has become a major factor in promoting social development. 随着终身学习型社会的到来,公民的受教育程度成为了推动社会发展的主要因素。 www.fabiao.net 3. Confidence is a major factor and I believe that injecting fun and humour to the process can make it enjoyable and more likable. 自信也是学会英文的一个主要原因,我相信加入幽默和趣味的课堂会让英文课变的令人享受。 www.hiabc.net 4. If not, then containment can become a major factor in achieving primary stability. 如果不是,包容能变成获得初始稳定的一个主要影响因素。 hzgk.net 5. Culture evolution is the major factor responsible for population increase. 文化演变的主要因素是人口的增加的主要原因。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The results prove that hydrogen is a major factor to cause the disbonding of stainless steel welding overlay in hydrogenation reactor. 结果表明氢是引起加氢反应器不锈钢堆焊层剥离的主要因素。 www.chemyq.com 7. Thermal effects are a major factor in polymer deterioration. 热效应是聚合物劣化中的一个主要因素。 www.jukuu.com 8. Certainly, one major factor in hurting the beloved deliberately is related to the central role that mutual dependency plays in love. 当然,故意伤害所爱的人的一个主要因素与相互依赖在爱情中所扮演的核心角色有关。 www.bing.com 9. The results of the study indicate that the diameter of screw is a major factor to bearing capacity of single self-drilling screw connection. 螺钉个数和螺钉间距是影响自攻自钻螺钉群连接件抗剪承载力的主要因素; www.fabiao.net 10. Roughness of rock joints is a major factor affecting mechanical properties of rock joints. 节理的粗糙性是影响节理力学性质的重要因素。 www.chemyq.com 1. Stress is a major factor in heart disease and meditation experts say the technique can help control it. 压力是心脏病发作的主要因素,冥思专家称,这项技能有助于控制压力。 www.bing.com 2. If your body is not receiving a sufficient amount of sleep, this is a major factor in reducing your ability to concentrate on daily tasks. 如果你睡得不够,你每天的工作就会受到注意力不集中的影响。 www.bing.com 3. Soil organic matter is the major factor to influence the accumulation of heavy-metal elements. 土壤有机质是影响重金属积累的主要因素。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 4. Overweight and obesity are a major factor in this excess burden of male death. 在评估男性死亡的诱因中,超重和肥胖是一个主要的因素。 www.bing.com 5. In essence they worshipped those from the skies - the Pleiades being a major factor for many civilizations. 基本上他们崇拜来自天空的那些人-昴宿星就成了许多文明的主要代理人。 www.chinaufo.com 6. Dolan noted that low interest rates are a major factor in the dollar's fragility. 多兰指出,低利率是美元疲软的主要原因。 www.bing.com 7. It was a major factor in their rise to fame and eventual sale to Google for $1. 65 billion. 这是他们名声鹊起并最终以16.5亿美刀卖给Google的重要原因之一。 www.bing.com 8. So, the technical system of anther culture in potato remains the major factor restraining haploidy breeding. 因此马铃薯花药培养技术体系仍是制约马铃薯单倍体育种的主要因素。 www.fabiao.net 9. The velocity of projectile is a major factor for damaging rock under the condition of the same charge and the same target. 在靶体相同和同等装药条件下弹速是毁伤岩石的主要因素。 www.rockmech.org 10. e-commerce security issues of e-commerce security issues affecting the development of electronic commerce is still a major factor. 电子商务的安全性问题电子商务的安全问题仍是影响电子商务发展的主要因素。 www.jsjiashi.com 1. The potential capital shortfall is a major factor pushing down Chinese bank stocks. 这一潜在的资本金缺口是压低中资银行股价的主要因素。 cn.wsj.com 2. and the bubble dimension is the major factor affecting cavitation noise in the throttling grooves. 气泡尺度大小是影响节流槽气穴噪声的主要因素。 www.juyy.net 3. Do you think that the angle of extension of the seat act as a major factor of comfort ability? 您认为座位的可调节度是不是影响舒适的重要因素吗?。 www.my3q.com 4. There has been the removal of the major factor through negation of what it is not, through the negation of attachment. 通过否定它所不是的,通过否定依附,主要的问题已经消除了。 kaixuan668126.wap.blog.163.com 5. The invasion of alien species is a major factor leading to the biodiversity crisis. 