单词 | k |
释义 |
k 显示所有例句 例句释义: 一千,千米,公里,千字节,英语字母表的第 11 个字母,钾,开,开氏温度,卢铸 1. Mr. Simon says clients in his native U. K. have been 'eager to put money into the U. S. ' this year. 西蒙说,今年,他的祖国英国的客户一直都很积极地把钱投入到美国来。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Mr. Blair has said he would give the proceeds to a charity benefiting U. K. armed forces. 布莱尔说,他将把所得收益捐给一个惠及英国部队的慈善机构。 c.wsj.com 3. O. K. Just a moment. and I'll check on it for you. Well, sir, your baggage seems to have been misplaced. 好,请等一下,我替你检查。啊,先生,你的行李好像被放错了地方。 www.songanjun.cn 4. Our boarding staff has a wealth of experience in looking after the children of parents from all over the U. K. and abroad. 我们负责寄宿管理工作的员工都具备丰富的相关经验,可以非常完善地照顾来自英国各地的孩子们。 studyabroad.tigtag.com 5. Gender switches would not necessarily draw much attention at the courthouse, said the court's supervising judge, Jeffrey K. Oing. 法院的监督法官JeffreyK.Oing说性别改变不一定会在法院引起很大注意。 www.bing.com 6. It appears that this theory is not so much wrong (the "O. K. Club" certainly existed) as it is incomplete. 看起来这理论好像还不错(O.K.俱乐部确实存在),不过很不完整。 www.bing.com 7. Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die. --G. K. CHESTERTON. 勇气就其意义上讲几乎就是个矛盾,它意味着以一种时刻准备去死的形式表现一种强烈的求生欲望。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. He had a year before assigned Colonel William K. Harrison to investigate its organizational weaknesses and search out a remedy for them. 一年前他就指派哈立逊上校,研究组织上的弱点,并寻求改进方法。 www.bing.com 9. First, Europe's economic growth remains sluggish and likely will lag behind that of the U. K. and the U. 首先一个,据分析人士说,欧洲大陆的经济增长仍旧疲软,明年可能会落后于英国和美国。 www.voa365.com 10. In an exclusive interview with The Associated Press, Karr also said he tried to contact the Ramsey family. 在一个独家访谈中,相关记者K也表示他试图联络R的家人。 bbs.putclub.com 1. PEDR O. K. , if you want it that way. You finish the painting, and I''ll be happy to sign my name. I love to see an artist working. 好吧,如果是这样,你来画画,我来签名。我倒很爱看你们这些艺术家工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. As investors scramble to protect themselves from the next credit flare-up in Europe, their worries are spreading to the U. K. 投资者急急忙忙地防范欧洲爆发下一轮信用危机之时,他们的担忧已经扩散到了英国。 c.wsj.com 3. And I know he was my boyfriend because he said, "I want you to be my girlfriend, " and I said, "O. K. " 我确认他是我的男朋友是因为他对我说:“我希望你做我的女朋友,”我说:“好的。” www.bing.com 4. B. K. thought Sue was just playing games. He couldn't understand how she could forgive him for such a terrible crime. 想这是sue玩的手段,他不明白她为什么要原谅一个罪犯。 www.bing.com 5. The computer asked people to enter the total number of hill (n) and each time the maximum number allowed to move mountains just (k). 计算机请人输入山的总数(n)和每次允许搬山的最大数止(k)。 www.pudm.net 6. Less than a week later, the project was sold by original owner NTR Holding's Tessera Solar to K Road Power, aNew York investment firm. 一周后,这个项目被原来的发起人NTR控股的Tessear太阳能卖给KRoad电力公司,那是一家纽约的投资商。 www.bing.com 7. The size of protection on the U. K. has roughly doubled since the year began, a move that far outpaces the run-up in Greek CDS last fall. 自今年年初以来,防范英国违约的CDS规模大约已经翻了一倍,远远超过去年秋季希腊CDS的增加速度。 chinese.wsj.com 8. They used to be everywhere, but I actually had to search around a few years ago. I think K-Mart finally had them. 过去,他们到处都能买得到,可事实上几年前我却到处地找。 www.elanso.com 9. Unless they are very strong, these accents are usually not as hard for foreigners to understand as the U. K. regional accents. 除非寓意非常强,否则这些口音还是不会比英国方言难理解。 www.bing.com 10. He could at least drop me a line to let me know he's O. K. 至少他总要写封短信,让我知道他平安吧。 www.bbcbbc.com 1. To fill the gap, he said, U. K. banks will have to raise more capital than they already raised, though how much will be enough isn't clear. 他说,为了弥补这个缺口,英国银行业必须筹集到比当前水平更多的资金,但到什么程度才够还不得而知。 www.bing.com 2. Then, by the next day, that dish square's density will change by D[K] (which may be a positive, negative, or zero value). 然后,在第二天,这道菜广场的密度会改变用D[K](可能是一种积极的、消极的、或零价值)。 wenwen.soso.com 3. So you can immediately see that, of course, the value for kappa-- -- the torsional constant-- is a function of the length. 你可以马上看到,当然,K值…,扭力常数-,是长度的函数。 open.163.com 4. Those are more likely to contribute to the revenue growth the bank needs if it's ever to wriggle free of U. K. -government ownership. 如果苏格兰皇家银行有朝一日能够摆脱英国政府的所有,这些业务更有可能为该行所需的收入增长出一份力。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The weekly Profil magazine identified the man only as Andreas K. from Wiener Neustadt, south of Vienna, and said he asked not to be named. 《Profil》周刊只报道了这个男人是来自维也纳南部维纳·诺伊施塔特的安德里亚斯·K,因为他不愿公开姓名。 www.bing.com 6. Life in the U. K. could get a whole lot cozier. The population's projected to rise at its fastest rate in at least a century. 英国的生活本应更温馨。英国人口预计以一个世纪以来最快的速度增长。 www.yappr.cn 7. Inflation is up in the U. K. and price acceleration in Europe is now running ahead of central bankers' targets. 英国的通胀率在上升,而欧洲物价的加剧上涨现在已经超过央行的目标。 c.wsj.com 8. Because at first it was an obsession as she looked like Katherine, but then he realised she was completely different. 因为首先当他看起来长得像K的时候,那是令人困扰的。但是后来他发现她们是完全不同的。 www.putclub.com 9. U. K. government officials said killing the Libyan leader would be legal if it prevented civilian deaths as laid out in a U. N. resolution. 英国政府官员表示,如果消灭利比亚领导人可以实现联合国决议的既定目标,阻止平民死亡,那么斩首行动也是合法的。 www.bing.com 10. News Corp. dropped its bid to take full control of BSkyB, amid a scandal over reporting tactics at at least one of its U. K. newspapers. 因旗下至少一家英国报纸采用的报道策略引发丑闻,新闻集团(NewsCorp.)