单词 | local needs | ||||
释义 | local needs
例句释义: 需求,地方需要 1. There was considerable interest from conference delegates from around the globe in how this program could be adapted to their local needs. 全球许多会议代表都很有兴趣,想了解这项计划如何能修正满足各地所需。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. The existence of national material written and published for the local needs of a country was important from a cultural diversity viewpoint. 从文化多样性观点来看,作为一个国家的地方需求而存在的书写和出版的国家材料是重要的。 www.wipo.int 3. This urbanization, like urbanization around the world, needs to be in harmony with local needs and culture. ' 这场城市化,像世界其他国家的城市化一样,需要保持当地需求与当地文化的和谐。 www.bing.com 4. If "Limited Local" needs to be set, then re-visit the Framework Manager model to see if there is a way to pass the processing to Teradata. 如果需要设置“LimitedLocal”,那么需要重新访问FrameworkManager模型,来查看是否存在将processing传递给Teradata的方法。 www.ibm.com 5. Globalisation needs to be stopped and a new emphasis placed on local trade and local production for local needs. 全球化需要被遏制,新的重心应该放在本地贸易和为了本地需要而进行的本地生产上。 www.chinadialogue.net 6. In the early days of the United States, children were not required by law to attend school. School calendars depended on local needs. 美国早期,法律并没有规定儿童发必上学,教学年历是根据当地的实际情况制定的。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Furthermore, their member-driven structure roots them in communities, encouraging socially responsible businesses that meet local needs. 而且,合作社的结构以成员为导向。这使其能够扎根社区,弘扬对社会负责的经商方式,满足当地的需要。 www.putclub.com 8. In cooperation with USDA , the Land - Grant colleges should hold State and regional meetings to discuss adapting ideas to local needs . 州立大学应在农业部的合作之下,举行州及地区的会议,讨论适于本地需要的主意。 www.bing.com 9. Nepal has abundant water resources that could be developed into hydropower in areas rich in water and to meet local needs. 尼泊尔拥有丰富的水资源,可以在水资源丰富地区发展水力发电以满足当地的需求。 dialogue.iflove.com 10. In the case of Huangbaiyu, a lack of understanding of local needs presented problems. 在黄柏裕的案例中,对当地需求缺乏了解造成了问题。 www.bing.com 1. Our challenge is to present a consistent brand experience across Europe, while still accommodating those local needs. 我们的挑战在于既要在所有的这些地区表现相同的品牌体验,又要尽量满足当地的特殊需求。 www.bing.com 2. Nigeria, although the world's eighth oil exporter, imports most of its refined petroleum products to meet local needs. 尼日利亚是世界第8大石油出口国,但近年来国内大部分石油产品依赖进口。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. They were managed at the regional level, with executives adapting the marketing to suit local needs. 它们在地区层面进行管理,管理人员根据本地需要调整营销策略。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The entrepreneurs admitted into our programs understand local needs and identify or develop appropriate solutions. 参与我们项目的企业家们力进当地的需求,并找到或开发了适当的解决办法。 www.bing.com 5. Every node in the network has a distinct information management system that properly supports the local needs of the node. 每个节点的网络有着截然不同的信息管理系统,适当的支持当地的需求的节点。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Elsewhere, postal services are adapting to local needs, said Paul Donohoe, the Universal Postal Union's eBusiness manager. 同样,邮政服务正在迎合本地的需求,PaulDonohoe说,他是万国邮政联盟的电子商务主任。 www.bing.com 7. To suit local needs and customs, housing plans were modified at the request of the communities. 为了满足当地的需要和传统,住房设计按照社区的要求进行了修改。 web.worldbank.org 8. These HR practices have retained an indigenous character, thus they respond well to local needs and circumstances. 这些HR实践保留了一个土产字符,因而他们很好响应地方需要和情况。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Furthermore it includes the assessment of local needs and surveillance of health system performance. 此外,还包括评价当地的需求,监测卫生系统的绩效。 www.who.int 10. LINKO-HR has a first-class team who can satisfy both international standards and local needs to serve clients and candidates. 公司拥有国内一流的客户和候选人服务团队,团队具有既谙熟国际标准又理解本土需求的双重优势。 company.zhaopin.com 1. Existing supplies may not be high quality or developed correctly for local needs. 现在当地使用的抗蛇毒素质量不好,也就是蛇毒素没有正确地制备。 www.unsv.com 2. This market will be highly diversified across geographic regions driven by local needs and regulations. 这个市场随着地理区域的不同呈现高度的多样化,主要是受当地需求和法规的影响。 www.infoq.com 3. Regional finance institutions, such as the Asian Development Bank, are more sensitive to local needs than their bigger sister. 亚洲发展银行等地区金融机构对当地需求比它们的大姐更敏感。而且援助接受者本身也越来越强大。 www.stnn.cc 4. The foundation has praised the councils' responsiveness to local needs. 该基金会称赞了委员会对当地需求的积极响应。 www.ecocn.org 5. Our consultants operate from 48 international offices so they understand local needs and speak the local language. 公司的顾问分布在全球48个不同的机构,掌握本地的语言,对本地的客户需求十分了解。 www.yjbys.com 6. RANET also works with nongovernmental groups and others to make sure information meets local needs. RANET也和一些非政府组织合作,以适应当地需要。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The programme aims to provide self-sufficiency for local needs. 这项计划旨在使当地需要得以自足。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Local industry should concern itself with local needs . 地方工业应关心本地的需要。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Product design take into account local needs, their road to success. 产品设计兼顾本土需要,是他们的致胜之道。 www.xjwmw.com 10. Information adapts to meet local needs. 信息需要契合实践需要。 www.cnshu.cn 1. In Indonesia, 4, 000 tonnes of donated drugs arrived after the tsunami, well beyond local needs. 印尼海啸之后,有4000吨捐助的药品抵达当地,大大超出了当地的需求量。 big5.cri.cn 2. Each university decides what to teach to fulfill local needs. 每所大学决定怎样满足本地的需要 blog.hjenglish.com 3. On one hand, the establishment of this system adapted to the local needs and provided support for the development of universities. 董事会制度的设立,一方面适应了当时的形势要求,为有些学校的发展提供了支持; www.ceps.com.tw 4. The machine, tailored for local needs, was originally intended for sale in China only. 这种专门适合当地需求的机器最初仅仅是为了在中国销售。 www.scidev.net 5. For example, the more a church gives to missionary work and to others, the more God will bless that church and supply its local needs. 例如,教会奉献愈多金钱支持宣教事工或帮助有需要的人,神就会愈多祝福那间教会,供应它的需要。 blog.163.com 6. At the school he hopes to build a bridge between the world-class aspirations of HKUST and the local needs of Hong Kong business. 作为香港科技大学商学院的院长,他希望在学校的世界级办学目标与香港当地商界的需求之间搭起一座桥梁。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Integrating Protected Area Management with Local Needs and Aspirations 将保护区管理与地方需求和愿望相结合 8. We address your local needs on a global basis with access to experts 我们在全球网络的基础上解决你的本地需求 wenku.baidu.com |
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