外来种入侵是产生当前世界生物多样性危机的重要原因之一。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 6. Q: Did that cap flexibility play a major factor or was it part of the package? 问:球队薪金的工资帽问题是否在其中扮演了一个重要角色? gax.mouzhi.cn 7. Dr. Gill points to the death of moral absolutism as a major factor. 吉尔博士指出道德绝对主义的消亡是一个主要因素。 www.bing.com 8. Wether the consciousness is strong or weak is the major factor of culture peculiarity. 主体意识的强弱与是否得到高扬是文化独特性形成的主要因素。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. If technology is a major factor, perhaps such scenes will be replicated in other countries. 如果技术是主要因素,那么这种场景将会在其他国家重演。 www.bing.com 10. Lower demand in China "would be a major factor in driving prices down, " said Phil Flynn, an analyst at Alaron Trading Corp. in Chicago. 芝加哥阿拉伦贸易公司分析师菲尔.佛林说,中国对石油需求下降“将成为驱使油价下跌的重要因素。” www.bing.com 1. Tn is the next major factor in the equation. Tn是方程式中第二个主要因子。 www.ibm.com 2. also unbalanced development of urban and rural community as a major factor. 同时也是我国城乡社会发展不平衡的一个主要因素。 www.fabiao.net 3. It is found that substrate temperature is the major factor that affects the performance of SiC thin films. 结果表明,沉积参数中衬底温度是影响碳化硅薄膜减反射性能的主要因素; www.ceps.com.tw 4. Magnesium alloy is prone to burning during its melting and casting in air, which is a major factor in obstructing its application. 镁合金在大气条件下熔炼和浇注极易氧化燃烧,是阻碍镁合金推广应用的重要因素。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It is a major factor in pushing up stock prices around the world. 这是全球股价走高的主要推动力量。 www.bing.com 6. Intravenous drug use began to spread of AIDS in China is a major factor, of which, new drugs have done great harm, such as methadone. 静脉吸毒是中国艾滋病传播开始的主要因素,其中,新型毒品的危害极大,例如美沙酮。 www.chinavalue.net 7. Time to Market: In commercial software development, time to market is the major factor in market share. 上市时间:对商业软件的开发来说,上市时间是市场份额的主要因素。 www.24en.com 8. caries and periodontal disease, dental plaque is a major factor. 龋齿和牙周病,牙菌斑是一个重要因素。 www.qiyeku.com 9. Strategy is a major factor in curling , as important as shooting skill . 良好的战略是冰壶比赛获胜的关键,与掷冰壶石技巧同样重要。 www.bing.com 10. Hydrologic factor is the major factor influencing the regulation of the highest water level in flood. 水文因子是影响调洪最高水位的主要因素。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Cigarette smoking is a major factor contributing to cancer. 吸烟是导致癌症的主要因素。 www.edoone.com 2. Poverty is a major factor in women's vulnerability to disease, Haider said. 海德说,贫困是妇女容易受到艾滋病侵害的一个重要因素。 www.america.gov 3. graduate students experience at school is a major factor that affects the level of career planning. 研究生的在校经历是影响研究生职业生涯规划水平的主要因素。 www.fabiao.net 4. But surprisingly, low wage labor is no longer a major factor for being in China. 但是吃惊的是,廉价劳动力不再是中国的主要优势。 www.bing.com 5. But confidence in the future would be a major factor. 但是消费者对未来的信心才是一个主要因素。 www.bing.com 6. The labor force is the major factor in the regional economy development. 劳动力要素是区域经济发展中的主要要素。 www.fabiao.net 7. Promotion Smoking is a major factor contribute to cancer. 提升促进推销提升,促进促进,推销 wenku.baidu.com 8. Transportation costs also are a major factor in food prices, especially for water-heavy vegetables such as romaine lettuce. 运输的价格是影响食品价格的一个重要因素,对于富含水的蔬菜,如直立莴苣,更是如此。 www.kle100.cn 9. It may seem strange that fashion is a major factor in the nerdliest of arts, but it is true. 说潮流是影响艺术的主要因素可能让人感觉怪怪的,但事实就是这样。 is.amazing-network-marketing.com 10. The fungal diseases is the major factor influencing the quantity and quality of corn, which reduce 10-20% of total yield every year. 病虫害尤其是真菌病害是影响玉米产量及品质的主要因素之一,每年真菌病害造成的损失高达总产量的10-20%,甚至更多。 