单词 | location |
释义 | locations是location的复数
复数:locations adj. n. same location,good location,suitable location,ideal location,perfect location v. n. choose location,pinpoint location,discover location 例句释义: 位置,定位,〈美〉测量,定线,地点,适用场所,外景地 1. He said the situation was particularly undesirable in "sensitive locations" , such as outside hospitals, schools and prisons. 他说,尤其不该在“敏感地点”出现这种情况,比如在医院、学校、监狱门口。 www.bing.com 2. Pryor and her colleagues found that in most of the U. S. wind speeds appear to be waning, in many locations by more than 1 percent a year. 普莱尔和她的同事发现,每年在美国大部分地区,风速似乎在以大于原速1%的比例逐渐减小。 www.bing.com 3. In a year or so, you will see a variant of this as the local degree to anchor us in these locations. 再过一年左右,你会看到这个学位变身为本土学位,牢牢确立我们在这些地区的地位。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Some of the locations to which functions are transferred may be at risk from natural catastrophes. 某些职能转移地点可能会遭遇自然灾害。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Unfortunately, modern green speeds limit hole locations to just a few areas, but they are still areas on a hole of great challenge. 不幸的是,现代的果岭球速限制了打洞杯的位置,但是那些区域还是非常有挑战性的。 www.igolfyou.cn 6. I decode the rest of the gate locations. You get the hobgoblins ready to move the moment I'm done. 我负责破译其他几扇门的位置。你负责在我完成之前组织大地精整装待发。 www.anetcity.com 7. It seems to be more prevalent on the West Coast, although it has been seen at Pike Nursery locations in the Atlanta market. 该品牌在美国西海岸最流行,但在亚特兰大市场的PikeNursery也能发现该公司的产品。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Generally speaking, man's getting hurt ambition peep out a so bitter facial wording, that obviously only a few locations. 一般来说,男人受伤会露出这么痛苦的表情,那显然只有几个地方。 www.vuopen.com 9. It then used its profitable physical store locations to benefit its Total Access online rental program, which had a more promising future. 然后,它用它的有利可图的位置,以利益实体商店在线租赁其总访问的程序,它有一个更加光明的未来。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. None of the casing damage locations discovered during the workover corresponded to any known faults. 套管损坏的修井过程中发现的位置均对应于任何已知的故障。 www.xx178.com 1. One spin-off will be an increase in production flexibility for companies essentially making the same product in two or more locations. 一个附带影响将是提升一些公司的生产灵活性,这些公司实际上是在两个或更多地点制造同一种产品。 www.logclub.com 2. The front line moved constantly, placed not in strategic locations but wherever a handful of rebels decided to gather and fight. 反叛军没有固定的前线,战斗随时可以在几个集结的反叛军那里展开。 www.bing.com 3. Please draw a plane map of the factory. Indicating the locations of every workshop . Warehouse and all other installations as well. 请画出厂区平面分布图,标明各个车间,仓库及其它所有设施所在的位置。 www.bing.com 4. It's not easy to find these locations or to set up the shot. 要找到这些地点或是设置这个场景是不容易的。 ebook.artron.net 5. Flying allows you to quickly return to previous locations to turn in quests, meet up with friends, shop, visit the bank, and more. 飞行可以让你在任务中迅速返回前一个地点,拜访朋友,光顾商店,银行,等等。 bbs.ngacn.cc 6. In preparation for her driving test, she drove herself between filming locations during principal photography for A Cinderella Story (2004). 为了准备考驾照,希拉蕊在拍摄「灰姑娘的玻璃手机」那段期间,在摄影棚外练习开车。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 7. In an attempt to add resveratrol monomers at different locations, the team experimented with a range of brominating reagents. 为了尝试把白藜芦醇单体加在不同的位置,他们试验了多种不同的溴化剂。 www.bing.com 8. in four different urban locations , during a heavy down - pour , a fixed camera is observing the artist trying to animate these vacancies. 在都市的四个不同的角落,下着倾盆大雨,一台固定相机记录着艺术家试图改变这种空虚的身影。 www.ichacha.net 9. The degree of difference between the positions of these two poles when seen at various locations is called magnetic declination . 在不同地点所观测到的这两个极位置之间的差异度数,被称为磁偏角。 dict.veduchina.com 10. The lymphatic system is what cleanses the toxins (at the lymph nodes and other locations) from around the cells in all parts of the body. 淋巴系统(在淋巴结和其他地方)净化身体各部细胞。 www.bing.com 1. The full horror of what took place at these three locations has gone down in history as the 'Katyn massacres'. 在这三个地方发生的所有的恐怖事件在历史上被记录为“卡廷大屠杀”。 www.bing.com 2. In so far as China's exports suffered at all, the main beneficiaries would be producers in even lower-cost locations, not in the US. 至于真正从中国出口下降中获益的,主要会是成本更低地区、而非美国的生产商。 www.ftchinese.com 3. This means that you must chunk every bit of information that you want to be able to reuse in multiple documents or document locations. 这意味着您必须包含希望重用的、位于多个文档或文档位置的所有信息。 www.ibm.com 4. The ship is equipped with a complete set of radiolocation equipment, homing heads and locations stations. 这艘船配备了一套完整的无线电定位设备,导航弹头和定位站位。 www.bing.com 5. Parties to the ship without endangering its own security, the Port Supervision without consent, not to leave designated locations. 当事船舶在不危及自身安全的情况下,未经渔港监督同意,不得离开指定地点。 www.qiyeku.com 6. In terms of selling price, the prices of high-end apartments with good locations are going to be increased a little bit. 从价格上来看,位于市区地理位置好的高档公寓售价将出现小幅微升。 www.fabiao.net 7. Use the front and rear and is the difference between the two locations are used to calculate the actual distance between the anchors. 用后、后两个场所之间差值用于筹算不退位标志之间本质间隔。 www.bing.com 8. Their "Meeting Mediator" measures how much time four people in two separate locations participating in an audio conference spend talking. 他们的“会议传递器”计算出四个人在两个不同地点参加视频会议所发言的时间。 www.bing.com 9. Managing inventory can be a daunting task for an enterprise with tens of thousands of products that are located in hundreds of locations. 当企业拥有成千上万种产品,并且分布于上百个不同地点时,库存管理会变为一种非常困难的工作。 www.fabiao.net 10. The polonium itself, with its rarity and trail of irradiated locations (see article) ought to be a telling clue. 