放弃了全资控股英国天空广播公司(BSkyB)的计划。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The surface of the sun effective temperature for 5762 K, and the central region of the internal temperature is as high as millions degrees. 太阳表面的有效温度为5762K,而内部中心区域的温度则高达几千万度。 www.sunmine.com.cn 2. GEORGE PEARSON: As you know. J. K. Toys has a strong presence in Europe. 乔治.皮尔森:正如你所知道的,J.K.玩具公司在欧洲具有很强的市场地位…… www.hxen.com 3. Love, looks like K are pink. my let up in an instant the sea. Let me burst into tears. 爱情、貌似是K。让硪在瞬间海起来。也让我,痛哭流涕。 www.1990qq.com 4. And if I calculate kappa to the best of my ability, well, I find that kappa should be K four newton-meters per radian. 如果我尽最大能力,算出K值,我会发现,会很接近4*10,very,close,to,four,times,ten,to,the,minus,4,每弧度牛顿米。 open.163.com 5. They said he put the first letters of his names -- O and K -- on each object people gave him to send on the train. 他们说凯利把自己姓名的首字母--O和K,写在人们交给他送往火车上的的每件物品上,(形成了这个词)。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. But it is too much of a mouthful to say such a long name for a country, so people just say Britain, the United Kingdom or simply U. K. 但是一口气说出这样长的一个国家的名称太拗口,因此人们只说不列颠、联合王国,或者更简单地称U.K… tieba.baidu.com 7. Several IMF officials said the U. S. , Germany, France and the U. K. were among those who held that position. 几位国际货币基金组织官员说,美国、德国、法国和英国等国家支持这一观点。 c.wsj.com 8. "If every K-12 school in California had sensors running, " Rothfuss said, "it seems to me we could have some sort of early-warning system. " “如果加州从幼儿园到高中所有的基础教育学校(K-12school)都安装了传感器,”罗斯福斯说,“在我看来,我们可能就能够拥有某种地震预警系统了。” www.bing.com 9. There are fanciers all over the U. K. breeding prize winners at all levels of competition Club, Federation, Classic &Nationals. 她全英国的鸽迷生育出每个级别的获奖者,比如俱乐部赛,联合会赛,传统赛和国家赛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. "I never understood, " Nathan said, "why he thought cards could make it all O. K. " “我不明白,”内森说,“为什么他想明信片可以能治疗万病。” www.bing.com 1. Fatigue notch factor K(subscript f) is usually used to express the reduction in fatigue strength of the component notch. 疲劳缺口系数K(下标f)是表征缺口部位疲劳强度降低程度的参量,这一系数在结构抗疲劳设计中经常被使用。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. As a protege of Rupert Murdoch's, Brooks quickly rose to be one of the U. K. 's most powerful journalists. 作为默多克的得意门生,布鲁克斯的地位迅速上升,成为英国最有权势的记者之一。 cn.wsj.com 3. He said he expects China to displace the U. K. as the brand's third-biggest market next year. 他说,他预计明年中国将取代英国成为奔驰第三大市场。 chinese.wsj.com 4. J&K: An animated . gif is usually a sequence of stills pulled from video, animated art, or other imagery that is repurposed into a . gif. J&K:GIF动画一般都是从视频、动画艺术或其他图片里提取的静止画面,然后被重新压缩制作而成的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. For your country imports both black and green tea from China as well-India being one of the leading exporters of black tea to U. K. 因为你们国家从中国进口红茶和绿茶,同时印度是英国红茶主要的输出国。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I don' t know how much you' re heard about recent developments at J. K. Toys. 我不知道你对J.K.玩具公司最近的发展有多深的了解。 www.hxen.com 7. The boardwalk is one of just a handful of similar ancient structures that exist in the U. K. 这条木板路与现存于英国的少数古代木板人行道结构类似。 ngmchina.com.cn 8. If an anti-Y particle collided with a proton, said proton would turn into a theta particle and a kaon. 如果用一个反”Y“粒子碰撞一个质子,该质子将衰变成一个”θ“粒子和一个K中介子。 www.bing.com 9. KDE(K Desktop Environment) is a free software project which aims to be a powerful system for an easy-to-use desktop environment. 的KDE(K桌面环境)是一个免费的软件项目,该项目的目标是成为一个强大的系统的一个易于使用的桌面环境。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Stories about grievances have been told since the beginning of mankind. Like K D Lang's celebrated song Trail of Broken Hearts. 自从有了人类,就有了抱怨的故事,就像KDLang的著名歌曲“心碎的痕迹”表达的那样。 blog.163.com 1. Assignment: Write a personal narrative of a "learning experience" that took place in school (k-middle school). 转让:写个人的叙事一个“学习经验”发生在学校(钾中学)。 wenwen.soso.com 2. All they knew was that his mother had been adopted, making K. and H. first cousins by title but not by blood. 他们只知道他的母亲是被收养的,使得K和H成了名义上而没有血缘关系的堂表亲。 www.bing.com 3. Second, these features have been used K-L transform into a new domain and chose the main features for clustering. 然后对这些特征进行K-L变换,在新的变换域中选取其主要特征以备聚类时用。 www.fabiao.net 4. As they invested those reserves in places like the U. S. and U. K. , they put an unprecedented strain on financial markets. 它们把积累的外汇投向美国和英国等地,导致金融市场处于前所未有的疲于招架状态。 www.bing.com 5. When he hurt her nipples, he confessed that he was a virgin but did not ask K. if she was one, too. 当他弄痛她的乳头的时候才将自己是处男的事情告诉她,却没有问她的情况。 www.bing.com 6. The company has been hiring salespeople across the country and is also starting to hire employees in the U. K. , among other places. 该公司一直在全美雇佣销售人员,并开始在英国等国招聘员工。 www.cn.wsj.com 7. Ahead of the trip, Mr. Cameron said he hoped U. K. -China bilateral trade would double over the next five years to $100 billion. 中国之行前卡梅伦说,他希望未来五年英中双边贸易额将增加一倍,至1,000亿美元。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Vitamin E is an antioxidant also known as tocopherol. It plays a role in the formation of red blood cells and helps the body use vitamin K. 维他命E是一种抗氧化剂,又叫生育酚。它在形成红细胞和帮助机体利用维他命K等方面发挥作用。 news.dxy.cn 9. To put that into context, The U. K. government spends about 12 billion pounds a year on foreign aid. 比较起来,英国政府一年提供的国外艾滋病资助达到120亿磅。 www.ted.com 10. Dear Ed: It's O. K. with me. But tell her to put on an apron when she's frying bacon. 