www.fabiao.net 1. The major factor of color control is keeping the color difference meet above grade 4 with grey card measure. 材料颜色控制的第二要素是必须确保色差不低于4级,使用灰卡测量。 wenku.baidu.com 2. This may not, at first glance, be a major factor but in fact it is a crucial element in weight control. 这也许不是一个重要的因素,但实际上,它是体重控制中一个关键的要素。 3. So, the diversity is a major factor for our national survival. 因此,社会多元化是国家生存的重要因素之一。 www.dictall.com 4. Waste water damage to the environment is a major factor. 废水是破坏环境的一个主要的因素。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Automobile exhaust is a major factor in pollution. 汽车尾气也是污染的重要因素。 6. Finally it provides the major factor of bank efficiency is the structure of property rights of state-owned. 最后得出国有产权结构是影响银行效率的主要因素。 www.sinoss.net 7. The major factor, of course, is what happens next in the Middle East. 影响油价的主要因素当然是中东地区接下来的事态发展。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Smoking is a major factor contributing to cancer. 吸烟是致癌的一个重要因素。 www.bing.com 9. In this paper, clothing ads affect consumer purchase decision-making as a major factor in the study. 本文以服装广告中影响消费者购买决策的因素作为主要研究对象。 www.lwtxw.com 10. That's a major factor in Intel's ability to increase its profit margins. 那是英特尔增加毛利润的能力的主要因素之一。 www.bing.com 1. Food is another major factor that greatly affects how we feel. 食物在很大程度上是影响我们情感的另一个重要因素。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. Smoking is a major factor contributes to cancer. 吸引是导致癌症的主要因素。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Processing trade expansion is a major factor behind China's export growth in the 1990s. 中国自90年代以来外贸出口增长的一个重要因素是加工贸易出口的扩大。 www.1stenglish.com 4. One thing to note is that the size of the download is the major factor in the speedup. 要注意的一件事,是下载内容的大小就是决定加速的主要因素。 www.ibm.com 5. However, poor corrosion resistance has become to play a major factor by constraining its performance advantage. 然而,耐蚀性差却成为制约其发挥性能优势的主要因素之一。 www.fabiao.net 6. Soil salinity constitutes a major factor limiting crop production because it affects plant growth and survival. 土壤盐渍化已成为制约农作物产量的主要非生物胁迫因素。 www.fabiao.net 7. In this article, the tourism climate resource is taken as a major factor in the development of tourism planning study. 本文把旅游气候资源作为旅游资源开发的重要因子纳入到旅游开发的研究中来。 www.13191.com 8. As many as one in four adults are regular snorers, with sleep apnoea a major factor. 每四个成年人中就有一个人规律性打鼾,其主要病因就是睡眠窒息。 gb.cri.cn 9. Nuggets turnovers, compared to just 13 from the Lakers, a major factor in L. A. 's win. 掘金的失误次数,相对而言湖人只有13次,这正是比赛胜负的重要因素。 www.176348.com 10. But the transshape of Chinese character has been the major factor restricting of the development . 但是手写汉字的形变问题一直是制约其发展的主要因素。 www.boshuo.net 1. Are student loans a major factor? 学生贷款是重要因素吗? chinese.wsj.com 2. The result shows that the rotation time is the major factor affecting the operation period. 结果表明:回转时间是影响拉斗铲作业周期的最主要因素; www.ceps.com.tw 3. Nh is the first major factor in the equation. Nh是方程式中第一个主要因子。 www.ibm.com 4. Mitochondrial decay is a major factor in aging and diseases such as Alzheimer's and diabetes. 线粒体退化是引起人体老化和阿尔茨海默氏症以及糖尿病的主要因素。 www.elanso.com 5. A major factor is I am getting chances and I have always felt confident if opportunities do come my way, I will take them. 重要的是我有机会,让我一直有信心,但我有这样的机会,我会抓住他们。 www.englandbbs.com 6. Second, while the 2010-11 campaign was disappointing, bad luck was a major factor. 第二,尽管球队2010-11的表现令人失望,他们遭受的霉运是一大罪魁。 www.bing.com 7. A Taiwan that can defend itself is a major factor for peace. 一个有自卫能力的台湾是和平的重要因素。 www.america.gov 8. I am pretty sure it will be a major factor in their demise. 