由于钋本身稀有且所过之处留下的放射可被追踪(另见他文),应该能成为发掘信息的线索。 www.ecocn.org 1. Prosecutors raided nine locations including one asphalt contractor where they found a number of unmarked road samples. 检方兵分九路,在其中一家承包商的沥青工厂,搜出没有标示的样本。 englishnews.ftv.com.tw 2. A user should be totally unaware of whether or not the database is distributed (whether parts of the database exist in multiple locations). 一个用户应该完全觉察不到数据库是如何分布的(不管部分数据库在许多位置存在)。 dict.bioon.com 3. Also, in some rare locations where we do not want players to "scout" , some monsters will be able to see ghosts and attack them. 另外,我们不希望玩家如此侦察的个别罕有的地点,会有一些能看到鬼魂并进行攻击的怪物。 bbs.ngacn.cc 4. So while all that's going on, we're down in New Orleans and locations around the world. 因此,尽管所有这回事,我们下来在新奥尔良和世界各地的位置。 www.ted.com 5. Two more locations in London are being tested for traces of radiation following the poisoning death of a former Russian spy. 在一位前俄罗斯间谍被毒害后,调查员又对伦敦的两个地方进行了测试,以确定是否有放射性物质的踪迹。 bbs.putclub.com 6. Temperature is often monitored at several locations, so a scanner is required to switch the measuring instrument to multiple sensors. 通常需要在多个位置监测温度,所以就需要一个扫描仪将测量仪器切换至多个传感器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Sometimes the street locations just floated up and down on the screen, as if the satellites were being buffed around in their orbits. 有时候GPS的屏幕上街道的位置上下浮动,好像轨道上的卫星(讯号)减弱,正在缓冲似的。 hi.baidu.com 8. The image of each page comes with a window describing the locations of Darwin's notes and a transcription of his somewhat illegible scrawl. 每一页图像都会带有一个指出达尔文标注处的窗口,还有一份对于他潦草难辨的笔迹的清晰抄本。 www.bing.com 9. Introduction: Key controlled by the direction of the spacecraft at designated locations can be landed safely into the next concern. 按方向键控制飞船,在指定的地点安全降落即可进入下一关。 4455.cc 10. The commander said the metal was found in three locations on the sea floor, off the country's western coast. 这位指挥官说,搜寻人员在印尼西海岸外海底的三个地方找到了这些金属物。 www.edu114.cn 1. In industrial applications, the multiple sensors are often used to measure the same process parameter at different locations of a process. 在工业应用中常用一组传感器对同一个被测量目标在一个过程的不同位置进行测量。 www.juhe8.com 2. Explore 12 original Montreal locations and meet fascinating and eccentric people that make it a city to discover. 12探索符合原来的位置和迷人的蒙特利尔和偏心的人,使其成为一个城市去发现。 movingshop.org 3. Others are trying to move employees between different emerging market locations, to provide fresh perspectives on cultural trends. 其他一些企业试图让员工到新兴市场各个不同的地区轮流工作,以提供文化趋势方面的新视角。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A third of the kids also carried a backpack fitted with an air-sampling device and a GPS to pair up readings and precise locations. 其中三分之一的儿童还随身携带一个背包,内置空气取样器和GPS,以便将取样器的显示数据和确切位置相匹配。 www.bing.com 5. He said he expected to visit China within the next four months, when he hoped to announce specific industries and locations. 拉希德表示,他期望在未来4个月内访问中国,希望届时可以宣布中国工业区所涉及的具体行业和建设地点。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Commands are placed closer to the surface, which means that you do not need to dig for them in menus or memorize their locations. 命令的位置级别更少,这就意味着您不必在菜单中的多级别中费力查找它们或记住它们的位置。 office.microsoft.com 7. Do not add, copy, or drag existing diagram files to other modeling projects or to other locations in the solution. 不要将现有关系图文件添加、复制或拖动到解决方案中的其他建模项目或其他位置。 technet.microsoft.com 8. To specify locations for files or to get the actual name of the input file in the case of multiple selections. 指定文件的位置,或者在多重选择的情况下获取输入文件的实际名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. And because of the numbered locations, she would be able to tell them where she had last heard from me. 此外由于地点已经编了号,她可以告诉他们最后一次听到我消息的地方。 www.bing.com 10. The new paradigm of ascertaining pinpoint locations of intruders has effectively made the matter of sensor zoning one of software. 查明入侵者的极细微的地点新范例有效地做了问题传感器分区一软件。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Interaction forces between a silica particle and an air bubble were also measured at different locations on the air bubble surface. 一个亲水性二氧化硅粒子与一个一个气泡之间的交互作用力也被在气泡表面不同的地点被测量。 www.sunbb.com 2. Each of the term quizzes will take place in at least two locations, on the dates listed in the syllabus. 每一次学期测验将在至少两个地方举行,日期在教学大纲中列出。 www.myoops.org 3. In contrast, data in a public cloud can be stored in unknown locations and might not be easy to retrieve. 相反,公共云中的数据可能存储在未知的位置,并且可能不容易获取。 www.ibm.com 4. In catheter ablation procedures, doctors attempt to identify locations of abnormal electrical activity in the heart. 在导管消融过程中,医生尝试识别心脏中异常电活动的位置。 pat365.com 5. You might have to click the Show All Locations button to see some of the default locations. 您可能必须单击显示所有地点的按钮,看到一些默认位置。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Rather than stopping at10 this year, we decided to charge it up a bit and expanded the list to include the top 25 brainy locations. 今年的排名榜不再停留于前十名,我们决定加大一些含量,将排行榜扩大到将前25名最聪明的城市收罗其中。 www.suiniyi.com 7. These terms are all about locations - the conceptual location where EJB components are available , from the point of view of your client . 这些术语都是有关位置的是从客户机的角度看时EJB组件所在的概念性的位置。 www.bing.com 8. American escorts generally did not attack the U-boats they encountered but would broadcast their locations to warn British convoys . 美国护卫舰不进攻他们所遇到的U艇,但是会向英国护航船队提供他们的位置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The general locations of the fuel ducts are dependent on the position of the air cyclone, and long enough premixing segment should be set. 燃料导管的位置一般视空气旋流器的位置而定,并应留有足够长的预混段。 www.pcsee.org 10. It seems to have telepathic powers and can be in existence in separate locations at anywhere in the universe simultaneously. 