亲爱的埃德:我没觉得有什么问题。但是告诉她,煎培根的时候记得戴上围裙。 cn.nytimes.com 1. But the U. K. firms' marketing savvy and geographic proximity to key international markets may also play roles, she said. 但是英国律师事务所的营销头脑和与重要国际市场临近的地缘优势也扮演了重要地位,她说。 www.bing.com 2. K. , " he said, " not as tired as when I first got to Shenzhen because I've gotten used to the night shift. 周六下班后,他说,“我感觉不错,没有刚来深圳时那样累,因为我已经习惯了上夜班。” www.bing.com 3. DEREK JONES: How much do J. K. Toys know about you and who told them? 德里克.琼斯:J.K.玩具公司对你了解多少,谁告诉他们的? www.kekenet.com 4. O. K. , there were a few beer cans tossed at me out the windows of pickup trucks. 好吧,我这么说是因为路过我身边的小货车的窗口扔出的饮料罐砸到过我几次。 www.bing.com 5. Snowy conditions across the U. K. have had an impact on sales, particularly in Scotland, according to the finance director. 迈克尔维说,席卷英国的大雪对销售产生了很大影响,特别是苏格兰。 www.bing.com 6. For one , KBO and pluto are made of the same stuff, namely rock and ice. And for most of it's orbit, pluto is in the keper belt. 一方面他们都有同样的东西组成我们叫它岩石冰,另一方面冥王星的大多数的轨道也是K带。 bbs.xiaoma.com 7. "The technical side of this was well regulated, the sampling was O. K. , and there was no evidence of cheating, " he said. “考试在技术方面管理到位,取样令人满意,没有舞弊的任何证据”他说。 www.bing.com 8. That was more than any other nation except the U. S. and more than the $162 billion of deals by U. K. -based companies. 这超过了除美国以外的任何其他国家,也超过了总部位于英国的企业所达成的1620亿美元的交易价值。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Although the external standard method and superposing peak k-value method are applicable, but their accuracy is often not satisfactory. 结果表明,虽然外标法和重叠峰自清洗法对于水泥熟料的物相定量分析是可行的,但其结果的准确性往往不够理想; dictsearch.appspot.com 10. If I can only get "in" as a pal with these girls, and never for a minute let them know I'm the gentle intellectual type, it'll be O. K. 要是我能与这些女孩相处很好,作她们朋友而决不让她们知道我是个文雅的知识分子的话,那就好了。 www.8875.org 1. The U. K. unemployment rate, surprisingly, is only slightly above the German rate. 令人惊讶的是,英国的失业率只比德国高一点点。 www.bing.com 2. Upon reflection Nixon and I decided to appoint David K. E. Bruce, one of our ablest ambassadors and most distinguished public figures. 尼克松和我经过考虑,决定委派我国最得力的大使和最有声望的社会名流之一的戴维·布鲁斯。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. passenger: I'll buy 5 tickets to fly from H. K. to Singapore. How much is the total? 我想买5张由香港至新加坡的机票,总共多少钱? www.haotushu.com 4. U. K. consumer confidence improved in January compared to the previous two months but deteriorated compared to a year ago. 与前两个月相比,英国的消费者信心指数在一月有所改善,但是与一年前相比有所恶化。 www.bing.com 5. K: That's what I said at the beginning. 克:这就是我在开始所说的。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 6. Once more the stretcher was slid into an ambulance, and I found myself in company with a young subaltern of the K----'s. 再次滑向担架是一辆救护车,我发现自己与公司的K年轻中尉----的。 wenwen.soso.com 7. WILL Barack Obama, who arrives in India for his first official tour of the country in the next few days, be forced to utter the K-word? 巴拉克·奥巴马即将于未来几天抵达印度,对印度进行首次正式访问,奥巴马会被迫就克什米尔问题作出讲话吗? bbs.ecocn.org 8. The Somme affair, destined to be known as the Great F--k Up, was the largest engagement fought since the beginning of civilization. 注定要被作为一大糟糕战事的索姆河战役,是自文明开始以来最大的交战。 hi.baidu.com 9. In more severe cases, patients may be advised to use over-the-counter antihistamines, a. k. a. motion sickness pills, he said. 他说,病情严重的话,建议病人服用非处方的抗组胺药,即晕车药。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The drill - Sign up for your company's 401(k) plan, especially if it matches all or part of what you contribute. 练习方法-注册加入你公司的401(k)计划(注1),尤其是如果它匹配你的作出的贡献。 www.bing.com 1. We've had a mom in Utah who used them with her kids to a science researcher in the U. K. and curriculum developers in Hawaii. 在犹他州有位母亲,与她的孩子们一起玩这些橡皮泥,她的孩子成了英国的科学研究员并在夏威夷开发新课程。 www.ted.com 2. Once, rolling off her and almost falling off the bed, he noticed a smear of period blood that K. had been unable to wash out. 有次结束后他几乎从床上摔下去,他注意到床上的K没洗掉的一点血迹。 www.bing.com 3. K&L Gates, which opened its Shanghai office in 2008, is not the only firm to have bulked up in the Chinese financial center this year. 于2008年开设了上海代表处的高盖茨不是唯一一家今年在中国地金融中心成员有所增加的律所。 www.fatisia.com 4. If Web 2. 0 was about creating data (a. k. a. user generated content), then the next generation of the Web is all about using that data. 如果Web2.0的本质是关于数据的生成(也就是用户生成内容),那么下一代网络则与数据的利用有关。 www.bing.com 5. Golf played on such harsh, marginal land is known as links golf, and it has always been enjoyed in the U. K. and Ireland. 高尔夫起到这样苛刻的,贫瘠的土地被称为林克斯高尔夫,它一直在英国和爱尔兰享有。 www.englishtang.com 6. Examples of these key sequences include Control-A to jump to the beginning of the line, and Control-K to delete to the end of the line. 这些键顺序的示例包括Control-A(跳至行首)和Control-K(删除到行尾)。 www.ibm.com 7. When the system maintains its equilibrium, constant K of the equilibrium can be obtained by means of chemical isotherm formulas. 当体系处于平衡时,应用化学等温式就可求算平衡常数K。 www.jukuu.com 8. That's true. And as you know, the majority of our export sales revenue comes from the U. K. 对。你知道,我们的出口销售主要来源于英国。 www.hxen.com 9. He struggled to get back to his feet while people around him laughed. Fortunately, he seemed to be O. K. 他挣扎着站起来,周围一片哄笑声,所幸的是他没受什么伤。 www.ebigear.com 10. They said he put the first letters ofhidhis names- O and K- on each object peoplegivegave him to send on the train. 人们说他把自己名字的第一个字母O和K写在每一件人们托他运送的东西上。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. Indian Defence Production Secretary R. K. Singh said the costing would be worked out in stages. 