我敢断定这将是导致他们灭亡的一个主要因素。 www.24en.com 9. This trend over the past two decades is a major factor in the resurgence of STIs in China. 在过去二十年里,这一趋势成为性传播感染在中国死灰复燃的一个主要因素。 www.who.int 10. Well that is clearly a major factor, you can see it politically, let's say east and west. 那是很清楚的一个事实,你能貌似不偏不倚地看,让我们谈东方和西方。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. While on the other hand, surpressure is also a major factor controlling hydrocarbon distribution in a certain geologic setting. 另一方面,在一定地质背景下其也是控制油气分布的重要因素。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. I think the major factor in retaining a good employee wages ~ people want to aim for promotion but also to pay! 我认为留住一位好员工主要因素是工资~人们想晋升职位目的也是为了加薪! women.zhishi.sohu.com 3. What it really says is that not only does the climate affect conflict, it's a major factor in determining global patterns of violence. 它真正说的是,不仅气候影响的冲突,它在确定暴力的全球格局的主要因素。 www.maynet.cn 4. Then, students choose a major factor in classroom teacher, what is it? 那么,学生选择任课老师的主要因素是什么呢? learning.zhishi.sohu.com 5. That's a major factor in Japan's poorest region, where unemployment runs at 7. 7 percent, well above the national average of 5. 3 percent. 冲绳是日本最贫穷的地区,失业率高达7.7%,远高于5.3%的全国平均水平。当地的美军当然是冲绳经济中的重要影响因素。 cn.reuters.com 6. Rising pork prices due to expensive raw material costs were a major factor driving inflation to around 7% only two years ago 就在两年前,原材料成本高昂造成猪肉价格不断上涨,在很大程度上导致了中国通货膨胀率升至7%左右的高位; www.i21st.cn 7. Research on the Generation and Application of Analyzing Indices of the Major Factor Influencing Retail Business Prosperity Fluctuation 零售商业景气波动主成份分析指数的编制与应用研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Sleep deprivation could be also be a major factor in obesity. A study 睡眠剥夺也可以成为肥胖的主要因素之一。 www.bing.com 9. On the Essence of Voluntary Surrender and the Major Factor of it's Constitution 论自首的本质及构成要件 10. The low urbanization level and the irrational urban and rural structure constitute a major factor restraining China's modernization process 城镇化水平低,城乡结构不合理,是制约中国现代化进程的一个重要因素。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Major factor gene analysis method's application on listed bank's performance evaluation 主成分因子分析法在上市银行绩效评价中的应用 www.ilib.cn 2. The income difference between urban and rural areas- Major factor to consuming market gap 城乡收入差距是出现消费断层的主要成因 ilib.cn 3. The results show that the porosity is major factor of affecting the mechanical properties, while the slag inclusion is minor factor; 结果表明:缩松是影响轮辋性能的主要因素,而夹渣对性能的影响相对较小; rjggy.net 4. Study on major factor in the responses to photo-temperature condition of soybeans from China 中国大豆品种光温综合反应与短光照反应的关系 www.ilib.cn 5. On the Major Factor's Affecting the Formation of Cultural Distinctiveness 试论影响文化个性形成的主要因素 www.ilib.cn 6. Discourse on the System of One Major Factor and Several Minor Factors 论一主多辅系统 www.ilib.cn 7. Grape variety, a major factor in the taste of a wine 不同的葡萄品种,是影响葡萄酒品尝的主要因素 wenku.baidu.com 8. Analysis of major factor influencing the coal bed methane in Hancheng area 影响韩城地区煤层气产出的主要因素 www.ilib.cn 9. Neatness is the Major Factor to Effect the Quality of Raw Silk at Present 洁净是影响当前生丝质量的主要因素 www.ilib.cn 10. Inter-regional Opening: The Major Factor Dominating the Regional Economic Gap in the Future China 区际开放:左右未来中国区域经济差距的主要因素 www.ilib.cn 1. the major factor for the development of the services in Hebei was intermediate demand; 中间需求成为河北省服务业发展的主要因素; www.fabiao.net 2. Reach the major factor affecting our country occupation basketball harmonious development; 得出影响我国职业篮球和谐发展的主要因素; |
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