它似乎拥有心灵感应的威力,并且可以在宇宙中不同的地点同时存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. CSL says the design of its Central store is a one-off but it does plan to rebrand the rest of its retail locations over the next two years. CSL说,中环店的设计是独一无二的,但公司确实计划在未来两年重新包装其他零售店。 cn.wsj.com 2. The dark strands can be leased to individuals or other companies who want to establish optical connections among their own locations. 暗光纤可能被租用给个人或者其他公司,用于在他们自己的场所之间建立光连接。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. Japanese students seem to be losing patience with work, clashing their adverse locations in the United States and Korea. 日本学生仿佛正对工作失去耐烦,而美国和韩国学生却不是这样。 www.cfxx.net.cn 4. "It's just not convenient for my son's work. And considering the locations, the prices are not all that low, " she said. 她说,“我儿子上班太不方便了,而且考虑到那个地段,房价一点都不低。” www.bing.com 5. One of these locations is in China, since the company views this country as one of the greatest consumer markets on the globe right now. 其中一个这样的地方是中国,因为公司认为这个国家现在是全球最大的消费市场之一。 www.santaihu.com 6. One could station observers along the track and find the locations of the front and rear of the train at a particular instant of time. 可以沿铁路沿线安排一系列观察者,找出某一特定时刻火车头尾的位置。 7. That feature was introduced in . NET from the beginning to prevent security attacks coming from network locations. 当初之所以在.NET中引入这个特性,是为了阻止从网络上进行的安全攻击。 www.infoq.com 8. It may be better to use a URL to locate the schema, but the file system locations used above seem to work. 最好使用一个URL来查找schema,但是上面所用的文件系统的位置也许是可用的。 www.ibm.com 9. The company has 61 delivery-only locations, up 49% from a year ago, and plans to continue at that rate for the next year. 目前,百胜拥有61家只提供外卖服务的餐厅,比去年增加了49%,公司计划明年继续保持这样的扩张速度。 www.bing.com 10. Earlier this year, he was nearly hit by a speeding lorry while out on his bicycle scouting for locations for new cycle routes. 今年早些时候,当他骑车外出为新的自行车骑车路线踩点时,差点被一辆高速行驶的载货卡车撞个正着。 www.bing.com 1. Meanwhile in Damascus, several protests took place in different locations in the city as well as nearby by suburbs and towns. 同时在大马士革,郊区和城市中数个地点都有抗议活动。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. Like the Type-59 it is usually deployed in static locations but most of the units are kept in reserve during peace time. 和59式防空炮一样它通常部署在固定阵地上,但在和平时期它们中的大多数都转入预备役。 www.globalmil.com 3. Bunches are compact and not suited to rain-prone locations, although crop recovery from early frost tends to be above-average. 白比诺的枝条紧凑,不适宜多雨的地区种植,但从早霜地区种植来看,产量高于平均水平。 blog.hi.mop.com 4. The size of your business size, have to worry about whether or not to sell suitable locations. 你的生意规模的大小,须顾虑到开店地点适合与否。 blog.163.com 5. A number of boxes of many locations of indentation is close to the distance between the line, as in the above package of cigarettes hard. 有不少盒子的很多位置的压痕线之间距离很近,如上面说的硬盒烟包小盒。 www.bing.com 6. But there was a significant difference among the users with different backgrounds in their job functions and school locations. 使用者个人背景不同其对公文电子交换系统使用的满意度会因工作职务、学校地区而有显著的差異,获得部分支持。 7. She rode her bicycle to the census site and spent as much of her weekends as possible mapping the birds' locations by their calls. 她骑着自行车去普查地点,把尽可能多的周末时间用来根据鸟的叫声绘制鸟的位置。 www.bing.com 8. Today, in some locations, hosts cannot charge their customers for electrical power by the kWh (as if they were an electrical utility). 现在,在有些地方,他们已不能像电力公司一样就所消耗的kWh数向客户收费。 www.ibm.com 9. Trusted locations make it easy to trust all databases in secure folders. 受信任的位置使得信任安全文件夹中的所有数据库更为容易。 office.microsoft.com 10. Sebelius said the vaccine doses will be distributed immediately to designated locations across the country once they are available. 西贝利厄斯说疫苗一可用就会立即发派至全国各指定地点。 www.bing.com 1. Like the Bond films, Inception was shot in various locations around the globe including Morocco, France, Japan and Canada. 像邦德的电影一样,Inception是在全球各地拍撮了各种场景,其中包括摩洛哥,法国,日本和加拿大。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. The electrogram data sensed at each of the plurality of locations in the heart is mapped to a corresponding element of the FEM. 在心脏中的多个位置中的每一个位置处所感测的电描记图数据被映射为FEM的相应元素。 pat365.com 3. White House officials say these locations are among the last pristine marine areas left on earth. 白宫官员说,这些地区是地球上最后的原始海洋的一部分。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. He gave precise locations for the infant bodies, which were hidden under walls or buried under courtyards close to each other. 他描述了这些婴儿遗骸的精确位置,或隐藏在墙根下,或掩埋在院子里,紧紧地靠着。 www.bing.com 5. Earthquakes induced by human activity have been documented in a few locations in the United States, Japan, and Canada. 由人类活动引发的地震在美国、日本和加拿大的一些地方有过文献记载。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. This year Britain was one of the lowest ranked locations when it came to lifestyle. 英国在今年的最佳移居国排行榜上排名靠后。 my.putclub.com 7. There apparently is a great deal of interest in celestial bodies, and their locations and trajectories at the end of the calendar year 2012. 显然是一个极大的兴趣,他们天体位置和轨迹在今年年底2012年。 tieba.baidu.com 8. "It's a closed, fragile chain, " he said. In many locations, he has seen irreparable damage to its links. 但在长江源头,辛元红多次目击了这个生态链条不可逆转地被破坏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. With so many spectacular waters to dive around the world, I'll never run out of locations to put my certification to good use. 世界各地有如此多可以潜水的壮观海域,我永远没法去完所有的地方以充分利用我对它们的认证。 www.bing.com 10. Your objective is to follow the path marked on an old map, explore diversely -themed locations, and collect ancient treasures. 你的目标是走标志着一个旧地图,探索多元化主题地点,并收集古代珍品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. That's why retailers purposely put inviting items like coats and cashmere sweaters in easy-to-touch locations. 