印度国防生产部长R.K。辛格说,成本将分阶段计算得出。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Another potential worry: the U. K. , which has its own debt issues, as well as an economy dominated by the still-troubled financial sector. 另外一个隐患是英国。英国也有自己的债务问题,而作为其经济主导部门的金融业,仍然身陷泥淖苦苦挣扎。 chinese.wsj.com 3. A few decades ago, while in medical school, he wanted to understand gene networks and came up with a model known as K-N nets. 很多年以前,当他还在医学院时希望明白基因网络的工作原理并且想出了一个称为K-N网的模型。 www.bing.com 4. "It's O. K. , it's O. K. , " Papa says, looking around and sprinkling the holy water, as if he has come to console the ghosts, not us. “没事儿,没事儿,”爸爸说,四处看看,洒圣水,好像他已经来到控制台的幽灵,而不是我们。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Now the operation of the universe is leveled down to the comprehensible speed of the matter operation, which we arrage as K. 现在宇宙运行已经下降到可以理解的物质运动速度,我们设为K。 www.bing.com 6. He has worked his way up to produce buyer, earning $35, 000 a year with health benefits and a 401(k) plan. 他干到了产品采购,年薪35000美元,有健康保险和一份401(k)计划。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Here, very precisely is why Fraulein K. is chosen to constitute the beginning of the dream, but also no doubt to determine its syncopation. 在此,确实是为什麽,佛罗连被选择来当这个梦的开始,而且毫无疑问的,被选择来决定梦的中断。 springhero.wordpress.com 8. As part of its effort to gauge well-being, the U. K. plans to add more subjective questions to its household surveys. 作为衡量国民幸福感的一部分,英国计划在家庭调查中加入更多主观问题。 www.24en.com 9. K: That's what I'm trying to say. 克:这就是我想说的意思。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 10. Please see attached file for the revised invoice and check if it's O. K with you, thanks. 修订发票,请参阅附加的文件,并检查它是否与你的美好,感谢。 08translation.cn 1. Proposed new rules on remuneration in the U. S. , the U. K. and other financial centers are beginning to emerge, but they remain hazy. 美国、英国和其他金融中心正开始制定有关金融行业薪酬的新规定,但具体措施依然不明。 www.bing.com 2. Retirement & relocation: Do not know about 401(k) contributions or retirement funds. 退休与调迁:401(k)养老金待遇与退休基金情况不详。 www.bing.com 3. The arm that holds the read-write head and moves back and forth over the surface of a dis k. 支持读写磁头在硬盘表面前后移动的机械臂。 enpf.chinabroadcast.cn 4. But, I wonder if it's O. K. for you and your dad. 但我想知道你和你爸爸这个时间可不可以。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Lao K: Second young master was arrested to the police station and was said to be a suspect of date-raping young girls. 老K:二少爷是被逮捕到警察局去的,他还被指控涉嫌迷奸未成年少女。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. BMW's sales chief Ian Robertson said China could surpass the U. K. as the company's third largest sales region this year. 宝马汽车销售总监罗伯森(IanRobertson)说,中国今年有望超过英国成为其第三大市场。 chinese.wsj.com 7. But is Coach K really going to have no right to bench Yi if he sucks? 但如果他表现很糟糕的话,K教练真的无权让他上板凳么? www.tianya.cn 8. this is all bullshit. india is nowhere as close to - U. K, FRANCE AUSTRALIA, AND many other European countries even , south africa. 这全是狗屎。印度连趋近这些国家都做不到——英国,法国,澳大利亚还有许多其他欧洲国家,甚至南非。 www.tianyayidu.com 9. "I'll make this statement, " she said, smiling without a hint of fluster. "He was in the protocol, and it's a great drug, O. K. ? " “我将表明我的观点,”她微笑着说道,没有一丝的慌乱。“他按照方案服药,伟哥是一种很棒的药物。可以吗?” news.dxy.cn 10. He should join the Ku Klux Klan----he would look a lot better with a hood over his head. 他应该加入三K党----他的脑袋用头巾包起来看上去会好很多。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. He denies any wrongdoing and said he will appeal the U. K. decision. 阿桑奇否认有任何不当行为,并说他将对英国的判决提出上诉。 c.wsj.com 2. These links start with either a K or an S, followed by a two-digit number and then the name of the service, as shown in Listing 10. 这些链接以一个K或一个S开头,紧接着是一个2位数的数字,然后是服务名,如清单10所示。 www.ibm.com 3. And I'm thinking all the time, O. K. , President Bush, pick up your book, that type of thing, you know. The cameras are rolling. 你知道吗,当时我就一直想,好了,布什总统,拿起你的书,摄像机在转,我的学生还在着。。 www.bing.com 4. karina : two weeks in the u . k . is going to be so cool. 卡瑞娜:在英国的那两周一定会很酷。 www.ichacha.net 5. In the U. K. , the Bank of England would step in as a buyer of government bonds. 在英国,英国央行(BankofEngland)会以政府债买家的身份插手干预此类危机。 chinese.wsj.com 6. I was taking pictures of the scenery near Lake Windermere in the U. K. This black-headed gull was flying straight at me. 我正在英国的温德米尔湖附近的拍摄风景时,这只红嘴鸥的向我直冲而来。 edun.hzcnc.com 7. The P-valued logic functions satisfying K order propagation criterion have been used widely in the design of block cipher. 满足K次扩散准则的p值逻辑函数在密码设计中有重要应用。 www.dictall.com 8. Historical fiction is quite hot at the moment in the U. K. and Commonwealth market. 历史小说当前在英国和英联邦市场热得很。 chinese.wsj.com 9. B A C K home, Stuart sits at the table with a drink of whiskey in front of him. 我回到家的时候,斯图正坐在桌子边,面前放着一杯威士忌。 www.bing.com 10. But we think China will rival the U. S. and U. K. in terms of sales in a few years. 但是我们预计,中国市场的销售额在今后几年里可以和美国、英国市场相提并论。 c.wsj.com 1. e. g. Give me a few hours to kick it around, and then I'll let you know, O K? 给我几个小时考虑一下再给你答复,好吗? www.ebigear.com 2. Anna, how much longer are you staying in the U. K. , then? 安娜,你还会在英国呆多久? www.tingroom.com 3. Prof. KRAMER: Well, the participants in our study could all say I've been a coach potato for quite some time, I'm very de-conditioned. 教授K:我们的实验对象都会说,我窝在沙发上很长时间啦,我非常缺乏锻炼。 www.bing.com 4. When I grew older and met with Bishop Leadbeater and the Theosophical Society, I began to see the Master K. 