这就是为何零售商故意将例如大衣、开司米毛衣这样具有吸引力的商品放在人们容易触及到的地方。 doc.cnnas.com 2. The women who thought they were wearing counterfeits lied about those locations more often than those who did not. 那些认为自己戴赝品的女性在计数点位置上撒的谎比那些戴正品的女性多。 www.ecocn.org 3. Basis is usually computed to the near future, and may represent different time periods, product forms, qualities and locations. 它通常被计算到近期的期货,和可能表现不同的时间期数、产品规格、质量和场所。 www.fane.cn 4. In other words, it has to calculate memory locations to process program branch instructions or to index into tables of data. 换句话说中央处理器必须找到内存地址,处理分支指令或者检索数据。 www.bing.com 5. If you want to understand adversity, take two identical acorns from the same oak tree and plant them in two different locations. 你想理解是逆境,就去拿两颗从同一棵树上摘下来年龄相同的橡树果,并且把它们种到不同的地方。 www.ttxyy.com 6. Slide attachment locations shown in the instruction book do not match all possible products. 幻灯片实习的地点,显示在指示书不匹配所有可能的产品。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Diverse Exciting travel locations, up-to-date entertainment news, and detailed science features. . . EF magazine has it all! 令人心驰神往的旅游胜地,最新娱乐时尚快递,最新科学发现报道,尽在英孚第一杂志! edu.sina.com.cn 8. Planet Finder - An applet that shows the locations of the sun, moon, stars, and planets in the sky. 一个显示太阳,月亮,星星和天上其他行星的程序。 dict.ebigear.com 9. Jack had found a file marked "Mustangs" on the couple's computer, with downloads showing locations of various herds. 杰克在夫妇俩的电脑里找到了一个名为“野马”的文件夹,里面搜藏了关于各种野马群栖息位置的下载资料。 www.bing.com 10. Workspaces could also be created and saved, allowing you to save your file locations and groups for future use. 工作空间也可以创建并保存,可以让你保存文件位置和组群用于今后的工作。 www.bing.com 1. Larger projects that have multiple locations and multiple code repositories may not be able to build the complete project continuously. 拥有多个位置和多个代码库的大型项目,可能并不能构建完整的项目。 www.ibm.com 2. Naomi Watanabe, a spokesperson for Citigroup, told TIME the company had made contingency plans to move staff to other locations if need be. 花旗集团发言人渡边直美告诉《时代》杂志,公司已经制定了必要时将员工转移至其他地方的应急计划。 www.bing.com 3. The system used to track individual assigned and actual inventory stocking locations, and determining location naming conventions. 决定仓位命名惯例,用于追踪各乡派定及实际存货仓位的系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. If you work in an organization, your administrator might have created trusted locations for you. 如果您在组织中工作,那么管理员可能已为您创建了受信任位置。 office.microsoft.com 5. an interconnecting circuit between two or more locations for the purpose of transmitting and receiving data. 在两个或多个位置之间的为传送或接收数据的相互连接的线路。 www.hotdic.com 6. A list of nearby caterers and party locations is at your hands in milliseconds with a simple Google keyword search. 进行一次简单的谷歌关键词搜索,附近地区餐饮、聚会地点瞬间就在你掌握之中。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. and At least a Location Server capable of providing information about a caller's possible locations and redirect to the proxy servers. 以及能够提供有关呼叫者的可能位置的信息并重定向到所述代理服务器的至少一个位置服务器。 ip.com 8. North America, and all the other continents, seem to stay in the same locations year after year. 北美大陆,以及所有其他大陆,看起来年复一年的待在同一个位置上。 www.bing.com 9. Now that the locations in the building are defined, data that specifies who or what is at a location needs to be built. 建筑物中的位置已经定义完成,下一步需要构建一些数据用于指定各位置的内容。 www.ibm.com 10. Most in the establishment have several locations lined up, in case of discovery or in case they are caught away from their primary site. 大多数权势集团的人都已经整顿了不止一个安全地点,以防被发现或是被从主据点抓走。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. One of the challenges with hydrogen production is the cost of compressing and transporting hydrogen from central locations. 氢气生产的所面临的一个很大的挑战是在能源中心压缩和运输氢气的成本问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. With its thin design and embedded magnet for easy hiding, the Annoy-a-tron can be placed in a variety of locations. 凭借其超薄的设计和嵌入式便于隐藏磁石,惹恼-1-特罗恩可以在不同的地点上。 581la.com 3. Those sorts of locations are perfect for finding organic matter which has been preserved for centuries, and can be dated and used for study. 因为那些地方是寻找有机物质的理想场所,这些有机物质保存了数个世纪,可用来断定年代及用于科学研究。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. "We may close one or two stores, but more because we are trying to improve certain locations. " “我们可能会关闭一两家门店,但这更多的是因为我们希望改善某些门店的业绩。” www.ftchinese.com 5. Unlike traditional reporting engines, the data used for cloud analytics can reside in a number of locations outside the reporting engine. 跟传统的报告引擎不同,用于云分析的数据可以驻留在报告引擎外面的很多位置中。 www.ibm.com 6. The hierarchy for your repository could simply be a view, allowing content to be filed in multiple locations. 存储库的层次结构可以仅仅是一个视图,将内容存储在多个位置上。 www.ibm.com 7. The mortars had all our locations, which were ramps bulldozed up to the sand wall across the ditch at something like 200m or so intervals. 迫击炮拥有我们周边所有要地的坐标,即每隔大约200米左右用推土机推出的通向沙堤用于跨越反坦克壕的坡道。 bbs.cjdby.net 8. Foreign locations, even those within reach "over the border, " seem to entice you. 外国的,或者就算是到达在边境之内的地方,对你都是非常大的诱惑。 hi.baidu.com 9. When boats were present, the birds appeared to know roughly where they would be and went to those locations. 当有渔船出现时,鸟儿们好像知道这些渔船在哪里,继而飞向这些地点。 www.bing.com 10. Documents in trusted locations are allowed to run without being checked by the Trust Center security system . 允许不经过信任中心安全检查而直接运行受信任位置中的文档。 www.bing.com 1. As it expanded at a breakneck pace, the company opened too many Starbucks in subprime locations. 公司飞速扩张,在受次贷危机影响的地区开设了太多的星巴克门店。 www.ecocn.org 2. Therefore, upon entering the facility from the golf course, the equipment is usually driven to two separate locations. 因此每次从球场完成工作返回场地部后,一般来说车辆就会向两个不同的地方开去。 