在我长大一些并遇到Leadbeater主教与通神学会后,我开始看见K。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. On his way home, K'ung Yu suddenly remembered something. 回家的路上,孔玉骤然想起来的甚么。 www.leteach.com 6. To be honest, it never occurred to me to see the story from Mr. K's angle. 坦诚地说,我从未想到从科先生的角度来看待过去。 www.america.gov 7. But standard textbook economics says that it's O. K . , in fact appropriate, to run temporary deficits in the face of a depressed economy . 不过,依据标准的经济学教科书,用暂时的赤字来应对萧条的经济是可行的,事实上也是适宜的。 www.bing.com 8. So this is a game called " spot the science budgets . " This is the U. K. government spend . You see there , it's about 620 billion a year. 这是个游戏,叫做”找出科学预算来“。这是英国政府开支图。你看,一年一共是6千2百亿英镑。 www.bing.com 9. Foreign names and revolutionary concepts are still disliked, as they were by the heroes of G. K. Chesterton's poem; drink is still beloved. 人们仍然像G.K.切斯特顿诗歌里面的那些英雄人物一样,不欢迎外国名字和革命理念,喜爱美酒。 www.ecocn.org 10. The frenzy of Korean pop (aka K-Pop) today might be hard to believe considering the state of the music industry. 考虑到音乐产业的现状,韩国流行音乐(也叫K-pop)的火爆超过我们的预期。 www.bing.com 1. Officials said the U. K. and Hungary wouldn't take part, while Sweden and the Czech Republic reserved their positions. 官员们称,英国和匈牙利不会参与谈判,瑞典和捷克持保留意见。 chinese.wsj.com 2. I can't go with you guys. I've really got to hit the books. 我不能跟你们去。我真的必须K书。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Sweden's Hennes & Mauritz AB is opening in the U. K. this autumn, taking the company's online presence to eight European countries. 瑞典的Hennes&MauritzAB今年秋季将在英国开网店,届时其网店将会辐射到八个欧洲国家。 cn.wsj.com 4. k. Presentation of documents by or on behalf of a second beneficiary must be made to the transferring bank. 由第二受益人或代表第二受益人提交的单据必须向转让银行提示。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The K-Swiss K Space online campaign is built upon a numbers of films taking place in the K-Swiss K Space. 盖世威K空间的在线广告系列是建立在采取的K-瑞士K空间的地方是数字电影。 movingshop.org 6. Traub says, "About one-third of FGK stars are predicted to have at least one terrestrial, habitable-zone planet. " Traub说:“根据预测,大约三分之一的F,G或K类类恒星会至少有一个行星类似地球,拥有可居住区域。” www.ebigear.com 7. Louisiana authorities say a woman recruited for a Ku Klux Klan initiation ritual was shot and killed after she tried to back out . 路易斯安那州官方表示一名女子被三K党招纳入会,后因拒绝被枪杀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. York will no longer use the special envoy title but will continue to promote the U. K. abroad as a senior member of the royal family. 据一位知情人士说,白金汉宫可能会宣布,约克公爵不再担任特别代表,不过将作为资深王室成员继续向海外宣传英国。 bbs.hp009.com 9. Specialty bra stores in the U. S. report brisk sales of large sizes up to a K cup. 美国文胸专营店的销售数据显示,大号文胸销量很大(最大的有K罩杯)。 www.kekenet.com 10. But on Thursday, concern over German bonds drove their yields up to near-convergence with the U. K. 不过,周四,对德国国债的担忧将收益率推高至与英国国债相近的水平。 cn.wsj.com 1. In 1844, James K. Polk was elected president, and he began to realize this dream. 1844年詹姆斯·K.波尔克当选总统,于是开始努力去实现这一梦想。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Early the next day, as the plotters walked onto the tarmac, they were, indeed, caught. The K. 第二天一早,当这群密谋者在机场跑道出现的时候,他们果真被抓了。 www.bing.com 3. From the moment of its coming into effect all the citizens were divided into K (may be not equal) groups. 从其生效的那一刻起一切公民都分为的K(可能不对等)组。 www.071799.com 4. A bloodless revolution in the distribution of wealth is taking place in the U. K. 在联合王国正发生一场财富分配方面的平稳变革。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I guess the biggest difference between the U. S. version and the U. K. version of The Office reflected this. 我觉得,英美版《办公室》之间最大的差别就体现了这一点。 www.bing.com 6. "Our U. K. business has been on fire for quite a while now, " Ahrendts said in an interview late yesterday at London Fashion Week. Ahrendts出席伦敦时装周,并在昨天晚些时候接受采访时说:“近一段时间以来,我们的英国业务一直很‘红火’。” www.bing.com 7. It's like a drunk who says, 'Give me a bottle of Scotch, and then I'll be O. K. and I won't have to drink anymore. ' 就好比一个醉汉在说,‘再给我一瓶苏格兰威士忌吧,这样我就满足了,我就不会再喝了。’ www.bing.com 8. Now, we're saying, 'Well, O. K. , let's just borrow a bunch more, and that will help us get out of this mess. ' 现在,我们应该这么说,‘那么,好吧,让我们再多借一些,这将帮助我们渡过难关’。 www.bing.com 9. Like the Fed, central banks in the U. K. and Japan already are buying the debt of their respective governments. 与美联储一样,英国和日本央行均已购买了本国的政府债券。 www.bing.com 10. From a greenhouse gas perspective, is lamb produced in the U. K. better than lamb produced in New Zealand, frozen and shipped to the U. K. ? 从温室气体的角度来看,一只英国产的羊羔是否比新西兰产的羊羔冷冻后运到英国更好? www.ted.com 1. From a greenhouse gas perspective, is lamb produced in the U. K. better than lamb produced in New Zealand, frozen and shipped to the U. K. ? 从温室气体的角度来看,一只英国产的羊羔是否比新西兰产的羊羔冷冻后运到英国更好? www.ted.com 2. What he is doing is just like dressing up in Klan outfits and walk in to a Black Panther bar. 他他的行动就像是穿三K党的服装打扮走进了黑豹吧。 www.arms-cool.net 3. In our scenario, if Dad did that, then the funds in the 401(k) go directly to the children and do not go through probate. 在我们的方案里,如果父亲确实这样了,那么在401(k)里的资金将直接给他的孩子而不用通过遗嘱验证。 www.bing.com 4. Colangelo added he is giving coach Mike Krzyzewski time to decide if he wants to return and expects to have a coach in place in the fall. 科朗基洛补充说,他已经给了K教练时间,来决定他是否愿意回来,在秋天他就知道主教练到底是谁。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 5. Truck drivers must comply with regulation prohibiting driving of heavy vehicles at night and all day on Sundays and public k holidays. 卡车司机必须遵守在白天、夜间、周日和公共节假日的重型车辆的禁止驾驶的规定。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Moreover, the potassium recovery efficiency and agronomic efficiency of HA-K fertilizer were all increased significantly. 同时腐植酸钾肥料的钾素吸收利用率和农学利用率者显著提高。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. After particularly weak U. K . manufacturing data , the Aussie dollar rose to its highest rate against the British pound since 1985 . 在英国制造业数据特别疲弱之后,澳元兑英镑创1985年以来新高。 www.bing.com 8. These droplets must be large enough to settle rapidly, and this limitation determines the allowable velocity, and therefore the K factor. 液滴必须很大,足以快速沉降,这是确定允许速度的限制条件,因此K系数。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. "We're not afraid of the K word, " he said in response to a question about Kashmir. “我们不怕谈到K这个词”他在回答有关克什米尔问题时说。 www.bing.com 10. About $42 billion of the U. K. banks' exposure is in the form of lending to Ireland's battered banking sector. 其中约有420亿美元的敞口是英国银行向爱尔兰饱受打击的银行业出借的款项。 chinese.wsj.com 1. About $42 billion of the U. K. banks' exposure is in the form of lending to Ireland's battered banking sector. 其中约有420亿美元的敞口是英国银行向爱尔兰饱受打击的银行业出借的款项。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Subway is not a hotel, a KTV, a restaurant, it's just a transport tool, a popular transport tool. 地铁不是旅店,不是K房,不是酒店,只是一个交通工具,一个大众化的交通工具。 bbs.5i5i.cn 3. The discovery was made just a few centimeters below what became the K-T boundary line. 这一发现是只是一个几厘米低于成为KT边界线。 www.englishtang.com 4. Except for K deficiency treatment, other treatments had not significant difference with CK. 除了缺钾处理外,其他处理与对照之间差异不显著; www.ceps.com.tw 5. Financial physics is a new branch of science established by K. Ilinski, a Russian physician, having earned a place in economics. “金融物理学”是由俄罗斯物理学家伊林斯基所创立的新学科和新学派,在经济学理论界原本就有一席之地。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. However, only a modified form of the protein will bind to calcium, and this modification is dependent on adequate vitamin K levels. 然而,骨钙素只有一种经改造的结构能与钙结合,这种结构的改变取决于维生素K的水平。 news.dxy.cn 7. In soccer-mad countries like the U. K. , many companies don't even try to ban the matches. 在狂热迷恋足球的国家,比如英国,很多公司根本就没想过要禁止员工观看比赛。 www.qeto.com 8. Do you seem to be driving around all day like Kyle? 你是否像K一样看起来在整天开车兜圈子? www.bing.com 9. In the intervening years, measles cases spiked in the U. K. as some parents refused to let their children be vaccinated. 这份论文已经发表了12年,在此期间,英国的麻疹病例急遽增加,因为有些家长拒绝让孩子注射疫苗。 chinese.wsj.com 10. O. K. , she's funnier than I am--but just a little. 行吧,就算她比我风趣--可就比我风趣一丁点儿。 www.1stenglish.com 1. Made out of cotton within a rubber casing, the K&N filter is can be removed at regular intervals for cleaning and oiling , than reinstalled. 与常见的用棉与橡胶制造的空滤不同,K&N牌空滤可以定期清理和浸油,而不需更换。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The next K lines contain the number of the route of the corresponding bus and the number on the other side of its plate. 接下来的K行,每行包括此车对应的路线号和牌子另一面的号码。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The center of that star then transformed into a white dwarf , at once very hot (more than 100, 000 Kelvin) and very small. 恒星的中心变成了白矮星,曾经非常热(10万K)非常小。 www.bing.com 4. Also, the U. K. government reported better-than-expected manufacturing data and higher economic growth in the fourth quarter. 同样,英国政府也报告第4季度制造业数据和经济增长好于预期。 www.bing.com 5. K-19 was one of the first two Soviet submarines equipped with nuclear ballistic missiles. K-19是装有原子核弹道飞弹的头一批苏维埃潜艇两艘中的一艘。 www.elanso.com 6. Buyers in the U. K. , believed to be acting at least in part on China's behalf, added $9. 6 billion. 英国的买家们也增持了96亿美元的美国国债,据信其中至少有一部分是代中国购买。 www.bing.com 7. Only one, the Hadley Centre model from the U. K. Met Office, was able to reproduce the observations. 唯一一个可以再现观测数据的模型来自英国气象办公室的哈德勒研究中心(HadleyCentre)。 www.bing.com 8. These tensions have played out in the U. K. , Switzerland, and even Monaco. Now, they're bursting out into the open in Singapore. 英国、瑞士乃至摩纳哥都面临着这类矛盾。而现在,这些矛盾在新加坡也开始变得尖锐起来。 www.hxen.com 9. U. K. banks are required to report earnings only twice a year, so HSBC's quarterly figures from a year earlier weren't available. 英国的银行只被要求每年公布两次业绩,所以无法获得汇丰控股去年同期的季度业绩数据。 www.bing.com 10. One night, by the light of a streetlamp, K. saw that his girlfriend had changed her hair, dyed it some shade of brown. 一天晚上,凭着街灯,看见那个女孩把头发染成了暗棕色。 www.bing.com 1. "We are excited to see results from both the U. K. choroideremia study and the forthcoming U. S. trial, " says Dr. “罗斯博士说:”我们很高兴地看到从英国无脉络膜研究和即将举行的美国试验结果。 www.rp-china.org 2. The teacher thought about this, then he said, "O. K. That's fair. Who'll go first? " 老师想了想,然后说“好吧,这很公平,谁先开始?” zhidao.baidu.com 3. Starting his career as a theatre actor and then TV presenter, K RAJAGOPAL is one of the pioneers of the Singapore filmmaking scene. 拉贾戈帕的事业是从戏剧演员开始的,然后又成了电视制片人,他是新加坡电影的开创者之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author. ---- G. K. Chesterton. 一部好小说,向我们讲述主人公的真实故事;一部坏小说,向我们透露作者本人的真实故事。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The volume of conventional intramuscular injection of vitamin K, two cases of adverse reactions did not happen. 肌注常规量的维生素K,两组病例均未发生不良反应。 www.govyi.com 6. "I saw people with things sticking out of them, covered head to toe in blood, " she later told the U. K. 's Daily Mail. 后来她这样告诉英国的《每日邮报》,“我看见人们身体被一些东西戳穿了,从头到脚全是血。” dongxi.net 7. In short, K. gave up the very stuff that makes a man unable to tie his shoelaces without help from the Santini Brothers. 