www.igolfyou.cn 3. I don't need two pianos. But we're doing, 'cause you know, a concert - we've got two different locations for keyboard. 我不需要两部钢琴。但我们在做,因为你知道,音乐会–我们必须有两个不同位置放键盘。 qac.yappr.cn 4. A more typical -- and lower-stress -- assignment might be suggesting ideal locations for stores or forecasting flood zones. 更典型的-以及压力较小的-任务可能是建议仓库的理想选址或者预言洪水发生区域。 www.bing.com 5. The U. S. government accidentally released a confidential list of exact locations of nuclear sites around the country. 美国政府不小心泄露了一份机密名单,上面是这个国家周围核设施的精确地点。 www.hjenglish.com 6. As the number of lines goes down, the subsidy required to provide lines to remote locations and poor customers will have to rise. 然而随着有线电话用户数量越来越少,给偏远地区以及低收入客户提供线路的补助就不得不提高。 www.ecocn.org 7. Its wheels and gears create a portable orrery of the sky that predicted star and planet locations as well as lunar and solar eclipses. 其轮盘和齿轮制造出一种可携带的太阳系天体仪,可以预测恒星和行星的位置,也能预测月食和日食。 www.bing.com 8. The exact amount of oil and its locations can could only be established by sending ships out to drill for it . 精确石油储量及其方位的确定只能通过派科考船前往钻探这种昂贵危险的方法才能实现。 www.showxiu.com 9. accesses start at a selected location and continue for a programmed number of locations in a programmed sequence. 访问从一个选择的点开始,按照一个可编程的序列读取可编程个点; blog.sina.com.cn 10. No doubt what gas their is available will be top dollar, easily exceeding ten US dollars per gallon in many locations world wide. 毫无疑问,什麽气体他们可将顶级美元,很容易在许多地方,世界各地超过10家美国每加仑美元。 www.sinovision.net 1. While sapphires are found in a few locations around the world, these "star" sapphires often originate in Sri Lanka. 蓝宝石只能在世界的某些角落被发现,而这些“星”蓝宝石通常产于斯里兰卡。 www.bing.com 2. Click on the Places icon to see a list of your friends' locations. 我们点击Places图标,查看好友位置列表。 www.bing.com 3. Each of the locations is responsible for a piece of the final product, but all must work together before the product can be shipped. 每个地点对一个最终的产品进行负责,但是所有人都必须在产品交付之前协作工作。 www.ibm.com 4. More recently Plan has also started working with the children of migrant families in urban locations. 不久之前国际计划还在大都市的一些地方与来自流动儿童家庭的儿童一起开展活动。 www.yjbys.com 5. Jill has been maintaining two separate locations of the same store for over a year. 卲儿经营同一家店的两个不同点已经超过一年的时间。 lc.ypu.edu.tw 6. SPA R&D is one of the main development locations of the Siemens Energy Automation global development and innovation network. SPA研发部是西门子能源自动化全球研发和创新网络的重要部分。 company.zhaopin.com 7. Where Service is to BE performed at the location of the Product, Customer shall furnish shelter, heat, light and power at these locations. 如维修在产品所在地进行,客户应在该地提供遮挡、暖气、照明及电力。 dict.ebigear.com 8. In the grid-coding technique, the accurate grid junction locations are vital to the surface computation. 在网格编码技术,精确的网格交界处的位置是至关重要的表面计算。 www.syyxw.com 9. Lee says the levels of dioxin detected at three locations two kilometers from the U. S. facility are too minute to be hazardous to humans. 李元硕说,在卡罗尔美国军事基地两公里以外的三个地点发现的二恶英(Dioxin)含量很低,不至于对人体构成危害。 www.hxen.com 10. For instance, the readPoint attribute would pass the test if it matches one of the imported reader locations. 例如,如果readPoint属性与导入的读取器位置之一匹配,那么它就会通过测试。 www.ibm.com 1. Users need to be able to control their listings, add, remove, change, make rollover, add time scales, dates, locations. etc etc. 用户必须能够控制自己的物品,添加,删除,更改,使翻转,添加时间尺度,日期,地点。等等等等。 www.bing.com 2. India has criticized a ban imposed by the U. S. state of Ohio on outsourcing of government projects to offshore locations. 印度批评美国俄亥俄州禁止将政府项目外包到海外的禁令。 www.tingroom.com 3. Periscopes at various heights and locations offer the only apparatus of visual relationship between the departed and the living souls. 借助不同高度和方位的潜望镜,人们可以看到逝去与活着的灵魂之间的视觉关系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Super Shuttle Austin provides transportation to and from the airport, as well as other locations around Austin for a very reasonable price. SuperShuttleAustin提供往返机场以及奥斯汀周边其他地点的交通运输,价格十分合理。 www.realsoftware.com 5. We would also like increased transparency concerning the numbers, locations, and types of these tactical forces in Europe. 我们还要提高在欧洲所部属战术核武器数量、位置和种类信息的透明度。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The primary principle of backing up your data is that any important data should exist in two or more physical locations at once. 备份数据的主要原则就是所有你认为重要的数据都有两份以上的物理备份。 www.bing.com 7. " Miss This will lay down their hearts, the tian tian di xiao Road: " I do not know what you love to eat, something random locations. 将小姐这才放下心来,甜甜地笑道:“我也不知道你爱吃什么,胡乱地点了一些东西。” bookapp.book.qq.com 8. This mashup of golf course locations and an interactive map view offers quite a reward for your effort! 高尔夫球场位置的mashup以及互动性的地图视图就能让您的努力有所回报。 www.ibm.com 9. The tip of a catheter is then used to apply energy (either radiofrequency to heat or liquid nitrogen to freeze) at these locations. 然后,使用导管的尖端在这些位置上施加能量(用于加热的射频或者用于冻结的液氮)。 pat365.com 10. Located off Brazil's northeast coast, Fernando de Noronha is one of the best scuba diving locations in South America. 它坐落在巴西东北部海岸,费尔南多·迪诺罗尼亚是南美洲最适合深潜的地点之一。 www.bing.com 1. This was done as a sign of respect to the local tribe of West Auckland whose lands will be used for filming locations. 这是西奥克兰的当地部落用来表达他们对土地将被用作电影场景的一种尊重的标志。 www.24en.com 2. But Dalian's proximity to Japan and South Korea made it one of the prime locations for foreign direct investment from these two countries. 但由于邻近日本和韩国,大连因此成为日韩对外直接投资的主要目的地之一。 www.ftchinese.com 3. It has also been scouting for locations in London and New York. 它还一直在伦敦和纽约物色开课地点。 www.ftchinese.com 4. This map of a region known as Deuteronilus Mensae, in the northern hemisphere, shows locations of the detected ice deposits in blue. 