总而言之,K放弃了吃所有让一个人没有搬家公司协助就系不了鞋带的东西。 www.douban.com 8. Dongguan is one of China's hyper-dynamic new boom towns and a place seemingly without history, boasting a pseudo Ikea, pseudo K. 东莞是中国新兴快速发展起来的城镇之一,这里没有历史,却充斥了假冒的宜家家具(Ikea),假冒的肯德基(K。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I spent nearly a year prospecting in company with another Confederate officer, Captain James K. Powell of Richmond. 我花了近一年的公司与另一南方勘探人员,船长詹姆斯K鲍威尔里士满。 www.en400.com:8080 10. So far, despite envoys from the U. S. , Israel and the U. K. , China hasn't budged from its refusal to endorse sanctions against Iran. 到目前为止,在美国、以色列和英国使节的劝说下,中国仍然没有动摇反对制裁伊朗的立场。 c.wsj.com 1. In fact the U. K. is now China's top European partner for joint research, which has more than quadrupled in a decade. 事实上英国与中国在开展联合研究方面在过去十年里增长了四倍,处在欧洲第一位。 www.bing.com 2. It's a scheme in the U. K. that matches Mr. Jones, with some spare space in his back garden, with Mrs. Smith, a would-be grower. 琼斯先生的后花园有些空地,这正好迎合了史密斯夫人的需求,她想成为一个种植者。 www.ted.com 3. Marine Corps spokesman, said the corporal gold name belong to the same row with the victims, the use of a K-2 rifle. 海军陆战队发言人则说,金姓下士与死伤者同属一个排,使用一支K-2步枪。 www.englishtang.com 4. GUPTA: One country that stands out in all of this is the U. K. It's the only country to frontload a debt reduction plan. 吉普塔:一个与众不同的国家是英国。它是唯一准备立即实施债务削减计划的国家。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Under a U. K. Parliament statute, Prince Charles will be King when his mother either abdicates the throne or dies. 根据英国议会的一项法令,如果女王放弃王位或者去世,查尔斯王子将成为英国国王。 www.bing.com 6. But it's already going to Japan, and the U. K. , and Europe, and all the rest of the countries. 但是,它已经扩展到了日本、英国和欧洲以及其他各国。 www.ted.com 7. There was the significant effect of the different amount of P and K-fertilization on the mustard nutritional quality. 不同磷钾肥施用量对雪里蕻营养品质的效应影响很大。 www.cnak.net 8. Like the Black Codes and the KKK's disarmament efforts, the gun-control laws of the 1960s also led to a backlash. 和《黑人法典》和“三K党”为卸除武装所作的努力类似,20世纪60年代的枪支管制法律也遭到强烈反对。 www.bing.com 9. "O. K. , " he said. "Tell him to come and shoot me. " 然后他说:“好嘛,叫他过来打我。” www.bing.com 10. When police broke down the door of the Nair family's suburban apartment here earlier this month, they found four bodies and 73 credit cards. 本月早些时候,当印度警方破门进入奈尔(A.K.Nair)家位于郊区的公寓时,他们发现了四具尸体和73张信用卡。 www.bing.com 1. Clustering analysis has been used in many field of life. K-Means cluster is classic partitioning Clustering. 聚类分析已经被广泛地应用于生活中的各个领域。 www.fabiao.net 2. Experts say that such "senior moments" are normal even if it will be decades before you can begin to think about tapping your 401(k). 专家说,即使在有资格领取401K¹养老金的几十年以前,你就得了这种“老年失忆症”也是很正常的。 www.bing.com 3. Collecting stamps. K: No, just a minute. 学:集邮。克:不,等一下。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He appeared to be honest and forthright about his reasons: he had fallen in love with another woman, a girl younger than he. 他毫不隐瞒,直截了当的告诉K原因:他爱上了另外一个比他小的女人。 www.bing.com 5. 'Business won't come back for one year at least, ' said Vijay K. Hegiste, who owns a tobacco shop around the corner from the Taj hotel. 在泰姬陵酒店旁的街角上经营香烟店的VijayK.Hegiste说,估计生意至少要一年才能恢复正常。 www.ebigear.com 6. The K-style mechanism allows for a knee-tilt rocking motion pivoting from a point under the front of the seat. K-型的机构考虑到了围绕座椅前部下面的轴转动的膝盖倾斜的摇摆运动。 youliv.com 7. Lao K: Second young master is as missing as one year. If you escape this time, i cannot explain to Chairman. 老K:二少爷一失踪就是一年,如果这一次再让你跑掉,我就没有办法向董事长交代。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. They say bilingual education has not always taught Hispanic students enough English. K. C. 他们说双语教育没有教给拉丁后裔学生足够的英语。 blog.tianya.cn 9. "That's O. K. , they'll tell you, " she said, indicating Is and Pat. “没关系的,她们会告诉你的,”她说,指的是伊丝和帕特。 www.bing.com 10. Vernon zhong: A xing, do not be excited. This dead Lao K, what toy lighters to put in the car? 仲天骐:阿星,你不要激动啊。死老K,在车上放什么玩具打火机啊? blog.sina.com.cn 1. Births of boys are on the decline in several industrialized countries, including the United States, the U. K. , and Canada. In the U. S. 好几个发达国家,包括美国、英国和加拿,男孩的出生率都在下降。 www.bing.com 2. But that's only one of the likely factors, according to Acritas, the U. K. -based research and advisory firm that conducted the survey. 但是,开展这项调查的英国调研机构Acritas认为,这只是可能原因之一。 www.bing.com 3. System testing will take place in the U. K. and the Netherlands. 系统测试将在英国和荷兰举行。 www.etiri.com.cn 4. But until the U. K. researchers made and tested graphene in 2004, many physicists guessed that materials one-atom thick would be unstable. 但是在这两名英国学者2004年展开对石墨烯的研究之前,物理学家们认为单原子层材料是不稳定的。 www.bing.com 5. John K. Glenn is head of the foreign policy program at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. 约翰.格伦是美国的德国马歇尔基金会对外政策项目负责人。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. Pls note that the products you quoted to us should be fully certified in accordance with prevailing legislation in the U. K. 请注意,您报价的产品必须根据英国主导法律规定进行认可。 club.china.alibaba.com 7. Foreign total through Wednesday includes early grosses from the U. K. and Japan, where the film opened over the weekend. 海外票房中包括该片上周末在英国和日本的上映时的收入。 www.bing.com 8. and choose 10 is suitable for situations which require high accuracy and do not highly demand sensitivity as well. 若要求非线性误差尽量小,而对灵敏度的要求不需要太高的情况下,可取K=10。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. A man in the U. K. found buried gold worth millions with a metal detector. 