地图上该区域即为德特罗尼鲁斯·门萨地区,位于火星北半球,图上以蓝色标出了探测到的冰沉积物所在的区域。 www.bing.com 5. Although more research is needed, these centers may turn out to be the physical locations for Dweck's twin mind-sets. 尽管还需要更多的研究来证明这个观点,这两个中心可能就是德维尔双重思维模式产生的实际位置。 www.elanso.com 6. Rudimentary networks first came into existence in a few locations in the 1930s. 三十年代,少数几个地方开始建立另星的地震仪网。 sea3000.net 7. Using the parameters, you can type the name once and then automatically copy the name to all the necessary locations within the script. 使用该参数,可以只键入一次名称,然后自动将该名称复制到脚本中所有必要的位置。 technet.microsoft.com 8. This paper by means of different locations inertia moment of different directions and bending of the drill, analyses its bending rigidity. 本文利用钻头不同位置不同方向的惯性矩和挠曲对其弯曲刚性进行解析。 www.chemyq.com 9. Fifty-Fifty : A guessing game where you keep betting money with a spectator on the locations of a big key and a small key. 对半:猜谜你继续打赌金钱与观众在一把大钥匙和一把小钥匙的地点的地方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Screen angle is defined as net-point center vertical line and a horizontal line between the angles, which reflects arranged locations. 网角是指网点边际笔直连线与水平线之间的夹角,它反响了网点的摆列标的目的。 www.bing.com 1. were twice as long in many locations , possibly in part because the company did n't take pre-orders this time . 但在很多地方,排队长龙达到了原来的两倍,原因是苹果公司这一次不接受预定。 www.bing.com 2. Subscriber-based report distribution through e-mail or to file share locations. 通过电子邮件或向文件共享位置分发的基于订户的报告。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Hop around the country's tropical locations kicking up sand, snorkeling, and taking care of a "few minor tasks. " 在该国的热带地区四处游走,踢沙子,潜泳大堡礁,还有就是一些“小任务”。 bbs.etiantian.info 4. Allowing you to try a variety of locations will ultimately result in a consistent location. 让自己尝试多个地点将最终使你选择一个固定的场所。 www.bing.com 5. The quantity, locations and quality level of non-destructive inspections shall be agreed upon by the ship inspection and design authorities. 无损探伤数量,部位以及质量等级由船检与设计部门共同协定。上面的怎么翻译? zhidao.baidu.com 6. It runs in and out of the synthetic leather panels, forming exposed loop at strategic locations. 它穿入和穿出合成皮革嵌条,在关键的位置形成显露在外的环扣。 www.tadgear.net 7. With modern shop fittings, the modern-day pawn brokers have sprung up in prime locations in town centres. 现在的当铺开在商业街最好的位置,有着时髦的装修,吸引着不同的顾客。 ts.hjenglish.com 8. The new logo will eventually replace store logos at the company's US locations throughout the year. 新标志将最终在今年之内代替之前在美国使用的旧标识。 iphone.unisk.cn 9. Work will be performed primarily at the Norfolk region with additional work conducted at key locations across the United States. 工作将主要在诺福克地区完成,其他工作将在美国关键地区进行。 www.etiri.com.cn 10. Lack of comprehensive cadastral data and the scattered nature of existing data in various locations. 缺少完善的地籍数据,现存数据分散在不同地方。 www.dictall.com 1. If most of the teachers in these locations like the new approach and share their positive experiences, then these methods will spread. 如果这些城市中的大多数老师喜欢这种新方式,而且分享他们积极的经验,那么我们就会把这些方法扩展开去。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This new form of manufacturing depended on the movement of goods to distant locations and a centralized source of laborers. 这种新的制造形式依靠移动到偏远地区的商品和一个集中的劳动力资源。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Professor Hoskins does not expect a drastic change in the way blocking events happen, though their locations may alter a bit. 尽管阻滞位置可能会发生少许改变,但是,Hoskins教授并不期望气流阻滞事件的发生模式会出现剧烈改变。 www.ecocn.org 4. The dark strands can be leased to others who want to establish optical connections among their own locations. 暗光纤也可以被租给其他打算在其自己的区域建立光纤连接的其他公司。 wiki.mycreative.com.cn 5. At all these locations, look left and right to check for vehicles or pedestrians about to enter the road. 在这些路段,要观察左侧及右侧情况,注意那些准备进入行车道的车辆及行人。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Stoneking persuaded colleagues to help collect saliva from 10 volunteers each at a dozen locations around the world. 斯多肯StoneKing说服了一个同事帮忙收集来自世界各个地区10个志愿者的唾液。 www.bing.com 7. Another example is switching between providers located in differing geographical or network locations, depending on a time schedule. 另一个例子是根据时间表在位于不同地理位置或网络位置的提供者之间切换。 www.ibm.com 8. Sparse files allow data to be written to random locations within a file without instantiating previously unwritten intervening file blocks. 稀疏文件允许把数据写到一个文件的任意位置,而不要将以前未写的中间文件块实例化。 www-128.ibm.com 9. North Korea is one of the world's most closed societies, with only a handful of locations open to foreign visitors. 北朝鲜是世界上最封闭的社会之一,只有很小部分对外国访问者开放。 www.bing.com 10. But reports say only a small number of projects would be launched by 2015, and no projects will be approved for inland locations. 但是报道也说2015年前仅会开工很小一部分项目,并且内陆核电站都不被批准。 www.bing.com 1. The beginning of this article. the author first introduced the story of the locations and scenes. 这篇文章的开头,作者首先介绍了故事发生的地点和场景。 sports.zhishi.sohu.com 2. He said Volvo is likely to build new manufacturing capacity in multiple locations. 他说沃尔沃有可能在多个地点兴建厂房,扩大产能。 c.wsj.com 3. However, you can drag them only within the flow of the document, not to arbitrary locations on the page. 但是,只能在文档流中拖动它们,而不能将它们拖动到页上的任意位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Next, you'll have the option of adding the locations of any media files on your computer. 下一步,你将会进行电脑媒体文件路径选择。 www.bing.com 5. District Cyber Centres will also be established in locations where public demand for free access to IT facilities is strong. 此外,政府亦会在市民对免费提供资讯科技设施有强烈需求的地点,设立分区数码中心。 www.info.gov.hk 6. Unconfirmed reports from activists said at least 16 demonstrators were killed by the security forces in several locations. 来自积极分子未经证实的报道称,几个抗议地点,至少有16名示威者被安全部队杀害。 