一名英国男子用金属探测器发现了埋在地下价值数百万的金子。 www.bing.com 10. These acrylic rods make up the Seed Cathedral, the centerpiece of the U. K. Pavilion at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, China. 这些丙烯酸突触组成了这个种子宫殿,也就是2010年上海世博会的英国馆核心部分。 www.bing.com 1. When morning came, she had this thought. "Sue, you don't have to hate B. K. , you could forgive him" . 当黎明来临,她又主意了,自语道,“Sue,你不能讨厌B.K.,你应该原谅他”。 www.bing.com 2. GMM proposed in tends to describe a background pixel using a mixture of K Gaussian distributions. 使用K高斯发行,混合物提出的GMM倾向于描述背景映象点。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. But things got interesting when the author, one Joanne Rowling, admitted from the witness stand that she was holding back her tears. 但是当作者J.K.罗琳强忍着她的泪水作为证人出场时,情况就变得有趣多了。 www.bing.com 4. In the U. K. , local opposition to wind turbines, criticized for being noisy eyesores, have made it difficult to gain planning permission. 在英国,对此持反对意见的当地人士批评说,风力涡轮机噪音巨大,所以难以取得建筑许可。 www.kekenet.com 5. Coach K recognized this as well when he cut Evans and kept Curry for the "B team" in this summer's World Championships. 老K教练也发现了他的特点,库里这个夏天得以留在美国的“世锦B队”,而埃文斯却被裁出大名单。 www.kobechina.com.cn 6. PONGO: Perdy, we better get these little one nippers off to bed if we're going for a W-A-L-K. 柏蒂,亲爱的,我们最好在我们出动散步之前最好选领孩子们上床。 www.icansay.com 7. So there are great difference between behavior of overlap tubular K-joints and that of gap tubular K-joints. 平面K型搭接节点的受力性能与K型间隙节点有较大区别。 www.fabiao.net 8. K; But, as you say, it's only right for me to pay the bill. . . 卡卡:但是就像你说的,让我来付账单才是对的…… post.baidu.com 9. As C. K. Prahalad explains in The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, addressing emerging markets is good business. 正如C.K.Prahalad在《财富在金字塔底层》书中的解释,一心一意忙着新兴市场的生意是好事。 www.bing.com 10. Some German and U. K. banks have had significant holdings of bad U. S. assets, but Asian banks have not invested as much in such assets. 德国和英国的一些银行持有大量美国不良资产,但是亚洲银行没有对这类资产进行大量投资。 www.america.gov 1. K: Yes, he was the best known and most influential painter of the last century. 是的,他是上个世纪最著名、最具有影响的画家。 www.chinaedu.com 2. The fate of Opel's U. K. , Poland, Belgium and Spain assembly plants is up in the air. 欧宝的命运在英国,波兰,比利时和西班牙装配工厂是在空中。 usa.315che.com 3. To understand the role of K Street and Wall Street in Bush's America, we might more profitably turn to Galbraith than to Samuelson. 要了解美国游说势力和华尔街对布什政府的影响,我们从加尔布雷斯那里或许能得到比萨缪尔森那里更多的答案。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Ross: You've got to help me my monkey swallowed a 'K'! 你必须帮帮我,我的猴子吞了一个“K”! www.xieyidian.com 5. In early January, Fillon confessed that he favored the drinking establishments of the U. K. over the cafes of France. 在一月初,菲永承认他喜欢英国的酒吧胜过法国的咖啡馆。 www.bing.com 6. The defendant, identified as Dejan K, has no previous criminal record, the official added. 上述法院官员还表示,被告名叫德扬?K(DejanK),之前没有犯罪记录。 www.ftchinese.com 7. P. K. Khandelwal, one of his devotees in New Delhi, told TIME, "I feel like I have lost everything. " PK的Khandelwal,在新德里他的信徒之一,告诉时间,“我觉得我已经失去了一切。” www.englishtang.com 8. I spent nearly a year prospecting in company with another Confederate officer, Captain James K. 我花将近一年指望会同另一的帮凶军官,队长果酱地球家园。 www.en400.com:8080 9. As N. K. Singh, a member of India's parliament, says: "It is not just a matter of hey presto. " 正如印度议员N-K-辛格(N.K.Singh)所言:“这不可能一蹴而就。” www.ftchinese.com 10. Mr. Cameron said he welcomes Chinese investment in U. K. infrastructure projects. 卡梅伦说,他欢迎中国企业投资英国的基础设施项目。 c.wsj.com 1. Ha ha, however O. K. , we usually meet to leave of so near, feel now and really oneself being also happy. 哈哈,不过还好了,我们经常见面离的那样近,现地真的感觉自己也幸福了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The top five destinations for American students were the U. K. , Italy, Spain, France, and -- with 13, 674 students -- China. 美国学生留学的五大目的国分别是英国、意大利、西班牙、法国,还有——13,674名学生选择的——中国。 app.fortunechina.com 3. But if K version only 50 per cent or lower, Business card printing and membership card making products on the day of the dark part it is. 但如果K版只有50%或更矮,制卡和会员卡制息品的暗部不离显得灰蒙蒙。 www.bing.com 4. Financials were leading gains across the board, with banks in peripheral sovereign markets and the U. K. pushing higher. 金融板块领涨欧洲股市,欧洲各国的银行个股保持上涨势头。 www.bing.com 5. Finally, hold the Bigger Stream (K 3) points on the insides of your ankles for one minute as you breathe deeply. 最后,持有较大的流你的脚踝一分钟,(内脏上的K3)点,你深呼吸。 www.360doc.com 6. "To accept money from Ford would have been like admitting it was O. K. for them to do what they did, " he said. 他说:“拿了福特公司的钱,就等于承认他们可以为所欲为。” www.bing.com 7. For a given value of K once a starting point Xo is specified, the evolution of the system is fully determined. 对于一个给定值K的一次出发点XO笔记本电脑指定,系统的演化是完全确定。 8. But a new study from the U. K. suggests that when it comes to suppressing appetite, not all exercise is created equal. 英国的一项新研究表明,并非所有的运动方式都能产生同等效果的抑制食欲的作用。 www.healthweneed.com 9. Fancy shops like this boast on their sign: "K. u. K. " (meaning good enough for the "Konig und Kaiser" -- king and emperor). 富有创意的咖啡店会在他们的招牌上标上:“K.u.K。”(意思是味道好的连“柯尼格和凯撒”——国王和皇帝都喜欢吃他们的蛋糕) www.bing.com 10. Back to Harvard he went, hoping for a crash course from the great scholars of modern Chinese history, J. K. Fairbank and Owen Lattimore. 于是他回到了哈佛,希望研究中国现代史的学术大师费正清(J.K.Fairbank)和欧文?拉铁摩尔(OwenLattimore)能给他上几堂速成课。 www.ftchinese.com |
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