www.hxen.com 7. The driver cannot take you to destination in the urban area except a few locations on specified routes. 除少数指定地点在指定路外,新界的士不能接载乘客往市区。 www.td.gov.hk 8. Although hydroelectric power seems like a good solution, the quantity, locations, and scale of such dams may not be ideal. 尽管水电似乎是一个不错的解决方案,但是大坝的容量、位置和尺寸却可能不是十分理想。 www.bing.com 9. Incremental search helps you navigate directly to locations in the current document as you enter the search characters. 输入搜索字符后,渐进式搜索会帮助您直接定位到当前文档中的相应位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. We chose our apartment by looking at Whole Foods locations on a map and drawing a radius within a certain number of miles. 我们在地图上的一个食品区挑选我们的公寓,并在以这个地点为中心,花了若干英里的半径范围。 www.bing.com 1. eg. But, as I mentioned in my last article, if you do this, your file locations may be slightly different than what I refer to here. 但如同我在上一篇文章中讲到过的,如果您这样做,文件位置与在这里所引用的会有略微不同。 www.bing.com 2. To put one or more storage locations or registers into a prescribed state, usually that denoting zero. 将一个或多个存储单元或者寄存器置成预先规定的状态,通常置成零状态。 ai.7tmusic.com 3. Don't forget the most important rule: any important data should exist in two or more physical locations at once. 最后提醒一下别忘了最重要的原则:任何重要的数据必须同时有两个以上的物理备份!!! www.bing.com 4. South Africa, one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, and its neighbours are prime locations for adding to the species catalogue. 世界上最具有生物多样性的国家之一的南非以及它的一些邻国都是发现新物种的黄金地区。 www.bing.com 5. The company says it could have several hundred locations in a couple of years. 宝洁公司说,两年之内可能会开出几百家连锁店。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Investment bankers in New York are looking at a wide range of alternatives, including changing careers and changing locations. 纽约的银行投资家正在考虑大范围的选择性,包括换行和换场所。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Under-water owners of property in poor locations have little incentive to splash out on maintenance. 那些所处地理位置较差房产的按揭业主没有动力花大钱进行楼的养护。 www.ecocn.org 8. The maps, which are free and available to any public user, allow for comparison of project locations against development indicators. 相关地图免费向任何用户提供,便于对各项目点的发展指标进行比较。 web.worldbank.org 9. The company offered me a choice of East Coast locations. 公司提供给我一个东海岸的职位。 sfile.ydy.com 10. You can change this configuration parameter during the roll-forward process to allow you to access logs in multiple locations. 在前滚过程中可以更改此配置参数以允许您访问多个位置中的日志。 www.ibm.com 1. 'Surgeons at different locations around the world can observe in 3D, in real time, and participate in the surgical procedure, ' he said. 世界各个地方的外科医生都可以实时地,通过3D的形式观察并参与到某个外科手术中来。 www.bing.com 2. The car-rental company also froze management salaries, will close unprofitable off-airport locations and is adjusting the size of its fleet. 这家汽车租赁公司还冻结了管理层薪酬,并将关闭不盈利的机场外门店并调整车辆数量。 www.ebigear.com 3. If online shopping is not your style , you should also able to find Panasonic air purifiers at a number of storefront retail locations . 如果不是你的风格网上购物、你也应该可以找到松下空气清新,在一些零售商店的地点。 www.bing.com 4. Moreover, here are two squares, and I cannot lock their exact locations. 还有这儿,这两个广场的位置我搞不清。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. NC Drill: Numeric Control drill machine used to drill holes at exact locations of a PCB specified in NC Drill File. 数控钻孔:使用数控钻机和数控钻文件在。 blueinfo.bokee.com 6. With so much time away from home, many of those residents may decide to stay in their new locations, especially if they find new jobs. 离家这么长的时间,如果搬迁的居民找到了新的工作,许多人可能会决定留在新的地方。 c.wsj.com 7. A well-built pointcut is less likely to stop matching the required locations after changes are made to the code. 在更改代码之后,构建良好的切入点不太可能停止匹配所需的位置。 www.ibm.com 8. This feature will allow you to store locations and make them easy to use for others. 该特性让您能存储位置信息以方便他人使用。 www.ibm.com 9. Whatever you want to call them, groups who work from geographically separate locations are more common than ever. 不管你怎么叫它,反正地理位置相独立的小组工作已经愈加平常了。 www.bing.com 10. Ten, fish tank away from windows and other display locations for direct exposure to sunlight can be a place to the principle of the shadows. 鱼缸摆设地点需远离窗户等阳光可直接照射的地方,以阴暗处为原则。 www.xiami360.com 1. Her suggestion is to use GPS to get to a new destination, but to turn it off on the way back or when going to familiar locations. 她的建议是使用GPS来获得一个新的目的地,然后在返回或者熟悉周围环境后将GPS关闭。 www.bing.com 2. hospital features: locations, local population size, and demographics structure around the hospital. 医院特色:如医院地理位置、当地人口数、医院附近人口结构。 www.cetd.com.tw 3. We now have the certificates for you and the host placed at the appropriate locations. 现在我们已经为您和主机在适当的位置上提供了证书。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Device with a fixed base on the ship's structure, its base dimensions and mounting hole locations, see the figure below. 装置附有固定船舶结构上的底座,其底座尺寸和固定孔位置,详见下图。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. International treaties ratified by the United States prohibit incommunicado detention of persons in secret locations. 美国认可的国际条约禁止把人拘留在与外隔绝的秘密地点。 www.hrw.org 6. That will set off a fierce battle: suggested locations include some of the most populous and well-heeled parts of London. 那将掀起了一场激烈的战争:因为建议备选地点包括伦敦一些人口密集繁华的地区。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. He is given a set of words to think and the machine identifies the locations in his brain that show increased activity. 当想到一组词组,这部机器就能够标识出脑部活动活跃的区域。 www.bing.com 8. Since we did not raise the funds to build a central facility, we initially funded individuals at their own locations. 由于我们没有筹集资金,建立一个中心设施,我们最初在自己的位置资助个人。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Used to resolve namespaces or locations referenced in include and import elements of a schema. 用于解析在架构的包含和导入元素中引用的命名空间或位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The company has several locations in Germany and partnerships in Europe, Asia and America. 该公司在德国的几个地点和伙伴关系,在欧洲,亚洲和美洲。 bbs.sanfans.com 1. The company recently teamed up with Foursquare to give discounts to customers who check in at Starbucks locations. 该公司最近与Foursquare合作,向在星巴客指定位置检入的客户提供折扣。 www.bing.com 2. Pulse shaping filter program that finds the pole-zero locations of a transfer function, H(s), for a matched filter. 脉冲成形滤波器的程序,找到零极点配置的地点,传递函数,H(上),一个匹配滤波器。 xtdownload.com 3. The company has additional locations in the United Kingdom, Singapore, and South Africa. 公司在英国、新加坡和南非都有厂地。 1718china.org.cn 4. Western luxury-goods firms may be able to tolerate extortionate rents for central locations. 西方的奢侈品公司也许能够忍受中心地段的高昂租金。 www.bing.com 5. Ken Suda, senior vice president of Operations, stated that TCM has a strong commitment to North American including the Alabama locations. 高级营运副总裁肯·苏达指出:TCM对于北美有着强烈的社会责任感,尤其是阿拉巴马州。 cneaa.net 6. The original locations of these images are uncertain, but they were probably erected in the open air in sacred enclosures . 这些肖像原先的位置已无法确定,但它们很可能是露天地竖立在神圣的围栏里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. So far, facilities capable of holding over 520, 000 litres of harvested rainwater have been installed at three locations in Kenya. 迄今,已在肯尼亚三个地方安装了可储存520000升雨水的设施。 www.hotdic.com 8. Red Lobster will also be updating all of its new locations to the Bar Harbor design, "inspired by the New England coast. " 红龙虾也将更新其所有新的地点酒吧港的设计,“新英格兰海岸的启发。” gtn9.com 9. The profits of American companies are derived from the cheap labor in offshored locations and are at the expense of the American work force. 美国公司的利润获自海外廉价劳力并以美国劳力的失业为代价。 www.bing.com 10. In the face of the above changes over time, however, even this set of matching locations can change unexpectedly. 但是,随着上述变化不断发生,甚至连匹配位置也可能发生意想不到的变化。 www.ibm.com 1. The company is looking for more locations in the city, as well as in mainland China. 该公司正在香港和中国大陆寻找更多合适的开店地段。 cn.nytimes.com 2. Shooting, "No Trespassing" signs appeared in conspicuous colors at conspicuous locations around the preserve. 这次狩猎事件发生后不久,在禁猎区周围引人注目的地方即出现了醒目的“不准入内”的牌子。 www.admissiontest.org 3. Specifies alternative locations for a pipeline store instead of a path to a directory. 指定管线存储区的替代位置,而不是目录路径。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Another tech application known as Pair allows couples to share pictures, messages, videos, sketches, and locations privately. 还有一种叫“成双成对”的技术应用,可让情侣分享图片、信息、视频、素描、位置等私密信息。 www.bing.com 5. Unnecessary files are hidden and files from many different physical locations are pressed into a single project container. 不必要的文件被隐藏,许多不同物理位置的文件被放入一个单一的项目容器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The first was that women remember the locations of food resources more accurately than men do. 一个是女性对食物资源的记忆要较男性准确。 www.ecocn.org 7. Despite having a few Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise locations, Sanders was left virtually penniless after paying off his debts. 尽管仍有一些肯德基特许经营点,但桑德斯还完债后几乎一贫如洗。 www.bing.com 8. Oscillating curve of different locations directly relates to whether the cast steel working is normal during the operation of the mould. 结晶器在工作过程中,其上不同部位的振动位移曲线是否一致直接关系到铸钢过程的正常工作。 www.chemyq.com 9. Theoretically, a simple bioinformatics analysis could then predict the genomic locations of all the binding sites for that ZNF. 理论上,一个简单的生物信息学分析能够随后预测ZNF的所有结合位点的基因组位置。 chinapubmed.net 10. Searches involving 150 prosecutors and tax officials took place in 13 locations across Germany linked to the Swiss bank's German subsidiary. 此次搜查出动了150名检察官以及税务官员,涉及与瑞士信贷德国子公司相关的德国境内13个办事处。 www.ftchinese.com 1. In a spreadsheet, the 'variables' are cell locations that hold the data needed for the equation to be completed. 在一个列表中,“变量”是单元所必需的数据保存地点完成对方程(的算)。 ooo.pingju.org 2. A film short can be anywhere from 3 minutes to an hour and uses only a few characters and locations. 电影短片片长在3分钟到1个小时之间,角色和场景较少。 www.bing.com 3. The primary result is achieved by applying this method to identify the damage locations of a real bridge. 将这一方法应用于一座实桥的损伤定位中,取得了初步的结果。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. This gives you access to your GPS navigation system, which is nicely linked in to all your contacts and favorite locations around the city. 这可让您使用您的GPS导航系统,这是很好的联系到您所有的接触和喜爱的各地城市。 game.ali213.net 5. The trip: You won't be able to ride in a horse-drawn coach like Pickwick, but many of the locations are on the mainline railway. 旅途:或许你不能像匹克威客一样乘马车,但是可以坐着主要铁路干线游历,因为火车经过了书中的很多地方。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 6. We have decided to run a training course for new sales persons in the target areas, and set up more maintenance locations. 我们已经决定举办一个目标地区的新销售人员的培训班,并建立更多的维修点。 www.jukuu.com 7. Therefore, arrangements should be made to deploy the souvenir stores at the locations where the tourist leave by. 所以,如果有可能,应该把店设在风景点观光结束后游客离开时要经过的地方。 www.china-linguist.com 8. So researchers are turning to dust-cleaning technology developed for one of the driest, dustiest locations possible: Mars. 因此研究人员将目标转向在最干燥,扬尘最多的地方--火星开发除尘技术。 www.hjenglish.com 9. PM You can quickly and easily see the locations of those who've opted to share their location with you. PM你可以快速简单的看到那些与你共享地理位置信息的人身处何处 bbs.ebigear.com 10. caffeine can act as a mild diuretic , preventing water from traveling to necessary locations in the body. 咖啡因可以起到一种轻度利尿剂作用,阻止水分在身体中流到必要的位置。 www.ichacha.net |
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